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2009-05-14 11:36 AM
in reply to: #2150365

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Subject: Lisa's 5K and HR monitor
Lisa - how exciting to be coming up to your first 5K!!!   You will do great and don't worry about running it all.  

I read a book while in AZ this spring, written by a marathoner/coach, and he says he teaches everyone to walk/run.   The running time varies according to your mile time...for me, and I used a 10min/mile it was 3min run, 1min walk.   You could try that.  If it is too far - i.e. if you are too fatigued at the end of 3min, do 2min run/1min walk.   He said in the book that his best marathoners would object to walking when they first started training with him but then once they tried it, they took considerable time off their run.  If I remember correctly, the faster your mile time, the longer you run in between walks.

I got a HR monitor because I know I push myself much too hard.   Having truly been a couch potato for 10 years due to the chronic fatigue, my body was not as capable as I wanted it to be.   I did fine as long as I was following the c25k program but once that was over and I could run 3 miles, I started pushing.   I had a run last fall that made my face glow red for hours - scared people - and my fingers swelled.   Kind of scared me too!   I did a bit of research and found it was either electrolyte imbalance or HR.  I decided it was time to pay attention to both.   I found a Polar F11 monitor on Ebay for a great price ~$25.   It worked well, but for Christmas I got a Garmin 305 from my mom and really love it. (Gave the Polar to my SIL or I would have  happily passed it on to you)  Since I run mostly out here on the ranch where there are no mile markers, it has been so nice to have my distance measured.   There are a lot of things it can do that I haven't even figured out yet!   I am just learning how to use it on the bike - Amazon had the bike cadence meter for $36 the other day.   My recommendation would be to wait until you can buy the Garmin - because they just released the 310x that is truly multi-sport, my guess is the 305 will be going on sale many places.     I just heard a few weeks ago that Best Buy had it for $150.  You might even keep an eye on the classifieds board here since some may be able to afford to upgrade and will sell off their 305.

That said, there is a lot of truth in Lora's suggestion of RPE.   We can get so used to relying on the techie stuff that we forget to listen to our bodies.   I have tried hard to maintain both, but do sometimes get caught up in the numbers.   I think it is due to my age and my health issues that make me worry a bit more about my HR, but I know that there are times when I can have an easy, delightful run - conversational level  - and be well above my HR zone...and other times when I am running in the correct HR zone and I feel like a slug, can't breathe, etc.

Hope this helps and GOOD LUCK AT YOUR RACE!

2009-05-14 11:59 AM
in reply to: #2068936

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Who all's racing this weekend?
2009-05-14 12:22 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Maggie - congrats on the engagement!

Lisa - good luck with your 5k this weekend!

OK - for the challenge, I really need to work on my biking so my challenge will be to get in at least 12 hours on the bike between now and the end of June (hopefully more).  I still can't really say that I enjoy the bike, but my running started out that way too and now I look forward to my runs so hopefully the biking will turn out the same.  I'm hoping to go by the LBS on Saturday and talk to them about what size and brand of road bike would be best for me once I'm ready to buy a new one.  Can't afford it right now, but at least if I know what I should be looking for, I can keep an eye out for a used one maybe. 
2009-05-14 1:01 PM
in reply to: #2150365

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On a lake in the Adirondacks in NY
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
lkc01234 - 2009-05-14 10:27 AM

I also have been doing a lot of reading of the "triathlon talk" threads and read a little bit of the run/walk combination.  As in the pro's and con's of doing both, for example - run 4 minutes, walk a minute - repeat.  Some were saying they can do faster miles that way...

During last weekend's 5K I was passed by a woman doing a walk/run combination while I was strictly running.  She was doing about 2 min runs and 30 sec walks and was faster than my 9:45 min/miles.

