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2009-05-13 9:00 AM
in reply to: #2147401

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West Fargo
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
maggiewvu - 2009-05-12 11:15 PM
I have some big boyfriend and I just got engaged!!!  Woohoo!  I'm so excited!! 

Congratulations!!! You have to be jumping out of your skin!!!

2009-05-13 9:14 AM
in reply to: #2068936

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On a lake in the Adirondacks in NY
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
I did my first 2000 yard swim this morning!  I am so excited!  (I know, I'm always excited about my swims.Tongue out
2009-05-13 9:31 AM
in reply to: #2068936

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On a lake in the Adirondacks in NY
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
I really need to work on my running, so I'm going to set a goal for myself of 33 miles.  That's 30 miles of training runs and another 3 miles for my tri at the end of June.  In order to get there I won't be able to have any of those 12 min/mile runs that like to sneak in there every now and then, so hopefully this goal will motivate me to run faster!

Lora, your calendar must look like mine.  This weekend is my daughter's dance show, then we get a break from driving her to dance class twice a week.  I can't wait.  But first I have to survive the weekend - there are shows Saturday and Sunday, and we have one set of grandparents here for each show.  I am trying to get my house really clean and keep packing at the same time.  My husband is leaving today for a couple of days (he has two job interviews near the new place! Yea!) and won't be back until Friday night, so it's all up to me.  Yipes!
2009-05-13 9:36 AM
in reply to: #2068936

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Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Congrats Maggiewvu!!!!  All the best to you!   How did your bf/fiance find time to propose with all the traveling you are doing!!

I will be thinking about the challenge and what would be best for me.   I think I will probably pick bike since I need time on it..and more confidence.   I borrowed a trainer from my neighbor so I could work on getting in and out of the clipless pedals.  It will also help me get some riding in this week since we are expecting 40mph winds til Friday.

Lora - can you give me any information or advice on running cadence?   I have been trying to do this (as per ChiRunning) but my HR goes way up and my speed stays the same or even slows down when I try to increase cadence.  

Back to the corral!
2009-05-13 2:02 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Northern VA
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Hey Lora!
Glad to see you back, I was getting worried!

I have no idea what to set as a goal, I've got so much going on between now and then, a 1 mile ows, a 5k and then my first sprint tri on the 21st of june. So really after next week the training is winding down...
2009-05-13 2:58 PM
in reply to: #2147401

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
maggiewvu - 2009-05-13 12:15 AM Hi Ladies!  I'm still here although I've only had time to read a little bit now and then.  Things have been so crazy ever since I left for CA last week, and I just haven't gotten back into the swing of things yet.  I have my alarm set for a 4 mile run in the morning.  I'm in CT now, but will get a run in on the TM at my hotel before my meetings.  Then I fly back home tomorrow night.  I've got to get back on schedule.  We were out of town this past weekend, will be out of town this weekend, and the following (Memorial day weekend) - also my birthdayLaughing.  There's never really not an excuse to at least run, I just need to get up and do it first thing before anything else!  Ugh...seriously lacking motivation the last week and a half or so.  I need to get on here more often and keep reading about the rest of the groups awesome progress.  You all are doing great!

Congratulations on all the recent race reports everyone! 

I have some big boyfriend and I just got engaged!!!  Woohoo!  I'm so excited!! 

Well, that's just some huge news!  Congratulations, Maggie!

2009-05-13 3:08 PM
in reply to: #2140809

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
serendipity - 2009-05-09 6:39 PM I finished my 5K in 30:20, 3 seconds longer than my PR.  I was hoping to beat it today, but it got hot and very humid here and I was dragging near the end.  I did the first mile in 9:09, which was my fastest mile ever, but then we were out in the sun and I started to fade.  I just kept telling myself that my first tri is at the end of June, and it's likely to be hot, so I'd better suck it up and deal with running in the heat.

I ended up 4th in my age group, which made me happy.  I've never placed in the single digits before.

I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!

