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2010-05-13 8:23 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
I really don't have any fears about triathlons in general.  I had a great time doing the sprint I did last year and did not have any problems.  I went in with no expectations other than finishing and I was thrilled with my times.  My fear is just entering a simple 5k!  I will do it though.  I know Tim is ready with his stick if I don't!!!

2010-05-14 9:52 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Pete - Coming from a person who had ZERO swimming background when I started 7 months ago - my advice is this:

-The tips from that coach are 100 percent correct.  Work on your FORM & TECHNIQUE before SPEED.  Break your bad habits now before they are engrained in you.

- Swim at least twice -prefereably 3 days a week just to get a feel for the water.  When I would miss a day and not swim for 4-5 days I felt like a beached whale for the first half of my workout.  When I swim 3 days a week I jump in and feel like Michael Phelps - haha (until reality sets in)

- Just like running, build up slowly.  At the beginning I tried to do too much too fast and my shoulders were killing me.  I almost thought about quitting because of it. 

- Have someone watch you swim to critique.  The coach gave you those tips and you will try and incorporate them but you will never really know what you are doing unless you have someone watching or you video yourself.  I joined a Masters Swim Program and within a month and after constant critique of my form, my coach can't believe how much my form has improved.  I still have a long way to go and have thought about not continuing with the group ($$$) but I am afraid I will not keep progressing and stay right were I am at.

Swimming becomes so much more enjoyable when you are doing right
2010-05-14 10:13 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Extreme Veteran
Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Thanks, Tim.  I know that the coach was just giving me advice to help.  It is just frustrating because I DO have swimming in my background and I always considered myself a fairly strong swimmer.  I guess I'm not AS good as I thought.  I am really trying hard to take what he said to heart.  I am planning on joining a masters swim program when the new session starts up in the fall (I know, it's a long ways away...  but I haven't found any that start sooner.  Most take the summer off around here).  I always know that my swimming could use work, so I am definitely making an effort to become better.  I will be focusing hard over the next couple months on my stroke.

My workout last night got cut short because I felt a tweak in my shoulder.  I'm going to take a few days off and go again on Tuesday, and throw in at least one, maybe two really good, long stretching sessions this weekend, focusing on my shoulders.  Does anyone have a good shoulder cap stretch?  I am not flexible at all, but for whatever reason, I can't seem to stretch the actual caps of my shoulders no matter how much I try.  My lats, delts and traps are very tight, but my shoulders are loose.  I don't know how to stretch it properly! 
2010-05-14 10:34 AM
in reply to: #2855865

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
chichitao - 2010-05-13 6:57 AM What is your biggest fear/concern about doing a triathlon?

This is at the very forefront of my thoughts right now, with my first Tri this coming Sunday, and I have fears, concerns about just about every aspect.  The swim is my biggest concern, because I know I have not put in the training there at all and I'm just relying on my many years of swimming and current fitness level to get me through.  I'm trying to minimize as much as possible anything I have to do during transitions, and I'm not going for any records on this Tri, so won't pressure myself too much on the transitions.  On the bike leg, I worry about dumping my bike, getting a flat, and forgetting what lap I am on(it's a 4 lap route), but realize I'll have my garmin to tell me how many km's I've done.  The only concern on the run are GI issues, but I've promised myself to listen to my body and take care of any business that may come up asap, so not too concerned about the run.

Other concerns is the pre-race set up, being in the right place at the right time, and having everything I need...I've studied the map, I know the area, I should be good, but I still worry:-)
2010-05-14 11:00 AM
in reply to: #2858879

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
corstan - 2010-05-14 10:34 AM
chichitao - 2010-05-13 6:57 AM What is your biggest fear/concern about doing a triathlon?

This is at the very forefront of my thoughts right now, with my first Tri this coming Sunday, and I have fears, concerns about just about every aspect.  The swim is my biggest concern, because I know I have not put in the training there at all and I'm just relying on my many years of swimming and current fitness level to get me through.  I'm trying to minimize as much as possible anything I have to do during transitions, and I'm not going for any records on this Tri, so won't pressure myself too much on the transitions.  On the bike leg, I worry about dumping my bike, getting a flat, and forgetting what lap I am on(it's a 4 lap route), but realize I'll have my garmin to tell me how many km's I've done.  The only concern on the run are GI issues, but I've promised myself to listen to my body and take care of any business that may come up asap, so not too concerned about the run.

