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2010-07-01 12:59 AM
in reply to: #2769357

Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Hi Guys!

Hope you are all having a great week.  I lived thru the dance show weekend and took a small break to let whatever is wrong with my hamstring have a few days to rest and hopefully heal.

I did make it to tkd last night and while I was aware of the leg, it wasn't painful.

I think I may have finally found a masters class!  I'm pretty excited, its at an awesome fitness/wellness type of club and not only is the masters program affordable, the actual club isn't too bad either and I'll have a cool place to hang out with the family and plenty of swim time in a gorgeous olympic sized pool! 

So do we have our July challenge?  I have kinda failed at the diet lately but the good news is I just play around with gaining/losing the same 2 pounds over and I'm holding pretty steady eating whatever so hopefully if I get serious in the next month maybe I can drop another 10 ish pounds and keep them off too!


2010-07-01 8:01 AM
in reply to: #2769357

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
There seems to be an interesting Tour de France challenge going on over in the Challenge me forum, to coincide with the tour kicking off this weekend. I will look into it, but honestly and I don't know if I'm missing something, but never understood how these challenges worked.
2010-07-01 11:22 AM
in reply to: #2954988

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Extreme Veteran
Southern California
Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Swimfreak17 - 2010-06-30 10:59 PM Hi Guys!

I think I may have finally found a masters class!

Nice!  I am totally jealous, with my only window for swimming being 5 am to 6:30 am I am destined to not be a master's swimmer.  And an olympic pool?!?!  Awesome.
2010-07-01 2:12 PM
in reply to: #2769357

Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED

so I finally found the motivation I was lacking

I had been wanting to upgrade my bike for a while, I have an entry level Giant road bike.  It has served it's purpose but I could not help getting sucked in into this whole new world.  I started looking around and searching on the internet and have some good options.

Then reality hit me?  Why am I looking to spend several thousands of dollars on a bike that will be 2-5 lbs lighter than what I have today when I would probably be served best by dropping 10 lbs of my own???  And just like that, I have a new goal.  Since I do want to get my new ride, I have asked my wife not to let me buy one until I drop those 10 lbs

so I am psyched again about my training, I have a new target and cannot wait to reach it

cheers everyone!

PS:  I still need to have some type of motivation to get up early and get some training done!

2010-07-01 8:47 PM
in reply to: #2769357

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
@ Chezz:  hooray for new motivation!!!   My dh says the same thing.  Why buy a lighter bike when it's better to loose the weight and work on the engine!!!
2010-07-02 10:13 AM
in reply to: #2769357

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Chezz, Gadgets are a tremendous motivator and a fantastic reward! Good luck!  We are here to keep you on track, so we better not see a bike porn post from you until we see a weigh loss success post!

Happy 4th of july everyone, I hope you all hve a tremendous weekend! 


2010-07-02 1:13 PM
in reply to: #2769357

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Northern Ohio
Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED

OK I am in for the Cleveland OLY August 8th.
Hope everyone has a great July 4th weekend!  My body is finally beginning to feel better from bike wreck.

Did you get my message on the training plans?

Take Care All
TomCool (got new glasses today)

2010-07-02 6:28 PM
in reply to: #2952693

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Chezz - 2010-06-30 9:49 AM looks like I have a lot of catching up to do!!

@ Crisi, I am thinking about the Outer banks sprint too, but do not have a clue as to how the swim could be.  Actually, have not been to any of the NC beaches since I moved here.  Do you have an idea?  is it choppy?

Ok...I can finally answer this.  The swim is going to be on the  sound side, not the ocean side, so it should be a little nicer.  I'm really not that familiar with the area, but it doesn't look too bad.  We'll probably ride down in a few weeks and check out the actual course.  Here's the link to the race info...
2010-07-04 9:53 AM
in reply to: #2769357

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Bend, OR
Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Hey guys, I am sorry I have been MIA this week. 

First off, great job on your race Justin.  Way to go. 

Chezz, you'll love the challenge of trying to drop some lbs.  I have really enjoyed (I know, it sounds crazy) my journey to lose some weight.  Some days have been frustrating, but when you do drop a few lbs it feels amazing.  And it helped me train that much harder.

Brain, congrats on having a kid that likes Star Wars.  That rules.

