BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed! Rss Feed  
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2012-03-08 2:52 PM
in reply to: #3943970

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!

For run mileage on a 70.3 -

I did my first last fall and dont recall runing longer than 9 or 10mi at a stretch. I ran 3x per week. 1 interval session, 1 tempo session and 1 time trail.

The problem for me with running much farther than 9 or 10mi is that I am not ready to go again the next day.

My second 70.3 is in june and my plan is to add extra emphasis to the bike this time around as that was my weakest leg lat time. It also seems to be the biggest oppertunity to improve in terms of overall time. Oh yea. And I got a new biek and need to justify that...

2012-03-08 2:58 PM
in reply to: #4087217

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!

Jimmy you can save your ankle roll. I did it while running the other day on some tree stuff.  Get some ice on it and it will be fine.

I am actually scared about your box jump injury. Im going to attempt some come Monday.  I have such a hard time because I fear I will smash something. Hope your injury is doing better.

2012-03-09 9:00 AM
in reply to: #4087310

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!

Jimmy I am with you on the stupid injury list.   it was raining here yesterday and I took the track team through a crossfit workout and then decided we would play a game of mat ball.    I tripped on a base and bruised up my hip and lost a pretty good chunk of skin.  It was really sore today swimming.  

On a good note race wheels are in and i am going to get them on today and ride tomorrow.  

2012-03-09 9:06 AM
in reply to: #4087298

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Overland Park, KS
Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!
jimmy3993 - 2012-03-08 2:52 PM

For run mileage on a 70.3 -

I did my first last fall and dont recall runing longer than 9 or 10mi at a stretch. I ran 3x per week. 1 interval session, 1 tempo session and 1 time trail.

The problem for me with running much farther than 9 or 10mi is that I am not ready to go again the next day.

My second 70.3 is in june and my plan is to add extra emphasis to the bike this time around as that was my weakest leg lat time. It also seems to be the biggest oppertunity to improve in terms of overall time. Oh yea. And I got a new biek and need to justify that...

I had an April marathon last year so I had a good run base going into my June HIM.  After the marathon I think my longest run was maybe 10 miles and I probably only ran more than 7.5 miles once or twice between the mary and HIM.  Also, I ran my first Half Marathon back in 2009 with 6.5 miles being my longest run at that time.  I think one part of that was pace.  I would run 6.5 miles pretty hard, usually faster on the 2nd half, neg. split.  So perhaps a good formula is to run those 6-7 mile training runs faster than your HIM race pace.  Not sure, maybe Elaine and others can comment. Also, running faster is harder on the legs so I'm not sure what's more taxing;  9-10 miles at or slower than HM pace, or 6-7 miles at a pace slightly faster than HM pace.

What you want on race day is a solid endurance base.  That's what long runs help to develop.  But maybe if you ride long, that's doing much of the same thing.  From an endurance standpoint, I would ride longer than an HIM plan dictates if you cut your runs shorter.  Or maybe do a bike/run brick from time to time.

2012-03-09 9:09 AM
in reply to: #4088352

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Overland Park, KS
Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!
handyhammer - 2012-03-09 9:00 AM

Jimmy I am with you on the stupid injury list.   it was raining here yesterday and I took the track team through a crossfit workout and then decided we would play a game of mat ball.    I tripped on a base and bruised up my hip and lost a pretty good chunk of skin.  It was really sore today swimming.  

On a good note race wheels are in and i am going to get them on today and ride tomorrow.  


What kind of race wheels did you get?  I was in the bike shop yesterday, had some Zipp 808's in my hand, until I saw the price tag!

2012-03-09 9:44 AM
in reply to: #4088381

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!

got the shimano RS 80's.   I like the zipp 808's but i dont see the need for a deep dish I find in Oklahoma I am riding cross wind alot and going lower profile. 

2012-03-09 10:29 AM
in reply to: #4088452

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Overland Park, KS
Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!
handyhammer - 2012-03-09 9:44 AM

got the shimano RS 80's.   I like the zipp 808's but i dont see the need for a deep dish I find in Oklahoma I am riding cross wind alot and going lower profile. 

Good point!  I'm in Kansas so winds are an issue here as well.  I've been doing wheel research so I'll go back and check out those RS 80's.  Thanks!

2012-03-09 3:29 PM
in reply to: #3943970

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!
Just got to Atlanta.

Getting ready to run Spartan Race in the morning with a team of 11!

It is going to rock!

2012-03-09 7:00 PM
in reply to: #4088561

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!

alright I have to admit I picked my bike up on the way to work today.  I could not stand looking at it all day on the truck so I took off for about an hour ride.   The new wheels are great.   It is the first upgrade that I can truely tell a differance.    They shaved 450 grams off total weight which equals .99 lbs.   That is insane.    Have a great weekend I am looking forward to another ride.


I got all my Retul fitting info but it is to large to attach on the forums.   I guess if anyone is interested in seeing send me your email and I will send it over so you can see what it is about. 

