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2009-05-27 4:45 PM
in reply to: #2081113

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Barb - I am glad you are feeling better.  Hopefully you will be pounding the pavement soon.

Hope everyone is working hard.  Just finished the run and now I must do some work.  I am so glad school is almost over for the summer!  I can not wait.Laughing

2009-05-27 5:30 PM
in reply to: #2081113

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North Central WA
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
I'm racing on Saturday, early. Race meeting is at 6:45 & my wave is at 7:40, that's AM. Great if you're a morning person but I'm not.We're driving over to Seattle (race is on that side of the state) Friday morning. I'll pick up the wetsuit and race packet in the afternoon. I'm gonna practice with the wetsuit in my SIL's big ice though.Speaking of summer cravings. Mine is iced mochas. I can't get enough. It doesn't help that coffee is so easy to get around here.
2009-05-27 6:25 PM
in reply to: #2081113

Cincinnati, OH
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
I'm loving my rest week!  I skipped swimming last night, might do a few minutes on the way home tonight.  I need to do a short brick tomorrow but haven't figured out how.  There's a 70% chance of thunderstorm.  Wet's ok, not thrilled with lightning... maybe I can take my bike/trainer to the Y, then run inside on their track....hmmm...

Niranjan made it through the lay-off at Siemens.  Laughing  Coincidentally, I decided to go ahead and race on Sunday:

It used to be called the Rudy Project tri so that's what it's down as on BT.  It's really the Tri Tech Ohio Challenge now.  I'm doing a sprint.

The cool thing is that I'm back on the same course July 5 for the Wheelie Fun Caesar Creek triathlon.  I'll be able to directly compare my times a month apart, plus this is the lake and course my tri team trains on each Saturday.

I'm doing this without wetsuit.  The water was about 68F last Sat.  Will lots of rain make it colder?

2009-05-27 7:01 PM
in reply to: #2172757

Cincinnati, OH
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!

Hey Erin,

When are you moving to Columbus?  We could end up at some of the same events if you go south down I-71!

There are 2 tri's at Caesar Creek, off I71 south from Columbus.  One is this Sun.  The next is July 5.  My local team trains there every Saturday morning.

If you see any Cincy-area ones you like, let me know.  I know someplace you could stay Smile


2009-05-27 9:29 PM
in reply to: #2081113

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Regina, Sk
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!

Hey gang,
I took this week off swimming.  My shoulder started to bother me on Friday when I swam and was still feeling weird on Sunday night so I decided not to swim on Monday.  I ended up taking off Wednesday as well because like a genius I figured a upper body work out on tuesday would help.Embarassed  Not only did it not help but the next morning my shoulder was very tight and now it hurts when I lift it out to the side.  Further to that it was a lousy work out anyway.  So I have been taking it easy and trying to get some runs in.

Tomorrow a bike and Friday a run.  Tomorrow afternoon though I will be a chaperone for about 60 kids from Kindergarten to grade 2 for a hour of swimming....what was I thinking?! 

Have a good one folks and keep moving forward.

2009-05-27 10:32 PM
in reply to: #2081113

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Extreme Veteran
San Francisco CA
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Hey everyone!

Well I finally did what I set out to do, get two of the three disciplines in during the course of one day.

I had a really nice swim during lunch today, did some drills and I can tell that I'm getting a lot smoother and faster in the water.

Came home from work for a ride with my husband. It was very, very windy, cold and foggy the entire ride. The wind made me really nervous and the bike handling felt off and my husband was freezing so we decided to call it a day after 6 miles. I'm bummed at how slow I went and I know I really need to work on my bike handling skills before I'm ready to race. I'm scared on a wide open road by myself, so I can't imagine what it will be like on race day. I need to learn to stand up on the bike, take my hands off the handlebars and just get more comfortable in general. Thankfully my first race is 2 months from yesterday so I've got some time to figure it out. It's just so frustrating.

2009-05-27 11:35 PM
in reply to: #2177278

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North Central WA
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!

boomer99 - 2009-05-27 7:29 PM

Hey gang,
I took this week off swimming.  My shoulder started to bother me on Friday when I swam and was still feeling weird on Sunday night so I decided not to swim on Monday.  I ended up taking off Wednesday as well because like a genius I figured a upper body work out on tuesday would help.Embarassed  Not only did it not help but the next morning my shoulder was very tight and now it hurts when I lift it out to the side.  Further to that it was a lousy work out anyway.  So I have been taking it easy and trying to get some runs in.

