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2012-05-23 8:46 PM
in reply to: #4226188

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LaPorte, IN
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
stephsprint - 2012-05-23 6:46 PM
oak73 - 2012-05-21 4:46 PM

Ok, Im my worse enemy.  My second planned race is this Saturday, and I havent trained in a week and a half.  Having a hard time trying to manage all the things in my life.  Oh well, I got to get through this.  Will be able to run tonight, Wensday and Friday.

Not sure if it is a good idea to run Friday.  I havent been running enough, so I dont know if running the day before a race is good or if it can hurt me.  Any suggestions?

I know this is my only second race I have ever done, and I should not be worried about my times for my first year of racing, but no one wants to do worse then their last race.  Im so focused on beating my last time.  Was allways a competitive person, but not feeling too great with a 15min mile pace.  I was looking at last years race results, and my last time would put me around 290th

So any suggestions about running the day before a race or any tips how to shave a few seconds off my 5k time would be great.


DO NOT TRAIN THE DAY BEFORE A RACE. If you want to do a little pre-race warm-up, fine... and easy mile or two jogging, but that's IT. You can't 'catch up' on training you miss. You have to start where you are. Look, s#&t happens sometimes. Use the race as a training day. Do a slow mile, a slightly faster mile, then run the last mile as hard as you are able. It's called progression training. If you aren't ready for a race.... SO WHAT? Use the time to work on your abs, tighten up your diet, try a new fruit or vegetable... all of these things are valuable. Have you ever looked at the statistics on weight loss? how much a 5lb or 10lb loss can improve your speed? You should. There are a lot of ways to get faster. Ever tried water running? I could go on...

Thanks Steph...its a long process and I just need to slow down.  Ive only been doing this for a few months, I cant expect the world yet.  Heck I still cant even jog a whole mile without walking.  And yes I do need to start a diet.  The amount of Mt. Dew Im drinking is killing me.  I will get there.  I love this site and this group.  Everyone on here that has helped and encouraged me, thankyou so much.  You guys are the greatest.

2012-05-24 5:40 AM
in reply to: #4128264

Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

Hang in there everyone. It's too early in the season to beat yourself up. The side effect of race training? That healthy bullet proof feeling you get after a good workout. I never wanted to race, I was only after the fitness, but now I'm hooked. Listen to your body. If it says "take today off" then do it. Don't push too hard, but push just enough. We are not racing for sponsorships or olympic team spots, are we? This IS just for fun, right? I take this sh*t seriously, but deep down I know it is just a healthy hobby. My family, work, obligations, etc... have all prohibited me from training as much as I'd like, but that's what happens. Find the drive inside to stay with it.

OTOH... I had to go for a night run Monday and Tuesday (night brick on Monday!!) because of family/work time during the day. I really suggest getting your headlamp and trying it. Roots and rocks on the trail are very hard to judge so mind your footing if not at the track.  


2012-05-24 5:44 AM
in reply to: #4128264

Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

Repeating Marcus' thoughts:

Hang in there everyone. It's too early in the season to beat yourself up. The side effect of race training? That healthy bullet proof feeling you get after a good workout. I never wanted to race, I was only after the fitness, but now I'm hooked. Listen to your body. If it says "take today off" then do it. Don't push too hard, but push just enough. We are not racing for sponsorships or olympic team spots, are we? This IS just for fun, right? I take this sh*t seriously, but deep down I know it is just a healthy hobby. My family, work, obligations, etc... have all prohibited me from training as much as I'd like, but that's what happens. Find the drive inside to stay with it.

OTOH... I had to go for a night run Monday and Tuesday (night brick on Monday!! In the rain!!!) because of family/work time during the day. I really suggest getting your headlamp on and trying it. Roots and rocks on the trail are very hard to judge even with a light, so mind your footing if not at the track.  

2012-05-24 10:43 AM
in reply to: #4128264

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
Well it's my MOJO, and I haven't seen it since March.
2012-05-24 1:27 PM
in reply to: #4128264

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Medford Lakes, NJ
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!


