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2016-12-12 3:37 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Email hacking
Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn I think the recount is stupid, and I've been saying that from the beginning. I also think the discussion of eliminating the EC is stupid too. But, I'm pointing out the hypocrisy of cheering a bunch of highly-questionable, blatantly politically motivated Benghazi and email investigations (which, by the way, have proven nothing) for years, but who suddenly are deeply concerned about wasting the taxpayers' time and money as soon as the shoe is on the other foot. Imagine if two years ago the CIA had said, "We have concerns that Russia may be trying to influence the SoS through shady donations to the Clinton foundation"? Tony would have been standing in front of the White House with a torch and a pitchfork. But, now, it's a big nothingburger. And, btw, someone who regularly posts links to Infowars doesn't need to be lecturing anyone on fake news.

Infowars has a better track record than CNN.  #ouch

btw, did you not hear me screaming from the rooftops about all the donations to the Clinton foundation and the pay for play?  Lets say Putin personally paid Trump hundreds of millions of dollars for development projects across Russia over the past 10 years.  It means absolutely nothing because he was a business owner trying to make money in his business.
With Clinton she was currently acting as Secretary of State and actively soliciting money for her own personal criminal enterprise to enrich herself and her family and was returning political favors and doing the bidding of foreign governments.  Just read up on the sale of 20% of our nations Uranium supply to Russia if you want to get sick to your stomach.

I'm not saying Trump is going to be perfect and I'm not saying the Exxon dude is going to be perfect, but I will say that the faux "the Russians own these guys" argument just sounds silly because it is silly.

I don't expect either of them to be perfect. I do expect both of them to act in the best interests of the country, even if doing so is contrary to their own financial best interests.

2016-12-12 4:40 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Email hacking
Originally posted by Left Brain

I heard the Russians hacked into the Cleveland Indians emails and gave them false information about the Cubs lineup, allowing Chicago to win the World Series.

I knew it!!!!!!!!  There was no way the Cubs won without outside influence!

They are into everything. I think they are the reason I finished 7,621st place in my first ironman.
2016-12-12 4:47 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Subject: RE: Email hacking
Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by Left Brain

I heard the Russians hacked into the Cleveland Indians emails and gave them false information about the Cubs lineup, allowing Chicago to win the World Series.

I knew it!!!!!!!!  There was no way the Cubs won without outside influence!

You forgot to cite "unnamed sources from the CIA"

I just figured everyone new thst....because you know, as we've seen throughout the years, the CIA is full of people who leak everything they know. LMAO
2016-12-12 4:52 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Email hacking

Originally posted by Rogillio
Originally posted by Left Brain

I heard the Russians hacked into the Cleveland Indians emails and gave them false information about the Cubs lineup, allowing Chicago to win the World Series.

I knew it!!!!!!!!  There was no way the Cubs won without outside influence!

They are into everything. I think they are the reason I finished 7,621st place in my first ironman.

2016-12-12 6:51 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Email hacking

Another Homophobe Trump supporter talking about why Hillary lost...


2016-12-12 8:10 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Email hacking
Welp.....the recount in Wisconsin is over and Trumped gained 100+ votes......no wonder the Dems are throwing more chit at the wall....so far nothing is sticking. This is an embarrassment for the Democrats....the only bright side is that party will absolutely destroy itself before this is over. LOL. And now Brian Williams is pontificating about how harmful fake news is. HAHAHAHA!!! This is surreal.

Edited by Left Brain 2016-12-12 8:10 PM

2016-12-12 8:13 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Email hacking
And I take back my promise to quit laughing and making fun of Democrats after this week.......no way, this is just too good.
2016-12-12 8:40 PM
in reply to: #5207212

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Subject: RE: Email hacking
I'll let you guys argue about the politics, I've moved on. It bores me now. What I am interested in seeing is if Trump can show some discipline, keep out of the way and let the scenario play out. If he does I will be impressed, but I'm betting he won't let it go and it ends up marring the beginning of his Presidency
2016-12-13 9:41 AM
in reply to: Oysterboy

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Subject: RE: Email hacking
So fake news is now a concern. Yet fake news released from the administration and state dept. explaining Benghazi is still a non story.

Now, the Russians are to blame for getting REAL news reported about the DNC and Clinton machine because the US media refused ( with the exception of FOX ) to report these stories and this is because Trump somehow managed to get Putin to do his bidding. NEVER MIND that the DNC/Clinton machine are not denying these stories are true. Smokescreen? They stepped on their collective d*cks and are still trying to blame THEIR shortcomings and dirty deeds on an alleged alliance between Trump and Putin. Remove liberal emotion from the story, analyze the facts and it does sound silly doesn't it?

