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2014-03-14 7:57 AM
in reply to: DirkP

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Originally posted by DirkP

For the record, I used to think I did hard swim workouts.  I don't have that opinion any longer!!  While my other swim workouts were somewhat hard they don't really seem to hold the same mental anguish I seem to experience during most of these past 3-4 swims while I am completing them.  It makes me wonder just how wrong I've been as I have developed my own training plans and workouts.

The focus from Zach has been to make sure I get plenty of hard workouts in but allow for some proper rest and alternation of workouts.  The great thing about allowing him to coach, as stated before, is the "no worry" aspect but along with that is the experience of someone who knows about recovery from a scientific approach.  Over the long haul this should prove more beneficial to me.  That said, I suppose I haven't been particularly far off target since I seem to have been moderately successful in my triathlon endeavour to this point.

There is one thing that you definitely find out when you are training for Ironman. What you thought was hard really isn't that hard. You are constantly redefining the definition of what hard really is. It sounds like your coach knows what he is doing and he is going to get you to get most out of yourself without killing you in the process.

2014-03-14 8:10 AM
in reply to: DirkP

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Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Matt, one thing I'd add since Jeff didn't mention it specifically, though he talked about running the 5k pace to drill yourself into efficient running at that pace, is the inclusion of strides. A while back when he was leading me through becoming a better runner, he strongly advocated adding strides to my long run. Since then I've really come to love that aspect of the long run and I try to end each mile with a stride set. He can disagree if this doesn't make sense given your specific needs for this challenge.

Dirk, sounds like that coach is hitting the sweet spot for you. Given the huge amount of volume you've endured the past few years, it seems like adding some high intensity makes sense. And yes, I think I have slacked on sessions in terms of really digging into the high end stuff. I've had the attitude that I since I've always been a "power" sport athlete, to switch to an endurance athlete means I've needed to do more longer/easier stuff. But I think I may have gone too far away from any really high end work, particularly on the bike. This year I'm sort of on a little different mission to do a lot more non-triathlon specific training, so we'll see how my tri sport performance fares.

Anthony, 3x15 at close to threshold is a serious session. I really believe those are great mind workouts as well as physical ones. It's amazing how hard we can push for how long. There are some great studies about the true limiters in our performance, and the mind's influence on slowing/stopping the body is very high. The ability to shut your mind up during a race when the body hurts is an essential tool for peak performance, always within parameters, of course.
2014-03-14 8:11 AM
in reply to: Jo63

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Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Originally posted by Jo63
My sisters surgery got bumped again Monday morning for another emergency, they finally took her about 4 pm everything went well she's in ICU still but is on the road to recovery

So glad to hear this. Keep us updated.
2014-03-14 7:25 PM
in reply to: wbayek

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
I posted a link to a swim video on the catch and pull a few weeks ago. Here is the link to the second part of that. I just saw it today and I think this is another good video that's shows the catch and pull from the front. Just wanted to share this.
2014-03-15 2:36 PM
in reply to: DirkP

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Redding, CA
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED

Just got home from the 2nd annual St Paddy's Dash fundraiser for my daughter's (and 2 nieces) middle school. Both of my girls ran the 1 mile dash with their 2 cousins and finished 6, 7, 8, 9 and my wife finished 10th out of 50 participants.

I finished in 24:46 on the 5k run. Not my best ever but I'm still very happy with it. Especially since I took it easier (about a 9:00 first mile) and then ran negative splits to finish near an 8:00 overall average pace. Out of 85 participants I was 14th overall and 3rd in my age group. They only award top 2 in each age group so no hardware.

After finishing I ran back on the course to meet my brother in law, who was doing his first run since 1994 in the Army, and ran with him to the finish. Then I turned around again and ran back to meet my wife's Dad and went in to the finish with him. That got me an extra mile for the day.

2014-03-15 5:06 PM
in reply to: JonnyVero

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Extreme Veteran
Sidney, Ohio
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Nice work on the 5k Vero, I can't wait for the local tour to start up so I can run a few.