Tomorrow a bike and Friday a run.  Tomorrow afternoon though I will be a chaperone for about 60 kids from Kindergarten to grade 2 for a hour of swimming....what was I thinking?! 

Have a good one folks and keep moving forward.

Please take it easy on the shoulder!  I say this from personal experience.  I had the same type of pain in mine after a skiing crash.  I couldn't lift it more than a few inches away from my side for weeks.  I finally went to the Dr., got some PT and it slowly got better. 

I'm gonna make some suggestions but I'm not a professional so feel free to ignore me.  For a few days, rest, ice & ibuprofen.  If you go swimming try not to do much freestyle.  Use breast stroke if you can.  That over the head motion will just aggravate it.

The shoulder is a notoriously slow healing joint because it has a poor blood supply.  So you should listen to it.  If a movement hurts don't do it.

There are also some good shoulder exercises that help strengthen the smaller muscles around the joint.  These may be helpful in the long run.  I don't know of a good online resource but if you know a trainer or physical therapist they may be able to help.  Actually here is a link to a  pdf I found that shows some.

Hope this helps and that it gets better soon.

2009-05-28 9:28 AM
in reply to: #2081113

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Good morning, and Happy Thursday!!  Good luck to everyone racing this weekend Laughing  You guys will do awesome!!

Barb, good to hear you're feeling better.  Chest colds are no fun!  Alan, definitely take it easy on the shoulder, especially if it's feeling funny in the joint (rather than muscular).  You definitely don't want to mess with that!

I was planning on going for a swim or yoga this morning, but had trouble getting out of bed.  I should probably get to be earlier if I want to do regular morning workouts!  Tonight I'm lifting, and I'll try to get my swim in tomorrow morning.
2009-05-28 12:23 PM
in reply to: #2081113

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New user
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Hey Erin,

When are you moving to Columbus?  We could end up at some of the same events if you go south down I-71!

There are 2 tri's at Caesar Creek, off I71 south from Columbus.  One is this Sun.  The next is July 5.  My local team trains there every Saturday morning.


I'll be moving to Columbus the first weekend in July (around 4th of July).  I definitely plan on doing some 5ks in Columbus over the summer and possibly some in Cinci. My first tri is in Sept.  What team do you train with? I can't wait to live in a city with training groups and just more going on. Sandusky is just way to small for me.

Last night I went for a short run and my heel was bothering me. I've had plantar fasciitis problems in the past so I know what to do, unfortunately I had to stop midway through my run and walk home.  boo.  But I iced, stretched and massaged my heel and its still tender this morning but feeling a bit better.  The first month of training I was pleasantly surprised that my heel felt good but I think it's because I was alternating the disciplines and my body was not withstanding all the pounding from running on a day-to-day basis.  these past few weeks I've been on my feet a lot at work (in not-so-comfy shoes) and so my feet haven't gotten a rest.  I have very flat feet so this is not a new problem for me.

Anyway, I'm just trying not too fall apart at the seems!   I can't wait to start swimming again, I really miss it. My eye is healing very nicely and I hope to start up again next week.

Tomorrow I have my long bike ride. I'm going to take my rest day saturday and do a long run on Sunday if my heel feels ok.
2009-05-28 5:49 PM
in reply to: #2178678

Cincinnati, OH
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Erin - my training group is Cincy Express  You can sign up for the forums free, membership/sponsor discounts is $30/yr.  Most of our group work is done  north, northeast, or east Cincinnati.  Our nickname is the "Yellow Menace" - mostly because due to our sponsors, our uniforms are garish YELLOW and black/red.  There's me, freezing before the 5K at Tri for Joe...

2009-05-28 6:38 PM
in reply to: #2177278

Cincinnati, OH
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
boomer99 - 2009-05-27 10:29 PM   My shoulder started to bother me on Friday when I swam and was still feeling weird on Sunday night so I decided not to swim on Monday.  I ended up taking off Wednesday as well because like a genius I figured a upper body work out on tuesday would help.Embarassed  Not only did it not help but the next morning my shoulder was very tight and now it hurts when I lift it out to the side.   Alan


Be careful!  My shoulder started hurting me during swimming around Christmas.  My favorite life guard sent me running to a sports doctor after I heard about the joys of her rotator cuff surgery.  There's a repetitive use injury called swimmer's shoulder.  There are also many other shoulder issues with swimming.  I caught mine early and still had a couple months of therapy, icing and heavy-weight anti-inflammatories.  (This is actually what started me cross-training!) It turns out that lots of what I learned as good technique in the 80s/90s now is known to increase the chance of injury, especially at 40+.  Also, freestyle only training like we tend to do for tri doesn't quite balance all the shoulder muscles... I'd say get it checked out early.  If you don't and it gets worse, the doctors apparently like to pull people totally out from swimming - could kill your season!  (not to mention,  possible surgery, CAT scans, extended therapy, etc.  Also, consider lessons with a master's swim coach.  I had to pretty much relearn my stroke to keep from reinjuring myself.

