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2007-01-09 4:50 PM
in reply to: #633528

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2007-01-09 4:54 PM
in reply to: #648294

Subject: RE: Betsy's Group - FULL
Silly technical question: how do we "add users to our friends list"? We have friends lists!?

2007-01-09 5:01 PM
in reply to: #633528

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2007-01-09 5:02 PM
in reply to: #633528

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2007-01-10 11:39 AM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Group - FULL
I am up for a challenge!

Hope everyone is having a good day!
2007-01-10 12:38 PM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Group - FULL
I'm ready for a challenge too...I think.

Also a question, what are the pros and cons of doing a sport two days in a row? The only way I can schedule 3 swims a week is to have two in a row. Is this OK?


2007-01-10 1:06 PM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Group - FULL
Oh please, I need a challenge. I had a bad creme brulee incident last night and then had too many drinks to be able to go run! oops! Everyone has their vices...

2007-01-10 1:51 PM
in reply to: #649322

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2007-01-10 1:55 PM
in reply to: #633528

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Edited by betsy 2007-01-10 1:59 PM
2007-01-10 2:02 PM
in reply to: #633528

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2007-01-10 2:11 PM
in reply to: #649200

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Betsy's Group - FULL

I'm in !  in regard to the challenge. ...p.s..

 my bio

 Name: Ifocus (on BT).... real= Dana       Location: NC - The Triangle.

Story: I love the emotional feeling and sense of accomplishment I get from exercising, running, swimming, + biking... they're all fun to me!... sometimes a challenge, but what is life w/o challenges? I'm not the fastest and may never be, but I love to race...I love a race atmosphere, the emotions & physicality of a challenge, the chance for my competitive side to come out, and of course the great feeling of accomplishing a goal....I always run the finish line-even if it's just a little charity race... ! hehehe, I also love to laugh and just have fun. I work in the IT field so I'm a little bit geeky, but not super geeky.  (i'm a tadbit wordy... does it show ) I've been on the BT site for about two years ? don't post a lot but i read a lot of the articles and try to keep my training log current...  love the sport & spirit of triathalon and have often dreamt of someday doing Kona, ever since they've been showing the Ironman on network tv... which as far as I can the early 80's.  The heart and dedication of triathlete's is nothing short of impressive to me.  I was under the impression I'd never be able to do one of these things until 3 yrs ago.... when I volunteered for the, now defunct, Duke Blue Devil Ironman, the year it was on Duke Univ's campus...  I saw people of all shapes, ages, sizes & abilities... push through and FINISH a really difficult race... I was SOLD! on doing it for myself... (also lost my voice from cheering while working the run course... but! believe me they had a crzy run course for that race... lol.. it um... kinda sucked.. .and well.... it's not always a good idea to have sorority and frats manning the aid stations... on a ... saturday night... poor racers! 1 poor man got lost too) anyways.  I talked at length with a female triathlete at that race who really encouraged me to take up the sport. She had come from a non-exercise bkgrnd and got in to racing through her husband's tri habit .... loved it...and just really was a great source of inspiration. I am and it's my first season (again-- first planned season was 05... however... --> read on)...I am READY!

Family Status: Mom to a wonderful 1 1/2 year old little boy ... and a 9 year old dog.  My training time is pretty tight because the majority of my family and close friends do not live in my city.  So... usually.. it's all on me and I have to plan training arnd that ... sometimes it's +++hard to get it all in.. plus I often pack too much to do in too few hrs... with everything... ? Type a? possibly.  Looks like i will have to get a sitter this year! (been draggin' my feet on that decision)

Current Training: Just doing basic fitness right now and getting runs + workouts in when I can. Sometimes getting up early enough to do my yoga too . Planning to choose a REAL BT plan SOON! and a Swim course and/or coach. (can swim okay, but i've never swam competitively b4).

Last Year's "Races": Only non-competitive stuff for charity...In June of '06 I did Race for the Cure(5K) & Friesen's Stanley Cup 5K; the American Heart Assn. 3mi Walk in October 2006.  (does it count if I went to OBSERVE and cheer on the Duke Liver Half IM ? hehehe). Anyways... the longest distance I've ever raced in my short 'career' is a 5K. Although i used to train at longer distances in '04... 7-10 mi was the max. mix of walks & runs I have ever done.  I have yet to do a tri.  I did a LOT of 5k's in 04 after completing the NCRC Women's beginning runner prog.--- LOVED IT... I always wondered if I could do a 5k and I did it... I had a 30 min 5k as my "best". Once got an agegroup medal.. shocker! .. but that was 3 years ago.

2007's Planned Races: Triangle Tri. (Sprint) 7/8/07-- Raleigh, NC-registered, Pinehurst Tri-Olympic Distance 10/07 not yet registered; planning to though--Pinehurst, NC.  I just wanna plan out my training time first to insure completion; this will be a challenge for me.... but i'm determined.

Weight/Fit Level -- I kind of look at it that I'm a former intermediate athlete starting over... with some good muscle memory but weight to DROP.  There is some baby weight I want off of this body ASAP. I was in tip top shape (for me) by winter of '04... after training hard for 2 years to drop weight & get fit after being quite slack for a few yrs (used to not have to worry about weight in hs and early college, sigh)... and along came baby.. and 60lbs! with the pregnancy because i PIGGED OUT.  I don't have the entire 60 lbs to drop, but I wanna do some serious loss this year and achieve a lean physique by year's end.  I hope to be in a very decent shape by July. I enrolled in WgtWatchers about 2 wks before Christmas in order to keep myself accountable to a diet and to get my "framework" of healthy eating back in place.  So far so good, I am losing YAY... This is my first racing season.  I was in training for a tri, for about 2 mos, in fall 04, but ... along came baby... and I had to shelve it.

