BT Development Mentor Program Archives » PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!! Rss Feed  
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2008-03-10 10:34 AM
in reply to: #1259482

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Extreme Veteran
West Chicago
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!


Gack! I'm falling apart-  low fever, full ears, heavy chest - it's not full bloom but headed there fast. will not be a great week - my only hope is to burn it out via self induced fever tonight

Race yesterday was OK  - good swim, bike was ok - had some difficulty with the run - cramping calves and dehydration and belly acting up,

The vols were great again and I got to meet 3 fellow BTer's! - One of whom I've been swapping inspires with for about a year - so that was way cool. I am glad I did the entire series and plan on making it an annual thing - nice to have races all winter long...

Have a great week everyone!

2008-03-10 1:40 PM
in reply to: #1094997

Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!

Monday check in - not getting a whole lot of training the past few days - trying to tie up loose ends before I head south for a while.  House is just about ready to be in a permanant state of "open houseness" for any buyers coming through.  Here's a link on the website:  Hopefully that should show up.

Also a little under the weather - some sort of head and chest thing going on. 

I bit the bullet and signed up for the Lone Star Triathlon on 3/29 in Galveston, TX.  Obviously won't be at peak shape for this but it will be a good starting point to get the tri season started!

2008-03-10 4:56 PM
in reply to: #1094997

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Living in the past
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!

Monday shout-out to the PeterAK shorties....'sup all?

4 me, weekend was down low, with a rest day Sat and a DTC ride Sunday with some other BT shorties. This AM an uninspiring swim workout.

Sittin' in the airport waitin' for a, that's wrong....a plane...(little Janis Joplin flashback). Major mechanical difficulties. At least 1 hour delayed. Headin' somewhere warm so I might actually get a couple of OUTDOOR swims and runs without gloves, sweatshirts, knit hats, etc! Yippee!


2008-03-10 6:38 PM
in reply to: #1094997

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Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!

Monday check-in:

Saturday was a nice bike ride in which I learned a few important things--like I need to spend more time outside on my bike! I'll have to do that again   I hate feeling like a wuss.

Yesterday was a "rest day" volunteering at a race all day.  I'm dealing with the sunburn today.

2008-03-10 10:32 PM
in reply to: #1094997

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In The Peleton
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!

Monday check in!!!

Daves! Get better!

Davewithnumbers, glad you had some fun with the series. Sounds like it was a great way to keep at it during the midwest winter.

Spanglers, what distance is Lone Star? Have plans tomorrow (Tuesday) night? The house looks good and ready for a buyer so now you can take time to come to the DTC!!!

Force, what kind of inserts did you get for your bike shoes? Glad that's working out for ya. Where are you this week?

Andria, talking about sunburn is just mean to us midwesterners!!!  I'm guessing you are talking face only, but still mean!  With daylight savings time starting this weekend, it's nice to have sunlight after work but sunburn is still months off... Nice job on the bike ride, long rides are tons of fun. I love descending though! When I went out to Tahoe to put some road miles on with six other triathletes last summer, I was the heaviest one by about 15 lbs. I would hang on for the climbs and smoke em' on the downhills! Good times.

Finally got around to changing the brakes on my road bike tonight. Picked up a used set of Ultegra calipers to replace the no-name ones that came on the bike. Now it is full ultegra drive train and brakes with an FSA crank. Good stuff! That said, I still pine for schmancy road bikes...

Run tomorrow a.m., Computrainer in the evening.

BTW, I have a Fuel Belt. It's fine, but I have found I prefer to just carry a water bottle. For IMWI I had a gel flask in one hand and endurolytes in the other. Works fine for me.

Have a great week everyone!

2008-03-11 10:48 AM
in reply to: #1264529

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Extreme Veteran
West Chicago
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!

Peter - Yes the series was a lot of fun - I'll look forward to ut next year as well - heres are numbers for the race

swim    1/13 AG (swept the series)  6T/148 OA

Bike     11/13 AG     57T/148 OA

RUN     13/13 AG      23T/148 OA

RACE    11/13 AG     81T/148

Me thinks I need to work the run!

