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2010-06-14 5:48 AM
in reply to: #2919116

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
StlPhil - 2010-06-13 9:35 PM Michael, great job! Another 1st in AG. Wow. Slyvain, can't wait to read your race report. Super first outing. I'm starting to get all geeked for the race next week.

I'm going to due a taper this week before the race next Sunday. I have not really taken a day off in the last month and I think my legs are screaming for a break, at least a lighter load. Here's what I have planned.

Today - Short ride about 11 miles. I was going to due 24 legs just would not go.
Monday - AM 5 mile run, Swim. PM 24 mile bike.
Tuesday - AM 15 mile Bike
Wed - AM 5 mile run, Swim. PM 24 mile bike.
Thur -  AM 15 mile Bike
Fri - Off
Sat - Off
Sun - Race 550 yd Swim
                  21 mile bike
                  5 mile run

Any thoughts?


Phil,  yes it sounds like your legs definitely need a break.  I would do something on Saturday, though, if possible (but not running).  Either an easy swim or an easy bike.  The point is not to 'train' (too late for that the day before) but to get the blood moving and loosen up.  One of my favorite things to do is a very easy bike with a few spin-ups (not putting much power into the cranks, but spinning up to a pretty high cadence a few times).  I find that I feel much fresher the next morning if I did something, however minor, the day before.

Other than that, try to stay off your feet on Saturday, and have a great time on Sunday!

2010-06-14 5:49 AM
in reply to: #2775149

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Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Michael-Congrats! That is an awesome race. 1st in AG with a recent fracture. Impressive.
2010-06-14 9:11 AM
in reply to: #2775149

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Extreme Veteran
St. Louis
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Michael, thanks. Maybe a ride in the park with the wife on Saturday. Smile

I had a bit of a running break-through today. I've been running for a year now and realized I had not really read anything about running form. With a fused ankle I thought what's the point. I read a lot about volume slow long runs and such. After a year I have really improved, but still so stinking slow. After reading quite a bit last night on running form and applying a few things this morning, I ran my fastest pace for my longest distance. I ran 5 miles in 50:45 or a LIGHTNING FAST 10:09! LOL

I really concentrated on reducing my "up and down" movement and replacing it with "forward" movement. Sounds basic, but I was trying to focus on lifting my knees and elongatind my stride and it just was not getting the job done. A 10 min mile is not fast, but it gives me hope that there are faster times where that came from. BTW my legs feel better too.


Edited by StlPhil 2010-06-14 9:22 AM
2010-06-14 9:31 AM
in reply to: #2919388

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Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Experior - 2010-06-14 3:48 AM
StlPhil - 2010-06-13 9:35 PM Michael, great job! Another 1st in AG. Wow. Slyvain, can't wait to read your race report. Super first outing. I'm starting to get all geeked for the race next week.

I'm going to due a taper this week before the race next Sunday. I have not really taken a day off in the last month and I think my legs are screaming for a break, at least a lighter load. Here's what I have planned.

Today - Short ride about 11 miles. I was going to due 24 legs just would not go.
Monday - AM 5 mile run, Swim. PM 24 mile bike.
Tuesday - AM 15 mile Bike
Wed - AM 5 mile run, Swim. PM 24 mile bike.
Thur -  AM 15 mile Bike
Fri - Off
Sat - Off
Sun - Race 550 yd Swim
                  21 mile bike
                  5 mile run

Any thoughts?


Phil,  yes it sounds like your legs definitely need a break.  I would do something on Saturday, though, if possible (but not running).  Either an easy swim or an easy bike.  The point is not to 'train' (too late for that the day before) but to get the blood moving and loosen up.  One of my favorite things to do is a very easy bike with a few spin-ups (not putting much power into the cranks, but spinning up to a pretty high cadence a few times).  I find that I feel much fresher the next morning if I did something, however minor, the day before.

Other than that, try to stay off your feet on Saturday, and have a great time on Sunday!

The day before my last race I did a 20 min. ride high spin and close to race pace (80-85%), but not quite (very flat loop).  Just sending a reminder to the legs.  If I remember right most of my runs that week were shorter but higher intensity.
2010-06-14 9:33 AM
in reply to: #2919033

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Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Experior - 2010-06-13 5:51 PM
slornow - 2010-06-13 6:31 PM

Sylvain-great job!  Looking forward to the full report.

Michael-look forward to seeing you in Chattanooga.  If you are still having hip problems and cant run I'll volunteer my son to do the run in a 2 person relay.  He would probably go 34-36 for 10k   Hopefully, you will be well healed before the race. 