I finished my first race last Sunday.  I shattered my main goal of being under 3:30 and even beat my super secret goal of being under 3 hours!  It was a near perfect race for me (except having to pee during T2).  The main thing I learned is that I need to learn to run faster.  During the swim and bike I passed more people than passed me, but on the run I was getting passed like I was standing still.  And I even ran faster than my goal pace!  I wasn't ready for that mentally. Anyways, if you want to check out my race report you can do so here.

The other news is that I am doing a big home remodel.  I actually worked for 8 hours the day before my triathlon! I didn't really want to, but my father in law is in town from Arizona to help with the remodel and he wanted to work that day.  So much for resting up, huh?  I have worked 9-12 hours per day since the day after my race.  My legs are effing killing me.  This is not proper recovery!  I have still managed to get in a few short trainings sessions, but I'm looking forward to being done with all this work.

My next race is in two short weeks, so I need to get back to serious training ASAP.

So, what's the deal with the Tour challenge?  I totally want to do it.  My local gym is showing the tour during spin classes, so I might try to make that happen a few days.
2010-07-05 7:19 PM
in reply to: #2769357

Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
@Noel congrats on the race! @everyone else! Not ignoring you all but my laptop died! I have not abandoned ship! It's too frusturating to type on my phone so I won't be around posting or logging workouts till I get my laptop back in a couple of days. My biggest challenge is adjusting to my husband's new schedule. It's thrown off the precious schedule. I'm still playing around with how to get all I need to do done and have a rest day where i just have to swim or something easy. I'm joining that club this week so I'll prolly use July to get used to swimming in lcm again and to spy on the masters class so I can be prepared to join them in august. Biking I'm hoping to just start getting rides in again. I'm so bad about making time for the bike. Run wise I want to get into a short/medium/long type of thing and build my long up to 7-8 miles. Right now I haven't gone past 4 so I know I have a while. I want to do a 10k in the late fall. Think it's possible?Taekwondo I'm thinking of putting on hold. It kills me but the classes have been wonky and lately I'd rather go running than to class so that tells you how much i'm not feeling it. Horse wise I just want to be consistent about going. I'm doing ok on this goal. That's all. I miss you guys. Have a good week. I'll still read and hopefully I'll be back soon!Ronda
2010-07-06 4:13 PM
in reply to: #2769357

Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
congrats on the race Noel and thanks to all for the support on my new target, guess the return on working on the engine is far better!

Remember, triathletes do not press SNOOZE!  I just read that on some guys post, guess I need to make it my new mantra HAHAHA

wish you all a great week

2010-07-06 4:14 PM
in reply to: #2957909

Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
mchubri` - 2010-07-02 11:13 AM Chezz, Gadgets are a tremendous motivator and a fantastic reward! Good luck!  We are here to keep you on track, so we better not see a bike porn post from you until we see a weigh loss success post!

Happy 4th of july everyone, I hope you all hve a tremendous weekend! 


no bike porn for at least 1.5-2 months, that's my goal. 
2010-07-07 9:47 AM
in reply to: #2769357

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED

You know the saying, if it's not one thing it's 10...well here lately I think it's actually 10,000!  It all started last Thursday.  The DH and I were headed out for a bike ride when one of his spokes broke, we skipped the ride and went to the bike shop to see if it could be fixed.  While they were working on it, several more broke and the wheel was shot!  New wheels are VERY EXPENSIVE!!!  Thankfully one of our friends let us borrow a set until we can afford to replace his, but I still spent Friday getting it changed out (no workout for me!). 

Then on Sunday, my car started leaking coolant...badly!  I've been saving up to get the timing belt changed, so instead of spending money twice, I'm just going to wait a few weeks until I'm ready to have the timing belt done and let them look at it then.  However, this means I have to ride with the DH for the next few weeks!  It really blows! 

On Monday, the A/C in the house stopped working's been acting up but now it's completely gone! I guess I can say at least we're saving money on the electric bill! 

With all of this, my workouts haven't been the greatest!  It's hard to workout when all you want to do is cry!!  But today is another day and it's all going to work out...I HOPE!!!!!

2010-07-08 12:55 AM
in reply to: #2769357

Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Yay!  The computer is back up and I'm back in business.

Crissy- I hear you on the whole life throws everything off!  I took a few days around my kid's dance show and to let my leg rest a bit and all of a sudden, I don't know where the last 2 weeks went!  It'll get better for us both though, I'm thinking good thoughts for us both!

