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2009-08-18 11:53 AM
in reply to: #2355709

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Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)

So, by no means am I an expert, but I think that you are more likely to see improvements (and less likely to get injured) if you focus on making the workouts you already do more productive, rather than just adding more miles.  Since the distances are pretty short (2 miles x 2), doing some fast intervals would probably be your best bet (on the bike too).  So if you did 4 runs a week, do speedwork on 2 (maybe one that's shorter- like 1/2 mile repeats faster than goal race pace, with 1/4 mile recoveries, a total of 4-5 miles; or 400m repeats if you have a track, and one that's longer- a 4 mile run with a 2 mile pickup at close to goal pace in the middle).  This gets your legs used to going faster.  One run should be longer (probably up to 6 miles, since your run is short), working on endurance (and it helps make the race distance seem shorter ).  Then maybe one RBR per week that's a 2 mile run/8-15 mile bike/2 mile for race specificity. 

Try to get in a bike weekly that's longer than race distance, and do some bike sprints as well. 

There are lots of books that outline this more technically than I can, but I've always run fastest after doing these kinds of workouts.

Good luck!  Nothing like kicking some fellow church member butt .


jford2309 - 2009-08-18 12:33 PM

Here is a question for the group:


I have been talking to alot of co-workers and fellas at church about racing, seems alot are interested. I have a duathlon approaching at the end of Sept, and alot of the guys are planning on doing this (since the swim is out of the equation), this is great though, I am happy they are getting into racing. Only problem is everyone of them is saying "Well, I won't be as fast as you!"  and I want to make sure they are right.


So I am thinking of upping my running for a few weeks and going to a kind of 2 a day running program (morning and evening runs on running days) I still plan on keeping my swim schedule (substitute one run for a swim), and I plan on riding the course alot before the race. I am just wondering if going to 2 runs a day will really help me any.


The race is a 2 mile run, 15 mile bike and 2 mile run. Lasy year I completed the course in 1:19. My wife has challenged me to finish it in 1:10.


So thoughts???

2009-08-18 4:57 PM
in reply to: #2072537

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)
Karen did a great job explaining and I would concur.  I think doing the two-a-days would be counterproductive and would lead to excess fatigue and injury.  I agree that 4 running days a week is long run, 2 interval/tempo runs, and then one brick/race simulation day.  A du that short will be all about speed and how you can handle the 2nd run.

On another note...I doubt you'll have anything to worry about.  Even if they are serious runners you can still kick butt on the bike and that is where you would make up most of your time. 
2009-08-19 9:45 AM
in reply to: #2072537

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Extreme Veteran
Houston, TX
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)
I agree with both of them.  When I ran 4 days a week my schedule was the following:

Monday - hills
Wednesday - speed work
Thursday - easy run
Saturday - long run

I would definitely incorporate speed work if you aren't already.  You are welcome to take a look at my Wednesdays as those are my speed workout days.  (I would go back to June/July.)  Obviously adjust your times accordingly cause my speed is probably different than yours.  Use your time from a current 5K to figure out your times.  That make sense?

Oh also you should be running 20 miles a week before incorporating speed work. 

Here's a section of an article I found.  (I wanted to make sure I remembered correctly.)

"You should have an established base of at least 20 miles per week before incorporating these "quality runs" into your schedule. It's also best to have at least a year of running experience under your belt. The reason for both is that speedwork adds considerable strain to your muscles and connective tissues. Without the necessary mileage foundation, you may wind up injured rather than fast."

And the full article is found at

I hope this helps!
2009-08-19 11:51 AM
in reply to: #2072537

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)
Had my DR's appt yesterday and got some good news about the pain in my side/ least it seems good to me.  He believes it is a pinched nerve (he said he doesn't think it is a hernia, but there is still a slight possibility it could be).  He is gonna refer me to a surgeon so he could get a better look at it and figure out exactly what it is and how to fix it.  I am just glad that we now have a better idea about what is causing this and not just taking wild guesses.
2009-08-19 1:33 PM
in reply to: #2072537

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)

Definate good news Tim, hope the next doc can get ya back on track quickly!


One person (Daremo) said that improvements could be made as long as one of the two runs was a recovery run, which is not something I am good at doing. I do not think I am going to two-a-days, but was just something I pondered. I am working on my run times though.


How pathetic is it that I really want to squash my cowaorkers and church friends?  LOL  Yeah, I am alittle bit competitive!

