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2008-02-12 7:16 AM
in reply to: #1091616

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
Yep, definitely feeling some of the taper stuff you mentioned..but dealing with it.  Does taper typically include feeling HUNGRY all the time?, I'm not eating tons to satisfy that, though I am focusing on good carbs and hydration, but I just keep feeling really hungry--maybe it's just my body reminding me that Sunday after the run I'm going to eat some tasty TX BBQ and it's in anticipation!

2008-02-12 8:02 AM
in reply to: #1206683

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
TexasMPGal - 2008-02-12 8:16 AM

Yep, definitely feeling some of the taper stuff you mentioned..but dealing with it.  Does taper typically include feeling HUNGRY all the time?, I'm not eating tons to satisfy that, though I am focusing on good carbs and hydration, but I just keep feeling really hungry--maybe it's just my body reminding me that Sunday after the run I'm going to eat some tasty TX BBQ and it's in anticipation!

Yes! The week before my HIM I felt like I was starving even though I was eating a normal amount of calories. And one day I would feel strong, excited and well-prepared while the next day I would feel terrified that I wasn't ready. And my workouts were off as well. But it all came together on race day. Everything was in proper working order and I had an excellent race. Hang in there. Taper madness is almost over!

2008-02-12 12:16 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Extreme Veteran
Vancouver, British Columbia
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

Feeling better today.  thanks for the comments.

I think part of it for me is recovering from my toughest workout week ever last week and not eating enough after my bike ride Saturday and then running Sunday. I remember feeling this way a few weeks back- the first weekend I rode with the club and it took a few days to recover.

Cat, your comment got me realizing there's also a mental side too.  Got into this purely to see if i could do it as a totally individual, lone wolf, kind of a deal but now everyone knows. So now most conversation include something about my training. So instead of training being kind of my escape, this weekend it was a bit all encompassing. General breakfast greetings, including this morning includes someone asking "what kind of crazy distance did you do this morning?"   The non endurance people are supportive in that "wow, I could never do that, you're borderline insane." Kind of way. And the endurance athletes around are also gearing up for the upcoming Tri so conversation turn to training. I even had a tri and training conversation with a random bus driver this weekend!!

Going to do some power yoga for the first time in months this afternoon to try and get at the stiff muscles that have been bothering me.  Looking forward to it.  



2008-02-12 4:18 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Extreme Veteran
Vancouver, British Columbia
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
update: yoga helped.  put me back in a better mental place and helped me realized how tight my lower back and hips have become from the training.  It was power yoga so it was still quite a workout but it's that good feeling kind of tired
2008-02-12 4:48 PM
in reply to: #1208025

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

Out4atime - 2008-02-13 9:18 AM update: yoga helped.  put me back in a better mental place and helped me realized how tight my lower back and hips have become from the training.  It was power yoga so it was still quite a workout but it's that good feeling kind of tired

Nice - sounds like it was exactly what yuo needed!!!

I hear you about the training taking over your whole life.... between watching what you eat to fuel your training, planning a day around training, going to be early for training and your actual workouts - shower - recovery, it can really start to feel like your whole life... work? Rest time!

So... try to remember to keep up other interests, or hang out with people who want to talk about guys, or movies or something else occassionally...

Glad you are feeling better!

2008-02-12 6:07 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

Boy do I look forward to living in a place where I can have a group of friends and do things like talk about guys (and actually have guys that are an option!) haha!  Pam, yes, I keep feeling like I am hungry, it is so weird--but I've made healthy choices thus far!  Sometimes I've just needed to reach for the water.

On a completely non-tri related note--today I got back my approved date request for transitioning out of the Active Duty Army.  I'll start leave on 31 July and be officially off active duty on 15 October.  It's a really odd feeling as I initially thought this would be my whole life and career (problem was, it was my WHOLE life--and much more, but that's another long and different story), and now it's not going to be.  It's bittersweet I suppose--I know I am making the appropriate move, but I'll miss some aspects of it too.  It's all I've known for the past 10 years!  Now, the future is a little unknown as I get to do the job search thing--thankfully I've teamed up with the best in the military officer corporate recruiting business, and in fact have a meeting tonight, a one-on-one tomorrow, and a seminar tomorrow night (all prep courses and information for getting prepared to interview with corporations in June).  But for a planner like me to not know where I'll be or what I'll be doing come August is a little odd!! It's also really odd that the Army got me the paperwork so quick, just slightly over a month.  That's strangely efficient for them! Anyhow, life changes going on here with me...definitely exciting, and I had to share with someone, so figured here would be okay.  Thanks for listening...even if it all sounds like mumbo jumbo!

