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2012-01-22 8:22 PM
in reply to: #4004995

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Dirk's Junkie group - CLOSED
mambos - 2012-01-22 8:54 PM

Good run today, Originally scheduled for 10 miles but quicly changed my mind and settled at 7 miles.  For some reason it is not so easy to run in 3 inches of snow, the park crew must have taken the weekend off!Cool

Anyone have thoughts on when it is the best time to jump up to HIM distance.  I really want to do this distance but cannot sell myself on it yet (confidence).  My biggest hold-up is the swim distance, I am looking at an olympic distance but figure if I can do the swim in olympic distance why not go ahead and move up to HIM.  A tentative schedule would be an Olympic in mid-July, then look at late August/early september to do the HIM.

Yeah running in the snow is definitely a slower moving process but the WO can be more difficult overall.  Pushing off in the snow works different muscles than we're used to under normal circumstances.

You can jump up to the HIM distance pretty easily depending on available time to train.  Currently I am near where I would want to be for time in training for a HIM but as it get closer (3 months out) I will pick it up more.  If you have 10+ hours a week to train then you can do it.  You already have the basic concepts you need to train, you just have to commit to the time.

Hey , you thinking you're going to do the Rev 3 at Cedar Point?  I am almost as certain as I can be that's the one I'll do.

2012-01-22 8:46 PM
in reply to: #4005031

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Extreme Veteran
Sidney, Ohio
Subject: RE: Dirk's Junkie group - CLOSED
DirkP - 2012-01-22 9:22 PM
mambos - 2012-01-22 8:54 PM

Good run today, Originally scheduled for 10 miles but quicly changed my mind and settled at 7 miles.  For some reason it is not so easy to run in 3 inches of snow, the park crew must have taken the weekend off!Cool

Anyone have thoughts on when it is the best time to jump up to HIM distance.  I really want to do this distance but cannot sell myself on it yet (confidence).  My biggest hold-up is the swim distance, I am looking at an olympic distance but figure if I can do the swim in olympic distance why not go ahead and move up to HIM.  A tentative schedule would be an Olympic in mid-July, then look at late August/early september to do the HIM.

Yeah running in the snow is definitely a slower moving process but the WO can be more difficult overall.  Pushing off in the snow works different muscles than we're used to under normal circumstances.

You can jump up to the HIM distance pretty easily depending on available time to train.  Currently I am near where I would want to be for time in training for a HIM but as it get closer (3 months out) I will pick it up more.  If you have 10+ hours a week to train then you can do it.  You already have the basic concepts you need to train, you just have to commit to the time.

Hey , you thinking you're going to do the Rev 3 at Cedar Point?  I am almost as certain as I can be that's the one I'll do.

I'm pretty good on the time available.  10 hours would not be much of a schedule change, I could get up to 15hrs without creating any family disturbance but this would require me to be an early bird! 

I'm considering Rev3 in september, Great Buckeye Challenge in August.  I have friends already signed up to do both of these.  Or if I decide I want to travel a little bit there is one in the Outer Banks of NC.  I always look for an excuse to go to the Outer Banks! 

2012-01-23 6:22 AM
in reply to: #3945020

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Dirk's Junkie group - CLOSED
So Iam still feeling miserable no fever so do I push myself to go workout, I have read both ways as long as you don't have a fever you can workout, or rest and hydrate until you feel better.
2012-01-23 6:25 AM
in reply to: #4005301

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Dirk's Junkie group - CLOSED

Jo63 - 2012-01-23 6:22 AM So Iam still feeling miserable no fever so do I push myself to go workout, I have read both ways as long as you don't have a fever you can workout, or rest and hydrate until you feel better.

I would probably start a workout but plan to keep it short and easy. If I felt worse during the workout I would stop.

Hope you feel better!

2012-01-23 6:29 AM
in reply to: #4004995

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Dirk's Junkie group - CLOSED
I ran in about 5 inches of snow last week and said it was like running in the sand we ended up running extremely slow, but it felt great to be outside in the fresh air.
As far as the HIM just jump in an get a training plan I used of the BT programs and it worked really well, unfortunate I live where it is flat and the race was in hilly SC and I got beat up on the bike... I finished though definitely not in the time I wanted but I finished. you can do it!!
2012-01-23 9:12 AM
in reply to: #3945020

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Subject: RE: Dirk's Junkie group - CLOSED

Jo63 - 2012-01-23 6:22 AM So Iam still feeling miserable no fever so do I push myself to go workout, I have read both ways as long as you don't have a fever you can workout, or rest and hydrate until you feel better.

