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2007-10-30 5:41 PM
in reply to: #633528

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Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs
Hi All:

With regret, I have decided to bail on the new group. I feel that I don't do a very good job of keeping up with logging my workouts and communications across the group. I got a new job recently and it's all I can do just to drag myself off to a few workouts per week. I haven't been logging anything in weeks.

Although I won't be joining the new group, I hope to still keep you all as my contacts and cheer you on every now and then.

Betsy, thank you so much for motivating me to keep at it and to complete my first triathlon. I could not have done it without you and this group.

Everyone, it was so great to see your little notes of inspiration on my log throughout the past 9 months. I'm so proud of everyone who stuck with it, either online or off. We did a triathlon and lived to tell the tale...and plan to do more!

Take care and thanks again to everyone!

Love, Reen

2007-10-30 7:53 PM
in reply to: #1017686

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs
I'm in for the long term. I've just had my head in the computer... lol.. at work. but resumed my real training this past weekend.... which will continue! and I second what Anne said... I too need all the motivation I can get. so... where do we begin ?
2007-10-30 9:41 PM
in reply to: #633528

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Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs

Sorry I've been gone...

I'm finally back from Europe and I was back in Atlanta for only one month before I moved to DC where I started my first real job!!! (I graduated in August too)

Needless to say, I've been busy busy.

I'm here. I need motivation. I miss you all so much. I'm so proud of what everyone has done!

How about we get a group challenge up??! I still haven't found a pool I can swim in here in DC but I can run and bike. And weights.

I'm still aiming for a marathon in March but I've got to qualify a 10K first. Also, I have to train. I am not too far behind so I know I can do this. I've just got to be DONE with slacking!!!

-I miss you all! Jessie
2007-10-30 9:46 PM
in reply to: #633528

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Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs
lol, I just read the note about getting everything back on track... lucky timing!

Regardless, I'm SOOOO in.
2007-10-31 8:36 AM
in reply to: #633528

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Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs
YEAH!! I am glad to see we are all back!! I am getting pumped up again to get back into training!! Y'all are so motivating!!



2007-10-31 10:46 AM
in reply to: #633528

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Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs
I have not logged workouts in weeks either but I'm still in the gym. I'm running the Susan G. Komen race for the cure this Sunday in Austin but I'm on the fence about my 1/2 marathon in February. I'm not consistently training like I need to and I really want to get back into tri-training this January. So, I think I'm going to keep working out until I need to kick it up a notch in January. My frist Sprint tri will be in March and then the Danskin in May. Looking forward to some group challenges....need to keep the upcoming holiday weight off!

2007-10-31 10:57 AM
in reply to: #633528

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2007-10-31 3:53 PM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs
GOOD MARATHON LUCK!!!! YOU'RE AWESOME! Have fun, Be Careful, Make us proud, you BAMF!
2007-11-04 8:47 PM
in reply to: #1032075

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs

I just wanna say...

1. WooooooooHOO to our leader Betsy.. I am sure you reigned NYC today


2. Share something amazing, that I saw today, w/ my fellow BAMF's...

 a tidbit from the Raleigh Marathon today (i wasn't a participant, just a spectator, ... this year.... )

inspiration is this: seeing a challenged female athlete (running on a FAB artificial leg), at mile 22.5 of a marathon, motivating and positive talking the stew out of a fellow male athlete that is cramping bad, wanting to give up, ...coaching him through the pain... to the point that he does not give up.... and pushes through the pain. This really touched something in deep inside of me... one of many reasons why I LOVE endurance sports... it brings out the best in people. This made me well up w/ tears. big time. ok I cried right there on the spot and everything.. couldn't help it! was a great day out there. 

2007-11-04 10:13 PM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs
Hey guys! Bets, how'd the marathon go???'

I'm totally slacking in logging my workouts.

Today, I was in the saddle for 5hr 22mins and 30sec. 81 miles!!! I'm training, albeit lastminute, for El Tour De Tucson --109 miles. Gah.
2007-11-05 8:37 AM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs
Ok, my 5k in the Susan Komes Race for the Cure yesterday is nothing compared to 26 miles or 5 hours in the saddle but it was for a good cause. Austin, Tx. had 22,000 turn out and it was very inspiring to see so many survivors running, walking and encouraging each other. It was a beautiful morning...a good day to celebrate life.

Betsty, I watched the highlights of the NYC Marathon on TV last night and I'm anxious to hear how it went!

2007-11-05 3:12 PM
in reply to: #633528

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2007-11-05 8:23 PM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs
wow Betsy!!!

Thats SO great! We're all so proud of you! I'm still "training" for that DC marathon in March (I'm not mentally convinced yet, I might still do the half) and I can't even imagine 4 hours. You Rock.
What number marathon is this for you again?

I haven't been logging because I'm an awful person but I HAVE been running so thats good at least. Part of our challenge (like 1 "point" or something) needs to be logging--including a Post! Or 4 days a week of posting or something...