2008-02-12 6:48 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

Wow Britt sounds like its all orgnanised - since you are talking to a recruiter and everything its sounds to me like you are 100% as planned as you can be for the next few months

2008-02-13 10:40 AM
in reply to: #1208257

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
kaqphin - 2008-02-12 6:48 PM

Wow Britt sounds like its all orgnanised - since you are talking to a recruiter and everything its sounds to me like you are 100% as planned as you can be for the next few months

Yeah, I am organized with it, it's just odd to "not know."  But, that is exciting at the same time.

On the training side today, I am looking forward to Sunday and am quite excited about it, but man am I not a taper fan.  Y'all were right, up one day, down the next, arggghhh...nuttiness to say the least. I mean it's not like I've gone nuts, but it's the subtle things that I can tell.  Boy am I ready for this weekend just to get here!

2008-02-13 12:17 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Extreme Veteran
Vancouver, British Columbia
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

Great job on keeping up the taper! 

It constantly amazes me how much of this stuff is so mental! 

2008-02-13 4:38 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

On the mental note.... Ive read a lot of things recently about the differences between men and women when they apply themselves to goals such as exercise and weightloss.

When men genuinely make the decision to change they 'just do it' (to quote nike). They dont battle the way women do with emotions, or analysing or even planning what they are doing, generally they just go with it. (Once they have fully committed to the change). They may overdo it with they miss a training session but they tend not to analyse and stress as much.....

Women on the other hand are great at thinking about it and talking about it and planning what they should do.... but struggle with the actual execution like getting out of bed early and talking alot about what they are 'gonna' do. But fail to talk themselves into doing it...

Basically women need to learn to 'just do it' - set a plan and follow it rather than overanalysing every little step. Accept occassionally yuo miss a session or eat a treat and dont stress over it but move on to the next part of the plan (eating or training)

Interesting isnt it?

2008-02-13 5:51 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
heya guys!
so i've added some weight training to my plan. i was reading that at age 30 (which i turned last year) metabolism settles down and the best way to keep weight down and lose it and all is to build muscle mass-therefore increasing metabolism. PLUS i can run miles and miles, but my arms are just sad sad sad. so dh got me a resistance band thing and kind of showed me some things i can do. so yeah, that being said. my arms are SMOKED today so i took the day off of weight training.

can't WAIT till your marathon brit. i'll be thinking of you all day sunday. anxiously awaiting the RR

other than that-had a minor chocolate binge day before yesterday, and then surprise surprise, AF the next day. BIG shocker

that's about it here though.

2008-02-13 6:33 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

Hi Lyssa - the thing with the weight training too is that women after the age of 25 (eek!) start to loose muscle mass a lot faster than men if they are inactive...

At rest muscle burns a lot more calories than fat (I cant remember the figures off the top of my head) so the more lean tissue (muscle) we have the more calories we burn when doing nothing which of course is a higher metabolism.

Weight training can be a whole range of strength activities such as: weight training (with free weights or machines), pilates, or even pushing really hard gears on the bike or running/riding up hills.

When you weight train you are effectively creating little rips in your muscle fibres which your body then builds STRONGER in the recovery phase so there are a few rules you should be aware of:

1) NEVER train the same muscle group 2 days in a row - allow AT LEAST 48 hours between strength sessions for the same muscles

2) If a muscle is still sore from a previous weight session it has not yet recovered... DO NOT do further weights for it and 'push through' the pain... you will not be making yourself stronger so be patient

So having said all that dont be afraid to use heavy weights... women do not have the same levels of testosterone as men so you will not get big and bulky unless you train specifically for that goal... it is not normal for most women so don't be afraid!

When doing an exercise the MOST IMPORTANT thing is good form.... if the weight you have is too heavy and you cannot complete the set with GOOD FORM use a lighter weight. You will get greater benefits using a weight you cn just complete the set (one lot of exercises) with perfect form than one that you cannot....

The other REALLY IMPORTANT thing is the pace that you work out at.... the goal is steady controlled movements... while you can play with this a lot as you get more advanced... to start with use a 2 count to lift the weight and a two count to drop the weight... so " one, one thousand, two one thousand, hold" then lower the weight... DO NOT let gravity drop the weight... make it a controlled motion otherwise you can cause yourself damage and you will not work the muscle efficiently...