Good luck and take it easy,


Edited by lovesreading 2009-05-28 6:41 PM

2009-05-28 9:44 PM
in reply to: #2081113

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Extreme Veteran
San Francisco CA
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Hi all!

Good luck to everyone racing this weekend! I know you'll do great and can't wait to read your race reports.

I had a crappy night. Was planning to just get my short run in on the treadmill. I was chugging along in minute 26 of ~35 and all of a sudden I threw my neck out. I got a shooting pain and thought "oh my god" and hit stop on the treadmill. I've woken up with a sore neck before but never had it hurt this much. I can't turn my head without a sharp pain running down my neck. I got home, tried to stretch, iced the area for a good 30 minutes, took advil and I'm still hurting.

I think I should probably see a chiropractor but I've never been to one. I have a recommendation of someone here in SF but I'm not sure if they would be able to see me and also we can't really afford it right now since it's not covered under our insurance. I'm thinking I'll wait till tomorrow to see how it feels and then decide what to do. I'm so bummed, I'm tired to being injured! Anyone else had this happen before?
2009-05-29 9:34 AM
in reply to: #2081113

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North Central WA
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!

YIKES!  Ok, the nervous stomach hit a bit this morning.  I packed up most of the stuff last night and had a good sleep but then entered panic mode this morning.  I think once we get on the road I'll calm down for a while.  But right now I feel like I could break down crying at any moment.

On top of it all I have to find a notary today.  Luckily my SIL works in a bank but it means driving all the way into Seattle.  I love Seattle but hate the traffic.

I'm gonna go finish packing.  I'll check in again later and get the race report up as soon as I can.  Also pics if I can.

Hope everyone else has a good weekend.

2009-05-29 9:38 AM
in reply to: #2180009

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North Central WA
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!

calimavs - 2009-05-28 7:44 PM Hi all! Good luck to everyone racing this weekend! I know you'll do great and can't wait to read your race reports. I had a crappy night. Was planning to just get my short run in on the treadmill. I was chugging along in minute 26 of ~35 and all of a sudden I threw my neck out. I got a shooting pain and thought "oh my god" and hit stop on the treadmill. I've woken up with a sore neck before but never had it hurt this much. I can't turn my head without a sharp pain running down my neck. I got home, tried to stretch, iced the area for a good 30 minutes, took advil and I'm still hurting. I think I should probably see a chiropractor but I've never been to one. I have a recommendation of someone here in SF but I'm not sure if they would be able to see me and also we can't really afford it right now since it's not covered under our insurance. I'm thinking I'll wait till tomorrow to see how it feels and then decide what to do. I'm so bummed, I'm tired to being injured! Anyone else had this happen before?

You might try to get in with a regular Dr., maybe he could prescribe some PT for you.  At least that way insurance would cover it. It may not be immediate enough though.

And for me, with neck or back pain that's sudden like a spasm, heat works better.

Good luck.

2009-05-29 10:20 AM
in reply to: #2081113

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Argh, I was going to go for a run this morning, but I woke up and my ankle was completely stiff!  It hurt to try to rotate it.  I have no clue what I did.  The only thing I could think of was that I was lifting with a friend last night, and since he was a runner in high school and college, I asked him to evaluate my running form.  So he had me run on a treadmill while he watched me run.  But I was in my lifting shoes instead of my running shoes, so maybe that could have aggravated my ankle?  Anyways, I was limping around all morning having a hard time walking.  But now, it feels fine, so I have no clue what that was about.

Margot - that's never happened to me, so I don't really have any suggestions Frown  I hope your neck feels better soon, though!