I finally went out and ran again...I took it easy, walked often and realized I actually missed running!  6 months ago I would have laughed hysterically (and prolly cried too) if anyone told me that one day, running wouldn't completely suck!  Really, really want to do a 10k.  Going to find one in the fall, sign up for it, and go for it!

Hope everyone is having a nice week back after the holiday.


Ps-  Did we ever come up with a July goal/challenge?
2010-07-08 10:00 AM
in reply to: #2769357

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Hey all, Sorry I've been MIA the past few days.

Ronda, glad your hoof is feeling better and you are back on the road again!

Chrissy, like you life just dropped a bomb on my training schedule this week and I'm taking a huge volume hit this week.   Here is what I wrote in my Blog this morning.....

"This week is going to hell in a handbasket!  This heat wave has completely drained me. I haven't gone to bed before midnight all week which has killed my AM workouts. The 6hr ride home from the shore killed Monday, dealing with the apartment killed Tuesday, Parents party planning meeting last night killed Wednesday, Dads Birthday kills tonight,  and leaving for Montreal tomorrow kills the rest of the week & weekend.  Planning a brief run up there on Saturday, but that will depend on how Friday night goes. All a disasterous recepie for a week of missed workouts.  No Bikes, no swims yet.  Trying to focus on the runs when I do work out. 

Maybe it is fine, maybe I need the reprive? Maybe I'm just lazy, maybe I've burnt a little and could use the rest, maybe these are all just excuses for me to blow off workouts and sleep in all week? 

I'm trying to not let it bother me, but it is!  Next week is a new week, right?"

The worst part of all of this is I'm actually condsidering calling this week a wash and blow off everything else I have scheduled between now and when I leave for Montreal tomorrow morning which includes a 4 mile run at lunch today, Swim + Bike tomorrow morning.  

What can you do?  I can tell everyone to not stress it, these things happen, but I can't take my own advice. I'm stressed over this. (Damn Logs)

I completely dropped the ball on the Challenge we were discussing last week. I'm sorry.  I hope to come back from this weekend refreshed with a fresh vigor to get things done, I hope I just don't come back extremely hungover!  

2010-07-08 9:28 PM
in reply to: #2769357

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
I had a thought (albeit a few days late) on what we could do for the "Tour Challenge".  We can start on Tuesday (Monday is a rest day for the tour) to give everyone some time to regroup!  Everyday we have to ride a minimum of 10% of what the tour rode that day.  We can tack the days we've missed on to the end since we'll be a little over a week late starting.  It's a lofty challenge and I'm not sure I can complete it, but I really need some bike time!!!  

Let me know what you all think!!! 

2010-07-09 7:28 PM
in reply to: #2769357

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Hey everyone.  Haven't checked in for a while, but have been keeping up with your posts.  I've just been quiet lately-haven't had much to say. 

I've just been pluggin' away at my training.  WE have a tri coming up on 7/18 in the 'Nati (Cincinnati) and I'm comfortable with it.  It's only a 400 pool swim, 12 mi bike, and 5k.  I'm not looking forward to the swim this time.  I'm guessing it will feel closed in and tight as opposed to an OWS which I'm growing fond of (especially with my wetsuit). 

Physically, I'm feeling strong in the disciplines, but now I feel like I'm having issues wtih food.  Yes, my metabolism is up, but I feeling like I'm eating everything in sight and feel larger in my body.  Weight hasn't changed -still in my 3 lb window- but don't feel fit and trim, if that makes any sense.  I'm very sensitive to listening to my body and I get grumpy, sluggish, and unmotivated when I feel this way.  I'm sure in a few days I'll feel better.  I just wanted to rant.

Other than that, things are good.  I need to get back on the wagon with my beverages.  I just crave one at night and haven't even tried to reign myself in...  I'm drying out for next weeks race-I'm sure that will help me with my previous paragraph...

Blech and blah!  Thanks for letting me vent!!!!!!!!

Hope you're all feeling in tip top shape!!!

2010-07-11 7:31 AM
in reply to: #2769357

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Northern Ohio
Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Hey all
I have a question.  Does anyone here know how to resize pictures to download?  I downloaded the resize software they recommended and am still lost.  Anyone know of any shortcuts for this?
2010-07-11 7:59 AM
in reply to: #2973236

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Tkimble01 - 2010-07-11 8:31 AM Hey all
I have a question.  Does anyone here know how to resize pictures to download?  I downloaded the resize software they recommended and am still lost.  Anyone know of any shortcuts for this?