Edited by handyhammer 2012-03-09 7:12 PM
2012-03-11 10:09 AM
in reply to: #4088381

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!
reecealan - 2012-03-09 10:09 AM
handyhammer - 2012-03-09 9:00 AM

Jimmy I am with you on the stupid injury list.   it was raining here yesterday and I took the track team through a crossfit workout and then decided we would play a game of mat ball.    I tripped on a base and bruised up my hip and lost a pretty good chunk of skin.  It was really sore today swimming.  

On a good note race wheels are in and i am going to get them on today and ride tomorrow.  


What kind of race wheels did you get?  I was in the bike shop yesterday, had some Zipp 808's in my hand, until I saw the price tag!

There are a TON of options out there - new and used.

I picked up a HED3 rear and a HED Jet6 front. No particular reason for the combo other than they were available and cheap. I ride 650c wheels, so sometimes it's harder to find!

2012-03-11 10:24 AM
in reply to: #3943970

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!

So, I'm officially moving to Tucson! I accepted an offer last week! Two more weeks of work at my current company, then I'm off on a road trip adventure with the dog! I haven't been as active here as I'd like to be recently - so now you all know why!

I'm in a current bike dilemma. 

I ride a 2002 Fuji Aloha. It's a little big for me, but I've fit it the best I can.

My team is sponsored by Argon18 and Blue. Argon18 is out of my price range even with the discount. According to a fitter at a Trek store, the Blue's top tube is long for me. It's something that can be worked with (i.e. new stem and aero bars). I'm hesitant to spend the money, but the Trek guy said I could just sell it at the end of the sponsorship and probably even make money on the deal. However, he can't decide if I'm an XS or S. I need to ride one, and of course there are no shops in the area - with the exception of one in Miami that never answers their phone. There are two shops in Phoenix, so maybe I'll make that trip once I get to Tucson? Hm.

My first tri of the season is next weekend!!!

Anyone race this weekend?

2012-03-11 1:46 PM
in reply to: #4090669

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!
Congrats on the new job.  That is a big step!   I love the Blue bike with new tech stuff and a deep history in cycling.  
2012-03-12 9:54 AM
in reply to: #3943970

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!

congrats on the new job and the move. I lived out that way for a while. Really pretty. Zero humidity. You get used to the heat.

Trying to get my bike fitness back. It is painful. I went to my first spinning class ever last week. I am not sure why I avoided them for so long. It was a HIIT class and was pretty much what I do anyway. But it was at lunch and right across the street from my office. I thinkthat I will be back.

I will hit the odd sprint this spring but my next "big" race is the 70.3 in Mt. Tremblant. From what I hear, the water is cold. I need to be getting used to that NOW. I do not do cold water very well.

LAst year was my first season and I was a brand new swimmer. So I spent about 1/3 of my sbr time working on swimming. I didnt want to get timed out before the bike leg even started.

This year I think that I will bike more and swim less. Not because I am a good swimmer. But because I think that my over all time will improve by biking more.

On race wheels, I got the hed jet 6/9. For me it was a combination of price and ego (if you want the truth).

2012-03-12 11:44 AM
in reply to: #4090669

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Overland Park, KS
Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!
ratherbeswimming - 2012-03-11 10:24 AM

So, I'm officially moving to Tucson! I accepted an offer last week! Two more weeks of work at my current company, then I'm off on a road trip adventure with the dog! I haven't been as active here as I'd like to be recently - so now you all know why!

I'm in a current bike dilemma. 

I ride a 2002 Fuji Aloha. It's a little big for me, but I've fit it the best I can.

My team is sponsored by Argon18 and Blue. Argon18 is out of my price range even with the discount. According to a fitter at a Trek store, the Blue's top tube is long for me. It's something that can be worked with (i.e. new stem and aero bars). I'm hesitant to spend the money, but the Trek guy said I could just sell it at the end of the sponsorship and probably even make money on the deal. However, he can't decide if I'm an XS or S. I need to ride one, and of course there are no shops in the area - with the exception of one in Miami that never answers their phone. There are two shops in Phoenix, so maybe I'll make that trip once I get to Tucson? Hm.

My first tri of the season is next weekend!!!

Anyone race this weekend?

Congratulations on the new job Elaine.  How nice, you get to move where there's no snow to a place that has.....No Snow!  Year round training weather, me jellies Frown

Got my first long ride in of the season, was 60's Saturday but with 15 mph winds.   Into the wind for the first half, reward was coming back into town.  Sunny the whole time, worth the pain of riding into the wind Cool  Oh, my first flat of the seaon also.  Good news is that the C02 cartidge fills my tired to over 100 psi, probably the full 115 I usually run at.  Somebody told me that the cartridges only get you back to 80-90 psi, but that may have been the smaller size cartidges.

Daylight Savings whohoo!  Can do after work rides and runs now!  Oh wait, this is Kansas, here's comes the rain and tornado season, LOL

2012-03-12 1:23 PM
in reply to: #4092170

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Overland Park, KS
Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!

