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2007-01-11 1:48 PM
in reply to: #650968

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Chester, NY
Subject: RE: Thursday Training Update

Ran 45 minutes today.  Need to strech some after tough spin class yesterday and running and swimming the day  before. 

 Question for you.  What plan do you think I should follow for my tri in May?  I have been maintaining and even improving my fitness level in running over the winter.  I am curious as to what plan or plans you think would be good for me?  Let me know.  Thanks, all.  Jules


Oh, and Cherri, I would love some more info about races in the area.  Thanks. J

2007-01-11 1:52 PM
in reply to: #651006

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Alta's Group - OPEN
Five Eight and 135, thats even skinny for a Kenyan or a Spanish climber. Dont be a slave to the weight, like she says, go on how you feel.
2007-01-11 2:17 PM
in reply to: #651006

New user

Subject: RE: Alta's Group - OPEN
I know that 145 sounds too light for me...but I'm really small boned...I lift 3-4 times a week and strength wise keep up with a lot of the muscle heads- I max bench 215 -225 lbs or so. I'm not worried about muscle mass as much as the fat that I carry in the gut. It's not so much a weight goal as a body fat goal...I just can't seem to keep it fat anywhere else except the gut.

I do know the main been someone that used to be able eat anything and just not add weight...I'm accustomed to an outrageous diet...i.e. if it's fried, filled with fat...i'm all over it...Down a whole pizza at one sitting no problem...have 3 big macs at one time...sure why not and by the way are you going to finish your fries? How have people switched their taste buds to healthier dining? My girlfriend is one of those healthy vegan eaters..tofu this and tofu that...when I look at that stuff...I want to puke.

I know it's a matter of discipline yet what are the tricks of the trade to be able to switch
your eating patterns? How is a meat and potatoes kind of guy able to switch to a healthier diet?

On another note, today, work out wise, I plan to hit the bike for 45 minutes and then probably do a 2-3 mile run at a pretty relaxed pace 8:45 pace and the hit the weights.
2007-01-11 2:34 PM
in reply to: #639509

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Chester, NY
Subject: RE: Alta's Group - OPEN

I think everyone should try to use the training logs on the site.  They are awesome and it really helps you stay honest about your workouts.  Believe me when I see a white or yellow box (click on the question mark to learn what all the boxes mean) on my calendar, it makes me want to do some kind of workout. 

It will also help us to help each other if we know where you are at in the workout process.  I will try to inspire each of you at least once a week.  My inspire buddies keep me working out harder also. 

Just my two cents.  Have a super day all!  Jules

2007-01-11 4:36 PM
in reply to: #639509

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Allen, TX
Subject: RE: Alta's Group - OPEN
I agree with Jules about keeping up the logs. It definitely keeps you honest and the positive feedback you can receive is a huge motivator. She gave me such a boost the other day when she commented on my workouts (Thanks again!)

TrYgrl: Good luck with your 1/2 marathon this weekend!!!!!!!!

Today is a "rest" day for me so no swim/bike/run, but I did do about 50 minutes of lower body, ab and core strength training. Tomorrow is bike and swim!!!

Edited by kriscrn 2007-01-11 4:37 PM
2007-01-11 5:32 PM
in reply to: #639509

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Grafton, WI
Subject: RE: Alta's Group - OPEN
TriMD: It looks like you know what you have to do. Don't do the tofu man...not yet! Just try to add more veggies, and stay away from the processed foods like McyD's. If you do go there try the grilled chix no isn't all that bad. Start changing in moderation, set a goal for this week to not eat fried foods if that is what you love, or only once. It's not, if I cut out sweets I'd be set!

To all the rest of you: I promise I'll start using my log late next week. I'm still trying to figure this whole thing out. Sorry.

