BT Development Mentor Program Archives » kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2007-12-12 7:01 AM
in reply to: #1091616

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - open
I love it that we all seem to be re-building from injuries. This month is devoted to swimming for me. It doesn't bother my hip (except for breaststroke, which I loathe anyway) and I feel like I am at least doing something to prepare for 2008. Full training for me will start January 1. I guess I'll be reduced to walk/run. Actually I hope I will be able to walk/run. I've never had an injury take this long to heal. Although I'm sure it's nothing compared to you guys with the torn ACL's.


2007-12-12 8:29 AM
in reply to: #1091616

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Extreme Veteran
Concord, NC
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - open

Hi Cat and Team!  Thanks for welcoming me in the group.  Here is a little bit about me.

I am a 32yo woman, married with children.  I just got married 2 years ago, I have a son who is 16 and I have two step-kids, Brianna is 9 and Riley is 5.  I also have a chocolate lab who will be 4 in january, which she is pretty much my 4th child.    I work full time as a project analyst (I know, sounds exciting huh??)  LOL  I do tend to work from home alot, which I try to take advantage of with workouts.

I actually started training for triathlons several years ago, but never actually made it to a race.  Last year, I decided to get back into it and finish a race.  I did 2 races last year, 1 sprint and 1 mini sprint.  It was a blast.  For my first race, I was 5th from last overall, but it felt so great to cross the finish line.

Strenghts and weaknesses.  I know I am a slow swimmer, biker and runner as compared to most.  But, for my own abilities, swimming and biking are my strengths.  I can swim all day long without stopping, but my pace is 2:45/100 yards.  I am sure I have lots of room to improve with stroke, technique, etc.  I pretty much jumped in the pool last year by myself.  I haven't had any formal instruction.  Then, on the bike, I am somewhat strong.  I ride a hybrid and can keep a pace of 15-18 mph on the road and 20+ on the trainer.  I even got up to 23 mph in my last triathlon (of course, it was a downhill LOL)  I don't have clipless pedals as of yet.  Also, I am completely chicken about riding on the road, even in a group.  Some of my friends got hit by cars last year and even though they were ok, it still scares the stuffing out of me.  Running is my true nemisis.  I have done the couch to 5k plan, I have done the start out slow thing and for some reason, my body just seems to reject running.  The last attempt I made at running was keeping my HR between 145-155, so in order to do that, there was lots of walking involved. 

My other big weakness is consistency.  I do well eating and training for about 2-3 weeks, then I miss a day, turns into 2, 3, get my meaning.  So, I thought if I joined a mentor group, maybe this would keep me focused.

I plan on doing 6 races next season including 1 olympic.  I am planning on starting a 12 week training plan at the end of December, my first triathlon will be at the end of March.

Another goal is to lose some weight.  I am 5'5" and about 153 pounds.  I would love to be back in the 130's somewhere.  I know I am not really overweight, but this is the heaviest I have ever been and I can tell a difference of my energy level, etc.

Ok, so apparently I am a rambler as well.   

2007-12-12 9:41 AM
in reply to: #1091616

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - open
we're practically the same person
i'm a teeny bit younger, and my kids are younger, but i also have a hard time keeping focused if i take too much time off (don't even LOOK at my log for december!!) i'm also 5'5" and around 155. although, it's probably the SMALLEST i've been since i was in high school, having the kids, and all, i really packed on the pounds, and i'm now wearing a size 6 (thanks to the sport of triathlon!!!) but would LOVE to be in the 130's-- i'd even settle for the 140's
i don't have any injuries that i'm recovering from (knock on wood) but my big goal for the year is to just stay focused, to race, and (although my husband disagrees) to not get pregnant again until AFTER the racing season winds down.
this mentor thing is all new to me, but i'm excited about it, you guys will most definately be kicking my butt regularly this year
2007-12-12 9:46 AM
in reply to: #1097285

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Extreme Veteran
Concord, NC
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - open

lyssa-gator - 2007-12-12 9:41 AM dia, we're practically the same person i'm a teeny bit younger, and my kids are younger, but i also have a hard time keeping focused if i take too much time off (don't even LOOK at my log for december!!) i'm also 5'5" and around 155. although, it's probably the SMALLEST i've been since i was in high school, having the kids, and all, i really packed on the pounds, and i'm now wearing a size 6 (thanks to the sport of triathlon!!!) but would LOVE to be in the 130's-- i'd even settle for the 140's i don't have any injuries that i'm recovering from (knock on wood) but my big goal for the year is to just stay focused, to race, and (although my husband disagrees) to not get pregnant again until AFTER the racing season winds down. this mentor thing is all new to me, but i'm excited about it, you guys will most definately be kicking my butt regularly this year

Wow!  You are 5'5", 155 and a size 6!  That is awesome.  This goes to show you how different body types are.  I am the same height and weight, but were a size 10 in jeans and about a 6 in a top.  I am the typical pear shaped woman.  I would love to be able to fit my behind back into a size 6 in jeans. 

