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2011-02-19 8:40 PM
in reply to: #3363530

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North Carolina
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - closed
Threejs - 2011-02-19 9:34 PM
D001 - 2011-02-17 1:07 PM
Threejs - 2011-02-16 10:00 PM Too chicken to get in the pool yet.  I read the swim comments very carefully and they have been very helpful! I will start swimming soon...I will start swimming soon...I will start swimming soon....
In the words of Nike: "Just Do It." What if you go without expectations? Just get in the pool and play in the water. Spend 15 minutes doing "whatever" while staying within your comfort level.... (Ie, the goal isn't to swim sprints until you puke! It's just to get used to being in the water.) Just how worried about the pool are you?

It is mainly breathing issues.   But I took your "just do it" advice and signed up for swim coaching. 
Good for you! That sounds like a great idea. Been thinking that I could benefit from something like that, too. Happy swimming!

2011-02-19 8:57 PM
in reply to: #3357338

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North Carolina
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - closed
mbasta - 2011-02-16 7:16 AMWe're now at the half way mark in the mentor program!

How do you feel you've progressed since the beginning of January? I bet everyone here can list at least one accomplishment.

What challenges are you currently facing in your training?
Halfway through, really?? Time sure flies... I saw this post a couple days ago, but waited to post until I could say this....I finished my couch-to-5K program today! Went from running zero - ever - on Jan. 10 to running 30 minutes straight today. I'm proud of my achievement, but I'm even more surprised! Now for the challenges....I still have plenty. I really need to work on the swimming. I've also been reading comments here, but I'm starting to wonder about the logistics of the tri. How to outfit this less-than-svelte body? Just how do the transitions work? I'm signed up for a mini-tri at the Y in two weeks, so will work on those intervals now. Once that's done, I need to come up with a plan. Once again, thanks to everyone here for giving me the confidence to push on. Hope your weekends are going well, and that all of the sickles are recovering.
2011-02-19 9:04 PM
in reply to: #3363550

Subject: RE: Tri Curious - closed
kkvane - 2011-02-19 6:57 PM
mbasta - 2011-02-16 7:16 AMWe're now at the half way mark in the mentor program!

How do you feel you've progressed since the beginning of January? I bet everyone here can list at least one accomplishment.

What challenges are you currently facing in your training?
Halfway through, really?? Time sure flies... I saw this post a couple days ago, but waited to post until I could say this....I finished my couch-to-5K program today! Went from running zero - ever - on Jan. 10 to running 30 minutes straight today. I'm proud of my achievement, but I'm even more surprised! Now for the challenges....I still have plenty. I really need to work on the swimming. I've also been reading comments here, but I'm starting to wonder about the logistics of the tri. How to outfit this less-than-svelte body? Just how do the transitions work? I'm signed up for a mini-tri at the Y in two weeks, so will work on those intervals now. Once that's done, I need to come up with a plan. Once again, thanks to everyone here for giving me the confidence to push on. Hope your weekends are going well, and that all of the sickles are recovering.

Congrats on completing your program!  from 0  to 30!! rock!

2011-02-20 7:16 AM
in reply to: #3256872

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Subject: RE: Tri Curious - closed

As you all know I've been busy recently - but finely got the new bike out properly which is the first time I've done more to the end of the road since I was about 12 or 13. I'm very happy with it even though my flat route really wasn't flat! I need to adjust my seat and work out how the gears work again because I had a complete brain fart! So next time my aim is to get used to the gears to use them properly!
2011-02-20 7:42 AM
in reply to: #3363530

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - closed
Threejs - 2011-02-19 9:34 PM
D001 - 2011-02-17 1:07 PM
Threejs - 2011-02-16 10:00 PM Too chicken to get in the pool yet.  I read the swim comments very carefully and they have been very helpful! I will start swimming soon...I will start swimming soon...I will start swimming soon....
In the words of Nike: "Just Do It." What if you go without expectations? Just get in the pool and play in the water. Spend 15 minutes doing "whatever" while staying within your comfort level.... (Ie, the goal isn't to swim sprints until you puke! It's just to get used to being in the water.) Just how worried about the pool are you?