For me, I faltered today. Had a 3 hour bike on the schedule but did not have that much time so instead I loaded up ISLAGIATT and spent 2 hours on the trainer. Somewhere around 1hr 30m I was toast, as much as I tried I could not hit the target output. So instead I just held around 85% and constant output and even then my legs were angry with me. Even more so when I followed the trainer up with a 1.5 mile run. All of my rides this week have been pretty high intensity so that's probably the cause but I need to keep an eye on my energy to see if I am about due for a recovery week.

2014-03-15 7:42 PM
in reply to: mambos

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
John congrats on 14th overall and 3rd AG finish and to your family. It sounds like everyone did very well had a great day. It might not have been your best day but that's still a very good time. I can't even break 25 minutes on my best day. Also nice to see you supporting your family and running out to meet them and finishing with them as well.

  • Matt I know exactly how you feel. I was going to do ISLAGIATT but I decided to go with the EN workout I had on tap. I did 2x18 and 1x8 @95-100% then I did 25 minutes @80-85%. The intervals were hard enough when I got around to the 25 minute threshold interval I just wanted to get off the bike and curl up into a ball on the floor. I did manage to finish the 90 minute bike workout and make it to the treadmill for a 30 minute run. It was supposed to be 10' WU, 10' HMP and 10' MP but I could only manage the 20 minutes after the warmup at marathon pace. I'm so done right now I hope I have some legs for my run tomorrow.
    2014-03-15 8:48 PM
    in reply to: mambos

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    Fort Wayne
    Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED

    Vero,  Very nice running today!  To go from a 9 MM for the first mile and then be able to pull the run down to an 8MM average is cooking for a couple of miles!!  Solid in my book.  And 3rd in AG regardless of awards lands you on the podium!  It sounds like your entire family being there with you made for a great event all over.  

    Matt,  How was your nutrition on the ride?  Did you take in any calories?  If not, that is the likely culprit for why you felt so horrible.  I have found that I can tolerate only about 1.5 hours on the bike while riding hard without taking in some form of nutrition.  When I get on the bike for 2 hours I always have some for m of caloric intake sitting next to me.  Most of the time it has come in the form of a 100 calorie bottle of Heed but I do use dried fruit to help.  It seems that dried fruit has a similar effect like Gu Chomps or Clif shots, plus it helps fill the hunger pangs that are nearly certain to come with long rides.


    Me?  I got the biggest swim in today I think I've ever gotten in one day and I polished off the biggest swim week ever.  I've had a really good week in the pool with swims of 4000, 3500 and 5100, respectively, bringing the total to 12600 yards for the week.  The week in riding was much shorter but I have figured out his plans. Riding was only about 5.75 hours but there was some intensity with a long ride tomorrow of 2.5-3 hours that will get uncomfortable.  

    Zach plans to alternate weeks of long training.  One week is heavy bike and then the next week is heavy swim.  Once I can run again I suppose I'll see similar types of running.

    2014-03-16 6:57 PM
    in reply to: DirkP

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    Extreme Veteran
    Sidney, Ohio
    Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
    Dirk, your absolutely right on the nutrition, actually lack of. I ate breakfast around 7am and nothing else before my ride at 2pm so I was going on fumes and figured I would see how it felt. I had a GU around the 1hr mark, other than that it was just water. Energy really started to drop and I could feel the change around the 1:20 mark and from there it just went south. Somehow I still managed a 1.5 mile run though.

    Thanks for the input on how to improve the run, a lot of it makes sense. I even through some strides in on today's run, basically during each mile I did 1/10th at HM pace (7:30), the remaining run I was around 8:49 which is still faster than what I would normally do a longer run at. I also looked at the run portion of my plan and noticed that once a week it called out for a fairly aggressive run (see below). So I think if I just add in my extra days of running and follow the designated run plan on those days I should be good.

    Example 1

    WU: 10'

    MS: 5x5' Z4-5a. RI: 3'. Try to run right at your LT.

    CD: 10'

    example 2, this one seems difficult

    Over 2 miles, gradually work your way up to just under your treadmill LT pace @ .5% grade (where you could maintain 3-4 miles at, but working very hard to do so).

    -For mile 3, maintain pace corresponding to just under LT @ 1% grade.