I had trouble with that, too.  Luckily I found pics that worked w/o the software.  Good luck!
2010-07-11 10:19 AM
in reply to: #2769357

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Bend, OR
Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Tom, I have no clue how to resize the pictures.  Super annoying. 

Also, who's in for the Tour challenge?  As far as I understand it, we'll start on Tuesday and the goal is to ride 10% of the Tour mileage every day.  Is that correct?  I plan on doing it, though I'm racing on Saturday, so there may be a planned day off before (and maybe one after!) the race.

I hope everyone's having a great weekend.  My house remodel is 96% done with only a few cosmetic loose ends to finish up.  That means that I don't have to put in 9-12 hour days working on the house.  So I've hit the training pretty hard lately, even doing a few two-a-days.  (I'm a teacher, so summer time means I have extra free time!)  I went for a 5.2 mile run this morning and this afternoon I'm going on a picnic with some of my in laws and am shooting to get an OWS in at the lake we're visiting.

Hope you guys are all kicking in your training!
2010-07-12 2:12 PM
in reply to: #2769357

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Greetings Team! 

Just thought I'd check in.  Just got back from my buddy's Bachelor party in Montreal, and well my head is a mess!  Having a really hard time focusing the past 2 days, I can't hang like I used to!  I did get ride in just minutes before I left for the trip and then a decent run in up there.  I did what I'm calling a repentance run today.  If you want to know how hard I needed to repent, check my logs for todays run pace!   

I have not been following the TDF, nor did I look into the tour challenge. Sorry, I'm such a slacker!  Thanks Crissy for looking into it.   What would 10% of the rides equate to?  maybe we do it on a total basis, rather than daily or weekly, what do you think? 

Tom, if you are looking to post pictures on BT, I upload all mine to photobucket then link to the image using the insert image icon.   I haven't had to resize. 


Edited by mchubri` 2010-07-12 3:54 PM

2010-07-12 6:51 PM
in reply to: #2769357

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
The total mileage for the tour is 2, 263 miles.  So, between now and the end of the month, we would need to hit 226.3 miles! I think doing an cumulative would be a better way...I'm know daily would be really hard for me too!  Looking at 226 miles looks really daunting on its own though...but I REALLY need LOTS of bike time!!  Even if we can't hit the total, we can definitely work on getting close!

2010-07-12 10:38 PM
in reply to: #2769357

Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
@, that's alot of bike miles...maybe I should just aim to hit that in minutes instead of miles since I haven't touched my bike in over a month <hangs head in shame> 

@ Brian...peeked at your run...must of been a fun weekend if that's your penance! 

So I joined that club for the awesome pool and I am having a hard time getting it done!  I'm sooo frusturated...the first few laps I was like uber stoked and then, eh, it just fell apart.  I feel like I'm swimming in place.  2 weeks of light swimming before I joined is not helping either but for sure, I'm going to take the rest of July to get it together before I join their master's team.     I love being outside but its an adjustment too.  My tinted goggles' seal broke so I'm using my other pair so I have the sun in my eyes and its HOT out there...just being out in the sun for a couple of hours a day is making me sooo tired (I've been hanging out after working out with the kid, swimming with her and even with 50+ sunblock, I'm turning brown!  Way too much sun!)

That's my whine for the day.  I know how to fix the problem...just go that's what I'll do.

I did however find a tasty breakfast shake thing, so I'm going to try and stick with that for the mornings and get back on plan calorie wise.

Off to bed soon, I'm tired,
2010-07-13 10:27 AM
in reply to: #2968042

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Extreme Veteran
Southern California
Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED

I've been MIA the past few days.


Question for you guys.  They moved up the date of my local 5k to two days ahead of my last (scheduled) tri of the year and now I am having a hard time deciding whether to do it or not.  My local races are the most important to me, but if I go all out on the 5k on Friday night I will not be 100 percent for my race on the following Sunday morning.  Thoughts?
2010-07-13 1:47 PM
in reply to: #2769357

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Ooohh.  that's a tough one.  What's the distance of your tri?  Wish I could help you with your decision!
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