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2011-04-02 10:01 PM
in reply to: #3259938

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Corpus Christi
Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL

Had an Awesome open water swim in the gulf yesterday, little over a mile, and really choppy, murky, seaweed everywhere, but perfect water temp!

Ernesto, my question regarding my 2 olympic distance races, im already signed up for the Captextri, and I have a local race here in corpus the Corpus Christi Triathlon which just got an olympic distance added on to it.  The CC race is two weeks before the captextri, should i wanna race both, you think i should, do the CC tri sprint, or do it Olympic? 

Im leaning towards Oly, so i can get a feel for it. ¿Que piensa Ud.?

2011-04-02 10:23 PM
in reply to: #3424153

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL

alfredo1414 - 2011-03-31 4:03 PM Funny, I posted from the pc at work and it doesn't show anyting. Well I was telling JACKIE congratulations on your first tri, !!!! I say it once and ill say it again !you rock!...... can't wait to read your race report.. unfortunately for me March was not a good moth, I missed my half marathon race and did only about 60% of my planed training. Good thing is that I finished my job training, so its back to regular hours and also school is also back to normal, no midterms for now. Ernesto, I ask before if you knew some exersise to improve my swim (other than more swiming) the thing is that I haven't really seen any improvement on my swim, as soon as I start gasping for air I get kind a distracted and can't hold my breath nor get my 3 strokes. Any advise..

Thanks Alfredo! 

On the swimming.  I notice you said you can't hold your breath.  You are not supposed to hold your breath.  You are supposed to blow your air out into the water.  Try just blowing bubbles under water and come up when you run out of bubbles.  See if that helps.

You have a lot going on.  My hectic schedule seems like a walk in the park compared to yours.  Don't be too hard on yourself.  Just do what you can when you can fit it in and somehow it will all work out.

2011-04-02 11:57 PM
in reply to: #3426989

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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL
evillarroel - 2011-04-02 8:11 PM
markz - 2011-04-02 7:03 PM

Last long run before the IM done. 32 kms and I'm not even tired after I took the shower. Awesome. Of course I was purposefully slow/aerobic from the beginning and did the Galloway's mix (running/walking). It is amazing what you can condition your body to...

Hope you guys have a great weekend! Smile 

I'm extremely impressed with your consistency Mark, I'm really looking forward to your race and I would like to race the same race with you in the future. Same as you, today I tried out the Ironman Texas bike course and I finished feeling I could have done it twice. I hope I'm still the same way on race day!

Thank you Ernesto, I appreciate your positive comments, always. It would be great to meet you here... I'm sure you'd love the place.

So you're doing IM Texas in just  over a month! Amazing year for you too! How was the course? Hilly?

2011-04-03 7:00 AM
in reply to: #3427091

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Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL
tizon - 2011-04-02 10:01 PM

Had an Awesome open water swim in the gulf yesterday, little over a mile, and really choppy, murky, seaweed everywhere, but perfect water temp!

Ernesto, my question regarding my 2 olympic distance races, im already signed up for the Captextri, and I have a local race here in corpus the Corpus Christi Triathlon which just got an olympic distance added on to it.  The CC race is two weeks before the captextri, should i wanna race both, you think i should, do the CC tri sprint, or do it Olympic? 

Im leaning towards Oly, so i can get a feel for it. ¿Que piensa Ud.?

Tough question. If you're planning on going hard, then do the Sprint. If you're going more conservative two Oly's is fine. Make sure you don't overdo it though, and carefully plan the stuff in between.

2011-04-03 7:06 AM
in reply to: #3259938

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Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL


The bike course is pancake flat and smoooooooooth, which is very unusual in TX when it comes to country roads. There weren't more than three or four miles of "chip and seal" that TxDoT loves around here. That course can be a trap though, because it is an invitation to hammer too early in the race.

My strategy is to take it easy during the bike, and run my competition down in the marathon. We'll see...

2011-04-03 11:32 AM
in reply to: #3426914

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL
markz - 2011-04-02 7:03 PM

Last long run before the IM done. 32 kms and I'm not even tired after I took the shower. Awesome. Of course I was purposefully slow/aerobic from the beginning and did the Galloway's mix (running/walking). It is amazing what you can condition your body to...

Hope you guys have a great weekend! Smile 



You (and Ernesto) amaze me with the volume of training you do. You make it look so easy! I hope to be at that level one day. Are you starting your taper now?

2011-04-03 11:51 AM
in reply to: #3259938

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL

Just an update on what I've been up to. I did my first transition run on Thursday. The first 1/2 mile of the run felt really weird.