    -Mile 4, 5 x (1/10 @ 4% grade, 1/10 @ flat).

    -Last 1/2 mile go back to flat grade and gradually slow speed for cool-down.

    2014-03-16 6:59 PM
    in reply to: DirkP

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    Extreme Veteran
    Sidney, Ohio
    Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
    Originally posted by DirkP

    Me?  I got the biggest swim in today I think I've ever gotten in one day and I polished off the biggest swim week ever.  I've had a really good week in the pool with swims of 4000, 3500 and 5100, respectively, bringing the total to 12600 yards for the week.  The week in riding was much shorter but I have figured out his plans. Riding was only about 5.75 hours but there was some intensity with a long ride tomorrow of 2.5-3 hours that will get uncomfortable.  

    Zach plans to alternate weeks of long training.  One week is heavy bike and then the next week is heavy swim.  Once I can run again I suppose I'll see similar types of running.

    I think you may want to check for gills, that is a ton of swimming!
    2014-03-16 8:11 PM
    in reply to: mambos

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    Extreme Veteran
    Racine, Wisconsin
    Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
    John, cosines like a fun race, congrats to everyone on their finishes!

    Tony sounds like are getting in some great rides!

    Wow Dirk that is a lot of swimming!

    I also had a lesson in nutrition over the weekend , I hadn't tracked my eatting for a few days and ran about 5 1/2 miles Friday and then did a 3x30 @ 88-94% total 90 min ride on Saturday, I was so out of it and I couldn't figure out why, I went back and logged my food for the missed days and discovered I had only eatten 1100 calories on Friday and about 500 before my ride. So last night and today I ate well had an ok run today and am feeling much better this evening.
    We also went to an open house yesterday at a Yoga studio that my niece will be teaching at and i won an energy healing session which I am excited to see how it works!

    Oh and my sister is up and walking around so thanks for the thoughts and prayers!

    2014-03-17 4:49 AM
    in reply to: mambos

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    Fort Wayne
    Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED

    Originally posted by mambos Dirk, your absolutely right on the nutrition, actually lack of. I ate breakfast around 7am and nothing else before my ride at 2pm so I was going on fumes and figured I would see how it felt. I had a GU around the 1hr mark, other than that it was just water. Energy really started to drop and I could feel the change around the 1:20 mark and from there it just went south. Somehow I still managed a 1.5 mile run though. Thanks for the input on how to improve the run, a lot of it makes sense. I even through some strides in on today's run, basically during each mile I did 1/10th at HM pace (7:30), the remaining run I was around 8:49 which is still faster than what I would normally do a longer run at. I also looked at the run portion of my plan and noticed that once a week it called out for a fairly aggressive run (see below). So I think if I just add in my extra days of running and follow the designated run plan on those days I should be good.Example 1 WU: 10' MS: 5x5' Z4-5a. RI: 3'. Try to run right at your LT. CD: 10'example 2, this one seems difficult Over 2 miles, gradually work your way up to just under your treadmill LT pace @ .5% grade (where you could maintain 3-4 miles at, but working very hard to do so). -For mile 3, maintain pace corresponding to just under LT @ 1% grade. -Mile 4, 5 x (1/10 @ 4% grade, 1/10 @ flat).-Last 1/2 mile go back to flat grade and gradually slow speed for cool-down.

    Those both don't look easy to me but if I had to choose one I would pick exp. 1 too.  Both runs certainly have there place in your training regimen for different reasons.  One is a faster pace for a shorter period of time while the other gets hard and stays hard.

    By the description given, it appears to me that the first run is in a similar zone as a tempo run (or a little bit harder) while the second is a steady state run.  The first will allow you to accumulate lactate in your muscles without being able to clear it and will really make you hurt a little bit.  The great thing about this one is that you'll be granted some recovery time before beginning the next pain session

     The steady state is run at a pace slower than tempo/10k but fast enough that you know you're working fairly hard.  This run shouldn't hurt really but it should be comfortably hard, yet challenging.  It should be done around your HM pace or a shade faster but remain consistent throughout.  

    You're discussion of running only makes me more determined to get back to doing some of these runs.  In reality I would just like to run!  