It is mainly breathing issues.   But I took your "just do it" advice and signed up for swim coaching. 

Coaching is very rewarding when it comes to swimming. The breathing will come along with work, hard at first but it will become natural.
2011-02-20 7:50 AM
in reply to: #3363550

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - closed
kkvane - 2011-02-19 9:57 PM
mbasta - 2011-02-16 7:16 AMWe're now at the half way mark in the mentor program!

How do you feel you've progressed since the beginning of January? I bet everyone here can list at least one accomplishment.

What challenges are you currently facing in your training?
Halfway through, really?? Time sure flies... I saw this post a couple days ago, but waited to post until I could say this....I finished my couch-to-5K program today! Went from running zero - ever - on Jan. 10 to running 30 minutes straight today. I'm proud of my achievement, but I'm even more surprised! Now for the challenges....I still have plenty. I really need to work on the swimming. I've also been reading comments here, but I'm starting to wonder about the logistics of the tri. How to outfit this less-than-svelte body? Just how do the transitions work? I'm signed up for a mini-tri at the Y in two weeks, so will work on those intervals now. Once that's done, I need to come up with a plan. Once again, thanks to everyone here for giving me the confidence to push on. Hope your weekends are going well, and that all of the sickles are recovering.

Congratulations finishing the couch to 5km! I'm happy to hear you decided to sign up for the Y triathlon, it sounds like fun. I don't think ours offers that.

As for outfitting, that's pretty easy. What do you currently have in terms of dry-fit type clothing, swimsuit, sports bra, triathlon clothing? You can use some combination of these with no problem. If after your first tri you really like it and decide to continue you can get tri-specific stuff if you want. As long as you wear athletic material (not cotton) you'll be fine.

For my first tri I wore sports bra (needed extra support), swimsuit, tri-shorts for the swim. When I got into transition I threw on a loose (so I could get over wet body) dry-fit top, socks, shoes, and was on my way. Depending on your comfort level you could carry on without the extra shirt. Also, if you don't have tri-shorts you can put on some shorts in transition over top your bathing suit.

I hope this helps! Let us know if you have more questions.

2011-02-20 7:54 AM
in reply to: #3363725

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - closed
purpleshoes2 - 2011-02-20 8:16 AM Hi,

As you all know I've been busy recently - but finely got the new bike out properly which is the first time I've done more to the end of the road since I was about 12 or 13. I'm very happy with it even though my flat route really wasn't flat! I need to adjust my seat and work out how the gears work again because I had a complete brain fart! So next time my aim is to get used to the gears to use them properly!

Glad to see you in here! Not long now and your driving lessons will be done.

Your blog is looking good. You should put that picture in your BT profile.
2011-02-20 8:42 AM
in reply to: #3256872

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Subject: RE: Tri Curious - closed
lol, Mabye I will - it only went on my blog because everyone kept asking what it looked like!
2011-02-20 8:43 AM
in reply to: #3256872

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Subject: RE: Tri Curious - closed
Deleted - it had double posted!!

Edited by purpleshoes2 2011-02-20 9:31 AM
2011-02-20 10:23 AM
in reply to: #3363530

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Subject: RE: Tri Curious - closed
Threejs - 2011-02-19 9:34 PM

D001 - 2011-02-17 1:07 PM
Threejs - 2011-02-16 10:00 PM Too chicken to get in the pool yet.  I read the swim comments very carefully and they have been very helpful! I will start swimming soon...I will start swimming soon...I will start swimming soon....
In the words of Nike: "Just Do It." What if you go without expectations? Just get in the pool and play in the water. Spend 15 minutes doing "whatever" while staying within your comfort level.... (Ie, the goal isn't to swim sprints until you puke! It's just to get used to being in the water.) Just how worried about the pool are you?

It is mainly breathing issues.   But I took your "just do it" advice and signed up for swim coaching. 