Good training week for me.  8100 yards swimming; 83 miles biking at moderate to hard intensity and 21 miles running.  By far the best week I have had since the hamstring problem that popped up in Jan.  Now, if it would just cool off down here!  Too many days of 95+ degrees ans heat index at 105+.    


Nice week of training Randy.  Yes, it has turned hot here too.  High today was 102.  Humidity was high.  I don't want to know what the heat index was, because I might faint in retrospect.  The medical tent at my race today was full of people, many getting IVs.

Just 34-36 huh?  You sure he can't go any faster?

I made it 5+ miles of the 10k in my Oly today before I felt any pain (not at a 34:00 pace mind you, but at a decent pace), and I'm pretty happy with that.  I shuffled the last mile to the end (pain-free!), and edged out someone in my AG by 28 seconds for the win.  I felt bad for him because he could definitely see me shuffling along at the end but there just wasn't enough room for him to catch me.  Race report is here.

You are just totally amazing. : )  Nice job Michael!!!  I wish I could run and bike that kind of pace.
2010-06-14 9:44 AM
in reply to: #2775149

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED

Phil-I agree with Brian.  A couple of short race intensity intervals keeps the body race ready.  For what its worth I would incorporate a rest day early in the week given the way your legs feel and then at least one  the day before the race.  If you cant stomach taking a rest day then take what I call a "leg rest day" and just do a light swim-maybe even drill focused to tune up the swim a little.  I've heard many running coaches say in the week approaching a big race that "the hay is already in the barn".  Basically, meaning that there is not much training you can do in the week leading up the race that is going to help your performance.  But, overdoing it can leave you out of gas on race day.

You will do great.  Get some rest and let loose on race day!


2010-06-14 9:49 AM
in reply to: #2919841

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
StlPhil - 2010-06-14 10:11 AM Michael, thanks. Maybe a ride in the park with the wife on Saturday. Smile

I had a bit of a running break-through today. I've been running for a year now and realized I had not really read anything about running form. With a fused ankle I thought what's the point. I read a lot about volume slow long runs and such. After a year I have really improved, but still so stinking slow. After reading quite a bit last night on running form and applying a few things this morning, I ran my fastest pace for my longest distance. I ran 5 miles in 50:45 or a LIGHTNING FAST 10:09! LOL

I really concentrated on reducing my "up and down" movement and replacing it with "forward" movement. Sounds basic, but I was trying to focus on lifting my knees and elongatind my stride and it just was not getting the job done. A 10 min mile is not fast, but it gives me hope that there are faster times where that came from. BTW my legs feel better too.


Nice!  They say 'smooth is fast' for swimming.  I think it's true for running too.  While we aren't strong enough to emulate the specifics of elite runners' form, it is a great idea to try to emulate how they appear to glide effortlessly over the road.
2010-06-14 9:50 AM
in reply to: #2775149

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Yep, the hay is in the barn.  Don't burn the barn!
2010-06-14 10:17 AM
in reply to: #2775149

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Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Hey Sylvain- nice job on finishing 4th in your first triathlon.  That's outstanding!

Michael, of course you won your AG while hobbling on a recently fractured hip.  You are the bionic man. 

Randy, thanks for passing along that link to TriPower...I've been looking for some swim workouts.

Quick question for the group - do any of you use a performance drink on longer rides (cytomax, accelerade, etc.)? I've just been using a standard electrolyte drink and water, and yesterday at about mile 40 of a 50 mile group ride I was just gassed and got dropped on a sprint. Obviously my fitness (or lack thereof) and the abilities of the others had a huge role to play with it, but it was the first time I've ever felt really spent.  I had very little power left in my pedal stroke on the few hills that I faced during the last 10 miles.


2010-06-14 1:15 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED

Lemonade flavored Accelerade is my drink of choice.  Tastes good and has a 4:1 carb to protein ratio.  I use it on the bike and typically take a bottle to the pool for workouts. You can mix it lite and it still tastes good.  Also use the Accel gels for longer workouts.  I like the strawberry kiwi flavor.


2010-06-14 3:41 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED

Michael and Sylvain,

Great job on your high AG placings! 

Michael, I compared your splits to Greg Brown's (2nd in your AG) and your extra push on the bike was the big difference (~4 mins).   I'll have to keep this strategy in mind this weekend as I'll probably be the last one out of the water... 

I'll try to do our team proud this weekend - though there is no way I'll be able to repeat an AG win...  As long as the rescue boats don't sink again, my goal is to finish in the 3rd quartile for my AG. 