Assume it's true. Putin did order these hacks to influence the election. You're delusional if you believe he's doing bidding for Trump or anyone else. Putin is in it for Russia and his own interests. So, we got the two big dogs on the block making peace and opening trade between each other. Is that really bad?We had two weeks of post orgasmic bliss being reported by CNN when the obama admin made peace with Russian surrogate Cuba. A country that has zero to contribute to the US other than cigars and immigrants. Granted those are good cigars and those immigrants turn into hardcore American patriots once they get our shores. Heck, is it possible obama and Cuba are behind those hacks. They both have strong ties to Russia now don't they?

Donald Trump is appointing SUCCESSFUL and highly accomplished businesspeople to his cabinet instead of a bunch of political hacks. Everyone has panties set to "bunch' as a result. Lets see how it works. America is the greatest socioeconomic experiment on the planet. Let's change directions and see if we can un**ck this pig before it sinks. We do know for certain that the way we have been doing things doesn't work. I'm not pointing out the last 8 years either. We've been a mess for long before obama got here and its not all his fault. Both parties are to blame and both parties were just handed a stinging defeat. Big party GOP players aren't happy they lost the election either. Think about that for a moment.

The American people put an a**whooping on both parties, because we want true change. Trump makes me nervous and seeing him getting sworn in will give me gas for days! But blaming him for airing the dirty laundry that the democrats weren't smart enough to protect is ludicrous.
2016-12-13 10:29 AM
in reply to: mdg2003

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Subject: RE: Email hacking
Originally posted by mdg2003

So fake news is now a concern. Yet fake news released from the administration and state dept. explaining Benghazi is still a non story.

Now, the Russians are to blame for getting REAL news reported about the DNC and Clinton machine because the US media refused ( with the exception of FOX ) to report these stories and this is because Trump somehow managed to get Putin to do his bidding. NEVER MIND that the DNC/Clinton machine are not denying these stories are true. Smokescreen? They stepped on their collective d*cks and are still trying to blame THEIR shortcomings and dirty deeds on an alleged alliance between Trump and Putin. Remove liberal emotion from the story, analyze the facts and it does sound silly doesn't it?

Assume it's true. Putin did order these hacks to influence the election. You're delusional if you believe he's doing bidding for Trump or anyone else. Putin is in it for Russia and his own interests. So, we got the two big dogs on the block making peace and opening trade between each other. Is that really bad?We had two weeks of post orgasmic bliss being reported by CNN when the obama admin made peace with Russian surrogate Cuba. A country that has zero to contribute to the US other than cigars and immigrants. Granted those are good cigars and those immigrants turn into hardcore American patriots once they get our shores. Heck, is it possible obama and Cuba are behind those hacks. They both have strong ties to Russia now don't they?

Donald Trump is appointing SUCCESSFUL and highly accomplished businesspeople to his cabinet instead of a bunch of political hacks. Everyone has panties set to "bunch' as a result. Lets see how it works. America is the greatest socioeconomic experiment on the planet. Let's change directions and see if we can un**ck this pig before it sinks. We do know for certain that the way we have been doing things doesn't work. I'm not pointing out the last 8 years either. We've been a mess for long before obama got here and its not all his fault. Both parties are to blame and both parties were just handed a stinging defeat. Big party GOP players aren't happy they lost the election either. Think about that for a moment.

The American people put an a**whooping on both parties, because we want true change. Trump makes me nervous and seeing him getting sworn in will give me gas for days! But blaming him for airing the dirty laundry that the democrats weren't smart enough to protect is ludicrous.

Agree with most all.

One should also ask why now? A month after the election it comes out that it is the Russians? The FBI could not definitively say Clinton was hacked......but they no only can say the DNC was hacked but that the Russians did it?! LOL

2016-12-13 10:39 AM
in reply to: mdg2003

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Email hacking

Couple of things to add:

Exclusive: Top U.S. spy agency has not embraced CIA assessment on Russia hacking - sources

The key quote from the article: 
While the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) does not dispute the CIA's analysis of Russian hacking operations, it has not endorsed their assessment because of a lack of conclusive evidence that Moscow intended to boost Trump over Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton, said the officials, who declined to be named.

Another interesting piece of evidence that strongly refutes the idea that the "Russians" were hacking to help Trump was that the DNC hacks were conducted prior to him even announcing his candidacy,  So even if the "Russians" did do the hacking it wasn't for Trump.

The true desperation game plan of Hillary and her goons is starting to take shape though.  
Pump up ties between Trump and Russia.
Pump up false interference by Russian hackers in MI, WI, and PA and demand recounts.
Pump up the false story about Russian involvement in our election through hacks and spreading DNC and Podesta emails to support Trump.
Pump up the false story about CIA proving Russia was involved to help Trump.
Then with the media happily lap dogging along Podesta and the super liberal electors start pushing for all of the electors to get the Russian intelligence reports to show them "the truth".
Then through threats, intimidation, and shaming the electors will be encouraged to "vote for the right choice" who is Hillary and violate the will of the people.