Sorry you didn't PR, but that's great that you had your fastest mile and that you placed so high in your AG!  Really awesome, Debbie!
2009-05-13 4:05 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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West Fargo
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Ok, thought I would get in the water today...but it just didn't happen. The time didn't work out. So Today I got in to the gym and did an hour of strength training. I worked on doing very slow reps to really work out those muscles. After doing the circuit, today's training called for an 8 mile ride on the bike. It was SUPER windy today, so I stayed in the gym and rode the upright on cardio mode. Next time I know I can go up a couple levels, but I still was able to get sweaty and finished in around 33 minutes. Whew. Felt so good.

As for the challenge. I REALLY need to get strength training going. I'm pretty good at sticking to my training plans with the run & bike, and I'm not going to be able to get into the water for a couple weeks yet. So Strength it is. Now I need to figure out the goal... Lets say:

Circuit training 2 x week + 1 Core Specific Workout = 3 strength weekly.

I would LOVE to have any recommendations for a strength training goal and how to adjust it weekly???? (is just doing it enough, or should I be looking at a rep increase of 10% weekly? I don't think I want to increase weight by much)
2009-05-13 4:28 PM
in reply to: #2149126

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
sleeping_butterflies - 2009-05-13 5:05 PM Ok, thought I would get in the water today...but it just didn't happen. The time didn't work out. So Today I got in to the gym and did an hour of strength training. I worked on doing very slow reps to really work out those muscles. After doing the circuit, today's training called for an 8 mile ride on the bike. It was SUPER windy today, so I stayed in the gym and rode the upright on cardio mode. Next time I know I can go up a couple levels, but I still was able to get sweaty and finished in around 33 minutes. Whew. Felt so good. As for the challenge. I REALLY need to get strength training going. I'm pretty good at sticking to my training plans with the run & bike, and I'm not going to be able to get into the water for a couple weeks yet. So Strength it is. Now I need to figure out the goal... Lets say: Circuit training 2 x week + 1 Core Specific Workout = 3 strength weekly. I would LOVE to have any recommendations for a strength training goal and how to adjust it weekly???? (is just doing it enough, or should I be looking at a rep increase of 10% weekly? I don't think I want to increase weight by much)

OK.  ST 3 times a week it is.  "They say" that triathletes should do higher reps at lower weights.  That being said, I'd see if your gym has a personal trainer that can go through a session with you at least one time.
2009-05-13 4:32 PM
in reply to: #2141138

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
lkc01234 - 2009-05-09 10:53 PM

Congrats on the races women!  And Shannon - that's SOOO awesome you did a half marathon!!!

I'm just so proud of myself for making it through this week - and I think I did a pretty good job of it!  Working out was put to the wayside a bit...but I ended up having a good Saturday in which I did an OK run and a little bit of the new Pilates DVD I rented - - I'm realizing Pilates is a good way to go...focusing on your coreSmile  Although I'm sure Yoga is good too Tongue out

But I also cleaned and did a bit of organizing...I hadn't seen my therapist in like a month and she said I looked different...better - - whether that's true or not, I'm not sure.  But it's feeling better! 

I got my "LapCounter Combo" yesterday and used it to day on my jog - and I have to's GREAT!  I can't wait to use it on my swim tomorrow!  I got it from amazon for $34 w/ shipping and I think I'll be using it on all my workouts...the stopwatch is great!  (Plus I realized once it starts getting warmer....I don't have to worry about the watch tanline!)

Hope everyone is having a good weekend...I'm SOOOO glad to have my mother's day gifts etc, done.....!  I always want to show my mother a little something different...but it can be a bit stressful!!!


I love pilates and yoga.  I wish I had time in my training to do it.  That's great that your therapist noticed a difference.  That must have been some great feedback for you.  I'm glad to hear it.
2009-05-13 4:37 PM
in reply to: #2147987

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
serendipity - 2009-05-13 10:31 AM I really need to work on my running, so I'm going to set a goal for myself of 33 miles.  That's 30 miles of training runs and another 3 miles for my tri at the end of June.  In order to get there I won't be able to have any of those 12 min/mile runs that like to sneak in there every now and then, so hopefully this goal will motivate me to run faster!