I also ran my first race of the year. The Race That's Good for Life 5K. I've run this race for the past 4 years.

Unofficially, I PR'd by about 20 seconds over last year which I am happy with given that I'm not doing run specific training these days.

2011-04-03 3:18 PM
in reply to: #3427211

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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL
evillarroel - 2011-04-03 7:06 AM


The bike course is pancake flat and smoooooooooth, which is very unusual in TX when it comes to country roads. There weren't more than three or four miles of "chip and seal" that TxDoT loves around here. That course can be a trap though, because it is an invitation to hammer too early in the race.

My strategy is to take it easy during the bike, and run my competition down in the marathon. We'll see...

Flat, smooth with only few miles of "chip and seal"??? Sounds ideal for me! Specially the smooth part. The rough surface wears me down and forces me to slow down. I don't even mind the hills so much. Oh well, prepare for a rough ride when you come here...

Run them down, Tarahumara style!

2011-04-03 3:42 PM
in reply to: #3427430

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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL
baurryman - 2011-04-03 11:32 AM
markz - 2011-04-02 7:03 PM

Last long run before the IM done. 32 kms and I'm not even tired after I took the shower. Awesome. Of course I was purposefully slow/aerobic from the beginning and did the Galloway's mix (running/walking). It is amazing what you can condition your body to...

Hope you guys have a great weekend! Smile 



You (and Ernesto) amaze me with the volume of training you do. You make it look so easy! I hope to be at that level one day. Are you starting your taper now?


The volume... in my case at least, it went up when I lost my 9-5 job (Neumann Homes, Warrenville btw) and started doing my own thing. Even now I don't have a regular job and my family supports/tolerates my hobby. I can't imagine doing it without those two factors. Is it easy? Not really. Sure, covering distances is easier than it used to be, but for me getting up regularly at 4:30 am and forcing my butt out the door when it's dark requires some motivation.

Taper... as far as running - yes, swimming and biking - not yet. I usually taper out of laziness, not necessity and lose hard earned fitness... Again, I'm not there to win it or get a very satisfying time. This is a serious endurance event for me. You ran a marathon, you know.

2011-04-03 4:23 PM
in reply to: #3427653

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL
markz - 2011-04-03 3:42 PM
baurryman - 2011-04-03 11:32 AM
markz - 2011-04-02 7:03 PM

Last long run before the IM done. 32 kms and I'm not even tired after I took the shower. Awesome. Of course I was purposefully slow/aerobic from the beginning and did the Galloway's mix (running/walking). It is amazing what you can condition your body to...

Hope you guys have a great weekend! Smile 



You (and Ernesto) amaze me with the volume of training you do. You make it look so easy! I hope to be at that level one day. Are you starting your taper now?


The volume... in my case at least, it went up when I lost my 9-5 job (Neumann Homes, Warrenville btw) and started doing my own thing. Even now I don't have a regular job and my family supports/tolerates my hobby. I can't imagine doing it without those two factors. Is it easy? Not really. Sure, covering distances is easier than it used to be, but for me getting up regularly at 4:30 am and forcing my butt out the door when it's dark requires some motivation.

Taper... as far as running - yes, swimming and biking - not yet. I usually taper out of laziness, not necessity and lose hard earned fitness... Again, I'm not there to win it or get a very satisfying time. This is a serious endurance event for me. You ran a marathon, you know.

Yep. I do know. I'm still struggling with the 4:30am motivation so I for sure know it's not easy.

2011-04-03 6:49 PM
in reply to: #3427453

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Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL
baurryman - 2011-04-03 11:51 AM

Just an update on what I've been up to. I did my first transition run on Thursday. The first 1/2 mile of the run felt really weird.

I also ran my first race of the year. The Race That's Good for Life 5K. I've run this race for the past 4 years.

Unofficially, I PR'd by about 20 seconds over last year which I am happy with given that I'm not doing run specific training these days.


Amazingly well run 5K! You picked up the pace quite a bit a the end, that is a sign of a well executed effort. About the brutal workouts we're putting, it's just the result of patience and time. Endurance is built over long periods, you can certainly do it too and this is not a joke. You just have to dare (and make lots of time to burn).

For the time being, you are progressing and that is GREAT. Stay consistent, train slow and race hard!!!

2011-04-03 10:12 PM
in reply to: #3259938

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Subject: Open Water Questions and Comments

Help guys!

