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2007-05-17 7:48 AM
in reply to: #804177

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2007-05-17 8:04 AM
in reply to: #803318

Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-OPEN

Hey David! So...a cross country skiier, huh? You're gonna be great at this sport, because that's only the best aerobic exercise there is...


herridge - 2007-05-16 4:03 PM

Hi - I'd like to join the group. I'll come back and write a bio when I get home from work.

O.K. - now the details 

NAME:  David aka herridge

STORY: I have always been a fairly active person, however, not very athletic.  I was one of the only kids at my high school who found the loophole that let me drop gym class as a subject.  I played tennis, through high school, and have always loved cross country skiing, but competition and team sports were not my thing. When I graduated from university (almost 20 years ago) I bought a bike and have gradually become a serious cyclist.  Through my 20's I worked out at a gym to keep fit for the things I love to do: hiking, climbing, canoeing, and skiing.  When the kids came along I found I had less time for the gym and when I changed jobs I stopped going altogether.  At that point I started running to bridge the gap between cycling and ski seasons.  I ran a few 5 k races at a conference I go to every year and last year when I turned 38++ I decided to add swimming to the mix and do a triathlon.  Tri had appealed to me since I saw one back in university days, and a few years back I just happened to be in Penticton for Ironman Canada.  The tri bug had been planted in my head and it seems it was released last year.  At this point I have done one sprint tri last August.

FAMILY STATUS: I'm married and have a 10 year old boy and a 7 year old girl.  There is currently another on the way (oops!).  My wife is active but has not been super supportive of this new interest.  We have always done things together and I don't think she likes my doing something that takes me away from the family and her.

I am signed up for an Olympic race on June 16th and have another that I plan to do on July 7th.  My training is based on the bronze level 20 week olympic plan from this site with some modifications to suit my schedule

LAST YEAR'S RACES: Last year I did my first race, the National Capital Sprint Triathlon, based on training using the BT 16 week sprint plan.  I was pleased enough with my results, coming in around the 66th percentile on my first race.

2007 RACES:  See above.

WEIGHTLOSS: Not really an issue for me.  I'm 6'4", 180 lbs - I put on about 30 lbs when the kids were born that I would ultimately like to convert to muscle - but I needed the weight as I was clinically underweight for many years.



2007-05-17 8:07 AM
in reply to: #803323

Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-OPEN

Hey Mark, and welcome!'re going to be fine. Swim/bike and bike/run bricks will give you the conficence to put all three sports together, plus they'll teach your body to adapt to the stresses of rapidly switching activities. But your background sounds really good, so you're already ahead of the game.


markz - 2007-05-16 4:04 PM Hi, Thank you for the PM, this is my official intent to join as you mentioned. I am 49, 5'9", 154lbs, have always been active, and done many 10k races in Australia, but always treated sport in recreational way. Recently I developed a desire to do an Olimpic Tri and started one of the BT programs for that. I follow it without any difficulty, enjoy it and would really like to improve specially my swim. I can do 1500m in 37min, bike 40k in 1hr 20min and run 10k in 55min if I do them separately. At this point I could do any 2 of those together, but 3... I am not so sure. Please let me know if I am part of this group. Mark

2007-05-17 8:12 AM
in reply to: #803337

Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-OPEN

Welcome, Mila!


milaminute - 2007-05-16 4:11 PM

Hey Jim...

I'm in!  I have my first tri in a month... I need all the advice I can get.  I'll post my bio later... I have mommying to do at the moment.



2007-05-17 8:13 AM
in reply to: #803395

Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-OPEN

Ahhh...and aspiring Ironman! Excellent!


emac21 - 2007-05-16 4:29 PM

I'm in.  You gave me some good advice when I first signed up for the site so who better to get more from.  I will fill out my bio later, but my first race is in 3 weeks, so bring on the advice!

 So here we go -

I live in Westchester County, NY, about 20 miles outside of NYC.  I'm married  for 3 and a 1/2 years and have two girls, Caroline 2 1/2 and Grace 15 months.  Both my wife and I work in NYC (me finance, her fashion).

I've been athletic all my life, played football, hockey and baseball in HS and Hockey in college.  Always been interested in Ironman and distance races.  My dad is a runner with over 10 different marathons under his belt, so I was always around it.

