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2008-07-09 3:03 PM
in reply to: #1517441

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED

wurkit_gurl - 2008-07-09 11:27 AM I am currently flipping through 'First Marathons' to get myself psyched about the race - that is still 3 months away

Just checked it out on Amazon - looks interesting.  I haven't really read much in the "running" catagory.  I picked up a fairly quick read last summer called Running With the Buffalos by Chris Lear.  It follows a season with the University of Colorado Cross Country team.  Those dudes run a lot.  And fast. 

2008-07-10 11:41 PM
in reply to: #1517694

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Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
bcart1991 - 2008-07-09 9:41 AM

Taking it half-easy this week. RACE SUNDAY!

I need to put in a few bike miles today if the rains hold off. Probably swim tomorrow, Friday off, tennis match Saturday, and race SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY!!!

$10 admission pays for the whole seat, BUT YOU'LL ONLY NEED THE EDGE!!!

Oh, wow. Not sure where that came from. Carry on...

HAHAHAHA ... B you crack me up. I miss this group. ;-)
2008-07-10 11:50 PM
in reply to: #1349986

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Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
Hey Peeps! ... It's been a while - thought I'd check in ... you all seem to be doing well - but where's our/your leader?!?!?... mysterious disappearances aside - I had a lot of reading to catch up on!

I'm doing awesome. Things are really coming together for me, my business is taking off (slowly, but taking off nonetheless) ... and I've got a bunch of other consulting and part-time stuff going on in the local community. I'm really excited. And I'm very happy.

But I miss triathlon! ... I still don't have the time to commit to training - but every time I see a cyclist out on the roads or someone I know in the gym ... I feel a little guilty. ;-(
Ach heck ... there's always next year.

I do check in from time to time ... I miss my BT'ers ... keep well, all, and happy training!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2008-07-11 7:48 AM
in reply to: #1522021

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Slower Than You
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
Thanks, I'll be here all week. Please remember to tip your waitresses!

Glad to see things looking up, business-wise. Sometimes life has to take over for a while, right?
2008-07-11 7:52 AM
in reply to: #1522021

Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED

SpiritFire - 2008-07-11 12:50 AM Hey Peeps! ... It's been a while - thought I'd check in ... you all seem to be doing well - but where's our/your leader?!?!?... mysterious disappearances aside - I had a lot of reading to catch up on! I'm doing awesome. Things are really coming together for me, my business is taking off (slowly, but taking off nonetheless) ... and I've got a bunch of other consulting and part-time stuff going on in the local community. I'm really excited. And I'm very happy. But I miss triathlon! ... I still don't have the time to commit to training - but every time I see a cyclist out on the roads or someone I know in the gym ... I feel a little guilty. ;-( Ach heck ... there's always next year. I do check in from time to time ... I miss my BT'ers ... keep well, all, and happy training!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Glad to hear things are going well! I'm on a training streak with no rest days for almost a month...I am still alive, though starting to feel it a bit. I still suck on the bike...arg...but my run and swim are coming along nicely.

2008-07-11 7:55 AM
in reply to: #1518337

Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
esc - 2008-07-09 4:03 PM

wurkit_gurl - 2008-07-09 11:27 AM I am currently flipping through 'First Marathons' to get myself psyched about the race - that is still 3 months away

Just checked it out on Amazon - looks interesting.  I haven't really read much in the "running" catagory.  I picked up a fairly quick read last summer called Running With the Buffalos by Chris Lear.  It follows a season with the University of Colorado Cross Country team.  Those dudes run a lot.  And fast. 

Another one I read that I thought was kinda interesting was Lance's "It's Not About The Bike". Yeah, it's not about triathlon, lots of people are not huge Lance fans (I'm not), and none of us are super-hard-core roadies, but I still thought it was an interesting read. He's a bit full of himself, but it kind of gives you an idea of the kind of personality it often takes to really succeed in some of these sports. The dude did seem to have a drive like no other. I felt kinda bad for him, actually, after reading it.

2008-07-13 3:53 PM
in reply to: #1522228

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Slower Than You
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
Quality racing today.

Good swim, good bike, acceptable run with a strong kick at the finish. I hit 30 mph on the *slight* downhill on the 2nd half of the bike before getting back to transition.

