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2008-01-04 6:36 AM
in reply to: #1132080

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Subject: RE: Transitions

Time in transition is included in your overall race time.  Therefore, I try to get away with the bare minimum.  (BTW, I am still slow.)  For transitions, I lay out a towel and put all my stuff on it.  I do use a small towel to dry off my feet but then head out wet.  I have seen people with full towels, people brushing their hair, putting on lip gloss, the whole nine yards.  I go out wet because it takes less time. 

There is most definitely ettiquette ... get there early so you can find a good place to rack your bike.  Keep your stuff neat and within a reasonable range of your towel.  Neatness helps you more than it helps your fellow racers.  It is extremely competitive in my opinion.  There will inevitably be some person who wants to rack their bike in the 4" between your bike and someone else's.  The temptation to mess with their stuff is there but I rely on the karma of the universe to give them a flat or make their derailleur click the whole ride.

By and large, the tri community is very cool and very supportive.  If you have questions at your first race, ask someone.  Most of us are there to have a good time and aren't aiming for the top spot on the podium.  Looking forward to hearing about everyone's experiences!

Randomly, here's my race day prep list:


Tri jersey, Goggles (2 pair), Wetsuit, Baby oil


Bike, Bike Shoes, Helmet, Sunglasses, Gloves, Pump, Spare Tire, Water Bottles


Race shoes, Training shoes, Race belt,





Socks, Body Glide, Jacket, Sandals, USAT License, Photo ID, Gels, Race confirmation, Heart Rate monitor

Edited by jniekrasz 2008-01-04 6:38 AM

2008-01-04 7:06 AM
in reply to: #1130213

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Subject: RE: kleinrider - Open
I am starting to use the log now. Do we have to do anything special to make it viewable to the group?
2008-01-04 8:10 AM
in reply to: #1107835

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Montgomery County, PA
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full
What's the purpose of the body oil for the swim? Do you put that on to help get your wetsuit on? I just got a wetsuit for christmas and am so excited.

2008-01-04 8:13 AM
in reply to: #1107835

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Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full
Yes, the body oil is to help with getting the wetsuit off.  I've only used mine a couple of times but the wetsuit is a fascinating experience.  I particularly like the Catwoman effect! 
2008-01-04 8:14 AM
in reply to: #1132976

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Montgomery County, PA
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Open
Hi Marty,

I was just trying to figure out the logs last night as well. This is what I did...Go to the control panel at the top left of the screen. Then click on the link that says "edit your training setting". I think there are several options that you can look at there as far as making it viewable to the group. I added under the "friends only' list.
2008-01-04 10:30 AM
in reply to: #1107835

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Cinnaminson, NJ
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full
yeah if you add everyone to your "friend list" you'll be able to see our logs, but you could see someone's log with them being your friend and vice versa..

2008-01-04 10:45 AM
in reply to: #1132080

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Cinnaminson, NJ
Subject: RE: Transitions

merrymound - 2008-01-03 6:43 PM I was wondering how the T1 transition typically goes. Do people dry off with a towel or do they just begin the bike segment wet? Is there some transition area etiquette or is the transition area viewed as a competitive area of the race? What are the tips that veterans have for us rank newbies on the transitions? Thanks for the help.

Jessica did a great job and explaining T1 and T2. Here is my extra 2 cents..   People normally don't dry off, at the very least you may want to dry your feet, or get the dirt/sand off of them before you put on your bike shoes/running shoes.  Like Jessica said, people do all sorts of stuff in T1 and T2.  The only really etiquette is to make the most of your space and don't be greedy and take to much space.  Not all transition area are set up the same....

1. Most are first come first serve.  You can set up where ever you want

2. You rack your bike on a certain rack.  For example people who have number in the range of 1-20 use this rack. 21-40 use this rack and so on. 

3. you rack your bike exactly where they tell you, the rack will have a sticker with your number on it.

They other thing people should do to create space, is to alternate the way the bike is facing on the rack, this will create more space for you and the other people to set our stuff.  This usually happens is the race director tells you where exactly to rack.

2008-01-04 10:54 AM
in reply to: #1133076

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Cinnaminson, NJ
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full

erjewels32 - 2008-01-04 9:10 AM What's the purpose of the body oil for the swim? Do you put that on to help get your wetsuit on? I just got a wetsuit for christmas and am so excited.

I have never used body oil... i am have to give it a try... I use cooking spray, works well for me... Or you can get body glide.  What ever you use you would put in on your calf ankle area, the wetsuit is hard to pull off in this area.  you can also put in on your wrist area so the wetsuit will come off easy.  If you don't have body glide i would get it.  I normally put in on the back of my neck cause sometimes the wetsuit will rub and create a rash.