Started training about 4 months ago.  Couldnt swim at all.  Now I find myself doing 1000 - 2000 yards a workout and its a huge confidence boost.  I'm doing 3 sprints this summer and an OLY in September. 

I'm extremely competitive and doing this for fitness, competition and fun.  I hope to do a 1/2 Iron next year, then who knows.  In the meantime I have my first Sprint on June 2 and I can't wait. 

2007-05-17 8:15 AM
in reply to: #803427

Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-OPEN

Yes, Gary, you're in!

So why no "A" race this summer? Is it just because this is your first year? I think you'll find that after you get your first race under your belt, you'll start coming up with time goals for your next ones. ANd with your century training, you're cycling ability will increase.


Gaarryy - 2007-05-16 4:37 PM can I be in?? I don't have any true "A" races this is my first year doing tri's and I'll be doing three Oly. distances ones this summer,, mostly I'll be training for a century bike ride my first and a fall/winter marathon somewhere [my 4th} while doing the tri's. gary

2007-05-17 8:20 AM
in reply to: #803447

Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-OPEN

Did you swim competitively in Atlanta, because I did growing up (at SwimAtlanta). Wow! 53 minutes at Peachtree, with no training? At Peachtree? I'd say that's better than "not bad".


JBD - 2007-05-16 4:46 PM I would also like to join your group. I live in ATL and my sister is down in Augusta, so we are practically neighbors. I grew up competitively swimming as well, until I hit college (competitive drinking). For the past 7 years, my time in the gym was spent lifting weights with some big guys and trying to get in better shape that way. I have also run the Peachtree for about 5 years but I never trained for it, I just ran it (sub 53, which is not bad for never running). I finally realized that when I was just lifting, I was spending more time injured than working out. So last year I set a goal to do a sprint. I immediately did nothing toward the goal outside of some road biking with friends. So, using my usual tactic, I signed up for the "My First Triathlon" a week before the event (5/5). I had been to spin class some so I thought that will count. My goal was to finish within 1:30. I finished 1:25 and 13 in my age group (40-44) and 91 out of 315. I guess respectable. So now I am hooked. You can track my training online that I just learned about this week. My goal is a few more sprints this summer and the OLY in LaGrange in late August. Since I am just into the sport, I am looking for every bit of training info/advice I can get. I could probably stand to lose about 10 pounds or so. Hence, joining your group, if allowed. Thanks

2007-05-17 8:31 AM
in reply to: #803544

Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-OPEN

Always room for Aimees...I have one of my own, and you guys are awesome. So welcome! Wher ein ATL do you live? I grew up there...Roswell/Dunwoody. After we got married we had an apartment in Vinings, and then a house in Druid Hills (still my favorite neighborhood of all time).

Here's my first piece of advice: don't breath in the water. Turn your head, and then breath. No charge for that.


AimeeTeach - 2007-05-16 5:19 PM If there is still room I'd like to join your group! I am 3 weeks into training for some sprint tri's this year... I live in ATlanta and have always played tennis, but am ready to try something new! I am sure I will survive the run and bike at this point, but I am really working on the swim right now. I have asthma so I have to keep telling myself to breath in the water... and I keep my inhaler at the edge of the pool - HA! Okay - I will post more later if you have room for me... Aimee

2007-05-17 8:32 AM
in reply to: #803304

Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-OPEN

So Fresh So Clean - 2007-05-16 3:58 PM ...sorry, I changed my mind...

OK...more cake for us...

2007-05-17 8:33 AM
in reply to: #803603

Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-OPEN

OK...that makes 4 stress fractures in the group. Maybe we need to talk about shoes? Yes...ride and swim all you can, but let that leg heal!


lvthgme - 2007-05-16 5:51 PM If there's still room I'd love some mentorage! =) Last year was my first season as a triathlete. I love it! I have team sports in my background but not swimming, biking, or running really. =) So I have a ton to learn here and I love that about this sport. I am recovering from a stress fracture and bruised bone in my upper tibia and uh...have some IT band issues but other than that I'm pretty healthy. I've been swimming only for the most part for the past few months per Dr. orders. Tomorrow I am planning to try spin and if that doesn't go well I'll just hit the pool, but I'm excited to try spin again after such a long time. I love setting and accomplishing goals so that's a huge draw for me about this sport. I have a tendency to over-do it with training and volleyball (hence the injuries =) because it's just so FUN. Not the over-doing it but the sport. =) I like how this sport allows for both personal training and "competing against yourself" and also the comradarie I've found both locally and here on BT. My goal for this summer now is to just get healthy and hopefully do a few tris and of course improve. Longer-term I want to complete a HIM. I just want to keep getting better at this and keep having a blast in the process.