2009-08-19 3:40 PM
in reply to: #2358398

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Extreme Veteran
Houston, TX
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)
You mean that's not normal?

Glad the docs finally figured it out Tim!

jford2309 - 2009-08-19 1:33 PM

Definate good news Tim, hope the next doc can get ya back on track quickly!


One person (Daremo) said that improvements could be made as long as one of the two runs was a recovery run, which is not something I am good at doing. I do not think I am going to two-a-days, but was just something I pondered. I am working on my run times though.


How pathetic is it that I really want to squash my cowaorkers and church friends?  LOL  Yeah, I am alittle bit competitive!

2009-08-19 8:31 PM
in reply to: #2355709

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Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)
What do you plan on doing differently with each run on the days you run twice?  Seems to me you'd have to do some sprint work, endurance work and, since 2 miles is kind of short, some plyometrics so that you have explosive power.  Just think about injury prevention, too.  Significantly putting pounding on your joints might not help too much in such a short amount of time. You might put too much stress on your body if you up your mileage too much.

jford2309 - 2009-08-18 12:33 PM

Here is a question for the group:


I have been talking to alot of co-workers and fellas at church about racing, seems alot are interested. I have a duathlon approaching at the end of Sept, and alot of the guys are planning on doing this (since the swim is out of the equation), this is great though, I am happy they are getting into racing. Only problem is everyone of them is saying "Well, I won't be as fast as you!"  and I want to make sure they are right.


So I am thinking of upping my running for a few weeks and going to a kind of 2 a day running program (morning and evening runs on running days) I still plan on keeping my swim schedule (substitute one run for a swim), and I plan on riding the course alot before the race. I am just wondering if going to 2 runs a day will really help me any.


The race is a 2 mile run, 15 mile bike and 2 mile run. Lasy year I completed the course in 1:19. My wife has challenged me to finish it in 1:10.


So thoughts???

2009-08-22 12:29 PM
in reply to: #2072537

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)
I know this is kinda goofy, but I thought I would do it to try and stimulate some conversation (and might be fun at the same time).  We've all gotten those emails people send around where it asks you questions about yourself.  You change the answers and send it back out so people learn a little something about you.  So here goes...

Fav tri sport - swim (never in a million years would i thought i would've said that 2 yrs ago!)
Least fav - run (I do it but have yet to really enjoy it)
Initial reason for starting tris - to stay in shape and add spice to workouts
Bike make/model - Tomasso Trascinare (standard road aero/tri anything on it)
Run shoes - Asics Nimbus
Goggles - Aqua Sphere Kayenne (races), Speedo Vanquisher (training)
Race suit - De Soto tri top and tri shorts
Wetsuit - none (yet!)
Socks/no socks on bike and run - no on bike, yes on run
Fav recovery drink - milk (or gatorade)
Gels or no gels - yes, i prefer GU (lemon lime cuz no caffeine)
Fav tri distance - Sprint (but have yet to do any longer ones)
Time doing tris - my first tri was 14mo ago
Biggest area of improvement from first race - swim (without a doubt...i looked like a cat trying to get out of the water on my first one!)
Tri Goals - possibly build up to a half-iron...ultimately I want to focus on sprints and try and become competitive in them

Ok, thats enough for me for now.  Feel free to add anything else in your replies!  Enjoy!
2009-08-23 1:11 PM
in reply to: #2072537

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Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)
Nice idea, Tim!

Fav tri sport - Swim. I LOOOOVE the washing machine at the start of a race. Give me more!
Least fav - Bike. I am so inept at bike-related stuff. 
Initial reason for starting tris - Didn't want to do competitive swimming at the Masters level since I'm "slow", but I tend to be one of the faster swimmers in tris! Also wanted to stay fit for my wedding 2 years ago.
Bike make/model - Cannondale. Couldn't tell you which one. It's white! =p
Run shoes - Sauc Triumphs.  I'm thinking about breaking up with my Saucs though and trying a new brand next time. Shh, don't tell them that though!
Goggles - Aqua Sphere (races), fancy $4 swedish goggles for training. =)
Race suit - I have a Zoot suit for sprints. 
Wetsuit - Xterra something. Full-sleeved.
Socks/no socks on bike and run - Yes to both, now, but next year I'm going sockless for my sprints!
Fav recovery drink - Peanut butter/chocolate/banana smoothie with soy milk.
Gels or no gels - CAFFEINATED GELS MAKE IT ALL POSSIBLE!!!!  Powerbar gels with 2x caffeine. Oh yeah!
Fav tri distance - Olympic.
Time doing tris - This is my third season.
Biggest area of improvement from first race - Bike. I rode a Denali for my first tri.  I think I saw people walking faster than I could pedal. =) I averaged a whopping 13 mph.
Tri Goals - Finish IMLP in 12 hours next year.
2009-08-23 4:22 PM
in reply to: #2072537