2007-12-12 10:12 AM
in reply to: #1097306

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - open
excited2tri - 2007-12-12 7:46 AM

lyssa-gator - 2007-12-12 9:41 AM dia, we're practically the same person i'm a teeny bit younger, and my kids are younger, but i also have a hard time keeping focused if i take too much time off (don't even LOOK at my log for december!!) i'm also 5'5" and around 155. although, it's probably the SMALLEST i've been since i was in high school, having the kids, and all, i really packed on the pounds, and i'm now wearing a size 6 (thanks to the sport of triathlon!!!) but would LOVE to be in the 130's-- i'd even settle for the 140's i don't have any injuries that i'm recovering from (knock on wood) but my big goal for the year is to just stay focused, to race, and (although my husband disagrees) to not get pregnant again until AFTER the racing season winds down. this mentor thing is all new to me, but i'm excited about it, you guys will most definately be kicking my butt regularly this year

Wow!  You are 5'5", 155 and a size 6!  That is awesome.  This goes to show you how different body types are.  I am the same height and weight, but were a size 10 in jeans and about a 6 in a top.  I am the typical pear shaped woman.  I would love to be able to fit my behind back into a size 6 in jeans. 

LOL we're the opposite there! i'm a size 6 on the bottom, and a size large on top (but i'm still nursing, i'm pretty sure that's why)
2007-12-12 2:33 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - open

Nice to have some other injury stories to relate to. I've found that biking has been the best thing to protect my knees and build up the muscles around them. I've also been looking into chi running, which seems to make lots of sense, but also lots of concentration and time. Anyone else read the book or heard of chi running?

I'm also interested in learning more about nutrition.. especially being a vegetarian athlete. Are there any other veggies in the group?  

2007-12-12 3:51 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - open

Hey Cat,
I was looking for a mentor team, and lo and behold you have one...I'd love to be in if I can! Not only do I know Cat will be awesome for this, I am part of the ACL club too!! Tore it back in '96, surgery in '97, surgery in the area (but not for) again in '99, and NO trouble (minus some soreness when the weather is silly) since then.

For all: I'm Brittany (Britt is fine too), 27 y/o Texan, single, and have been back from my second tour to Iraq for nearly a month and half.  I'm currently a CPT in the Military Police of the US Army (Active Duty), but am about to start the transition to civilian life (remain in the Army Reserve for a bit).  Should be a "civilian" come mid-August '08.  Hope to make my new home in Austin (1st choice); San Antonio (2nd Choice); or Dallas (3rd choice); but lots will depend upon what the job market has for me.  I intend to enter "Corporate America" and then get my MBA through the University of Texas (complete by 2011/2012).

As for Tri's, I have NOT done one yet.  While in Iraq for round 2 (Aug '06-Nov '07) I was on a big base and took up running for stress relief.  A friend and I began training for a marathon, and I did the Army 10-Miler in Baghdad both in '06 and '07.  I also did my first 1/2 Marathon in Baghdad in May '07.  Another great friend of mine that was there convinced me that I would enjoy Triathlons, and next thing you know, I'm not just running, I'm also riding the stationary bike and then finding BT and becoming hooked on the Tri thing before even doing it, I mean COMPLETELY HOOKED.  Within two weeks of redeploying I had purchased a 2007 Quintana Roo Tri-Bike, a trainer, a new swimsuit, and more.  The running and tri-training has helped me shed about 20 lbs of unwanted flesh, and I hope to lose 5-10 more. For 2008 I'm signed up for the following:
Houston 1/2 Marathon in January
Austin Marathon in February (my first Mary)
Athens Sprint Tri in early March (well, signing up, haven't done it yet)
Lonestar 1/4 Iron in late March 
Longhorn HIM in early October

I may or may not have some others in the middle of all of that, or some running races etc., but I will be fully training for the HIM and transitioning out of the military at the same time. 2008 will be a WAY busy and yet exciting year for me.  I am looking at tri's and running to be my lifetime hobby. I love competition and CANNOT wait to claim the title of "triathlete."