That's great that you've signed up for coaching! It should really help a lot.

As for breathing issues, I think that people try to hold their breath too much, when they should just keep inhaling/exhaling.... Here's something you could try:

Stand in the shallow section near the wall. Inhale and bend over so your face is in the water. Exhale while your face in in the water. Don't force it. Just exhale naturally, and at your 'regular rate.' Turn your head toward the side and inhale. Then put your face back in the water and exhale naturally.... Don't breathe fast or shallow. Just try to breathe at your normal rate. Do this several times until you feel comfortable.

Then, when you're comfortable with the above, add your arms. Keep standing still, but move your arms like you're swimming. Don't try to pull the water. (Ie: don't try to move forward.) Just add the motion of your arms while standing still. Exhale the whole time your face is in the water. Turn to the side to inhale, etc.... The idea is that you should be relaxed the whole time you're doing this.

Eh, it's tough to explain that in words. It's easier to show it (or do it) in the water. But it might help you feel comfortable w/ the breathing.

2011-02-20 10:37 AM
in reply to: #3363550

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Subject: RE: Tri Curious - closed
kkvane - 2011-02-19 9:57 PM

Halfway through, really?? Time sure flies... I saw this post a couple days ago, but waited to post until I could say this....I finished my couch-to-5K program today! Went from running zero - ever - on Jan. 10 to running 30 minutes straight today. I'm proud of my achievement, but I'm even more surprised! Now for the challenges....I still have plenty. I really need to work on the swimming. I've also been reading comments here, but I'm starting to wonder about the logistics of the tri. How to outfit this less-than-svelte body? Just how do the transitions work? I'm signed up for a mini-tri at the Y in two weeks, so will work on those intervals now. Once that's done, I need to come up with a plan. Once again, thanks to everyone here for giving me the confidence to push on. Hope your weekends are going well, and that all of the sickles are recovering.

Wow! Congratulations on running 30 minutes straight! That's REALLY REALLY REALLY fantastic!!!!

As for transitions, I think some of it is just "practice" to find out what works for you. For example, take a bike ride then immediately go for a run. Then think about what you could have done to make the transition from bike-to-run go better.

Here are some articles:

How exactly do the transitions work?

Laying Out A Transition Area

2011-02-20 8:33 PM
in reply to: #3256872

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Subject: RE: Tri Curious - closed
KKvane-- congrats on the 30 minutes running straight..great job..The transitions are the forth part of the tri...Don't freak out about it just make sure you know where your spot is so you can find your bike and know where to park when you get back...I've seen people use balloons or a bright bucket to mark their spot..If you have a specific ? please ask...

Purpleshoes.... Gearing can be tricky.. If you have someway to check you cadence it will help you..Also I found that spinning up hills will help save your legs..Remember you have to run after-wards....My cadence average is around 90 to 95 per minute..Let us know how your next outing goes..

Had a great week of workouts was able to get all my runs and bike rides in..still no swimming( boo hoo) Ran a hilly course today 7 miles--one hour 8 minutes...

Hope everyone had a great week..

Shake-n-bake Sealed

Edited by shake-n-bake 2011-02-21 9:39 PM
2011-02-22 11:33 AM
in reply to: #3256872

Subject: RE: Tri Curious - closed
So, in gutless news worst.swim.ever today. I think it's the first time I've ever left the pool early without getting much done. And full disclosure, I *may* have cried a little in the shower afterwards out of frustration (PMS has something to do with it as well, I'm pretty sure, just in case anyone is thinking I'm a total f***ing imbecile). Tried doing a longer exhale under water - panic. Did my one-arm drills - panic. Got them done, but still. Did the pull buoy/paddles with breathing every 4 - panic. I'm not even going to put down how many lengths I did free style. It's pathetic. So so so so so bad today. And to top it all off, someone has been able to get into my locker on occasion - I'm very careful about making sure I lock it but a couple of times I've come in and the lock is hanging from the locker open. Last time my hair styling stuff went missing, today my face lotion. I don't know how they get the lock open, but I'll be buying a new one today and replacing it tonight.
2011-02-22 12:06 PM
in reply to: #3256872

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Subject: RE: Tri Curious - closed
Hi everyone - I just wanted to say I have finally moved from the gym to outside - I have done both a bike ride this week and today for the   first time ever i went running outside.