- Mark

2010-06-14 3:48 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Sylvain... awesome first race... totally impressive!!

Michael, what can I say... nothing will stop you... bike times were sizzling and I would gladly take your run time for a 5K fresh... lol! 

Looks like another big weekend for team Experior coming up... go team, go!  Good to see everyone healing up :-)

2010-06-14 5:34 PM
in reply to: #2920094

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Stone Cutter - 2010-06-14 11:17 AM

Quick question for the group - do any of you use a performance drink on longer rides (cytomax, accelerade, etc.)? I've just been using a standard electrolyte drink and water, and yesterday at about mile 40 of a 50 mile group ride I was just gassed and got dropped on a sprint. Obviously my fitness (or lack thereof) and the abilities of the others had a huge role to play with it, but it was the first time I've ever felt really spent.  I had very little power left in my pedal stroke on the few hills that I faced during the last 10 miles.

I've used Accelerade (lemon/lime) in the past and liked it well enough.  I switched to Heed (also lemon/lime) because the local races around here all use it and I thought it would be good to get used to what they use so I can more reliably live off of the course.  (The first time I tried Heed I hated it, but now I really like it.  The flavor is very mild, so I can drink it all day, even hot and mixed strong, without a problem.)

As for why you were spent my guess is a combination of pushing your limits, perhaps a deficit of calories, and possibly heat.

Were you 'spent' in the sense that your legs felt heavy and tired (that's more about pushing limits), or was it more of an all-body thing (that's more about nutrition and heat)?

The one thing that seems clear about nutrition is that there are wild variations from one person to another.  Experiment and see what works for you.

And once you find something that works for you, you'll save $$$ by buying it in bulk as a dry mix (or, for gels, in a big bottle used to fill a gel flask).   I've also heard of people mixing their own, but I've never tried that.
2010-06-14 9:40 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Extreme Veteran
Oshawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Finally completed my Race report.

I have a notebook that I keep track of things and after this race I made myself a wishlist of things I need, it's very long. Time to save up and get them one-by-one.

On Saturday I over analysed last years results and made myself believe I had a chance to win my AG, so got a little excited. But after the swim problems I had I was sure I lost all my chances of placing so I just relaxed and enjoyed the rest of the race. Boy was I wrong.

Oh well! it was a good experience. First race is under my belt and now I know what to focus on.


Edited by sstucker 2010-06-14 10:31 PM
2010-06-14 10:55 PM
in reply to: #2921801

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Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
sstucker - 2010-06-14 7:40 PM Finally completed my Race report. I have a notebook that I keep track of things and after this race I made myself a wishlist of things I need, it's very long. Time to save up and get them one-by-one. On Saturday I over analysed last years results and made myself believe I had a chance to win my AG, so got a little excited. But after the swim problems I had I was sure I lost all my chances of placing so I just relaxed and enjoyed the rest of the race. Boy was I wrong. Oh well! it was a good experience. First race is under my belt and now I know what to focus on. Sylvain

Just read your race report.  Nice job!!! You're are doing the right things in watching others a analyzing your own race for ways to get better and shave off time.  I was in the same place lst year that you are now and I am still working on doing things differently in transition.  Constantly trying to get it down to the minimum.

My next race will be my first without socks.  I just started training without them this week so in four more weeks I should be good to go; have been finding my hot spots adn places I'll blister (top of third toe on each foot and arches).  I also practiced my bike dismount yesterday after my ride in the grass by riding into the front yard and dismounting on the go from the bike.  Went pretty well.  Going sockless will save some time as will the dismount.

If you are like me I bet you wish you had another race this weekend so you can get after the things you know you can correct easily.

Please post with questions or thoughts..this is a great topic that is always of interest to others.
2010-06-15 8:56 AM
in reply to: #2775149

Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
I completed my MiniHaHa race report.

Executive summary:  lots of rain, blew the swim, improved on bike, improved on run, didn't hit my goal of 1 hour, still sore today so must have went hard.

I've got another sprint coming up this sunday, my first "real" tri, and OWS, so i've got a quick chance to make some changes.

2010-06-15 12:54 PM
in reply to: #2922397

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Nice race Mike!  I was praying for rain in my race last weekend, but yeah, it does slow you down on the bike a bit.

2010-06-15 9:41 PM
in reply to: #2922397

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Extreme Veteran
Oshawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
bartimaeus - 2010-06-15 9:56 AM

I completed my MiniHaHa race report.

Executive summary:  lots of rain, blew the swim, improved on bike, improved on run, didn't hit my goal of 1 hour, still sore today so must have went hard.