For training, I've been running pretty solid and have become, for me, fairly fast.  I do have hopes of qualifying for Boston someday and think I can do it.  I am battling a little ankle tendinities right now though.  Swimming is lacking as far as volume but I know HOW to swim and have been swimming literally before I could walk and did swim team from 2-12th I need volume and probably some technique refinement.  Biking is probably going to be my biggest area to "learn" about.  I know how to ride a bike, but the whole tri-bike on the road thing with clipping in, etc., is new to me, so I'm learning, but willing to learn.  I love working out and besides the traveling I've been doing this month, I am pretty darn consistent at it.  It is my addiction and I feel gross if I don't do it.

SO, that's me...I think this would be not only fun, but totally Cat, if there is room, I'M IN!


2007-12-12 4:14 PM
in reply to: #1098228

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - open

Hi Britt,

Welcome! Of course there is room for ya! I know you are a really strong runner, we seem to have a couple of those in this group so it looks like I might be learning from you too!

With the half and full marys you have on the schedule (very ambitious so close to each other) you may need some solid recovery time so the 1/4 Iron in March is probably ok for your first tri... Dont need you getting injured from too much training! Although if you just want to do the sprint for practice and fun.. go for it... Im never going to talk anyone out of racing (its a blast)

As I said to Lyssa cycling is first about time spent on the bike. So the more volume you get (within reason) the better. It will help your running while being lower impact on your knees so is a great complimentary exercise.

Clip in pedals are fun arent they? FWIW in my experience you fall at least once with them, but it will probably be while you are trying to start, stop or going slow so the pain should be minimal. Its like a right of passage so dont worry about it. i recently changed from SPD cleats to Look and it was like learning all over again... and I had some wobbly moments too!


2007-12-12 4:21 PM
in reply to: #1098024

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - open
hollybushellehill - 2007-12-13 7:33 AM

Nice to have some other injury stories to relate to. I've found that biking has been the best thing to protect my knees and build up the muscles around them. I've also been looking into chi running, which seems to make lots of sense, but also lots of concentration and time. Anyone else read the book or heard of chi running?

I'm also interested in learning more about nutrition.. especially being a vegetarian athlete. Are there any other veggies in the group?  

Hi Holly,

Yup Ive heard a lot about chi running and from discussions Ive found it works for some people and not for others although some of the concepts seem really sound.

My first suggestion would be see your physio, someone who knows about your prior injuries if possible, and get them to have a look at your biomechanics on a treadmill... you may need to find a sports med doctor to do this.

They will be able to tell you if anything about the way you move is dangerous or likely to cause injuries as well as looking for any muscle imbalances that may benefit from strength work.

In triathletes muscle imbalances are common, as well as the need for stretching to stop muscles from pulling your body out of alignment. The danger with changing your running style is that your body will have trouble adapting to the new style and you will develop some kind of over use injury or tendonitis...

Having said all that, chi running might be perfect for you so if you want to give it a go thats great Just ease into it and at any sign of pain or discomfort listen to your body.

Also stretch regularly and often!

Im not vegetarian but there are a few people Im friends with that are, do you eat milk and eggs? Or not? You will find the training nutrition principles are the same for both meat eaters and non meat eaters and as most training nutrition is based around carbohydrates you should not have too many problems as long as you are eating a balanced diet.

If you have some specific questions let me know and I will see what i can find out for you.


2007-12-12 5:23 PM
in reply to: #1097107

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - open
excited2tri - 2007-12-13 1:29 AM

Hi Cat and Team!  Thanks for welcoming me in the group.  Here is a little bit about me.

I am a 32yo woman, married with children.  I just got married 2 years ago, I have a son who is 16 and I have two step-kids, Brianna is 9 and Riley is 5.  I also have a chocolate lab who will be 4 in january, which she is pretty much my 4th child.    I work full time as a project analyst (I know, sounds exciting huh??)  LOL  I do tend to work from home alot, which I try to take advantage of with workouts.

I actually started training for triathlons several years ago, but never actually made it to a race.  Last year, I decided to get back into it and finish a race.  I did 2 races last year, 1 sprint and 1 mini sprint.  It was a blast.  For my first race, I was 5th from last overall, but it felt so great to cross the finish line.