Other concerns is the pre-race set up, being in the right place at the right time, and having everything I need...I've studied the map, I know the area, I should be good, but I still worry:-)

Good luck Sandra!!!  You are going to do great.  I cannot wait to hear all about it after you are done.
2010-05-14 11:04 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
What does everyone have planned for the weekend?

I am heading to the shore sometime this evening with the boys.  John has to work all weekend so he is staying home.  I am not sure what time we are leaving yet.  I want to get a run in after work though.  I am taking my boys and my niece to a zoo close to our beach house tomorrow morning.  My brother in law, sister in law, and father in law are taking some Coast Guard class all day tomorrow so my mother in law is watching my niece and nephew.  I can't take my boys somewhere and leave our niece behind.  My newphew is only 10 months so I am leaving him!  We will head up to the boardwalk tomorrow evening and let the kids go on some rides.  I am bringing the BOB so Logan and I can hit the boardwalk Sunday morning for a run.  I cannot wait to get down there tonight.  I think we decided we are going the next two weekends too!!  I am ready for summer!

Hope you guys all have a great weekend.  I am leaving our laptop at home for my husband but should get on my father inlaws.

2010-05-14 11:11 AM
in reply to: #2858959

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Mrschach - 2010-05-14 9:04 AM What does everyone have planned for the weekend?

I am heading to the shore sometime this evening with the boys.  John has to work all weekend so he is staying home.  I am not sure what time we are leaving yet.  I want to get a run in after work though.  I am taking my boys and my niece to a zoo close to our beach house tomorrow morning.  My brother in law, sister in law, and father in law are taking some Coast Guard class all day tomorrow so my mother in law is watching my niece and nephew.  I can't take my boys somewhere and leave our niece behind.  My newphew is only 10 months so I am leaving him!  We will head up to the boardwalk tomorrow evening and let the kids go on some rides.  I am bringing the BOB so Logan and I can hit the boardwalk Sunday morning for a run.  I cannot wait to get down there tonight.  I think we decided we are going the next two weekends too!!  I am ready for summer!

Hope you guys all have a great weekend.  I am leaving our laptop at home for my husband but should get on my father inlaws.

Sounds like you have a great weekend ahead of you!  I am going to a clinic/wine tasting tonight, learning race course changing of tires with Co2 and tasting some wines...odd combination, but why not.  Tomorrow, is teaching bootcamp in the morning, getting all my gear together for my tri in the afternoon and going to a friends b'day party in the evening, but will make it a very early evening.  And Sunday is my first Triathlon...eek!
2010-05-14 11:18 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Extreme Veteran
Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
This weekend is a big weekend for me.  Hoping to get out for a nice long, slow run tonight.  Maybe a 10k at about 6:00/km, as opposed to the 5-7k at 5:00 that I've been doing.  We'll see how it goes.  Weather is looking a little dicey, so I may have to do a treadmill run.  We'll see.  I don't feel like running in the rain!

Tomorrow, I am going to go for a bike ride, after changing the flat that I got last weekend (and overinflating the spare).  I didn't have a second spare, so I have to do that, and figure out how to properly change a flat.  Could be an interesting experience!  I'm going to be getting a whole bunch of extra CO2 canisters and just practicing to get it right.  Maybe throw in a session of Insanity (a program from the creators of P90x).  Sunday, I'll take the day off, but do a good stretch.  Maybe yoga, maybe just a stretch routine.  I haven't decided yet.  We'll see.

Sunday night is a big night here in Montreal!  The Canadiens are in the Stanley Cup semi finals!  Gonna have to watch the game somewhere!  I can't wait!

In other news, I just joined a weight loss competition at work.  $50 each, winner takes all.  Based on body weight % lost.  I think I have a fairly good shot, as I get into my full training schedule in a few weeks.  Final weigh in is 2 days after my first Tri.  Can't wait!  Now there's monetary incentive for me to get down to a decent race weight! 
2010-05-14 11:49 AM
in reply to: #2859011

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
LockOut - 2010-05-14 9:18 AM This weekend is a big weekend for me.  Hoping to get out for a nice long, slow run tonight.  Maybe a 10k at about 6:00/km, as opposed to the 5-7k at 5:00 that I've been doing.  We'll see how it goes.  Weather is looking a little dicey, so I may have to do a treadmill run.  We'll see.  I don't feel like running in the rain!