2007-01-11 6:06 PM
in reply to: #639509

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Ames, Iowa
Subject: RE: Alta's Group - OPEN
HI THERE!!!! Any chance I can join your group?? I am VERY new to this TRI thing, as I have never done one!! I have run 5 marathons, including Boston (OK, so I can be just a BIT proud of that one, can't I ??). I did two duathlons last summer as well as running various distance races. ummm, any other info you may need?? I'm a "middle aged" female with a LOT of heart and drive!! I work with a strength trainer twice a week, and run/swim/bike (in some combination) nearly every day. I SURE could use some good coaching and encouragement!!!! You sound like you fit the bill perfectly!! THANKS!!!!!
2007-01-11 10:35 PM
in reply to: #639509

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New user

Subject: RE: Alta's Group - OPEN

Name: jmoreland/Jennifer

Story:  I am 26 years old.  I am married with 2 children.  6 years old and 17 months.  I am a registered nurse in critical care.  I played all kinds of sports growing up mainly soccer, 2 years of track.  After I had my first child I didn't find time for sports and basically became a couch potato.  My husband's family is made up of all athletes.  They are all marathoners, triathletes, and even an IMer.  My husband just did his first sprint tri in Sept. with his sisters.  It looked like lots of fun and I was a little jealous. I am very competive and do not want to finsh last or even second last.  I have now signed up with the fam for St. Anthony's and I'm very excited and hoping to do good.

Family Status:  Married with 2 children.

Current training: I am currently doing the 16 week Olympic 2X balanced  training program.  My husband is doing the bike focused so this past week I biked a little extra. 

Last Year's Races: Thanksgiving day race 10K- 1:06:13

2007  Races: St. Anthony's, and few sprints

Weightloss:  I am 5'5" and weigh between 140-150lbs.  My weight fluctuates about 7lbs every week which is frustrating.  I would love to lose 15 to 20 lbs but my main goal is to finish the tri and feel good about it.Smile

Please consider mentoring me.



2007-01-11 10:58 PM
in reply to: #639509

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Norcross, GA
Subject: RE: Alta's Group - OPEN

Hello everyone!  I was shooting for a 3 mile run tonight but unfortunately, I couldn't fit it in.  But I went to my local tri club meeting though.  Does this count?  Did 300 sit ups (of all sorts) to make up for it.  Good night and TGIF tomorrow~!

2007-01-12 10:45 AM
in reply to: #639509

New user

Orange County, CA
Subject: RE: Alta's Group - OPEN
Hi everyone. I am new to the triathlon training world and am excited to have found this site and group! I am 35 (almost), married to a very supportive, athletic husband and have 3 active daughters (ages 8, 5, and 2). I have been an athlete since I can remember; however, I played team sports (basketball, volleyball, soccer and softball) and have struggled over the past 15 years getting a consistent, motivating workout routine together. Off and on over the past 5 years (between pregnancies etc.) I get to the gym typically 1-2 times a week. Finally, as I was running on the treadmill Tuesday, it dawned on me that I just need a goal and something fun to work towards to get more consisent. With sports, I trained because I loved the sport so staying in great shape was a fringe benefit of playing sports. As I've gotten older, I've tried running, but I've never really enjoyed running for the sake of running and am not a superb runner anyways. Since setting the goal of doing a Sprint (and I am trying to enlist one of my friends to do it with me) my workouts have already been more motivating (also I've been eating better). My goal is to complete a couple of Sprint Triathlons this year. I am excited for my girls to see the athletic side of their mom and to feel the accomplishment of a physical challenge! I would really appreciate some training plan info. Also, my biggest obstacle is that I need a bike! Any suggestions??

2007-01-12 12:00 PM
in reply to: #639509

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Chester, NY
Subject: RE: Alta's Group - OPEN

Hey I put everyone in our group in a box under my short term goals.  (I didn't think of this idea, I stole it from one of my inspire buddies)  I will post it here in case anyone wants the list on their log. 

 Had a great spin class today.   I am sooo addicted and it has made me such a stronger rider.  Enjoy your weekend all.  Julie


BT Mentor Program

alta1110 :: LMFB27
ManUtd :: jdperry77

adawn412 :: jlorusso
bgreenway :: kriscrn 
lauraspark :: ChicagoMan65

ahornby :: sandyigood 
descasena :: trYgrl
ANGELFIRE :: brilliantjoy

kallen :: Rocko954

pattyl :: trimd

ridenrundoc :: jmoreland


2007-01-12 12:25 PM
in reply to: #651432

New user

Subject: RE: Alta's Group - OPEN
trYgrl: Good luck on the 1/2 mary this weekend. I'm sure you will rock. What time are you aiming for?

jenzener: Welcome, I understand your dislike of running I'm part of that group too. As a long time runner, I still enjoy the bike so much more. With a old knee injury thanks to skiing, I do most of my leg and cardio work on the bike. I've found that my body can't handle the day in and day out pounding of running so I concentrate my time on the bike. It seems to lessen the amount of injuries that I get. I think that when you are starting, the biggest thing is to avoid injuries that could way lay a season.

