BT Development Mentor Program Archives » left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH! Rss Feed  
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2012-01-21 8:41 PM
in reply to: #1137328

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Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!
Tough day for me. Up early for my daughter's volleyball tournament. Games at 8 and 9. Went home, got on the bike, headed out for a bit and was frozen. Low 40s here and very windy. (don't know how you folks up north do it.) Had 3 layers on and just couldn't keep going. Headed home and got on the trainer for an hour. Showered and headed to my son's indoor soccer game. Straight from there back to volleyball for round two. Finally home and we get to be back at the courts at 8 am in the morning. Joy. At least it should be warmer tomorrow afternoon for my long run.

2012-01-21 8:50 PM
in reply to: #1137328

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!
Hang in there Briana. We get done what we can.
2012-01-21 9:22 PM
in reply to: #1137328

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Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!

So now we have an East German and a Russian spy in the group!  Sweet.  I know Lena is a spy because she has been in covert ops here lately.


Germany, one of my favorite countries in the whole world.

2012-01-21 9:25 PM
in reply to: #1137328

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Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!
Briana, thats what I like to call....."life getting in the way".  It happens to all of us.
2012-01-21 9:56 PM
in reply to: #4003832

Woodstock, Georgia
Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!


Definitely understand your lifestyle!!  My daughter plays club volleyball and we have had many of the 8-10 hour tournaments!... Son plays soccer year round.. and is right now in the middle of Indoors as well.... Imagine that.. ha... Makes it interesting, but my wife is the trouper and gets to bear the brunt of all the practices and driving.

Pam.. super cool run!


2012-01-21 10:14 PM
in reply to: #1137328

Woodstock, Georgia
Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!

Now the post i promised earlier...

Well, when my best friend decided to get in shape again and do some tri's, i decided to join him, hence.. here i am..

however, once i got on the bandwagon and others at my work found out.. they started asking me about it and my plans..I shared with them my program, my plans for the date of my first Sprint, and next thing you know i have two more participants...then.. here comes another.. sooo.. within the first two weeks we now have 5 people training to do their first TRI!...(my buddy did a sprint and an oly 11 years ago, so he is the only one who can say he has done one) sooo here is born a "team".

I became the appointed "captain", and it is now my job to make sure all train and "complete". Sooo, all teams need uniforms, so....I approached someone about "sponsorship".. and.. Lo and behold.. they said sounds great!!  (insert here... way cool.. its a Beer/Beer Co...) This, of course, leads to Clothes, Colors, Logo's, and all the fun stuff... which is where I am at on the design phase and costing/finding vendors...

There will be more to come as this crazy group of beginners goes forward...Maybe we should be "Team Misfits"...

Just thought i would share, as it has been a wild first two weeks!!



2012-01-22 7:26 AM
in reply to: #4003446

Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!
irishod - 2012-01-21 4:31 PM

We've had an ice storm up here in Cincinnati, which is kind of a bummer, since Saturday is my long run day.  Just no way to safely do it outside today, so I had to hit the treadmill.  90 minutes on the treadmill gets boring for me pretty fast, but at least it's done. 

I'm starting to think of the gear I'm going to need to do tri's, and at the top of the list is a tri suit.  Any recommendations?  One piece or two?  Color?  I guess you wear the tri suit as a bathing suit?  Is that right?  I'm kind of confused about it, as you can probably tell.

I like 2 piece tri suits...its all a matter of preference. They dry quickly when you come out of the water so no need to change. If its cold for the bike I will throw on a pair of arm warmers. They are cheap. I agree with Bryan white is a BAD color. I have black tri shorts and different colored tri tops. The tri shorts all have chamois in the crotch so they are comfortable for biking. They are less bulky than bike shorts so they are fine and comfy for the run. Zoot is my favorite brand but 2 XU is also pretty good quality. You can find lots of deals on Sierra Trading I buy most of my tri clothing there, its half the price of the stores. Hope this helps...I podium at shopping!!!!

