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2018-09-18 10:40 AM
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Subject: RE: Brett Kavanaugh hearing

If they are smart they will barely cross examine her at all.  Just a simple, "Thank you so much for taking the time to appear before us. Can you  name the time and place where this alleged event took place, and could you please give us the name of anyone who was present and can corroborate what you are saying happened."

This is one of the only times, but not THE only,  I would not take the word of the victim at face value.  This is just full of shenanigans that don't smell right. 

There is NOTHING to investigate folks.......no crime scene, no forensics to be done, no witnesses, nothing. The victim in this deal can't even recall what house they were at, or where it is, or who exactly was there.  In the hundreds of sexual assault investigations I have been involved in, NOT ONE TIME was the victim not absolutely sure about even the smallest details......an assault like she describes is seared into your brain along with the place, the time, and all of the who/what/where. 

If you think this is OK then I hope someone accuses you of a serious crime one day with NOTHING but them saying you did it......and I hope a bunch of people "believe it" because it serves their agenda.  Get back to me after that happens.

Edited by Left Brain 2018-09-18 10:53 AM

2018-09-18 10:58 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Brett Kavanaugh hearing

Wall Street Journal........

"This is simply too distant and uncorroborated a story to warrant a new hearing or to delay a vote. We've heard from all three principals, and there are no other witnesses to call. Democrats will use Monday's hearing as a political spectacle to coax Mr. Kavanaugh into looking defensive or angry, and to portray Republicans as anti-women. Odds are it will be a circus."

And this is EXACTLY right.  It's exactly right because that's all the democrat party is anymore.....a friggin' circus.  This too will backfire on them.....like everything else they do.

2018-09-18 11:42 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Brett Kavanaugh hearing
Just too many red flags....

She doesn't remember anyone else at the party. Tell me what 15 yo popular cheerleader ever went to a party by herself?

She never told her friends about the incident. What 15 yo girl doesn't have at least one friend they can confide in?

Can't remember how she got to the party or how she got home.

It is just too convenient that she does not remember these very simple things that would allow people to investigate further and either confirm or refute her allegations.

Rule number one when making up stories.....the fewer details the better!

If they sink this guy over this I predict several dem senators will be turned rep in November. And then, what was the point. Trump will just nominate another conservative.....
2018-09-18 12:28 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Brett Kavanaugh hearing
Senator Grassley: Christine Blasey Ford, thank you so much for taking the time to appear before us. Can you please tell us the place where this alleged event took place?
Mrs Christine Blasey Ford: I do not recall
Senator Grassley: Did you go to the party by yourself or with a friend?
Mrs Christine Blasey Ford: I do not recall
Senator Grassley: Do you have anyone who can confirm your allegations?
Mrs Christine Blasey Ford: I do not recall
Senator Grassley: Were you drinking at the party? If so, how much
Mrs Christine Blasey Ford: I do not recall
Senator Grassley: Can you please give us the name of anyone you knew who was at the party?
Mrs Christine Blasey Ford: I do not recall
Senator Grassley: How did you get to the party?
Mrs Christine Blasey Ford: I do not recall
Senator Grassley: How did you get home from the party?
Mrs Christine Blasey Ford: I do not recall
Senator Grassley: Thank you for your testimony Mrs Christine Blasey Ford.
2018-09-18 12:43 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Brett Kavanaugh hearing

According to CNN, Ford has not yet accepted the invitation to testify before the committee on Monday despite 3 email invitations to do so.

Silly liberal games.


2018-09-18 1:25 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Brett Kavanaugh hearing
Originally posted by Left Brain

According to CNN, Ford has not yet accepted the invitation to testify before the committee on Monday despite 3 email invitations to do so.

Silly liberal games.


My guess is they are trying to make sure he testimony is perjury proof. She and her lawyer have already contradicted each other about the number of people at the party.

They are likely consulting with people to determine what value do they think there might be in her coming forward. They have a good story going right now. If they bring her forward and she basically testifies she does not remember any details she might do more harm than good to their smear campaign. They also know that there are people looking for dirt on her and conducting their own investigations and are worried about what might come out. The last thing they want is for her to perjure herself under oath to Congress. They also don't know if what sort of questions they republican are going to ask....especially when it comes to issues of credibility.

Bottom line is, I doubt she will testify. I see more downside than upside to her coming forward to testify.

