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2010-02-26 9:51 PM
in reply to: #2692336

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
Silver Bullet - 2010-02-25 7:47 AM Involuntary rest day today. Annoying, since I just made some real progress swimming. And because swimming makes me happy.

Dineen -- It's OK! And believe me, I wanna throttle my friend's husband too. Been wanting to for several years now. Sadly, she'd probably just dump me as a friend and then go hold his hand in the hospital for days. (For people wondering wth we're talking about, here's the post -- but I'm warning you, it IS depressing.)

Art -- I approve of your wife's name. Good choice.
I'm actually kind of annoyed at having to buy new shoes... I like the shoes I have now just fine! Also a little worried that my go-to brands won't fit anymore :/ 

Hope everyone has a good day today! We in the northeastern U.S. are battening down the hatches for another possible Snowpocalypse...

yep, you are right - depressing

i do know this - strong people come out swinging even stronger after they've been held down - your friend may not realize it now, and maybe not even tomorrow, but if she's done even one tri - she'll realize it eventually

and omg

yes i'm part of theSnowpocalypse.... (great word!)

2010-02-26 9:52 PM
in reply to: #2696344

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
ladylucky - 2010-02-26 8:27 PM I'm proud of myself for finishing week 2 of 13 (almost finished anyway, tomorrows bike ride will be last thing this week).
I'm back in the routine of going to the gym even when I don't feel like it. Because once you get there it's not to bad, it can actually feel really good.

I swam 1100 m today in 30 min.

awesome job!   you should feel very proud of yourself!

2010-02-27 8:44 AM
in reply to: #2559122

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Extreme Veteran
Eastern Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
Bad news - It's been snowing here off and on for 3 days now.
Good news - Temps are just high enough here that it isn't sticking on the roads.

I'm going outside for a run.
2010-02-27 8:51 AM
in reply to: #2696527

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Extreme Veteran
Eastern Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
tinkerbeth - 2010-02-26 10:52 PM
ladylucky - 2010-02-26 8:27 PM I'm proud of myself for finishing week 2 of 13 (almost finished anyway, tomorrows bike ride will be last thing this week).
I'm back in the routine of going to the gym even when I don't feel like it. Because once you get there it's not to bad, it can actually feel really good.

I swam 1100 m today in 30 min.

awesome job!   you should feel very proud of yourself!

Mia - x2  Getting out the door is always the hardest thing for me.  Keep up the good work!

2010-02-27 12:38 PM
in reply to: #2559122

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
Rebecca--congrats on the fitness! How awesome. You deserve a beautiful new suit ... as for shoes, if I actually find any I like, I buy as many pairs as I can afford. They change the stupid styles every year and I get stuck for decent shoes that fit.

Mia--super fitness progress, and 1100 in 30? That's great!!!!

Art--I can't believe you run in the snow. Now THAT is HTFU. The picture was gorgeous, btw.

Dina--how'd the 5K go? Waiting with baited breath!!! (Manatee breath?)
2010-02-27 1:11 PM
in reply to: #2696998

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Extreme Veteran
Wesley Chapel, Florida
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
Dina--how'd the 5K go? Waiting with baited breath!!! (Manatee breath?)

It went GREAT!  Conditions weren't the greatest -- cold and rainy -- but I managed to run a full 2 min/mi faster than my training runs have been -- under 13 minute miles, kicked it at the end, and finished in 40:07 (chip time; my Garmin said 40:10).  Even if you added to two minutes it took me to get to the starting line, it's still a PR by far.  Laughing  So I am thrilled beyond belief.  Will try to get some pictures posted a little later. 

Thanks for the support, Manatees!  At the expo yesterday, I signed up for that 15K in April...and I am signed up now for the May tri.  I can't believe I am really doing this.

Edited to add some pix:
My cheering section before the race:

My cheering section

This was at around the .4 mile point, very early on (in white windbreaker)
In there somewhere...

At the end:
Me at the end

Edited by dinabean 2010-02-27 2:51 PM

2010-02-28 1:50 AM
in reply to: #2559122

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New Zealand
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed

Cool pictures Dineen, well done!

