BT Development Mentor Program Archives » HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!! Rss Feed  
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2011-02-23 1:04 AM
in reply to: #3259026

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Racine, WI
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Wow! Great news, Wilson! If you make yourself healthy and happy, life reflects it. That's what I believe anyway. I bet your family is beaming with pride. You are such a good example for your kids! Now every time they question you, just point to your plaque. 

2011-02-23 5:37 AM
in reply to: #3368005

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Douglaston, NY
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
wsilverthorne - 2011-02-22 10:42 PM Guys, I just got in from the awards banquet tonight...I have catching up to do on here and inspires...

I collected some corporate bling tonight - this is probably the best award I've won in my working career and is extremely near and dear to my heart.

Tonight I won the "Engineering Inspirational Leadership of the Year" award for Rolls-Royce Corporation (jet engines, not cars)...I'm so stoked!!!  This is just one step in my Journey to change corporate americas people culture!!!!  This was awarded primarily for my team's performance cultivated out of servant leadership but also for my personal achievements in becoming more fit and inspiring my group to become more fit.  Funny thing is that they said I inspired them.....maybe, but they inspired me in the first place!!!!

Okay, gotta go into work early tomorrow to finish up my end of year reviews......eeeek.....So off to bed...with nice dreams! 

Why is this the first time that I have heard about Wilson being somehow involved with jet engines?  I'll have to make sure that I only fly in planes with general electric engines from now on. 

Wilson - that is an amazing honor.  Congrats to you and your whole team!!  It really sounds like you have helped to create and ideal environment with them, which is so rare these days so another congrats on that as well!
2011-02-23 5:41 AM
in reply to: #3259026

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Douglaston, NY
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Many thanks to everyone for your well wishes regarding my new job.  I didn't realize how much things were weighing on me until I spent the last two nights sleeping for 10 hours each night.  I NEVER do that but I just got in through the door at 6:30and barely made it through dinner.  I guess it has finally sunk in and the relief of no longer being in an unhealthy environment has caused my body to release a bit.  Thankfully, weigh in day is today and I'm out of excuses, have updated my training plans and will get going.

Thanks again to everyone!  I'll try to update my inspires over the next couple of days.  I know I owe many of them! 
2011-02-23 7:46 AM
in reply to: #3368005

Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
wsilverthorne - 2011-02-22 9:42 PM Guys, I just got in from the awards banquet tonight...I have catching up to do on here and inspires...

I collected some corporate bling tonight - this is probably the best award I've won in my working career and is extremely near and dear to my heart.

Tonight I won the "Engineering Inspirational Leadership of the Year" award for Rolls-Royce Corporation (jet engines, not cars)...I'm so stoked!!!  This is just one step in my Journey to change corporate americas people culture!!!!  This was awarded primarily for my team's performance cultivated out of servant leadership but also for my personal achievements in becoming more fit and inspiring my group to become more fit.  Funny thing is that they said I inspired them.....maybe, but they inspired me in the first place!!!!

Okay, gotta go into work early tomorrow to finish up my end of year reviews......eeeek.....So off to bed...with nice dreams! 

Contratulations Wilson!  I think this is truly a case of you get what you give.   You are inspiring to everyone around you.  Way to go!
2011-02-23 8:52 AM
in reply to: #3368233

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
I gotta admit that the BOYS are kicking @$$!!  Shawn and a new job and Wilson being recognized with corporate bling!  Just awesome!!  It must be all the harem attention they are getting from the fabulous MMM GIRLS!!  Ha ha!!!
2011-02-23 11:43 AM
in reply to: #3259026

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Marine City, MI
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!

Congratulations Wilson!!!!  I'll bet the new suit looked really good in all of those corporate pictures. 

Hey MMM'ers I finally figured out a way to get the Friday before our meet-up off work.  Now I know I can get to Indy before the packet pickup and still have some steam for the tri on the next day. 

2011-02-23 7:03 PM
in reply to: #3368736

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Wilson, that's awesome! I'm so happy that our support allowed you to achieve this honor ;-)
2011-02-24 9:31 AM
in reply to: #3259026

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Extreme Veteran
Zionsville, Indiana
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Thanks guys for all the Kudos!! Much appreciated. I'm at the dr office now - they just sent me to have a CT scan so now I'm waiting for results. I just want to know WTH is going on. Hopefully its just a course of steroids and time. Although I'm going stir crazy without my normal outlet of exercise. So, ill update ya'll after I get word......ho de hum!!!
2011-02-24 11:06 AM
in reply to: #3259026

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Southern Maryland
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Well, I went to the doc today for a physical. I explained the issues I've had with breathing when I do cardio but my PFTs are always good. So I have been diagnosed with exercised-induced asthma and prescribed an inhaler. I'm hoping it allowsmy breathing to catch up with my improvements in my cardio. Also talked with her about my knee pain and she agreed it's probably tendinitis. Luckily it's feeling pretty good, with just a little pain after walking around for a while so I'm hoping that Monday I can start running again. Wilson- I wear my toe shoes for running in the summertime. I find them very comfortable. Your pinky toes will force the shoes to conform in a while.
2011-02-24 8:27 PM
in reply to: #3368005

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
wsilverthorne - 2011-02-22 10:42 PM Guys, I just got in from the awards banquet tonight...I have catching up to do on here and inspires...