Some great advice I got a while back was even when you're a little sick or sore, to go out and try.  Re-evaluate after 10 minutes or so.  If you're feeling it, forge on, if not, you can head back in.  I've been amazed at some of the workouts I got when I was feeling like garbage either from sickness or soreness. 

But I agree to keep it easy and be smart if you're not feeling it or your HR is spiking or it just feels way too hard.  Another common bit of advice is if it's below your neck to rest and let your body heal itself.


mambos - 2012-01-22 9:46 PM

I'm pretty good on the time available.  10 hours would not be much of a schedule change, I could get up to 15hrs without creating any family disturbance but this would require me to be an early bird! 

Matt, you can get to HIM with this kind of time available.  It's a different animal than the Oly or sprint in that it's all about pacing, and you will need at least some nutrition - how much is very personal and a topic of much debate.

While the swim is about the same as the Oly, remember the bike and run are more than twice as long.  You'll need some serious bike fitness. A 56 miler has to be nothing special for you.  And be sure to know the course so you'll be prepared for hills/winds/whatever else is specific to the course.  You have lots of time and can easily get to a point where finishing strong and happy would be doable.

2012-01-23 10:01 AM
in reply to: #3945020

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Columbia, TN
Subject: RE: Dirk's Junkie group - CLOSED

I also raced this weekend.


My go fast muscles are sore!  Training at 8:30-9:00 pace then racing close to 6:30 challenges the muscles.  I need speed work!  I plan to start that around March 1.


Matt.  I got your frame packaged up and I might just get it to the post office today.

2012-01-23 10:51 AM
in reply to: #4005735

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Subject: RE: Dirk's Junkie group - CLOSED
JeffY - 2012-01-23 11:01 AM

I also raced this weekend.

Wow, another AG win - maybe I joined the wrong group!  Seriously, great race Jeff.  That sounds like a tough course with the slipping and turning.  Interesting venue.

I also ran in snow this weekend, well, actually slushy, icy stuff more than snow.  I ran by HR, and my pace on dry pavement was about 9:25 and at the same HR I was around 11:00 in the snow!  I even walked a few hills.  I forgot Dirk's advice about bringing the Yax Tracks just in case - they would have helped a lot I bet.

2012-01-23 11:28 AM
in reply to: #4005735

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Redding, CA
Subject: RE: Dirk's Junkie group - CLOSED
JeffY - 2012-01-23 8:01 AM

I also raced this weekend.


Great job on the race, Jeff!

2012-01-23 11:43 AM
in reply to: #3945020

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Extreme Veteran
Urbana, MD
Subject: RE: Dirk's Junkie group - CLOSED

Congrats Jeff Y - Great job on the AG win!

Based on Warren and Dirk's advice I managed to slip an hour on the bike in today with a gradually increasing work load. It actually felt pretty good and it wasn't FREEZING COLD which all my outdoor rides have been over the last few weeks. Too much ice to freeze my tail off today. I figure I can consistently bike for an hour so I'll gradually work up the intensity. I missed my swim because it's a hike to the pool and we had lots of freezing rain last night.

Off to grab some lunch - hope to hear what everyone else is up to!

2012-01-23 12:07 PM
in reply to: #4005301

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Dirk's Junkie group - CLOSED

Jo63 - 2012-01-23 7:22 AM So Iam still feeling miserable no fever so do I push myself to go workout, I have read both ways as long as you don't have a fever you can workout, or rest and hydrate until you feel better.

I say go for it.  Consider, a fever is meant to help elevate the body's temerature to burn out the infection, virus and so on, so using exercise can eleveate it  and assist the natural healing affects.  Now, I am in no way saying if you have a high fever to get a tempo run in.  What I am saying is similar to Warren's sttatement in that if it's above the neck keep the training moving along, maybe dial it back a notch or so.  I am quite certain that I have cut some illness's short by getting my body moving and eleveating my body's ability to fight a virus.

2012-01-23 12:18 PM
in reply to: #4005735

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Huntertown, IN
Subject: RE: Dirk's Junkie group - CLOSED

Nice race, Jeff! 

Also, how do I get in on this $1/mile deal you have going? 

2012-01-23 12:26 PM
in reply to: #4005979

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Subject: RE: Dirk's Junkie group - CLOSED
guitarfrk75 - 2012-01-23 12:43 PM

Off to grab some lunch - hope to hear what everyone else is up to!

I'm sitting here at my desk realizing that even after an almost 90 minute long run yesterday, my legs feel great and not tired at all.  Wow, such a long way from 2 1/2 years ago.  Sometimes we just need to step back and appreciate the little things.

