BT Development Mentor Program Archives » left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH! Rss Feed  
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2012-01-17 11:01 AM
in reply to: #1137328

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!
Billy - I know you read slow so I type my parts very slowly for you to keep up.

2012-01-17 11:05 AM
in reply to: #1137328

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!
Suzue - great swim

Briana - no missing kids games if possible - I agree. You will get the necessary ones done.
2012-01-17 11:12 AM
in reply to: #1137328

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!
Suzie - Maria - and everyone - Road ID is the company. There are others but Road ID is most comprehensive in choices. I have and ankle band one and a wrist one depending in the day. There is an interactive one and one with static information.

Do NOT go for a ride or run or swim without ID. The seconds lost trying to figure out who you are could cost your life.

Also - VERY IMPORTANT -- Don't you EVER let me catch you on your bike without a helmet. Even for 25 feet. You might not be too smart (Billy) but that brain is the only one you have and unless you are independently wealthy you are at least partially responsible for providing for your family - therefore- protect your nugget EVERY time. (Bryan now steps down off soap box and exits stage right).
2012-01-17 1:01 PM
in reply to: #1137328

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Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!

R o a d      i d      i s      v e r y     g o o d ,      I     h a v e      o n e      m y s e l f .     G i f t                 f r o m    m y     d a u g h t e r.


A l s o ,     o n     t h e     h e l m u t      i s s u e,       i t       h a s      s a v e d     m y     l i f e     2       t i m e s     d u r i n g     m y      i r o n m a n       t r a i n i n g.     A L W A Y S     W E A R                   Y O U R    H E L M E T !

S  o r r y     f o r     t h e     s l o w     t y p i n g.

B i l l y

2012-01-17 1:14 PM
in reply to: #1137328

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Richmond Hill
Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!

I also use RoadID. I got the "Slim" version - about the size of a LiveStrong bracelet. I wear it all the time, not just on bike, swim, run. Got a few wise cracks last year from fellow co-workers (do you think you are going to forget your name?) when I started wearing it.  I know, though, if I don't wear it all the tiime - I'll forget it sometimes when I train.

I took the day off yesterday from training. Did 1300 yds in pool this morning, and will try a short ride on the trainer tonight. I'll get new shoes before my next run - and will go easy and slow.  It's going to be hard for me - I have a tendency to go all out once I get serious about something, so I need to learn pacing and listen to my body better.  This isn't the first time I've had issues with my legs by increasing too fast.

I'll second Bryan's comments about helmets - I don't even ride around the block with my kids without my helmet. Not just setting an example for the kids, but a fall even at slow speeds can be fatal. The guy I bought my first bike from convinced me from the beginning to wear a helmet always. After he asked me if I already had a helmet, I asked him "Seriously, do you wear a helmet?" - he said "The one time I didn't wear a helmet, I was on an easy spin with some friends. I woke up 2 weeks later from a coma." He showed me the scar on his head, in case I thought he was just trying to make a sale.

Monte - Enjoy your "new" bike.  Good choice buying used - you can always upgrade later.  Just be sure to do what Bryan recommended to me - make sure the fit is good.  Don't sweat the clipping in thing - before long it will be second nature.  Hang onto that mountain bike - you have some good trails in your backyard.  I'm jealous!  When I visit my sister and parents in Canton, I try to get a ride in at Blankets Creek.

Suzie - Way to go on the swim improvements!  Can you give me those 30 seconds - I need them too!

Maria - Good job on the running!  Learn from my mistakes, though, and make slow increments in time & distance.

Billy - I take it you are the resident punching bag????  :-)

You guys in the colder climates make me feel like such a wimp - I don't like to bike or run outside if its under 60 F!



2012-01-17 4:05 PM
in reply to: #1137328

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Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!
Thank you  Robbie, someone finally realized what I must go through!

2012-01-17 4:17 PM
in reply to: #1137328

Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!