Lora, your calendar must look like mine.  This weekend is my daughter's dance show, then we get a break from driving her to dance class twice a week.  I can't wait.  But first I have to survive the weekend - there are shows Saturday and Sunday, and we have one set of grandparents here for each show.  I am trying to get my house really clean and keep packing at the same time.  My husband is leaving today for a couple of days (he has two job interviews near the new place! Yea!) and won't be back until Friday night, so it's all up to me.  Yipes!

OK.  I thought I had been busy!  Ha ha.  Thirty-three miles between next Monday and the end of June?  I gotcha down!

2009-05-13 5:26 PM
in reply to: #2148008

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
ranchrunner - 2009-05-13 10:36 AM Congrats Maggiewvu!!!!  All the best to you!   How did your bf/fiance find time to propose with all the traveling you are doing!!

I will be thinking about the challenge and what would be best for me.   I think I will probably pick bike since I need time on it..and more confidence.   I borrowed a trainer from my neighbor so I could work on getting in and out of the clipless pedals.  It will also help me get some riding in this week since we are expecting 40mph winds til Friday.

Lora - can you give me any information or advice on running cadence?   I have been trying to do this (as per ChiRunning) but my HR goes way up and my speed stays the same or even slows down when I try to increase cadence.  

Back to the corral!

Sharie, your daughter at the bike shop cracked me up!  Glad to hear you'll be practicing clipping in and out on a trainer first.  I'm just now switching to clipless and I did a couple spin classes first just to figure out how the heck to even do it!  Still haven't taken them on the road but will Saturday after next.

First thing I'll ask (because I had to ask it on the ChiRunning forum to clarify myself) is when they give you a cadence of 85 to 90 strikes per minute, are you counting that for each foot strike or just for every other foot strike?  That 85 to 90 range is for every other foot, so during the course of one minute, you should have 170 to 180 foot strikes total.  If you're doing that okay, I would even say to not get too concerned about slowing down, even with your HR going up.  Just give making these changes a few runs.  Remember, the order of development is form, distance and speed.

When I started, I was running "regularly" 10 minute miles.  When I started ChiRunning, my minutes/miles skyrocketed to like 12-13 minutes per mile for 2-3 months.  After focusing on my form in different areas and then focusing on other elements, my minutes/mile went back down to 10 minutes/mile almost overnight, if my memory serves me correctly.

Let me know about your strikes per minute and we'll take it from there! 
2009-05-13 5:29 PM
in reply to: #2148761

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
freeflykami - 2009-05-13 3:02 PM Hey Lora!
Glad to see you back, I was getting worried!

I have no idea what to set as a goal, I've got so much going on between now and then, a 1 mile ows, a 5k and then my first sprint tri on the 21st of june. So really after next week the training is winding down...

Hey, Kami!  I completely understand.  You could still set a goal with those particular parameters in mind.  This is for you, so whatever works for you is with what we'll go. 
2009-05-13 5:35 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
There's a new video series on here ya'll should check out sometime.  You've heard me talk about the Total Immersion swimming method on here.  A couple months ago, BT was a sponsor at a multisport conference in Boston and the creator of TI, Terry Laughlin, (AKA one of my heroes) was a speaker.  BT has made a video series of his lecture and they've posted the first part.  Here's the link to that first part.  I'll keep you posted when the other ones are produced and published.  Enjoy!
2009-05-13 6:00 PM
in reply to: #2149281

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Subject: Chi Running

I am counting correctly...170 for both feet/85 for one.   I am consistently doing this cadence but try as I might I cannot seem to get it any higher.     I think I probably need to read the book more fully so I understand form better.   I have skimmed the book - who has time to read! And I have watched several youtube videos and one I found here that was the beginning of a clinic.    

