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2007-01-14 8:13 AM
in reply to: #640010

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New Lenox, IL
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - Open
Did an hour on the stationary bike the 24 mins. walking total cal burn today 743. Going to start logging all food tomorrow so after two weeks when I don't see an improvement in weight I have something to show the Doctor.

How many days a week is everyone exercising?


2007-01-14 10:01 AM
in reply to: #653962

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Extreme Veteran
Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - Open
Ran in the rain this morning. Nice to be outside even though it is raining. Did 4.9 miles of hills and flats. Felt pretty good.

2007-01-14 10:05 AM
in reply to: #653613

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Extreme Veteran
Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - Open
Hey Police256 where are you looking to do a tri in michigan. I am in ohio and was looking to try and find one up there but did find many. Let me of some up there. I have a lot around ohio just thought of a change of pace to do one in another state.
2007-01-14 12:10 PM
in reply to: #640010

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Back of the pack breathing hard
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - Closed

Hi Everybody,!

 Wow, I leave for a few days and this place goes nutz!   I love it.  I am in Boulder CO.  Picking up a new BMC TT02 that I won a sponsorship for.  Out here for the fitting and lactate threshold testing. But enough about me. 

 Let's here it for our group that is now FULL!  Don't want to off the cops so yes Police256 you are included.!

 Here's the lineup:

Buddaha1964 - George

bigguytri - ???

Adamo - Kim

Fossilandthewalrus - Jon

PGilger - Patrick

Police256 - ???


So here's what I thought we would start out with.  INTRO's  Let's make sure everybody knows whom everybody else is.  Please reply with -  First name/ City/ Age/ Brief summary about you, Job, family etc../ History with triathlon or other sports. & finally what are your goals for 2007.  Weight loss? Do a triathon? A 5k or more? etc...     The way this group is starting off, it is going to be an awesome 2007 for everybody.



2007-01-14 3:20 PM
in reply to: #651787

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Back of the pack breathing hard
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - Open

Buddaha1964 - 2007-01-12 5:52 AM Finally our group is growing, hi everybody. I ran two miles today, I was going to run three but I couldn't keep my heart rate under 155 bpm. So my question today is if I keep running at this high heart rate will it eventually come down if I run at the same pace?


The theory is correct.  The more you workout doing work at the same pace, the HR required, will come down over time to do the same amount of work.  However, don't be alarmed by what you might percieve as a high HR day.  Many different factors can affect the HR of the same workout you did days prior.  Such things as muscle fatigue, hydration & temperature just to name a few. 

So instead of worry about HR from day to day workout of the same pace and distance, concentrate more on an average.  Many times I have done a workout and for just some crazy reason and my HR has been higher then normal or what I expected.  A few days go by,  maybe a day of rest in there and all is well again.

 BT has a great training log and I'd encourage everyone to keep track of their time and distances.  You'll then start to see the bigger picture.  One thing to always remember.  You can never ever go wrong by reducind your time and intensity of your workout.  But you can go wrong by over doing it.


2007-01-14 3:26 PM
in reply to: #654069

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Extreme Veteran
Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - Closed

Columbus, Ohio. 36 Married father of two girls 4 and 2

6'3 weight 207. Would like to get to 185 before race season.

Did 4 tris last year along with 1 5k, a 4 miler and a early season Duathlon.

This year would like to do 5 to 6 sprint tri showing improvement thru the year. Holding my fitness thru the offseason and trying some olympic distances next year.

Biggest weakness is swimming. Haven't seen improvement. Thinking about trying to change up and add some speed drill instead of just distance swimming. Like to learn more on nutrition and supplements. Don't do any supplements as of yet.

2007-01-14 4:29 PM
in reply to: #640010

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New Lenox, IL
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
George, 42, New Lenox, IL. 35 miles from Chicago. Two daughters 24 and 19.

239 LBS. 5'11" Ultimate goal is to get to 190. Told the wife she is going to buy me a new tri bike when I hit that weight.

Field service Representative in the food industry, the southeast is my territory.

Did the Accenture Chicago sprint distance in 2004. Doing International this year and am going to do Couer d'Alene Ironman next year.

Tyler, I'm going to be down in your neck of the woods in February is there any good dive opportunities during that time frame? Maybe we'll have to do dinner or something. Also make sure you post some pictures of the new bike I would love to see it.