In terms of training plans: I think the most important thing is consitency. People often begin in a blaze of glory and go crazy initially and then burnout. Start off a little more moderated and keep it consistent. Try to commit to consistency over intensity initially. Even if you can only manage 15 minutes a day that's great. You can bust out a mile run in that time which will add to your conditioning.

People have different philosophies as to how to decide on what bike to get. It will depend on your budget...your commitment to tri's vs. road racing...whether you enjoy group riding or solo riding.

The hands down most important thing though is to correctly size your bike. If it doesn't fit you won't get much enjoyment out of it whether you are on a beginner road bike or the latest and greatest carbon sub 12 lb carbon/titanium wonder bike.

The second big debate is whether to go with a tri specific or road bike set up. Road bike set ups are better for riding in groups i.e. if you are going to do a lot of group rides this may be the way to go. You can ride a tri specific bike in a group (I do) but it makes it tougher since your brakes are far away when you are in the aero position. The advantage or disadvantage (depending on how you look at it) is that it often forces you to lead. On my group rides, I'm leading for 75% of the ride. My bias would be to get a road bike initially. If you are doing sprints, the aero advantage of a tri bike is less important.

Some people advocate buying high end from the beginning. I'm not one of those people. I often see people here in Silicon Valley who have $10,000 bikes but 10 cent legs. Never understood the people who are sweating a couple of ounces of frame weight when they are carrying an extra 30-50 lbs. But then again I didn't join Google

Buy a decent enough bike that will last you years but don't go crazy. Often if you can look on craigslists or ebay you can find a decent bike that someone bought but then got sick of biking and is now looking to sell. You can get some awesome deals in this way. Used bikes are the way to go, you just need to have someone experienced go with you to check out the bike. I'd be happy to review any choices you come up with and tell you whether I think that it's a good choice or not.

I hope that this helps.

On my own note: Going to try to track the diet on the site. See if I can cut out the bad food gradually. Will aim for adding a day a week of eating healthy and see how that goes. Have a good weekend everyone!
2007-01-12 12:35 PM
in reply to: #639509


Subject: RE: Alta's Group - OPEN
Started to hit the training hard these past 2 weeks! I love it though! I had to take a day of rest yesterday just because my body was tired and the workouts were beginning to suffer. Thanks for the info on buying a bike. I am slightly stressing over the whole bike buying thing. I have looked at Quintanna, Felt, Cervelo, Motobecane, and a few others. I am looking for a used bike and would like to get a tri bike. Does anyone have any feedback on these brands? They range in price so much that I don't know if a $500-600 Felt is trash or as good as a $1200 Cervelo. Every industry has cheap, good, and top quality companies. I'm still trying to figure out which one is which.
2007-01-12 1:09 PM
in reply to: #652367

Subject: RE: Alta's Group - OPEN
Hey - You can't go wrong with any of the bikes you mention. Fit is what's important. Try to get as much carbon as budget will allow...It's good to make sure your bike shop can handle servicing whatever brand you buy (parts, unique features, etc.)
2007-01-12 2:23 PM
in reply to: #652367

New user

Subject: RE: Alta's Group - OPEN

See my above posts about bikes. More specific about tri bikes. The makers you have mentioned are good bike makers Felt, QR, Cervelo all make good bikes. Fit is the key for you. I think that they make all decent frames. I ride aluminum with a carbon fork and don't mind the harshness of aluminum. If you are looking in the sub 1000 range aluminum is probably what you are going to get. In terms of components, I would go with 105 or better.

I think that ultegra is the best bang for your buck. You may be able to get a better deal on the 9 speed ultegras versus the 10.

You can find some steals though on craigslist or ebay. I've seen some pretty high end bikes for awesome prices. Do you know your size on a tri configuration? I hope that this helps. PM me on what specific configurations you are looking at and I'll try to give you an assessment of what I think is the best choice for economy and performance.