2009-05-14 1:06 PM
in reply to: #2149535

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On a lake in the Adirondacks in NY
Subject: RE: bike photo
ranchrunner - 2009-05-13 9:38 PM road bike

Wanted to share a pic of my new bike.     I got it from a WTB ad here at BT for a great price!    The Specialized bike shop where I went to have it adjusted and fit thought it was an awesome ride...and so do I!


Sweet ride!!!!! 
2009-05-14 1:14 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Northern VA
Subject: Challange
OK, I've got my challenge, do at least 3 tummy toning sessions a week.

I bought my first real bikini and got the tri suit with the sport bra top so I gotta work those abs, eeekkk!

Anyone have some good abs quick workouts for me!  


2009-05-14 3:14 PM
in reply to: #2151008

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On a lake in the Adirondacks in NY
Subject: RE: Challange
freeflykami - 2009-05-14 2:14 PM OK, I've got my challenge, do at least 3 tummy toning sessions a week.

I bought my first real bikini and got the tri suit with the sport bra top so I gotta work those abs, eeekkk!

Anyone have some good abs quick workouts for me!  


I've been doing ab stuff from the BT Hard Core article.  I don't do the whole thing every time, just pick a few for each session.  It seems to be working.  I also think swimming helps alot.

2009-05-15 7:10 AM
in reply to: #2068936

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2009-05-15 10:02 AM
in reply to: #2068936

Subject: My challenge

Congrats to everyone on your progress, and yay to Maggie on the engagement!

My challenge - stick to my plan, which is 6 workouts per week.  Ideally, that will be 2 swim, 2 run and 2 bike EACH WEEK with either 1 rest day, or 1 double workout brick day which leads to 2 rest days.  Also, I have to keep up with the stretching which is what I skimp on when I run out of time.  And yet, I could easily do it in front of the TV!

I was very proud of myself last night.  I usually try and exercise in the morning, but work and kid drop offs and pick ups got the best of me.  So, it was 6:45 pm, my hubby and kids were home, it was RAINING and still I had not worked out.  BUT, happy ending - I put dinner in the oven, hubby and kids played, and I got in a 1/2 hour run.  The old me would have thrown in the towel at the rain and how late in the day it was, but new TRI me said "NO, i need to do this NOW!"  And I definitely felt better afterwards, which I knew I would.

Good luck on keeping up with your challenges to all!Laughing
Mary Sue

2009-05-15 10:03 AM
in reply to: #2068936

Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED

Good luck to anyone who is racing this weekend.   I will be cheering for you from afar!

I am off in a few minutes to a town 3 hours north to watch ds#3 at the Regional track meet.  He is running in the 100m, 200m and 400m and hoping for a spot at the State Track meet.   To get there he has to have one of the 8 fastest times.

See you all in a few days!
2009-05-15 10:31 AM
in reply to: #2068936

Subject: Bike tour this weekend

Oh, forgot to mention, I'm not officially racing this weekend, but our town is having a 12 mile "bike tour" that is non-competitive on Sunday.  They are closing many of the major roads and letting the bikes take over.  I am hoping for 50 min or less.  Should be fun and I will try to push myself, but it isn't a timed event.

Mary Sue

2009-05-15 10:36 AM
in reply to: #2150365

West Fargo
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
lkc01234 - 2009-05-14 9:27 AM

Exactly 1 week to my first 5K!  I don't expect to run it all...I just want to do it!  I'm having problems setting my goals.  I know I want it to be running - but not sure whether to set times or distances or frequency?!!?  My 5K is in the middle of the month....>

I just completed my very first race last week too! I chose to do distance training instead of time because I know that I am SUPER SLOW. If I did the training by time, I'm pretty certain I would have never made the milage that the program was intended to hit. I have to say, I truly expected to be walking after every mile/1.5 miles. But I think with the distance training and the excitement of the day, walking never came to mind! You're going to have a great time, and I'm sure you'll do well! Good luck, and I can't wait to hear how it goes!
2009-05-15 1:23 PM
in reply to: #2152416

Northern VA
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
ChrisFL - 2009-05-15 8:10 AM But what was interesting to me was how much better the two piece looked on me than the one piece (I got both anyway).  The two piece was much more forgiving even though it didn't cover my core.  The one piece (color red) really showed EVERYTHING which made me realize how much I need to do core work!