I collected some corporate bling tonight - this is probably the best award I've won in my working career and is extremely near and dear to my heart.

Tonight I won the "Engineering Inspirational Leadership of the Year" award for Rolls-Royce Corporation (jet engines, not cars)...I'm so stoked!!!  This is just one step in my Journey to change corporate americas people culture!!!!  This was awarded primarily for my team's performance cultivated out of servant leadership but also for my personal achievements in becoming more fit and inspiring my group to become more fit.  Funny thing is that they said I inspired them.....maybe, but they inspired me in the first place!!!!

Okay, gotta go into work early tomorrow to finish up my end of year reviews......eeeek.....So off to bed...with nice dreams! 

GREAT JOB WILSON!!!! Congratulations! Tim wants to know if you can get us a Rolls Royce-last year's model will be fine :-
2011-02-24 9:32 PM
in reply to: #3259026

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Extreme Veteran
Zionsville, Indiana
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Just a quick update before I run off to bed....

CT scan was now i'm on 7 days of steroids and only allowed to work out at 50% exertion level...hmmm..not sure how that's done???  In another week I should feel good enough to go for it...if not I have to go back and see a pulmonologist.....I'm hopeful that will not be necessary! 

Jen, glad you figured out the issue...I really hope the inhaler takes care of it and lets you go crazy!!!  

Denise, yes I'll send last years G6 over to you - since that aircraft has our engines on it....and I'll find a car too if you'd like. 

Guys, I'll try and catch up tomorow....this week has been really really crazy.  Thanks everyone! 

2011-02-24 10:08 PM
in reply to: #3259026

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Yet MORE confirmation that MMMers ROCK!!! Wilson, I'm so proud of you! Shawn, I'm so glad you can finally relax! Margaret, I'm delighted that the doc had useful things to say! I'll be seeing my sis this weekend, so will see if I've got the Indy tri weekend to come hang out or not... stay tuned!

Sports doc said I'm doing exactly the right things, and to be patient... so patience it is. Off now to pack for tomorrow's flight to NYC: have a great weekend, everyone!
2011-02-25 2:11 PM
in reply to: #3259026

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Racine, WI
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
I am so relieved. I went to get my blood pressure checked today and it is back to normal. Thank goodness! Last time I went it was 130/ 90. This time it was 110/80. I think the reading was just a fluke. 
2011-02-26 12:12 AM
in reply to: #3371672

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Denise, if you're looking for a pilot for the G6, I'm your girl. Never flown it, but I'm sure I could figure it out! A jet's a jet, right? Although, after the week I've had, I really don't care to see a jet of any type for a long, long time! My long 4-day trip turned into a five day, I'm fighting off a cold, it's supposed to be rainy and cold this weekend, and my only tune-up tri before the BIG ONE just got cancelled, so I'm feeling pretty whiny right now. But, I get to take my daughter to see the Justin Bieber movie (again!), so the weekend's not a total loss!
2011-02-27 11:03 AM
in reply to: #3259026

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Extreme Veteran
Zionsville, Indiana
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Alex, glad you and the doc are in alignment with your treatment!!!  Hope all the kinks work out soon - being not 100% sucks for sure.  But, you are really doing a good job are much better than I!

Jordan, glad the blood pressure dealio is normal - I'm sure that is a relief!  I'm sure you'll even bet better and better as you continue the journey to your marathon!

Turtle....I just picked up a G-650 right off the assembly line.  I took a look at it in Germany before I took delivery..haha....So you can be my pilot too.  We can go around the world doing Tris...of course you get a rest day of drinking so you are safe and energized to fly the next day..haha....I can keep your skills sharp by taking the yoke from time to time...getting us into a sketchy situation and you can recover!!!  I like loops and barrel roles!

Well gang, just finished an hour on the bike exploring with the lung issue.  I'm happy to say it felt pretty damn good.  I was comfortable at 150bpm and even jaunted to 170 for a check...looks like things are working at about 90%....pretty good.  Go steroids!!!!  I think I may even try a swim tomorrow....Glad when the month is over so I don't have to see February's calendar....I haven't had that long of an idle since since Jan 25th 2010!!!!  I hope I'm stronger for the idle time...dunno.

Hope Hilde and Tammy are rock'in it!!!!! 
2011-02-27 11:18 AM
in reply to: #3259026

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Racine, WI
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Glad you are progressing to 100%, Wilson! You'll be back to your self in no time!

