BT Development Mentor Program Archives » QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL Rss Feed  
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2011-03-18 2:41 PM
in reply to: #3403482

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Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL

robcolling - 2011-03-18 8:47 AM Baby steps are better than no steps at all.


I was thinking the exact same thing!

Judi - good for you.  Progress is progress, right?!

2011-03-18 7:49 PM
in reply to: #3403938

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL
GLC1968 - 2011-03-18 2:41 PM

robcolling - 2011-03-18 8:47 AM Baby steps are better than no steps at all.


I was thinking the exact same thing!

Judi - good for you.  Progress is progress, right?!

Yes, it's progress....for which I am thankful.  It has just moved so slowly!  I jokingly tell them if I were going to OB appointments by now I would be anticipating the birth of the baby for as long as I have been hanging out in their office.

2011-03-18 8:48 PM
in reply to: #3404305

Subject: ...
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2011-03-19 10:50 AM
in reply to: #3261875

Fresno, CA
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL

Good Saturday morning everyone!

Back from my trip to Southern California...602 miles on my butt in three days!  I must say, the driving, the sitting, the sleeping in hotels, and the uneven food choices really got the best of me this time.  I'm thinking the switch to DST also didn't help.  By the end of the week I was totally shot and I even blew off my Friday workout.  Very uncharacteristic of me.   Feeling better today, thankfully.  Looking forward to a whole week sleeping in my own bed and getting myself back on track before I hit the road again for a couple of days.

Rob...ditto on all the run advice.

Judi...that swim sounds like a great idea--something to keep the competitive fires in you stoked, not to mention, a good opportunity to put all that swim training to work to see what you can do.

Catherine...thanks for recounting your TI experience.  I'm always keeping my fingers crossed that a TI clinic will come to a town near me as I could use the instruction.

Chris and Adam...hope the training continues to go well!

2011-03-20 9:54 AM
in reply to: #3261875

Subject: ...
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2011-03-20 10:14 AM
in reply to: #3261875

West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL

Good call on the inhaler, Rob!


I had a great long ride yesterday.....which I hope my PT doesn't give me h3ll over this week......Swimming today.

2011-03-21 7:23 PM
in reply to: #3261875

West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL

I didn't get yelled at by the PT for my ride.  So happy cause it's the identical route I did a few weeks ago that got me into trouble.  No visible or palpable evidence in my legs from the effort.

He still won't give a time line to return to running....but the thought is there....

2011-03-22 8:23 AM
in reply to: #3407731

Fresno, CA
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL
QueenZipp - 2011-03-21 5:23 PM

I didn't get yelled at by the PT for my ride.  So happy cause it's the identical route I did a few weeks ago that got me into trouble.  No visible or palpable evidence in my legs from the effort.

He still won't give a time line to return to running....but the thought is there....


That's good news Judi.  I'm thinking there is hope!

2011-03-23 12:24 AM
in reply to: #3261875

Nassau, Bahamas
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL

back from Cayman yesterday, wind was blowing 20+ knots, 3 hours on the water each day was a workout!

heres a video posted of the start, we're actually the #7 boat with the red USA numbers on the sail in the video:

starting the Snipes tomorrow, about 2 hours of actual racing each day, 2 races a day, winds are more moderate 8-12 probably.  

Haven't had much time for tri training at all actually.  Need to get back on the bike and run and swim more.  

Question - how far out are your races planned?  Do you have some optional, some you really want to do, and some you hope to do?  I need to get my schedule setup for sailing, tri, and swim to see what I can and can't do I think. 

Edited by islandflyer 2011-03-23 12:27 AM
2011-03-23 8:44 AM
in reply to: #3261875

West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL

Good question, Lee.

In the past I have pretty much mapped out my season by mid January.  Occasionally I would add events if they fit into the picture without any major rearranging of my life.  Some people find that being more flexible (and hoping the events don't fill up) works better for them. 

