BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013 Rss Feed  
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2012-04-19 9:56 PM
in reply to: #4161551

Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Fit4Infinity - 2012-04-19 6:10 PM
pedmpa - 2012-04-19 8:48 AM

My diet is heavily protein based and my BF suggested I am bonking and need to increase my complex carbohydrate intake.  I am actually not really sure how to do that.  Carbs usually make me feel sluggish so I tend to not eat too many of them.  I typically eat a baggie of instant oatmeal (I add a scoop of protein powder) or Kashi cereal for breakfast, eat a special K protein bar for morning snack, eat some vegetables for lunch and then a pretty routine dinner of veggies and a lean meat or fish.  I do not necessarily shy away from french fries or my fair share of daily chocolate.  Plus in the afternoon I eat some protein chips from Kay's naturals.


Carbs make you feel sluggish for two reasons.  The insulin response to increase sugar in the blood and resulting energy spike and crash.  Second inorder to digest carbohydrates the body shunts additional water into the GI to add in digestion.

During intense exersize the body processes sugars differently.  A different hormones are involved.  One that directs the glucose to the muscles and does not direct the glucose to the liver and fat cells.

Suggest you learn how to 'eat on the run'.  The challange to eating is the blood nessicary to digest food has been diverted away from GI to the muscles.  If you consume to much you'll have stomach problems too lttle and you'll not be able to reach your performance goals.

You have two choices liquid or solid.  My energy solution is still a work in process.  I started using a liquid fuel.  Different powders mixed at different concentrations but found that it complicated my hydration problems.  So I shifted over to the products like Shot Blocks and honey stingers chews.  The blocks worked well at the sprint, oly and half marathon distances.  Anything longer and I needed to carry alot of blocks.  I was eating 1 block every mile or so, for 26.2 miles or 70.3 HIM thats too much to carry.  Currently I fuel with Hammer Gel or GU mixed with water carried in a flask on my belt/bike.  Gel and GU must be taken with water. What will I use at IM distance?

Infinite is a popular solution for keeping your energy levels up during long training runs and races.  I know several of my LRR friends speak highly of Infinite.  I may gave this a go.

Mark...I use Infinite...I dont particularly like it... but it works. Bryan likes it alot. I find that I need to have something to "chew on" when I am doing the longer ditances. I eat the gourmet jelly beans that have multiple flavors. When I eat them I try to guess the flavor. Gives me something to occupy my time while on the long bikes. much are you drinking? Are you getting enough fluids?

2012-04-20 8:53 PM
in reply to: #3965644

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Love me some Infinit. I have several blends and appreciate the ability to have light flavor in concentrated multi hour bottles.

2012-04-20 8:55 PM
in reply to: #3965644

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Kathy - he will be okay. Also he will appreciate more training next time.
2012-04-20 8:57 PM
in reply to: #3965644

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Pam - my short answer is food and body being tired combo. Good advice from all your LRR peeps.
2012-04-20 8:58 PM
in reply to: #3965644

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Lena - awesome. Hey what were the websites again. Did you eat anything or just juice?
2012-04-20 9:03 PM
in reply to: #3965644

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Oh and I also like Hammer gel apple cinnamon. Sport beans. Uncrustables.

Just about anything but I typically have a pretty tough gut. That said - during a HiM or an IM you have no idea how your body will react.

2012-04-21 10:14 AM
in reply to: #3965644

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Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Nice little brick this morning, 2:11 bike and 2 mile run, felt great.
2012-04-21 11:56 AM
in reply to: #3965644

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Ride was just over 3.5 hours. Ride for Heroes supports local volunteer fire depts. in the 40s at the start. Very odd this time of year in Texas. Currently lows 60s with a N wind. Beautiful day. Waitin for friends to finish for lunch and beer!! COOL.
2012-04-21 7:11 PM
in reply to: #3965644

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Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
I bet after a 3.5 hour ride that beer taste reeeeal good!
2012-04-21 7:56 PM
in reply to: #3965644

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Yes yes it was good. Very good.
2012-04-22 7:17 AM
in reply to: #4150892

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Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
elcaminobill - 2012-04-14 6:16 PM

Well, since no one else on our page seems to post anymore, I will.  Ran another race today, 15k.  First time in my life that I finished dead last!  Oh wait, I bet I have a good excuse, no wait a really good excuse!.  I pushed my grandson from can to can't for the entire 15K and enjoyed every single step of it.  How many people can say they are in good enough condition to push their grandson in a stroller for 15K?

