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2010-04-17 1:33 PM
in reply to: #2798195

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
nc452010 - 2010-04-17 11:54 AM OK...Noob alert....everyone switch back the throttles to turtle......

I started out swimming (today was my 11th time in the pool) a little over 2wks ago.  1st sessions was ONE 50yd length.....and the rest 25's....for 300yds.

Second week....I worked up to 400yds.....with maybe another 50 or two in there.

Last week....I did 800yd sessions.....and I was doing some 100's....and even swam 200yds, once. was pitiful.  I don't know what it was.  But, I didn't have it in me.  I was only able to do 125yds, once....and 2-3 more 100's.  I swam a couple 50's and got the heck outta dodge, disgusted.

Today, I didn't try to push it.  But I don't think I had a 200 in me.  I did 2X50's; 5X100's and 4X50's.....800yds.

My plan is to up the # of 100's for next week to 6....and up my total session to 1,000yds/per.

At some I just gonna be able to go further?  I'm beginning to get that anxious feeling again......after losing it, somewhat.  My 1st event is in 9wks (300yd pool swim).

Thanks for your input.


p.s. My goal, when I began, was to be able to swim 600yds - non-stop, by my 1st event.  I upped that to 1,000yds, after reaching the 200yds that once.  Now....I'm doubting myself, again.

Don't sweat it!  Everyone has off days and off weeks.  I have had whole weeks that feel like I have never swam/biked/ ran at all ever, right in the middle of a good month or so of training.  Any one who says it doesn't happen to them is more than likely lying.

I would keep with the current plan you are on.  It could be that your nutrition was off , high stress, un-noticed fatigue, any one or many things combined.  If you have several workouts in a row that are similar, then I might start to rethink what you're doing.

Looking at your log it appears you ran first too.  This could have affected your swim depending on your effort on the run and the elapsed time between the two.

2010-04-17 1:47 PM
in reply to: #2770346

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
Good news for me today.  I decided to race the 5k I had been considering but not until 6:59 AM.  As I lay in bed staring at the ceiling trying o decided I figured I would regret laying there instead of taking this opportunity to get a PR.

I SMASHED!!!!!! my old PR (July 2007) was something like 24:50-ish.  Today I ran a very hilly 5k after warming up for 3 easy miles (race course backwards) with an unofficial time of 21:03.  I am using my Garmin 305 as my time right now until the official results are posted online.  I am used to running flat training runs with very small hills.  Actually the hills I run really don't even qualify as hills.  Many of then are 20-30 feet in elevation change in 100 yards or so at the most.  The hills on this course were between (guessing) 20-70 feet change in a much shorter range.  I had never raced hills this big before.  I am sure there are many of you that have larger hills you run on much of the time but this is northern Indiana with very light, very sporadic hills.  Anyway, i may have to search out a fast, flat course to run later so I can see what I can do there.

2010-04-17 4:11 PM
in reply to: #2770346

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Bend, OR
Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
Hi everyone.  I just want to report I completed a PR 5K this morning (31:28.9) and I feel awesome.  No shin pain at all.  I think my shin splits are a thing of the past.  I'm really happy about my pace for the last mile.  So stoked!!

Lap Data
110m 27s1.00 miles10m 27s /mile159175
210m 29s1.00 miles10m 29s /mile172177
309m 29s1.00 miles09m 29s /mile175181
401m 31s0.15 miles09m 57s /mile180183
2010-04-17 4:15 PM
in reply to: #2798365

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Bend, OR
Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
DirkP - 2010-04-17 1:47 PM  

I SMASHED!!!!!! my old PR (July 2007) was something like 24:50-ish.  Today I ran a very hilly 5k after warming up for 3 easy miles (race course backwards) with an unofficial time of 21:03.  

Congrats on that PR!  I dream of being that fast someday! 
2010-04-17 4:18 PM
in reply to: #2770346

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Bend, OR
Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
I'm contemplating doing an offroad tri next weekend that some of my cycling buddies are doing.  It's 150 yd pool swim, 7 mile mountain bike ride on trails, and a 2 mile run.  The run and swim are not a problem, but I'm a little worried about a mountain bike ride.  I'm kinda rusty on the ol' mountain bike.  Anyone here done an offroad tri and have any thoughts about what to expect?
2010-04-17 4:23 PM
in reply to: #2798105

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Bend, OR
Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
swmr2tri - 2010-04-17 9:33 AM  

I had one problem after my run - my hip was sore for a couple days.  Granted I know I need to stretch more - but I've never had hip pain before.  A friend suggested a high IT band issue?  Anyone delt with this?

I get wonky hip pain after I run sometimes.  Can you describe it a bit more?  Is it more in the joint or higher in the hip?  Mine feels almost muscular high in the hip.  When I stretch it, it sort of works itself out. 