2008-01-04 11:13 AM
in reply to: #1107835

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Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: Thanks
Thanks for the good info on the transitions. I think that being uncomfortable with the transitions is one reason more people don't go into triathlons and stick to just running or biking. How useful is the wetsuit? I am trying to not spend a ton of money on this thing and was thinking of skipping the wetsuit. What do you guys think?
2008-01-04 11:30 AM
in reply to: #1133586

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Cinnaminson, NJ
Subject: RE: Thanks
my opinion on wetsuits... its a very good investment.  If you aren't the best swimmer this will really help you during a race.  It creates float which you want to become a good swimmer, you want to swim on the top of the water.  If you are already a good swimmer they really don't offer much help other than keeping you warm.  I have one and it's really helped my swim times.  Maybe could borrow or rent one to see if you like it...
2008-01-04 1:30 PM
in reply to: #1107835

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Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full

The funny thing with wetsuits is they help a ton but do take some getting used to.  Try it out before a race .... I find them a little creepy myself but the helpfulness (and warmth) outweigh my other issues.  It's good to know what you're getting into. 

And, if you haven't shopped for one before, be prepared to sweat like a goat.  There's a lot of effort into getting these things on and off.

2008-01-04 5:19 PM
in reply to: #1107835

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Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full
Ah. . . sweating while trying on skin tight athletic apparel. Sounds fun.
2008-01-06 9:39 AM
in reply to: #1107835

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Montgomery County, PA
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full
How do I go to others logs to look at them? It's probably right in front of me, but I'm not seeing how to do it.

I am heaading out today for a double workout. This weekend has been CRAZY because I was helping my sister throw a surprise party for yesterday. I felt so GUILTY missing my planned swim workout on Friday. Anyone ever feel that way? I'm making up the swim today, but I was beating myself up.

Is there a special way to log a "rest day"?

Hope you're all having a great weekend!!!
2008-01-06 10:20 AM
in reply to: #1107835

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Montgomery County, PA
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full
Never mind....I found out how to look at everyone's logs. Great job everyone!
2008-01-06 11:54 AM
in reply to: #1136965

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Cinnaminson, NJ
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full

erjewels32 - 2008-01-06 10:39 AM  I felt so GUILTY missing my planned swim workout on Friday. Anyone ever feel that way? I'm making up the swim today, but I was beating myself up. Is there a special way to log a "rest day"? Hope you're all having a great weekend!!!

Erin very normal to feel guilty about missing a workout, but you can't beat yourself up over it.  This won't be the last workout you miss, you have a family, job, you may get sick, in other words you have a life outside of triathlon.  Missing one workout will not hurt you, maybe missing 4-5 in a row, you may feel it when you get back into it, but don't sweat missing one workout.

You could but rest day on the blog portion of the log, but i don't think you'll see it in the calendar view, like if you where sick or injured...

2008-01-06 3:45 PM
in reply to: #1107835

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Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full
I have let missing a few workouts derail me completely from attaining goals. Hard to defeat that mental block. Now I try to do at least something on days I'm not doing my planned workout. This is usually yoga or something of that sort. Then I won't feel like a total lump for missing my planned workout.

2008-01-06 4:03 PM
in reply to: #1107835

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Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full
That mental bump is hard to get past ... I have a friend who had it click for her recently and it was really cool to watch it unfold.  "You mean I can go out and eat Chinese and drink too much and all I have to do is get back on track the next day?"  It's liberating.
2008-01-06 5:16 PM
in reply to: #1107835

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New user
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full
2008-01-07 8:07 AM
in reply to: #1107835

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Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full
I am a real big fan of the route feature on this site. It is great for planning. I could spend all day on it figuring things out from my house to different places that I normally go. It is a great little tool if you haven't checked it out I would highly recommend it.
2008-01-07 8:34 AM
in reply to: #1107835

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New user
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full

Not sure what happened to my response from last night.  Oh well. 

I like Google Pedometer for my route planning.  Also used some times because it uses Google ... and calculated my pace and so forth.  As I prefert to run outside than on a treadmill.   

2008-01-07 8:47 AM
in reply to: #1107835

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Montgomery County, PA
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full
Where's the route feature on this site? I typically use, but I would love to check the one on this site.

2008-01-07 9:15 AM
in reply to: #1107835

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Montgomery County, PA
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full
Not sure what I was thinking, but I use 'favorite run' for tracking my routes....not everyrun.
2008-01-07 9:31 AM
in reply to: #1107835

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Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full

I'm a Garmin fan ... been using the 305 for a little over a year.  Best investment in my training since I started.  I should try these mapping sites though ... my technology skills need to be expanded!

2008-01-07 9:31 AM
in reply to: #1138392

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Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full
erjewels32 - 2008-01-07 9:47 AM

Where's the route feature on this site? I typically use, but I would love to check the one on this site.

If you click on the globe on your training log page you can enter your route information.
2008-01-07 10:52 AM
in reply to: #1107835

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Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full
Do you have to be a performance member or can you be a free user and still use the mapping feature?
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