How to you like running at night?  I tried it once, with a hand held flash light. I found I couldn't really tell how fast I was going.  My neighborhood doesn't have any street lights, so it gets super dark. 



Your plan for Sunday sounds great.  Lets make a deal?  No more blowing off races, just turn them into a training day?



I took a gander at BigFuzzyDoug's swimming article yesterday (a great read) and since today was a swim day I thought I would take note of some of his pointers.   I started with paying more attention to my stroke, particularly the recover/catch.  I would have sworn I never lift my head to take a breath, but SOB, I do.  My natural instinct was to start my forward hand a tad early and raise my head just a bit, even though it was turned to the side.  Can't believe I never noticed it before. I see other swimmers do it all the time and always thought "thanks goodness I dont do that".  Looks like I have a few more things to correct in the pool. You would think that if Darwin was right, and we came from the sea, swimming would be so much easier. Surprised

Question for anyone that does a pull drill with a buoy.  Has your body ever wanted to rotate all the way around?  It happened to me a few times today. I suspect my core was just getting tired and when I rotated it just didn't want to stop.  To the life guard, I prolly looked like a dieing (can never spell that word) fish. Laughing

I think it is time to try to get a third day of swimming in.  

On Monday I have my next race.  It is another 5k and the same course I run in November.  It is very flat with very narrow roads.  This is the one race my wife runs in as well, so I will be pushing our daughter in the stroller.  The stroller and narrow roads make it an interesting run, as it is a challenge to maneuver around people. 

Have a great day


2012-05-24 3:05 PM
in reply to: #4128264

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LaPorte, IN
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
Ok, I have a race this Saturday.  Is there anything special I should do the day before a race?

2012-05-24 3:11 PM
in reply to: #4227798

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Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

oak73 - 2012-05-24 2:05 PM Ok, I have a race this Saturday.  Is there anything special I should do the day before a race?

I always make the day before a race a rest day (and not just no gym - like for real trying to take it easy!). I swear off alcohol (no idea if that actually helps or anything, just what I do, and I'm certainly not competitive with anyone but myself!). I get a good night's sleep, and I don't eat anything new (not a great time to chance tummy upsets!).

Good luck on your race! Have fun with it!

Edited by amybecca 2012-05-24 3:12 PM
2012-05-24 3:53 PM
in reply to: #4227798

Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

oak73 - 2012-05-24 4:05 PM Ok, I have a race this Saturday.  Is there anything special I should do the day before a race?

Good question. I have a race on Sat as well. I'm probably going to go for a light bike or just do a cardio core routine tonight, and maybe 1mi faster run on Friday, to keep those legs loose. If I can get through one more day of work without getting a hurt back, I'm going to kill it at the race. Good luck at yours Oak.


otisbrown - 2012-05-24 2:27 PM


How to you like running at night?  I tried it once, with a hand held flash light. I found I couldn't really tell how fast I was going.  My neighborhood doesn't have any street lights, so it gets super dark. 


I like it. The light threw weird shadows and I kept thinking that animals were running out in front of me. I would stay on the track for a tempo type workout. I couldn't tell pace because I was watching for stumps and rocks. I'm going to do them again, and at least once I'm going to try a night run/hike on an 18mi two mountain traverse I've been wanting to do. I might stick to the track for most of the night workouts because I can gauge distance/time better and I can bike there at night too without any traffic to worry about.

2012-05-24 7:39 PM
in reply to: #4128264

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LaPorte, IN
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

Well I went to the local pond for my jog and a funny thing happened.  Its a mile course if you just go around the two ponds, but there is a divider going between the two ponds and if you do the course as a figure 8 its a mile and a half.  So as I was attempting to run the divider section when I ran into a large group of geese and a whole lot of baby geese.  Needless to say the adult geese were not to happy with people going by, so each time I crossed they chased me.  Well after 2 times crossing I decided a mile and a half was good enough for tonight  lol.