My week is going to be pretty light. I am swamped with school exams and papers all due this week. I'm going to have to spend my free time studying. I cannot wait until this is over. I'm too old to stress. I'll get wrinkles! 

Hope Tammy and Hilde had a great race!
Go MMMers! 

2011-03-01 1:14 PM
in reply to: #3259026

Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Can I get a hell yeah for wilson and shawn?  Sorry I have been quite the last few weeks.  It has been crazy with the body challenge and my work schedule.  To date I am down 15 lbs and 2.5% body fat.  That was at the half was  mark and now I have less then 2 weeks left.  Kicking it into high gear now baby.  Thank you all for checking on me and making sure I am logging my workouts. Keep up the good work everybody.
2011-03-01 2:38 PM
in reply to: #3377660

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!

Yea Jon on the weight loss and losing body fat!!!  AWESOME!!!  The boy are really doing well... the girls are consistent though!!  Not trying to start a battle, because the MMM's are rockin' it... such work ethic here!!  You guys make my job so easy!!

2011-03-02 9:59 AM
in reply to: #3259026

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
We're rockin' it because our mentor does, Hilde! *grins*

Drive-by hi everyone-- must dash off to PT: am hoping to get clearance to try running soon....

MMMers ROCK!!!
2011-03-02 11:31 AM
in reply to: #3259026

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
I'm BACK!!!!! Did ya  miss me??

I tried to skim through the posts that were made wile I was gone - Wilson...congrats on your award! AWESOME! I somehow missed why you're on steriods...(because P90X isn't as good as bodybuilding!??? - no seriously...) what's going on?

Looks like the men are kicking some major butt around here! WAY TO GO...but come on girls...we need to bring it!

I had an awesome trip - the weather was perfect (and I missed 2 storms here a 12" and a 6" storm back to back!) and then cruise was amazing. Kids had a blast at WDW and we were all sad to leave it all behind. I, of course, ate and drank more than I should have but I certainly could have done worse. I'm back on the wagon today and the diet is shifting toward Hilde's favorites...egg whites and fish increasing over then next several days. Only 18  more days until I hit the stage...YIKES!

Hope everyone who was/is injured or sick is on the way to a complete recovery...we've got TRI-ing to do around here! Speaking of that, I need to make some final decisions on what races I'm doing and get signed up!

2011-03-02 3:07 PM
in reply to: #3379190

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Yea, Marsha is back!!  Of course, throwing a cruise and Walt Disney World in our faces while we were home slaving away, training, dealing with weather.... we love you, Marsha!!!  But you better get back to work, 18 days!!  yikes, that is SOON!!

2011-03-02 5:42 PM
in reply to: #3259026

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Extreme Veteran
Zionsville, Indiana
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Yes Marsha we missed you super duper bunches!! I missed you the most!! Don't let anyone else fool you! Haha. My steroid issue was because I blew my lungs up!!haha. Go back in my blog a couple weeks and you can get all the gory details.. Glad you had a great time with the family and created some great memories!!Jon, tahnks for the shout out and great job on your progress as well!! Keep it up.Alex, thanks for the drive by - here's a shot back! Hope the performances are going gud!Hilde - YOU ROCK!!! Hugs & Kisses!
2011-03-02 9:05 PM
in reply to: #3259026

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
YAY! Marsha's back, and everyone seems to be on the mend who needs to be! Today was my last PT visit, and I got to run for 5 WHOLE MINUTES on the treadmill! Foot felt fine-- cardio, on the other hand, was all "WTF???" But I have a plan (and a TON of exercises) to follow to get myself back into running SLOWLY, and will have a gait analysis done on the 14th to get some sense of what to work on and what kinds of shoes to wear from now on. Can't wait-- gotta get me some of that new-shoe mojo goin'!

Time for sleep, methinks-- rock on, everyone!
2011-03-03 6:39 AM
in reply to: #3259026

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Marine City, MI
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Alex congratulations on your 5 minute run!  Marsha, glad to see you are back.  Fish its not just for breakfast anymore!  (Maybe the fishing institute can use you as a spokesperson!)

As you all noticed, my training has once again ground to a halt.  I will need to seriously evaluate what is going on and make some hard decisions regarding some of these events that I have on my calendar and see what can be salvaged. (who was the weirdo that signed up for a marathon in May?) I'd like to tell you that I have an injurty (not!) or that I have something else going on in my life but then I would be lying, so I won't do that.  I guess I'm just feeling a bit unmotivated and lazy right now.  So send me some MMM attitude adjustments and I'll try to get back on track!
2011-03-03 7:46 AM
in reply to: #3380553

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Janet, quit being a weenie and get back at it!!  Evaluate your races and set some realistic goals and go for it.... do want all of us to SPANK you at Indy???  C'mon, beating Wilson should be everyone's goal, we're gonna chick him, geezer chick him, etc. etc!!!!

Just kidding Wilson, we love you, but it's gonna be a RACE!
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