2012-01-22 7:28 AM
in reply to: #4003926

Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!
Malsup - 2012-01-21 11:14 PM

Now the post i promised earlier...

Well, when my best friend decided to get in shape again and do some tri's, i decided to join him, hence.. here i am..

however, once i got on the bandwagon and others at my work found out.. they started asking me about it and my plans..I shared with them my program, my plans for the date of my first Sprint, and next thing you know i have two more participants...then.. here comes another.. sooo.. within the first two weeks we now have 5 people training to do their first TRI!...(my buddy did a sprint and an oly 11 years ago, so he is the only one who can say he has done one) sooo here is born a "team".

I became the appointed "captain", and it is now my job to make sure all train and "complete". Sooo, all teams need uniforms, so....I approached someone about "sponsorship".. and.. Lo and behold.. they said sounds great!!  (insert here... way cool.. its a Beer/Beer Co...) This, of course, leads to Clothes, Colors, Logo's, and all the fun stuff... which is where I am at on the design phase and costing/finding vendors...

There will be more to come as this crazy group of beginners goes forward...Maybe we should be "Team Misfits"...

Just thought i would share, as it has been a wild first two weeks!!



If you shoot Kathy G a message she knows of an online company that makes tri kits for teams and they are reasonably priced.

2012-01-22 7:38 AM
in reply to: #1137328

Woodstock, Georgia
Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!
Mav. Thanks!
2012-01-22 7:50 AM
in reply to: #1137328

Woodstock, Georgia
Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!
Sitting at the airport. Waiting for a delayed flight made me realize I am SORE!!
Is anyone else living in a constant state of soreness?? Ha!!

2012-01-22 7:50 AM
in reply to: #1137328

Woodstock, Georgia
Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!
Sitting at the airport. Waiting for a delayed flight made me realize I am SORE!!
Is anyone else living in a constant state of soreness?? Ha!!

2012-01-22 8:48 AM
in reply to: #4004149

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Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!
Thanks for all the advice on tri suits. Definitely 2 piece and no white! One more dumb question - I saw reference to guys shaving down for tri's - why? I understand swimmers doing it, but not sure what benefit it gives when your wearing a wetsuit. I've a good idea why Billy would though.

Edited by irishod 2012-01-22 8:49 AM
2012-01-22 8:48 AM
in reply to: #1137328

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!
Monte - check out champion systems - I think it is. They have low minimums and some stock type designs making this easier. The soreness will begin to turn to tired - and then trashed - and then we take a day off. NEVER hesitate to take a day off if you need it. Missing a day of training won't hurt you.
2012-01-22 8:50 AM
in reply to: #1137328

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!
Fat2tri - schedule looks pretty good but the Oly in June might be a bit aggressive. I do think you can do it - it just might be a tough day. The volume looks okay to me.
2012-01-22 8:55 AM
in reply to: #1137328

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!
Billy got into tris to justify his shaving. There I said it. Really part of shaving is the cool factor. Part is functional. It has very little to do with the swim. More with the bike. When you crash - and you will - it's a matter of miles and time - you will create raw hamburger like meat on your legs. Hair gets stuck in the healing process. It holds germs in the way. And it inhibits good cleaning. But it is not that big a deal. I don't shave. But I might. It really makes your ripped calves look good I hear. I will have to get Sherpa Debs opinion on this one but in the mean time - ladies - weigh in here.
2012-01-22 12:43 PM
in reply to: #1137328

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Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!
Actually, contrary to popular belief, I have yet to start shaving, still considering it for this years Ironman, may make my tattoo from the first Ironman look good!!!

2012-01-22 7:09 PM
in reply to: #1137328

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!

I know we are done with this conversation but I just wanted to say that I enjoy watching those wear white tri suits as it helps keep my mind off the pain as I wonder do they not know I can see through them.  Hee Hee.  Laughing


I feel that I had an awesome day as I did 6 x 1200 at an 6:40 pace. Not only am I happy with that pace but I was able to hold that pace for all 6 runs!  And to do this 2 days after my 20 mile run.