Kwyncc - don't worry about a bad day, they happen, just as long as you dont get put off by them then your alright I've had my share of bad days

2011-02-22 5:31 PM
in reply to: #3367052

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - closed
kwynnc - 2011-02-22 12:33 PM So, in gutless news worst.swim.ever today. I think it's the first time I've ever left the pool early without getting much done. And full disclosure, I *may* have cried a little in the shower afterwards out of frustration (PMS has something to do with it as well, I'm pretty sure, just in case anyone is thinking I'm a total f***ing imbecile). Tried doing a longer exhale under water - panic. Did my one-arm drills - panic. Got them done, but still. Did the pull buoy/paddles with breathing every 4 - panic. I'm not even going to put down how many lengths I did free style. It's pathetic. So so so so so bad today. And to top it all off, someone has been able to get into my locker on occasion - I'm very careful about making sure I lock it but a couple of times I've come in and the lock is hanging from the locker open. Last time my hair styling stuff went missing, today my face lotion. I don't know how they get the lock open, but I'll be buying a new one today and replacing it tonight.

I just sent you an inspire! (I read this in your blog first.)

I cried as little while swimming (trying to learn bilateral breathing) and started filling up my goggles. I had to laugh!
2011-02-22 5:48 PM
in reply to: #3367052

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Subject: RE: Tri Curious - closed
kwynnc - 2011-02-22 12:33 PM

So, in gutless news worst.swim.ever today. I think it's the first time I've ever left the pool early without getting much done. And full disclosure, I *may* have cried a little in the shower afterwards out of frustration (PMS has something to do with it as well, I'm pretty sure, just in case anyone is thinking I'm a total f***ing imbecile). Tried doing a longer exhale under water - panic. Did my one-arm drills - panic. Got them done, but still. Did the pull buoy/paddles with breathing every 4 - panic. I'm not even going to put down how many lengths I did free style. It's pathetic. So so so so so bad today. And to top it all off, someone has been able to get into my locker on occasion - I'm very careful about making sure I lock it but a couple of times I've come in and the lock is hanging from the locker open. Last time my hair styling stuff went missing, today my face lotion. I don't know how they get the lock open, but I'll be buying a new one today and replacing it tonight.

Eh, we all have good days and bad days..... Don't let it get you down.

But - now that you're out of the water..... Why were these things causing you to panic?

I remember you talked about trying to change your breathing and that it caused you to panic. Are you trying to change too much, too soon? Or are you trying to swim too fast while doing this? Hm, hold on. I need to find your post about this....

OK, found it:

kwynnc - 2011-02-10 1:37 PM
  • .. I've been spending time on beginner triathlete and they all talk about breathing out continuously, but I CAN'T!! It panics me. so I've decided to go with what works for me.

  • So, back to my regular breathing. Then when I took off the paddles and pull buoy, I slowed my kick down and concentrated on feeling the buoyancy and keeping my head down. Totally worked.

    Then I realized that as I started to get tired I bring my head up higher to breathe and almost slap it back down into the water. So I concentrated on rolling it and immediately felt better. Much happier with my swim today!! I think I've also been feeling more panic/pressure because of the time and distance. I will be happy if I can do 2 400's comfortably back to back before the tri instead of being so focused on 800 continuous. I think that's a doable goal and one that doesn't mentally defeat me before I start.

    So maybe go back and rethink about some of this ^^^^? Because it seemed to work for you before.

    As for the locker -- did you report it? I think the facility needs to know that there's a break-in problem. It's bizarre that they're taking these items. But it would be far worse if they were taking your wallet or valuables!