Another thing to remember is to work the big muscle groups first such as chest, back, quads and hamstrings before moving on to smaller muscle groups...  

For a couple of years I weight trained pretty seriously (split routines doing weights 4-5 times a week) so if anyone wants help putting together a weights routine/schedule let me know.... if you are just starting twice a week is PLENTY!

2008-02-13 9:19 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
thanks cat!!
twice a week?? ok. i thought i was going to do it like i do running, every day unless i'm too sore. so i'm glad you said that. i did two days in a row, and today i was a little sore, so i didn't, but maybe i'll take tomorrow off too. so far i'm just doing biceps triceps and shoulders. but i also do crunches, and a few pilates things.
the thing i need to do most right now is get my butt on that bike!! i can't bring myself to do it!! maybe tomorrow i'll try to brick a little. that'll get me going hopefully
2008-02-13 9:33 PM
in reply to: #1211133

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

lyssa-gator - 2008-02-14 2:19 PM thanks cat!! twice a week?? ok. i thought i was going to do it like i do running, every day unless i'm too sore. so i'm glad you said that. i did two days in a row, and today i was a little sore, so i didn't, but maybe i'll take tomorrow off too. so far i'm just doing biceps triceps and shoulders. but i also do crunches, and a few pilates things. the thing i need to do most right now is get my butt on that bike!! i can't bring myself to do it!! maybe tomorrow i'll try to brick a little. that'll get me going hopefully

Hi Lyssa - Id probaby suggest adding chest and back in there... I just wrote out a whole set of programs you could use and then deleted it by accident so lets try again!

Simple workout (take 30-45 seconds rest between each set)

1. Push ups - 3 sets of 12 (on knees is ok depending on strength - I cant do 12 on my feet!)

2. Cable Row (with resistance band) 3 x 12

3. Shoulder Press (with resistance band) 3 x 12

4. Bicep Curls (with resistance band) 3 x 12

5. Tricep Dips (on stair or chair/couch) 3 x 12 (if you cant do 12 just do what you can these are EVIL)


Combing exercises for a really efficient workout (30 seconds rest between each group of exercises

1. 12 pushups straight into 12 Cable rows x 3

2. 3 x 12 shoulder press

3. 12 Bicep Curls straight into 12 Tricep Dips x 3


Or... what about a circuit?

Do one set of each exercise straight into each other then take a 1 minute break before starting again - should get the HR right up!!!!


But what about the lower body?

There are a whole range of exercises you can do without any equipment.... some of these are:

- Squats (lots of different leg positions which work different parts of the legs and one two legs and one leg)

- Lunges

- Step Ups

- Pelvic Bridge (good for glutes which are often weak on females AND triathletes, advanced - hold the bridge and left one leg)

- Leg curls with the bands


Anyway this should give you heaps to work out... I will write out a killer ab routine sometime for you too if you like!

2008-02-13 9:33 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

Oh and as with all training... DONT FORGET TO STRETCH!!!!! (but dont overdo it so you do more damage to the muscle)

2008-02-13 9:53 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Extreme Veteran
Vancouver, British Columbia
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

I love strength training.  I had forgotten how much I loved it.  it used to be my main form of exercise for years (elliptical 20minutes and then strength 2-3x a week). then got out of the habit and then started to ride the bike and be outside so have not committed to it as much as I should have. but I've brought it back in consistently a few weeks ago.  It's still the thing I put off but as soon as I get in there I feel great and I walk out of the gym a little taller. And its one of those things where you can see and feel the difference pretty quickly.

After the first couple of session I noticed it in my swim.  Now I can tell my metabolism is up. I'm wearing less layers.  And I am starting to see serious muscle and other people have commented. 

I would love to see one of your killer ab workouts cat!   

2008-02-13 9:58 PM
in reply to: #1211219

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
Out4atime - 2008-02-14 2:53 PM

I love strength training.  I had forgotten how much I loved it.  it used to be my main form of exercise for years (elliptical 20minutes and then strength 2-3x a week). then got out of the habit and then started to ride the bike and be outside so have not committed to it as much as I should have. but I've brought it back in consistently a few weeks ago.  It's still the thing I put off but as soon as I get in there I feel great and I walk out of the gym a little taller. And its one of those things where you can see and feel the difference pretty quickly.