Congrats on the new job and move Elaine!

Excited about Daylight Savings as well and ready go riding after work. I'm working all day today (10.5 hours in hopes of leaving a bit early through out the week to get in some miles).

2012-03-12 3:54 PM
in reply to: #3943970

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!
Congraulations Elaine!

2012-03-12 3:55 PM
in reply to: #3943970

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!

Edited by metcalf34 2012-03-12 3:56 PM
2012-03-12 5:17 PM
in reply to: #3943970

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!
Congrats on the new job and move Elaine!!!! Best of luck to you!!!
2012-03-12 7:06 PM
in reply to: #3943970

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!
My Team after the Spartan Race!

(Spartan Race 2012.jpg)

Spartan Race 2012.jpg (37KB - 9 downloads)
2012-03-12 8:10 PM
in reply to: #4092170

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!
reecealan - 2012-03-12 12:44 PM

Oh, my first flat of the seaon also.  Good news is that the C02 cartidge fills my tired to over 100 psi, probably the full 115 I usually run at.  Somebody told me that the cartridges only get you back to 80-90 psi, but that may have been the smaller size cartidges.

Daylight Savings whohoo!  Can do after work rides and runs now!  Oh wait, this is Kansas, here's comes the rain and tornado season, LOL

There are different PSI cartridges that you can buy. Most of the ones you buy at the bike shops will get you the higher psi.
What I do, (because I am cheap) is I buy C02 cartridges from the box stores. The type you use on a pellet gun. I can get a box of 5 for the same amount as you can buy one at the bike shop. These will only get you about 80 PSI. Since I carry a small pump with me all the time, I always pump my tube to get it started anyway to prevent pinch flats if the tire is mounted over the tube. So the cartridge gets me the rest of the way. I carry one tube and one cartridge on my bike at all times. If i am riding alone longer than 30 miles, I carry a second tube and cartridge which I have taped together and throw it in the back pocket.
2012-03-12 8:12 PM
in reply to: #4090669

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!
ratherbeswimming - 2012-03-11 11:24 AM

So, I'm officially moving to Tucson! I accepted an offer last week! Two more weeks of work at my current company, then I'm off on a road trip adventure with the dog! I haven't been as active here as I'd like to be recently - so now you all know why!

I'm in a current bike dilemma. 

I ride a 2002 Fuji Aloha. It's a little big for me, but I've fit it the best I can.

My team is sponsored by Argon18 and Blue. Argon18 is out of my price range even with the discount. According to a fitter at a Trek store, the Blue's top tube is long for me. It's something that can be worked with (i.e. new stem and aero bars). I'm hesitant to spend the money, but the Trek guy said I could just sell it at the end of the sponsorship and probably even make money on the deal. However, he can't decide if I'm an XS or S. I need to ride one, and of course there are no shops in the area - with the exception of one in Miami that never answers their phone. There are two shops in Phoenix, so maybe I'll make that trip once I get to Tucson? Hm.

My first tri of the season is next weekend!!!

Anyone race this weekend?

Congratulations on the job and I would go with the blue. One piece of advice on the bike stuff, is always look to go with a smaller bike because you have more options for fit with stems, risers, etc. It is very hard to fit reach when it is too long to start. makes the bike harder to steer.

2012-03-12 8:22 PM
in reply to: #3943970

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!
A follow up on a discussion we had before on heart rate. Saturday, I went out on my bike for a 30 mile bike ride. Right off the start, I felt different from the week before when I did the same route. The biggest difference was that i could not raise my heart rate past 160 BPM and the average for the ride was 155BPM never felt out of breath for the ride. Typically, I can sustain between 165 to 170 for a long time without killing myself. At the end of the ride, I was .5 mile per hour slower than the week before. This was a clear indication that my legs were sore from the weeks work.

Sunday, I went out for a 6 mile run and ran at an average of 166 BPM for the entire run. I ran about 20 seconds faster per mile than I have before around my hilly neighborhood. Meaning I had recovered well from Saturdays ride and could push my legs more.

Just a sample of how I use my heart rate monitor to see how I am feeling for the week.
2012-03-14 5:51 PM
in reply to: #3943970

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!
Eddie, that is a great example!
2012-03-14 5:54 PM
in reply to: #3943970

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!
So what races are you guys training for?

I have a few 5Ks coming up, and one sprint.

Past that I am in marathon training for the end of April and the long runs on the weekend are getting rough!

2012-03-14 9:08 PM
in reply to: #4096648

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!

My race plan is shooting for a sub hour at spring fever in April.   That is a big goal I can get in in the summer but here in April you fight a 20 + mph wind.   My time is about 5 minutes different on the same course with and without wind.   There will be some 5ks in there for tune ups.   

April Spring Fever

May Will Rogers (tune up race)

June El Reno OLY (trying to qualify for Regionals)

Then I have some races I am looking at but I need to see if I qualify. 

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