Finding it hard to imagine all that snow, we're baking over here, although we did get the tsunamis today, so no going down to the beach to cool down.

I'm struggling a bit with post tri motivation... I know now I'm back in practice I'm not going to have much time to train (I have 1 hour lunch breaks).  Mornings/evenings and generally weekends involve having 3 children about.. any suggestions?  I was wondering about concentrating just on running during the off season, maybe doing a half-marathon or something similar, but am keen to hear what people think.
I thought even if I get a couple of short runs during lunch during the week and maybe hire a babysitter during the weekend and do one longer run... Just thinking/typing out loud really...
I now officially LOVE running, and it keeps me sane.   Actually I love tri training, but I'm just trying to be realistic
Any wisdom from the manatees?

kia kaha

2010-02-28 4:54 PM
in reply to: #2559122

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
Hi Manatees - I have to share my run today - I can't believe how fabulous it was -

from my blog - i'm lazy efficient like that

OMG!!! OMG!!! OMG!!! OMG!!!

where in the heck did that come from????  i had to triple check my watch to see if that was right - 4.6 miles in under 50 minutes - i would have been thrilled wtih 50 min - it's a hilly, hilly park - i still won't believe it until i check the website tonight after the times are posted

i ran the first 10 minutes and then did a walk interval - to be honest i really wasn't feeling it this morning, and the start of this course is all uphill :/  - so i decided to ease into it so i'd have something left for the finish and hoped to come in at an 11 min pace

OMG!!! OMG!!! OMG!!! OMG!!!

the race was a staggered start, so the slowest people went first, as we signed in they gave us a start time based on each person's pace - as usual it was incredibly well organized.  i'm just so impressed with the whole operation

i was 3rd to start and i finished 25th i think - i ran for 30 min before being passed, so i was quite pleased with that - it honestly didn't really matter to me, but it was still nice to not be passed right away

i'm beginning to believe that i might just have a sub 30 min 5k in me

Edited by tinkerbeth 2010-02-28 4:55 PM
2010-02-28 6:17 PM
in reply to: #2559122

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
Awesome job Dineen and Beth!!
2010-02-28 6:30 PM
in reply to: #2698414

Iron Donkey
, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed

tinkerbeth - 2010-02-28 4:54 PM Hi Manatees - I have to share my run today - I can't believe how fabulous it was -

from my blog - i'm lazy efficient like that

OMG!!! OMG!!! OMG!!! OMG!!!

where in the heck did that come from????  i had to triple check my watch to see if that was right - 4.6 miles in under 50 minutes - i would have been thrilled wtih 50 min - it's a hilly, hilly park - i still won't believe it until i check the website tonight after the times are posted

i ran the first 10 minutes and then did a walk interval - to be honest i really wasn't feeling it this morning, and the start of this course is all uphill :/  - so i decided to ease into it so i'd have something left for the finish and hoped to come in at an 11 min pace

OMG!!! OMG!!! OMG!!! OMG!!!

the race was a staggered start, so the slowest people went first, as we signed in they gave us a start time based on each person's pace - as usual it was incredibly well organized.  i'm just so impressed with the whole operation

i was 3rd to start and i finished 25th i think - i ran for 30 min before being passed, so i was quite pleased with that - it honestly didn't really matter to me, but it was still nice to not be passed right away

i'm beginning to believe that i might just have a sub 30 min 5k in me


WAYTAGO, TINKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2010-02-28 6:43 PM
in reply to: #2559122

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Extreme Veteran
Eastern Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed

Hi everybody!

Dineen - CONGRATULATIONS!  Running 2 minutes/mile faster than your training runs, in crappy weather, on a crowded course is awesome!  What a great example for your kids.  Great pics btw.

Melyssa - It's pretty common to struggle with motivation after a race.  IMO the best thing you can do is decide on another goal.  For some people that means improving their time, others go to another distance, improvement in one sport is another option.  That's the beauty of tri's lots of options!