Red is not a flattering shape color! I tried on the same one peice speedo suit in red and blue, the blue won hands down. I ended up getting a speedo 2 peice which I think looks a lot better on athletic shaped women, but it is black, my tummy has never seen the sun so this will be interesting! I have already started working on the abs, I have been doing side slips while I am brushing my teeth, I hear that is what Madonna does for her tight tummy... the side slip part at least!

On another note, I ran 3.3 miles this morning and am getting ready to go for a 30 mile bike ride this afternoon. I onlly ran because I thought for sure these thunderstorms would cancel the bike ride... I took it easy on the run and am pretty sure the woman I am riding with is going to be a leisurely rider so I hope this works out!
2009-05-16 3:19 PM
in reply to: #2068936

Montreal, Quebec
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
I've been so busy with my new house, packing my old house, training, working that I've neglected posting here.....

This morning we did a 1500 meter test in the pool. I did it in 38:18. It was the first time I attempted swimming this distance so I'm happy I did it. It wasn't as bad as I thought

After we biked for 25km in strong head winds Now I'm beat lol

Since I'm already doing a swimming challenge and I love biking so it's not a challenge, my goal for our challenge will be to run at least 3 times a week no matter what distance.

I think next week in a recup week, I really need it cause I'm very tired.....


2009-05-18 9:20 AM
in reply to: #2068936

Puyallup, WA
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED

Happy Monday morning everyone!!!  Wink  (I'm not a morning person, nor do I like Monday's - I am just putting on a front...!)

Just wanna share that I went rock climbing yesterday (indoors, because there are no actually rocks in the Chicago suburbs Laughing)  Man that was work - my arms and hands are SOOOO sore today!!

Also, it IS a small world after ALL!...I went to my local running store and ended up getting fitted by a fellow BTer!  And fortunately for me - the shoes I got - I didn't have to sacrifice looks for my fit Laughing  OH! And also a tip from MissKelly - she says that you can actually enter your shoes into as "gear" and then you can click on those shoes when you run, so you can track how many miles you put on them!

Well t minus 4 days to first 5K...I'm not sure how much tapering I'm going to do...I am going to rest, but I also need to try out my new running shoes (see above) to see if I wanna run in them or not...

Also - Lora...I have decided on my goal for June.  I had been thinking about it for awhile but hadn't come up with a satisfactory idea yet...I have another 5K, so I'll be running some, and then resting and then I want to start focusing on all sports after the 5K.  So my goal for June is to do 25 push-ups, 3 times a week.  I have a feeling at first, I won't be able to do them all at once...but then by the end of the month I should be able to!  And I prefer to do push-ups with no knees down...

Hope everyone starts off to a good week!

2009-05-18 5:34 PM
in reply to: #2068936

Subject: the challenge
I really want to participate in the challenge but I have no idea what to do!!    A question - should the challenge be something beyond the training plan we are already using?


p.s. Ds made it to State in the 100m, placing 4th in the Region!   He cut a whole second off his best time at this meet!   He was 9th in the 200m and 11th in the have to be at least 8th to go to State.   He is happy to be going in at least one event this year!

Edited by ranchrunner 2009-05-18 5:37 PM

2009-05-18 6:00 PM
in reply to: #2068936

Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Wanted to ask about race number belts - are they good to have and is one brand any different than another?

Also, do those of you who are experienced racers (runners) wear a water/fuel belt of any kind during your run?   I am a bit concerned about it being really hot on June 28th and even if I hydrate and fuel well on the bike I might need something on the run.
2009-05-18 6:40 PM
in reply to: #2068936

Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
OK, ya'll.  I hope everyone had an awesome weekend.  I just completely took some time off beginning Friday, drove a few hours to visit some folks, rode my bike on Presque Isle on Lake Erie and just let the world fade away for a while.  Sigh... Much needed.  Just got back this afternoon and am just now getting back in the swing of things.

