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2012-03-15 6:04 AM
in reply to: #4096887

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!
My race plan for the year is simple yet complicated for some reason. I planned on a HIM in late April, and my wife wanted to come with me so I changed to the Rev3 in Knoxville on May 6th. The more I study the course the more I am concerned with the hills, but regardless I will do a HIM between April and May.
The rest of the year is up in the air. Since in a small rural community, there are not many events near by that are a day trip, so it makes it hard to plan. Will definitely find one or two Oly's before the end of the year.

2012-03-15 7:32 AM
in reply to: #3943970

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!

This weekend - local Sprint Tri

April - USAT Duathlon Nationals - not because I'm good or I qualified, but because its in Tucson I'm gonna get my butt kicked because it's taking out my best sport!!

after that, a lot is up in the air...

Rev3 Portland in July for sure.

I'd love to go to USAT Nationals, but I think all of my traveling will be to Rev3 races.

Rev3 Florida is likely. 

And I'm hoping I can convince my boyfriend that it's a good idea for me to volunteer for IMAZ and sign up for the next year

2012-03-15 7:36 AM
in reply to: #4097095

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!

ramiedd - 2012-03-15 7:04 AM My race plan for the year is simple yet complicated for some reason. I planned on a HIM in late April, and my wife wanted to come with me so I changed to the Rev3 in Knoxville on May 6th. The more I study the course the more I am concerned with the hills, but regardless I will do a HIM between April and May. The rest of the year is up in the air. Since in a small rural community, there are not many events near by that are a day trip, so it makes it hard to plan. Will definitely find one or two Oly's before the end of the year.

Don't know if you've stumbled across but it's pretty useful. Gives you a nice visualization of nearby and far-away races. It's definitely not a comprehensive list of EVERY tri, but it's a start.

2012-03-15 7:42 AM
in reply to: #4096648

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!
metcalf34 - 2012-03-14 6:54 PM So what races are you guys training for?

I have a few 5Ks coming up, and one sprint.

Past that I am in marathon training for the end of April and the long runs on the weekend are getting rough!

Keep it up!!

I definitely got tired of the weekend long run while marathon training. It'll all be worth it! Mix it up, run different routes, run at different times, run with an audiobook... just KEEP running All of the training will pay off on race day!

2012-03-15 7:43 AM
in reply to: #4096887

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!
handyhammer - 2012-03-14 10:08 PM

My race plan is shooting for a sub hour at spring fever in April.   That is a big goal I can get in in the summer but here in April you fight a 20 + mph wind.   My time is about 5 minutes different on the same course with and without wind.   There will be some 5ks in there for tune ups.   

April Spring Fever

May Will Rogers (tune up race)

June El Reno OLY (trying to qualify for Regionals)

Then I have some races I am looking at but I need to see if I qualify. 

Keep doing what you've been doing, and I bet you qualify

Good luck! Practice those transitions!

2012-03-15 1:13 PM
in reply to: #3943970

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Overland Park, KS
Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!
Right now the HIM in June is my only race planned. But I do plan on doing a few rides that also did last year... the Tour de Brew in May and the Tour de BBQ in Oct. Both of them are 100k rides.

2012-03-15 2:14 PM
in reply to: #3943970

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!

My race list is kind of crazy. because I am a kind of crazy girl! I got my tooth pulled last week and it shut me down!! Who knew. But maybe it didnt help I ran a 10k 3 days later. But now I just about healled up to get on a bike and in a pool!!!

Color Run March 31

April: an 8k, a possible Dulathon .I havent been on a bike yet so I am weary about signing up. Ill see  And I am doing the Fight for Air climb.  45 flights of stairs up in support of the American Ling Association.

May gets funny. I found a super sprint tri I think I want to try as my first.  I wanted to do Iron Girl but my lack of being on a bike or a pool has me weary. So Im goingt o see how things progress when I get back into things next week. And of course a Cinco de Mayo 5k!!! And I want to do warrior dash!

June starts Marathon training and Ill be doing small local races to work on speed. I want to get a few sprint tris in during the summer its just getting the first one out of the way!

2012-03-15 2:38 PM
in reply to: #4097903

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!

crazylife99 - 2012-03-15 2:13 PM Right now the HIM in June is my only race planned. But I do plan on doing a few rides that also did last year... the Tour de Brew in May and the Tour de BBQ in Oct. Both of them are 100k rides.

And both sound AWESOME!!!

2012-03-15 10:53 PM
in reply to: #4096648

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Overland Park, KS
Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!
metcalf34 - 2012-03-14 5:54 PM So what races are you guys training for?

I have a few 5Ks coming up, and one sprint.

Past that I am in marathon training for the end of April and the long runs on the weekend are getting rough!

I suppose my "A" race is IMKS 70.3.  In May have a 5150 series OLY (K.C. Tri), June is the HIM then in July the Shawnee Mission Tri, I"ll probably do the sprrint.  There are also other races, not sure what I'll do at this point.  Might do the Branson HIM in September.

2012-03-16 9:13 AM
in reply to: #3943970

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!

My wife and myself are off to a swim clinic for triathletes this weekend! I am excited!