Tomorrow, I am going to go for a bike ride, after changing the flat that I got last weekend (and overinflating the spare).  I didn't have a second spare, so I have to do that, and figure out how to properly change a flat.  Could be an interesting experience!  I'm going to be getting a whole bunch of extra CO2 canisters and just practicing to get it right.  Maybe throw in a session of Insanity (a program from the creators of P90x).  Sunday, I'll take the day off, but do a good stretch.  Maybe yoga, maybe just a stretch routine.  I haven't decided yet.  We'll see.

Sunday night is a big night here in Montreal!  The Canadiens are in the Stanley Cup semi finals!  Gonna have to watch the game somewhere!  I can't wait!

In other news, I just joined a weight loss competition at work.  $50 each, winner takes all.  Based on body weight % lost.  I think I have a fairly good shot, as I get into my full training schedule in a few weeks.  Final weigh in is 2 days after my first Tri.  Can't wait!  Now there's monetary incentive for me to get down to a decent race weight! 

Our team is out of the playoff's so Go Habs!
2010-05-14 6:59 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Extreme Veteran
Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
I would love it if the Habs made it to the next round.  Montreal gets rowdy when good things happen to the team.  Unfortunately, things get out of hand here, which tarnishes the whole celebration, but it still makes for a hell of a party!
2010-05-15 6:28 AM
in reply to: #2860032

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!

LockOut - 2010-05-14 6:59 PM I would love it if the Habs made it to the next round.  Montreal gets rowdy when good things happen to the team.  Unfortunately, things get out of hand here, which tarnishes the whole celebration, but it still makes for a hell of a party!

It was close but our team is still in it!!  And talk about getting out of hand...Philly has that one down!!!

2010-05-16 4:09 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Hello Hello Hello group!!!!

I have outstanding news :D   I took 2nd in my division in my very first Oly this weekend!!!! It was so much fun! I really felt like I reached "FLOW" during the race. I hit that level of being highly challenged but completely motivated and full of energy and focus. It's that point where you just want to keep going... 6 miles seemed like nothing... I felt like I could go forever.

It was my fist OW swim and it was much harder than I expected, but I felt good about it and pushed myself to keep going. The bike seemed to FLY by, and the run was amazing... I wasn't going super fast, but my mood was through the roof happy. Just being part of the race was amazing.... I can't wait for my next one

I posted a race report, and I will get pics up soon. :D  I hope everyone had a great weekend. I am headed to Cali in the morning for vacation, but I am going to work on being on here more now that I am through my race and school.

Thanks for all the support and inspires!!! You guys are amazing!!!!

Oh.. I also got a sponsor this weekend :D  They gave me 500$ for race fees and gear... It's been a great weekend. 

Edited by Tri.me2010 2010-05-16 4:11 PM


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2010-05-16 9:07 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
I'm back!

Sorry I've been MIA for the past few days.  Ryan and I went back to Springfield (IL) to see my family, which was a lot of fun.  But going back there always reminds me why there has been such a constant struggle with weightloss for me.  We got there Thursday night, left Sunday afternoon, and ate out FOUR TIMES in those 3 days!!!  I ate pretty healthy for the most part, but when we got to today's Sunday brunch at Mariah's, I just cracked.  Buffets kill me, and this restaurant is one of the best in Springfield, so I just couldn't help it!  I did get both of my scheduled workouts in while we were home though, which I was very proud of considering I don't usually workout there.  I'm still scared to weigh myself.

Even better, my mom took me shopping in St. Louis on Friday, and she bought me some new shoes and a nice business dress.  She's pretty understanding about Ryan and me being poor, so she tries to make sure I'm somewhat spoiled still!  Love her.

It sounds like everybody had a great weekend though!  Good work all!
2010-05-17 9:17 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Extreme Veteran
Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
I don't think that Philly gets quite as rowdy as Montreal does...  Over hockey, at least.  Win or lose, there are riots here.  It's pretty pathetic, actually.  Damn hooligans.

Congrats, Courtney!  That's AMAZING!  Sounds like a hell of a race you had, and that's awesome about the sponsor!  How did that happen?  