So today I did my first open water practice in my new wetsuit and new swim mask in one of my neighborhood lakes (not the ones that said "no swimming", so I am not in jail).  Being a scuba diver really helped because I was never uncomfortable in water that I couldn't see through.  I learned that the Thai Buffet was not a good choice for lunch.  But, once my friend Judy helped me get the wetsuit zipped and I finally got in the water, I wasn't feeling seasick anymore.

Stupid questions time:

1)  Can I use body glide on the zipper that needs lubrication or is there something else you recommend?

2)  It is supposed to zip closed DOWN the back, right?

3)  What exactly do you do with the long strip attached to the zipper while you are swimming around?  I realize it was very handy to unzip the wetsuit at the end of the swim, but it looked like a tail.  OK, I'm having fun ROTFL now.

4)  In an OW tri, are there shore references most of the time or just the little buoys in the water?  (This reminds me a little of a par 5 on a golf course where I cannot see the flag on the green from the middle of the fairway).

5)  I learned that you can use a snorkel in the swim, even in the pool.  Does anyone really ever do that?

2011-04-03 10:17 PM
in reply to: #3427453

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL
baurryman - 2011-04-03 11:51 AM

Just an update on what I've been up to. I did my first transition run on Thursday. The first 1/2 mile of the run felt really weird.

I also ran my first race of the year. The Race That's Good for Life 5K. I've run this race for the past 4 years.

Unofficially, I PR'd by about 20 seconds over last year which I am happy with given that I'm not doing run specific training these days.


Congratulations on your great race.  Was it snowing??  Thanks for all your encouragement for me.

I remember the 1st time I did the brick.  It is really weird.  It reminds me of roller skating or sailing and then trying to just walk normally on land.  It takes a little while to get your "land legs" back.  This sport is really addicting, more so than just running or biking. 

2011-04-03 10:45 PM
in reply to: #3259938

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Subject: Coaching Plan Assistance


Time for a check in.  My next goal is an open water sprint tri. 

Unless you advise differently, I think I'm going to pass on the Rookie because the bike and the run are shorter than I've already done and the OWS is only 25 yards more.  I'm thinking about either CB&I (5/7) in the Woodlands, or CAPTEX (5/30) in Austin.  CAPTEX is a longer swim and shorter bike that CB&I.  Do you happen to know if those are usually wetsuit legal?

I can train every day this week except Thursday.  I just feel I need some direction on my training.  I want to increase my endurance/distance so that around Sep or Oct I can do an Olympic.

Your advice, please.

2011-04-04 12:39 AM
in reply to: #3428105

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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Open Water Questions and Comments
jdiis - 2011-04-03 10:12 PM

Help guys!

So today I did my first open water practice in my new wetsuit and new swim mask in one of my neighborhood lakes (not the ones that said "no swimming", so I am not in jail).  Being a scuba diver really helped because I was never uncomfortable in water that I couldn't see through.  I learned that the Thai Buffet was not a good choice for lunch.  But, once my friend Judy helped me get the wetsuit zipped and I finally got in the water, I wasn't feeling seasick anymore.

Stupid questions time:

1)  Can I use body glide on the zipper that needs lubrication or is there something else you recommend?

2)  It is supposed to zip closed DOWN the back, right?

3)  What exactly do you do with the long strip attached to the zipper while you are swimming around?  I realize it was very handy to unzip the wetsuit at the end of the swim, but it looked like a tail.  OK, I'm having fun ROTFL now.

4)  In an OW tri, are there shore references most of the time or just the little buoys in the water?  (This reminds me a little of a par 5 on a golf course where I cannot see the flag on the green from the middle of the fairway).

5)  I learned that you can use a snorkel in the swim, even in the pool.  Does anyone really ever do that?

Hi Jackie,

Great you ventured out into the deep water! Here is my abbreviated take on your questions:






I would actually try swimming some distance in the suit to find out if it is rubbing around the neck etc ( I have that problem with mine).

I love red thai curry w/ tofu and veggies!!!

2011-04-04 12:24 PM
in reply to: #3428137

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Subject: RE: Coaching Plan Assistance
jdiis - 2011-04-03 10:45 PM


Time for a check in.  My next goal is an open water sprint tri. 

Unless you advise differently, I think I'm going to pass on the Rookie because the bike and the run are shorter than I've already done and the OWS is only 25 yards more.  I'm thinking about either CB&I (5/7) in the Woodlands, or CAPTEX (5/30) in Austin.  CAPTEX is a longer swim and shorter bike that CB&I.  Do you happen to know if those are usually wetsuit legal?

I can train every day this week except Thursday.  I just feel I need some direction on my training.  I want to increase my endurance/distance so that around Sep or Oct I can do an Olympic.