    2011-02-23 12:22 AM
    in reply to: #3256872

    Subject: RE: Tri Curious - closed
    Thanks for all the kind words and the encouragement, you guys! I really appreciate it. It was just SUCH a bad day at the pool, I've never actually just quit before but I had enough today. I actually cancelled my lesson for tomorrow, which I've never done without a good reason either. Back on track with lessons next week, I just couldn't face it tomorrow.

    I know I sound all over the place with the breathing thing. I just feel like I'm not progressing as far as being able to get past 100 or 200 yards. With doing a lot of reading on this site, it seems like the common thing for people to mention is that they have the same problem as me and then once they change their breathing from holding it to a continuous exhale, they're able to increase their distance. So I think I'm a self-fulfilling prophecy, I feel like I'm not breathing in a manner that I can sustain for long distances so I can't do long distances. Does that make sense? It's definitely a breathing issue versus my arms or legs being sore, etc.

    So, I decided to take tomorrow off. I found the bowl breathing exercises from TI and started practicing those tonight. I'm going to do it 3 or 4 times tomorrow for 15-20 minutes and see if I can make some changes. Something I found out tonight - I can exhale continuously through my nose as long as I am just barely under the water. Any further than that and I continuously stop and start the exhale, swallow repeatedly, etc. However, when I tried exhaling continuously out of my mouth, I was able to put my head into the bowl farther under the water. I was able to sustain a continuous exhale through the mouth, finishing with a nasal exhalation prior to my next inhale. I'm going to keep trying to do it through the nose but may try that in the pool on Thursday. I might even go later in the morning tomorrow, depending on when my husband gets home.

    D - as far as reporting the theft, I'm not sure what to say. It sounds so stupid to insist that it was locked (even though I know it was) but when I got in both times, the lock was dangling open on the locker. They also know that there have been some theft problems, they've put up signs. I don't know if someone can just reef on the combination lock and it gives way or what. My kids had swimming tonight, so I bought a new type of lock and put it on. I don't know who would want my face lotion - it was just Oil of Olay, for crying out loud.
    2011-02-23 12:26 AM
    in reply to: #3256872

    Subject: RE: Tri Curious - closed
    Oh, and luckily the thefts are between pool visits. I have a permanent locker that has all my toiletries, swim paddles, goggles, etc. So it's after I leave with my purse, cell phone, etc. that they've gotten in.
    2011-02-23 8:08 AM
    in reply to: #3368093

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    Ontario, Canada
    Subject: RE: Tri Curious - closed
    Just remember that swimming takes time because it's so technical. It might take a few more weeks before you're comfortable with it, but if you stick with it you'll get it.
    2011-02-23 3:25 PM
    in reply to: #3256872

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    Subject: RE: Tri Curious - closed

    Sorry I've been away for awhile - this dumb finger cut is still healing, but it's almost there! Last week I also tweaked my neck really bad. I was in a car accident a few years ago and everyonce in a while I'll do something that reactivates the neck pain. :-( This is what I meant when I signed up and said that I injure myself really easily. :-(

    I've also been really crazy with life! I had a job interview last week that went really well, and I've been organizing a trip to DC and several other meetings. In fact, everyone should check out If you're in the Seattle area come to my walk on the 19th - if not join one of the other walks or just go out for a 6k walk (or run!) some time March 19th-22nd to support those who travel 6k daily just to get water.

    mbasta - 2011-02-16 7:16 AM:
    "We're now at the half way mark in the mentor program! 
    How do you feel you've progressed since the beginning of January? I bet everyone here can list at least one accomplishment.
    What challenges are you currently facing in your training?"

    How is this half over? Ack!
    My progress since January: Uh... Well I was doing really well until this finger thing, and I was doing fairly well with the logs for a bit, but I've fallen off the wagon with that one. Time to get back on I guess.
    My challenges have been a) injury and b) life business

    Time to take another look at my goals and recalibrate.
    2011-02-23 5:03 PM
    in reply to: #3369251

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    Ontario, Canada
    Subject: RE: Tri Curious - closed
    bumbbles21 - 2011-02-23 4:25 PM Hi!

