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2006-12-28 9:49 PM
in reply to: #632158

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Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full

We all need to remember the stuff we learned. I'm sure you all have some tips that could help all of us.

This is what I ate today:

2061 calories in less 930 burned in excercise (39 minutes of strength training and 90 minute trainer ride)= net 1130 which is a little light.

F 64 gr 28%, C 231 gr 41%, P 157gr 31%

I ate a ton of fruit the last couple of days. Yesterday I went to the movies and had a banana, apple and clementine during the movie...which keeps me from eating candy and stuff the kids eat.

What training or fun stuff are you doing tomorrow or Friday? I have a short 20' run and a swim workout...going to do 150s with the goal under 3:00. Trying to figure if I'll run or swim before work, shop at lunch time, and swim or run at night.....hmmm.


2006-12-29 7:23 AM
in reply to: #632158

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Hooksett, New Hampshire
Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full
Today is a strength training day for me plus I'm going to see what I can accomplish on the treadmill. My cardio has been severly neglected since it's back to the drawing board. Plus the pounds are slowly creeping back on and my mother-in-law sent us a batch of my most favorite kind of cookie yesterday!!

I'll work extra hard today so that I'll feel too guilty to pig out on the cookies (don't want to mess up my efforts).
2006-12-29 9:03 PM
in reply to: #636185

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Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full did the strength and treadmill go? How about the cookies?

You mentioned lack of don't need much to start, some good running shoes, swim suit, goggles, bike & helmet.  Sure there are lots of fun extra things, but not necessary to start with.


2006-12-29 9:09 PM
in reply to: #632158

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Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full

Shannon signed up for her first tri!!! How cool is that!

Congrats...big first step, super way to stay motivated to train in the winter.

Truth is I was to afraid to sign up for my first until I trained for 4 months because I wasn't sure I could do it.  


2006-12-30 6:14 AM
in reply to: #632158

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Hooksett, New Hampshire
Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full
That looks like a manageable list of equipment. My birthday is coming up, so now I know what to ask for!!

I'm the type of person to go gung ho at first and then crap out later especially if I have nothing lined up. But if I've signed up for something, then I know I have to work because I don't want to waste the registration money (strange, I know). My goal right now is to just finish the darned thing even if it takes me all day to do it, LOL. So with that goal, I won't psych myself out and set myself up for failure.

Yesterday I had a decent workout day although it's showed me I have a long ways to go and I have to push myself past what I think I can mind whimps out during workouts before my body does, so I have to deal with overcoming that.

Strength was good...I had a good amount of energy to get through it.

The treadmill was better than I thought, but not really all that good for what I need to do for the 3miles. My goal was to run for 20 consecutive minutes. I warmed up at 3.5 miles per hour for a couple of minutes, then did a jog at 4.5 mph for about 10 minutes (and my damned bangs kept in my eyes, so I didn't go for as long as I probably could've because I was getting so annoyed, LOL). I walked for a few and jogged for a few and finished my time by walking.

I'm thinking of the beginning of this training as my adjustment period where I do the workout, see what my obstacles are, and make adjustments to help my workout go more smoothly and comfortably (i.e. pin my damned bangs back and bring my iPod that I have yet to download music on to overcome boredom!!).
2006-12-30 6:33 AM
in reply to: #637104

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full

I'm the type of person to go gung ho at first and then crap out later especially if I have nothing lined up. But if I've signed up for something, then I know I have to work because I don't want to waste the registration money

You're definitely not the only one who uses the registration fee as motivation!! I signed up for my Oly already (it's in JULY) because I didn't want it to sell out on me, and because I knew if I did, I wouldn't lame out after spending the $$

Still need to sign up for my 1/2 marathon, but I'm so far still pretty motivated - since I haven't started officialy training yet

2006-12-30 9:31 AM
in reply to: #632158

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, North Carolina
Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full

I'm in for the 3 lb weight challenge in January ... I enjoyed my Christmas goodies but need to get back on track!


2006-12-30 9:36 AM
in reply to: #632158

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Extreme Veteran
Northeast Ohio
Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full

Yesterday was traveling from Ohio to Michigan - no exercise and lots of junky road food.


Tonight is the 5k race.  I haven't pre-registered.  How's that for non-commitment?  We're getting together with my husband's family and I'll have to duck out to do the race - I know that they won't mind, but I'll have to be really determined if I'm going to make it happen.

2006-12-30 10:02 AM
in reply to: #632158

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Hooksett, New Hampshire
Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full
Good luck with the 5K! Even though you didn't preregister, I think it's great that you'll be getting out there anyway to do it.
2006-12-30 3:04 PM
in reply to: #632158

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, North Carolina
Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full
I thought I'd share a little snow for those of you who didn't have a "White" Christmas.  This was taken after the first blizzard ... when I was still smiling ... not so after the second storm!


Blizzard04B.JPG (91KB - 22 downloads)
2006-12-30 3:19 PM
in reply to: #637178

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Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full
imnotjoking - 2006-12-30 10:36 AM

Yesterday was traveling from Ohio to Michigan - no exercise and lots of junky road food.


