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2011-02-27 9:04 AM
in reply to: #3260273

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
Thanks for the great running post, Stu.  I read through it quickly and will need to read more carefully.  I'll probably re-read it frequently.

Feb went pretty well for me, but the weight is coming off rather slowly.  I've been hoping for 5lbs a month, but it's more like 3-4 per month.  At least it's coming off.  I'm hopeful and encouraged by this progress.  I'm still chasing that sub 200lb mark.  I think I'll start tracking my weekly weighins in the log section.  Swimming is pretty much the same and running seems to have improved a bit in Feb.  I've been consistent with getting the runs in and I'm mostly swimming to maintain my speed/swim fitness at this point.

I've been thinking about March.  The weather here is iffy in March, but I'm at least hoping that the snow will be melted and I'll be able to start cycling around 3/21 which just happens to be right after my 5K (3/20).  So it looks like the month's goals will change near the end as I will add biking, weather permitting.  I'm working to increase my run intervals (run/walk) and will be adding a short(1.5-2mile) continuous run to my week.  Maybe by late March I'll be able to take my weekend run outside.

I signed up for 2 more 5K's.  The first is 4/9 (PTO and pancreatic cancer fundraiser in the town where I grew up) and I will be doing it with my son.  He'll be 6 years old.  He's wanting to race, so I figure I'll take him to the school track and a closed road over a dam to try running with him a few times.  We'll run or walk as needed and I will not set any goals for that race.  The second is a female only run (5/1) also in the town where I grew up.  I hope by then to be able to run the whole thing.

I'll be doing fewer running races once the temp is up as I'm not good at acclimating to the heat.  I'm going to try to acclimate this summer more than I did last. 

2011-02-28 12:21 AM
in reply to: #3260273

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
Yes, I am alive and kicking still!  I am just pooped out!  Working on computers all day long, (please computer fairy bring me a third screen) I cannot seem to bring myself to stay on a computer at home unless absolutely necessary.
I have been training but missing one training a week such as one run or bike.  Eating chocolate cake right now and I am not even sorry!  Got in a great swim today and it has been way too cold to ride or run outside so I have been on the stationary and treadmil.  Just gotta make it through scholarship deadline at work and winter...yuck to both!
2011-02-28 6:59 AM
in reply to: #3374901

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
SportzVision - 2011-02-28 1:21 AM Eating chocolate cake right now and I am not even sorry!

Girl Scout cookies were my downfall over the weekend. 

So yes, of course, we are doing goals again for March.  Monthly goals for me is part of the long-term vision / triathlon lifestyle.  I do them because it encourages me to reflect on the past month (and hopefully learn from it) and look forward to the next month with a blank slate where anything is possible.  By now, we should all be starting to see the beginnings of race season on the horizon... for me, this always helps my motivation (or at the very least begins the panic!).  Anyway, since I didn't hit my goals last month and I think they were good goals, I think I will try again this month, but perhaps with a little more aggressive weight loss goal.  33 hours of training or 100 miles / running (with pick up on bike toward the end of the month) and weight of 195.

So, what's on tap for everyone else for March?


Edited by juneapple 2011-02-28 7:00 AM
2011-02-28 3:39 PM
in reply to: #3260273

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
Stu,  thanks for the great info on improving running.  That's my biggest challenge, so it's great to have some extra input.  I have a quick question - given that I'm not able to manage 4 runs a week with everything else, and sometimes don't even manage 3, what should I be focusing on when I do have chance to run?  I tend to do a long slow run and a short run where I try to push the pace up.  If I manage a 3rd run it's usually the tri club track session, which is basically an interval session.  Is that the right way to be going?

Still thinking about March goals.  Didn't quite manage my february goals, but was pretty close, so I'm happy with how the training went.  And most importantly I had a good rest week, which has got me back on track energy-wise.
2011-03-01 6:43 AM
in reply to: #3376076

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
chapfallen - 2011-02-28 4:39 PM Stu,  thanks for the great info on improving running.  That's my biggest challenge, so it's great to have some extra input.  I have a quick question - given that I'm not able to manage 4 runs a week with everything else, and sometimes don't even manage 3, what should I be focusing on when I do have chance to run?  I tend to do a long slow run and a short run where I try to push the pace up.  If I manage a 3rd run it's usually the tri club track session, which is basically an interval session.  Is that the right way to be going?