I've got another sprint coming up this sunday, my first "real" tri, and OWS, so i've got a quick chance to make some changes.

Nice race Mike. I know how you feel about being upset for your decision making. Make a plan for Sunday's race, include all steps you'll take during transition. I didn't and paid the price at T1. Good luck!
2010-06-15 10:02 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Extreme Veteran
St. Louis
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
This may be a stupid question, but I checked my swim time for the race on Sunday. My waveset time is 1:35:15 does that mean if the race starts at 6:00am, my swim time is 7:35:15am? Embarassed

2010-06-16 5:20 AM
in reply to: #2922397

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
bartimaeus - 2010-06-15 9:56 AM I completed my MiniHaHa race report.

Executive summary:  lots of rain, blew the swim, improved on bike, improved on run, didn't hit my goal of 1 hour, still sore today so must have went hard.

I've got another sprint coming up this sunday, my first "real" tri, and OWS, so i've got a quick chance to make some changes.

Well done, Mike and love the name of the race... lol.  Sounded like a really good warm-up for this weekend's race.  Pool swims are challenging in a different way from the OWSs... so look for a few new surprises this weekend.  Bike and the run looked really strong... you should do really well this weekend... good luck!

2010-06-16 8:18 AM
in reply to: #2924331

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
StlPhil - 2010-06-15 11:02 PM This may be a stupid question, but I checked my swim time for the race on Sunday. My waveset time is 1:35:15 does that mean if the race starts at 6:00am, my swim time is 7:35:15am? Embarassed


I think you must mean 'time trial' rather than 'wave'?  (TT is when each racer starts at a specific time, while 'wave' is when a whole group of racers start simultaneously.)

Assuming this is a TT start, then yeah, your swim time is 7:35:15.  That's how I'd read it anyway.  You might want to double-check with someone who knows.

2010-06-16 8:33 AM
in reply to: #2775149

Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED


Here's a link to start time info:

Sounds like a cool Tri.  Get to start in a real Natatorium!  You might even have 50 meter laps.


Wow, I've seen some of those 100 car trains ambling through the midwest.

2010-06-16 8:33 AM
in reply to: #2924809

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Extreme Veteran
St. Louis
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Experior - 2010-06-16 8:18 AM
StlPhil - 2010-06-15 11:02 PM This may be a stupid question, but I checked my swim time for the race on Sunday. My waveset time is 1:35:15 does that mean if the race starts at 6:00am, my swim time is 7:35:15am? Embarassed


I think you must mean 'time trial' rather than 'wave'?  (TT is when each racer starts at a specific time, while 'wave' is when a whole group of racers start simultaneously.)

Assuming this is a TT start, then yeah, your swim time is 7:35:15.  That's how I'd read it anyway.  You might want to double-check with someone who knows.

I'll call race officials today. I can't wait to get this one out of the way so I don't feel like such a noob.

2010-06-16 8:40 AM
in reply to: #2775149

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED

Good morning everyone-not sure if anyone is interested but I am going to sell a HED Jet C2 version 60/90 wheels.  Bought them last August. Raced them in a sprint and olympic and a lttle training.  Maybe 200 miles max-they are like new.  Started training with powertap in October and can't lace powertap hub to the HED wheels.  Just got a new set of wheels in with PT hub for racing.  They 60/90 set runs about $1650 new.  Would like to get $1100 or so.  They are clincher with shimano hub.  Just thought I would see if anyone here was interested before I put on classified forum.




2010-06-16 1:50 PM
in reply to: #2921801

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Extreme Veteran
Oshawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
sstucker - 2010-06-14 10:40 PM

Finally completed my Race report.

I have a notebook that I keep track of things and after this race I made myself a wishlist of things I need, it's very long. Time to save up and get them one-by-one.

On Saturday I over analysed last years results and made myself believe I had a chance to win my AG, so got a little excited. But after the swim problems I had I was sure I lost all my chances of placing so I just relaxed and enjoyed the rest of the race. Boy was I wrong.

Oh well! it was a good experience. First race is under my belt and now I know what to focus on.


I had mentioned in my Race report on the bike session that my tires were at 80psi (max psi of compressor at home). If I remember correctly the max pressure for my tires is 120psi. My question is what pressure do you all set yours at? Do you normaly max out at what is marked on your tires or less? I do know that the harder the tire the less surface is exposed which means less friction which means less energy required. But if your riding on a rainy day, do you decrease pressure to have more grip. I guess that can depend if a lot of turns on the course.
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