Strenghts and weaknesses.  I know I am a slow swimmer, biker and runner as compared to most.  But, for my own abilities, swimming and biking are my strengths.  I can swim all day long without stopping, but my pace is 2:45/100 yards.  I am sure I have lots of room to improve with stroke, technique, etc.  I pretty much jumped in the pool last year by myself.  I haven't had any formal instruction.  Then, on the bike, I am somewhat strong.  I ride a hybrid and can keep a pace of 15-18 mph on the road and 20+ on the trainer.  I even got up to 23 mph in my last triathlon (of course, it was a downhill LOL)  I don't have clipless pedals as of yet.  Also, I am completely chicken about riding on the road, even in a group.  Some of my friends got hit by cars last year and even though they were ok, it still scares the stuffing out of me.  Running is my true nemisis.  I have done the couch to 5k plan, I have done the start out slow thing and for some reason, my body just seems to reject running.  The last attempt I made at running was keeping my HR between 145-155, so in order to do that, there was lots of walking involved. 

My other big weakness is consistency.  I do well eating and training for about 2-3 weeks, then I miss a day, turns into 2, 3, get my meaning.  So, I thought if I joined a mentor group, maybe this would keep me focused.

I plan on doing 6 races next season including 1 olympic.  I am planning on starting a 12 week training plan at the end of December, my first triathlon will be at the end of March.

Another goal is to lose some weight.  I am 5'5" and about 153 pounds.  I would love to be back in the 130's somewhere.  I know I am not really overweight, but this is the heaviest I have ever been and I can tell a difference of my energy level, etc.

Ok, so apparently I am a rambler as well.   

hehe I love that people here talk a lot its great!!! and a HUGe congrats on your first race last year - thats phenomenal!

Never worry about being slow... you are only ever racing against yourself so work out where you want o improve and just focus on that... and celebrate! Every improvement in speed, or a longest ever session or achievement should be celebrated The changes are part of the fun!

Sounds like I need to share my story of how I got into running - I will say I understand because it really is my nemisis too. Im a HUGE fan of run/walk, of taking it SLOWLY... and taking your time to build it up. I promise it will get easier but you do have to stick at it.. and I used to skip my run workout in favour of everything else... (and not Im injured but thats a seperate issue)

I also share your riding on the road fears, I like right near some of the main arterials in Sydney which are not bike safe. So what i tend to do is ride on a trainer at home during the week and sometimes do a spin class at the gym too. Then I use the weekend to get outdoors and practice just riding on the road, handling my bike and all those things when I can travel to places that I feel safe riding. It may not be a perfect solution but Ive met a lot of IMers an HIM who ride the trainer a lot, especially during the week, due to time constraints so.. it can be done!

Consistency... every one struggles with it and it is really common to have a few good weeks and then to slip. This is why Im a HUGE fan of allowing yourself treats and off meals during the process. This is a long term life style thing and if you cannot enjoy your favourite things along the way it will be HARD. Just remember to never beat yourself up over eating some yummy food... enjoy it as part of your life then at the next meal just go back eating healthy again... i KNOW its easier said than done! Otherwise I would have lost the weight I put on due to medication by now



2007-12-12 8:40 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

Alright Ive closed the Mentor group and it looks like we have a great team here...

Im thinking that there are quite a few goals and concerns shared within the group including:

- Nutrition (while racing and training)

- Weightloss (Ive kept this seperate to nutrition)

- Swimming (what to do, how to structure a workout and improve)

- Cycling (quite a few new cyclists)

- Running (some great runners and some of us who really struggle with it)

- Injury (coming back from injuries and trying to manage rehab, get back into running and stay healthy)

So Im thinking we start looking at all of these things one by one... what should we start with?


PS: Obviously pop in and post anything you like when you are training and any concerns or queries yuo might have whenver you like... I just thought I might group together some of the themes from everyones introduction posts and cover them off in a big discussion here in the forum

Edited by kaqphin 2007-12-12 8:41 PM

2007-12-12 8:52 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
can we see a list of all the people in the group? also, i haven't heard of chi running, and i'm going to check out the website you just posted, but what is it?
2007-12-12 8:56 PM
in reply to: #1098827

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

lyssa-gator - 2007-12-13 1:52 PM can we see a list of all the people in the group? also, i haven't heard of chi running, and i'm going to check out the website you just posted, but what is it?