This is all desperation and it won't work, but when you take a step back and look at everything happening it becomes pretty obvious.  It's really a non-military coup attempt going down before our eyes by Hillary, the media, and the DNC.



2016-12-13 11:03 AM
in reply to: tuwood

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Subject: RE: Email hacking
2016-12-13 11:26 AM
in reply to: tuwood

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Subject: RE: Email hacking
So far we've had a few left-wing conspiracy theories:

1. WI, MI and PA voting machines were hacked to give the rust belt to Trump and thwart the will of the people.

2. The Russians are in cahoots with Trump and hacked the DNC emails to swing the election to Trump and thwart the will of the people.

3. The electoral college is antiquated and Hillary won the popular vote but the electoral college gives the election to Trump and thwarts the will of the people.

4. Massive demonstration in major cities prove the American people wanted Hillary to win but Trump won thwarting the will of the demonstrators (who did vote)

5. Trump has reneged on immigration, tax breaks, building the wall and now his supporters are turning on him.

6. The last minutes FBI announcements about additional emails being found swing the election to Trump and thwarted the will of the people

7. Trump is in bed with big oil and Putin.

8. Trump cannot possibly govern and not have a conflict of interest. He should sell all his assets and donate the money to the Clinton Foundation.
2016-12-13 3:29 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Email hacking

Oh crap... Now the Russians have hacked HuffPo too.  When is it ever going to end...

Hillary Clinton Lost. Get Over It And Stop Blaming Russia, WikiLeaks And ‘Fake’ News

2016-12-13 4:04 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Subject: RE: Email hacking
Originally posted by tuwood

Oh crap... Now the Russians have hacked HuffPo too.  When is it ever going to end...

Hillary Clinton Lost. Get Over It And Stop Blaming Russia, WikiLeaks And ‘Fake’ News

Wonder who Hilarry is saluting in that picture?
2016-12-13 4:11 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Email hacking
Originally posted by Rogillio

Originally posted by mdg2003

So fake news is now a concern. Yet fake news released from the administration and state dept. explaining Benghazi is still a non story.

Now, the Russians are to blame for getting REAL news reported about the DNC and Clinton machine because the US media refused ( with the exception of FOX ) to report these stories and this is because Trump somehow managed to get Putin to do his bidding. NEVER MIND that the DNC/Clinton machine are not denying these stories are true. Smokescreen? They stepped on their collective d*cks and are still trying to blame THEIR shortcomings and dirty deeds on an alleged alliance between Trump and Putin. Remove liberal emotion from the story, analyze the facts and it does sound silly doesn't it?

Assume it's true. Putin did order these hacks to influence the election. You're delusional if you believe he's doing bidding for Trump or anyone else. Putin is in it for Russia and his own interests. So, we got the two big dogs on the block making peace and opening trade between each other. Is that really bad?We had two weeks of post orgasmic bliss being reported by CNN when the obama admin made peace with Russian surrogate Cuba. A country that has zero to contribute to the US other than cigars and immigrants. Granted those are good cigars and those immigrants turn into hardcore American patriots once they get our shores. Heck, is it possible obama and Cuba are behind those hacks. They both have strong ties to Russia now don't they?

Donald Trump is appointing SUCCESSFUL and highly accomplished businesspeople to his cabinet instead of a bunch of political hacks. Everyone has panties set to "bunch' as a result. Lets see how it works. America is the greatest socioeconomic experiment on the planet. Let's change directions and see if we can un**ck this pig before it sinks. We do know for certain that the way we have been doing things doesn't work. I'm not pointing out the last 8 years either. We've been a mess for long before obama got here and its not all his fault. Both parties are to blame and both parties were just handed a stinging defeat. Big party GOP players aren't happy they lost the election either. Think about that for a moment.

The American people put an a**whooping on both parties, because we want true change. Trump makes me nervous and seeing him getting sworn in will give me gas for days! But blaming him for airing the dirty laundry that the democrats weren't smart enough to protect is ludicrous.

Agree with most all.

One should also ask why now? A month after the election it comes out that it is the Russians? The FBI could not definitively say Clinton was hacked......but they no only can say the DNC was hacked but that the Russians did it?! LOL

Why now you ask?

Because the other narrative was losing steam. Gotta keep the low information masses whipped into a frenzy. If someone isn't spoon-feeding them sh#t to be upset about, they're liable to become self sufficient productive members of society. As long as you got someone telling you you're a victim and someone successful stole something ( the election in this case , tho anything can be substituted ) from you, you'll wake up each day with purpose, no matter how misguided or ill informed.