Babies in strollers are fun, eh? I run with mine in a Bob, what stroller did you use? as with anything running and tri, the vehicle makes a difference. I imagine running with a regular (non-running) stroller would have you in all sorts of pains... Running with the Bob is not bad at all! I've never done a 15K race, but I ran plenty of miles with my boys Lukas is about to turn 3, and we'll be doing a fair share of running this summer and fall with our trusted BOB

2012-04-22 7:31 AM
in reply to: #3965644

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Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Pam, hey.. I'm another lover of Infinit. It's a very nicely balanced powder, tastes great (my fave is Fruit Punch, which is very mellow). The Infinit people always stress to me how Infinit is ALL you need for up to 24 hr races, but I for events like a HIM, i do add a Apple Cinnamon Hammer gel (one per hour), probably doesn't really add anything, nutrition-wise, but I do it anyway. I am also a huge fan of the Uncrustables. They are really perfect for bike rides.

As far as carb situation, you could try some things in the veggie world without necessarily reverting to bread and pastas. Before my fast, I was getting all sorts of desperate bc I had the hardest time losing weight and felt VERY sluggish (and constantly fatigued) after breads/pastas/starches. I started researching Paleo and bought Paleo for Athletes. It's a pretty useful resource.. I'm still reading it, but a couple things I can mention right off the bat is using things like yams and squash for your carbs after the workout. You are getting the carbs you need for recovery, but not overloading your system on foods that do not serve you.

I"m now a HUGE fan of juices before and after workouts. Combinations like apples/ carrots/ sweet potatoes are fantastic for before the workouts and have carried me through 2 hrs of spinning + running afterwards. Green juice heavy on leafy greens (full of protein) afterwards are fantastic for recovery. I will continue to experiment with those for my shorter workouts (under 2-2.5 hrs). As my running and biking mileage builds, I will start using Infinit again. hth!
2012-04-22 7:46 AM
in reply to: #4163940

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Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
left.right.repeat - 2012-04-20 8:58 PM

Lena - awesome. Hey what were the websites again. Did you eat anything or just juice?
Bryan, you can do a couple of different things. What I did was a true fast, so only juice (strained to remove any pulp) and a lot of water. You can also do a sort of a Reboot where you make 2 juices a day and have a healthy dinner.

I would recommend watching "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead", I know it's on Netflix and I think Hulu as well? That will explain the concept and really inspire you to do whatever fits your needs. I have found quite a few recipes I really like, so I'm happy to post those for you and anyone else who wants them, but I realize, I just scratched the surface on the resources, there are SO many blogs and sites with recipes out there. Also, meal plans and ideas for different length reboots and a ton of recipes for juices.

Of course, you'll need a juicer...

I have craved food immensely during the fast (pizza, burgers, fried potatoes), but now that i'm eating, I'm finding those foods really don't have the pull on me anymore. Very weird and unusual for me, but I like it! I hope it helps me change my habits and keep the weight off
My husband keeps surprising me.. he has gone from never drinking any green juices/smoothies to WANTING them all the time now (he did a modified fast for 3 weeks) and wanting salads all the time now! It's pretty fantastic and we both feel a WORLD better! It's impossible to explain unless you have gone through it, but it's like we are above food now. amazing!
2012-04-22 2:06 PM
in reply to: #3965644

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

What a weekend!  The hubby and I drove to Myrtle Beach so that I could work a credit union trade show on Thurs/Fri and Friday afternoon off we drove up to Outer Banks for the Flying Pirate weekend.  My coach and I discussed my race strategy and basically it was just run for fun, no need to be competitive and don't injury the hamstring any worse then what it is.  (I still have that grade 1 hamstring tear that will not heal)


On Saturday was a 5k that we ran, and during the first mile we had to run up this steep hill up to the Wright Brothers Memorial.  If anyone has been to the Wright Brothers Memorial will know what kind of hill I am talking about.  Anyway, I just kept telling myself don't push it and enjoy the run.  It ended up being that I came in 7th for my age group!  Wow....would't have guessed that one as I had to keep telling myself slow down.  Never would have thought it would be hard for me not to be competitive, but it was.  The weather was absolutely perfect for the 5k.