Lara - That happened to me for my race, too, except it didn't hit me until the night before.  We got there late since we were stuck in traffic coming out of the city, so we weren't able to check in our gear.  I think that's when the panic struck me, and I wasn't able to sleep well at all that night.  Then I was having problems eating breakfast in the morning.  I guess my only advice is to take deep breaths; that always helps me to calm down.  And try to eat a lot today, because if you're anything like me, you won't be able to stomach anything before the race Undecided  Good luck!!
2009-05-29 1:24 PM
in reply to: #2180744

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Extreme Veteran
San Francisco CA
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
lghays - 2009-05-29 9:38 AM

You might try to get in with a regular Dr., maybe he could prescribe some PT for you.  At least that way insurance would cover it. It may not be immediate enough though.

And for me, with neck or back pain that's sudden like a spasm, heat works better.

Good luck.

Thanks. Yeah I have my rice sock that I'm heating up in the microwave every hour or so and putting on my neck while I work today. It still hurts a lot but the heat helps relax things a bit. I think I probably pinched a nerve.

2009-05-29 2:03 PM
in reply to: #2081113

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL! tonight is the night I start back up. I'm going to hit the pool and hopefully not leave too much snot behind (ew. gross. i know. sorry). I'm just thankful to be getting back into it. I was seriously pretty bummed out this week without having my training structure.

Alan...I looooooooooooooooooooooooooooove the new avatar. I completely know how you feel, too. Hopefully your shoulder isn't going to be too problematic. Rest up and get a doctor to take a look at it if you can.

Lara - Good luck with your race tomorrow!!!!
2009-05-30 11:50 AM
in reply to: #2177423

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Regina, Sk
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
lghays - 2009-05-27 10:35 PM

Please take it easy on the shoulder!  I say this from personal experience.  I had the same type of pain in mine after a skiing crash.  I couldn't lift it more than a few inches away from my side for weeks.  I finally went to the Dr., got some PT and it slowly got better. 

I'm gonna make some suggestions but I'm not a professional so feel free to ignore me.  For a few days, rest, ice & ibuprofen.  If you go swimming try not to do much freestyle.  Use breast stroke if you can.  That over the head motion will just aggravate it.

The shoulder is a notoriously slow healing joint because it has a poor blood supply.  So you should listen to it.  If a movement hurts don't do it.

There are also some good shoulder exercises that help strengthen the smaller muscles around the joint.  These may be helpful in the long run.  I don't know of a good online resource but if you know a trainer or physical therapist they may be able to help.  Actually here is a link to a  pdf I found that shows some.

Hope this helps and that it gets better soon.

Thank you for the advise.  I will look at the pdf to see what's there.  I went to my chiropractor who has some experience with athletes.  He advised me to ice it 3 times a day and do a couple of excercises.  He also curtailled my swimming to just technique and doing half the distance I was doing.  He is not my medical Dr but I think he is right on the money.  I will try some different techniques as well.

2009-05-30 11:57 AM
in reply to: #2179787

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Regina, Sk
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
lovesreading - 2009-05-28 5:38 PM


Be careful!  My shoulder started hurting me during swimming around Christmas.  My favorite life guard sent me running to a sports doctor after I heard about the joys of her rotator cuff surgery.  There's a repetitive use injury called swimmer's shoulder.  There are also many other shoulder issues with swimming.  I caught mine early and still had a couple months of therapy, icing and heavy-weight anti-inflammatories.  (This is actually what started me cross-training!) It turns out that lots of what I learned as good technique in the 80s/90s now is known to increase the chance of injury, especially at 40+.  Also, freestyle only training like we tend to do for tri doesn't quite balance all the shoulder muscles... I'd say get it checked out early.  If you don't and it gets worse, the doctors apparently like to pull people totally out from swimming - could kill your season!  (not to mention,  possible surgery, CAT scans, extended therapy, etc.  Also, consider lessons with a master's swim coach.  I had to pretty much relearn my stroke to keep from reinjuring myself.

Good luck and take it easy,


Thank you.  As I said in my first message I am now icing three times and I forgot to mention stretching as well.  I will take it easy because the last thing I need is to be injured and possibly even off work....wait a minute.. no, no I need to work. ha ha.
The master swim lesson are something I would really like to do but I think it will have to wait.  I will get through this first sprint distance and then I will consider my options.
Thnks again,
2009-05-30 12:04 PM
in reply to: #2181615

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Regina, Sk
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
RunningJayhawk - 2009-05-29 1:03 PM Alan...I looooooooooooooooooooooooooooove the new avatar. I completely know how you feel, too. Hopefully your shoulder isn't going to be too problematic. Rest up and get a doctor to take a look at it if you can.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.  I too love it.  "you don't see us, we were never here."  There are so many good qoutes from the penguins of Madagascar.