Edited by Buddaha1964 2007-01-14 4:32 PM
2007-01-15 6:04 AM
in reply to: #640010

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New Lenox, IL
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
Official weigh-in this morning. UP .8 pounds. So much for all that running last week.

Off day today hit it hard again tomorrow.
2007-01-15 6:30 AM
in reply to: #640010


Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
Here's my info:
Apex, NC
I am a wholesale account executive in the mortgage industry
I am married w/1 lovely daughter
I completed a sprint triathlon last year and am looking forward to completing 4-6 this year.
Goal for 06 is to lose the clydesdale tag.

2007-01-15 7:14 AM
in reply to: #640010


Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
My name is Steve, I'm 36 years old from Royal Oak Michigan.
I've been in an 8 year relationship and yes, I'm a Police Officer.
I too am classified apparently as a clydsdale weighing in at 218 or so.

A little about my background:
I've stayed moderately in shape my entire life, sports minded.
I have just completed my first marathon this past October but REALLY
would like to try my hand at tri's. My first one I'm looking at is June 10th in Ann Arbor,
Sprint I think it is considered. 1/2mile swim, 15 mile bike, 5 mile trail run.

I have two marathons on the schedule as well, one in May in Traverse City MI and the other in October in Chicago.

I'd also like to throw a few more tri's in for the year, ultimately an Ironman if I enjoy the tri's. Here is the problem, I am absolutely clueless on how to train for a tri. I haven't even a bike purchased yet. So with ALL of your help, I'm certain I'll be successful

Any and all experiences will be helpful!

Edited by Police256 2007-01-15 7:35 AM
2007-01-15 9:12 AM
in reply to: #654573

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Extreme Veteran
Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
Hey tyler. Can I ask you what type of supplements you take and what they are for. I did a search on the forums and a lot of people say to take Glucosamine. Could you tell me what this is for. Thanks

2007-01-15 11:27 AM
in reply to: #640010

Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
My Info:
Kim from St. Joseph, Michigan. I just turned 39 (not 29, thanks buddaha)
I am married with three children 16, 14 & 10 and am a stay at home mom.
Last year was my first triathlon season. I did the Firecracker sprint in July and fell head over heels for the sport. I completed an olympic distance in Three Rivers, Michigan in August. Much longer swim and a super hilly course, it was a blast.
I am planning on several small races including the Firecracker again. My big goal, "A" race for the year is the Steelhead 70.3 Tri in Benton Harbor, Michigan. I would love to complete it sub 7.
Also on the agenda is the Detroit Marathon in October. I have my sights set on Ironman Florida for '08. I am planning on heading up to Madison this year to volunteer and cheer all the Team Race Athlete members at IMmoo, I know Tyler will be there with that new bike!
I would love to lose about 15lbs before the season starts...who wouldn't? I do keep a food log (on paper) and a training log at which I really like.
Looking forward to a great season!
2007-01-15 7:39 PM
in reply to: #640010

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Extreme Veteran
Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
Started to do a little weight training today. Haven't lifted weights since I don't know when. Biked 8 miles on the stationary bike. Hate thoses thing. Also went for a quick 2 mile run on the treadmill. Felt pretty good after my longer run yesterday.
2007-01-15 8:09 PM
in reply to: #654690

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Back of the pack breathing hard
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL

PGilger - 2007-01-15 10:12 AM Hey tyler. Can I ask you what type of supplements you take and what they are for. I did a search on the forums and a lot of people say to take Glucosamine. Could you tell me what this is for. Thanks


As of now I take nothing but a one-a-day vitamin.  However, last year I did start to take glocosamine. Glucosamine is a molecule made of glucose and an amine that is produced naturally in the body. It stimulates cartilage cells to produce two proteins that help to hold joint tissue together, proteoglycans and collagen. It may also prevent the breakdown of collagen.   OK so what's all that mean.  Well it means that for endurance athletes that put the mileage in, it can help with the cartilage in the knees.  It can help with all joints.  Here is agood link that will provide alot of info about it.

When I get into longer workouts (90 minutes or more) I'll use R4 Accelerade recovery drink within 30 mins of that workout to aid in recovery of the muscles for the next day.