Then today (Sunday) was the half marathon.  The hubby's 2nd and a long training run for me.  All weekend they were saying 100% chance of rain all day, strong winds and dropping temperatures.  We woke up and sure enough it was starting to rain.  If anyone has ever done the Flying Pirate HM will know that the last 3 miles are on a dirt road.  Long story short, this was not just a half marathon but an extreme HM with the puddle jumping, avoiding the puddles on the road, and then the dirt road, was basically up hill with water flowing down and MUD.  At this point, I was telling myself don't injury yourself.  The last mile we did a very sharp left turn up a hill on mulch like ground cover and here I just said screw it and walked.   After a down hill that I very gingerly ran down then we hit pavement and across the finish line!  Boy, was I ever glad to finish that race!  The hubby crossed the finish line pain free this time, which I could say the same... my hamstring is really bothering me.  It looks like I am going to have to take a week off from running and pray for this hammy to heal.

The rain is still coming down, the wind is blowing like crazy and the temps are dropping.  The HM wouldn't have been so bad in the rain if it wasn't for the off road trails.  Oh well, sometimes you have to try different things.

2012-04-22 5:25 PM
in reply to: #3965644

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Long Island
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

Hey all,

Sounds like many had challenging races.  I hope every one recovers well.

I took Bryan's advice which I saw early on when I found this site which is to volunteer.  I volunteered today for a MINI Mighty Man Tri.  A great first Tri for anyone.  I had a blast!!  I loved encouraging everry one as I was encouraged when I first raced.  I can't wait to do it again!!

I think I may like volunteering more than racing!! JKLaughing

Be well every one. 


2012-04-23 11:33 AM
in reply to: #3965644

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Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

Saturday was the 121212 challenge. 5 miles to the tollway, 45 miles of tailwind, a u-turn into 45 miles of headwinds punctuated by 2 flats in 6 miles, another 5 back home.

Sunday was OWS in the lake with the sleeveless wetsuit, mostly spent dodging amateurs in kayaks and on paddle boards. I could swear someone had painted a bulls-eye target on my swimcap.

IMAZ Iron Fit plan officially kicks off today - here we go!

2012-04-23 1:25 PM
in reply to: #4165803

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Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
avisser - 2012-04-22 5:25 PM

I think I may like volunteering more than racing!! JKLaughing



It can be really fun to volunteer, especially if you know people who are racing.  I love volunteering at Ironman races.  You get to experience the whole vibe without the training.  

But, I love to race as well, and just like Patrick, my IMAZ plan officially kicks off today.

2012-04-23 6:48 PM
in reply to: #4165113

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Lost in the Evergreens
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Lyoshka - 2012-04-22 5:17 AM
elcaminobill - 2012-04-14 6:16 PM

Well, since no one else on our page seems to post anymore, I will.  Ran another race today, 15k.  First time in my life that I finished dead last!  Oh wait, I bet I have a good excuse, no wait a really good excuse!.  I pushed my grandson from can to can't for the entire 15K and enjoyed every single step of it.  How many people can say they are in good enough condition to push their grandson in a stroller for 15K?

Babies in strollers are fun, eh? I run with mine in a Bob, what stroller did you use? as with anything running and tri, the vehicle makes a difference. I imagine running with a regular (non-running) stroller would have you in all sorts of pains... Running with the Bob is not bad at all! I've never done a 15K race, but I ran plenty of miles with my boys Lukas is about to turn 3, and we'll be doing a fair share of running this summer and fall with our trusted BOB

Sure, they're fun until you pass someone and then they're not fun anymone.  I was passed by the 'lady with a stroller' on Sunday.  It was not funny.  I was nearing the end of a 13 miler.  Oh I wanted to give chase, but I was too gassed to say anything but, 'Nice Day'.  The little girl was so cute in a paper cut out cat face.  Strangest things you see running in the city on a sunny sunday morning.  You just need to keep you eyes open. 
2012-04-23 7:17 PM
in reply to: #4168376

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Long Island
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

Happy and safe training to all you Imazers!

Loved the chatter about Infinite or how ever you spell it.   May try it.  I am training for mostly olys and a sprint or two but in the heat, it may be what I need.

As for now, happy juicing Lena.  I'm still going to chew my food.  I barely have time to get food in the old fashioned way.  The time shopping and juicing is tiring to think about right now.  Maybe in the off season.  Where did the off season go?  I never seem to achieve my off season goals and I'm not sure why.  I guess it's not as planned out as training plans.  I'm going to have to rethink that in Nov.