    Doc appointment today!!  If surgery is the suggestion I will be getting it as soon as I possibly can get in the OR.  I want to get this thing done so I can get on with the business of IM training!


    2014-03-17 8:54 AM
    in reply to: 0

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    Fort Wayne
    Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
    Originally posted by Jo63I also had a lesson in nutrition over the weekend , I hadn't tracked my eatting for a few days and ran about 5 1/2 miles Friday and then did a 3x30 @ 88-94% total 90 min ride on Saturday, I was so out of it and I couldn't figure out why, I went back and logged my food for the missed days and discovered I had only eatten 1100 calories on Friday and about 500 before my ride. So last night and today I ate well had an ok run today and am feeling much better this evening. We also went to an open house yesterday at a Yoga studio that my niece will be teaching at and i won an energy healing session which I am excited to see how it works!Oh and my sister is up and walking around so thanks for the thoughts and prayers!
    First, it's very welcomed news to hear your sister is up and doing well! Keep us updated and I'll keep praying for her.

    I had my own bout with poor in ride nutrition yesterday. I was scheduled for a 3 hour ride at a fair intensity for that duration and took a 100 calorie bottle and decided the dried fruit would supplement those calories. It proved to be insufficient to keep me going for that long. I also didn't really take to much of ther fruit in very early which was a second mistake. I tried sipping on the bottle early to get some of the early calories in but I should have been eating to maintain a little better fuel levels. But ther is a caveat, I felt like trash most of the day and even napped for 30-40 minutes after feeling pretty flat early in the morning. I think I am pretty shot after the past couple of weeks training and it really snuck up on me. Today is a rest day so I'll be doing only PT exercises this evening.

    Anyway, i said all that to say you're not the only one learning something about nutrution the past couple of days.

    BTW, are trying to cut weight during your training? Trying to balance weight loss and successful workouts can be challenging to say the least. I am trying to do this and I have some work to do. I am just beginning to discuss this with my coach to try and work through some of the ideas and thoughts here.

    I'm in the docs office right now waiting to hear the word....wish me luck or intelligence to make the right decision!

    Edited by DirkP 2014-03-17 8:55 AM

    2014-03-17 1:17 PM
    in reply to: DirkP

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    Mastic Beach, NY
    Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
    Dirk good luck I hope everything goes well and you can get the knee taken care so you can focus on the IM training.

    JoAnne thanks for the update on your sister. I hope she has quick recovery and glad to hear that she is doing well. Those 3x30 intervals sounds worse than anything that I've been doing.

    Matt sounds like you have some good speed work within your current training plan. I think they will definitely help.

    I just finished week 10 of my outseason plan and quite honestly I'm shot. This past weekend's workouts were tough, the plan has gotten progressively harder as I've gone along. I really don't have any feeling in my legs today. I'd probably be looking at a recovery week but the pool is closing down in two weeks so I may just try and hang in there and take advantage then as I probably won't be swimming while it's closed. They are closed down from 3/31 to 4/13. I can probably regroup those two weeks as I'll be transitioning from the outseason to my 20 week Ironman training plan. The plan for today is go swim for an hour and hopefully not drown in the process.

    Today it's 5 months to go until IMMT, 152 days. Seems like it's going much faster than it did last season. I did finalize my lodging in Mont Tremblant this past weekend. I am in the village and very close to the start thankfully. Everything is in walking distance which is great but it definitely wasn't cheap. They pretty much double the prices during the IM week. I'm staying for the week and looking forward to it.
    2014-03-17 2:36 PM
    in reply to: strikyr

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    Extreme Veteran
    Racine, Wisconsin
    Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
    Originally posted by strikyr

    Dirk good luck I hope everything goes well and you can get the knee taken care so you can focus on the IM training.

    JoAnne thanks for the update on your sister. I hope she has quick recovery and glad to hear that she is doing well. Those 3x30 intervals sounds worse than anything that I've been doing.

    Matt sounds like you have some good speed work within your current training plan. I think they will definitely help.