I had a good run on Friday and a rocking bike ride today.  I feel good and my weight is steady.  Tomorrow "the long run".
Have a good one folks,
2009-05-30 2:47 PM
in reply to: #2183062

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North Central WA
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!

Alan - Glad to hear you have a plan.  Hope it gets better soon.


Well, today was race day: 400 yd swim, 15 mile bike, 3 mile run.  I finished it in 1:43 according to my watch.  I haven't seen the official time yet.

The bike was great, run was average for me but the swim was bad.  The water temp was about 65F and I had on a sleeveless wet suit.  I should have gotten wet before the start.  About 10 yds out my body reacted to the cold and I couldn't control my breathing.  Every time my face got wet I ended up with water in my mouth and coughing.  I almost panicked but instead did side stroke and sculling on my back to get to the finish.  It should have taken me about 10-12 minutes to finish 400 yds but instead it was closer to 15.

Anyone have hints on pre-race prep for cold water races.  I think in the northern latitudes this is going to be the norm so I'm gonna have to come up with a solution.

Overall it was a great experience.  I  feel like I prepared and trained well.  I wasn't overly exhausted afterward and recovered quickly.

Now I'm gonna go watch my 4 yr ride a horse with my SIL for the first time.

2009-05-30 9:21 PM
in reply to: #2081113

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New user
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!

Hey all!  hope everyone is having a nice weekend. 
mine is ok, I went on a nice bike ride Friday.  Today was my rest day but my heel is still really bothering me.  I don't think I'm going to do my run tomorrow so I can get this under control.  I don't want to make it worse so I'm going to take it easy tomorrow.  My eye is almost back to normal so I'm going to swim this week and focus on swim and bike while my heel...heals.  

If it's not one thing, it's another!

On a fun note, I got a new swimsuit yesterday! Was able to get a nice nike suit at TJ Maxx for $20 (regularly $72).  I love a good deal! 

2009-06-01 1:31 AM
in reply to: #2081113

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!

It's 2:30 in the morning and I can't sleep because my body is so sore.  I just finished my first half marathon, and judging by how my body feels, I gave it my all.

I can't believe I started running last year and how far I've come.  Last fall I did my first race, a 5K at 10:10 pace.  Now I'm running 13.1 miles at a faster pace.  

I'm really looking forward to my tri training over the next two months.  My body's going to appreciate the cross-training. 

2009-06-01 7:20 AM
in reply to: #2185457

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Regina, Sk
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
DenaRae - 2009-06-01 12:31 AM

It's 2:30 in the morning and I can't sleep because my body is so sore.  I just finished my first half marathon, and judging by how my body feels, I gave it my all.

I can't believe I started running last year and how far I've come.  Last fall I did my first race, a 5K at 10:10 pace.  Now I'm running 13.1 miles at a faster pace.  

I'm really looking forward to my tri training over the next two months.  My body's going to appreciate the cross-training. 

Well done! Smile
After my first half I could not believe how "deep" the sore went.  It gets better.  Good job on making your self get out there and run.
2009-06-01 10:54 AM
in reply to: #2185457

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Extreme Veteran
San Francisco CA
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
DenaRae - 2009-06-01 1:31 AM

It's 2:30 in the morning and I can't sleep because my body is so sore.  I just finished my first half marathon, and judging by how my body feels, I gave it my all.

I can't believe I started running last year and how far I've come.  Last fall I did my first race, a 5K at 10:10 pace.  Now I'm running 13.1 miles at a faster pace.  

I'm really looking forward to my tri training over the next two months.  My body's going to appreciate the cross-training. 

Congrats on the half marathon! That is such a great accomplishment. Right now I can't imagine running 8 miles let alone 13. Well done!

I laid low this weekend and didn't do anything. I think my neck issue is a pinched nerve (I have all the symptoms) so I've been taking ibuprofen and putting heat on it and my husband has been giving me nice neck massages. I decided not to go to the doctor figuring that they would just tell me to do what I'm already doing, and since I'm seeing a lot of improvement every day I know I'm getting better.

I did decide to finally make a chiropractor appointment, I've needed to go for years and have been putting it off. My husband and I also had a long talk last night and decided that we're going to start doing yoga together since we both really need to work on our flexibility. I used to be an ashtanga regular but haven't been going in the last year or so.

Other than that just looking forward to spin class tonight. How was everyone's weekend?
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