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2010-03-24 8:59 PM
in reply to: #2587664

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
Hang in there Nichi

2010-03-25 2:59 PM
in reply to: #2746680

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
arny - 2010-03-24 8:59 PM Hang in there Nichi

Doc says it's ITB not ACL!  Yeah!  I think I would have started bawling right there if I needed to have surgery or something...

One more week(or two)of resting the knee and I can start back slowly.

p.s.  Do I still do the GET IN GEAR?  it's a half on April 24-I haven't paid yet, but should by the end of the month to not have to pay more for the registration.  Maybe I should pass on this one. 
2010-03-25 5:03 PM
in reply to: #2587664

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
I'm not sport med educated so its just my 2 cents....but if it was my body, I would pass on this event and focus on ITB rehab...this can plague you for a long time if you don't work on it now(gently). Like I say, only my 2 cents....hang in there

Edited by arny 2010-03-25 5:04 PM
2010-03-25 8:05 PM
in reply to: #2746221

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frozen north till Spring
Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
nichip - 2010-03-24 5:34 PM
mdslngr - 2010-03-24 7:50 AM great job Nichi!

Thanks for the report!

just walking around getting groceries did my knee in last night-I have been spending my days with my feet and knees up and still it's bad, so might need to go see the doctor.  My legs, feel great and I would run if I could just take this old knee out and put a new one in!!!  J.K.  I told my husband I would dream about running last night, cuz it's starting to get to me a little.  I know you can relate with your ITB issues.  Strangely enough, this is the other knee.  The right one is fine.

Hopefully will get some swimming in tonight.


ITB issues stink, but the stretches are great and the foam roller over that area hurt like heck

I am going to have a gait analysis done in a few weeks and get some new shoes but I have been logging in some miles on the bike

my chiropractor was able to clear up some left side hip issues i've been having since the ITB flared up last Sept.  so far so good

so good luck and defintiely take it easy and don't push it like I did first month and thought it would clear up on it's own

2010-03-26 3:10 PM
in reply to: #2749501

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed

I got a foamroller yesterday and will be trying to keep away from my two little ones-they think it's lots of fun!!

Yeah, I know it seemed strange for me to be saying, yeah it's ITB, but I was expecting the very worst-aleve sure makes a difference.  I can walk so much better today-still taking it easy-no running. 

p.s. my husband and my oldest are camping out the next two nights for boyscouts.
2010-03-26 3:11 PM
in reply to: #2749099

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
arny - 2010-03-25 5:03 PM I'm not sport med educated so its just my 2 cents....but if it was my body, I would pass on this event and focus on ITB rehab...this can plague you for a long time if you don't work on it now(gently). Like I say, only my 2 cents....hang in there

Yeah, that's what I was thinking, too!  Especially since I got a medal and did the event already-the one in April is farther away and more expensive, too!

my ten minutes are way up!!!!

2010-03-26 5:46 PM
in reply to: #2587664

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
90 min of running and 90 min in the pool and I just threw it all away by attacking the kid's Easter eggs....I knew I shouldn't have bought them so early!!
Have a good weekend all and happy training and resting!!
2010-03-28 9:24 AM
in reply to: #2587664

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Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
been moving this week...tough to get any workouts in....gonna try and ride today...supposed to be nice today! 

I am also coming down with a!  need to get all my stuff moved and settled so i can get back to my is driving me nuts!!!

First tri coming up in 3 weeks!!!

Hope everyone is doing good!
2010-03-28 5:39 PM
in reply to: #2587664

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
As we move towards spring and road riding, the concerns for safety rise, too.
I was really upset to learn about Jordan Rapp's accident only a few days before raceday...unbelievable that someone would hit a cyclist and leave the scene. But, it sounds like recovery is a reality. I guess I won't be able to cheer him on at Ironman in Penticton this year. Sad and really makes me wonder about drivers...

Be safe and cautious out there!!
2010-03-29 12:24 AM
in reply to: #2587664

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Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
Nichip, great race, sorry you are injured.  Just back yesterday from Haiti.  It is just terrible there.  Such poverty. But the people are amazing.  They need a revolution to get a government that works for them instead of stealing form them.  Definitely puts things in perspective.  I have nothing on earth about which to complain.

Looking forward to getting back into the routine of running, swimming and biking.  Have a 13-14 mile long run set for tomorrow.  less than 6 weeks until my first A race of the season.

2010-03-29 5:22 AM
in reply to: #2587664

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Extreme Veteran
Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
Robert, welcome back. I am sure your efforts down there left an impression with many people.  Sometimes the smallest acts of kindness are remembered the most.  Great job helping out.  Is your first race the Grand Rapids one?  I was thinking about doing the Grand Rapids Marathon in the fall.  Do you know anything about the race.  I hear the course is fast. 

Safety is a big concern.  Does everyone train with an ID tag or some way to identify you if you get injuried?  I wear a tag on my ankle whenever I am out on my bike or running.  It has emergency contact information and a few vital things that EMT's should know.  Never had to use it yet but you never know. 

Keep training everyone, the season has started for some of us and is about to start for many of us.  The training you are doing now will pay off come June and July. 