I will get on one for those linky things for the log now... so we can all easily inspire each other and check in!

2007-12-12 9:06 PM
in reply to: #1098827

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
lyssa-gator - 2007-12-12 9:52 PM

can we see a list of all the people in the group? also, i haven't heard of chi running, and i'm going to check out the website you just posted, but what is it?

Not sure I got everyone, but here's a start on it.
1) Are the links ok?
2) If you like the color, great. If not, go here and pick a color:
3) I didn't see a few first names. I can add them, if you tell me what they are.

Super Cat's Mentor Group

kaqphin - Cat

AmbulanceDriver - Kelley

barqhead - Pam

excited2tri - Dia

hollybushellehill -

lyssa-gator - Lyssa

Out4atime - Jeni

rgattis -

TexasMPGal - Britt

2007-12-12 9:07 PM
in reply to: #1098834

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
kaqphin - 2007-12-12 9:56 PM

lyssa-gator - 2007-12-13 1:52 PM can we see a list of all the people in the group? also, i haven't heard of chi running, and i'm going to check out the website you just posted, but what is it?

I will get on one for those linky things for the log now... so we can all easily inspire each other and check in!

Done. In Super Cat colors, no less. LOL

Oh yeah - and I can add a picture, if you have one.

Edited by D001 2007-12-12 9:10 PM
2007-12-12 9:13 PM
in reply to: #1098848

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
D001 - 2007-12-13 2:06 PM
lyssa-gator - 2007-12-12 9:52 PM can we see a list of all the people in the group? also, i haven't heard of chi running, and i'm going to check out the website you just posted, but what is it?
Not sure I got everyone, but here's a start on it. 1) Are the links ok? 2) If you like the color, great. If not, go here and pick a color: I didn't see a few first names. I can add them, if you tell me what they are.
Super Cat's Mentor Group
kaqphin - Cat

AmbulanceDriver - Kelley
barqhead - Pam
excited2tri - Dia
hollybushellehill -
lyssa-gator - Lyssa
Out4atime - Jeni
rgattis -
TexasMPGal - Britt

Thanks Dee - is everyone ok with this for their logs? I told ya I would get someone else to help out!

2007-12-12 9:24 PM
in reply to: #1098861

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
Heh. I was thinking that if you have guys in the group, they may not want Super Cat colors.

So this is another option for people:

Super Cat's Mentor Group

kaqphin - Cat

AmbulanceDriver - Kelley

barqhead - Pam

excited2tri - Dia

hollybushellehill -

lyssa-gator - Lyssa

Out4atime - Jeni

rgattis -

TexasMPGal - Britt

Edited by D001 2007-12-12 9:25 PM
2007-12-12 9:34 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

If anyone has any trouble getting this into their logs let me know...


2007-12-12 10:23 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
ok, not to be the group moron, but how do i put that in my log??
2007-12-12 10:32 PM
in reply to: #1099078

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

lyssa-gator - 2007-12-13 3:23 PM ok, not to be the group moron, but how do i put that in my log??

Nope not a moron at all... I just copy and paste it into my goals....

So select the box then hit ctrl+C -

then go to your log and your control for the log which is in the top left had corner and looks like a little yellow box thing

Go to goals

Paste the box under short or longterm goals

Hit the apply button

It should then appear in your log...

I hope this helps!

PS: sometimes i have trouble copying and pasting from the thread, in which case Ive put it in my log so you could try copying it from there.

Edited by kaqphin 2007-12-12 10:33 PM
2007-12-12 10:33 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
thanks cat!

2007-12-12 10:38 PM
in reply to: #1099109

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

lyssa-gator - 2007-12-13 3:33 PM thanks cat!

LMAO - Im amazed that makes sense...

2007-12-12 10:39 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
yeah, still can't get it on there, but i'm still trying
2007-12-12 10:43 PM
in reply to: #1099128

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

lyssa-gator - 2007-12-13 3:39 PM yeah, still can't get it on there, but i'm still trying

hmmm if you hit the quote button on one of Dees threads and copy it from there.... it should just copy like the picture you have in your log so yuo can paste it into your goals really easily...

2007-12-12 10:44 PM
in reply to: #1099128

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
lyssa-gator - 2007-12-12 11:39 PM

yeah, still can't get it on there, but i'm still trying

Did you want the pink one or the blue one?

I'll give you a different way to copy it....

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