I'll be going back through the posts here in the next day and will finish compiling everyone's challenges.  If you still haven't submitted any goals, there's still time to do so.

Onward and upward!
2009-05-18 7:55 PM
in reply to: #2068936

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
I've been busy for over a week so just getting back here.  Boy, a lot going on with you guys. 5ks, 1/2 marathon, biking long distances at great speeds, swimming great distances at great speeds, engagements, kids going to state. Wow.

I've just been plugging away at my training schedule - trying hard to skip as few workouts as possible.

My goal for the end of June is to swim 1000 yards at 2:50 min/100 yd (My secondary goal is 3:00/100 yd).  So I need to get in 3 swim sessions a week to get there.

2009-05-18 8:55 PM
in reply to: #2068936

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
I'm having doubts - haha

Edited by LadyNorth 2009-05-18 8:58 PM
2009-05-18 9:48 PM
in reply to: #2068936

Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED I AM scared!!!  LOL!!!

Thanks for sharing!

2009-05-19 10:26 AM
in reply to: #2068936

Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED

Hey all, hope things are going well.  Sounds like we have a bunch of busy ladies here.  Makes me feel right at homeSmile, especially this week.  We've got our daughter's soccer awards dinner tomorrow night and then her birthday and our son's HS graduation this weekend.  Luckily things should settle down for a while after that.

Lora - next time you take one of those trips, can I come alongLaughing?  I would love to be able to just take off for a weekend and get away from everything.  Me and the husband were talking about vacations the other day.  We can't afford a normal "going somewhere nice for a week" type of vacation, but I would love to just spend 3-4 days on a camping trip.  No computer, no phones, no TV - just hiking, biking, fishing and enjoying doing nothing.  Not exactly the kids' idea of a good time, but sounds like heaven to me!

My training has gone into a bit of a slump.  I haven't been to the pool in a week, I skipped a couple of bike rides (which I really can't do since it's my weakest sport).  Even my running hasn't been to the level that it should be.  I think part of the reason is that I don't have any major races scheduled until fall, so my mind is telling me that I don't need to work so hard right now.  I've found a couple of 5k's to do over the summer to try to get my mind back on track - hopefully that will help.  I looked for a sprint tri that I could do to get me back into swimming/biking mode, but all the ones here are either longer than I want (why can't all sprints be the same distanceUndecided), too expensive, or have an OWS which I'm not ready for yet.  I guess the 5k's will have to do.  I am going to start going to a group track workout in June at one of the local high schools.  It's put on by the LRS and is supposed to help with speed - not that I'm really worried about that, but maybe I'll meet some people there who can help me get back on track with my training. 

OK, gotta go - work to be done.  Hope everyone has a good day!

2009-05-19 10:56 AM
in reply to: #2068936

Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Well, I checked again and found a sprint that I might sign up for in July.  It's a short distance (300y/9m/3.4m) with a pool swim and isn't too far away - about a 30-35 minute drive.  It's also fairly cheap at only $30.  Past race reports don't give a whole lot of detail but I think I know someone who did it last year, so I may see what he can tell me about it.  If I remember right, I think I heard something about a pretty steep hill at the beginning of the bike course but as long as I only have to tackle it once, I'm OK with that.  My biggest concern would be the weather - St Louis tends to get very hot and very humid in late July.  As long as I'm prepared for that though, I think I'll be OK.  It's something to think about at least. 
2009-05-19 1:00 PM
in reply to: #2068936

Northern VA
Subject: Sculling

Just wanted to post this link with a video about sculling for those that are interested

2009-05-19 6:07 PM
in reply to: #2159631

Queens, NY
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
LadyNorth - 2009-05-18 8:55 PM I'm having doubts - haha

That was HILARIOUS and terrifying! Goodness!
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