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)
Sara, thanks for responding.  Liked the answers!  So how do you like the Xterra wetsuit?  They have a deal going on right now to get their entry level full suit for $149!!  I figured I can't pass that up and ought to give it a try. 
2009-08-23 6:16 PM
in reply to: #2364979

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Upstate NY
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)
Fav tri sport - Swim, I just love water!
Least fav - Bike. not very mechanically inclined if I happen to have bike issues.
Initial reason for starting tris - To maintain my weight.  I was already running, taking spin classes, and I loved the pool.  Thought it would keep me motivated to workout, and would give my workouts meaning, and it does!
Bike make/model - Felt road bike, like Sara I know mine is red.
Run shoes - Brooks addiction I think??  It seems to work for me, but I might give another a try next time to see how they work.
Goggles - Aqua Sphere 
Race suit - De Soto shorts and a Pear Izumi top. 
Wetsuit - Xterra and 2XU. No sleeves  (Xterra started to get too big)
Socks/no socks on bike and run - Yes to both, and I can't see going without (yet), just me.
Fav recovery drink - Chocolate milk.  (Carnation and lactose free skim milk, mmmm)
Gels or no gels -  Powerbar gels,  with caffine  (strawberry banana or apple)
Fav tri distance - Olympic.  Like Goldilocks says, it is jusssst right.
Time doing tris - Second season, first tri was July 2009.  (first running race was April 2009)
Biggest area of improvement from first race - Swimming!!  Until my last race last year I couln't do the crawl for more then 2 minutes.  I just sort of swam under water, surfaced to catch my breath, repeat.  (VERY SLOW)  Now I use the front crawl the whole time and I keep getting faster.
Tri Goals - Just to finish IMPL with a smile on my face :-)

2009-08-23 8:45 PM
in reply to: #2072537

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)
Fav tri sport - Swim.  I love feel of the adrenaline before the swim.
Least fav - Run-  during the run I always think "why am i doing this?"
Initial reason for starting tris - To get into shape and I saw an iron man on TV and saw a dad pulling, biking and pushing his son who had MS through the whole race.  It brought me to tears and made me want to try one.
Bike make/model - Cervelo SLC-SL
Run shoes - Asics Kayano
Goggles - TYR Torrent 
Race suit - Desoto shorts and Craft top. 
Wetsuit - QR sleeveless
Socks/no socks on bike and run - Yes to both.  I tried without with a pair of zoots but don't like them.
Fav recovery drink - Low Fat Chocolate Muscle Milk.  Tried it after my first olympic and loved it.
Gels or no gels - Gels are GOOD.
Fav tri distance - sprints and olympic equally.
Time doing tris - This Oct will mark my first yr.
Biggest area of improvement from first race - Hard to say, my last olympic i swam 1500 meters faster than I swam 880yds during my first sprint and during the same olympic I biked over 3 mph than my first sprint (the olympic course was much more difficult too).  I guess the swim but the olympic had a current so I'm not exactly sure.
Tri Goals - finish the NYC tri next yr in less than 2hr 35mins.
2009-08-24 9:14 AM
in reply to: #2072537

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)

Fav tri sport - Swim.  I love the anticipation of the start and the bumping once in the water and then watching them all fade behind me.

Least fav - Run-  never seem to be running as fast as I want

Initial reason for starting tris - Needed something competitive and softball wasn't cutting it for me.

Bike make/model - Denali POS ( I like to think it's the negine more than the bike, but slowlt starting to not believe myself)
Run shoes - Nike something
Goggles - Speedo brand
Race suit - CWX Tri shorts and tri top
Wetsuit - Zoot full sleeved
Socks/no socks on bike and run - Quit using socks this year

Fav recovery drink - Black Cherry Koolaid ( I know, but I like it)
Gels or no gels - Accelegel Raspberry
Fav tri distance - sprints and olympic. Only distances I have done so far
Time doing tris - Second full seaon
Biggest area of improvement from first race - My swim has made leaps and bounds but I am going to say my tunning, Seems like I have sped up from 9:41 mile to around 8 minutes miles in most races, just need to get it down even more.
Tri Goals - to hear them say "James Ford, you are now an Ironman!"