Your advice, please.

Do Captex, it is wetsuit legal because the water comes from a spring, it is very chilly even in summer!! You probably need to start increasing your S/B/R distances, and I don't mean getting a longer riffle. Regardless, keep doing the speedwork during those days when your time is limited but you feel strong.

How do feel for a fast "tempo" run today? Do one for 45 minutes (WU walking briskly before and don't count it towards the 45). In case you don't know, a tempo is close to race pace but not quite there.

All the points that Mark brought up are perfect. Don't even think about the snorkel!

Edited by evillarroel 2011-04-04 12:25 PM

2011-04-04 1:47 PM
in reply to: #3427097

El Paso
Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL
jdiis - 2011-04-02 10:23 PM

alfredo1414 - 2011-03-31 4:03 PM Funny, I posted from the pc at work and it doesn't show anyting. Well I was telling JACKIE congratulations on your first tri, !!!! I say it once and ill say it again !you rock!...... can't wait to read your race report.. unfortunately for me March was not a good moth, I missed my half marathon race and did only about 60% of my planed training. Good thing is that I finished my job training, so its back to regular hours and also school is also back to normal, no midterms for now. Ernesto, I ask before if you knew some exersise to improve my swim (other than more swiming) the thing is that I haven't really seen any improvement on my swim, as soon as I start gasping for air I get kind a distracted and can't hold my breath nor get my 3 strokes. Any advise..

Thanks Alfredo! 

On the swimming.  I notice you said you can't hold your breath.  You are not supposed to hold your breath.  You are supposed to blow your air out into the water.  Try just blowing bubbles under water and come up when you run out of bubbles.  See if that helps.

You have a lot going on.  My hectic schedule seems like a walk in the park compared to yours.  Don't be too hard on yourself.  Just do what you can when you can fit it in and somehow it will all work out.

2011-04-04 1:49 PM
in reply to: #3427097

El Paso
Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL
jdiis - 2011-04-02 10:23 PM

alfredo1414 - 2011-03-31 4:03 PM Funny, I posted from the pc at work and it doesn't show anyting. Well I was telling JACKIE congratulations on your first tri, !!!! I say it once and ill say it again !you rock!...... can't wait to read your race report.. unfortunately for me March was not a good moth, I missed my half marathon race and did only about 60% of my planed training. Good thing is that I finished my job training, so its back to regular hours and also school is also back to normal, no midterms for now. Ernesto, I ask before if you knew some exersise to improve my swim (other than more swiming) the thing is that I haven't really seen any improvement on my swim, as soon as I start gasping for air I get kind a distracted and can't hold my breath nor get my 3 strokes. Any advise..

Thanks Alfredo! 

On the swimming.  I notice you said you can't hold your breath.  You are not supposed to hold your breath.  You are supposed to blow your air out into the water.  Try just blowing bubbles under water and come up when you run out of bubbles.  See if that helps.

You have a lot going on.  My hectic schedule seems like a walk in the park compared to yours.  Don't be too hard on yourself.  Just do what you can when you can fit it in and somehow it will all work out.


Thanks Jakie, It may sound like allot but I think that I meke it worse by no being more organize, I hope to develope this ability with the sport..

About the advice, do I let the air out with trough the nose or mouth? apox.., how many stokes do you take before you inhale again?

Edited by alfredo1414 2011-04-04 1:53 PM
2011-04-04 2:34 PM
in reply to: #3259938

El Paso
Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL


Im thinking of doing an Olympic race on Sep 25, I have the Arizona schedule for Nov, do you think this is a good idea?  the olympic is very close to my location and I dont want to get to the Arizona IM with no experience..

What do you think?

2011-04-04 2:47 PM
in reply to: #3429252

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Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL
alfredo1414 - 2011-04-04 2:34 PM


Im thinking of doing an Olympic race on Sep 25, I have the Arizona schedule for Nov, do you think this is a good idea?  the olympic is very close to my location and I dont want to get to the Arizona IM with no experience..

What do you think?


Are you signed up for Ironman Arizona already?!?!?!?!

2011-04-04 11:11 PM
in reply to: #3428978

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Coaching Plan Assistance
evillarroel - 2011-04-04 12:24 PM
jdiis - 2011-04-03 10:45 PM


Time for a check in.  My next goal is an open water sprint tri. 

Unless you advise differently, I think I'm going to pass on the Rookie because the bike and the run are shorter than I've already done and the OWS is only 25 yards more.  I'm thinking about either CB&I (5/7) in the Woodlands, or CAPTEX (5/30) in Austin.  CAPTEX is a longer swim and shorter bike that CB&I.  Do you happen to know if those are usually wetsuit legal?