Still thinking about March goals.  Didn't quite manage my february goals, but was pretty close, so I'm happy with how the training went.  And most importantly I had a good rest week, which has got me back on track energy-wise.

Rach, I think that's the biggest challenge for triathletes - it's really difficult to get in the workouts needed to improve.  At 2x / week, we're basically in maintenance mode, and much of the time, that's all we can do.  Sounds like you've got it about right.  Only suggestions might be that when you can, especially if you're doing intervals that week, make the short run longer and worry less about the speed (e.g. if you're doing speed work that week with the tri club, try to get a little more distance in).   Maybe think about a 1-2 mile run after a bike ride (again, if you have the time, or just now and then).

2011-03-01 10:51 AM
in reply to: #3260273

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
March goals (short version)
3-4 runs per week
1+ swims per week
2+ bikes per week (after 3/20)
weight below 195

March goals (detailed version)
run: I will be building my run interval up to 8R/1W by the end of the month.  In addition I will be adding a short continuous run to my week.
swim: mostly maintenance here, I will try to get in 2 swims when I can.
bike: I'm hoping to be able to ride later in the month when the snow is gone. 

2011-03-01 6:02 PM
in reply to: #3260273

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
Hi MOP's!
February re-cap for goals:
   Run 3 times per week: I managed this for the past 2 weeks.
   30 day shred- never even started itEmbarassed

So, March goals, will remain the same as February.
  I'm feeling like I'm just getting into a good pattern with running, and I'd like to keep the momentum going. 

Sunday I went snowboarding for the first time in my life. It was awesome, and I fell in love with it! The only problem, is that I took one particularly tough fall on my left side. I knew I was a little sore from it, but it really affected shoulder and elbow during my swim tonight. And, my twisted knee might be a little worse than I thought it was- because I could feel it during the run.
Oh well- I'm sure it'll all be better in a few days. 
2011-03-01 10:32 PM
in reply to: #3260273

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)

Hello all

Well almost made Feb. goals, but found it hard to get work, life, and training to mix well every week.  FirstTri of the year is 4/8&9. So need to start focusing on increasing my speed.   March goals will be much like Feb. 2swims, 2bikes, and 2runs, but I will be trying to speed up my times by doing more speed drills, intervals and acceleration type workouts.  I also will continue with the 1 core training or stregnth training each week.  My big challenge for March will be to get outside for a bike ride once a week, rather than relying on the warm indoor spin class.

Thanks Stu for the training info for the run.  Looking forward to trying to incorporate it into my training.

Hope everyone has a great week. 

Watch out for those girlscout cookies, they are everywhere.  I had 6 boxes follow me home Monday(HA,HA,HA). -Yvette

2011-03-02 5:11 AM
in reply to: #3378455

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
TriVettee - 2011-03-02 4:32 AM

Watch out for those girlscout cookies, they are everywhere.  I had 6 boxes follow me home Monday(HA,HA,HA). -Yvette

That's such an American thing.  We don't have anything like that here.  What's the deal with them?


I managed to increase my short run pace, which I'm pleased with.  I can't maintain it for more than about 3 miles, but that's plenty to be going on with.  I'm still keeping the long runs nice and slow. 
I also managed my 2x everything per week, except for my rest week when I didn't swim at all!  But I'm happy with that progress.

I'm going to continue working on my runs, so want to have at least 3 runs per week.  If that means I miss a swim or a cycle I'm ok with that.
I need to be stretching more.  I've realised how important it is in injury prevention (I went to a very useful talk at the weekend), so I'm going to add a daily stretching program.  I'm also starting a core/strength class, but I can't go every week because of work, and in fact have to miss the first one tomorrow :-(
2011-03-02 6:07 AM
in reply to: #3260273

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
March Goals:
1. Run 3 times per week, swim 2 times per week, bike to work 2 times per week, bike longer ride on weekends.
2. Eat dinner before 8pm and eat only one serving.
3. Play tennis no more than 6 times per week, less if more than 1 match per week.
4. At least one strength training session per week.
5. Stretch every day.

