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2010-09-02 7:54 AM
in reply to: #3077486

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
nvalaitis - 2010-09-01 10:19 PM Hello everyone! Sorry for being MIA for awhile. Was in Chicago last weekend for the fiance's b-day. We had a great time! THe weather could've been any better. Low 80's, full sun, and no humidity. I forgot what that weather is like. Wish i trained in that weather. But i promised her i would devote the entire weekend to her. We did go to the Chicago Triathlon Expo on Saturday. WOW That expo was the biggest i've ever seen.  They actualy had great deals on bikes and lots of other stuff. I only bought a foam roller. Ever hear of "Trigger Point Grid" roller?  Works amazing for muscles and for stretches.

I wish i had some great news about setting a new PR or something but truth is, i haven't done much training. My right knee has been bothering me the heck out of me. I make it about a mile then it starts hurting. I thought it was the IT band, but i'm starting to think its something else. No matter what shoes i wear, Newtons/ KSwiss, i have the problem. I'm calling a specialist this week to get it checked out.

What do you the rest of you do when you are "down" for an injury?

Welcome back Nick.  Sounds like a fun time.

I had serious IT issues over the winter.  ART (and rolling with that grid roller you bought) was, and is, the key to my success.  I swore it was torn cartilage or something it hurt so much.  Seeing a specialist is probably a good idea.  If you can find someone who is really good at ART, I'd recommend that too.  At 48 and doing this endurance stuff for the first time I get tons of aches and pains, and I go to my ART guy for all kinds of issues.  I've also have sent quite a few runners and triathletes with great success.  If you're in Manchester NH I'll get you his name! 

As far as the roller goes, like I said I have that grid and it rocks.  Here's a great site for self rolling and injury detection and such.  In full disclosure, the woman from the site is my friend and sort of coach (and a pretty intense triathlete).

2010-09-02 9:37 AM
in reply to: #2772633

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Midcoast Maine
Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
I second what Warren says about ART. About 6 weeks ago, I was suffering from pain in my left shin...took a look at the sight Warren recommended, did the exercises/self-massage and haven't had a problem since. I do stretch more now before runs and try to do the self-massage when I'm just sitting around.

I don't do well injured (or tapering for that matter)...I get real antsy and frustrated that I am losing some of my hard-earned fitness. That being said - I think I could always spend more time in the pool. It is low impact, pretty gentle on your body (except for your shoulders) and a pretty decent workout...maybe look at this as a time to focus on swim! (Oh - and aqua-jogging - which while it can be excruciatingly boring is GREAT for a non-impact way of running).

I am in the midst of a weather-inforced taper (race on Sunday) - we've got heat advisories, air quality warnings, etc so serious that they have let the kidlets out of school early the last couple of no outdoor training for me. Friday, Hurricane Earl is headed our way, so (wait for it) no outdoor training for me. I'm hoping it will all be clear by Sunday so I don't have to swim in really rough conditions. The good thing is it is MAKING me taper (which, as I said, I am terrible at)...I hope everyone has a fabulous Labor Day weekend!
2010-09-02 10:42 AM
in reply to: #2772633

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
Hey All,
Welcome back Nick!

Ahh, the doldrums. I had a great ride on Tuesday, but have felt off my game the last couple of days. Must be the letdown of coming to the end of the 100 days!!! 

Nick, I highly recommend using a treadmill with a high incline to replace running. Walking up inclines of more than 12 use the same muscles as running. If you really want to make it a workout, do it with 3 or 5 lb weights in your hands and do curls the whole time.
It is a great whole body workout, works the running muscles so you don't lose out on specificity as much AND with the weights, you can really get your HR up there.

How is your knee handling the bike?

Off to Gainesville this weekend to see family. Have to find a path for a 4 hour ride!
2010-09-02 11:21 AM
in reply to: #2772633

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full

I haven't been on the bike for about a week. I think i'll get on it tonight and see how it feels.  I had his problem a few months ago and it went away so i'm hoping history repeats itself. I think i hurt myself from a TT i did 2 sunday's ago. I didn't do to much stretching and went all out. So im hoping that was the cause.

Eli. I will definitely try the treadmill workout. For now i'll stay away from the impact of running and focus on swimming.