I literally just flew in from Colorado and did a lactate threshold test this morning.  I'm now back home in New Port Richey FL.  I have a ton of pics I'm going to share with you guys about my bike fitting along with a TON of info, pics, literature, audio about HR Zones and  lactate acid.  I'm learning all the time.  Going to show you how going slow is truely the best way to go in losing weight and also triathlon training.  Off to swim tomorrow at work out lower body strength training.  2500 yrds and then 30 mins gym.  You guys having fun!?


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2007-01-15 8:50 PM
in reply to: #640010

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New Lenox, IL
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL

While this is fun, eating and watching the boob tube is a little more appealing. Oh well it'll be worth it when I cross the finish line smiling. By the way nice bike.

2007-01-16 7:10 AM
in reply to: #640010

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New Lenox, IL
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
Morning workout felt like I was running with lead in my legs. Maybe a day off is not such a good idea. Made almost three miles anyway mostly walking, burned 515 cals.

2007-01-16 10:47 AM
in reply to: #640010

Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
I spent nearly an hour yesterday on the trainer. This is a big deal since last year I wasn't able to get on the bike until late May, early June and then I played a lot of catch up and suffered on the greater distances. I just got the trainer for Christmas and while it is about as much fun as the dreadmill I can already see the huge benefit it will bring me come summertime.
I have a swim lesson tonight. This is a stroke critique and I would like to learn flip turns...just because I'll look cool :0)
2007-01-16 11:59 AM
in reply to: #640010

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Back of the pack breathing hard
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL

The trainer is a great tool to use for triathlon.  Of course I like to be on the bike instead but if your crunched for time or due to weather, it can be real useful.  I attended a spin class that used your bike and trainer with  among a group during the winter last year.  Did wonders!  Lots of reps, isolating legs, standing and sitting sprints and big ring work. 

Remember to mix up your works outs with some short speed work.  It's still January and these next months are all about base.  I've got that literature on the way soon that I picked up at the Boulder Center of Sports Medicine.  Real good stuff. 


 PS- Great workout Kim

Edited by tydarby 2007-01-16 12:04 PM
2007-01-16 12:06 PM
in reply to: #640010

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Extreme Veteran
Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
So how much speed stuff should be done? Should you do one session a week or not that much. Right now I don't do any speed work but was going to start doing some speed on my swimming.
2007-01-17 7:36 AM
in reply to: #640010

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New Lenox, IL
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
24 mins. kind of swimming. I have a long way to go to be able to swim the distances I need. Kept going anaerobic and having to stop even when I tried to swim slow. 48 minutes on the stationary bike.
2007-01-17 7:42 AM
in reply to: #657345

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Extreme Veteran
Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
Keep up the swimming. The more you do the easier it will get.

2007-01-17 8:45 AM
in reply to: #640010

Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
If we are in base phase should we be working on speed? I am still trying to keep my heart rate in check during most of my workouts and still struggling during the runs. I am using the Beginner Triathlete 20 week plan for the half IM.
I had a swim lesson/critique last night that went really well. With in a half hour my stroke was far more relaxed and smooth. I have a week to practice and then another lesson next week. I highly recommend a couple of lessons for anyone having trouble in the water.
2007-01-17 8:48 AM
in reply to: #640010

Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
BTW....flip turns may be something I cross off my list. Everytime I tried one last night I got a nose full of water. Not good! :0)
2007-01-17 9:25 AM
in reply to: #640010

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Extreme Veteran
Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
Went in the water today to do some intervals for 20min. instead of just my normal .5 mile. Was pretty good. Like the variation of it. Then did 2 miles on the treadmill. Legs were a little heavy today.

Does anybody else run with an Ipod. If so does anyone have the nike+ unit for the nano? I got one before christmas if it has done wonders to motivate me to run more. I would recomend it to you if you were thinking about it. Great to see your workout on a graph to see your pace at different times in your run.

Edited by PGilger 2007-01-17 10:56 AM
2007-01-17 12:12 PM
in reply to: #657439

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New Lenox, IL
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
adamo - 2007-01-17 8:48 AM

BTW....flip turns may be something I cross off my list. Everytime I tried one last night I got a nose full of water. Not good! :0)

Just pretend like nothing happend because you'll look like a expert if you do the flip turns.
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