OK, so you only want 3 goals, but after not doing all the tri workouts I planned for Feb I reflected on the month and realized I have not lost a single pound (and I'm 20 lbs over weight) so that has to be a key ingredient for my success. I've looked at my comments and I have consistently been sore and have had much more pain which is related to being too heavy but also I need to stretch after working out so I need that one on the list. I also didn't fit in enough strength training into Feb which relates to both weight loss and pain from all the other things I've been doing. Lastly, March is a big tennis month.  The season that counts for our ratings has just started and runs through May.  This is the most important part of the year for tennis players in this area. The good news for my tri efforts is that come May I will be done with tennis until another season starts in the Fall. I think I'm ready for my first tri in less than 2 weeks and I'm already looking ahead for more!
The last thing I want is an injury so if anyone has an opinion on these goals I'm all ears!
The weather is finally becoming spring which is great for temp but now the March winds are here.
Have a great rest of the week everyone.  Thanks for all the great posts.

Edited by beachprof 2011-03-02 6:09 AM
2011-03-02 6:21 AM
in reply to: #3378583

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
beachprof - 2011-03-02 7:07 AM March Goals:
1. Run 3 times per week, swim 2 times per week, bike to work 2 times per week, bike longer ride on weekends.
2. Eat dinner before 8pm and eat only one serving.
3. Play tennis no more than 6 times per week, less if more than 1 match per week.
4. At least one strength training session per week.
5. Stretch every day.

OK, so you only want 3 goals, but after not doing all the tri workouts I planned for Feb I reflected on the month and realized I have not lost a single pound (and I'm 20 lbs over weight) so that has to be a key ingredient for my success. I've looked at my comments and I have consistently been sore and have had much more pain which is related to being too heavy but also I need to stretch after working out so I need that one on the list. I also didn't fit in enough strength training into Feb which relates to both weight loss and pain from all the other things I've been doing. Lastly, March is a big tennis month.  The season that counts for our ratings has just started and runs through May.  This is the most important part of the year for tennis players in this area. The good news for my tri efforts is that come May I will be done with tennis until another season starts in the Fall. I think I'm ready for my first tri in less than 2 weeks and I'm already looking ahead for more!
The last thing I want is an injury so if anyone has an opinion on these goals I'm all ears!
The weather is finally becoming spring which is great for temp but now the March winds are here.
Have a great rest of the week everyone.  Thanks for all the great posts.

Joanne-Five goals seems like a lot, if you look at just the number. But, when you look at your specific goals, I think they are great. They are connected to each other, well thought out, and a good balance of lifestyle/ tri specific goals.
I think you have some great ideas.

2011-03-03 4:42 PM
in reply to: #3260273

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
Hello MOP's!How's every one doing today?I'm hoping to get a bike ride in this evening, but I have to go shopping with a bunch of women for bridesmaid dresses tonight. It should be interesting.On a non-tri note: Does anyone watch "The Biggest Loser"? Just curious what the thoughts of other athletes are about the show.
2011-03-04 4:52 AM
in reply to: #3338757

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
Good Morning Everyone!

Here is the updated goals table.  I may have to re-update tomorrow, but wanted to get it up today before traveling.  For now, if you didn't post goals, I left them the same as last month, but I will review the logs this weekend as well as post a "how to improve swimming speed".  Races are in the air!!  Happy March!

Name2011 Goal
Goal 1ProgressGoal 2ProgressChallenge
AKR18AnneHM/OLYStick with HM training plan Stretching and Yoga MW  
BeachProfJoanne1st Sprint3 run / 2 swim / 3 bike each week (long bike wkend) strength training and stretching  
ChapfallenRachelOLYShort run pace < 10min/mi, build distance To swim/cycle/run 2x each per week  
jcoble1209Jennifer1st Sprint2-3 swim / wk  lose 2lbs + better eating   
JuneAppleStuHIM100 mi running or 33 hours training Weight 195  
Rlh98296Ron1st Sprint3x5mi runs/wk, 2xbike/wk, weights 4X/wk Eat More Healthy!  
RustyMomAndrea1st Mini/Sprint?3-4 runs / wk
1+ swims / wk
2+ bikes / wk (> 3/20)
 Weigh < 195  
Slow TurtleHeidiSprintRun 3x/week Jillian Michael's 30 day shred  
SportzVisionCynthiaOLYKeep up with training plan  Strength and Yoga Pre-Calc Survival
StlPhilPhilSprint+    Ankles
TriVetteeYvetteSprint 2x swim, bike, run / wk
w/ more speedwork
  Inc. Core or Strength/week  