Beth - WHOO HOOO!  Lady you're getting fast!  I remember when swimming was your strength. Funny how sometimes when you're "really not feeling it" you get surprised by the outcome.  I'm so happy for you!

Back to the olympics......


2010-02-28 8:51 PM
in reply to: #2698577

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed

reid15 - 2010-02-28 4:43 PM

Hi everybody!

Dineen - CONGRATULATIONS!  Running 2 minutes/mile faster than your training runs, in crappy weather, on a crowded course is awesome!  What a great example for your kids.  Great pics btw.

Melyssa - It's pretty common to struggle with motivation after a race.  IMO the best thing you can do is decide on another goal.  For some people that means improving their time, others go to another distance, improvement in one sport is another option.  That's the beauty of tri's lots of options!

Beth - WHOO HOOO!  Lady you're getting fast!  I remember when swimming was your strength. Funny how sometimes when you're "really not feeling it" you get surprised by the outcome.  I'm so happy for you!

Back to the olympics......


Times 2 on everything Art said. He speaketh the truth! And, the photos with your kids are the best, Dineen.

Isn't it nice to feel a sense of accomplishment? So cool.


I had a rather long 4-hour bike ride and a 30 minute brick run today. It was freakin' HARD! I asked my coach if it was supposed to be hard. Thankfully, the answer was yes. She said we'll just have to make sure I get good recovery the next few days. I love her! :-0

I've got an olympic tri next Sunday and then the 70.3 is only 4 weeks away! Good news, the run won't be partially on the sand.

Have a nice Sunday evening everyone.

2010-03-01 8:20 AM
in reply to: #2559122

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Hendersonville, NC
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
Wow, great job Dineen and Beth! I'm looking forward to my 5K in 3 weeks now, March 20. It's going to be a trail run and I have newer run a trail before. So hopefully good for my legs with the softer ground.

I have some bad new too. My sisters little kitten just died yesterday. He was almost 7 months old and he got FIP and there was nothing they could do for him. I'm so sad for her loss.
2010-03-01 1:04 PM
in reply to: #2559122

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Extreme Veteran
Wesley Chapel, Florida
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
Thanks All!  Setting a good example for my kids -- that's so much of why I am doing this.  I do need to be careful, though, in that my older sensitive one is getting a little worried about weight, which is so NOT the message I want to be sending.   I can't believe a six year old could even worry about such things, but given what he hears from my husband and I lately -- in  particular, us weighing ourselves almost daily and celebrating, as we've both lost over 15 pounds and counting -- I guess I shouldn't be all that surprised. I keep trying to talk to him about being healthy, healthy, healthy, and how Mommy and Daddy are trying to fix mistakes caused by prior bad habits, whereas we are helping him build good habits from the start. 

This weekend was a much-need bolster of my confidence in the running department.  I was getting so frustrated that I am so slow, but I know now I can push harder than I do in training and make even further strides.  The main purpose of this 15K in APril is to get my building endurance, which will hopefully in turn, improve my running speed.  Woo hoo!

Beth, that is AWESOME.  Gives me hope that I will get even faster, too.  Congrats! 

Lynne, what is the date of your practice sprint?   You really seem do be doing a great job fitting all that training in.  You'll be ready.

Mia, so sorry for your sister.  That's just terrible!

Edited by dinabean 2010-03-01 1:05 PM
2010-03-01 6:41 PM
in reply to: #2559122

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Extreme Veteran
Eastern Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
Hi everybody!

Lots going on, it looks like racing season is upon us.

Lynn - 4 hours on a bike?  Just thinking about that makes my butt hurt.  Good luck on your oly!

Mia - I've never done a trail run.  I think I'd have to buy another pair of shoes.

Dineen - I wouldn't worry about your speed, it will come.  Doctors' offices are full of people who got injured because they ran too fast, too soon.  "Fast" depends on your perspective anyway.  Someone here on BT has a sig line "In my mind, I'm a Kenyan".  I love that.


