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2010-05-26 1:14 PM
in reply to: #2463034

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Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
Thank you and I'll accept the kudos, but it's not ALL about the numbers, its about the will to bring it and it's clear to me that everyone on this thread it doing just that.  I love reading about everyone's experiences.  Very inspirational.

2010-05-27 8:13 AM
in reply to: #2463034

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Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
First race of the season done....Doc n Sok sprint in Watchung NJ.  Overall I had fun and it was good to get racing after training since end of January.  Swim was good (for me), legs felt heavy on bike due to long run prior to race, and stomach cramp on run shot my plans for a good split there.

Transitions were great, tried out new gear, too ... and finished the run strong after cramp went away.  Whole family attended to cheer me on which is always a huge boost.

Introduced a buddy to tri's and I think he plans on more

This is a local race which is great since I am familiar with the venue, and my real objective was to tuneup for HIM race on June 6th.  Mission accomplished.

Train safe!

Edited by MillMan221 2010-05-27 8:14 AM
2010-05-27 9:10 AM
in reply to: #2463034

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Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
Read your race report.  Nice work!  It sounds like even though it was a sprint, it was still a fairly challenging course.  It's too bad you had cramps on the run, but it looks like a pretty solid race.  Not to mention you were a gentlemen helping the lady with her wetsuit zipper issue.
Good show!  Good stuff.
2010-05-27 9:30 AM
in reply to: #2885367

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Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread

MillMan221 - 2010-05-27 9:13 AM First race of the season done....Doc n Sok sprint in Watchung NJ.  Overall I had fun and it was good to get racing after training since end of January.  Swim was good (for me), legs felt heavy on bike due to long run prior to race, and stomach cramp on run shot my plans for a good split there.

Transitions were great, tried out new gear, too ... and finished the run strong after cramp went away.  Whole family attended to cheer me on which is always a huge boost.

Introduced a buddy to tri's and I think he plans on more

This is a local race which is great since I am familiar with the venue, and my real objective was to tuneup for HIM race on June 6th.  Mission accomplished.

Train safe!

Nice report John and congrats on your first race of the season. Well done for toughing it out, that run cannot have been much fun at the end.  Nothing like having your loved ones at the end to welcome you home. Great that you were able to persuade a buddy to come along and give the sport a go as well. Hope they had fun too. Good work!



2010-05-27 10:35 AM
in reply to: #2463034

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Guilford, CT
Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
Good work John!

I've got the itch!  I need to go register for a race.  Waiting to see how I recover from my mary this weekend but something is coming soon, I can feel it!  I might do RI 70.3 since it's close.  Not sure if I should do that or a couple of shorter ones instead.
2010-05-27 11:18 AM
in reply to: #2463034

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New Jersey
Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
Nice race john. Congrats on it.

(although, not sure if helping a woman unzip is necessarily out of being a gentleman! )

2010-05-27 2:53 PM
in reply to: #2885864

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Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
acumenjay - 2010-05-27 11:35 AM Good work John!

I've got the itch!  I need to go register for a race.  Waiting to see how I recover from my mary this weekend but something is coming soon, I can feel it!  I might do RI 70.3 since it's close.  Not sure if I should do that or a couple of shorter ones instead.

If you do RI .... you can register for IMLP 2011 after the race.  ::jealous:::
2010-05-28 3:27 PM
in reply to: #2885367

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Extreme Veteran
Watertown, MA
Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread

Sounds like an all-around great race, John.  Running through a cramp, aiding a woman in distress, speed galore on what sounds like a tough course---great job!

For those of us in the northeast this long weekend is pretty much what triathlete's dream of, I cannot WAIT to get up to NH and get some big-time miles in this weekend.  Not sure if Winnipesaukee is swimmable but me and my wetsuit are gonna give it a go. 

MRI results came back...nothing to report, no tear, nothing.  I guess that's a good thing--no surgery is ALWAYS a good thing--but now I'm back to square one, with very little idea what is causing my right leg pain. I did a real short, easy 2-miler last night and while there was no pain I think it was a matter of 17 minutes not being long enough for the pain to start up, there was definitely something 'off'.  I'm setting up an appointment for some PT, hopefully they might have some fancy stretches/strengthening exercises that do the trick. 

The one positive: I've been killing the bike lately.  I haven't actually tested my FTP since getting the power meter but by simple observation (something like 'I rode this same route 4mph faster this year compared to last'; or 'that hill killed me last year, now I'm doing intervals at 14mph up it') I'd say the 100+ miles/week are getting the job done. 

Hope everyone enjoys what is sure to be a beautiful long weekend!

2010-06-01 4:13 PM
in reply to: #2463034

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Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
I haven't posted here for awhile, but I have been lurking and keeping myself up to date on what you all have been up to.  Just thought I would post my totals for last month: Increases in the  bike and swim volume, but slight decrease in run volume.  That should take care of itself this month. Looking ahead, it appears that my plan kicks the run training into high volume in the next few weeks.  Hope everybody is doing well with their training as well and staying healthy!