After the first couple of session I noticed it in my swim.  Now I can tell my metabolism is up. I'm wearing less layers.  And I am starting to see serious muscle and other people have commented. 

I would love to see one of your killer ab workouts cat!   

Consider it done.... I will go home and pull out all my old training plans and get something written up for you tomorrow!

I used to do a routine simlar to yours.... gym 5-6 days a week - 45(ish minutes) weights 4 days a week followed by 45 minutes cardio (usually on the elliptical) and a couple of extra cardio days.

The thing I find strange is Im still the only girl brave enough to enter the free weights area, although Im at a different gym to what i was going to then - its weird how few women use weights!

2008-02-13 10:10 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Extreme Veteran
Vancouver, British Columbia
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

I used to be scared of the free weights but now I'm in there, why not work your core at the same time   I am tempted to get a personal training session just to have someone make sure I do squats and lunges the propper so I don't mess up my knee. Right now I avoid them and work my legs on the machines- or wall squats with a fitness ball.

I also have a really bad habit of clenching my neck muscles when I work my abs.  advice? 

2008-02-13 10:20 PM
in reply to: #1211244

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
Out4atime - 2008-02-14 3:10 PM

I used to be scared of the free weights but now I'm in there, why not work your core at the same time   I am tempted to get a personal training session just to have someone make sure I do squats and lunges the propper so I don't mess up my knee. Right now I avoid them and work my legs on the machines- or wall squats with a fitness ball.

I also have a really bad habit of clenching my neck muscles when I work my abs.  advice? 

I can give you some basic tips - i think you are going the right thing with the squats actually - use the swiss ball and leg press machine if you are not sure on technique...

The basic instructions i mentally use to do them is get legs about hip width apart... then tighten your glutes so that your knees are tracking over your toes.... brace your core muscles to protect your back... then lower holding you body upright (it will naturally come forward, thats ok of course but keep your abs turned on) .

When you are lowering down it should almost be like you are sticking your butt down into a chair... in fact I learnt to do freestanding squats with a weights bench behind me that i slowly lowered myself down to!

If yuo keep your core switched on and your chest up and shoulders down your upper body should be ok...

Another bad habit people do is they bend forward at hte waist instead of just waiting for the body to naturally tip as you bend the legs...

Oh and ALWAYS make sure your knees are tracking over your toes!!!


It sounds like a lot I know, but the same rules apply for lunges and leg press too!

1. Knees tracking in the same direction as your toes

2. Start with good body posture (chest up, shoulder relaxed and back)

3. Brace your core before you start to move

If you can do those three things (points 2 and 3 apply to ALL weights work for the upper AND lower body) then you are much less likely to have an injury!


With lunges... dont have your legs perfectly in line (ie one foot in front of the other) to sstart out with, instead move yuor back leg a bit wider as it helps with your balance...


I think getting a trainer to take you through the correct motions is a GREAT idea! It doesnt matter how many years you have trained with weights, having someone else look at your form is invaluable!

Edited by kaqphin 2008-02-13 10:21 PM
2008-02-14 9:12 AM
in reply to: #1091616

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Carlsbad, California
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

Happy Valentine's Day to Super Cat's Cool Kids

2008-02-14 1:55 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Extreme Veteran
Concord, NC
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

Hey team,  just checking in!  I know I haven't been around lately.  I have totally fallen off the wagon, but that's ok.  I am sure I will get back on it here soon.  I am one of those folks who got tired of the constant swim, bike, run, strength everyday for 6 weeks, doing 2 a days.  So, I signed up for a belly dancing class, which is so much fun!  I am thinking of doing some yoga, using my bosu ball and still working in some swim, bike, run stuff.  I made the decision that I am going to be a non-competitive triathlete.  I will do the races for fun, not for time or to beat anyone.  I will more than likely stick with sprints and maybe an olympic one day.  Probably around 3 races a year.  I want triathlons to be one aspect of my life, not my whole lifestyle.  I know that is different from most people on this site, but that's ok.

I was just beginning to feel that all I was doing was watching my diet, and exercising and it was just too much of a time investment than I wanted to give, it wasn't fun.  The weight loss was fun, but I realized that wasn't what I wanted my life to be.  I so agree with what was said before about women planning, counting and fail on the exectution.  I fall into that boat. 

I just need to find a balance in my life of proper diet and exercise, where is isn't all emcompassing, where it adds to my life and doesn't overtake it.  Hopefully I am making some sense and not just rambling on. 

