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2008-01-11 8:26 AM
in reply to: #1149059

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Lakeville, MN
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - OPEN

riverrat - 2008-01-10 6:17 PM I am planning on doing a sprint to start out with. I can swim like any old guy but can i swim for distance or endurance right now, no. I was going to order the book triathlon swimming made easy and order the drill dvd to go with it. It was written by Terry Laughlins. Her web site is Ihave heard nothing but good things from its reviews.

I think TI is a great way for most to learn and perfect their swimming...let me know how that goes for you.  I think they also have drills and videos on their website???

2008-01-11 8:36 AM
in reply to: #1144570

New user

Harrisburg, PA
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - OPEN
I am doing the New Jersey legs are .45 swim, 23.5 bike, 4 mile run. I am going to use the sprint plans from Matt fitzgerald......i think i can do his level five. The first week of the plan falls in what i can already do, but i dont know if i should use a higher level or maybe a lower level.....what are your thoughts????? Im not starting it until the 11th of Feb. So until that time i am just slowly working up to whatever level i can until then.

2008-01-11 10:22 AM
in reply to: #1124253

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Longview, TX
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED
riverrat - 2008-01-10 6:17 PM I am planning on doing a sprint to start out with. I can swim like any old guy but can i swim for distance or endurance right now, no. I was going to order the book triathlon swimming made easy and order the drill dvd to go with it. It was written by Terry Laughlins. Her web site is Ihave heard nothing but good things from its reviews.


I think TI is a great way for most to learn and perfect their swimming...let me know how that goes for you.  I think they also have drills and videos on their website???

I'm going through the TI book right now.  I think we're in a different boat though.  I really don't have too much problem swimming for endurance.  I just struggle to do it in under a pace of 2:30ish.  So that's what I'm hoping for.  Plus, the book makes it sound as if you can swim fast, but efficient.  That's what I'm striving for is the efficiency.  How far along are you into the TI instruction?

2008-01-11 6:52 PM
in reply to: #1149881

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Lakeville, MN
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - OPEN

boomer4370 - 2008-01-11 8:36 AM Ben, I am doing the New Jersey legs are .45 swim, 23.5 bike, 4 mile run. I am going to use the sprint plans from Matt fitzgerald......i think i can do his level five. The first week of the plan falls in what i can already do, but i dont know if i should use a higher level or maybe a lower level.....what are your thoughts????? Im not starting it until the 11th of Feb. So until that time i am just slowly working up to whatever level i can until then. Thomas

I am not familiar with his there a link to it on the internet, or do you maybe want to e-mail it to me?  LMK if you do and I will send you my e-mail address.  Also, how many levels does it go up to?  If you can already do level five, then I would go up a level or two and see how it goes.  My mantra has always been to overtrain significantly.  Why only stop after 800 yards in the pool becasue that is all you have to swim.  For example, in my Half Ironman swim, it is 2100 yards, and my normal workouts during the summer are between 3500-4500 yards...and I HATE swimming!

LMK on the plan



2008-01-11 6:56 PM
in reply to: #1124253

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Lakeville, MN
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED

Clint - I would have someone at the pool that you see a bit (or swims fast) take a quick look at your stoke.  A few things that I would check to make sure that you are doing are:

Make sure your head/eyes are straight down - this helps to keep your legs/feet from dragging.

Also, make sure to reach AS FAR as you can, so that you can maximize your pull.


Let me know if you need anything, or have questions



2008-01-11 7:01 PM
in reply to: #1124253

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Lakeville, MN
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED

So I just found the levels from Matt Fitzgerald, and for a sprint, if you can already do level 5, I would shoot for levels 6 or 7 if you think you have the time...The biggest thing with a sprint of that distance, will be speed versus endurance...



2008-01-12 9:51 AM
in reply to: #1151430

New user

Harrisburg, PA
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED
I have a month until i REALLY start. I guess im just going to see what i am doing by the 11th and i guess ill just take it from that point. Time is not the problem at all.....with my job i make my own hours......its the running i hate to do.......i have to cut back big time on the lifting....i have to get some of this muscle weight off......its killing me on the runs. I have an ok pace but i always want least for the level i want to be at. I run an 8 45 pace at my moderate zone.....really i have know idea what would be a good pace from a bad one in a race that i would want to do well in.

2008-01-12 3:24 PM
in reply to: #1124253

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Lakeville, MN
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED

Thomas -

I don't think that you would be able to get any significant muscle weight off with in the next few months.  Since you have a month until you start your plan, while I know you are not a huge fan of running, I would HIGHLY reccomend that you spend the majority of the that time running. 

Sometimes, we need to overdo the things that we are not fond of in order to get our body to respond. 

I would reccomend being able to swim/bike/and run AT LEAST twice the distance of your race if you are trully wanting to be able to do well in your age group.

2008-01-13 8:36 AM
in reply to: #1152206

New user

Harrisburg, PA
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED

What do you see as a good time(s) for the swim/bike/run to shoot for in my training that i can work on so i have a chance in my age group? As for my running......i would have no problem to double up my running........hate that running.......but LOVE the challenge.