WOW!!! I did my homework and just spent about an hour reading. I am Marianne ( mav) and have been a part of this group since page one!!!!!Bryan is the BEST mentor EVA ( I am from Massachusetts) When I started in this group I was about to try my first olympic forward a few 2010 I completed IMAZ and Bryan was at the finishline. If you havent read the You Are An Ironman really should. Your fears of participating in the sport will be validated but you will realize that you can do it!!!!!Plus I am on page 108!!!LOL

After reading all this I first want to say...Watch out for Billy!!!!!! AND  WELCOME

Pam/pedampa I live very close to the RI 70.3 course. It changes a little every year but I often ride parts of that course and it is hilly. The run is also hilly. I am not saying that to scare you but just to warn you. You can practice by using a bike trainer and going in a hard gear with lots of resistance. As far as issues with the water you ride a road bike or a tri bike? If you have areobars I would strongly suggest that youget a Profile Design...double water bottle. You will never have to grab a bottle, just put your head down and sip.  As far as leakage on the run is problem...nobody cares...especially on the longer happens. If I can be of any help with the RI race ...let me know

Suzie- I know Bryan mentioned the Danskin races, but there is alsoa series called She Rox which is womens only. I have been a mentor to women who do this race for the first time. Usually Danskin and She Rox will hook you up with "live" mentors in your area who will help you train. I am not sure if they have any in your area but it is worth checking. As far as being slow and worrying about cut offs...not a problem especially at these all women races. My honest belief is the back of the packers have more fun!!!!! Some day I am going to make a t shirt with that on the back of it!!!!

Briana/Bar92  I am doing IMAZ this year too!!!!!! I will tell you the water is cold. I am a pretty strong swimmer and I had a rough time in 2010. I also placed myself way in the back...which I have learned from. Plan on wearing neoprene cap and booties. I also used ear plugs as cold water in my ears for a long time throws my balance off. I look forward to virtual training with you!!!!

Maria/Fat2tri- I have had a few problems with headaches and training in the heat. I really neverhave had a problem with headaches until I started training in the heat. My problem was salt intake. I now find that in very hot weather when I sweat alot I need to take Salt tablets to replenish my lost sodium. I use Salt Stick Tablets, they can be purchased in most bike stores or stores that sell triathlon gear

Robbie/Benttwice: I am considering doing the oly in Ocala in March. I have family down there and desperately need to escape the New England winter.

Dan/DNoble: BT is the site for accountability. If you log your workouts in your training log...everyone can check your logs( aka stalk) and make sure you are doing your workouts!!!!! I will check in from time to time. In the "inspire" area you will find comments people leave about your training.

Malsup/Montie: Congrats on the new bike. I have a CAAD 9 road bike and love it. Triathlon is a great sport!!!!

I briefly read something about helmets...WEAR ONE AT ALL has saved me twice. Road ID is Invaluable as well. If you do get injured your info is there and you dont have to answer a lot of questions. When you are hurt thats the last thing you want to do. Hopefully you will never need either!!!!

2012-01-17 4:23 PM
in reply to: #1137328

Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!

Robbie I couldnt agree more with you on the helmet. I crashed once going less than 5-6 mph and the helmet saved my head, I broke my jaw...but that can doesnt take much to crack a head.

I ran 7 miles Sunday and it was 7 degrees without the windchill factor. Lots of folks out running. In my area lots of people doing Boston Marathon. I live 11 miles from the start. There is no such thing as bad weather....just poor clothing choices!!!LOL

2012-01-17 6:40 PM
in reply to: #3995878

Washington DC
Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!

Mav, wow, that's impressive. I felt awful today-- I went about 1.5 miles (plus an additional mile between warm up and cool down) in 30 degree weather ( later told me it felt like 18 degrees and up to 30mph wind gusts). And I was dressed warm enough, but the wind on the lakefront is a little too much for my lungs.


Oh, and Susie! Way to go on your swimming! 