Careful with the huricanne coming. OR you could go for a ride outside with the 100+mph winds. Talk about head wind! That would make for a hardcore training season.

2010-09-02 2:46 PM
in reply to: #3078173

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
itsallrelative_Maine - 2010-09-02 10:37 AM
I am in the midst of a weather-inforced taper (race on Sunday) - we've got heat advisories, air quality warnings, etc so serious that they have let the kidlets out of school early the last couple of no outdoor training for me. Friday, Hurricane Earl is headed our way, so (wait for it) no outdoor training for me. I'm hoping it will all be clear by Sunday so I don't have to swim in really rough conditions. The good thing is it is MAKING me taper (which, as I said, I am terrible at)...I hope everyone has a fabulous Labor Day weekend!

I ordered this weather so you'd have to taper Jennifer.  I know you're incapable on your own of letting up on the volume! 
2010-09-02 5:31 PM
in reply to: #2772633

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
Taper is good! Take the kids for walks to burn off energy.

So, I have a question for everyone.
I have spent lots of time and money this year on myself, new TT bike (figured since it was my third season, I proved to myself that tri wasn't a flash in the pan), new wheels, LOTS of training.

I am fitter and faster than just about any time in my life. And getting closer to my leanest BF%.
However, I REALLY want to lost 10 lbs before Cozumel. Every pound is free speed. 

So, how do I go about finding someone to look at my logs/workouts/eating habits to help me drop that last 10? I am pretty consistent about eating relatively healthy (ice cream and chocolate aside), and have stayed around 208 for a few months. My BF seems to be at about 15-17%.

Any thoughts on finding someone to help me with the last bit?


2010-09-02 9:11 PM
in reply to: #2772633

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
Warren, I have question about the grid. When using it on the IT band, how much pressure should I be putting on it? Should it hurt? Like a good hurt though. Like you can feel it in the IT band. I've accepted the fact that I can't run for a bit. So for now I'll be swimming and biking like a mad man. Eli, I've look over your training logs. All I can suggest is that you're bad a$$
2010-09-03 8:05 AM
in reply to: #3079788

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
nvalaitis - 2010-09-02 10:11 PM Warren, I have question about the grid. When using it on the IT band, how much pressure should I be putting on it? Should it hurt? Like a good hurt though. Like you can feel it in the IT band. I've accepted the fact that I can't run for a bit. So for now I'll be swimming and biking like a mad man. Eli, I've look over your training logs. All I can suggest is that you're bad a$$

Unless you're newly injured, Leigh always says use pressure until you feel some pain.  Not overwhelming, holy crap pain, but discomfort.  In fact, the discomfort areas are what you're looking to find and concentrate on while rolling.  Once I find a spot on my IT which really hurts, I'll hang out there, just rolling a few inches back and forth, for a minute or two.  If I get a real specific spot, I may even switch to a tennis ball.  Check that site out, it's a little hard to find the IT specific pages, but either search on the site or go to the bottom and page through the various parts.  There's actually a full description on IT syndrome, separate from the body parts page where each are of the body can be highlighted.

Eli, I'll check your logs too.  In another life I advise some bodybuilder and football types with nutrition.  Different requirements for sure, but the body is the body.  Ice cream is also my downfall - I've just decided I like ice cream more than faster times so I'm stuck in the 177-180 spot at about 15% BF.  I'm sure if I did nothing more than drop ice cream, I'd go to 165-170, but it's not worth it to me right now.  And I agree with Nick on your training, in fact you're both crazies!

Edited by wbayek 2010-09-03 8:16 AM
2010-09-03 1:54 PM
in reply to: #2772633

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
Warren, thanks, please take a look at the logs. My goals are probably most similar to a bodybuilder-I want to lose body fat and spare as much muscle as possible.

I am willing to limit my intake of almost anything, but won't totally give up my treats. At my size and training volume, I should have some leeway, right?