May's totals:
Bike:20h 17m 50s  - 374.44 Mi
Run:7h 55m 38s  - 63.22 Mi
Swim:7h 06m 38s  - 18400 Yd
Strength:2h 40m

p.s. I have made plans to make two trips up to NH prior to race weekend to ride and run the course. I will be there July 24th and August 7th if anybody is interested in joining me.
2010-06-02 2:24 PM
in reply to: #2895062

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Extreme Veteran
Watertown, MA
Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
Hi Mike,

Big numbers there, good work!  I'm doing about what you are training-wise except I have more biking and less running (because of the injury).  Hopefully PT will allow me to start running again.

I've mentioned it a few times but I'm going to be in Laconia every free weekend I of now those two are both free.  We'll have to meet up for some training, at that stage in the training I'd like to get some long brick sessions in, would love to have someone (or multiple someone's) slogging along with me for those 4+ hour sessions. 
2010-06-02 2:38 PM
in reply to: #2463034

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Extreme Veteran
Watertown, MA
Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
Also: was in NH this long weekend but didn't get a preview of the course.  I got some OWS'ing in, the lake is real comfortable with a wetsuit right now.  But unfortunately with family stuff (golfing, party, barbeques, sailing, etc) I couldn't really break away for 3+ hours for a full ride.  I'll be up again in a few weekends and will hopefully get a full preview then. 

2010-06-02 2:56 PM
in reply to: #2463034

Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
Hi all--

Beginner HIM question--How does the bottle exchange on the bike work? Does someone hand you a bottle and then you stop to fill up your water bottle? Hope training is going well for you all. Right now, I just take two water bottles on my bike rides, but I haven't been riding all that long. June starts my longer bike rides. thanks!!
2010-06-02 3:33 PM
in reply to: #2897201

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White Plains NY
Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
dsmallacomb - 2010-06-02 3:56 PM Hi all-- Beginner HIM question--How does the bottle exchange on the bike work? Does someone hand you a bottle and then you stop to fill up your water bottle? Hope training is going well for you all. Right now, I just take two water bottles on my bike rides, but I haven't been riding all that long. June starts my longer bike rides. thanks!!

Exactly. There will be volunteers holding out the gatorade and water sports bottles, where you can tear off the top with your teeth. You can either throw your bottles first, then place the new bottles in your cages or you can stop and refill. There is a garbage area right after the bottle pickup to discard the new or old bottles as well.
2010-06-02 3:41 PM
in reply to: #2463034

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White Plains NY
Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
Im heading up to do Mooseman 70.3 this weekend. The race director (the same as Timberman) mentioned that Newfound Lake is already up to 65-66 degrees, which is 8 degrees warmer than the past two years. Newfound is a MUCH deeper and colder lake than Winnipesaukee. At this rate, Winnipesaukee is gonna be REALLY warm by August unless the region gets some rain this summer. In fact, the other two bodies of water that I have swam in this season are also much warmer than this time last year. Swim skins for Timberman, anyone?
2010-06-02 9:12 PM
in reply to: #2897320

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Extreme Veteran
Watertown, MA
Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
wstchstrTriathlete - 2010-06-02 3:41 PM
Swim skins for Timberman, anyone?

Yeah, you got that right.  Last year I remember there was some question about the temp during the sprint, some were saying we might have to go without wetsuits; I think we were only 2-3 degrees below the cutoff last year; at this rate it won't even be close by August. 

Oh well...I guess more swimming is in order?   
2010-06-03 8:54 AM
in reply to: #2463034

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New Jersey
Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
generally, you'll get a sports bottle of gatorade hopefully with the seal already pulled off. I've been in races where they didn't do that and you had to unscrew the top, pull off the seal, and screw the top back on. Stupid. but then you just throw away your previous bottle and keep the new one.

You cna just slow down, toss your bottle, and the volunteers will hand you a new one. If you use an aerobottles , then you'd probably need to stop and refill it.

2010-06-03 8:57 AM
in reply to: #2463034

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New Jersey
Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
60's for Newfound lake already??? I did Mooseman a couple years ago and the water was so freaking cold!!! My feet froze just standing in the water waiting for the start.
2010-06-03 10:39 AM
in reply to: #2897963

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Guilford, CT
Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
Brownie28 - 2010-06-02 9:12 PM
wstchstrTriathlete - 2010-06-02 3:41 PM
Swim skins for Timberman, anyone?

Yeah, you got that right.  Last year I remember there was some question about the temp during the sprint, some were saying we might have to go without wetsuits; I think we were only 2-3 degrees below the cutoff last year; at this rate it won't even be close by August. 

Oh well...I guess more swimming is in order?   

I remember that'll have to be really warm I think for them to take away wetsuits at that race.  You can measure the water temp in alot of different places in the lake...if you catch my drift.  Hopefully not just wishful thinking!  I remember checking this site religiously the last couple weeks heading in for the water temp:>
On the water bottles...yes, you don't really need to stop (pending on congestion at the time).  Just like a water stop on the run but the bottles fit nicely in standard cages.