2008-03-11 4:33 PM
in reply to: #1094997

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2008-03-11 8:30 PM
in reply to: #1094997

Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!
Hey great job on the long run Hilary.  The wind sounds like it took it's toll on everyone.
2008-03-11 10:46 PM
in reply to: #1265175

In The Peleton
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!
daveo1101 - 2008-03-11 10:48 AM

Me thinks I need to work the run!

You and me both!  I can do a similar statistical analysis for myself.  Embrace the part you are good at, and work on the part you can improve the most.  Congrats on the sweep of the swim! 

2008-03-11 10:51 PM
in reply to: #1265990

In The Peleton
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!

Awesome job Hilary!  I can't imagine crossing a bridge at the end of a 15 mile run with gusts blowing that hard...  Congrats to you for such a great job.  How is the recovery going?  Legs sore?  Usually the day after my races I'm up early with my legs making sure I know that they were abused the day before.  So happy for you accomplishing your goal!

So when is everyone's next race?

Mine will likely by the Crazy Legs 8k in Madison on 4/26.  Anyone want to join in?  Cool event to support UW athletics, part of it is a portion of the IMWI course, and it finishes on the football field in Camp Randall stadium. 

2008-03-11 11:40 PM
in reply to: #1094997

Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!
Way to go Hilary!!!!

2008-03-12 6:14 AM
in reply to: #1266500

Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!
PeterAK - 2008-03-11 10:51 PM

So when is everyone's next race?

I'm signed up for Lone Star in Galveston, TX.  I'll be doing the sprint on Saturday 3/29.  I really wanted to do the 1/4 IM on Sunday (they also have a 1/2) but I'm not anywhere near ready for that.  I know I could finish it just fine but I wouldn't be trained for it.

I feel a lot better than yesterday.  I got at least 6 hours of uninterupted sleep last night.  And my fever broke !!!  Just in time to start loading my car!

Edited by daspanglers 2008-03-12 6:15 AM
2008-03-12 9:11 AM
in reply to: #1094997

Extreme Veteran
West Chicago
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!

Hilary - Way to go under tough condictions! - Nice job gutting it out!

Next race is 5k on April 5 the I'm back from vacatioin - it'll be interesting to compare to last year. 


2008-03-12 2:13 PM
in reply to: #1094997

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2008-03-12 2:14 PM
in reply to: #1094997

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2008-03-13 12:44 PM
in reply to: #1094997

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2008-03-14 10:55 AM
in reply to: #1269974

San Antonio
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!
Also, is it sufficient for me to do spin class during the week and just get on the road on the weekend?

Any guidance would be appreciated.

You will feel completely different on the road. I have always found that i could go about 15-20% farther and harder on the trainer. In addition to that, wind is another factor to get accustomed to.

If I were you, I would get on the bike and just focus on your cadence and pedal stroke. Try to keep your stroke efficient (not too much side to side motion with your knees - stay over the top of the pedals). A far as cadence, stay within a confortable pace/rate - at least for the first week to get a feel on the bike. Good luck with the training.
2008-03-14 11:09 AM
in reply to: #1269974

In The Peleton
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!
hhpvbtri - 2008-03-13 12:44 PM

Hellooooo?  Anyone out there.  Need some guidance.  I have my duathlon on 4/19 which is only 6 weeks away and there are not any du training plans for six weeks.  It's R2, B12, R2 so pretty short but still my first multi and first race on a bike.  Any suggestions on how to get myself ready in 5 weeks?  I thought about just taking one of the 12 wk du plans and starting it mid-plan to coincide with my race - probably customizing to work with my schedule.  Since I've been focusing on running, I know I now need to lean more towards biking but maintain my run endurance and maybe work on speed.  Also, is it sufficient for me to do spin class during the week and just get on the road on the weekend?

Any guidance would be appreciated.