    I just finished week 10 of my outseason plan and quite honestly I'm shot. This past weekend's workouts were tough, the plan has gotten progressively harder as I've gone along. I really don't have any feeling in my legs today. I'd probably be looking at a recovery week but the pool is closing down in two weeks so I may just try and hang in there and take advantage then as I probably won't be swimming while it's closed. They are closed down from 3/31 to 4/13. I can probably regroup those two weeks as I'll be transitioning from the outseason to my 20 week Ironman training plan. The plan for today is go swim for an hour and hopefully not drown in the process.

    Today it's 5 months to go until IMMT, 152 days. Seems like it's going much faster than it did last season. I did finalize my lodging in Mont Tremblant this past weekend. I am in the village and very close to the start thankfully. Everything is in walking distance which is great but it definitely wasn't cheap. They pretty much double the prices during the IM week. I'm staying for the week and looking forward to it.

    oops my bad miss type they were 3x20 not 3x30 so it wasn't as hard as it sounded lol
    2014-03-17 2:41 PM
    in reply to: Jo63

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    Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
    Originally posted by Jo63
    oops my bad miss type they were 3x20 not 3x30 so it wasn't as hard as it sounded lol

    3x20 is no joke either! Great work.

    2014-03-17 3:56 PM
    in reply to: strikyr

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    Columbia, TN
    Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
    This weekend I will probably be getting a little test of my form.

    I plan to run a local 15k trail run Saturday that I've done the past 2 years. It's put on at my local mtn bike trails. To race a 15k on this hard terrain is no small thing for me and until 2012 I didn't feel capable of running respectably hard for that long. These trails are pretty tough.

    If I race it, and I assume I will, I am interested in comparing my results to the last 2 years.

    2012: 8th Jeff Yeager M 45 1:12:21 Columbia TN
    2013: 8th Jeff Yeager M 46 1:11:14 Columbia TN

    Also, there is a big mtn bike race there the following day. I have tried to do it in the past, but it has always been cold and rainy and an absolute mud-fest. Not only do I not like riding in the muck, but I get slower (of course), but slower even relative to all the other riders, so it's pointless.
    I swore off racing there because it's sucky! The 2 years I tried, I had a mechanical failure then I pulled out feeling too crappy to even make it a hard workout.
    Then, in 2012 it was dry and warm and nice. (but I had sworn off racing it!)
    Last year it was crappy again.

    So I will only race if the trails are dry that day. If I do race, it will be my first real attempt at racing as a cat 2.

    So I will be eager to see how I do. I feel like my engine is very strong, but my bike handling isn't as stellar as the other cool boys. I did 3 laps on Saturday with lap times of 44:40, 45:07: 45:00. The race will be 2 laps. In 2012, when it was dry, there were 30 cat 2 40+ guys and 3rd place averaged slower than 45 minutes per lap.
    It would be fun just to ride the trails (if dry) and be in the middle somewhere.

    But the race is cursed. It's guaranteed to rain! So I'm not getting my hopes up.

    Hey, Dirk...I'm sorry about your knee. I understand the eagerness to go under the knife because it gets you to the end that much sooner. Hang in there friend.

    The rest of you are impressing me with all of your training and courageous efforts on the bike!
    2014-03-17 6:21 PM
    in reply to: wbayek

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    Mastic Beach, NY
    Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
    Originally posted by wbayek

    Originally posted by Jo63
    oops my bad miss type they were 3x20 not 3x30 so it wasn't as hard as it sounded lol

    3x20 is no joke either! Great work.

    x2 on that, way to go JoAnne.
    2014-03-17 6:28 PM
    in reply to: JeffY

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    Mastic Beach, NY
    Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
    Originally posted by JeffY

    This weekend I will probably be getting a little test of my form.

    I plan to run a local 15k trail run Saturday that I've done the past 2 years. It's put on at my local mtn bike trails. To race a 15k on this hard terrain is no small thing for me and until 2012 I didn't feel capable of running respectably hard for that long. These trails are pretty tough.

    If I race it, and I assume I will, I am interested in comparing my results to the last 2 years.