Hope everyone else had a great weekend!
2008-07-14 3:05 PM
in reply to: #1349986

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Extreme Veteran
Glasgow, UK
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
Way to go Brian, it's nice to see someone having a blast.

I've been suspiciously absent due to a weeks diving in Scapa Flow - fantastic wrecks, good vis (by Scottish standards anyway) and lots of good fun and time relaxing with friends. To top that I even managed a couple of runs which is a first on a dive trip and exercise after diving is discouraged and the tides often prohibit diving beforehand.

I've been taking it easy after getting back home but need to up my game with the running cause I've just been confirmed on my next Tri and it's a longer run than any tri I've done before.

Anyone got any ideas for a good training programme?
2008-07-14 3:09 PM
in reply to: #1528888

Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED

Kate_r - 2008-07-14 4:05 PM Anyone got any ideas for a good training programme?

Some of the ones here are pretty darned good. The Oly plan I've been using is kicking my butt. Granted, mine was one of the plans that only paying members can access, but they do have quite a few that are free.

2008-07-14 4:42 PM
in reply to: #1349986

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED

I'm using the Olympic 16-week, 3x balanced program.  It's a free program since I'm not a paying member of the site.  I've just started the second month of training and so far so good.

Brian - glad you had a good race!

I'm looking forward to a race on Saturday - should be a nice, fast sprint.  500m swim, 10mi bike, 3mi run.  Anyone else racing this weekend?

2008-07-15 9:06 AM
in reply to: #1349986

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Extreme Veteran
Glasgow, UK
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
I am using the plans on here - specifically the sprint one's as that's the distance I'm doing at the moment and, having looked at some of the Oly plans, the one's I can fit into my life. Trouble is that they are light or v. heavy on running. I seem to be somewhat in the middle. I want to improve my running but I'm not up to doing more than about 45 minutes on a regular basis at the moment. I've been looking at some of the online ones and think I've found a suitable one - trouble it it's distance rather than time based and since I'm slow I tend to prefer time rather than distance.

2008-07-17 4:51 PM
in reply to: #1530441

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Slower Than You
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
We're dropping, dropping, dropping...

I'm trying to get my workouts in any way I can this week. Lotsa tennis, trying to find time to do other things.

Emily, best of luck this weekend!

Plan? What's a plan? I might look into one of those soon instead of training all seat-of-the-pants style.

Hope everyone's week is going well!

2008-07-17 4:53 PM
in reply to: #1349986

Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED

I know  - our fearless leader seems to have fallen off the face of the earth.

I had been BAD this week. Will be back on track next week.

2008-07-17 10:52 PM
in reply to: #1530441

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED

Kate_r - 2008-07-15 10:06 AM I am using the plans on here - specifically the sprint one's as that's the distance I'm doing at the moment and, having looked at some of the Oly plans, the one's I can fit into my life. Trouble is that they are light or v. heavy on running. I seem to be somewhat in the middle. I want to improve my running but I'm not up to doing more than about 45 minutes on a regular basis at the moment. I've been looking at some of the online ones and think I've found a suitable one - trouble it it's distance rather than time based and since I'm slow I tend to prefer time rather than distance.

You might consider devising your own running plan using the basic math that they use to build most of the basic training plans on this site.

Let's say you want to run three times a week - that gives you a long, medium, and short run - but you don't want any single run to be more than 45 minutes in duration.  The plans are built using the following percentages:
 - medium run is 80% of the long run
 - short run is 60% of the long run
 - each week volume increases by 10% for three weeks
 - forth week in the cycle is a reduced volume week (40% reduction in volume compared to week 3)
 - fifth week starts at the same volumes as the third week

So if you want to start your first month with a maxium of a 45 minute run, you'd do:
 - week 1: 22, 29, and 36 min
 - week 2: 24, 32, 40 min
 - week 3: 27, 36, 45 min
 - week 4: 16, 21, 27 min
 - week 5: 27, 36, 45 min

yada, yada, yada...I'm sure you can do the rest of the math.