    Sorry I've been away for awhile - this dumb finger cut is still healing, but it's almost there! Last week I also tweaked my neck really bad. I was in a car accident a few years ago and everyonce in a while I'll do something that reactivates the neck pain. :-( This is what I meant when I signed up and said that I injure myself really easily. :-(

    I've also been really crazy with life! I had a job interview last week that went really well, and I've been organizing a trip to DC and several other meetings. In fact, everyone should check out If you're in the Seattle area come to my walk on the 19th - if not join one of the other walks or just go out for a 6k walk (or run!) some time March 19th-22nd to support those who travel 6k daily just to get water.

    mbasta - 2011-02-16 7:16 AM:
    "We're now at the half way mark in the mentor program! 
    How do you feel you've progressed since the beginning of January? I bet everyone here can list at least one accomplishment.
    What challenges are you currently facing in your training?"

    How is this half over? Ack!
    My progress since January: Uh... Well I was doing really well until this finger thing, and I was doing fairly well with the logs for a bit, but I've fallen off the wagon with that one. Time to get back on I guess.
    My challenges have been a) injury and b) life business

    Time to take another look at my goals and recalibrate.

    I would come to your run but I'm in the wrong part of the world! I will be out there running thinking of those who have to travel so far for water on foot.

    Don't worry that we're past the half way mark. Friend me and we can chat!

    2011-02-23 5:50 PM
    in reply to: #3256872

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    Ontario, Canada
    Subject: RE: Tri Curious - closed
    "Friend me and we can chat" applies to everyone! Learn how to send inspires and private messages if you haven't already and we will stay in touch beyond the mentor program. There are mentors all over BT if you talk in the forums.
    2011-02-23 10:29 PM
    in reply to: #3256872

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    New user

    Subject: RE: Tri Curious - closed
    Oh my goodness....I'm finally back (AGAIN!).  The past few weeks have been complete chaos here, but my training officially started this week for my tri in May.  I'm doing an 11 week training.  The hardest part is staying in my aerobic heart rate.  I'm only going over by at most 10 beats, however I still find it frustrating to keep it under 149.  I did a short bike ride today, haven't been on my bike since late fall... and it was SO VERY COLD!!  I couldn't feel my toes when I got back, but it did feel good to get out and do it.  Tomorrow morning I'll be at the pool...haven't done that in a couple months either!  I'm looking forward to about weeks 2 and 3 hoping I'll be in the swing of things and be back into a better condition as well.  
    2011-02-24 6:15 AM
    in reply to: #3369745

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    Ontario, Canada
    Subject: RE: Tri Curious - closed
    Karijoyous - 2011-02-23 11:29 PM Oh my goodness....I'm finally back (AGAIN!).  The past few weeks have been complete chaos here, but my training officially started this week for my tri in May.  I'm doing an 11 week training.  The hardest part is staying in my aerobic heart rate.  I'm only going over by at most 10 beats, however I still find it frustrating to keep it under 149.  I did a short bike ride today, haven't been on my bike since late fall... and it was SO VERY COLD!!  I couldn't feel my toes when I got back, but it did feel good to get out and do it.  Tomorrow morning I'll be at the pool...haven't done that in a couple months either!  I'm looking forward to about weeks 2 and 3 hoping I'll be in the swing of things and be back into a better condition as well.  

    Welcome back! Keep us posted on how your training is coming along.
    2011-02-24 5:22 PM
    in reply to: #3369453

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    Subject: RE: Tri Curious - closed
    mbasta - 2011-02-23 6:50 PM

    "Friend me and we can chat" applies to everyone! Learn how to send inspires and private messages if you haven't already and we will stay in touch beyond the mentor program. There are mentors all over BT if you talk in the forums.

    Plus, this thread will stay active indefinitely. (It'll get moved to the Archives forum eventually, but some of the mentor groups continue on in there.)

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