Short run this evening and I can't wait to do my 20 minute bike TT tomorrow morning.

2012-01-23 1:06 PM
in reply to: #4006079

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Columbia, TN
Subject: RE: Dirk's Junkie group - CLOSED
abergdol - 2012-01-23 12:18 PM

Nice race, Jeff! 

Also, how do I get in on this $1/mile deal you have going? 

You can fill out my Team Yeager sponsorship application. 


2012-01-23 1:16 PM
in reply to: #4006207

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Subject: RE: Dirk's Junkie group - CLOSED
JeffY - 2012-01-23 2:06 PM
abergdol - 2012-01-23 12:18 PM

Nice race, Jeff! 

Also, how do I get in on this $1/mile deal you have going? 

You can fill out my Team Yeager sponsorship application. 


Does that include training or just racing miles?  Is there an age multiplier?

2012-01-23 2:58 PM
in reply to: #4006242

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Columbia, TN
Subject: RE: Dirk's Junkie group - CLOSED
wbayek - 2012-01-23 1:16 PM
JeffY - 2012-01-23 2:06 PM
abergdol - 2012-01-23 12:18 PM

Nice race, Jeff! 

Also, how do I get in on this $1/mile deal you have going? 

You can fill out my Team Yeager sponsorship application. 


Does that include training or just racing miles?  Is there an age multiplier?

That includes training miles, both running and cycling (although cycling is only $.25/mile).  He gets all race entry fees and transportation for free!

I can't afford any age multiplier unfortunately!  But I was running 100 miles per week for the last 2 years of high school.  That would have been a tidy sum.


2012-01-23 3:11 PM
in reply to: #4005019

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Subject: RE: Dirk's Junkie group - CLOSED
Thanks for the swim notes - I swim in the morning - will do a 200 TT and a 50 TT -- I suspect my 50 time will be +- 50....
2012-01-23 3:25 PM
in reply to: #4006585

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Subject: RE: Dirk's Junkie group - CLOSED

pgrun - 2012-01-23 4:11 PM Thanks for the swim notes - I swim in the morning - will do a 200 TT and a 50 TT -- I suspect my 50 time will be +- 50....

I'm going to try to start some swimming in Feb and if so I'll do the 200 TT.  Jonathan is going down, though Dirk's number is out of reach methinks.

2012-01-23 7:23 PM
in reply to: #3945020

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Dirk's Junkie group - CLOSED
So I am reading my training plan and it says :Run 8x30 left foot strikes - time should be between 19-21". In between each stride you will skip 40 times back to the start - take short rest and repeat. This means ?????
2012-01-23 7:58 PM
in reply to: #3945020

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Dirk's Junkie group - CLOSED

Hey all, just had a chance to finally sit down and read through the recent postings this week.

First off, a big congrats to Jeff for his AG win this weekend.  Another great race by one of Dirk's Junkies.  I'm very impressed that you can take that much time off per mile from your training pace!

I got off the plane yesterday, drove to the hotel, threw on my running shoes and got a quick 2.5 miles in.  At about 2 miles, I started seeing light spots and felt really weird.  My legs didn't hurt and I wasn't breathing hard, but I was just numb almost.  I got back to the hotel and had something to eat and woke up this morning with a messed up stomach that finally went away about 3 this afternoon.  Got another 2.5 miles in this evening and the legs just slogged along again, but no weird feeling this time.  I think maybe the plane was messing with me.  Not really sure.  Not a great feeling though.

I looked into a pool tonight.  Looks like there is a Y near me, so I'll try to hunt that down tomorrow.  Warren, you better do that 200 yd swim before March, because you do know I'm going to be back up to speed by then!!!  You better believe it! 

I just want to throw my 2cents in there about bike training this time of year.  As much as it sucks, this time of year should really be spend building some power in your legs.  This means big gear intervals.  Really pushing hard to build strength.  For those of you that want to make sure you can go longer for summer races, I would honestly spend the time building the strength now and then slowly build up the time a little later if you have to choose between the two.  I have taken both approaches and the former has given me much greater results.

JoAnne, I'm sorry but I've never used that sort of training plan for running.  Sounds a bit complex if you ask me.  Don't get me wrong, I'm sure that there is a place for that sort of thing, I'm just a big proponent of just going out and logging frequent miles.  Jeff has convinced a bunch of us to go about it this way and so far it has done a lot of good for us all.  Maybe someone else has some experience with this?