Edited by juneapple 2011-03-04 3:50 PM
2011-03-04 11:20 AM
in reply to: #3260273


Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
EY stu! Just wanted to let u know my goals are on p. 24. I can't copy and paste from my phone so if u could add them I would appreciate it. Thanks!
2011-03-04 7:56 PM
in reply to: #3260273

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)

To answer Heidi's question...I do watch The Biggest Loser.  I try to find inspiration from their progress.  I sometimes envy their ability to leave all responsibilities at home and truely focus on fitness and diet.  I'm not too fond of the marathon that they usually do at the end now.  It just seems too much to ask these people who are basically overworking their bodies for months on end to lose weight for the contest and also to run a marathon.  The 5K this past week was different.  They ran on some sort of curved treadmill.  It may have been without a motor.  I don't think most of them really ran, but they do run on the regular treadmills.  I wish they'd do more in the pool with them, especially those that are injured or just too big to do the cardio.

I've had a difficult week with too much work and not enough me time.  I skipped one run and didn't get in a swim.  I did manage a non-stop 1.5 mile run that was slightly interrupted for a 1 min phone call near the end.  That felt pretty good.  I ran 4min run/1min walk last week and moved onto 5min run/1min walk today after doing 3/1 for a few months.  The 5/1 tonight was rough and I cut it a bit short.  I was fine early on, but felt hot and worn out when I threw in the towel.  I'll try again Sun.

2011-03-04 8:48 PM
in reply to: #3383467

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
rustymom - 2011-03-04 8:56 PM

To answer Heidi's question...I do watch The Biggest Loser.  I try to find inspiration from their progress.  I sometimes envy their ability to leave all responsibilities at home and truely focus on fitness and diet.  I'm not too fond of the marathon that they usually do at the end now.  It just seems too much to ask these people who are basically overworking their bodies for months on end to lose weight for the contest and also to run a marathon.  The 5K this past week was different.  They ran on some sort of curved treadmill.  It may have been without a motor.  I don't think most of them really ran, but they do run on the regular treadmills.  I wish they'd do more in the pool with them, especially those that are injured or just too big to do the cardio.

I've had a difficult week with too much work and not enough me time.  I skipped one run and didn't get in a swim.  I did manage a non-stop 1.5 mile run that was slightly interrupted for a 1 min phone call near the end.  That felt pretty good.  I ran 4min run/1min walk last week and moved onto 5min run/1min walk today after doing 3/1 for a few months.  The 5/1 tonight was rough and I cut it a bit short.  I was fine early on, but felt hot and worn out when I threw in the towel.  I'll try again Sun.

WhooHoo Andrea! Nice improvement with the run intervals!

This is the first season I've ever watched BL. I'm really inspired by how hard they are working. I know it's extreme- but their former lives were equally extreme, in the opposite direction.

2011-03-05 9:57 AM
in reply to: #3260273

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)

I occasionally watch the Biggest Loser.  I'm always impressed with how hard they seem to work, although I wonder how motivated they'd be if there wasn't a big prize at the end, and all they were getting was a healthier lifestyle?  Sometimes I really wish I had a personal trainer like that to push me hard though.  It's brutal, but you get the results...

Today's quote of the day was "every day I do something that I didn't believe I could do yesterday".  I just wanted to share that with the group, especially looking at some of the recent posts of the improvements people have been making (Andrea...). 

Yesterday I ran 7.25miles for my long run.  That's the furthest I've run in a long time, and although I've still got a long way to go before I get to my marathon in October, I was really pleased with how I felt afterwards, and especially pleased when I realised how good my pace was, considering that was my "long, slow" run of the week, and I really wasn't pushing the pace.

Today we got out properly on the road bikes for the first time in ages.  We didn't do too much distance, but the hills were absolutely insane.  There was at least one hill that I looked at from the bottom and didn't think I'd make it up.  And yet I made it up every hill.  In total we climbed 2300ft, and about 800ft of that was in about 3 miles.

Both of the above are things that if you'd asked me a couple of days ago, I'd have said I didn't know if I could do them.  But I tried, and I'm so proud of what I've achieved over the last couple of days.  Now I'm going to have a nice easy few days to let me legs recover ;-)

2011-03-05 12:00 PM
in reply to: #3260273

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)

Goals??? I feel like I am just treading water to keep up.  Now that I am at the half way mark for school, one mid-term down another this week, I feel like I am adjusting to the schedule.  My goal for March are the same as February, but my focus will be on nutrition and...well I would just like to see no red on my actual vs. planned calendar.  A time when I hit every training mark!