2007-05-17 8:35 AM
in reply to: #803668

Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-OPEN

You're in, Nate! How did your first race go?


CajunN8 - 2007-05-16 6:51 PM

Hey, I'm Nate.  If this group isn't too full already, I'd like to join.  I just started triathlon-ing this year and would like someone to make sure I'm doing anything stupid.  I got into this because I really needed something to do that would keep me healthy and I could do it on my own.  I also wanted some sort of challenge that would get me doing something active and wasn't as boring/daunting as just running for 4 hours straight. 

I just did my first sprint Tri in the end of April and I'm trying to continue with a few more this summer.  I also just signed up for the Marine Corps Marathon.  So I'm trying to balance training for that with all the other cross training needed for tris.  I'm not trying to lose any weight or win any races, I just do this because it's fun and a challenge.  Now, everyone thinks I'm crazy for it. 

Well, let me know if I can join.  Talk to you later.

~ Nate


2007-05-17 8:40 AM
in reply to: #804249

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-OPEN
I swam in the summers (North Umberland) and then for the high school team (Henderson High School). I wasn't into getting up and swimming before school, so I quickly decided to drop Dynamos. However, I did know some people that swam at Swim Atlanta. Did you know Kevin Ratteree?

I am a high strung person and I have long legs so I can cover a lot of ground quickly prior to the hospitals. I tend to gazelle my way to the hill, pace up the hills and then go all out starting at 14th street (I think that is where I turn it on again).

I look forward to working with you if I am able to.
2007-05-17 8:43 AM
in reply to: #803794

Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-OPEN

OK David, you're a great runner and a good cyclist, so yeah, let's work on your swimming. When I started the sport I made the mistake of swimming all the time, because that's what I knew and what I was good at. As a result, I was almost always the first out of the water, but then got the enormous pleasure of being passed be seeminglythe entire race on the run. Now I swim a lot less and ride and run a lot more (or at least I do when I'm actually training). And of course, I'm not as fast in the water anymore, but I more than make up for it by holding my own on the bike and run.

So, moral of the story: stress your weakness!


Pollywog - 2007-05-16 8:43 PM Hi Jim, I would like to be in your group. I just started triathlon training Jan. 2007. I'm 41, born on the 4th of July. Background is running Junior College & D2 Cross Country. 25.12 5mile & 32.33 10k, I've done a lot of bike touring but very little racing. Started Cyclocross this past fall, all races were in Minnesota. I'm on the LBS Racing Team-Epic Sports Bismarck, ND. My wife still thinks I asked to be on the team but the owner did really ask me. I also run for my podiatrist Team FootCare Associates. I currently do not swim very well that's the main reason I want to be in your group. Look at my log. I did pass lifeguarding for the lake front but I still do not know how. I'm married, my wife Theresa is the Ladies Golf Champion at Apple Creek C.C. in Bismarck. We have two springer spaniels, Denali & Kenai. I work in the Williston Basin oilfield as a Mudlogger which I just started in January 2007. My race season depends on my days off. Badlands Classic Bike Races, TT & 28mile road,May 19 & 20, Medora, ND, Bismarck Tri June 10th, Dickinson, ND Tri July, Mandan Lifenets Triathlon Aug. 28th, Dakota 5-0 Mountain Bike race Sept. Spearfish, SD. Then 3 Minnesota Cyclocross races. I was planning on running a 5K each month but I haven't seen any races close to home. Races so far this year Zooyearseve 5k 19:05 very cold and icy, Great American indoor bike Race, 25 minutes 14.07 miles raised $110.00 dollars for CP. I've have arthritis in my big toes & middle fingers other than that I am fairly healthy. Dave in ND

2007-05-17 8:53 AM
in reply to: #804196

Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-OPEN
Bopper - 2007-05-17 8:48 AM

My concern is the running... how to build up the running WITHOUT developing more injuries. My cardio can handle more... and it's hard not pushing myself past what the REST of my body can handle.

