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2007-01-03 3:54 AM
in reply to: #639628

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Hemel Hempstead, UK.
Subject: RE: spokes' Group - OPEN
spokes - 2007-01-02 8:39 PM

I'm still hacking snot all over the joint. Joy! 



Is there something you forgot to mention about this group?

Maybe it's for the sick notes?


GWS both Scott and Ty.

I was right the aches stretched out in the gym, only took a few minutes too.

Greenpeace were hovering around the swimming pool looking worried when I got there so I decided not to provoke them.
(Pool was closed for some holiday maintenance despite the website claiming it was open.)

So I'm going to write the swimming from Day 1 off and not get too hung up on it, Swimming is in my plan for today and they are definitely open.

Edited by glennbb 2007-01-03 4:02 AM

2007-01-03 6:14 AM
in reply to: #634839

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: spokes' Group - OPEN

Hope you've got room for another Englander in your ranks.  I like the look of this group because of what I read whilst spending too much time in COJ and the current members list. 

NAME: Cando (real name: Dan)

STORY: 32 years old - was an extremely sporty youth.  Played football (ok, soccer) all my life, swam competitively up until 18 (I was a sprinter who hated long distances but represented the county up to 100yds), did a bit of amateur cycling with a mate (just a few organised bike rides every year between about 50-100 miles).  All was going swimmingly (pun intended) until I ruptured my ACL in my left leg at 25.  I also met my wife around that time.  The surgeon I had was very fatalistic about my continuing with sport and for two years I did nothing - going up from 196lbs to 225lbs in the process.  I then started playing a bit of football again around 28/29 and found the knee was up to it if I treated it with plenty of TLC (post match routine not just beer and chips).  One day, around 30 I decided I was just too fat and unfit and I didn't want my kids to have a fat dad.  I was used to being fit and it was affectving everything - my confidence, enthusiasm, energy levels and general happiness.  I decided to do something about it and started gyming and dieting in August 2005.  For nine months I trained hard and eat well with no particular goal other then getting fit.  It had the desired effect - I was doing loads of swimming, weights, spin classes - then chucked in a bit of running.  I got chatting to a bloke at work who did Triathlons - went to watch the London Tri in August '06 and have been hooked (on the training at least, so far) since then.

FAMILY STATUS: Married (five and a half years) father of two daughters (4 and 11 months) also have my wife's two step sons living with us - 18 and 16. 

CURRENT TRAINING: I made a deal with my wife that I don't train on a Sunday (family day) and a max of two evenings per week (defo every Thursday).  Other than that it's most mornings and lunchtimes - travelling allowing (I travel to mainland Europe every other week for a day).  I keep picking up niggly injuries (currently with a sore achilles) and December was an appalling month for training time - Sept / Oct / Nov were pretty good - I'm aiming for about 10 hours a week in 2007 excluding stretching.


2007 RACES: My main goal is the London Oly in August 07 - but I'm also signing up for my local town's half mary in March, Eton and Crystal Palace sprint tris in May, the Norwich Century bike ride at the end of May, Windsor Oly in June along with the London to Brighton bike ride.  London to Southend bike ride in July.

LIMITERS: I don't own a bike!  I do all my cycling in spin classes - I get my bonus in March (end of) and will get one then.  I might be able to get access to one before hand.  With running - it's niggly injuries - I tend to do too much too soon and then go back to square run.  it's annoying because I can easily run the distance (10k) but I clearly haven't prepared my body properly.  I'm trying to have the discipling to reign it in and stick to 10% (note to self: you can't start at 10k and pretend you haven't broken the 10% rule)

WEIGHT LOSS: Currently sitting at 202lbs (20% body fat) after a Christmas blow out - I want to get that down to 190lbs and towards 15% body fat before March is out.


Edited by Cando 2007-01-03 6:18 AM
2007-01-03 11:32 AM
in reply to: #640245

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2007-01-03 11:36 AM
in reply to: #630201

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2007-01-03 1:19 PM
in reply to: #640625

Subject: RE: spokes' Group - OPEN
spokes - 2007-01-03 10:36 AM

And its so COOL that we're Bi-Continental  

Never thought I'd part of any group that was.....THIS MUCH FUN!!!!

2007-01-03 3:44 PM
in reply to: #630201

New user

Subject: RE: spokes' Group - OPEN
I would like to join this group if its ok? You seem like a similar build to me.

NAME: gatesnapper / Andy

STORY: 24M from Rhode Island. This isn't a new years resolution or being done on a dare. I am very competitive and typically pick up sports very quickly. I have been a BMX racer for the past 7 years. I am a 6 time national champion, 3 time state champion, and placed 4th/ 31 riders in one of the biggest BMX events in the world, the ABA Grands. I have many sponsors, that have helped me along the way including Vitamin Water, a bike shop in MA, Dunkin Donuts, and many BMX companies. I am an avid snowboarder, skiier, golf, an softball. I am athletic and always in shape. I ran in highschool and was running sub 20min 5k's and I am confident I could reach that pace again with training. I wanted to do a tri (sprint) because it seems demanding, and involves a combination of three sports all of which you must be trained in at the same time. I want a challenge and this seems like a perfect match, and thats how I found myself at

I like to think I eat healthy. I do not drink soda, or fast food. However, I eat snacks probably too often.