Edited by reid15 2010-03-01 6:44 PM
2010-03-01 7:50 PM
in reply to: #2559122

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New user
Hendersonville, NC
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
Today I did my first attempt on crawl and I think I did pretty good. I got really winded and I feel like I have no oxygen left after three strokes.
I'll need a lot of practice and I'll start reading the TI book tomorrow I think.

I have found a sprint tri close to here thats in May. But my husband thinks it a little expensive. It's going to be $75 per person. Is that a lot or is it normal to pay that much for a sprint?

2010-03-01 9:21 PM
in reply to: #2559122

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
Lots of accomplishments by our manatees! Way to kick asz, y'all.

My tiny accomplishment to add is that I "PR'd" in total time, "mph," and "distance" on the rollers tonight. Quotation marks because you can never be sure how indoor effort would translate outdoors, but I don't care

Mia, keep at it with the crawl! A couple months ago I was doing exactly what you're doing. It IS a lot to think about in the beginning. Don't feel bad if you have to make several trips to the pool before it starts to feel right.

Sprints in my area range from $45 (less than 100 racers, in a suburb) to $140 (thousands of racers, in a major city). Average seems to be $55-65. So $75 is a little high, but not crazy high (in and around Philly, at least). Check the race reports here on BT -- if it's a well-run race, it might be worth the price.

2010-03-02 10:31 AM
in reply to: #2559122

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Hendersonville, NC
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
All the snow had almost melted away, but this morning it started snowing again. Grrr.
But I wanted to go for a run since I didn't do it yesterday. So...
With the snow falling heavy and all alone I went for my 4K run and it felt great.
27 min later, now I'm at home again and feeling good about actually not caring about the weather and not letting it spoil my run.
2010-03-03 3:37 PM
in reply to: #2702105

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Extreme Veteran
Eastern Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
ladylucky - 2010-03-02 11:31 AM All the snow had almost melted away, but this morning it started snowing again. Grrr.
But I wanted to go for a run since I didn't do it yesterday. So...
With the snow falling heavy and all alone I went for my 4K run and it felt great.
27 min later, now I'm at home again and feeling good about actually not caring about the weather and not letting it spoil my run.

Mia - Way to get out there!  I didn't feel like it yesterday either.

While $75 is a lot of money, it doesn't seem out of the normal range for a sprint from my experience.

2010-03-04 12:29 PM
in reply to: #2559122

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Extreme Veteran
Wesley Chapel, Florida
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
Rebecca, good for you!  I haven't braved a trainer, yet....

Mia, I am sure you are glad you got out there.

This week's training has been odd for me -- I haven't been able to swim at all (weather-related pool closures), I haven't managed to run but 1 mile, and I haven't gotten on the bike except as part of a boot camp class.  On Tuesday when the pool was closed, I joined a boot camp class instead.  45 minutes and my abs have not yet forgiven me.  I decided to go again today and try it out, though I did run a mile on the TM first, at least.  I love the class, but I fear it is drawing me away from meeting my other training goals right now.  I hadn't been doing any strength or core work, though, and this class has made it obvious that I need to do that!  So we'll see how it goes.
2010-03-04 12:55 PM
in reply to: #2559122

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
Dineen--super super job on the race! Beautiful pictures--you're proud and beaming, as I am for you. As far as bootcamp and tri--strength and core work is (in my experience) great for fitness, weight loss, etc. but it's not going to help your endurance (tri) training, and right now you're quite committed to running. And finally--I think you are plenty freaky

Melyssa--you're superwoman. I still don't know how you manage! I think focusing on running is an excellent idea (bike and swim when you can for cross-training, if you can. If not--you're focusing on running anyway!) You might want to look into a Galloway training plan. Generally they consist of two 30-45 minute runs during the week and a long run on the weekend ... exactly what you said you could do.>
Bethie Love--a do run run run, a do run run!!! You are my heroine. Faaaaast. Haaaaawt. You've worked really hard and put in the long base miles ... you deserve this amazing payoff!!!