2010-04-17 6:32 PM
in reply to: #2770346

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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
Congrats on your PRs Dirk and Jane!!!
2010-04-17 7:44 PM
in reply to: #2770346

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
Hey guys, I had a really good race today too.  Put in a race report if anyone cares to indulge my narcissism

Cliff notes, 7th overall, 1st overall age group (but they didn't do overall age group awards, so I just got 1st 25-29).  Almost beat by a 14 year old.  Missed a turn and added some time distance to my run, but it didn't affect my overall.  Very happy! 
2010-04-17 8:01 PM
in reply to: #2798800

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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
jsiegs - 2010-04-18 9:44 AM Hey guys, I had a really good race today too.  Put in a race report if anyone cares to indulge my narcissism

Cliff notes, 7th overall, 1st overall age group (but they didn't do overall age group awards, so I just got 1st 25-29).  Almost beat by a 14 year old.  Missed a turn and added some time distance to my run, but it didn't affect my overall.  Very happy! 

Read the race report - congrats on an awesome race!! 
2010-04-17 11:07 PM
in reply to: #2770346

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
Congrats Dirk, Jane, & Joe on great races.

I'm can't give you any advice, as I have just started myself. But I can tell you, like Dirk said, that I have good days and bad. Sometimes I can push myself to run for an hour, other days I want to stop after 5 minutes. You are putting in the time and effort, give yourself credit for that. I'm sure things will turn around. If it make you feel better, I change my mind on a daily basis as to whether I'll be able to finish my sprint tri in May.

I went running today with a friend for 3 miles. We're doing a 5K together on May 1st, so she wants to start running more the next couple weeks which is good for me because I'll have a partner to motivate me (I usually run alone, unless you count my dog or my baby in the jogging stroller- but their not much for conversation).

My biggest problem seems to be making time for my training. I'm going to try and be more organized this week. Work sorta ate up alot of time last week and I didn't put in the hours I wanted. So hopefully this week will be better. My pool will be closed for 5 days for some kind of mantainence, so I'll try to run everyday (even if it's only for short distance) and get in a few rides.
2010-04-18 1:21 AM
in reply to: #2770346

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!

Today I didnt do any training. I spent most of the day recovering from last night until I went to work. About halfway through my shift I got this horrible pain in my foot. Its right on the ball of my foot and real close to my big toe. Now I am limping around and can not figure out why it hurts so bad. I can not remember doing anything to make it hurt. It is just a big pain in the butt and am hoping its something minor. Mon-Wed is supposed to be beautiful so I want to get out as much as possible for running and riding.

2010-04-18 5:16 AM
in reply to: #2798195

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
nc452010 - 2010-04-17 6:54 AM OK...Noob alert....everyone switch back the throttles to turtle......

I started out swimming (today was my 11th time in the pool) a little over 2wks ago.  1st sessions was ONE 50yd length.....and the rest 25's....for 300yds.

Second week....I worked up to 400yds.....with maybe another 50 or two in there.

Last week....I did 800yd sessions.....and I was doing some 100's....and even swam 200yds, once. was pitiful.  I don't know what it was.  But, I didn't have it in me.  I was only able to do 125yds, once....and 2-3 more 100's.  I swam a couple 50's and got the heck outta dodge, disgusted.

Today, I didn't try to push it.  But I don't think I had a 200 in me.  I did 2X50's; 5X100's and 4X50's.....800yds.

My plan is to up the # of 100's for next week to 6....and up my total session to 1,000yds/per.

At some I just gonna be able to go further?  I'm beginning to get that anxious feeling again......after losing it, somewhat.  My 1st event is in 9wks (300yd pool swim).

Thanks for your input.


p.s. My goal, when I began, was to be able to swim 600yds - non-stop, by my 1st event.  I upped that to 1,000yds, after reaching the 200yds that once.  Now....I'm doubting myself, again.

Don't worry too much about it. 

I would try adding more volume to your swim workouts.  Just keep swimming 50's...or even 25's if you have to.  Use a pull buoy.  More time in the pool is just like more time in the saddle on the bike. 
2010-04-18 5:54 AM
in reply to: #2798541

Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
Congrats on your PR & going sub 10 min/miles - that's one of my goals this year!!

My hip pain was pretty high, its just about gone now.  I looked at a diagram of hips and see some muscles that go over the hip from around back, and thats where it felt tight.   I'm pretty sure it has to do with my lax stretching - I really need to do more, regularly.

I also had a tight lower back previously on the same side.  I think these are linked and may have to do with the fact that I run with my dog and hold the leash mostly in my left hand.

I think I may try running my route in the other direction and see if that helps.  that and stretch.

Edited by swmr2tri 2010-04-18 5:58 AM
2010-04-18 12:21 PM
in reply to: #2799072

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
Thomasski - 2010-04-18 12:21 AM

Today I didnt do any training. I spent most of the day recovering from last night until I went to work. About halfway through my shift I got this horrible pain in my foot. Its right on the ball of my foot and real close to my big toe. Now I am limping around and can not figure out why it hurts so bad. I can not remember doing anything to make it hurt. It is just a big pain in the butt and am hoping its something minor. Mon-Wed is supposed to be beautiful so I want to get out as much as possible for running and riding.

how much fun did you have last night?!?!?!?!

to those that raced this weekend, very nice job on the PRs and improvements.
Cannot wait to get out and race soon.