 Erika,  you can't always be 100% with dieting.  You just have to pick your battles.  Congrats on eating as healthily as possible when eating out.  I have the same problem when I go home, so I know how you feel.  The important part is to get back on the bandwagon!  We're all proud of you!

This weekend was pretty good in terms of eating out and working out for me.  I went for an 8k and 10k run, and a 36k bike ride this weekend.  Taking the day off today, and back to the pool tomorrow before Game 2 of Habs-Philly.  Minor hiccup for the Canadiens.  Game 2 will be different!  Wink 
2010-05-17 9:36 AM
in reply to: #2862900

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
LockOut - 2010-05-17 9:17 AM I don't think that Philly gets quite as rowdy as Montreal does...  Over hockey, at least.  Win or lose, there are riots here.  It's pretty pathetic, actually.  Damn hooligans.

Congrats, Courtney!  That's AMAZING!  Sounds like a hell of a race you had, and that's awesome about the sponsor!  How did that happen?  

 Erika,  you can't always be 100% with dieting.  You just have to pick your battles.  Congrats on eating as healthily as possible when eating out.  I have the same problem when I go home, so I know how you feel.  The important part is to get back on the bandwagon!  We're all proud of you!

This weekend was pretty good in terms of eating out and working out for me.  I went for an 8k and 10k run, and a 36k bike ride this weekend.  Taking the day off today, and back to the pool tomorrow before Game 2 of Habs-Philly.  Minor hiccup for the Canadiens.  Game 2 will be different!  Wink 

Philly is just bad in general.  Our fans do not give Philly a good name.  If the Flyers can win or lose this series at home, the cops will grease the light poles in the parking lot and surrounding areas.  A few years ago, a light pole was pulled down and destroyed a few cars.  It does not matter what sport it is, Philly fans are out of control during playoffs.  It is quite sad. 
2010-05-17 9:43 AM
in reply to: #2862978

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Extreme Veteran
Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Mrschach - 2010-05-17 10:36 AM
LockOut - 2010-05-17 9:17 AM I don't think that Philly gets quite as rowdy as Montreal does...  Over hockey, at least.  Win or lose, there are riots here.  It's pretty pathetic, actually.  Damn hooligans.

Congrats, Courtney!  That's AMAZING!  Sounds like a hell of a race you had, and that's awesome about the sponsor!  How did that happen?  

 Erika,  you can't always be 100% with dieting.  You just have to pick your battles.  Congrats on eating as healthily as possible when eating out.  I have the same problem when I go home, so I know how you feel.  The important part is to get back on the bandwagon!  We're all proud of you!

This weekend was pretty good in terms of eating out and working out for me.  I went for an 8k and 10k run, and a 36k bike ride this weekend.  Taking the day off today, and back to the pool tomorrow before Game 2 of Habs-Philly.  Minor hiccup for the Canadiens.  Game 2 will be different!  Wink 

Philly is just bad in general.  Our fans do not give Philly a good name.  If the Flyers can win or lose this series at home, the cops will grease the light poles in the parking lot and surrounding areas.  A few years ago, a light pole was pulled down and destroyed a few cars.  It does not matter what sport it is, Philly fans are out of control during playoffs.  It is quite sad. 

That is unfortunate.  The cops here don't really do anything preventative.  They just bring out the riot gear when they know it's going to happen.  Why are people such idiots, and can't enjoy a good sports game without resorting to petty thievery and vandalism?  Gives all the REAL sports fans a bad name!

2010-05-17 10:08 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
It seems like the more passionate the fan base the more stuff like that happens.  I like passionate fans...we don't really see that much down here in Texas (we have a lot of spoiled fair weather fans)...but not to the extreme of riots and things like that.  It is pretty sad b/c it gives everyone in the town a bad name.  I wish there was a way to convey to the rioters just how much money their little charades cost.  It is tax payer money that goes to pay all the extra cops/security and to pay for repairs.
2010-05-17 10:10 AM
in reply to: #2861744

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Tri.me2010 - 2010-05-16 4:09 PM Hello Hello Hello group!!!!

I have outstanding news :D   I took 2nd in my division in my very first Oly this weekend!!!! It was so much fun! I really felt like I reached "FLOW" during the race. I hit that level of being highly challenged but completely motivated and full of energy and focus. It's that point where you just want to keep going... 6 miles seemed like nothing... I felt like I could go forever.