Also I would like to call out to all of our members in this support group for a little help.  I have found a weight training program that I have decided I am going to do.  Mondays, Wensdays, and Fridays starting next week.  So please check my training logs once in a while and hold me accountable for sticking to it.  My will power to train has been slipping and I have been letting everything come in the way of training...I feel like I am back a square one with my training.




2012-05-25 7:09 AM
in reply to: #4228165

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
oak73 - 2012-05-24 8:39 PM

Well I went to the local pond for my jog and a funny thing happened.  Its a mile course if you just go around the two ponds, but there is a divider going between the two ponds and if you do the course as a figure 8 its a mile and a half.  So as I was attempting to run the divider section when I ran into a large group of geese and a whole lot of baby geese.  Needless to say the adult geese were not to happy with people going by, so each time I crossed they chased me.  Well after 2 times crossing I decided a mile and a half was good enough for tonight  lol.

Also I would like to call out to all of our members in this support group for a little help.  I have found a weight training program that I have decided I am going to do.  Mondays, Wensdays, and Fridays starting next week.  So please check my training logs once in a while and hold me accountable for sticking to it.  My will power to train has been slipping and I have been letting everything come in the way of training...I feel like I am back a square one with my training.




Hee hee hee... my running coach just posted on FB that he was running his usual route, and a blackbird flew at him repeatedly, pecking him about the head and shoulders!! weird...but he ran sub 6 minute miles to get away!!

Weight training M, W, F. Those are my running mornings... which I haven't been doing either. I'll run the morning and lift with you in the evenings... howzat? weight loss here we come!
2012-05-25 7:11 AM
in reply to: #4227798

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
oak73 - 2012-05-24 4:05 PM

Ok, I have a race this Saturday.  Is there anything special I should do the day before a race?

Eat light, rest, and get a good night's sleep.

2012-05-25 7:19 AM
in reply to: #4227576

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
otisbrown - 2012-05-24 2:27 PM


Question for anyone that does a pull drill with a buoy.  Has your body ever wanted to rotate all the way around?  It happened to me a few times today. I suspect my core was just getting tired and when I rotated it just didn't want to stop.  To the life guard, I prolly looked like a dieing (can never spell that word) fish. Laughing

I think it is time to try to get a third day of swimming in.  

On Monday I have my next race.  It is another 5k and the same course I run in November.  It is very flat with very narrow roads.  This is the one race my wife runs in as well, so I will be pushing our daughter in the stroller.  The stroller and narrow roads make it an interesting run, as it is a challenge to maneuver around people. 

Have a great day


The pull buoy is really just to make you work your upper body, so if you roll a little more, just try to control it. You really aren't rolling your upper body anyway, mostly the hips. Hard to do, I know. But your head should stay looking straight down...even if you are supposed to be lying on your side, head still facing/looking down. THIS IS IMPORTANT because it keeps you swimming straighter. It's like a rudder. Out in the open water you don't want to zig zag or go way off course. Head looking down, roll hips. ;-)

They do say run NO MORE than 3 days a week, and swim AT LEAST 3 days a week. So an extra swim is probably in order. DO IT!

Have you ever done the drill where you place one hand on your kick board, and stroke with the other arm? all the way down to the end, then switch hands and swim back. It's an interesting drill...tough, but you learn balance.
2012-05-25 7:21 AM
in reply to: #4227814

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
amybecca - 2012-05-24 4:11 PM

oak73 - 2012-05-24 2:05 PM Ok, I have a race this Saturday.  Is there anything special I should do the day before a race?

I always make the day before a race a rest day (and not just no gym - like for real trying to take it easy!). I swear off alcohol (no idea if that actually helps or anything, just what I do, and I'm certainly not competitive with anyone but myself!). I get a good night's sleep, and I don't eat anything new (not a great time to chance tummy upsets!).

Good luck on your race! Have fun with it!

Great advice!
2012-05-25 7:23 AM
in reply to: #4128264

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!