I went out with one last year on the bike though thinking I'd just pick more up and it wasn't enough on the hot day...not doing that this year!

Edited by acumenjay 2010-06-03 10:41 AM
2010-06-06 11:13 AM
in reply to: #2463034

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Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
Got some big bike volume up here during a rainy weekend in Portland.  96 miles between both days.  I was able to get out between storms yesterday, but wasn't so lucky this morning.  Looks like the worst of the weather today is still yet to come though.  Hope everybody else was able to get out and have fun this weekend.
2010-06-06 8:43 PM
in reply to: #2463034

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Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
MikeJ- Good work!

Hey, didn't somebody...or a few somebodies do Quassy this weekend? How did it go?

My wife did the Sunburst Marathon in South Bend, IN.  Pretty cool event with the finish inside the football stadium at N.D.  It was HUMID...90%.  It was thick and uncomfortable for the kids and I just watching and providing cowbell support.  She didn't get her goal time, but she was happy with the outcome nevertheless.

Did a BRICK of 40+ mi cycling (ave 21 mph) and 8 mi running (ave 7:00 min/mi) today.  Happy with that fo-show.

Sprint triathlon coming up on Saturday...which will help me celebrate the end of school.  I think I'll be happier than my third graders.

2010-06-07 5:17 AM
in reply to: #2463034

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Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
Hey all, I'm back from the lovely rolling hills of CT and the Quassy HIM.  Whew!  I'll post a RR/photos later -- happy to say I collected my Finisher's Shirt and Medal yesterday in just over 7 hrs.  Yea, slow.

Although it took longer then planned, I'm pleased that I had a good strategy for each segment and I executed each very well. 

The course was brutally hilly - I knew the bike was going to be a lot of climbing, but the run was sadistic. 

I met Crowie and Mirinda in the hotel the day before and wished each well.  Both ended up winning, how cool is that?

I finished strong, and had a BLAST joking with the other runners and the great aid station volunteers.  I think I remembered to smile at the finish   I was prepared to endure more pain, but felt good at the end, and not too bad this morning.

What a well-organized & supported event.  Hats off to RD Eric and Heather and Todd Gollnick.  First class all the way...

2010-06-07 5:45 AM
in reply to: #2904387

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
Congrats!  Sounds like a tough course, way to push through and run through the finish with a smile!

That is so cool you met Crowie and Miranda!  I am a big fan of both, so I am jealous!

Looking forward to the RR!


2010-06-07 11:36 AM
in reply to: #2904387

Extreme Veteran
Morris County, NJ
Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread

MillMan221 - 2010-06-07 6:17 AM Hey all, I'm back from the lovely rolling hills of CT and the Quassy HIM.  Whew!  I'll post a RR/photos later -- happy to say I collected my Finisher's Shirt and Medal yesterday in just over 7 hrs.  Yea, slow.

Although it took longer then planned, I'm pleased that I had a good strategy for each segment and I executed each very well. 

The course was brutally hilly - I knew the bike was going to be a lot of climbing, but the run was sadistic. 

I met Crowie and Mirinda in the hotel the day before and wished each well.  Both ended up winning, how cool is that?

I finished strong, and had a BLAST joking with the other runners and the great aid station volunteers.  I think I remembered to smile at the finish   I was prepared to endure more pain, but felt good at the end, and not too bad this morning.

What a well-organized & supported event.  Hats off to RD Eric and Heather and Todd Gollnick.  First class all the way...

Great job John--can't wait to read the race report!

2010-06-07 12:47 PM
in reply to: #2904387

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Extreme Veteran
Watertown, MA
Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
John, congrats on the race!  First HIM?  Either way, great job.  I had a few friends do this race (I was supposed to as well but bowed out with the leg issue) and they said it was real, real tough.  One of them, who's done a bunch of different IM's around the country, said it was the toughest he's done, as tough or tougher than Wildflower (which is saying something). 

That's so cool about meeting Crowie and Carfrae, they're absolutely amazing.  I watched the live on-line broadcast and seeing the two of them just annihilate what was a brutal run was a thing of beauty.  I'm not sure Crowie broke a sweat the whole race, he's a machine!

Anyway, congrats on the race, looking forward to the report.

Edited by Brownie28 2010-06-07 12:48 PM
2010-06-07 12:57 PM
in reply to: #2463034

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Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
Congrat's John sounds like a tough race, well done look forward to reading the report!

Sounds like everyone's training is coming along nicely, good job all round.  Did my first 1.2 mile swim at Navesink last weekend, it was a lot of fun and I now know I can do that distance which was the main reason for doing the race. This past weekend was the first real heat/humidity to hit NYC and it was a different ball game to train in. I did 45 at on the bike with my club at a decent click on Saturday and a ~6 mile urn on Sunday that hurt a lot, it very windy hot and humid. Got me thinking about running 13 in the heat in NH. I'm thinking some of Sam's 40 bike + 8 run bricks are in my very near future, just not as fast! 
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