Anyway, sounds like everyone is doing just great!  I hope everyone has a spectacular Valentine's Day.

Edited by excited2tri 2008-02-14 1:58 PM

2008-02-14 3:38 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Extreme Veteran
Vancouver, British Columbia
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

I think that's awesome Dia!  It takes more strength to realize that you need to be happy with your life than it does to obsessively follow a training plan. You go girl!!! And you didn't fall off... you just changed course

I had forgotten about the "fun" aspect at the beginning of the week as well. I had looked up the results from the sprint tri I am doing from last year and it completely threw me for a loop.  I have been scared of the sucker or at least scared of the people I would be competing with.  Mentally preparing myself to be in the middle of the line at the pool start, struggling to hold a pace with everyone around me. focused on just staying with tempo on the bike... and surviving the run.  Well looking at the results I'm apparently competitive on the swim and bike!! My T-pace for a 1500 would put me with the second fastest time for the 800m in my age group-so I will be starting at the front of the line (ahh!!) And my bike is up there too! (but my run is well.. my run) Instead of it being a major confidence boost has freaked me out.  So that's definitely been part of my weird mood all week.

Mom to the rescue- she sent me an email that only said this:

Don't stress about the race, YOU ARE DOING THIS FOR FUN!!!!!!!

How easy it is to forget that.  Thanks mom :-



2008-02-14 4:03 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED



When I was in 8th grade I was pretty darn good fast pitch softball pitcher...I tried out and made a competitive team that traveled, etc.  ALL the coach wanted to do was win, win, win, win...I got that IN COLLEGE, but not 8th grade, and we would even win and it still wasn't enough--I quit and went back to regular league ball with regular girls playing to have FUN. In college I walked onto the softball team as a pitcher, and I played through spring break of my junior year--but it just wasn't "Fun" anymore--it was more work and, I quit, and I focused instead on my academics and my future and playing intramurals that were FUN.  While I love team sports, one thing that has been great for me with tri training and running is because it is just me and I can to do it to the extent that it is fun, wherever in the pack I am.  Sure, I like to win and will always race hard for time (I'm a MUCH type A person), but I ultimately do it for fun, and fun is in the journey, fun is in the race, not the medal or plaque or whatever at the end, those are just trinkets to remember the FUN.

SO, Dia, HAVE FUN belly dancing and just enjoying the sprints in the way that is FUN for you! Totally understand, I hope we all FUN with what we do...being fit and having fun!

2008-02-14 4:51 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

Sounds like a lot of us have been going through a bit of a mental challenge about the training so lets look at this realisitcally... you may be doing MORE training than you need to!


You can finish a sprint in 6 hours a week training - you should NOT need 2 a day workouts or to commit more than an hour a day except for maybe a long-ish ride on the weekend if you wanted too....

The (major ballpark here - each race varies alot depending on hills, flats, weather etc) distances for a sprint equate to a 10-20 minutes swim, 40 - 1hr20 ride and 30 - 1 hour run/walk.

Yes over training these distances will help (to a point) and so will speed work BUT if you are in this for the FUN (and to not get injured) you can quickly see that to complete thiese distances the training can be on the mild side!


Dia - i noticed you have at least one olympic distance planned this year so lets look at it...

An Olympic is basically double the length of a sprint BUT you do NOT need double the training!!! 8-9 hours should be fine... once again most of the increases will come from your long run and long ride - plus adding a little more on to your other sessions (especialy the swim for the weaker swimmers!!!)

Once again, including the weekend you should be able to do the training without 2 a days, or maybe one or two of these on the weekend.


Basically - dont compare how MUCH training you are doing to other people... just do enough so that you can complete the race and enjoy the process!!! (without loosing your lief/identity)

Make sure you take rest days and rest weeks - its really really really good for the mental break

AND... sometimes do some training that is different from swim/bike/run! if that is something you find fun!

2008-02-15 1:29 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Extreme Veteran
Vancouver, British Columbia
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

Have a great weekend everyone.  Achieve some goals.  Have a few exercise induced zen moments. Do something entirely for yourself.

I am off to the suburbs for my race.  Hanging out with a friend all evening.. pasta dinner, movie and ZERO race talk is the plan I think.  Then off to my first race ever. 

Goal number 1: finish smiling

Goal 2: run my own race, my pace, and be happy with it... don't compare myself to other people 

goal 3: finish 8.5km in under an hour.. if I am under 55min I will be ecstatic. 

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