Good night for now.

2012-04-23 8:08 PM
in reply to: #4168376

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Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Fit4Infinity - 2012-04-23 6:48 PM

Lyoshka - 2012-04-22 5:17 AM
elcaminobill - 2012-04-14 6:16 PM

Well, since no one else on our page seems to post anymore, I will.  Ran another race today, 15k.  First time in my life that I finished dead last!  Oh wait, I bet I have a good excuse, no wait a really good excuse!.  I pushed my grandson from can to can't for the entire 15K and enjoyed every single step of it.  How many people can say they are in good enough condition to push their grandson in a stroller for 15K?

Babies in strollers are fun, eh? I run with mine in a Bob, what stroller did you use? as with anything running and tri, the vehicle makes a difference. I imagine running with a regular (non-running) stroller would have you in all sorts of pains... Running with the Bob is not bad at all! I've never done a 15K race, but I ran plenty of miles with my boys Lukas is about to turn 3, and we'll be doing a fair share of running this summer and fall with our trusted BOB

Sure, they're fun until you pass someone and then they're not fun anymone.  I was passed by the 'lady with a stroller' on Sunday.  It was not funny.  I was nearing the end of a 13 miler.  Oh I wanted to give chase, but I was too gassed to say anything but, 'Nice Day'.  The little girl was so cute in a paper cut out cat face.  Strangest things you see running in the city on a sunny sunday morning.  You just need to keep you eyes open. 

Mark, too funny let's just say she was just starting out, otherwise there's no way she would have passed a stud like yourself there. Good confidence booster?

2012-04-23 8:17 PM
in reply to: #4168421

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Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
avisser - 2012-04-23 7:17 PM

Happy and safe training to all you Imazers!

Loved the chatter about Infinite or how ever you spell it.   May try it.  I am training for mostly olys and a sprint or two but in the heat, it may be what I need.

As for now, happy juicing Lena.  I'm still going to chew my food.  I barely have time to get food in the old fashioned way.  The time shopping and juicing is tiring to think about right now.  Maybe in the off season.  Where did the off season go?  I never seem to achieve my off season goals and I'm not sure why.  I guess it's not as planned out as training plans.  I'm going to have to rethink that in Nov.

Good night for now.

Ann, you are right in that juicing takes time and money... but, so does cooking When I was doing my fast and hubby joined me for 3 weeks, that's how we looked at it.. instead of buying groceries, we spent our grocery budget on the greens and fruit (kids are pretty easy to feed, cooking-wise).. And while juicing does take a few minutes, it's not that bad, and my juicer takes maybe 3-4 min to clean, so again, not too taxing. When I know I'll be busy, I just juice for the whole day and am done with the thing.

make sense?

And sure, I get that it's not natural not to eat trust you me, I thought I was losing my mind more than once during the fast, and at times, I felt my hands and mouth were possessed, because they were clearly trying to pick up the food and put it in the mouth, like I wasn't there! But, for me, the benefits outweigh the weirdness of the experience and the pain of the discipline... and our kids are drinking more and more of the juices we make (even the really green ones!), so it's just fantastic any way you look at it

2012-04-23 8:20 PM
in reply to: #3965644

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Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
... and I probably should add that as I was typing that, I have a petite steak sizzling on the stove and a baked potato all ready to go along with a glass of Malbec. I like me some good food, too
2012-04-23 9:58 PM
in reply to: #3965644

Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Lena, when I broke my jaw all I could have was liquid for 6 weeks. I was sdreaming of food!!!! I give u a lot of credit for sticking to that diet. I have no desire to give up food for more than 8 hours. That only occurs when I sleepIMAZ training for me too. Very exciting
2012-04-24 7:20 PM
in reply to: #4168550

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Long Island
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

Awesome.  I hope the steak was good!!  I so see the benefiets and I am so glad it has worked for you.  A great trickle down effect as well.  It does take amazing comitment!! 

What are you training for these days? Sorry if I missed it or forgot, I have a raging headache.

Never mind, I just looked back at your sign off.  HIM!!  Training must be under way.  How is it going?  I do remeber you saying you were training while juicing and feeling prety good.  How is it now with food?

Edited by avisser 2012-04-24 7:23 PM
2012-04-25 8:23 PM
in reply to: #3965644

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Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

Hope everyone is enjoying the spring vacation, since I am the only one working out!

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