I can train every day this week except Thursday.  I just feel I need some direction on my training.  I want to increase my endurance/distance so that around Sep or Oct I can do an Olympic.

Your advice, please.

Do Captex, it is wetsuit legal because the water comes from a spring, it is very chilly even in summer!! You probably need to start increasing your S/B/R distances, and I don't mean getting a longer riffle. Regardless, keep doing the speedwork during those days when your time is limited but you feel strong.

How do feel for a fast "tempo" run today? Do one for 45 minutes (WU walking briskly before and don't count it towards the 45). In case you don't know, a tempo is close to race pace but not quite there.

All the points that Mark brought up are perfect. Don't even think about the snorkel!

I  hate snorkels.  I wasn't thinking of using one, just amazed that one could!

Didn't make the tempo run.  Got out of work late tonight.  Only 4 hours of sleep last night and BTW I ran last night after my swim.   I can do it tomorrow and bike on Wed.  What is a riffle? 

2011-04-04 11:18 PM
in reply to: #3429178

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL
alfredo1414 - 2011-04-04 1:49 PM
jdiis - 2011-04-02 10:23 PM

alfredo1414 - 2011-03-31 4:03 PM Funny, I posted from the pc at work and it doesn't show anyting. Well I was telling JACKIE congratulations on your first tri, !!!! I say it once and ill say it again !you rock!...... can't wait to read your race report.. unfortunately for me March was not a good moth, I missed my half marathon race and did only about 60% of my planed training. Good thing is that I finished my job training, so its back to regular hours and also school is also back to normal, no midterms for now. Ernesto, I ask before if you knew some exersise to improve my swim (other than more swiming) the thing is that I haven't really seen any improvement on my swim, as soon as I start gasping for air I get kind a distracted and can't hold my breath nor get my 3 strokes. Any advise..

Thanks Alfredo! 

On the swimming.  I notice you said you can't hold your breath.  You are not supposed to hold your breath.  You are supposed to blow your air out into the water.  Try just blowing bubbles under water and come up when you run out of bubbles.  See if that helps.

You have a lot going on.  My hectic schedule seems like a walk in the park compared to yours.  Don't be too hard on yourself.  Just do what you can when you can fit it in and somehow it will all work out.


Thanks Jakie, It may sound like allot but I think that I meke it worse by no being more organize, I hope to develope this ability with the sport..

About the advice, do I let the air out with trough the nose or mouth? apox.., how many stokes do you take before you inhale again?

After reading about it, I determined it could come out either or both.  I do an odd number of strokes so I can do bilateral breathing (both sides).  Depending on how I feel, either 3, 5, or 7.  It seems the more strokes I can take in between breathing, the smoother I am.  I am still a real beginner, but I have done a lot of reading and watching videos to try and figure it out.  Now I need to work on technique and more endurance.

2011-04-05 1:43 PM
in reply to: #3429275

El Paso
Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL
Not yet.. I was thinking to sign up next week, I want to use the presure as motivation..!!
2011-04-05 4:32 PM
in reply to: #3430954

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Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL

alfredo1414 - 2011-04-05 1:43 PM Not yet.. I was thinking to sign up next week, I want to use the presure as motivation..!!


FYI, Ironman Arizona goes out for sale the day after the race (November 21st) at noon and it ALWAYS sells out within 15 minutes (all 2500 slots). Ironman is a race very high in demand and Lake Placid, Arizona and Florida in particular are very popular within the Ironman community.

Also, if I may add, you should give yourself more time, do at least one half before you make the jump to the full so you get the taste of long endurance events.

2011-04-06 3:02 PM
in reply to: #3431336

El Paso
Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL
evillarroel - 2011-04-05 4:32 PM

alfredo1414 - 2011-04-05 1:43 PM Not yet.. I was thinking to sign up next week, I want to use the presure as motivation..!!


FYI, Ironman Arizona goes out for sale the day after the race (November 21st) at noon and it ALWAYS sells out within 15 minutes (all 2500 slots). Ironman is a race very high in demand and Lake Placid, Arizona and Florida in particular are very popular within the Ironman community.

Also, if I may add, you should give yourself more time, do at least one half before you make the jump to the full so you get the taste of long endurance events.

Thanks Ernesto,  ok so I will do the olympic on Sep and a half late this year or in the begining of next year, so by the middle of next year Ill do the full. does this make any sense? 


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