2009-08-24 11:01 AM
in reply to: #2366177

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Extreme Veteran
Houston, TX
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)

My turn:

Fav tri sport - Run...even though I'm not the fastest

Least fav - I think everyone could guess - SWIM!

Initial reason for starting tris - After watching my boyfriend for about a year, I thought...I could do this too.  Just gotta learn how to swim

Bike make/model - Quintana Roo Tequilo - an upgrade from what I started with - Ironstar road bike

Run shoes - Adidas ProStar I think

Goggles - Speedo Vanquisher

Race suit - Zoot tri top and 2XU shorts

Wetsuit - none - I avoid races where the water is cold!

Socks/no socks on bike and run - socks on bike/run

Fav recovery drink - Gatorade

Gels or no gels - no gels

Fav tri distance - never done anything but a sprint

Time doing tris - 1st full seaon

Biggest area of improvement from first race - humm...learning to swim was a feat in itself for me but I'd probably say my bike

Tri Goals - to get more comfortable in the swim

2009-08-25 4:14 PM
in reply to: #2072537

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)
Another doc update...saw the pain specialist today.  His diagnosis was that my cartilage at the bottom of my ribs separated from the bone and is now inflamed.  He gave me a series of injections to the area to numb it up and inject some steroids to help reduce the inflammation.  We tested it out after the shots and most of the pain is now gone.  However the numbness is just a temporary fix in hopes that the steroids will reduce the inflammation enough to where the cartilage will repair and reattach itself.  I'll have to go back for 2 more rounds of shots in the next month and then we'll re-evaluate.

He said no swimming today as he thinks that may be causing it...however, swimming is the one tri sport where I DON't feel it at all.  Now I need to figure out the root cause of this in order to prevent it from happening again.  Fingers crossed that this will work!!  I told him i have my big season ending tri in 2 weeks and I will ease up after that! 
2009-08-25 6:19 PM
in reply to: #2370276

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Upstate NY
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)
I've got my fingers crossed for you too.

chichitao - 2009-08-25 5:14 PM Another doc update...saw the pain specialist today.  His diagnosis was that my cartilage at the bottom of my ribs separated from the bone and is now inflamed.  He gave me a series of injections to the area to numb it up and inject some steroids to help reduce the inflammation.  We tested it out after the shots and most of the pain is now gone.  However the numbness is just a temporary fix in hopes that the steroids will reduce the inflammation enough to where the cartilage will repair and reattach itself.  I'll have to go back for 2 more rounds of shots in the next month and then we'll re-evaluate.

He said no swimming today as he thinks that may be causing it...however, swimming is the one tri sport where I DON't feel it at all.  Now I need to figure out the root cause of this in order to prevent it from happening again.  Fingers crossed that this will work!!  I told him i have my big season ending tri in 2 weeks and I will ease up after that! 

2009-08-26 8:32 AM
in reply to: #2370276

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Extreme Veteran
Houston, TX
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)
Wow...I'll pray that it heals and that you find the root of the problem. 

Continue to keep us posted.

chichitao - 2009-08-25 4:14 PM Another doc update...saw the pain specialist today.  His diagnosis was that my cartilage at the bottom of my ribs separated from the bone and is now inflamed.  He gave me a series of injections to the area to numb it up and inject some steroids to help reduce the inflammation.  We tested it out after the shots and most of the pain is now gone.  However the numbness is just a temporary fix in hopes that the steroids will reduce the inflammation enough to where the cartilage will repair and reattach itself.  I'll have to go back for 2 more rounds of shots in the next month and then we'll re-evaluate.

He said no swimming today as he thinks that may be causing it...however, swimming is the one tri sport where I DON't feel it at all.  Now I need to figure out the root cause of this in order to prevent it from happening again.  Fingers crossed that this will work!!  I told him i have my big season ending tri in 2 weeks and I will ease up after that! 
2009-08-26 9:30 AM
in reply to: #2366543

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Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)

I hope the rest and injections help- sounds painful!

Fav tri sport - Run (more because I suck at the others than I'm good at running!)