INJURY HISTORY: 2 concussions, 2 sprained ankles, broken wrist (left), and seperated shoulder (November '06, almost completed my therapy). BMX at my level of competition has taken its tole, and I would like to try something not so dangerous. Its kind of embarassing walking into my office with bandages, cuts, bruises and sometimes casts.

FAMILY STATUS: dating, no children

CURRENT TRAINING: None, but will be choosing a plan either through this website or a book.
My biggest challenge, will obviously be swimming. I have no experience in distance swimming. I own an upright stationary bike which I will trian on till I purchase a bike (late Jan or Feb).

2007 RACES: there is a couple sprints in MA & CT in June/July which i will be participating in.

WEIGHTLOSS: not my goal, however I would rather gain muscle mass.
currently: 24, 150lbs, 5'10".
when in race season I am typically around 158-160 lbs.

2007-01-03 6:05 PM
in reply to: #630201

Subject: RE: spokes' Group - OPEN

Welcome to all across the pond and state side! 

And who is the culprot spreading this wonderful snot producing nonsense?  Would that be our fearless leader?!  If so, thanks for sharing the wealth!

2007-01-04 5:19 AM
in reply to: #630201

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: spokes' Group - OPEN

Here's a problem. I (think) am highly motivated, I like planning my workouts, watch the clock in the mornings until my lunchtime session and don't slack when I'm in there. I have no problems going out in any weather for a run and never quit a workout before the end.

However - all this motivation seems to desert me in the early mornings. I should get up and swim Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings - only at 6.15am - it's not THAT early (I get up at 7.30 to go to work anyway!) - TBZ gets up at 4.30am and runs!!! But over the last few weeks I've been a nightmare at getting up. With the holidays it's not so bad because I was able to train during the day.

Even yesterday, right at the start of the year where I'm right up for the challenge ahead the alarm went off at six and I couldn't get up! I moaned about it on the phone to my wife during the day and she suggested I just went that evening as there was something she was watching on the TV anyway (I went at 8.30pm after bathing the kids and putting them to bed).

I get enough sleep - even with the little one's I'm comfortably getting 7 hours a night and once I'm up I don't feel tired or lethargic during the day.

I just can't seem to get out of the sack. Yes, it's cold and dark and wet but that doesn't bother me on a Saturday night when I might go for a run.

Any tips?

I've tried making sure everything is ready for when I get up - my bag is packed and my clothes are laid out (and that did help for a while)

2007-01-04 5:52 AM
in reply to: #641694

Hemel Hempstead, UK.
Subject: RE: spokes' Group - OPEN
Cando - 2007-01-04 11:19 AM

Any tips?

I've tried making sure everything is ready for when I get up - my bag is packed and my clothes are laid out (and that did help for a while)

This may sound a little wierd and counter intuitive, but...

Turn your central heating down enough so that it's slightly fresh in your bedroom.

I have a really hard time getting up if the whole room is as warm as my bed.

maybe I'm just a masochist.
2007-01-04 11:45 AM
in reply to: #630201

Columbia, MO
Subject: RE: spokes' Group - OPEN
Is it too late to join?  I could use all the motivation in the world to train.  I think about it constantly until it actually comes time to then I don't do it.  I have great plans this season, but haven't had much motivation or sunlight available to actually train.
2007-01-04 11:45 AM
in reply to: #630201

Columbia, MO
Subject: RE: spokes' Group - OPEN
Is it too late to join?  I could use all the motivation in the world to train.  I think about it constantly until it actually comes time to then I don't do it.  I have great plans this season, but haven't had much motivation or sunlight available to actually train.

2007-01-04 12:54 PM
in reply to: #630201

chicago, il
Subject: RE: spokes' Group - OPEN
Spokes - I know you're probably sick of Brits right now but how about a Chicago based Englishman too? I started doing Tris 2 years ago when a friend and I agreed to try out each others sports - I was playing and coaching rugby and he had done a few triathlons. I did the Chciago & Lake Geneva Sprint triathlons that first year and put in a lot of work. Last year I was lazy though and although I did the Chicago International Distance Tri I did very little work towards it - needless to say it hurt like hell.

I think this would be a good way for me to get back in the saddle, if you are willing to help.

Other Info: I am 32, married to a Chicago girl for the last 3 years, am an options trader, play rugby and do Hapkido. I am going to start back with a Beginner Sprint 12 week program then move into the Sprint to Oly Bridge before doing a 12 week Oly program to take me through to the Chicago Intl in August, and Lake GEneva Intl in Sep. I hope to do 4 or 5 sprint tris in May, Jun & Jul before them also.