2012-01-23 8:01 PM
in reply to: #3945020

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Dirk's Junkie group - CLOSED

Warren, what do you have lined up for races?  Not sure if you are planning on doing black fly again, but we'll have that condo again this year if you and the sherpa want in.  I've got the following:

1. Polar Bear
2. Eastman
3. Lord of the Flies
4. Boston Triathlon (formerly Boston Urban Epic)
5. Cranberry (olympic)
6. Pumpkinman (if Kate lets me race within a couple weeks of the wedding)

2012-01-23 8:02 PM
in reply to: #4007020

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Subject: RE: Dirk's Junkie group - CLOSED

Jo63 - 2012-01-23 8:23 PM So I am reading my training plan and it says :Run 8x30 left foot strikes - time should be between 19-21". In between each stride you will skip 40 times back to the start - take short rest and repeat. This means ?????

Here's what I would say: You will be running strides (a relatively fast, short burst) 8 times or reps.  Each rep you will start running and count whenever your left foot hits the ground.  When you reach 30, stop.  This should take 19-21 seconds.  Then you will turn around and skip back to the start, which should take 40 skips.

Sounds complicated!  I'm with Jonathan, I like to just run.

Edited by wbayek 2012-01-23 8:04 PM
2012-01-23 8:08 PM
in reply to: #4007086

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Subject: RE: Dirk's Junkie group - CLOSED
jgerbodegrant - 2012-01-23 9:01 PM

Warren, what do you have lined up for races?  Not sure if you are planning on doing black fly again, but we'll have that condo again this year if you and the sherpa want in.  I've got the following:

1. Polar Bear
2. Eastman
3. Lord of the Flies
4. Boston Triathlon (formerly Boston Urban Epic)
5. Cranberry (olympic)
6. Pumpkinman (if Kate lets me race within a couple weeks of the wedding)

1. Wallis Sands HM

2. Eastman

3. Black Fly International

4. Timberman half - as the bike leg of a relay team

5. Either Rev3 Oly and Mainiac / or Pumpkinman Half, depends on my sherpa.  He may do Mainiac and if so I'll do it with him and skip the HIM this year (they are the same day).  He may want to do Pumpkinman sprint instead, so the end of the year is up in the air.

Are you doing the Pumpkinman half or sprint?

We'll see about Black Fly, could be a possibility to stay there.

2012-01-23 8:14 PM
in reply to: #4007020

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Dirk's Junkie group - CLOSED

I'll take some of that $1 per mile action.  Heck, I'll take .25 a mile.  But that needs to include all 3 disciplines.

Paul, Try to get some organization to your swim WO's so you know where you are AND where you are going.  The 2 TT's will help point you in the right direction from the start.  Remember to get a solid WU in before doing the TT and do the 200 first.  The longer distance is going to show a little bit of endurance.

Joanne, WOW?  I am not 100% certain what all of it means but it looks like it's talking about a running cadence. They say you should have a cadence of close to 90 beats per minute.  (I have never checked my cadence and maybe I will sometime but I haven't felt the importance of checking it and I suspect I am close enough that I wouldn't try to change anything.)

Anyway, I am going to have to defer to Jeff or someone a little more knowledgeable on this one.  I simply can't figure the skipping thing out.

Is this from a plan here on BT and if so which one?  I or someone else can take a look at the plan to figure it out.


On a personal training note:  I usually don't listen to my iPod while riding the trainer but I rode early enough yesterday morning that I didn't want the TV blaring, so I plugged in and took off.  The WO was the usual BRUTAL 6x4 minutes at 100-104% of maximum lactate steady state HR.  (I described this WO the other day.)  Anyway, the last song that came on immediately prior to the MS was from a Christian hardcore band (yes I like hardcore music) called Demon Hunter.  The song: Desire the Pain.  And a sample of the lyrics:

Draining the life from our veins,  Into a curse that we despise
What a sickening way,  To spend our lives

I desire the pain
I desire the weight
And I will face my grave

This pretty much sums up the way this ride makes you feel.  I thought it quite ironic to hear these words as I was about to "face my grave" on the bike. Cool (snick in the smiley face for you Brenda.)

2012-01-23 8:37 PM
in reply to: #4007082

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Dirk's Junkie group - CLOSED
Its from winter maintenance run focued on BT, I was beginning to think Ihad no business doing triathalons .
By the way thanks everyone for the push for me to get out a run I did 2 miles extremely slow still not feeling wonderful and my head was pounding but at least I got something in for today!

Edited by Jo63 2012-01-23 8:42 PM
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