2007-01-12 2:27 PM
in reply to: #639509

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Chester, NY
Subject: RE: Alta's Group - OPEN

I agree about the bike comments.  I would also agree that if you are doing a lot of sprints or oly's you can get away with a road bike.  You could also get aero bars for your road bike which is what I am probably going to do this year.  I am really used to the gearing on my bike and I am a little scared of the gears way out on the aero bars on tri bikes.  I know, call me a sissy, but I have been riding my road bike since I trained for and did the Boston-NY Aids ride in 1998.  Wow, I need a new bike!! 

I also have a great couch to sprint program which I can email to anyone that wants it.  I can't attach on this site, so just send me your email.  I used it for the swimming portion b/c I already had a run/bike workout.  I will try to use the file attachment choice here, but I am not sure it will work. 

Have a great weekend all.  Julie

triathlon program.doc (87KB - 50 downloads)

2007-01-12 2:40 PM
in reply to: #652594

New user

Orange County, CA
Subject: RE: Alta's Group - OPEN
Thanks Julie. It's great to have something concrete in terms of a plan. I am really starting from scrtach in terms of not having direct swimming and biking experience, but I'm not from the couch since I've been active. I haven't done any competitive swimming since 7th grade, but think I'll probably catch on quickly. This may be a stupid question, but is the phrase "from the couch" intended for someone who is not in any current exercise program? I have been working out twice a week for 1-1.5 hours per time for a few months...Thursday I ran 2.5 miles in 25 min. and biked 7.5 in 20 min. without a problem at the gym. Also, I normally do 40 cardio and then 30-40 minutes weights. When I start focuses on tri training, how much weight training should be done? Also, thanks for the bike info. I think I'm the road bike type, but I'm at at-home mom and can't spend too much on one. Someone recommended that Giant and Specialized make some decent options for entry level bikes for women. Thanks again!

2007-01-12 2:44 PM
in reply to: #639509

New user

Subject: RE: Alta's Group - OPEN
Oh by the way. There is a pretty good site for sizing mainly road bikes to your body. provides an online calculator to calculate out frame sizes. I've used them and their measurements for me are pretty spot on. I think that this site will get you in the ball park and then with fine tuning you can optimize. Not sure if anyone else has used them but this is one way of figuring out what cm frame should fit you.

For everyone trying to buy equipment for the season, ebay has been a god send for me in terms of getting steals. I've picked up a pair of carbon soled carnacs and sidi t-1's for a grand total of 50 bucks! That's for both shoes! Totally new. Picked up my road pedals new for 40% off retail and picked up some training tires for a steal. (contin 4000's for 70/pair) If you are patient you can really reduce equipment costs using ebay.

Also when you start biking on the road, get a primer on basic bike maintenance. A good site is sheldon brown's cycling site (google it) this site really has good advice on maintenance. You should be familiar with changing a tire and adjusting your deraillers since inevitably these skills will be needed later on. Also when you end up buying your dream bike, you want to be able to keep it in top shape so it spends more time on the road rather than in the shop.
2007-01-12 2:53 PM
in reply to: #652617

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Chester, NY
Subject: RE: Alta's Group - OPEN


My bike skills were decent and I could run a 5K, so I mainly used the plan for swimming.  On this site they have other plans for beginners also.  I will probably check out one of their 8 week programs since I have been training already pretty consistantly. 

I biked twice a week and ran three times a week since that is by far where I need the most work.  You will learn what works for you.  I end up picking up bits and pieces from different plans until I find one that works for me. 

Enjoy!  Jules

2007-01-13 9:15 AM
in reply to: #639509

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New user

Subject: RE: Alta's Group - OPEN

Since I hadn't heard back from my request to be mentored I went ahead and joined another group.  Sorry for the confusion.



2007-01-13 11:59 AM
in reply to: #639509

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Western North Carolina
Subject: RE: Alta's Group - OPEN
Hey, I'd love to join the group. I have been training off and on for a couple of years, but for one reason or another have yet to do a race.