Still suffering through the digestive problems, but then again I have not gone to the bad!  Hip flexors are always sore but that must be from trying not to drop my hips when I ride.

Off to ride the bike to the base, swim for an hour and ride home. Have a great weekend all!

2011-03-05 5:12 PM
in reply to: #3260273

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)

Rach - those sound like great workouts!  Once you get up into that 6+ run distance, you're on your way!

Call me nuts, but I signed up for a half marathon tomorrow.  Visiting my Mom for a few days and saw this one on line.  Timing is good as I need a tough long run about now (3 weeks before 10 mile race) and the proceeds benefit the cancer center where my Dad spent a good bit of time, so I figured the stars were aligning.  Just hope I don't have dehydration issues as I'm not used to the warm weather at this point.  Anyway, treating it as a training run and I even did a decent bike ride today which I'd never do the day before a race.  That plus the 17 hour drive yesterday should make for an interesting outcome :-)


2011-03-05 8:10 PM
in reply to: #3384272

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
juneapple - 2011-03-05 6:12 PM

Rach - those sound like great workouts!  Once you get up into that 6+ run distance, you're on your way!

Call me nuts, but I signed up for a half marathon tomorrow.  Visiting my Mom for a few days and saw this one on line.  Timing is good as I need a tough long run about now (3 weeks before 10 mile race) and the proceeds benefit the cancer center where my Dad spent a good bit of time, so I figured the stars were aligning.  Just hope I don't have dehydration issues as I'm not used to the warm weather at this point.  Anyway, treating it as a training run and I even did a decent bike ride today which I'd never do the day before a race.  That plus the 17 hour drive yesterday should make for an interesting outcome :-)


Good luck and congrats for signing up!

I'm organizing a half marathon for June 5, here in beautiful upstate NY- wanna come run it? Proceeds go to our local cancer center.

2011-03-05 8:11 PM
in reply to: #3260273

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)

I hit my running goal for the 3rd week in a row!

3 runs each week. Tonight I did my longest yet. It was 40 minutes. I feel like I'm getting back to where I was in September.

2011-03-05 9:51 PM
in reply to: #3260273

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
Had a decent ride and swim today...10 miles to the base, swam 2000 yds, drills and swimming, then the 10 mile ride home.  The wind was at my back on the way home whenever I was headed was great, I could push 23 mph with the wind at my back.  On the way to the base earlier I could barely muster 14 didn't even look windy!
2011-03-06 7:39 AM
in reply to: #3384272

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
juneapple - 2011-03-05 5:12 PM

Rach - those sound like great workouts!  Once you get up into that 6+ run distance, you're on your way!

Call me nuts, but I signed up for a half marathon tomorrow.  Visiting my Mom for a few days and saw this one on line.  Timing is good as I need a tough long run about now (3 weeks before 10 mile race) and the proceeds benefit the cancer center where my Dad spent a good bit of time, so I figured the stars were aligning.  Just hope I don't have dehydration issues as I'm not used to the warm weather at this point.  Anyway, treating it as a training run and I even did a decent bike ride today which I'd never do the day before a race.  That plus the 17 hour drive yesterday should make for an interesting outcome :-)



Stu, you animal! I think I can speak for everyone and hope you will post here soon to let us know how you are doing and how the race went. Where was it? Hopefully the weather was ok.

In awe,


2011-03-06 7:58 AM
in reply to: #3260273

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)

Hi MoP,

I had a marathon tennis match yesterday, over 3.5 hours of singles on a hard court, and at one point I thought I was going to cry! I just want you all to know that I then thought of a comment/discussion on this blog where "there is always something left, just push yourself to get further than you thought you could". I tried to focus on that and sure enough my 3rd wind kicked in and I managed to pull out a victory. This group has truly been inspirational for me so a big "thanks" to all of you for being in my head at just the right time! Laughing


2011-03-06 9:09 AM
in reply to: #3260273

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)

A friend of mine posted this on FB yesterday, and I really like it:

"Whenever something doesn't work out the way you thought it would, instead of thinking that something went wrong, see it as something that went unexpectedly well, but for reasons that are not yet apparent. Everything plays to your favor."

My BiL had a co-worker who used to say, "Yes! This is great! We're learning something!" Whenever things didn't go as planned.

I really like the positive attitude of both statements.

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