2010-03-29 9:05 AM
in reply to: #2587664

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Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
The GR Marathon was my first one last year.   It was fast for the first 21 miles, then I hit the wall.  I think it is #8 for percentage of BQ times.  It is pretty small.  Some long stretches where it is you and the road and a few other runners.  I put in for the NYC Mary lottery this year, but if I do not get it, I will do GR again. 
2010-03-29 5:24 PM
in reply to: #2754345

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
leftrunner - 2010-03-29 12:24 AM Nichip, great race, sorry you are injured.  Just back yesterday from Haiti.  It is just terrible there.  Such poverty. But the people are amazing.  They need a revolution to get a government that works for them instead of stealing form them.  Definitely puts things in perspective.  I have nothing on earth about which to complain.

Looking forward to getting back into the routine of running, swimming and biking.  Have a 13-14 mile long run set for tomorrow.  less than 6 weeks until my first A race of the season.

Hey, glad you are back and were able to make a difference for many people. 
Have a great run tomorrow!
2010-03-29 5:28 PM
in reply to: #2753865

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
Thanks for the reminder, Ann!

Today I walked 5 minutes, ran 30 seconds and walked 30 seconds for 10 minutes and then walked 5 minutes and then walked the four blocks to the library.  Now, I am going home to ice my knee and stretch...slow and steady, and rest again tomorrow.

Last year, I started running in was the couch to 5K.  I started with 3 minutes, 3 times a week(with 27 minutes of walking).  Sun is shining, spring is here, life is good!
2010-03-29 9:16 PM
in reply to: #2587664

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Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
Well, I made it 15.2 miles, but I was slow.  Still, felt pretty good getting the legs going again.  Have a good night everyone.
2010-03-29 11:45 PM
in reply to: #2587664

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
Great running to both of you...keep up the good work

2010-03-29 11:49 PM
in reply to: #2587664

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Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
Thought I was the only night owl here.  Have a good night arny.
2010-03-30 8:09 AM
in reply to: #2587664

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Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
So my first tri is coming up in 3 weeks...a short sprint...400 yard swim, 8 mile bike and 5k run....what if anything do i need?  my goal is to complete it all in under 1 hr 15 mins....i should do the swim in 8 mins, bike in 25 min and run in 33 tranistions....

any pointers would be very helpful!!!

2010-03-30 10:42 AM
in reply to: #2587664

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
Practice transitions...a local park works great and it helps if you envision other people around you rushing gotta just keep the blinkers on and do YOUR own thing so you get the helmet ON before you unrack the bike and dismount when the volies tell you so you don't DQ yourself, etc.

You will do great...
2010-03-30 10:45 AM
in reply to: #2587664

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
Thanks Robert...
I am often on here at night and during the wee hours due to working nights...but I don't want to be the only one posting so I often check it but don't leave a note.
Good job for going to Haiti...I totally respect you for doing that...well done!!
2010-03-30 2:16 PM
in reply to: #2757258

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
leclerc457 - 2010-03-30 6:09 AM

So my first tri is coming up in 3 weeks...a short sprint...400 yard swim, 8 mile bike and 5k run....what if anything do i need?  my goal is to complete it all in under 1 hr 15 mins....i should do the swim in 8 mins, bike in 25 min and run in 33 tranistions....

any pointers would be very helpful!!!


I would practice riding your bike for a mile or two, then do a transition and go for a short run. This is very akward for people because of the change up in muscles used. Also get friendly with body glide. It will help your transition a lot. Your gonna do great. Just don't forget to smile and have fun.

2010-03-30 9:17 PM
in reply to: #2758339

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Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
holt1997 - 2010-03-30 2:16 PM
leclerc457 - 2010-03-30 6:09 AM So my first tri is coming up in 3 weeks...a short sprint...400 yard swim, 8 mile bike and 5k run....what if anything do i need?  my goal is to complete it all in under 1 hr 15 mins....i should do the swim in 8 mins, bike in 25 min and run in 33 tranistions....

any pointers would be very helpful!!!

I would practice riding your bike for a mile or two, then do a transition and go for a short run. This is very akward for people because of the change up in muscles used. Also get friendly with body glide. It will help your transition a lot. Your gonna do great. Just don't forget to smile and have fun.

OK...dump question...what is body glide and how do i use it??
2010-03-30 10:03 PM
in reply to: #2587664

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
Body glide looks like a stick deodorant but it is a lube that you can use ... anywhere ...on your body that rubbing/chafing occurs. You can also use it for wet suit issues. There are a number of these types of products, but be careful that you read the label..some of them are NOT okay to use on wetsuits and will eat the neoprene.

I used bodyglide on "saddle area" and feet liberally before I discovered a cream called NOK which I like better for these areas. I don't have wetsuit issues and get in and out of mine easily, so I don't need the body glide. But lubricants really make for zero chafing/blistering issues if you learn how to use em right for your body. Everyone has different chafing zones, shall we say...kinda private, but I've seen bodyglide used in many different places!

It is totally worth buying some and experimenting BEFORE the is terrific stuff. Good suggestion for sure !!
2010-03-31 2:48 PM
in reply to: #2756843

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
leftrunner - 2010-03-29 9:16 PM Well, I made it 15.2 miles, but I was slow.  Still, felt pretty good getting the legs going again.  Have a good night everyone.

SLOW is good!   I am so looking forward to running any distance-like 1 mile! at any speed

Good job!
2010-03-31 8:37 PM
in reply to: #2587664

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
Hoping everyone has a great long weekend Happy Easter!
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