My goal is to complete an OLY in August and STICK to training plan (aka no injuries). I have set up an annual training plan with races. I have a few 5Ks under my belt in the last two months, some plyometrics training through the holidays, and an uphill killer 17K run on the 20th. There is also a duathlon in April. My biggest limitation is pool access. It's open between Memorial Days to Labor Day. I am willing to put in 5-8 hrs a week. I have a small heel spur, so long distance running is minimal (Ice, stretching and night boot keep it from hurting all after runs). I have the bike on a trainer and I am using Carmichael's videos that came with the trainer.

What else?

2007-01-14 12:28 PM
in reply to: #639509

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New user

Subject: RE: Alta's Group - OPEN
Hope there is room for one more?

My story: I am 34 and was a competitve swimmer for a good part of my youth and living in the midwest I mtn biked and road biked throghout college. I Have only in the last couple of years started running, very slowly. Lst season i participated as part of a relay in a sprint and olympic distance.

My goals: I have registered for the Ironman 70.3 Florida and will compete in a few races along the way.

Current Training: Just off of my marathon training program i am putting together this season's tri plan. I have 19 weeks until race day. Typically, I train 6 days

Weightloss: Would love to work that in. I did not lose much weight during my marathon program, but would like to shed about 30-40 lbs. I am currently 6' and 231 lbs
2007-01-15 1:33 AM
in reply to: #654072

Subject: RE: Alta's Group - OPEN
Congratulations on your marathon. I am impressed because I too did a marathon, my first in May. 6:45 I didn't lose a pound but didn't really try either. I used the Marathon for Mortals training and early on they cautioned against using a marathon training as a weight loss program.

I am now going to work on weight loss using the tri program. Maybe that will work.

Again, good job on your marathon and also your ambitious future plans. Keep us posted.
2007-01-15 5:46 AM
in reply to: #653475

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Alta's Group - OPEN
frsully - 2007-01-13 11:59 AM

Hey, I'd love to join the group. I have been training off and on for a couple of years, but for one reason or another have yet to do a race.

My goal is to complete an OLY in August and STICK to training plan (aka no injuries). I have set up an annual training plan with races. I have a few 5Ks under my belt in the last two months, some plyometrics training through the holidays, and an uphill killer 17K run on the 20th. There is also a duathlon in April. My biggest limitation is pool access. It's open between Memorial Days to Labor Day. I am willing to put in 5-8 hrs a week. I have a small heel spur, so long distance running is minimal (Ice, stretching and night boot keep it from hurting all after runs). I have the bike on a trainer and I am using Carmichael's videos that came with the trainer.

What else?

Hey, welcome. Me too. Ive trained but havent done a race as well. My problem has always been the swim--i get frustrated and give up on it. Am really trying to push myself to swim this year. Should be starting some kind of real stick to it program this week.

All I can say is keep at it and you should be able to get here. Go easy with the heel spur and work the bike and swim when you can. Others can give you input on the swim.
2007-01-15 5:57 AM
in reply to: #654531

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Alta's Group - OPEN
pattyl - 2007-01-15 1:33 AM

Congratulations on your marathon. I am impressed because I too did a marathon, my first in May. 6:45 I didn't lose a pound but didn't really try either. I used the Marathon for Mortals training and early on they cautioned against using a marathon training as a weight loss program.

I am now going to work on weight loss using the tri program. Maybe that will work.

Again, good job on your marathon and also your ambitious future plans. Keep us posted.

I get what you are saying about the weight loss thing. For a few years, I have biked and ran tons. And, I have gained weight thru it. I am adding in more swimming and like more than a few people, set a triathlon goal to help lose some weight.

But, almost everything you read says that you cant focus on weight loss AND serious training at the same time. If you want to use training (tri or bike or marathon) for weight loss, you also need to focus on the aspect of your training that impacts weight---usually nutrition.

We can run 100 mpw and still be fat tubs if all we eat are BigMacs. Conversely training will really suffer if you do not eat right--i.e. limit calorie intake or go totally atkins no/carb.

I am hoping to lose about 15 pounds by Fourth of July by increasing training and by better regulating diet. The increase in activity will burn more calories/fat but, I need to refuel properly or I will only put it right back. Its frustrating but can be done--or so they say.

I think its the kind of thing that collectively we can trade info and experience on. Which is why I like this format so much.
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