This is also a delay tactic. If they miss the 1 Oct deadline, he has to sit this year out....guess he gets red-shirted.

2018-09-19 10:34 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Brett Kavanaugh hearing
She claims he groped her. She had been drinking.
She claims there was only one witness. He claims it never happened.
She claims there were two other boys at the party. Both men and Kavanaugh deny there was no such party.
She was so traumatized (or drunk) she doesn't know where the party was held.
She was so traumatized (or drunk) she doesn't know how she got to the party.
She was so traumatized (or drunk) she doesn't know how she got home from the party.
She told her therapist in 2012 there were 4 men, claims that was a typo.
Did not mention Kavanaugh's name in therapy. I find this odd. The fact that in 2012 he was a very prominent judge and had been White House counsel would probably be something you tell a therapist.
She is a liberal, Trump-hating, vagina-hat-wearing, democrat, activist!

To nobody's surprise, she said she won't go before the Senate committee until after the FBI conducts and investigation. This is simply a delay tactic. She is never going to go before the Senate...and the FBI is never going investigate. What is there to investigate? I hope the FBI questions her (under oath). Then they can question the 3 men she claims were there who have all said they have no knowledge that the party ever happened.
2018-09-19 12:30 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Brett Kavanaugh hearing
So the accuser's lawyer said Ford would not testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee until there is an FBI investigation.

Why did she stipulate the FBI must investigate first? Because the Department of Justice (DOJ) said on Monday that the FBI will not investigate the sexual misconduct allegations. The allegation does not involve any potential federal crime.

I figure that is it took her 3 days to respond to the invite to testify....they had to come up with an excuse to delay. Dems said they needed to hear from her.....Grassley called their bluff and delayed the vote till after a hearing on Monday. She refused to come before the committee.....so now dems have moved the goal post and are saying there needs to be an investigation.

Dems seem to have dug a hole and see no way out but to keep digging.

If Grassley calls me for my opinion I would advise him to hold the vote today. If the nomination fails, and if the democrats win the Senate, they still have time to confirm someone else before the new Senate is seated in January.
2018-09-19 12:38 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Brett Kavanaugh hearing

There won't be any of that.  If she doesn't show up for her invitation to testify at a the hearing then by Thursday of next week the committee will vote to seat Judge Kavanaugh, and the Senate will confirm it.  That's the way life works. 

This was nothing but a tactic to try to delay the vote on Kavanaugh until after the midterms, when they think the ration of the Senate will be different.  That won't happen.

And no, this is not the same type of delay tactic used by the Republicans to not allow a vote, or even a hearing, on Obamas pick.  That was political gamesmanship under the rules of our govt.  This is a forking campaign to smear a good man and citizen to get what they want.  If you don't understand the difference, then you won't ever have to ask me why I have nothing to do with the Democrat party.

Get Kavanaugh seated and let's get on with the next order of business...




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2018-09-19 12:46 PM
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Subject: RE: Brett Kavanaugh hearing

And if you want to see members of the left wing news media losing their minds and acting serious over the most innocuous bullchit.....this is for you!!

"members of our staff just uncovered this"   BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHa!!!!! 

I hope this crap goes on forever....my laugh lines will grow into canyons.


Edited by Left Brain 2018-09-19 12:48 PM
2018-09-20 9:11 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Brett Kavanaugh hearing
One of Ford's classmates, Miranda posted on her FB page: “The incident DID happen, many of us heard about it in school.”

Miranda said the Senate Judiciary Committee reached out to her after her post but that she would not testify if asked.

Dr. Ford previously said she had not told anyone about the incident until a therapist meeting in 2012. Ford also said the incident happened during the summer, contradicting Miranda’s assertion that she heard rumors about it in school.

Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to smear someone with 36 yo allegations.....

2018-09-20 9:41 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Brett Kavanaugh hearing

Did you really think that someone wouldn't come forward with some more crap that they couldn't back up, nobody could verify, and that they wouldn't testify to under oath?  This is all they have......and it's being seen for what it is......an all out push to try to keep Kavanaugh off the bench.  It will fail and he will be appointed.