2007-01-04 1:21 PM
in reply to: #641116

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2007-01-04 1:22 PM
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2007-01-04 1:23 PM
in reply to: #642329

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2007-01-04 1:35 PM
in reply to: #630201

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Edited by spokes 2007-01-04 1:36 PM

2007-01-04 1:51 PM
in reply to: #630201

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2007-01-04 2:39 PM
in reply to: #630201

chicago, il
Subject: RE: spokes' Group - OPEN
So now you know the rules you ready to play? Lots of clubs in California!
2007-01-04 3:48 PM
in reply to: #630201

Apple Valley, MN
Subject: RE: spokes' Group - OPEN
Hoping you still have room.

NAME: cram’n / Todd

STORY: Just turned 44 today. Still feel like I’m 18, or at least want to prove it to myself. I’m a Packaging Development Engineer for a large corporate firm in Minneapolis. I’m tired of feeling like I haven’t accomplished all that I need to in life. Obtained my black belt in karate (tae kwon do) the day I turned 40. Off to the next challenge.

FAMILY STATUS: I've been married for 18 years and have two daughters, 12 and 13. My wife and kids are very supportive of my new found interest. Suppose I shouldn’t forget the other two; Cozmo, an 11 week old boxer puppy; and Dodger, a 3 year old dachshund. Hoping to have a running partner (Cozmo) in the Spring. Although I’m not so sure the dachshund couldn’t keep up with me at this juncture.

CURRENT TRAINING: Consists of running six to eight miles 2-3 times/week, swimming 2,000 meters twice/week, biking eight to ten miles 1-2 times/week. No idea what my biggest challenge is, but my glutes tell me its biking. Three months ago I would have told you it was swimming. My first night caught me at half a length, wheezing and coughing. Today I will put in 75-90 lengths, 25 meter pool, within an hour. I’m still working on reducing my 500 meter time. I dislike running, however, I find it somewhat therapeutic. I’m not fast, but haven’t gotten to the point of tracking my time either. The furthest I’ve biked is ten miles. This has got to be my biggest challenge.

LAST YEAR'S RACES: This will be a short story. I have not participated in a single race, whether individual or otherwise. My first thought of doing a tri didn’t come to me until ~3 months ago. I’m still waiting for the addiction. Right now I’m trying to get through the aches and pains. I’ll need all the support and encouragement I can get. Misery loves company, or so I’m told.

2007 RACES: I’m hopeful that I’ll be ready for a couple of sprints and possibly an Olympic in the fall. Or is it oly for you veteran tri fanatics? A few friends of mine are trying to convince me to sign up for the Lakeville iron man (100 mile bike) in the Spring. As I understand it, timing of this race aligns well with sleet and/or snow. How will I ever turn 10 miles into 100 between now and then? Hmm.

WEIGHTLOSS: I’m 6’-2” and 202. Three months ago I was 226. I’d like to get down to 195 with reduction in fat and build of muscle. I have no idea where to begin with an appropriate nutrition plan. I don’t eat out and don’t eat junk food. I stopped drinking soda two years ago and occasionally drink caffeinated coffee (mostly de-caf). Seems like such a non-adventurous diet. All in the name of staying young and healthy I suppose.
2007-01-04 7:12 PM
in reply to: #630201

New user

Subject: RE: spokes' Group - OPEN
Name: HananAtSea

Story: I am a 36F and have never joined an on-line group so have been busy looking at the other posts in this group so that mine would look the same, I have never quite fit in, so why start now! I was born in B'klyn, NY, moved to Cairo, Egypt, South Sinai, Egypt, San Fransisco, CA and have landed in Southern New Jersey of all places. I have always been slightly over weight but active, I've never been into sports, but on my 35th B'day I decided to go to a nutitionist and began to loose weight, well I decided that I loved food much too much for that nonsense, so I began to excersise in earnest. I have always enoyed biking but I began walking long distances and rowing on an indoor rowing machine. To keep myself motivated I told all of of friends and business associates that I was going to try the Brigantine Tri. It sure kept me moving, I began to swim as well - the breast stroke. I finished the Tri and was hooked. I want to do it again this year and need some help and support to keep going, maybe even some structure to my training.

I am 5 foot 4 inches tall and weigh 145 lbs. My goal is 135 lbs. I'm not a skinny girl nor will I ever be, I'm just smoothing out the curves a little.
2007-01-05 3:39 AM
in reply to: #642485

Hemel Hempstead, UK.
Subject: RE: spokes' Group - OPEN
lbrindle - 2007-01-04 8:39 PM

So now you know the rules you ready to play? Lots of clubs in California!

Tsk, you should know better than that, they're Laws not rules.

I'm guessing it's all that time spent away from England that's caused the confusion.

2007-01-05 8:07 AM
in reply to: #643033

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2007-01-05 8:17 AM
in reply to: #643033

chicago, il
Subject: RE: spokes' Group - OPEN

How embarassing -  please accept my apologies Glenn - I have just finished writing 'I must not become Americanised' 100 times - haha, it is scary sometimes how I catch myself being 'tainted' over here. My Yorkshire mates would disown me.

 Must try harder!

2007-01-05 8:21 AM
in reply to: #643121

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2007-01-05 8:24 AM
in reply to: #630201

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