    2012: 8th Jeff Yeager M 45 1:12:21 Columbia TN
    2013: 8th Jeff Yeager M 46 1:11:14 Columbia TN

    Also, there is a big mtn bike race there the following day. I have tried to do it in the past, but it has always been cold and rainy and an absolute mud-fest. Not only do I not like riding in the muck, but I get slower (of course), but slower even relative to all the other riders, so it's pointless.
    I swore off racing there because it's sucky! The 2 years I tried, I had a mechanical failure then I pulled out feeling too crappy to even make it a hard workout.
    Then, in 2012 it was dry and warm and nice. (but I had sworn off racing it!)
    Last year it was crappy again.

    So I will only race if the trails are dry that day. If I do race, it will be my first real attempt at racing as a cat 2.

    So I will be eager to see how I do. I feel like my engine is very strong, but my bike handling isn't as stellar as the other cool boys. I did 3 laps on Saturday with lap times of 44:40, 45:07: 45:00. The race will be 2 laps. In 2012, when it was dry, there were 30 cat 2 40+ guys and 3rd place averaged slower than 45 minutes per lap.
    It would be fun just to ride the trails (if dry) and be in the middle somewhere.

    But the race is cursed. It's guaranteed to rain! So I'm not getting my hopes up.

    Hey, Dirk...I'm sorry about your knee. I understand the eagerness to go under the knife because it gets you to the end that much sooner. Hang in there friend.

    The rest of you are impressing me with all of your training and courageous efforts on the bike!

    Jeff good luck with this weekend's trail run and MTN bike race. Hopefully you'll get some decent weather for both especially the MTN bike race. I can't say I blame you I don't care for riding in those conditions either. I'm just hoping to get back out on the trails this weekend either riding them or running them.
    2014-03-17 6:33 PM
    in reply to: JeffY

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    Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
    Jeff, I know zip about mountain bike races. Are times much slower during a race due to the traffic/congestion? If not, looks like you're at the pointy end of the cat 2 field. Though I would imagine bike handling is extremely important during a race. Good luck in the trail run in any event. Glad to hear you're in good form.

    I haven't really trained hard for much of this winter. It has been a time of a little hockey, too much working, very little S/B/R and more family stuff which has been a good thing. The last 6-8 weeks I've gotten back into some form, though with the bone frog as my next event I've definitely changed my training to be much more strength training based and less S/B/R. I have to admit I feel great physically, though I would say my long distance running is WAY behind where it has been.

    It's great to see all of you racing as that does give you a goal to train for and a target to keep on path. You guys are inspiring.
    2014-03-17 6:47 PM
    in reply to: strikyr

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    Extreme Veteran
    Sidney, Ohio
    Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED

    Dirk, Seen on FB that surgery is in your future, hope everything goes well and that you heal quickly.  What does the time frame look like?

    Looks like it may be a trail weekend for several of us, I have a 10 mile trail race on my schedule.  But as you 2 mentioned it depends on the weather, after the brutal trails runs in January (Mud) and February (snow) I only want to run if it is nice and dry out.  If it looks like a mess I will pass and do an easy run from home.

    I made it to the pool today, barely.  Goal was to get up early but as you all know that does not work for me.  So instead I went on lunch which means I only have about 25 minutes to swim.  So I did 2x200 easy, 10x50 extremely hard, 1x200 easy.   I managed to keep all but the last 2 50's under 1m, with the majority around 57s and the fastest at 52s.  It still a short work out so I am not putting much thought into it being an improvement, but when the life guard acknowledges my effort as I walk out the door, I at least have to be headed in the right direction.

    I am entering my 4th week of the HIM plan and starting to feel a little stronger but also beat up.  I think my knees and quads are taking the most of stress right now.  My quads are always somewhat sore and my knees are stiff.  Its not a pain or anything like that but just that stifff sore feeling you get from a good workout, the only difference is that I always have the feeling .  When I woke up today, I felt pretty good and that lasted until the 1st trip up the stairs at work, my legs quickly grumbled and I spent the next few hours at my desk.  All this and I am still struggling to get all the workouts done, I am over the top on the run, close on the bike but only in the kiddy pool for the swim.  