I'm thrilled about this mentor program! .... Ok... enough 4 now.

Edited by ifocus 2007-01-10 2:46 PM

2007-01-10 7:21 PM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: Hi Ladies...
Just wanted to say hello and I hope everyone is having a great week. I feel great this week, I have hit the gym hard...full steam ahead. I increased my running by half a mile which isnt steallar but it is progress. I hope I can keep this motivation on friday I go back on shift. The firehouse food is a killer...I lost 5lbs this past week cutting back on foods and sugars. Even with the celebration of birthday cake I was able to make gains with the program. I look forward to comparing notes and motivating each other through this process. Keep up the good work everyone.......xoxo

Be safe....Eric
2007-01-11 10:03 AM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Group - FULL
OK, I tried the challenge last night. Some exercises were easier some were harder but I'll stick with it 2-3x a week. I know I need core work! Thanks, Betsy.

Way to go, Eric!
P.S. My mom and a sister live in Wheaton--nice area to live and work in!

2007-01-11 10:58 AM
in reply to: #650513

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Betsy's Group - FULL
I plan to put the core 1 plan in to the works tonight. what's everyone else up to ? 
2007-01-11 1:22 PM
in reply to: #633528

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2007-01-11 8:38 PM
in reply to: #633528

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2007-01-11 8:49 PM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Group - FULL
Hope everyone is getting geared up for the weekend!! Just checking our weather down in Mississippi and it is going to be in the upper 70's, but raining!

How is Betsy's Challenge going for y'all? It wasn't an easy first night last night, but DON'T GIVE UP!! Just think how buff we'll look when we keep doing it! (My parents' dog kept thinking I was on the floor to play with him when I was doing the excercises!)

Eric - that is awesome about your weight loss!!

I look forward to "getting to know" everyone in my group! I will probably have more questions than anything... but I will try to cheer you on!

2007-01-12 8:33 AM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Group - FULL
Some inspiration for your weekend!

"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe. " Anatole France

Blessings to all!

2007-01-12 11:56 AM
in reply to: #633528

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Edited by betsy 2007-01-12 11:57 AM
2007-01-12 11:00 PM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Group - FULL
lol Hi Everyone!!!

I have been so busy with classes starting this week that I have been ignoring this forum for some reason! Yall are great!!!

I'm about to do the core right now and perhaps find something else to do. I'm so scared to run! I'm a baby.

Heres the scoop: My first triathalon is in 22 days. Its a 400m indoor pool swim, 12 mile bike and a 2.5 mile run. I can do the 400m swim in 7 minutes average. I put my seed time as 6:30 cause I figure I will be trying to haul butt and if anyone tires to pass me that will push me faster! Don't know if thats a good strategy or not. I can do 12 miles on the bike in 30 minutes solid. I have never run 2.5 miles at once before. See why I'm so scared?! Yikes. I did an 8 minute mile before christmas but have only run like twice since then and its been reeeeeeeeaaaaaaaalllly slow. I *can* hold 10 minutes/mile but I pretty much die after the first mile. I think I will plan on interval-ing the tri but thats going to take me---um, yeah, forever. I just don't want to be *LAST*. I would really like to finish in 70 minutes---that was my goal a while ago but I don't see that as possible. 7+2+30+2=41 and 70-41=29 and I just don't see that happening. A pro-cyclist (former triathalete) came in to work tonight (he eats at the restaurant I work in and we've been talking about my training alot) and told me that I should give up on being a triathlete and just try to be a cyclist.

Argh. I really appreciate all the comments and effort all of you are putting into this. Core workout, here I come!

2007-01-13 12:34 AM
in reply to: #633528

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Edited by betsy 2007-01-13 12:36 AM

2007-01-13 10:45 AM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Group - FULL
Thanks Betsy---

How close is Clearwater to Sarasota?

I'm going to try to do a practice tri today.

Hope everyone is doing well!

2007-01-13 12:18 PM
in reply to: #653409

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2007-01-13 1:23 PM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Group - FULL
Regarding your cyclist, I got the same "attitude" from a swimmer in the swim club I joined: "don't do tri, just swim." He said it's "easy" to just run/bike, but I beg to differ! Even after only a couple of weeks, I am really getting into doing 3 sports! It's fun and keeps things interesting, not the same ol', same ol' day in and day out. Plus, we all need running to keep up our bone density. Even young people and even men.

I'm a little intimidated by the running too. I enjoy it but I'm so afraid of injury and damaging my knees. Just have to take it slowly...

Have a great active weekend everybody. Thanks for all your support and advice Betsy. Checking in here really helps!

2007-01-13 7:15 PM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Group - FULL
Hey Jessie - you sound just like me!! Running and I don't really go together, but don't give up! We can work on it "together." IGNORE THE NEGATIVE COMMENTS - YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!! Let it go in one ear and out the other!

Hope everyone is doing good! The rain here has held off (except for a brief moment yesterday morning) and it has been 70 all day! I jogged this morning before going to see PAULA DEEN!! (for those of you that like to cook!) I had my picture taken with her and Bobbie. WAY off the tri subject, but I am pretty excited.

Got a broad question... what kinds of foods are y'all incorporating into your training? And when are you eating those foods that we need?
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