I guess I am worried about it since my Tri is only 7 weeks away and maybe I am doing too much tweaking, etc.   Although, on the other hand, I can work on proper form, cadence etc, during training and then race in whatever form I can muster that day!  LOL     As far as speed, I ran a 10K just before deciding to do the Tri and my split avg was 9.30 or something close.  On mile 5 I almost broke 9.00!   Since starting Tri training, paying closer attn. to HR and working on CR,  I have slowed down considerably.

Yesterday I rode the bike on the trainer for 7miles and did a lot of clipping and unclipping.   For the most part it went well, although there were a few pretty rough clip-ins!   I hope I get more confident on that bike before the Tri.

2009-05-13 6:16 PM
in reply to: #2149295

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Subject: total immersion videos
I watched the video and am intrigued.   Is BT going to put the other "parts" of the series up on the site?

2009-05-13 6:18 PM
in reply to: #2149327

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West Fargo
Subject: RE: Chi Running
ranchrunner - 2009-05-13 6:00 PM

As far as speed, I ran a 10K just before deciding to do the Tri and my split avg was 9.30 or something close.  On mile 5 I almost broke 9.00!   Sharie

Holy Moly you're speedy!
2009-05-13 6:57 PM
in reply to: #2149327

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Chi Running
ranchrunner - 2009-05-13 7:00 PM Lora,

I am counting correctly...170 for both feet/85 for one.   I am consistently doing this cadence but try as I might I cannot seem to get it any higher.     I think I probably need to read the book more fully so I understand form better.   I have skimmed the book - who has time to read! And I have watched several youtube videos and one I found here that was the beginning of a clinic.    

I guess I am worried about it since my Tri is only 7 weeks away and maybe I am doing too much tweaking, etc.   Although, on the other hand, I can work on proper form, cadence etc, during training and then race in whatever form I can muster that day!  LOL     As far as speed, I ran a 10K just before deciding to do the Tri and my split avg was 9.30 or something close.  On mile 5 I almost broke 9.00!   Since starting Tri training, paying closer attn. to HR and working on CR,  I have slowed down considerably.

Yesterday I rode the bike on the trainer for 7miles and did a lot of clipping and unclipping.   For the most part it went well, although there were a few pretty rough clip-ins!   I hope I get more confident on that bike before the Tri.


OK, good!  I actually wouldn't worry about going any higher on your cadence.  HR can be a good gauge, but I would caution you not to become a slave to it.  Try going by rate of perceived exertion (RPE) in addition to or even instead, the one to 10 scale of how you feel.  Increasing your speed will come.  It can never hurt to go back and refresh and read the book.  I need to do that myself.  I also just need to buy the DVD.  I think that'll help me clue-in on things I've forgotten or missed totally.

"I can work on proper form, cadence etc, during training and then race in whatever form I can muster that day."  Yes!

The great thing about the bike course in a tri is that you shouldn't have to stop so clipping in and out shouldn't be problematic.  Do you have SPD pedals and shoes?  That's what I've got.

Just hang in there on the CR!  Continue to be analytical, but with patience.  Any time I think I should be further along, I remember Danny Dreyer saying that after running this way for several years, he's still learning.  That helps me put my running in perspective.

Keep training hard!
2009-05-13 7:38 PM
in reply to: #2149395

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Subject: RE: Chi Running

OK, good!  I actually wouldn't worry about going any higher on your cadence.  HR can be a good gauge, but I would caution you not to become a slave to it.  Try going by rate of perceived exertion (RPE) in addition to or even instead, the one to 10 scale of how you feel.  Increasing your speed will come.  It can never hurt to go back and refresh and read the book.  I need to do that myself.  I also just need to buy the DVD.  I think that'll help me clue-in on things I've forgotten or missed totally.

I would like to buy the DVD....but with all the buying that has been going on with regards to my TRI-ing already, I think the family budget is squeezed to its limit!    Is there somewhere to read more about RPE?