Its getting cold here and I've started to enjoy it because I don't have heat strokes running in 40 degree weather! Does anyone have anything I need to know about running in the cold? I'm so new to cold weather someone had to show me a windshield ice scraper thing online before I believed

2007-11-05 11:13 PM
in reply to: #633528

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2007-11-07 10:02 PM
in reply to: #633528

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs

EXCELLENT time Betsy! ... and since we're confessing this and that I cheated on my diet yest w/ cookies....2... totally eaten out of frustration rather than need or hunger... shame shame. looking forward to getting out to run this wknd... OUTSIDE.  also.. fyi... i got this in my seemommyrun newsletter...  World Running day is 11/11..... a little late for a tee shirt, however, it's a cool idea.. how about all of us BAMF's get a run in ... in honor of it... the details are here:

2007-11-07 10:07 PM
in reply to: #1039338

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs

jesi10612 - 2007-11-05 9:23 PM someone had to show me a windshield ice scraper thing online before I believed -Jessie

HAHHAHAA on the scraper thing....

.... ok... my big advice i guess is get a nice wicking running hat ... to preserve temps for when it gets really cold; wear decent cold weather sock... woool... something that holds heat but wicks your toes get cold... gloves are REALLY good to have too... get them from a running store or your hands will get sweaty... and.. layer... in nice wicking fabrics...that way if you sweat ... (I always SWEAT, whether it's 10degrees or 100)... you won't get chilled half way into it... or  chafed. oh.. & my numero UNO rule... DON"T leave the house w/o great lip protection on.. like.. carmex- in the little pot, is FABULOUS for cold weather. it's the only thing that seems to last to me.

2007-11-10 8:20 PM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs

Hello everyone.......I feel like I am making a debut here......22 pounds heavier and I never raced. Two gluteal injuries have set me back over the summer. Lost my drive. Eating like crap. So today I bought new shoes and went out. Ran in the brisk 40degree weather. Only for a mile......walked 0.9. No stellar performance....but I plan to continue and just maybe I can turn this downward spiral around.


2007-11-10 9:25 PM
in reply to: #1047424

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2007-11-14 1:22 PM
in reply to: #1043289

Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs
ifocus - 2007-11-07 11:07 PM

jesi10612 - 2007-11-05 9:23 PM someone had to show me a windshield ice scraper thing online before I believed -Jessie

HAHHAHAA on the scraper thing....

.... ok... my big advice i guess is get a nice wicking running hat ... to preserve temps for when it gets really cold; wear decent cold weather sock... woool... something that holds heat but wicks your toes get cold... gloves are REALLY good to have too... get them from a running store or your hands will get sweaty... and.. layer... in nice wicking fabrics...that way if you sweat ... (I always SWEAT, whether it's 10degrees or 100)... you won't get chilled half way into it... or  chafed. oh.. & my numero UNO rule... DON"T leave the house w/o great lip protection on.. like.. carmex- in the little pot, is FABULOUS for cold weather. it's the only thing that seems to last to me.

Thanks for this!! I wouldn't have thought of most of these things.

I'm joining a Saturday long run club thing and I plan on going this saturday too. Trouble is, Saturday is usually my "recovery" day as Friday night is the old time I have to go out...I should get my priorities in order soon I suppose.

So, whats our challenge?
2007-11-18 12:08 PM
in reply to: #633528

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs
my training plan starts tomw... i gotta select one out of my women's tri book today.. lol... so if we have a challenge coming up... let's plan so I can plan it in with my plans... ? Get with the plan okay? lol... heheheeee just being silly... how many times can i write plan ?
2007-11-18 1:10 PM
in reply to: #633528

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2007-11-18 1:17 PM
in reply to: #633528

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2007-11-18 4:10 PM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs
Hey all,

Sorry I've been so silent on the forum... been busy. Most of my time has been spent in the saddle... I was training for and finished (yesterday) El Tour De Tucson (109 miles). It is by far the longest continuous amount of exercise I have ever done. It was amazing.

I like this GOALS idea, Bets. Let us know what we can do to keep you motivated! And good luck with your next Fire exam thing. What exactly is the test like?

Hmm. My goals. These aren't all athletic, but I figure that's okay too.

1. Bring up my grades in my classes (I'm sitting on B's because I workout instead of studying. Oops.)
2. Drop my 825 yd swim time to 14:00
3. Strength training
4. Marathon training
2007-11-18 5:40 PM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs
Hello BAMFs:

My plans:
-Turkey Trot 5K needs to be under 31 minutes to qualify for the half marathon
-get a freaking apartment
-Dec. 9: 10K in under 1:05 to qualify for the full marathon
-train for which ever I qualify for
-stay single.

I'm so bummed about my life right now...I just moved to DC and I've been living with family for over 2 months now and I think they're sick of me...and I'm sick of being 2 hours away from everything. I really need a place to live and I think things will look up from there...

I'm so pathetic.
2007-11-18 7:28 PM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Tri-BAMFs
Hey after my long hiatus I worked out 5 out of 7 last week and then I took two days off in a row. Missed my normal workout for yesterday sooooo I did a complete upper body lift good....but zapped my energy......The furthest I ran this week was 1.5 miles. Got bored. But I see Lifetime fitness by us is having a Reindeer run on Dec 2. Only 5k......Do you guys thing I can do that with just coming back.....Anyways its nice to see everyone posting again....Hope everyone is well......Happy Turkey Day!
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