It was my fist OW swim and it was much harder than I expected, but I felt good about it and pushed myself to keep going. The bike seemed to FLY by, and the run was amazing... I wasn't going super fast, but my mood was through the roof happy. Just being part of the race was amazing.... I can't wait for my next one

I posted a race report, and I will get pics up soon. :D  I hope everyone had a great weekend. I am headed to Cali in the morning for vacation, but I am going to work on being on here more now that I am through my race and school.

Thanks for all the support and inspires!!! You guys are amazing!!!!

Oh.. I also got a sponsor this weekend :D  They gave me 500$ for race fees and gear... It's been a great weekend. 

That is awesome!!  Glad you had a great race.  So what do you have planned with the money?
2010-05-17 10:28 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
So I was up at my "Lake Chateau" (really its just a trailer) in Oshkosh, WI area this weekend and got some good training in.  Nothing better than running and biking on country roads on a sunny day.  I totally wimped out on practicing my OWS.  When I was on the lake Sunday morning I tried to keep my hand in the water for 5 minutes and couldn't.  Funny thing is that the water temperature was about the same as Apple Canyon Lake for my race this weekend (55-58 degrees).  That sleeveless wetsuit is looking worse by the second.
2010-05-17 10:39 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Well it's done, my first Triathlon, it wasn't pretty, but I finished.  Had troubles with cramping on the swim and I was barely using my legs, but I just kept going.  The bike was good, but a bit boring really, a 4 lap circuit with half down hill and half uphill, it was the run where it all fell apart, the part I was most confident on, a couple of km's in something in my calf(think it's my Soleus) tore...I could feel it, it dropped me to my knees and brought tears to my eyes, but picked myself up and just kept moving forward, I walked and hobble/ran the rest...I contemplated just turning around, but just couldn't do it, I had to finish and I did in 3:48.

Overall the event was poorly organized, there was a lot of confusion amongst the participants, even those that had done that same Tri several times in the past.  I am now very firm in the fact that I hate pool swimming, and won't do another. 

What I would do differently...probably not start with an Olyimpic as my first event and probably not have 3 weekends of racing back to back.  Now I'm going to lick my wounds, have my leg looked at to assess the damage/recovery time and when healed, start my marathon training.
2010-05-17 10:44 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Extreme Veteran
Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Sandra, that sounds terrible!  That is some serious persistence.  Sorry to hear about your calf.  Be very careful with that.  You don't want to do any permanent damage!  Let us know what the doc says!

2010-05-17 10:59 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!

Oh no Sandra, I am sorry to hear you injured yourself this weekend.  I hope it is an easy and quick recovery for you!  I could not imagine 3 weekends back to back!  Good job finishing!!

2010-05-17 11:56 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
So sorry to hear about the injury, but it speaks volumes for your tenacity for finishing the race under those conditions.  Congrats on getting the first one under your belt!  I really hope it doesn't end up being anything too serious. 

On the bright side, you now have a pretty cool story of survival when talking about your first triathlon!   It will be one you will always remember. 

I've never heard of doing a pool swim for such a long race.  And it is the poorly organized races that help us appreciate the ones that are well organized.
2010-05-17 6:38 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
I got in to see my MT today, and he is confident, that I should be fully recovered in a couple of weeks.  He believes I may only have a small tear, which is causing the swelling, but that most of the problem is that everything in my right calf has seized and my left wasn't far behind.  It is still very tender, but definately better than before I went in.  He says I may go out this weekend for a short 20 minute bike or run to keep my muscles firing.

Also he said that considering my racing 3 weekends in a row the rest of my leg muscles were in pretty good shape
2010-05-18 7:58 AM
in reply to: #2864406

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
corstan - 2010-05-17 6:38 PM I got in to see my MT today, and he is confident, that I should be fully recovered in a couple of weeks.  He believes I may only have a small tear, which is causing the swelling, but that most of the problem is that everything in my right calf has seized and my left wasn't far behind.  It is still very tender, but definately better than before I went in.  He says I may go out this weekend for a short 20 minute bike or run to keep my muscles firing.

Also he said that considering my racing 3 weekends in a row the rest of my leg muscles were in pretty good shape

That is great you already saw the doctor and he does not think it is too serious.  How are you feeling today?
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