Lynn--wow, I remember the monster bricks before Oceanside! Good job. I'm really excited for you. Super good luck on the Oly! Which one is it? That's great, actually, to do a shorter race a few weeks out from the big one. Tune-up, it's called. But you already know that

Mia--congratulations on starting the crawl!!! TI is a good system. Also, you might want to check out it's an excellent resource with swim demos and articles and info. BT also has good swim articles--click the Articles button at the top of the page, go to Swimming, and to Beginners. BTW--super good job doing a snow run. I can't imagine!!!

Rebecca--the beauty of tri training is that there's a type of PR to be set every time you do something--for example, by running today I PR'ed on my running mileage total. ROLLERS are tough and a roller PR is awesome.  Well done!!!

Art--you rock the house. Thank you so much for being the Manatee cheerleader and forging ahead on your own goals ...

2010-03-04 1:03 PM
in reply to: #2707580

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Hendersonville, NC
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed

Dineen, I think you can continue to do the class you love, for all exercise is good exercise.Smile
Especially if you love it, then you will want to go more often. What is in the boot camp class?

I did a 4K (2.5 mi) run today again, same course as Tuesday, but today it was sunny and windy instead of snowing. Smile
I ran the whole time this time and finished 1 min faster than Tuesday. Cool
But when I got back I noticed something odd, my heart rate had been up to 210 bpm as max and avg was 170 bpm! Surprised

It didn't feel like I was going to die or puke, so I just think it's a little weird. The highest I have got it up to before was 199 bpm, and that was last year on the TM. I didn't feel like I was going to die or puke that time either, but just stopped because I was afraid I was going to fall of the TM.

Could it have been something wrong with my HR-monitor? I had my cell phone in a pocket on my jacket close to the strap. Could that have been interfering with the monitor?
I just changed batteries in the watch, so I don't think that is the problem.
Maybe my HR actually was that high.

2010-03-05 1:06 PM
in reply to: #2707688

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Extreme Veteran
Eastern Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
ladylucky - 2010-03-04 2:03 PM

Dineen, I think you can continue to do the class you love, for all exercise is good exercise.Smile
Especially if you love it, then you will want to go more often. What is in the boot camp class?

I did a 4K (2.5 mi) run today again, same course as Tuesday, but today it was sunny and windy instead of snowing. Smile
I ran the whole time this time and finished 1 min faster than Tuesday. Cool
But when I got back I noticed something odd, my heart rate had been up to 210 bpm as max and avg was 170 bpm! Surprised

It didn't feel like I was going to die or puke, so I just think it's a little weird. The highest I have got it up to before was 199 bpm, and that was last year on the TM. I didn't feel like I was going to die or puke that time either, but just stopped because I was afraid I was going to fall of the TM.

Could it have been something wrong with my HR-monitor? I had my cell phone in a pocket on my jacket close to the strap. Could that have been interfering with the monitor?
I just changed batteries in the watch, so I don't think that is the problem.
Maybe my HR actually was that high.

Mia - I'd talk to my doctor about it, 210 bpm seems pretty high.  Here are a couple questions he/she will probably have.  Have you double checked the HRM by taking your pulse with a watch?  Was that just for a couple seconds or was it sustained for a period of time?  How quickly does it come down when you stop running?

I'm not one who goes to doctor at the drop of a hat but I'd at least talk to them about it.  Not something to mess with IMO.

2010-03-05 1:26 PM
in reply to: #2710295

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Hendersonville, NC
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
Thanks Art. I was using my HR-monitor and I just noticed the high number when I got back from my run. I did not look at the monitor when I was running. I think something was just wrong with the monitor, so nothing to worry about.
It has happened before that it showed to high numbers, but I thought that since I had changed batteries it was all good again. But maybe not.

I'll keep a close look at the monitor next time I'm running.
But my max HR is very high, so 210 bpm is nothing I will worry about.
2010-03-05 8:15 PM
in reply to: #2559122

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Hendersonville, NC
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
Today I managed to swim 1000 m freestyle/crawl! :D

I am still slower on crawl then breast strokes, but today it felt good anyway.

I can swim 100 m in 2:38 if I do BS, but it takes me 3:12 if I do the crawl.
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