2012-01-17 8:39 PM
in reply to: #1137328

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!
Monte - pics of the bike. Aka. Bike porn - now!!!

Mav - great advice. And Bryan will be there for your second one. And everyone else's in AZ in 2012

Billy - lighten up. Before I hit you. I told you not to overlook the bike.

Fat2tri - cold air in your lungs can be rough. Try covering your mouth with a balaclava so the air is a bit warmer. This from your friend inTexas - not really known as a cold weather state.

All - old and new - you make me proud. There is a ton of info here. I love seeing our family grow.
2012-01-17 9:36 PM
in reply to: #1137328

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!

Boy, I leave for a little while and things go haywire!

Welcome to all of the new folks.  My name is Gary and basically I am the nice version of Billy.  A quick run down of me:  I am a Libra, like long rides in the park, and am overall a great guy.  Vote for me this November!

LOL, will have to go thru and read everyones intros.

Workout wise I am gearing up for NOLA in April and a Sprint in March.  Running is going well as long as I don't cross the 9 mile mark where my knee acts up.  Used to be the 8 mile mark but things have improved I guess.  Started ST training once a a week and trying to get back to Masters swimming 3x week. 

2012-01-17 10:24 PM
in reply to: #3996349

Woodstock, Georgia
Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!

Hey Mav and Gary!  and a delayed hey to Billy....

Thanks for all the additional input and support.... Learning everytime I log in.

gonna try the bike post thingie... raining here so didn't get to break it in today.. Ha.

Okay... so that didn't work...  Tried to post something here from dropbox...any advice???

Ha... when you say Newbie... you MEAN newbie!!


Edited by Malsup 2012-01-17 10:27 PM
2012-01-17 10:29 PM
in reply to: #1137328

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Walla Walla
Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!

Had a nice short run/walk on the treadmill.  13 minutes total run; 26 minutes total workout from 2 minute intervals with warm up and cool down walk.  I had sore shins and knees for about an hour but it all seems to have stretched out so I think I did it at a bout the right pace and for the right intervals.  Hooray for moderation.

My daughter is watching me type this post and wants you to know that she is also doing the kids triathalon at Issaquah in June. It happens (I hope) right after I cross the finish line and not a minute before Reminds me I have to finish in 3 and half hours if I want to watch her.  Some inspiration, eh?

2012-01-18 7:34 AM
in reply to: #1137328

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New user

Subject: Road ID Ordered

New Member Rick here:

Road ID ordered.  Been meaning to do that for a while.  Thanks for the nudge.

The back is on the mend.  Have managed a few gentle swims with no troubles.  Will be trying a few runs over the next few days.  Hopefully back on the bike in about a week.  Planning on Pilates twice a week to help the back mend fully!

Entered the Cape Argus in early March.  110K ride around Table Mountain in Cape Town. 

2012 Cape Argus Route map


2012-01-18 8:17 AM
in reply to: #1137328

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Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!

Mav, looking forward to virtually training with you and meeting you in AZ.


I agree with everyone else on the helmets.  I crashed during an organized ride one time doing over 16mph.  That helmet saved me.  And don't forget if you do crash, GET A NEW HELMET.

Also have a road ID.  Need to order more because the one I have lives on my running shoes and I have to remember to move it to the bike shoes when I ride.  Am also going to order some for my kids.

2012-01-18 9:09 AM
in reply to: #1137328

Woodstock, Georgia
Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!

Rick... That race looks like a blast and a lot of work... Have a couple SA's here in my company and they just got back from down there for the holidays. Hope you heal up fast..

Finally figured it out!!  Bike Porn!! 

2012-01-18 9:54 AM
in reply to: #1137328

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!
I love bike porn!!! NICE!!! It is great to see all the posts. Don't be left out. Get in there and play.
2012-01-18 10:04 AM
in reply to: #1137328

Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!
Rick that looks like an incredible ride. My training partner is from Cape Town. I  plan on sharing this with him. Good Luck
2012-01-18 10:06 AM
in reply to: #1137328

Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!
Beautiful Bike!!! Yellow is a very FAST color!!!!!!
2012-01-18 10:33 AM
in reply to: #3997065

Woodstock, Georgia
Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!