Least fav -Definately swimming

Initial reason for starting tris - The challenge?  It seemed like a good idea at the time

Bike make/model - Lemond
Run shoes - Pearl Izumi something or others

Goggles - Tyr

Race suit - Sugoi bottoms, Zoot top

Wetsuit - Promotion (gotta look into one with shorter legs though!)

Socks/no socks on bike and run - socks on bike/run

Fav recovery drink - Ovaltine

Gels or no gels - Gels-more caffeine the better

Fav tri distance - Sprint for lack of any other experiences

Time doing tris - My first tri was in 1990.  Second was 1999 or so, and have done them intermittently since.

Biggest area of improvement from first race - improvements all around but probably most on the swim.  Once I figured out how not to kick myself into anaerobic lactic acidosis after 100 yards, it was much better.

Tri Goals - Go longer and faster.

2009-08-26 10:00 AM
in reply to: #2072537

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)

Tim, good luck with the shots. I know they have helped my feet when I get the Cortisone shots so I hoep it helps you heal. Don't overdo it just for one race though. Make sure you can not do further damage by racing in two weeks!

2009-08-28 2:43 PM
in reply to: #2365188

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Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)
I like my suit!  Really, for being a beginner triathlete, it served its purpose for me!  I had one person at an OWS say something about higher end suits having better material, but I'm okay saving $300-500 dollars with my Xterra. =)

chichitao - 2009-08-23 5:22 PM Sara, thanks for responding.  Liked the answers!  So how do you like the Xterra wetsuit?  They have a deal going on right now to get their entry level full suit for $149!!  I figured I can't pass that up and ought to give it a try. 
2009-08-28 3:03 PM
in reply to: #2366177

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Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)

jford2309 - 2009-08-24 10:14 AM
Tri Goals - to hear them say "James Ford, you are now an Ironman!"

2009-08-28 3:05 PM
in reply to: #2370276

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Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)
Wow, that's crazy to think it was your cartilage. Here's hoping the shots work!

chichitao - 2009-08-25 5:14 PM Another doc update...saw the pain specialist today.  His diagnosis was that my cartilage at the bottom of my ribs separated from the bone and is now inflamed.  He gave me a series of injections to the area to numb it up and inject some steroids to help reduce the inflammation.  We tested it out after the shots and most of the pain is now gone.  However the numbness is just a temporary fix in hopes that the steroids will reduce the inflammation enough to where the cartilage will repair and reattach itself.  I'll have to go back for 2 more rounds of shots in the next month and then we'll re-evaluate.

He said no swimming today as he thinks that may be causing it...however, swimming is the one tri sport where I DON't feel it at all.  Now I need to figure out the root cause of this in order to prevent it from happening again.  Fingers crossed that this will work!!  I told him i have my big season ending tri in 2 weeks and I will ease up after that! 
2009-08-28 11:33 PM
in reply to: #2072537

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)

This weekend I am testing a new bike. A buddy of mine has a bike his dad bought him 3 years ago and he never really got into riding, so he never rode it. He is wanting to sell it and is letting me test it for awhile.

I am looking at getting a Cannondale R1000 CAD3. I have gone over every inch of this bike, taken it to the LBS for a looksie and the only thing I have needed to do was change the tubes. This bike is a very smooth ride. Only thing I need to get used to is the shifters, they are on the brake handles, so that is new.


But to give you an idea of why I am excited about this weighs 12lbs lighter than my current bike.  I am thinking I might be able to pick up some speed!

2009-08-30 8:48 PM
in reply to: #2072537

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)
James, hope you enjoyed the new bike!  How did the test ride go?
2009-08-31 10:11 AM
in reply to: #2072537

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: WittyCityGirl's Group - FULL =)

It went really well. Was alot easier to maintain speeds and did not feel like I was working as hard as normal. The bike is 11 lbs lighter than I had, so that will make a huge difference. Only problem I had was a flat tire at around mile 12. I think I pinched the tube when I changed it, but it only took me about 10 minutes out on the road to change it, so that was huge for me!

The fit was of course different so it seemed like my leggs got tired in other places than they normally do, so it will take some time to get used to the new fit, but the overall comfort was amazing. The guy I ride with said I was alot faster, which was probably due to riding that heavy bike for so long, so I am anxious to race soon!

Edited by jford2309 2009-08-31 10:14 AM
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