This lets you build up to longer distances over a longer time period and helps prevent injury from trying to add too much volume too quickly.  Plus, as your running improves, you can pick up the pace a bit on the shorter runs.

Or you can just ignore my babbling (can you tell I'm bored at work?) and go out and run when you feel like it for as long as you like.


2008-07-18 6:51 AM
in reply to: #1538863

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Newnan, GA
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
GREAT BREAKDOWN on the running plan!!! I didn't ask the question but really appreciate the response. Thanks for the breakdown - I'll definitely be utilizing that on my 1/2 (and eventually full) marathon training. I've seen the plans but didn't understand the structure. THANKS AGAIN!!
2008-07-18 4:35 PM
in reply to: #1539120

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED

swise - 2008-07-18 7:51 AM GREAT BREAKDOWN on the running plan!!! I didn't ask the question but really appreciate the response. Thanks for the breakdown - I'll definitely be utilizing that on my 1/2 (and eventually full) marathon training. I've seen the plans but didn't understand the structure. THANKS AGAIN!!

Glad to have helped!  I'm a dorky, numbers kind of person.  Every once in awhile, the dorkiness actually pays off!

2008-07-18 9:34 PM
in reply to: #1541030

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Slower Than You
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
Ohhhhh I was bad this evening.

Showed my friend Matt the wonder that is clipless pedals. Then went to Five Guys and ate VERY BADLY.

I'll make it up tomorrow with a tennis match and my memorial 5k in the evening, before I go drinking of course.
2008-07-19 10:39 AM
in reply to: #1541447

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED

bcart1991 - 2008-07-18 10:34 PM Ohhhhh I was bad this evening. Showed my friend Matt the wonder that is clipless pedals. Then went to Five Guys and ate VERY BADLY. I'll make it up tomorrow with a tennis match and my memorial 5k in the evening, before I go drinking of course.

Hehe....I just got back from my tri and am totally planning a big splurge of eating for this evening.  I think a big, juicy cheeseburger and some onion rings might just hit the spot!

Have fun at your 5K and enjoy those drinks afterwards!

2008-07-20 11:29 PM
in reply to: #1541933

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Slower Than You
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
Quality racing this weekend, ladies.

As this group's token gentleman, I *might* be a little intmidated by these great performances. Fuel for my next race, right?

Hope everyone had a great weekend. Why am I still up this late???
2008-07-21 5:55 AM
in reply to: #1349986

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Extreme Veteran
Glasgow, UK
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
Had a great weekend, did a spin class on Sat which was great then went diving on Sunday. Fantastic!
2008-07-21 8:58 AM
in reply to: #1349986

Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
Hey folks - back from racing yesterday - overall, I did pretty well! The bike is STILL my weakest event by quite a bit, but at least I didn't die out there - no big hills on this course Just some false flats, which kind of eat into my time a bit. But I have collected some good trainer workouts and drills from a couple of folks in the past week or so, which I will use to my advantage this winter.

2008-07-21 9:16 AM
in reply to: #1545099

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Slower Than You
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
Kate, I wanna go diving. Lucky...

Chrissy, come ride the Three Gap 50-miler with us in September.

You'll have your cycling legs for sure after that.

My current top speed on the bike is around 47 mph. I plan on hitting 60 on these descents...
2008-07-21 9:19 AM
in reply to: #1545153

Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED

bcart1991 - 2008-07-21 10:16 AM Kate, I wanna go diving. Lucky... Chrissy, come ride the Three Gap 50-miler with us in September. You'll have your cycling legs for sure after that. My current top speed on the bike is around 47 mph. I plan on hitting 60 on these descents...

Hahah, hellz no! I'd die. Plus, after the Oly on the 7th, I'm not really going to be doing anything that will jeopardize the marathon - which includes shooting down hills at 40+ mph

2008-07-21 9:41 AM
in reply to: #1545158

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Slower Than You
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED

Party poopers. I'm gonna try and get video on the bike. That'll be soooooo cool.
2008-07-21 10:43 AM
in reply to: #1349986

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED
Sounds like everyone had a pretty good weekend!  I finally posted a race report and threw some pictures up on the blog.  Now I'm off to the pool - goal this week is to actually do all my scheduled swim workouts. 
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