    2014-03-17 7:14 PM
    in reply to: 0

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    Extreme Veteran
    Racine, Wisconsin
    Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
    Originally posted by DirkP

    Originally posted by Jo63I also had a lesson in nutrition over the weekend , I hadn't tracked my eatting for a few days and ran about 5 1/2 miles Friday and then did a 3x30 @ 88-94% total 90 min ride on Saturday, I was so out of it and I couldn't figure out why, I went back and logged my food for the missed days and discovered I had only eatten 1100 calories on Friday and about 500 before my ride. So last night and today I ate well had an ok run today and am feeling much better this evening. We also went to an open house yesterday at a Yoga studio that my niece will be teaching at and i won an energy healing session which I am excited to see how it works!Oh and my sister is up and walking around so thanks for the thoughts and prayers!
    First, it's very welcomed news to hear your sister is up and doing well! Keep us updated and I'll keep praying for her.

    I had my own bout with poor in ride nutrition yesterday. I was scheduled for a 3 hour ride at a fair intensity for that duration and took a 100 calorie bottle and decided the dried fruit would supplement those calories. It proved to be insufficient to keep me going for that long. I also didn't really take to much of ther fruit in very early which was a second mistake. I tried sipping on the bottle early to get some of the early calories in but I should have been eating to maintain a little better fuel levels. But ther is a caveat, I felt like trash most of the day and even napped for 30-40 minutes after feeling pretty flat early in the morning. I think I am pretty shot after the past couple of weeks training and it really snuck up on me. Today is a rest day so I'll be doing only PT exercises this evening.

    Anyway, i said all that to say you're not the only one learning something about nutrution the past couple of days.

    BTW, are trying to cut weight during your training? Trying to balance weight loss and successful workouts can be challenging to say the least. I am trying to do this and I have some work to do. I am just beginning to discuss this with my coach to try and work through some of the ideas and thoughts here.

    I'm in the docs office right now waiting to hear the word....wish me luck or intelligence to make the right decision!

    I wouldn't mind lossing some weight but I am not consciously trying, my problem is I get busy at work and then don't have time to eat, plus I try to eat really healthy and then don't have enough calories like today for example I planned all my meals (5 of them so far) and then logged them ran for 45 min plus and hour With the trainer and it looks like I burned about 800 calories, but I have only eatten 1300 now what do I eat a whole carton of ice cream......I have to run to the salon and close maybe I will get a shamrock shake

    Edited by Jo63 2014-03-17 7:15 PM
    2014-03-17 7:18 PM
    in reply to: mambos

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    Extreme Veteran
    Racine, Wisconsin
    Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
    It's nice to read there are more races coming up for a few of you makes me think warmer weather will be he soon!!!!

    Dirk, sorry about the knee, but seeing as its early you'll be able to get it done, and get back to running sooner than later!
    2014-03-17 8:33 PM
    in reply to: JeffY

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    Fort Wayne
    Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED

    Well it's probably a little too late now Tony but I hope you took the splurge for the swim today.  While you feel a little buried your recovery will be closer than you think.  If nothing else you can make the swims around hard workouts easier and use it as somewhat of a recovery workout while still getting some benefits building fitness.  You can use this time to keep the swimming efforts going knowing you'll have to take those 2 weeks off.

    IMMT being 20 weeks away makes it sounds pretty close.  Since you posted that I checked into IMWI to see how many weeks I have to prepare.  I have about 25 weeks until I'm in the water in Madison.  But what's going to be key is my surgical recovery and the number of weeks I'll have available to regain some running and get myself prepared for a marathon.  According to my count I'll have 19 weeks from May 4 to get my run on.  May 4 is essentially the drop dead date for me to get ready from a running perspective according to my coach.

    Joanne, I'm with Warren!!  3x20' is no joke at all!  But isn't ironic that there are so many workouts we can complain about yet we continue to put ourselves through each and everyone of them.  Think about it; 15x1' @ 125%, does anyone sit on the bike and think "I can't wait to do these intervals!" ever?  I mean I have nearly fallen off the bike during some of these.  How about the 6x4' @ 110-118% on Thursday last week or the 3 hours at .76-.79 IF (Intensity Factor).  I kinda think they all suck most of the time.   Uhh?  Someone remind me why I am doing this again?!?!?