Mav... Thanks!!  I hope the white half goes fast too!! ha..  Can't blame my speed on a bike anymore... oh well.. Guess I am riding your bikes older/little brother...

I know the swim is not the longest portion of these events, but it sure does seem at this point that it will be the hardest to train up to....  I guess it just uses so much of your body and all the little muscles that it requires more oxygen and fatigues you faster.  I swam competitively as a youth, and don't remember it being this hard!! ha..




2012-01-18 10:55 AM
in reply to: #1137328

Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!

MAV/ Thanks for the heads up on the course at RI, I had read similar reviews but it was the only 70.3 that worked in my schedule. Oh and the Mont Tremblant one as well but those hills seems worse!  Living in Florida hills and not exactly around unless you count the bridge over the inter coastal...  So I will pick yours and anyones brain about how to prepare.

I did end up buying the bottle you described just last week, I ride a tri bike (QR CD 01) so I figured it was worth a try.  I just have not installed it yet as I am traveling.  Even though I was able to ski today (guilty of choosing 3 hrs of skiing in the French Alps over a 5 mile run at 8000ft in a overheated gym that I had to walk 20 minutes to in the freezing cold);  I will be happy to be back on sea level and in a hotel with a gym, Thursday! 

Sorry everyone, i have not been more responsive to all the posts.  I can barely get my sleep in and I am jet lagged, but once I am back I ll have time to respond properly.

Love the yellow bike!

2012-01-18 11:08 AM
in reply to: #3996898

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Walla Walla
Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!

I love hearing about where all of you are. And I'm so excited that Mav is with us!  I've only read up to page 15 or so in the archives and I can see already that I'm going to miss some of them. 

Inspired now to do my own one-woman-triathalon here in a couple of weeks - all indoors - we have wet heavy snow here today (Bryan - shoveling snow IS a core workout and it really gets your heartrate up - plus it teaches you how to layer...and unlayer.

Malsup - I think the yellow half will whisper encouragements to the white half to keep it going, so you should be okay.  Makes me want to clean up my bike so I can post pics.  She's old but she's pretty, and she fits me.

Rick - what fun to see your bike course. I can't quite get my mind around that. Those hills!!!! Holy Guacamole!

Stay healthy and safe everyone!  I'm inspired to be a little less obsessed about training charts and logs and haeartrate zones so that I can bring some extra dollars in the door today for: #1 new shoes, #2 Road ID, #3 a SMALLER swimsuit, #4 Entry fees!


2012-01-18 1:08 PM
in reply to: #1137328

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Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!
Mav, you should have said Yellow is a very FAST color,  See, almost to fast to see!
Are all of the new people logging their workouts in the workout log section so we can look and comment, (both positively and sarcastically).  Just kidding, leave me alone.
I am very excited to have so many new excited people on board, makes me even more pumped about training this year.  Gonna be a great year for all of us!!!!!
2012-01-18 1:13 PM
in reply to: #1137328

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Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!
As far as the swim, don't worry about it, it will be the easiest part of the tri.  Just remember that swimming takes a different set of lungs than biking and running.  I usually get my swimming lungs from the front desk before I swim and just check them back in after the swim!  Actually, from my experience, when the swim clicks and you build a little endurance in the pool, it will be the relaxing part of the whole experience.  Don't let it worry you.
2012-01-18 1:30 PM
in reply to: #3997213

Woodstock, Georgia
Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!

Whoo hooo Suzie... Props on the SMALLER swimsuit... or should it be smaller swimsuit!

thanks Bill for the ease the fears on the swimming issue... i look forward to being able to crank out a 1000m at a pop and not wake up in a Whaaaambulance...



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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH! Rss Feed  
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