2016-12-13 4:52 PM
in reply to: mdg2003

, California
Subject: RE: Email hacking

I'll skip the politics because people aren't going to change their viewpoints.  But I *can* speak on this topic from the computer perspective because that's my primary area of expertise.

So, to quote Rogillio:

Russia and Chinese and NK and Germany and the UK and the US do not leave a trail of breadcrumbs when they hack. You will never even know you are hacked....let along know by whom you were hacked!

They are all very good at what they do and it is unlikely that a non-government org (like the RNC or DNC) would detect anything.  But can the NSA?  Yes.  And we have a distinct advantage in the U.S. because our companies make so much of the hardware used by the rest of the world.  The NSA has demonstrated in the past that they can and do influence these companies to modify their hardware in ways that are useful to them.  AT&T, IBM, Intel all have good examples of this.  The most well known example nowadays, is the way the NSA influenced DES encryption back in the 70s.

You better believe they are still doing similar work today.

At the same time, if the NSA detected an intrusion, they certainly are not going to publicize the method they used to do it.  That's going to be left to the intelligence committee in the Senate.  At the end of the day I think they'll do their job and if there are problems with Trump's cabinet nominees, then they won't confirm them.

But the rest of us out here in peon-world are never going to hear specific details on the investigation of Russian hacking.

2016-12-14 9:34 AM
in reply to: spudone

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Subject: RE: Email hacking
Originally posted by spudone

I'll skip the politics because people aren't going to change their viewpoints.  But I *can* speak on this topic from the computer perspective because that's my primary area of expertise.

So, to quote Rogillio:

Russia and Chinese and NK and Germany and the UK and the US do not leave a trail of breadcrumbs when they hack. You will never even know you are hacked....let along know by whom you were hacked!

They are all very good at what they do and it is unlikely that a non-government org (like the RNC or DNC) would detect anything.  But can the NSA?  Yes.  And we have a distinct advantage in the U.S. because our companies make so much of the hardware used by the rest of the world.  The NSA has demonstrated in the past that they can and do influence these companies to modify their hardware in ways that are useful to them.  AT&T, IBM, Intel all have good examples of this.  The most well known example nowadays, is the way the NSA influenced DES encryption back in the 70s.

You better believe they are still doing similar work today.

At the same time, if the NSA detected an intrusion, they certainly are not going to publicize the method they used to do it.  That's going to be left to the intelligence committee in the Senate.  At the end of the day I think they'll do their job and if there are problems with Trump's cabinet nominees, then they won't confirm them.

But the rest of us out here in peon-world are never going to hear specific details on the investigation of Russian hacking.

John McCain said, "....there is no doubt the Russians hacked the DNC...."

If this was true, why would you tell them you know they hacked us? All this does is tell the Russians they need to do a better job of covering their tracks.

McCain and Lindsey Graham are both RINOs and anti-Trump.

Anyway the whole Russian hack stinks of politics.

Every major country in the world has spies and hackers and are out trying to gain intel. The Pentagon alone detects 250,000 cyber attack hits per year.

2016-12-14 10:58 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Deep in the Heart of Texas
Subject: RE: Email hacking

If you don't want the Russians, Chinese, North Koreans, Julian Assange, and/or the NSA to see it, don't put it in an email.

2016-12-14 11:10 AM
in reply to: Hook'em

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Subject: RE: Email hacking
Originally posted by Hook'em

If you don't want the Russians, Chinese, North Koreans, Julian Assange, and/or the NSA to see it, don't put it in an email.

A lot of truth in that.

My mentor/consigliere told me to never put anything in an email that you wouldn't want to see on the evening news.

2016-12-14 7:46 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Email hacking

2016-12-16 12:09 AM
in reply to: tuwood

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Subject: RE: Email hacking

Good to see this site back up......I was told by an anonymous source that the Russians shut it down for a day just to show they could.

2016-12-16 4:36 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Email hacking
Originally posted by Left Brain

Good to see this site back up......I was told by an anonymous source that the Russians shut it down for a day just to show they could.


2016-12-16 9:02 AM
in reply to: tuwood

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Subject: RE: Email hacking
Originally posted by tuwood

Earl Long said never write what you can say. Never say what you can nod. Never nod what you can wink.

So if they were dumb enough to write it.....
2016-12-16 12:59 PM
in reply to: Oysterboy

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Subject: RE: Email hacking
I just read article with the headline that said Obama is going to 'slap' Russia over the hacking. This should be interesting. Putin has out maneuvered Obama at every turn! He's made a fool out of Obama.

Remember this

Putin: Knock, knock

Obama: Who's there?

Putin: Crimea

Obama: Crimea who?

Putin: Crimea a river.......brahahahaha
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