2018-09-20 12:43 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Brett Kavanaugh hearing
If they can postpone confirmation long enough until they come up with a reason to impeach Trump. That's all that's happening here. Sling enough s*** against the wall and hope something… anything, sticks. The fence sitting voter can see through this ruse and will punish the DNC in November.
2018-09-20 1:00 PM
in reply to: mdg2003

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Subject: RE: Brett Kavanaugh hearing

Originally posted by mdg2003 If they can postpone confirmation long enough until they come up with a reason to impeach Trump. That's all that's happening here. Sling enough s*** against the wall and hope something… anything, sticks. The fence sitting voter can see through this ruse and will punish the DNC in November.

Cheer them on!!!     

2018-09-21 8:46 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Brett Kavanaugh hearing
So Dr Ford's have 'terms' for the Senate committee in order for her to testify. I had to chuckle at this one. She said she will testify before the Senate committee buy only AFTER Kavanaugh testifies. So Kavanaugh is supposed to defend himself against the allegations BEFORE she makes the allegations? Sounds like she wants to see what evidence Kavanaugh has before she commits perjury.

Kinda hard for Kavanaugh to have an alibi when she doesn't know when/where the event occurred. The key to a good lie is being nebulas. If you say it happened the first week in June.....and then Kavanaugh says he was in Chicago that week and can prove it, you just lost. If you say it happened at Joe Blow's house, then Kav can call Joe Blow to testify.

I was talking to my wife about this last night. We both agreed that a 15 year girl would never go to a party by herself. She would go with a date or with one or more of her girlfriends. We also agreed the she would tell her close friend(s) about the incident. In the absence of any facts the only thing we can go on is our experience and observations of typical human behavior.
2018-09-21 9:34 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Brett Kavanaugh hearing
UH oh.. ...


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2018-09-21 9:44 PM
in reply to: mdg2003

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Subject: RE: Brett Kavanaugh hearing

Headline on both CNN and Fox...

"Christine Ford asks for another day to make decision to testify"

I've been involved in a lot of sexual assault/abuse investigations, and I have stayed at a Holiday Inn......but I've never seen anything REMOTELY like this.




2018-09-24 8:26 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Brett Kavanaugh hearing
2018-09-25 7:53 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Brett Kavanaugh hearing

She objects to an outside sex crime prosecutor asking the questions. Why? So obvious! Pure politics. She/dems wants the optics of 12 'angry white men' questioning her veracity.

I said all along this was just a delay tactic. I think she will be a no show on Thursday.
2018-09-25 8:09 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Brett Kavanaugh hearing

I don't think she will show up either.  The Dems were just buying more time to throw crap at the wall.  I don't think this will end well for them.

2018-09-25 8:49 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Brett Kavanaugh hearing
So the "second accuser" comes out of the woodwork. She met with a lawyer for 6 days to "assess her memories" before deciding it was Kavanaugh. LOL You can't make this stuff up folks. What an embarrassment for the left. Diminishes the Ford accusations too.

She alleged a group of people were in a dorm playing a drinking game and Kavanaugh whips out his willie and puts it in her face. She said she didn't want to touch it but she did. Problem is, no one remembers this but her! I've been to a lot of rowdy drinking parties in college and I can tell you, if something like this ever happened, everyone would remember it....and we'd still be talking about it.

Just when I thought things couldn't get any lower, the dems jump the shark again!

2018-09-25 9:04 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Brett Kavanaugh hearing

3rd accuser came out today

2018-09-25 9:11 AM
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Subject: RE: Brett Kavanaugh hearing
Originally posted by dmiller5

3rd accuser came out today

Source? I'm not seeing it.

If you are referring to the porn star lawyer promise of a third accuser.....don't hold your breath. He has a history of 'jump and non-deliver'.

Edited by Rogillio 2018-09-25 9:17 AM
2018-09-25 9:21 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Brett Kavanaugh hearing

LMAO.......what a damn joke.  Not a single corroborating witness on anything....not even who was at the "parties"....or even who knew who in high school.  This is the Liberal strategy......say ANYTHING, the end justifies the means.  I w9onder if it has dawned on them yet that this is how they lost the last election.  

2018-09-25 10:13 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Brett Kavanaugh hearing

The porn star lawyer is just upset because Stormy's defamation suit is about to get tossed out of court.

Why does Trump keep winning? For crying out loud.....this is the most scrutinized President in the history of President's....for almost 2 years......and NOTHING???  Why do you think that is?


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Started by Left Brain
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2018-08-20 7:38 PM Left Brain