I was born within hours of Kathrine Switzer's pioneering Boston Marathon in 1967—and as I celebrated my 45th birthday, I did so with gratitude for all the women that ran, fought, and created active opportunity for generations to come. It's hard for me to imagine a life without sports and marathoning, as every finish line has inspired self confidence, empowerment, and personal growth.

Jenny Hadfield, Ask Coach Jenny blog, Runner's

2012-05-25 7:24 AM
in reply to: #4128264

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
2012-05-25 5:53 PM
in reply to: #4228494

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LaPorte, IN
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
stephsprint - 2012-05-25 7:09 AM
oak73 - 2012-05-24 8:39 PM

Well I went to the local pond for my jog and a funny thing happened.  Its a mile course if you just go around the two ponds, but there is a divider going between the two ponds and if you do the course as a figure 8 its a mile and a half.  So as I was attempting to run the divider section when I ran into a large group of geese and a whole lot of baby geese.  Needless to say the adult geese were not to happy with people going by, so each time I crossed they chased me.  Well after 2 times crossing I decided a mile and a half was good enough for tonight  lol.

Also I would like to call out to all of our members in this support group for a little help.  I have found a weight training program that I have decided I am going to do.  Mondays, Wensdays, and Fridays starting next week.  So please check my training logs once in a while and hold me accountable for sticking to it.  My will power to train has been slipping and I have been letting everything come in the way of training...I feel like I am back a square one with my training.




Hee hee hee... my running coach just posted on FB that he was running his usual route, and a blackbird flew at him repeatedly, pecking him about the head and shoulders!! weird...but he ran sub 6 minute miles to get away!! Weight training M, W, F. Those are my running mornings... which I haven't been doing either. I'll run the morning and lift with you in the evenings... howzat? weight loss here we come!

Sounds great...cant wait for the weight to come off.  Im making Tues, Thursday and Saturday my run days...we will see how this goes.


2012-05-26 6:21 AM
in reply to: #4128264

Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

First race this morning coming up in 3.5 hours.

To keep up with training, I tried an OWS yesterday afternoon. I think I went through every symptom of a cold water swim: dive reflexes, nerves, anxiety...and then a BIG bass swam out from a rock under me and it really freaked me out. 200 yds maybe. Jumped out for a 1K run, then went to the gym for a 1000yd pool session.

My knee got bumped during work yesterday, and it's a little sore. I'm also a little tired from increased work load and poor sleep. Should be a fun race today otherwise. 

2012-05-26 6:34 AM
in reply to: #4230198

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LaPorte, IN
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
skibummer - 2012-05-26 6:21 AM

First race this morning coming up in 3.5 hours.

To keep up with training, I tried an OWS yesterday afternoon. I think I went through every symptom of a cold water swim: dive reflexes, nerves, anxiety...and then a BIG bass swam out from a rock under me and it really freaked me out. 200 yds maybe. Jumped out for a 1K run, then went to the gym for a 1000yd pool session.

My knee got bumped during work yesterday, and it's a little sore. I'm also a little tired from increased work load and poor sleep. Should be a fun race today otherwise. 

Good luck with  your race today.  I also I a race in a few hours and I am not ready...good times!


2012-05-26 6:38 AM
in reply to: #4128264

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LaPorte, IN
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

Race day today.  Please say its not so.  I am so not ready.  My son stressed me out so bad yesterday, told him to come home at 6pm and he finaly came home at midnight.  Oh boy did that make me made.   Stressed me out so bad, I bought a pack of smokes.  So it was not a good restfull night sleep.  Oh well pre race in an hour.

Have a great day, and enjoy your holiday weekend.


2012-05-26 9:12 AM
in reply to: #4229828

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
oak73 - 2012-05-25 6:53 PM

stephsprint - 2012-05-25 7:09 AM
oak73 - 2012-05-24 8:39 PM

Well I went to the local pond for my jog and a funny thing happened.  Its a mile course if you just go around the two ponds, but there is a divider going between the two ponds and if you do the course as a figure 8 its a mile and a half.  So as I was attempting to run the divider section when I ran into a large group of geese and a whole lot of baby geese.  Needless to say the adult geese were not to happy with people going by, so each time I crossed they chased me.  Well after 2 times crossing I decided a mile and a half was good enough for tonight  lol.