The great thing about the bike course in a tri is that you shouldn't have to stop so clipping in and out shouldn't be problematic.  Do you have SPD pedals and shoes?  That's what I've got.

I have Shimano pedals, but I got Specialized Riatas for my shoes.  I really have been blessed in so many ways getting prepared for this race (here I just complained about the $$ and budget!).  

Just hang in there on the CR!  Continue to be analytical, but with patience.  Any time I think I should be further along, I remember Danny Dreyer saying that after running this way for several years, he's still learning.  That helps me put my running in perspective.
I know I am way too hard on myself in general!    I have had to step back today and realize that I can only do so much.   Between processing and hauling cattle all last week, my hard windy ride on Friday, the other training, chasing kids to track meets, sports banquets, etc., my body is telling me LOUD and clear to stop!!   I actually took a nap today - very unlike me - and will probably back off the training for the rest of this week.   I may to a slow ride on the trainer and walk, but I have to give myself time to recoupe or I will not end up being fit to race.

2009-05-13 7:40 PM
in reply to: #2149354

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Subject: RE: Chi Running
sleeping_butterflies - 2009-05-13 5:18 PM
ranchrunner - 2009-05-13 6:00 PM As far as speed, I ran a 10K just before deciding to do the Tri and my split avg was 9.30 or something close.  On mile 5 I almost broke 9.00!   Sharie

Holy Moly you're speedy!

That is funny because I think of myself as SO slow!!  I guess it is all a matter of perspective.   Thanks for the comment.  I needed it today....a big day of reflection for me.

2009-05-13 8:08 PM
in reply to: #2149460

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Chi Running
ranchrunner - 2009-05-13 8:38 PM

OK, good!  I actually wouldn't worry about going any higher on your cadence.  HR can be a good gauge, but I would caution you not to become a slave to it.  Try going by rate of perceived exertion (RPE) in addition to or even instead, the one to 10 scale of how you feel.  Increasing your speed will come.  It can never hurt to go back and refresh and read the book.  I need to do that myself.  I also just need to buy the DVD.  I think that'll help me clue-in on things I've forgotten or missed totally.

I would like to buy the DVD....but with all the buying that has been going on with regards to my TRI-ing already, I think the family budget is squeezed to its limit!    Is there somewhere to read more about RPE?

The great thing about the bike course in a tri is that you shouldn't have to stop so clipping in and out shouldn't be problematic.  Do you have SPD pedals and shoes?  That's what I've got.

I have Shimano pedals, but I got Specialized Riatas for my shoes.  I really have been blessed in so many ways getting prepared for this race (here I just complained about the $$ and budget!).  

Just hang in there on the CR!  Continue to be analytical, but with patience.  Any time I think I should be further along, I remember Danny Dreyer saying that after running this way for several years, he's still learning.  That helps me put my running in perspective.
I know I am way too hard on myself in general!    I have had to step back today and realize that I can only do so much.   Between processing and hauling cattle all last week, my hard windy ride on Friday, the other training, chasing kids to track meets, sports banquets, etc., my body is telling me LOUD and clear to stop!!   I actually took a nap today - very unlike me - and will probably back off the training for the rest of this week.   I may to a slow ride on the trainer and walk, but I have to give myself time to recoupe or I will not end up being fit to race.


Totally understand budget issues.  See if you can borrow the DVD from the library.  That's how I read the book (no DVD yet in my area).  Here's a link to an explanation of RPE.  Let me know if you have any further questions about it.

Way to listen to your body!  You are so right about needing some recoup time.  I tend to go all or nothing so I end up taking 2-3 rest days sometimes (ahem, this past weekend ), instead of planning better.

2009-05-13 8:38 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Subject: bike photo
road bike

Wanted to share a pic of my new bike.     I got it from a WTB ad here at BT for a great price!    The Specialized bike shop where I went to have it adjusted and fit thought it was an awesome ride...and so do I!