Nick, I have had occasional knee pain from time to time. I usually use it as an excuse to rest and roll. That should help you a ton. Is the pain specific to running, or also when you do other things or during the day?
I have had MANY knee problems since I was teenager, but have been lucky the last few years to avoid anything serious.
Rest and rehab is key.  
2010-09-03 2:16 PM
in reply to: #3080993

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
Eli, I only have the problem when I run. The pain is on the outside of my right knee. Sit in a chair and bend your knee/leg to its a 90 degree angle. On the outside, right before the tibia bone goes down the leg it where it hurts. Only when running though. Its almost as if he nerve/tissue is being pinched between the femur and tibia. Im going swimming tonight and biking this weekend to try and loosen it up.  I can't take not running. So i''ll just use the elipticle for now.

Anyone racing this weekend?
2010-09-05 1:41 PM
in reply to: #3081051

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Midcoast Maine
Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
nvalaitis - 2010-09-03 3:16 AM

Anyone racing this weekend?

I am (did)...finished my first Oly. Estimated time to finish - around 4 hours. Pie in the sky finish - around 3 hours...made it in at 3:09...pretty psyched...but BOY am I tired. Even the bottom of my feet hurt. Taking it easy for the rest of today and taking tomorrow off (will wonders never cease?)...starting back at it on Tuesday.

Nick - it sounds a whole lot like ITB issues (to me - the wholly untrained person)...the roller and good stretches (along with the self-administered ART from Warren's friends web site) should help.

Have a great weekend all!

2010-09-05 8:01 PM
in reply to: #2772633

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
Jennifer, That is awesome! Congrats on the finish and blowing your time away! Treat yourself this weekend. Whether it be beer, sweets, or even a massage. Whats next? HIM? IM? :-)

Well, good new update on the pain. I biked 30 yesterday. Did my usual Sunday training with the group and no pain. I even ran a bit today. Only 1/2 mile but no pain. I have been stretching ALOT and doing some strenth training with the legs a glutes which i think have been helping. I did get a little "burning sensation" in the same area when stretchingm but it quickly went away. I also went back to taking my glucosamine chondroitin which has helped in the pain. I think with a little bit more streching and slowing ramping up the volume of training, i will be back up to full speed.
2010-09-06 8:53 AM
in reply to: #3082940

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
Awesome race Jennifer.  You certainly did the work so now it's time to reap.  Good luck on your next one and now you know what it's all about.  That's a good sign that even the bottoms of your feet hurt - sounds like you nailed the effort part.

Great news on the injury front Nick.  That's a good strategy to build back slowly, and don't forget to stay on top of the stretching and rolling massaging even when it doesn't hurt.  Preventative measures go a long way.

I'm planning to get back after it today with a short bike with a few very short intervals - it's the final week until first HIM so that's all on the plate.  I've had 4 of the last 5 days totally off, so I feel like a slug but I'm still dog tired.  I hope this bronchitis eases up, but I just plan to sleep as much as possible until Sunday and let it all hang out.
2010-09-06 7:36 PM
in reply to: #2772633

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Midcoast Maine
Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
Race report is here. A little dissapointed in my placing - but realistically - I couldn't have completed one of these events a year and half ago - so I've got that going for me.

Hope everyone had a great weekend. Two more weeks until my next race. Riding my bike tomorrow morning after a quick swim in the ocean today (it was C.O.L.D.).

2010-09-08 7:31 PM
in reply to: #2772633

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
Where is everyone?? Hopefully training.. How has everyone's week been?

Injury Update: There is none!!! I ran 2 last night and 4 tonight and no pain. I can feel that it is a little week from not using it. But i'm doing some strenth training to get it back up to normal. Betwen the TP Roller and taking my glucosamine again, I think that did it. I am extreamely happy. I also switched shoes. I did have the Kona's, but took them back due to way to much room in the front toe area. I got the New blade-light run. Its VERY light and geat to run in.

2010-09-09 8:41 AM
in reply to: #3088216

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
nvalaitis - 2010-09-08 8:31 PM Where is everyone?? Hopefully training.. How has everyone's week been?

Injury Update: There is none!!! I ran 2 last night and 4 tonight and no pain. I can feel that it is a little week from not using it. But i'm doing some strenth training to get it back up to normal. Betwen the TP Roller and taking my glucosamine again, I think that did it. I am extreamely happy. I also switched shoes. I did have the Kona's, but took them back due to way to much room in the front toe area. I got the New blade-light run. Its VERY light and geat to run in.