    Oh yeah, my point!  We all tend to workout very hard and so much of our work is pretty "hot" on the bike, in particular.  I think it's funny that we do this to ourselves repeatedly for whatever personal reason we choose.  Many times we complain about how hard the workouts are.  Many times we wear the pain of a given workout as a badge.  Either way it's somewhat humorous.

    Jeff,  Have a great weekend racing!  You definitely have to keep us up to speed on your choice of races, one or both.  I imagine your fitness has been improving over the winter and it'll be another PR.  And Cat 2 racing sounds pretty insane to me.  I can't imagine racing against that level of cyclist.  I'll leave that to you, although I may look at doing a TT on May 18 if I thikn my knee will take the abuse.  There's a big TT series here in Indiana that some of the road cyclists I ride with compete in.  It's the Colaveta Time Trial Series and it seems to have earned a fair amount of following, at least from my perspective.  The May 18 race is on almost brand new asphalt on an extremely flat road surface for 12 miles.  Thinking about it is getting my competitive juices flowing!!


    Now about my knee.....

    Most of you know that I had my doc appointment today and I am going to need surgery.  There is nothing conclusive about the findings other than "they are consistent with a medial meniscus tear."  He could not tell if this is a new tear or a re-tear of the old one I have dealt with for several years.  My instinct tells me it's the old tear resurfaced and a little bit worse.  I maintain that I can describe "with needle point accuracy" the exact location of the pain and it's the same as the other times, so I feel confident it's the same place.

    Rehab from a meniscectomy is 3-4 weeks which in my case would be best for IM training but worse in the long run.  A meniscus repair on the other hand takes significantly longer to make a complete recovery, somewhere in the neighborhood of 3 months.  To be truthful I am not sure which scenario I would rather have ion the short term.  Long term?  Well that's an easy one; I'd take the repair!  It would be disappointing if there was a repair to be done because I wouldn't make it to IMWI.

    Presuming a meniscectomy (cut another piece away), activities post op could begin as soon as the suture sites are sealed well enough to get in the pool, possibly a week.  The doc mentioned I wold be able to get back on the bike in a couple of weeks but I imagine the intensity would be significantly reduced for another week or two (guessing).  

    Running is the big one obviously!  The initial assessment based on my fitness and level of muscular structure and ability to recover seems to point to about 4 weeks or a little more before I can get my run on.  We did not discuss the running increase but I am sure the first little bit would be a little slow before taking off at something a little more aggressive.

    I am optimistic about the surgery and recovery.  I have had a peace I can't explain about this ordeal.  Normally I would have throw a few things, broken a few things, possibly even cursed once or twenty times and found a large dog to kick.  But not this time.  I cannot explain why I haven't been upset like my normally would have gotten.  I guess I feel like God has given me this hurdle to cross for some reason but I cannot come to a reason why.  There has been one other time in my life I felt this sort of security and God proved more than sufficient in some very dire circumstances.  While this isn't the same type of situation, the peace is similar  . But yes!  I am still very nervous and even scared a little bit that I might be wrong.

    So there it is.  As soon as I know when the surgery is scheduled I am sure you'll all hear about.

    2014-03-18 1:40 PM
    in reply to: DirkP

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    Mastic Beach, NY
    Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
    Dirk thanks for the update on your knee. Again I hope the surgery goes well and you have a quick recovery so you can get back to focusing on your training for IMWI. I really do think you'll be fine in regards to your run training regardless of when you are able to start.

    I decided to take a rest day yesterday and I passed on the swim. It pained me not to go as Monday is the only day without classes but it was definitely the right call. I was totally exhausted and figured it wouldn't be very productive. I am planning to go later on this evening to make up that swim. My plan for this week is to back off a little bit with the training. I won't say it will be a recovery week but after 10 solid weeks I need to let up a little this week on the intensity and duration.

    I also have to decided whether I want to complete the outseason or start the IM training plan. I will be 20 weeks out on 3/30, as of now it's less than 22 weeks to go until IMMT. I will probably complete 12 of the 13 weeks of the outseason plan and then transition to the 20 week IM plan. The only thing is the first two weeks of the IM training plan I'll probably not swim. It's not the worse thing in the world I can probably get a full rest day and get an extra run or bike in for that time.
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