Tonight is the 5k race.  I haven't pre-registered.  How's that for non-commitment?  We're getting together with my husband's family and I'll have to duck out to do the race - I know that they won't mind, but I'll have to be really determined if I'm going to make it happen.

Have fun at the 5K and enjoy the great dri fit t-shirt (i'm sick of crappy t-shirts). When visiting relatives one needs to be flexible. Have a great time and I can't wait to read all about it!!!!

2006-12-31 6:54 AM
in reply to: #637329

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Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full

Becky, That is a lot of snow!!

You have a smile on your face and look like you are ready for a workout...ah but shoveling is a workout LOL!

It seems like CO is getting all the snow for the whole country. Reminds me of my childhood in MN, but in MN often it was to cold to snow.

2006-12-31 7:02 AM
in reply to: #632158

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Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full

An idea:

Last year I reviewed what I had accomplished in 2005 and then made a list of goals for 2006 and put it in my BT training log on January 2nd.  Today I posted it with comments how I did, seems for the most part I didn't dream big enough.

Some ideas might be: how far or how much you will s/b/r, time for short distance like 100 yds in the pool; time for something long; doing first 10K or first 1/2 Mary (some of you are doing that); being consistent in training; working on following training plan; doing your first tri; doing first Int'l distance race; decrease time on a sprint (5-10 minutes is a lot); keeping positive; continuing to work on weight loss and better eating; just for some examples. Just a word of caution make goals realistic.

I love going back and seeing how I did compared to what I dreamed I might do. For me it is super motivational. We are all realtively new athletes in this stage of our lives so the cool thing is improvement comes faster and in bigger numbers.

I'm working on my goals for 2007 and hope to post them in the next couple of days.

Just an idea for focusing your thoughts on what you want to accomplish and when things are going tough motivation to keep on your training/racing journey.

2006-12-31 9:04 AM
in reply to: #632158

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, North Carolina
Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full
The rusty wheels are turning in my head ... you didn't dream big enough ... my tendency is to dream too big ... sometimes I forget I'm 55 years old!  You've given me some good direction that will help in setting my goals ... I'm going to work on them tonight and post them for all the world to see.
2007-01-01 2:38 PM
in reply to: #632158

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Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full

I'm at work on the conversion project today so it is a rest day for me. What are you guys up to today? Any fun workouts? Family activities?

Seems everyone is up for the mini weight loss goal here in January.

I look forward to seeing lots of wonderful things occuring in our group in 2007! PB's (personal bests) set, new distances tackled, and firsts of many kinds. It is going to be awesome!




2007-01-01 3:31 PM
in reply to: #632158

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full

No exciting plans today, hoping the rain will let up so I can walk the dog   Really it's a rest day for me too. 

Count me in for a 4 lb loss in January!  I'd really REALLY like to hit 140.  It looks like my December - a break and the holidays - netted me a 2 pound gain. 

Here's to a fabulous 2007!!


2007-01-01 4:18 PM
in reply to: #632158

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Hooksett, New Hampshire
Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full
We're just hanging out at home. I was going to go to the gym, but with the slush and rain, I opted to workout at home.

I've gained about 6 pounds since the holidays, so I'm hoping to lose it this month.
2007-01-02 6:37 PM
in reply to: #632158

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Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full

I put together my list of goals for the year. It is quite long...thought I'd post it here as well as in my blog just to give you some ideas if you are making a list.

 Goals for 2007 

I’ll keep working towards the goals; achieving the goals is not as important as the journey.

Train to get faster, fitter and leaner while having fun. All other goals need to be adjustable to fall in line with this one.

  1. Run: 5K<24:47; long runs <9:59 m/m; all runs in a month <9:59 m/m pace; run 450+miles;run  sprints under 9:30 m/m; Int’l’s improve 1 m/m compared to same race in ’06; be above MOP in AG 1X
  2. Bike: increase power 20’TT 180 spring & 200 in 2007; do bike race; ride 3000+ miles; avg. over 20+ Int’l; avg 21+ in sprint; place top 10- 20% AG most races; place 1st 1X
  3. Swim: 1:45 for 100 yds; ;47 for 50 yds; <19:59 for 1000 yd TT; master bilateral breathing; swim 175K yards; race swim in tri; improve placement & pace; goal MOP in a tri swim
  4. Continue journey to healthy body weight/composition; accept ups & down and be kind to myself. Size 8; Love to get to 153 and have lost 100 pounds!
  5. Embrace rest days/weeks and rest well as that is when I’ll improve
  6. Balance tri training w/being mom, wife, worker- ie everything else I am
  7. Continue working on positive mental attitude in training & racing; Evaluate race performance mostly based on my enjoyment of race not by statistics/placement—this will be hard for me.
  8. Enjoy racing & challenge of competing with others
  9. Practice challenging/pushing myself racing to give more; learn to accept pain of going all out.
  10. Finish HIM running and smiling; run the whole ½ Mary given that I was healthy/injury free for training.
  11. Sprints: improve 5-10 minutes; Mooseman improve 15 minutes, stretch goal 25 minutes; Cranberry improve 8-10 minutes, stretch goal 15 minutes; podium in a tri
  12. Be brave, try something new, take a risk and dream big!