I think my not having a plan for the season is frustrating me to no end right now, but I don't want to plunk race registrations down and not be able to race cause of these legs.


Prioritize which races you really want to do as the A races and the ones that you think you may consider as B or C races that way you can see how much you are actually trying to get in for the season as well.

2011-03-23 10:51 PM
in reply to: #3261875

Muskego, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL

stupid computer ate my response.....

Since I'm on this island I only get one real race a season.  (too expensive to fly around doing more)  But having to plan out which IM takes a lot of time and you have to do it a year out.  Have to pick an IM and alternates just in case you don't get in.

When we're back in the U.S. next year I plan on continuing at least one IM a year and getting in some halfs and olys in there too.  But the IM has been the most fun for me so I'm going to stick with revolving around one big one a year.

2011-03-25 10:57 AM
in reply to: #3261875

West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL
It's FRIDAY!  Does anyone in this group have a race this weekend?
2011-03-25 2:48 PM
in reply to: #3261875

Nassau, Bahamas
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL

Just two races left of this regatta tomorrow!  Standing 4th out of 11 currently.  Exhausted.  Sun sailing and rum/beer/parties etc.  Starting to catch up!

2011-03-25 10:38 PM
in reply to: #3261875

Muskego, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL

Not a race but I just knocked out a 5.5 hr, 97 mile ride with 4500+ feet of climbing.  I hit the hills early and was rewarded at the 3:20 mark with a nice tail wind that stayed with me off and on the rest of the way home.  I had to push it to keep my HR up so I didn't feel like the last two hours were too easy. 

6 more working days

9 days until our trip to Vegas

35 days until IMOZ

Have a great weekend.....

2011-03-30 11:20 PM
in reply to: #3261875

Muskego, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL


Male 35-39
United States

One month to go.

2011-03-31 12:39 AM
in reply to: #3261875

Muskego, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL

I ran 100 miles this month!  Didn't even know it, don't know if its ever happened before. 

I only have 2 working days left so I'm not doing much as you can see.

You guys need to wake up and get on BT so I have someone to chat with

2011-03-31 10:56 AM
in reply to: #3422759

Fresno, CA
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL
papson14 - 2011-03-30 9:20 PM


Male 35-39
United States

One month to go.

Very cool!  I will definitely be following your race day progress.  I love living vicariously!

2011-03-31 11:19 AM
in reply to: #3423395

West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL
michwea - 2011-03-31 10:56 AM
papson14 - 2011-03-30 9:20 PM


Male 35-39
United States

One month to go.


Very cool!! Getting hyped?

Very cool!  I will definitely be following your race day progress.  I love living vicariously!

2011-03-31 11:21 AM
in reply to: #3422802

West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL
papson14 - 2011-03-31 12:39 AM

I ran 100 miles this month!  Didn't even know it, don't know if its ever happened before. 

I only have 2 working days left so I'm not doing much as you can see.

You guys need to wake up and get on BT so I have someone to chat with


Awesome!  Especially since it didn't tick off your achilles!!

2011-03-31 11:28 AM
in reply to: #3422759

Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL
papson14 - 2011-03-30 9:20 PM


Male 35-39
United States

One month to go.

Awesome!  Soooo exciting!!

2011-04-01 8:23 AM
in reply to: #3261875

West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL
We have a few people racing this weekend!  Good luck!!!!

2011-04-05 11:18 AM
in reply to: #3424995

Nassau, Bahamas
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL

I hope everyone's races went well!

My month of sailing has come to an end, now I have to get back into running and swimming.  Looks like I will have to bypass my swim I had planned this weekend, which also means I could have done the Ride for Hope in Eleuthera, Bahamas, but I guess I will miss that too.  Looking forward to a weekend off (Hopefully!).  

Next event planned for the following weekend is a duathlon, 18mile bike and 10k run, I think, need to sort out details and start training!