As for the swim, agreed, we all have good and bad days. i had a few runs last week that were a struggle to even get through, was running a solid 1-2min per mile slower than normal, and it was killing me. the next day went out for another run and was just over race pace comfortably. it changes around a lot depending on sleep, food, mood, weather, and so many other little things.
2010-04-18 3:19 PM
in reply to: #2770346

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
I told my husband (who does not do tris or any kind of racing) that my goal was to do an Oly tri in a year.

He said, "Ok, well you know, you're gonna have start training a lot more than you do now if that is going to happen. So, when are you going shopping for the week and what are you making for dinner?"

Not comlaining, just find it funny/ironic that those things were said in the same conversation. See what I mean about needing to manage my time better.
2010-04-18 5:35 PM
in reply to: #2770346

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
Whoa!  Good work everyone!  I kinda wished that I had a race to share, but looks like you guys kicked major a$$!

2010-04-18 6:19 PM
in reply to: #2799720

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
jpbis26 - 2010-04-18 2:19 PM

I told my husband (who does not do tris or any kind of racing) that my goal was to do an Oly tri in a year.

He said, "Ok, well you know, you're gonna have start training a lot more than you do now if that is going to happen. So, when are you going shopping for the week and what are you making for dinner?"

Not comlaining, just find it funny/ironic that those things were said in the same conversation. See what I mean about needing to manage my time better.

haha i have heard a lot of comments like that, its sort of the polar opposite of people freaking out at the distances.
2010-04-18 6:58 PM
in reply to: #2770346

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
i got in a great long ride today, made it 84 miles in just over 4 hours with 2hr in the middle at zn3, ave 23.7 for that part:-)

legs are pretty tired now but i had a blast

looks like a great weekend all around for the group.
2010-04-18 7:49 PM
in reply to: #2800009

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
newbz - 2010-04-18 7:58 PM i got in a great long ride today, made it 84 miles in just over 4 hours with 2hr in the middle at zn3, ave 23.7 for that part:-) legs are pretty tired now but i had a blast looks like a great weekend all around for the group.

You're killin me!  I thought I had a decent ride for 32 miles at 18mph avg.  But you crushed me.  I guess I'll just call it youth and the tri bike that's all tricked out.  Or maybe it that you've been doing it for more than 8 months?  Either way sounds like a good workout.
2010-04-18 7:53 PM
in reply to: #2800100

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
DirkP - 2010-04-18 6:49 PM

newbz - 2010-04-18 7:58 PM i got in a great long ride today, made it 84 miles in just over 4 hours with 2hr in the middle at zn3, ave 23.7 for that part:-) legs are pretty tired now but i had a blast looks like a great weekend all around for the group.

You're killin me! I thought I had a decent ride for 32 miles at 18mph avg. But you crushed me. I guess I'll just call it youth and the tri bike that's all tricked out. Or maybe it that you've been doing it for more than 8 months? Either way sounds like a good workout.

I'm going to go with youth, WAY more time doing this, and WAY more free time to train.
2010-04-18 7:55 PM
in reply to: #2770346

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
After my race yesterday, I think I'm going to take it a bit easier on my runs and my bike this week.  I'll keep my volume on the run the same but run at an easier pace to kind of recover before the half marathon on May 8.  I went all out for the 5k and I DON'T want to re-injure myself before or during the half.  I haven't taken a recovery week like I was scheduled to do about 2 weeks ago because I wanted to build volume toward the half.

Are there any opinions on this?

If everything goes well and if the 5k PR is a sign of what to expect, I should smash my half PR in Indy this year.  I can't wait!

2010-04-18 8:02 PM
in reply to: #2800113

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
thats a smart idea. once i start racing more i start cutting out more of the harder running.
2010-04-18 8:39 PM
in reply to: #2770346

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
Got in a good long run today...11 miles at around a 9:10 pace...which is pretty brisk for me.  Normally I'm around the 10mm range for anything over 10 miles.  I guess my legs felt really good because I didn't do anything on was a UHD for me...unexpected hangover day.  I don't remember much of Friday night...just that I woke up on my friend's couch.

2010-04-18 8:44 PM
in reply to: #2800208

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
tri808 - 2010-04-18 7:39 PM

Got in a good long run today...11 miles at around a 9:10 pace...which is pretty brisk for me. Normally I'm around the 10mm range for anything over 10 miles. I guess my legs felt really good because I didn't do anything on was a UHD for me...unexpected hangover day. I don't remember much of Friday night...just that I woke up on my friend's couch.

2010-04-18 9:12 PM
in reply to: #2770346

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Chugiak, Alaska
Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
Congrats to all who raced this weekend - you all rock!

Back from a week in D.C. only got a couple of short runs in along the river. However, I walked a jillion miles! Great weather!

I will start remping up my workouts again tomorrow for my sprint in June.

Looking forward to reading the 15 pages of posts that I missed!
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