2008-01-13 8:48 AM
in reply to: #1124253

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Lakeville, MN
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED

Honestly, it is really hard to say.  Here in MN, in order to win your AG at most races you have to swim 1:30's, bike 24mph, and run in the 6:00-6:15 range....But I am not sure what the competition is like where you are.  The best thing you could do is to check the race web page and look at last years results in the AG that you will be competing, that would give you a good idea of what it will take.  Keep in mind that with very few exceptions race times get quicker every year, so what won the AG last year may only be good for 2nd or 3rd.

What are your current avg's (time/speed) for all three disciplines?



2008-01-14 8:42 AM
in reply to: #1124253

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Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED
OK, so I have 1/2 of my 12 week program loaded... 5 more weeks to lead into the planned section. I tend to be very competitive and over train, so using this very basic workout is a bit difficult… I want to do more in base phase than it suggests… However, I last year I over trained on swimming so much that I messed my shoulder up to the point where I could not even pull myself down the pool.

So this time around I am focusing on form and technique so that I can actually compete and finish my first triathlon.

2008-01-14 10:28 AM
in reply to: #1124253

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Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED
Just went and picked up the TI book... we'll see how it goes...
2008-01-15 12:16 PM
in reply to: #1154501

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Lakeville, MN
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED

SnyderJasonD - 2008-01-14 10:28 AM Just went and picked up the TI book... we'll see how it goes...

How's the book?

2008-01-15 12:36 PM
in reply to: #1157469

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Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED
not to sure yet, started to read it last night but got side tracked... will know more tonight...
2008-01-15 12:42 PM
in reply to: #1124253

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Lakeville, MN
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED
sounds good...check their website too, they have some video's on their that help show you what it is supposed to look like for those who are visual learners like myself
2008-01-18 7:33 AM
in reply to: #1124253

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Longview, TX
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED
Any updates with TI?  I'm now over half way thru the book, and I'm almost all the way thru the drills.  I'm feeling much more balanced, like I'm allowing the water to work with me rather than against me.  Any thoughts?

2008-01-18 7:44 AM
in reply to: #1124253

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Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED
I am about 3/4 of the way through the book, I will be working on drills this afternoon, so hopefully I will have some of the your same success...
2008-01-18 7:47 AM
in reply to: #1124253

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Lakeville, MN
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED

JC- I saw your post in your blog about having to switch your weeding date...that has to be a bit stressful...I wouldn't worry too much about being engrossed by IMAZ, I think there are many people (including myself) who would feel the same way.


Great to hear about your swimming!

2008-01-18 8:11 AM
in reply to: #1163427

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Lakeville, MN
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED

SnyderJasonD - 2008-01-18 7:44 AM I am about 3/4 of the way through the book, I will be working on drills this afternoon, so hopefully I will have some of the your same success...


Let us know how the drills go

2008-01-18 12:30 PM
in reply to: #1124253

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Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED
I Worked on TI drill 1 (Basic Balance on Back) for 175 meters. I am very slow with my kick... Dont seem to cover much ground quickly. I had moments of feeling balanced... I did not try the drills for the side sweet spot...

I did swim 75 meters freestyle working on high shoulder, rotating and reaching as far as I can... averaged 34s/25m with average of 15 strokes for 25 meters w/ 10 seconds of reset between 25 meters...
2008-01-18 8:40 PM
in reply to: #1124253

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Longview, TX
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED

I'm very slow with my kick as well, but I'm really thinking kicking shouldn't be the emphasis.  At least, that's what I'm gathering.  Looks like you're doing pretty well though!

2008-01-18 9:02 PM
in reply to: #1165046

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Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED
thanks JC, I agree, it's all about the form, balance etc... just frustrating not moving very far...I just noticed that there is a TI Workshp in my area this weekend and again in march... for 495... kind of a lot of money... but we'll see where I am in march... it might be worth it for a 2 day workshop
2008-01-21 1:13 PM
in reply to: #1152840

New user

Harrisburg, PA
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED
Sorry it took so long to get back to you. I have never timed myself for my swims so i dont know about my time for that. My bike ave. if i was to race at this pace right now is 20.5mph. my run is 8.05 pace. Last years top paces for each are.....swim was .450 at 10min 5sec.... the ave. was 15m 25sec. The bike best time was 1.01:51 at 23.5 miles.... the ave. was 1.21:34.....and the best run was 25:15 for 4 miles and the ave was this an idea of what i will be looking at this year. I think i could use the best times from each as a goal to reach by May 4th
2008-01-22 1:00 PM
in reply to: #1124253

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Lakeville, MN
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED
No worries...depending on what your goals are for the year, I think that is a great place to start.
2008-01-22 1:02 PM
in reply to: #1124253

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Lakeville, MN
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED

So that brings be to another thought - Let's all post our goals here so we can help eachother reach them

I will go first - I have two goals this year

My main goal is to go sub 5 hours in my Half Ironman this year, and to be able to break 1:50 on that half Mary.

My second goal is to win my A/G


What's Your's?!

Edited by benihana 2008-01-22 1:03 PM
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