2012-03-16 10:20 AM
in reply to: #4099006

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!
have fun and take notes for the rest of us!!!

2012-03-19 7:16 AM
in reply to: #3943970

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!

So, how was everyone's weekend?

I finished my USAT Level I Coaching Clinic - I'm one test away from being a coach! Do you have any questions about the clinic?

I did fairly well in my tri this weekend, too. I really needed that. I was feeling slow and my motivation was fairly low - now I feel refreshed and ready to start the season!!

2012-03-19 7:27 AM
in reply to: #4102357

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!
Personally I had a good week of training. Specially since I was able to add two days of swimming. I did have to give up one day of running, but it was the only way to balance two days of each sport.

Another great benefit to this training is how much better I feel on the bike and I can't wait to spank some of my friends on our group rides.
2012-03-19 9:01 AM
in reply to: #3943970

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!

The Swim Clinic my wife and me attended was great! We learned a lot of new drills that I think are going to really improve our swimming.

Elaine, How long is the total course?

2012-03-19 11:36 AM
in reply to: #3943970

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Overland Park, KS
Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!

A pretty good weekend for me.  My second outdoor ride of this year and it was a 50 miler with 20 mph Kansas winds!  Winds were from the south so going out it was tough.  Now I know why I don't use a cycle computer because I don't want to know how slow I was going into that wind.  About 30 miles of it was crosswinds, only about 10 was right into it.  Coming back I thought I'd be able to kick it in but my legs were toast.  Still a good overall ride though.  I rested yesterday but got my arse up this morning while it was still dry.  It's pouring rain right now and won't stop until the wee hours of the night.

Looking forward the the RR Elaine!

2012-03-19 12:14 PM
in reply to: #4102569

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!
metcalf34 - 2012-03-19 10:01 AM

The Swim Clinic my wife and me attended was great! We learned a lot of new drills that I think are going to really improve our swimming.

Elaine, How long is the total course?

It's a two day course - 9 hours per day. There was also an additional CEU class offered Friday night. 

Not enough time to be fully comprehensive, but they did use the time very, very well.

2012-03-19 12:18 PM
in reply to: #4102946

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!
reecealan - 2012-03-19 12:36 PM

A pretty good weekend for me.  My second outdoor ride of this year and it was a 50 miler with 20 mph Kansas winds!  Winds were from the south so going out it was tough.  Now I know why I don't use a cycle computer because I don't want to know how slow I was going into that wind.  About 30 miles of it was crosswinds, only about 10 was right into it.  Coming back I thought I'd be able to kick it in but my legs were toast.  Still a good overall ride though.  I rested yesterday but got my arse up this morning while it was still dry.  It's pouring rain right now and won't stop until the wee hours of the night.

Looking forward the the RR Elaine!

Nice ride!!!

My Race Report will start with mentioning the 6-8 beers I got, and the 3 hours of sleep. Oops. I was so dehydrated.

2012-03-22 7:24 AM
in reply to: #3943970

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!

Quiet in here this week.

Whats everyone up to?

2012-03-22 11:22 AM
in reply to: #4107832

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!
It has been.. This is a recovery week for me so it is slow for training, but it has been busy at work.
2012-03-22 2:17 PM
in reply to: #3943970

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!

I have been training this week, but I have also been slammed at work!

You guys know I will get the conversation started!

So lets all post a cool picture of ourself! I will start. This was the day I got my Cervelo P3!

(Bike 2.jpg)

Bike 2.jpg (91KB - 16 downloads)
2012-03-22 3:22 PM
in reply to: #4108750

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!
metcalf34 - 2012-03-22 3:17 PM

I have been training this week, but I have also been slammed at work!

You guys know I will get the conversation started!

So lets all post a cool picture of ourself! I will start. This was the day I got my Cervelo P3!

NICE! You took the price tag off before you took her on the road, right?

2012-03-22 3:22 PM
in reply to: #4108350

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!

ramiedd - 2012-03-22 12:22 PM It has been.. This is a recovery week for me so it is slow for training, but it has been busy at work.

I think it's the Official Mentor Group Crazy Busy Work Crackdown week. For real!

Keep that stress low!

2012-03-22 3:37 PM
in reply to: #4108923

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!

Of course not!

Can't wait to get my Flo Wheels on it!


ratherbeswimming - 2012-03-22 3:22 PM
metcalf34 - 2012-03-22 3:17 PM

I have been training this week, but I have also been slammed at work!

You guys know I will get the conversation started!

So lets all post a cool picture of ourself! I will start. This was the day I got my Cervelo P3!

NICE! You took the price tag off before you took her on the road, right?

Edited by metcalf34 2012-03-22 3:55 PM
2012-03-23 7:12 AM
in reply to: #4108953

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!
Don't have a lot of pictures of my self doing triathlons since I have only done one, but here is one on my way out to the bike portion of the race. This was a trek frame I had which I built up with aero bars for the race. I have since built up a tri specific bike.

(Giant acorn 2011.jpg)

Giant acorn 2011.jpg (99KB - 22 downloads)
2012-03-23 9:08 AM
in reply to: #3943970

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!
Cool picture Eddie!
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