2007-01-02 6:43 PM
in reply to: #632158

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Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full

How is your training going? eating?

For me, work is incredibly stressful and stress brings out the desire to eat. I'm sort of black and white person with eating easier to always say no to the first one than any after the first.. When I have a little of something I have a hard time just having a little. So after having a limited number of sweets over the 15 cookies and lava cake once; I want more but need to get over this hump and say no.

My weight is all over the place as when I eat any flour/sugar I retain water. Today I was 167.4 (bounced around from 165.6-169...mostly 166ish), I'd like to get down to 163-164 range by the end of the month but that may be overly optimistic.

I did strength training at lunch and have a trainer ride alternating between cadence of 100 RPM to 70 RPM trying to keep same level of power which means my HR goes up at the 100's.

I'd love to see some week training plans posted here or in your blog. If you need anything or have questions feel free to post them here, send me a PM (private message), or ask in my training blog.

2007-01-02 9:36 PM
in reply to: #632158

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, North Carolina
Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full

Kathy ... I have the same problem you do with eating goodies ... when I'm good I'm really really good and when I'm bad I can't seem to quit.  Today I felt like I was going through withdrawal.  A few days of misery will usually get me back on track but I'm not much fun until the cravings go away ... Becky

2007-01-02 9:47 PM
in reply to: #632158

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, North Carolina
Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full
One more thing ... I don't have too many "numbers" in my short list of goals because I haven't done a triathlon and don't have a benchmark yet.  I am so impressed when I look at your goals and think that someday I'll be there too.  My favorite though ... is #12 ... .  

2007-01-03 8:01 AM
in reply to: #632158

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Hooksett, New Hampshire
Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full
I had an eating frenzy over the holidays and my date-night out at the cream/butter crazed restaurant snapped me out of that crazy eating pattern.

I'm following the 13 week Sprint training program, but I saw that they have a 20 week one which I may switch to. For now my schedule is:

Monday: Swim, run, strength
Tuesday: Off
Wednesday: Bike, strength
Thursday: Run
Friday: Swim, strength
Saturday: Off
Sunday: Bike

Right now I don't have access to a pool, so swim training has been non-existent. Hopefully in the near future I'll be switching gyms, so the swim will be possible.

I'm working my way up to a consecutive 20 minutes of running on the treadmill (that's my most challenging part of training so far).
For bike, I'm making a point to cycle 12 miles rather shooting for time alone. I'm trying to improve my time each day I train.

For strength, I'm following the routine that my personal trainer set up, but the next time I see him (next Friday), I'll ask for a routine that will be best for someone training for a triathlon.

I've set up my goals in my training log, but I need to add more "mental" goals since that seems to muck up my training. Boredom and distraction gets in the way, but I found that using my iPod helps immensely in that department.

Kathy, if you see anything that needs to be increased (time, etc.) please let me know. At this point I want to at least cross the finish line, but really, I'd like to place somewhere better than last place, LOL.
2007-01-03 10:44 AM
in reply to: #632158

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full

My weeks are pretty much going to look like this until April:

  • Monday: off
  • Tuesday: 3 mile run
  • Wednesday: 60 min bike or swim
  • Thursday: 3 mile run and yoga
  • Friday: 60 min strength
  • Saturday: 60 min bike or swim
  • Sunday: 5 mile run

with increasing run mileage until the weekday runs hit 5-6 miles and Sunday's LSD gets me to at least 12 miles.  Yeah, this should get interesting   I don't have pool access either, so the "bike or swim" is likely going to be a combo of bike, elliptical, or yoga/core until I find somehwere to swim.

Day 2 and I'm doing well   I may do tomorrows yoga tonight, as I have tickets to a hockey game (Go Devils!) tomorrow night and that makes for a long day.  I may need one (or all of you!) to call me and harass me out of bed when my alarm goes off Friday morning


Edited by maxpixie 2007-01-03 10:45 AM
2007-01-03 11:00 AM
in reply to: #632158

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Extreme Veteran
Northeast Ohio
Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full

Didn't make it to the 5k race on family was completey uncooperative.  I was so bugged about not being able to go to the race that I really needed a run just to clear my head.  I went out for a 4-mile run and came back in much better spirits.  However, that was the only workout I managed to squeeze into our time away.

I came back to work today and found my shipment  of 2 new fleece tops and a bike top all from the end of the season clearance at LL Bean.  I'm not crazy about some of the colors, but I do love new stuff.  I'm hoping to do more running outside this winter and learning to dress the part is one of my priorities.


2007-01-03 11:15 AM
in reply to: #632158

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Hooksett, New Hampshire
Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full
That stinks that your family wasn't supportive about the 5K. I would think that they'd think it's fun to go as spectators.
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