2009-05-13 8:52 PM
in reply to: #2149535

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: bike photo
ranchrunner - 2009-05-13 9:38 PM road bike

Wanted to share a pic of my new bike.     I got it from a WTB ad here at BT for a great price!    The Specialized bike shop where I went to have it adjusted and fit thought it was an awesome ride...and so do I!


Awesome.  Awesome.  Awesome!  I love it!  This is an exciting time in your tri life for sure!  I'm glad you shared.
2009-05-14 9:27 AM
in reply to: #2068936

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Puyallup, WA
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED

Exactly 1 week to my first 5K!  I don't expect to run it all...I just want to do it!  And work is paying for it's a win, win!

Last night I ran (jogged, rather) for 2 miles straight - first time in about 5 years I've been able to do that!  I was running a 15 minute mile (So yes...9:30 min miles sound REALLY fast to me! Tongue out)  So yeah for me!!  I took a day off on Tuesday and felt guilty...but realize maybe a day off is good!  duh, I know...

I also have been doing a lot of reading of the "triathlon talk" threads and read a little bit of the run/walk combination.  As in the pro's and con's of doing both, for example - run 4 minutes, walk a minute - repeat.  Some were saying they can do faster miles that way...I probably should get a heart rate monitor if I'm interested in that - so many new fun toys to buy...not sure which ones to chose! (as everyone is probably learning/knows)  But part of me wonders whether I should just wait to get the watch I really want - which is one with GPS.  I do want the HR monitor, but I also feel I'd gain just as much from being able to track distance and speed!  I can count my own HR for free....why not get something that is really, really useful?!?!  Any thoughts?  Who has what watch? 

I'm having problems setting my goals.  I know I want it to be running - but not sure whether to set times or distances or frequency?!!?  My 5K is in the middle of the month....

OH, OH - before I forget...CONGRATULATIONS maggie!  So exciting!!!  Laughing

2009-05-14 9:56 AM
in reply to: #2150365

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
lkc01234 - 2009-05-14 10:27 AM

Exactly 1 week to my first 5K!  I don't expect to run it all...I just want to do it!  And work is paying for it's a win, win!

Last night I ran (jogged, rather) for 2 miles straight - first time in about 5 years I've been able to do that!  I was running a 15 minute mile (So yes...9:30 min miles sound REALLY fast to me! Tongue out)  So yeah for me!!  I took a day off on Tuesday and felt guilty...but realize maybe a day off is good!  duh, I know...

I also have been doing a lot of reading of the "triathlon talk" threads and read a little bit of the run/walk combination.  As in the pro's and con's of doing both, for example - run 4 minutes, walk a minute - repeat.  Some were saying they can do faster miles that way...I probably should get a heart rate monitor if I'm interested in that - so many new fun toys to buy...not sure which ones to chose! (as everyone is probably learning/knows)  But part of me wonders whether I should just wait to get the watch I really want - which is one with GPS.  I do want the HR monitor, but I also feel I'd gain just as much from being able to track distance and speed!  I can count my own HR for free....why not get something that is really, really useful?!?!  Any thoughts?  Who has what watch? 

I'm having problems setting my goals.  I know I want it to be running - but not sure whether to set times or distances or frequency?!!?  My 5K is in the middle of the month....

OH, OH - before I forget...CONGRATULATIONS maggie!  So exciting!!!  Laughing

Congrats on that 2-mile run!  That's great your company's paying for your entry fee.  Those fees can add up fast.

You're right:  There are sooo many toys.  I have the Polar F6.  It just measures HR, but I can use it during my swims, too, as it's waterproof up to 30 feet.  It also counts calories which has been useful.  However, my upgrade will be the Garmin Forerunner 305.  You can't swim with it, but at this point in my training as I increase my mileage, just going out for a run or bike without having to plan my route on here beforehand will be nice.

Also, check out the Rate of Perceived Exertion scale I'd mentioned in a reply to Sharie.  It costs nothing.
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