For the most part your plan is good.  It is really important to do some brick workouts though--for a du, I think both bike-run and run-bike workouts will help.  Your legs will feel tired for that second run for sure, and if you know what it will feel like from your workouts, you will be mentally prepared to keep your effort level high.

Spinning is fine but not the same as road miles.  As long as you are doing "real" biking on the weekends if spin works best for your schedule you should be fine.

Do you feel ready to jump into a 12 week plan half way?  So excited for your first multisport race!!!

2008-03-14 1:41 PM
in reply to: #1094997

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2008-03-17 2:35 PM
in reply to: #1094997

In The Peleton
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!


Happy St. Patricks day to you!  I'm 1/8 Irish but I'm not wearing any green today.

I had a good weekend, solid 20 mile push on the Computrainer on Saturday as part of a fund raiser for JDRF, and a good 3 miler yesterday.  Woke up at about 4 a.m. this morning with my thighs complaining about getting worked and couldn't sleep solid again.  Gave them a good massage with The Stick before coming to work this morning and hope that they'll be better tomorrow.  Going to try to get out of the office to swim here in a few minutes so I can be back in time for a 5 p.m. meeting.

How was your weekend?  Davewithnumbers, you feeling better? Spanglers, are you speaking Texan yet?  Looking forward to hearing from ALL of you!!!

2008-03-17 3:59 PM
in reply to: #1276571

Living in the past
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!
PeterAK - 2008-03-17 2:35 PM


Happy St. Patricks day to you! 

Got back safely from a week in Vegas, mostly work, but a little fun too. Was able to workout a bit. Quick jaunt on Friday night to celebrate the warmer weather back home, fixed a balky washing machine Sat AM, baseball camp with the boy during the day, bowling afterwards, quick spin Sat PM, DTC ride Sunday AM, then a longer run Sunday PM. Couldn't muster an early AM swim today, will go tonight with the FAM. Into week 2 or 3 of the HIM program - same workouts as last week. It's going OK so far.

I've noticed that my running pace seems to have plateaued and I think I can go faster, but I am cautious about doing too much pace work for fear of an injury. Actually blew up my ankle last week in Vegas. Ran one day and may have twisted it, but it didn't really notice it until I had been walking the show for a period of time in dress shoes and across thinly carpeted concrete - blew up like a balloon! A little ice and she seems ready to go. No ill effects on either weekend run.

Still haven't pulled the trigger on an early season event.....hmmmm.

2008-03-17 4:23 PM
in reply to: #1276571

Extreme Veteran
West Chicago
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!
PeterAK - 2008-03-17 2:35 PM


Happy St. Patricks day to you!  

 Davewithnumbers, you feeling better?

I WIsh!  - this had been unpleasant stretch of yuck - 1 week and counting... I really rather not be sick and on the beach but I guess that beats being sick her at home

2008-03-17 7:57 PM
in reply to: #1094997

San Antonio
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!
I'm baaaaack. I have not been feeling good, but I am tired of sitting around and feeling sorry for my self. So, I downloaded a modest sprint plan and I am going to tough it out - feeling bad or not. Sorry for disappearing for a bit, but I'll try to participate more. If you see me not working out, kick me around a bit. I think I might need it.
2008-03-17 7:58 PM
in reply to: #1094997

Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!


Great weekend weather wise here in TX.  Sunday I drove to Galveston Island (30 minutes from where I'm staying) to check out the lone star tri course - looks like it will be a good time.  I found a nice park just west of downtown Houston, close to the Tri on the run triathlon shop.  Hundreds of people out running and walking and riding bikes - unfortunately another 30 minutes away from where I'm staying.  I'm gonna hit that park this weekend to get some riding time in on the road - too much traffic where I'm at (but I can see the NASA Space Center's launching platform from my balcony)!  And how 'bout them Houston Rockets?  22 straight wins!!!!

And Pete will like this - I learned the Texan style donkey call


First day at work today - I'm the new plant manager!  Got lots of work ahead of us but we'll be able to do great things soon!

2008-03-18 1:22 AM
in reply to: #1266500

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