Also I would like to call out to all of our members in this support group for a little help.  I have found a weight training program that I have decided I am going to do.  Mondays, Wensdays, and Fridays starting next week.  So please check my training logs once in a while and hold me accountable for sticking to it.  My will power to train has been slipping and I have been letting everything come in the way of training...I feel like I am back a square one with my training.




Hee hee hee... my running coach just posted on FB that he was running his usual route, and a blackbird flew at him repeatedly, pecking him about the head and shoulders!! weird...but he ran sub 6 minute miles to get away!! Weight training M, W, F. Those are my running mornings... which I haven't been doing either. I'll run the morning and lift with you in the evenings... howzat? weight loss here we come!

Sounds great...cant wait for the weight to come off.  Im making Tues, Thursday and Saturday my run days...we will see how this goes.


Don't do a hard leg workout in the gym the night before a run.
2012-05-26 9:13 AM
in reply to: #4230203

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
oak73 - 2012-05-26 7:38 AM

Race day today.  Please say its not so.  I am so not ready.  My son stressed me out so bad yesterday, told him to come home at 6pm and he finaly came home at midnight.  Oh boy did that make me made.   Stressed me out so bad, I bought a pack of smokes.  So it was not a good restfull night sleep.  Oh well pre race in an hour.

Have a great day, and enjoy your holiday weekend.


You used it as an excuse to buy the smokes. Throw them out. Excuses are not reasons.

2012-05-26 4:44 PM
in reply to: #4128264

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LaPorte, IN
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

Completed my second race EVER!!  Thought I wasnt ready, but I surprised myself.  The course was amazing, beautiful neighboorhood, beautiful houses, great lake shore view of Lake Michigan, and OMG the hills!  Was not ready for hills.  When I hit the second hill, my heart dropped...this is Indiana, where did a hill like that come

My time was 44:48, overall 299th place, 9th in my age group.  Not sure how many people there were in my age group, I havent visited the web site yet.  Even though my time was 24 seconds slower then my first race, I have to take in count those  Im proud.

It was such a great event.  So many people showed up to support a great cause.  The coolest thing was that most of the neighbors along the course were out in their lawns cheering, clapping, and ringing noise makers as we passed.  That sure added some extra encouragement and motivation to keep going.

My jogging partner also raced.  Her time was 34:30, overall 231st place, 9th in her age group.  It was great, after she finished, she came back a little bit and was waiting for me, and ran the last leg with me, giving me some more support!

Overall it was a great day.  I hope everyone else had a great day too.


2012-05-26 6:56 PM
in reply to: #4128264

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New user
Stonington, CT
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

Just read this article on barefoot running

I have to laugh- the author's "before" shoes, ASICS GT2150 is what I have been wearing- I have no problem with them, should I???!!??

I don't ever see myself barefoot running- I don't even like running around the house barefoot.  Had a fabulous run this morning- ran 3.3mi and felt good doing it.  Half Marathon coming up 9/16- still in the beginner phase of running.  

My first tri is next weekend- I will be volunteering...


Have a great day everyone



ps- cannot attach the link to the article, cut & paste if you would like to see

2012-05-26 9:57 PM
in reply to: #4128264

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LaPorte, IN
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

Added a new album with a couple of pics of todays race.


2012-05-27 5:26 AM
in reply to: #4128264

Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
For the second time trying to do a brick my quads cramp up. The first time I was doing a hill and just tried to run through it which I did. This time we had done 20 miles on our bike which included some serious hills! I went to run stretched for a few seconds and just couldn't do it with out it cramping up!!!!!! What am I doing wrong, I am worried as I am now so close to my race day and dont want that to happen that day. I know I was not dehydrated as I was drink on my ride and I had a shot block gummy thing before the run! ANyone have any suggestions? I am going to roll and try to stretch again today and every day till the race and hope it will work. Thanks
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