Great news on the injury Nick.  Having the right shows for your body/style is critical.

I've just been tapering and trying to sleep and get rid of some of the effects of this bronchitis.  I'm feeling about the same, maybe a little more rested.  The swim still scares me since I cough violently when I breath in fast or hard - exactly what you do while swimming.  I'm going for a swim today to try out some ideas I have, so we'll see how that goes.  I'm thinking the pace for the swim may be a bit slower than I planned, and we'll see how the bike and run go.  At this point I'm not expecting to be very affected on the bike, so I'm planning to go with my original bike effort plan.

2010-09-10 6:07 AM
in reply to: #2772633

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Midcoast Maine
Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
Nick - glad to hear you are recovering well.

Warren - you will do GREAT! You have trained long and hard for this race, improved your bike pace dramatically and already have a solid run pace - hang out in the sweet spot for the swim and BRING IT HOME!

2010-09-10 12:51 PM
in reply to: #2772633

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
Nick, too funny about the shoes. I returned my Blade Lights and got a pair of the Kona's. First run today (If I get my to the gym).
Warren, hope all goes well with the swim. Sucks to come down with something so close to a big race. I am sure you will do fine.

So, I took a day off, a WHOLE day! No training, and not for medical reasons. I feel like a slug. Actually, had a minor work crisis and am just about to go to the gym to work out my issues on the treadmill and the pool.

Looking forward to a great weekend of nothing specific.

Saw a little bit of IM Lake Placid on the TV while getting my contacts at the dr. Whooo Hoo, mass swim starts look crazy! 
2010-09-11 3:58 PM
in reply to: #2772633

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Syracuse, NY
Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
Warren good luck tomorrow.  My allergies cause me to cough a lot during my swim and sometimes my runs so I know how you feel.  You'll work it out I am sure and will have a great race.  Holy Cow you have trained like a mad man!!  Knock it out of the park!!!
2010-09-13 12:11 PM
in reply to: #3092872

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
Thanks all.  It was awesome meeting Jennifer in person, we got to talk briefly before the race and she met my eccentric 13 year old!  She was doing a great job guiding the bikers through one of the last tough turns.

I had a fun race, and finished in 5:53:33, so I was pleased with result as 5:55 was my goal.  I had a great swim and an smart, energy saving bike.  The run was tough for me, but I struggled in.  Work is nuts today so I haven't done the RR yet, but I'll get to it.  Weather was nearly perfect - very cool and some light rain.
2010-09-13 3:42 PM
in reply to: #2772633

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
Race report is here.

Edited by wbayek 2010-09-14 9:48 AM

2010-09-14 3:37 PM
in reply to: #2772633

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Midcoast Maine
Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full

For the rest of the mentor group - I was volunteering on the bike route for this race. I was at a particularly bad turn (about 6 miles out from the start and finish)...when the riders went out, I didn't see Warren and was so worried that the swim didn't work out, so when I saw him on the way back into the site easily in the top 1/3 of the field, flying and looking so strong I was REALLY excited.

It's a great course and extremely well run event. So good in fact I'm signing up for next year!

COngratulations Warren - you trained well and finished well. Now to figure out that nutrition thing.

I'm out of pocket all week (traveling with extremely limited internet access) - so enjoy all! 
2010-09-14 4:12 PM
in reply to: #2772633

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
Way to go Warren! Nice finish!
So glad you all got to meet each other. 
2010-09-17 3:23 PM
in reply to: #2772633

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
Hey All, is is going?
So funny that so many people's seasons are ending and mine is really just getting started. 17 days till the halfmax and just 2 months till IM Cozumel.!!!

Nick, how is the leg? 
2010-09-17 5:49 PM
in reply to: #2772633

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
All eyes are on you now Eli!  Our tri season does end about now up here.  There's a sprint with a pool swim in three weeks I may try out if the weekend lends itself to that, but I'm not really training for it or expecting to do it.

I'm just resting from the half and enjoying my clan this week.  I feel great, maybe better than I have all summer!  I'm planning a few 5ks this fall, so I'll be primarily running and getting back to kettlebells and some other strength training.  Sometime after the New Year I'll start hammering the bike again and getting back into tri shape.
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