2012-01-23 7:51 AM
in reply to: #1137328

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Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!
....Spy reporting in

I'm here, but been MIA because of some insane baking and party planning... my husband's grandparents celebrated their 65th Wedding Anniversary on Saturday, and his mom and aunt threw a brunch for them, and I volunteered to make a cake and centerpieces for the tables.... and then we had 120 people come (from original 70ish)... so between a cake, 50 cupcakes, fresh flower arrangements and centerpiece organization, then driving it all 95 miles, it was smth.. we also had a bad storm on Fri night when we drove, and it took us 5 hours to cover those 95 miles (normally 1.5 hrs)...and we ended up having to take 2 cars to carry all the stuff, me going on 4 hours of sleep, and my husband with his broken butt (went sledding a week ago and hit a curb going downhill, really bad bruise on his tailbone, can't sit at all)....nuts. But all turned out well and now I can get back to life...

So sorry to have been absent, welcome to all the new people, so good to see such lively discussions going on!!!

I'm still reading all the profiles and info, be back soon to comment. But I did see that you miss me, Billy

Here are some pics of my creations, if anyone is interested:

This is my official proof I wasn't just slacking off and not talking to you guys
2012-01-23 7:59 AM
in reply to: #1137328

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Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH! for me, I've been in hiatus for a while.... but this is ending today Starting P90X2 today, and since I haven't run in longer than I'd like to admit, will take it easy this week and just plan on getting on the dreadmill 4 times for short runs. Will do just 2 miles today. Half training officially starts in a month, but I'm easing back into it now...

hey, question.. Active Schwaggle has this deal going on: I have high regard for Total Immersion, but just wondering if that particular DVD is worth the $? Can anyone weigh in?
2012-01-23 8:42 AM
in reply to: #1137328

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Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!

Sunday turned out better for me than Saturday.  Was able to get in an 11 mile run and felt good during and after.

Monte, sounds like you and I have similar lives right now.  You are right that soccer never ends.  Spring season, summer league, fall season, indoor.  You name it, he's there.  Volleyball in the fall and spring.  Keeps us busy.  Usually I'm with my daughter for volleyball and dad is with son at soccer, but occasionally we do switch.  They both like me to do the out of town tournaments with them.  I guess they think I'm more fun to travel with.  

2012-01-23 9:33 AM
in reply to: #1137328

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Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!
Wanted to see the "creations", but it was to dang much trouble to create an account.  Get off you lazy butt and post the pictures for us!

2012-01-23 10:16 AM
in reply to: #1137328

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!
Kathy - I peek as well. There is a YouTube video of Yvonne VonVlerkken trying out a new white Tri suit in the shower to test its "see-thru-it-ness". Great video if I say so myself. *blushing*
2012-01-23 10:35 AM
in reply to: #4005665

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Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!
I'm happy to post pics, just didn't know if people minded
  • ..and i thought the link was posted as a Guest Pass... sorry it wasn't! here are the pics
  • The Cake:
  • .bottom tier is chocolate butter cake with buttercream, hazelnut mousse and cookies'n'cream filling; Top tier is golden butter cake with white and chocolate buttercream and hazelnut mousse. Cake is covered in Marshmallow fondant. Flowers are gum paste (sugar paste, all edible).

  • ..and a cool Hipstamatic shot:

  • Cupcakes (Carrot cake):

  • ..and a couple of my fresh flower arrangements:

  • ...apologies for a long post-that's why I did the link at first
    2012-01-23 12:15 PM
    in reply to: #1137328

    Extreme Veteran
    Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!
    Lena = AWESOME
    2012-01-23 12:19 PM
    in reply to: #1137328

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    Extreme Veteran
    Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group -closed - Full of a bunch of winners...YEAH!

    I am hungry for some cake and cupcakes.  


    Beautifully done!!!!!!!!!!!

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