Thanks for having me in the group Jim et. al.


Do you know exactly why the stress fracture happened? Too many miles too quickly? Wrong shoes?

What worked for me was this: 1) finally finding the right pair of shoes, after finally figuring out that I actually underpronate; 2) never running two days in a row. I had been diagnosed in the past as an over-pronator, so I was always running in stability shoes. When I came to Augusta, I hooked up with a really good sports med clinic that videotaped me, and in super slow-mo, you could see that i was actually underpronating. So now that I run in cushioned shoes, I'm great.

2007-05-17 9:07 AM
in reply to: #804326

Subject: ...
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2007-05-17 9:11 AM
in reply to: #804326

Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-OPEN's our group:


If you aren't using/updating your logs, start! I'll be checking them as often as possible and inspiring you accordingly. If you don't have a "real" name associated with your profile ("???" above), at least make one up so I'll have something "real" to call you by (other than your screen name). And feel free, most of all, to post *any* questions about the sport (or life in general--I'll put on my "Ask Jim" hat). If there's anything you don't feel comfortable posting in the thread, feel free to PM me.

I'm excited...I think this is going to be a really good group.

2007-05-17 9:13 AM
in reply to: #804326

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-OPEN
It would kill me to not run 2 days in a row. Since I've been a runner for years I think my body can handle it, finally. I am, however, VERY careful about making sure I run easy days between hard days!!!
2007-05-17 9:30 AM
in reply to: #804370

Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-OPEN

carrie1 - 2007-05-17 10:13 AM It would kill me to not run 2 days in a row. Since I've been a runner for years I think my body can handle it, finally. I am, however, VERY careful about making sure I run easy days between hard days!!!

I hear ya, and now I can actually run 4-5 days a week, if I do like you said and work in recovery days. But really, with tri training there's really no need to run that much. 3x per wekk really is plenty. your weaknesses!

2007-05-17 9:32 AM
in reply to: #804411

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-OPEN
How does one deal with the addiction though

It took hypnosis to get me to break my cheez-it addiction. (I'm serious about that).
2007-05-17 9:37 AM
in reply to: #804417

Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-OPEN

carrie1 - 2007-05-17 10:32 AM How does one deal with the addiction though It took hypnosis to get me to break my cheez-it addiction. (I'm serious about that).

I here Prozac works well. Or you could try transferring your addiction. How do you feel about Vicodin?



cheez-its.jpg (29KB - 19 downloads)
2007-05-17 9:39 AM
in reply to: #804363

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-OPEN
Wooo Hooo, I made the cut! Real name in Jon or Jonny Danger.

2007-05-17 9:43 AM
in reply to: #804440

Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-OPEN

JBD - 2007-05-17 10:39 AM Wooo Hooo, I made the cut! Real name in Jon or Jonny Danger.

Then what's the "B" stand for then?

2007-05-17 10:20 AM
in reply to: #802336

Subject: ...
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2007-05-17 10:32 AM
in reply to: #804565

Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-CLOSED

lvthgme - 2007-05-17 11:20 AM  And today I saw my tricep in the mirror when I was just walking and THAT felt good. 

Isn't that awesome?

2007-05-17 10:36 AM
in reply to: #802336

Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-CLOSED

YAY!  I get some cake!

Thanks, Jim

Training with my wife has been great, but you'll need a great support system to help out.  You're daughter is older so that's probably easier, but with our 2 little ones we need babysitters galore for any group rides, races, swim clinics, etc.  We don't have any family in the area to mooch off of so at $10/hour for our babysitter when friends can't fill the gap, it adds up.  So much so that my wife decided to bag 2 of her races this year.  It was just getting too pricey.  She's still going to train and loves it all, but paying $60 for a race, $30 for a training ride, etc etc etc is starting to hurt the pocketbook.

Anyway, my training week has sucked this week so don't use that as a benchmark.  I'm coming off a race weekend and have lots going on at home and work so my motivation has been down.  That'll pick up again in a day or so when I have my OWS practice on Saturday and get into the groove again.

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