2011-04-06 7:26 PM
in reply to: #3261875

Nassau, Bahamas
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL
turns out that event is an 18 mile bike ride and a 5k run, separate events.  boo.
2011-04-13 10:05 AM
in reply to: #3261875

Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL

Hi all,

I hope all those that were racing did themselves proud

I feel like it has been an eternity since checking in, sorry about that. Unfortunately as race day has gotten closer, business has got crazier and a month of 50-60 hour work weeks means my training has suffered terribly, which brings me to my question for the group.

With 12 days till race day, and a terrible month of training behind me, what is the best strategy to have myself in the best place when race day comes around? I have essentially missed the 3 biggest training weeks of the program, and as Judi has pointed out previously, trying to catch up anything is pointless. It is "only" a sprint distance, but still longer than the only other one I have done which hurt a lot, so the nerves are creeping in already. 

So what to do? Is there any point trying to gain any more miles, or should I just be satisfied with whatever base I have left and go for maintainence for the next 12 days? I can see once again the bike being the worst leg as my training for it has been little to non existant with such a time shortage, yet it leads into my strongest leg of the run. Is it worth trying to build at all for the bike leg?

Also what was your most enjoyable race? ... not your best race in terms of times ... but most enjoyable race and how did you achieve it? The first race I did all those years ago I don't think I enjoyed as much as endured during the race, probably because I had no concept of pacing at the time.

Keen to hear all your thoughts, and I hope we all finish the week with a bang!


2011-04-16 12:45 PM
in reply to: #3261875

Fresno, CA
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL

Hey Adam,

So sorry your training has been derailed by work...that really bites. 

My apologies for not posting a response to your queries sooner, but I wanted to take some time to review your logs before responding.  Keep in mind, I am FAR from an expert in all this, but here are my thoughts for what they are worth:

1)  Abandon all time goals and at this point, shoot for completing the race and feeling good at the end.  Your swim and run training had been reasonably strong leading up to April...and barely at maintenance levels since.  The bike unfortunately has been non-existent. 

2)  I think if it were me, I would have two goals in the training time I had left...the first would be to maintain whatever fitness I had on the swim and on the run by ensuring I could go at least those distances comfortably.  The second would be to get some/any saddle time.  Granted, the bike leg in a sprint is very doable, but I'd want to make sure my butt, back, and shoulders could 'do the time' as comfortably as possible to help preserve whatever I might have left for the run.  I wouldn't be concerned at all about building any fitness/speed on the bike--I'd just want to focus on minimizing the hurt as best as possible.

As to your last question about my most enjoyable race and what made for it, it had to be my first half marathon.  Aside from the event being well organized, having just the right amount of race participants (about 5,000) to make it a pleasure to run, and almost perfect weather (cold at race start and maybe 55 degrees at race completion), I think the biggest factor contributing to my enjoyment was the fact that I had trained well--and I knew it.  I followed the FIRST training program religiously and was able to hit my training paces and distances 90+ percent of the time.  My work schedule didn't interfere and when it did, I was able to juggle my work outs to keep on track.  I ate well, slept well, and trained hard.  I could see/feel my run fitness improving every week.  Since it was my first HM, I had no idea what to expect...but I did feel confident that I could run it in 2:40 no sweat, and thought I could probably do it in 2:30 with a little bit of effort.  Ultimately I ran it in 2:15:17--far better than I could have hoped to run it.

Some people enjoy racing for the thrill of the competition or the excitement of being with other athletes.  I've found for me, those aspects only come into play if I go into the race feeling 100% confident that I was well prepared by my training.  In the races I've participated in since, sad to say, but I have not felt my training was optimal and each of those races was more of  grind.  I think that's why I haven't been too excited about committing to any races this season--right now my work takes all my mental and physical energy and I just don't have much left to give to a concentrated training program.  I want to go into my next race feeling good about my preparation.

Your mileage may vary, of course Wink

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