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2010-08-18 8:34 PM
in reply to: #3047336

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
mdgould - 2010-08-17 12:05 AM

Colin, Tim, and Samantha,

There's still a few of us on here...lurking anyway...  Wink

I've been super busy, spending a ton of time in Denver (where I'm at again this week (and last, and next; basically August), but I'm still getting most of my training in.

Let's see, since the last time I've posted: everyone has been doing a ton of races, congrats;
- I had my first swimming lesson in probably 30+ years.  That was kind of strange, but went really well.  My coach said that my swim was actually better than she'd expected and not too bad; she put together a set of drills for me to work on specific parts of the freestyle stroke.  I'll work on it out here this week and will, hopefully, get a chance to meet with her again this coming weekend.
- Found a bike store with a load (maybe 10) Tri bikes and a few "bikes" to measure optimal geometry (don't remember the name, but it was basically a jig to move everything around).  I figure if this Olympic goes well and I'm still stoked, I'll look into a new bike and a HIM for next year and maybe an IM sometime after that.  As far as bikes, I was really surprised to see the Speed Concept in-person and they had Cervelo and Felt, as well.  Very nice!!!
- Other than that, I've just been doing a bunch of running and biking.  Nothing too exciting.  Running at night was kind of cool.

- The only other "big" news from my front is my shooting team (US Air Force: me and 3 other guys) took second place at the National Prone Championships.  That was/is a big deal.  We beat the Army team for the first time in forever and were near the top for the first time since sometime in the 60's.  No one present could remember a time we'd shot so well.  That was very cool.  So, shooting's going well!

Colin: anything specific for getting faster on the bike?  I've been building up the distance and time to a bit longer than race distance, so I'm not concerned about finishing.  Sure would like to be faster though.  Is it just a matter of pushing harder (i.e. purposefully riding faster, maybe in sprints for a few minutes throughout the ride)?  There're no hills close to me, so riding hills is out w/o me driving maybe 60 miles, then riding.  Which I could do.

I guess that's it for now.

Take Care,

Hey Mark!

Great to hear from you and I just saw your post.  I was planning to make my recent posts a day before I did so I never refreshed the page.  Sorry about that!

Anyway, I'm very happy to hear that everything is going well for you.  It appears your swim lesson was very beneficial and I'm glad your training is going well.  I'm also pumped that you're considering a HIM and possibly an IM in the future.  That is really awesome!

As for getting faster on the bike, LOL, my first recommendation was going to be to go hit some hills, but clearly that's not an option.  Man, I want to do some races in your neck of the woods !Smile  Haha, but there are definitely some other ways to get faster.  The first thing I would do is start doing some 1 footed spinning drills.  The best way to do these is to literally clip one foot out of the pedal and only spin with the other foot.  You'll probably be amazed when you try this.  Ideally, you should have a smooth spin where you are applying pressure at all times.  However, no offense, but I highly doubt you'll find this to be the case.  This will show you where in the spin cycle that you need to focus/adjust to make sure you are applying power/pressure throughout the entire spin.  The other thing you can do is short intervals at very high intensity.  If you want to get faster, you need to spend time at the faster speed that you want to get to.  You can start off with very short intervals, as low at 30 seconds, and build your way up to longer reps.  Let's start there.  If you have any questions about any of that, please let me know.

Congrats about the amazing showing at Nationals!!!  That is terrific and you and your team should be very proud.  I'm still love hearing about your shooting stuff.

Once again, great to hear from you Mark.  Don't be a stranger Smile

2010-08-18 9:16 PM
in reply to: #3051553

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Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Mark, great to hear from you!

All, I had another tri tonight, last of the 3 part series, and overall I'd say it went pretty well.  I had a 2 minute PR from a month ago.  The swim was crappy (due to lots of contact!), the bike went really well (but I lost my comp!!! ), and the run, well, I experienced side stitches again BUT in the end I'm still happy with the run because I pushed through it and still managed to pretty much match my run split from a month ago (off by 3 sec or so.)  I do kinda feel the side stitches were a result of the swim... I'll get my race report up soon.

Besides that, I have an important question!!!  As I was warming up on the bike, I was pedaling and suddenly it just stopped.  Like, I couldn't pedal forward.  I back pedaled and went forward again a couple of times and it went back to normal.  That did not do me good for my mental status for the race because I was worried something bad would happen on the bike!  THEN the same thing happened during the race!!  Freaked me out.  Forward motion just stopped.  But a couple of back and forth motions did it some good and it was back to normal.  That's never happened to me before.  Any idea what the problem was???
2010-08-19 1:12 PM
in reply to: #3051621

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Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
2010-08-20 8:44 AM
in reply to: #3051621

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
michgirlsk - 2010-08-18 10:16 PM Mark, great to hear from you!

All, I had another tri tonight, last of the 3 part series, and overall I'd say it went pretty well.  I had a 2 minute PR from a month ago.  The swim was crappy (due to lots of contact!), the bike went really well (but I lost my comp!!! ), and the run, well, I experienced side stitches again BUT in the end I'm still happy with the run because I pushed through it and still managed to pretty much match my run split from a month ago (off by 3 sec or so.)  I do kinda feel the side stitches were a result of the swim... I'll get my race report up soon.

Besides that, I have an important question!!!  As I was warming up on the bike, I was pedaling and suddenly it just stopped.  Like, I couldn't pedal forward.  I back pedaled and went forward again a couple of times and it went back to normal.  That did not do me good for my mental status for the race because I was worried something bad would happen on the bike!  THEN the same thing happened during the race!!  Freaked me out.  Forward motion just stopped.  But a couple of back and forth motions did it some good and it was back to normal.  That's never happened to me before.  Any idea what the problem was???

Hey Samantha,

Congrats on the PR!  I'm going to read your RR in a minute.  Very sorry to hear you lost your comp and there is an issue with your bike.  As for the issue, its hard to say what exactly is causing the problem.  My guess is there is either an issue with your chain or most likely one of your sprockets.  It sounds like its get stuck because something is bent???  Regardless, it sounds like you're going to need to bring it in to the shop to be looked at.  Hopefully it won't be too expensive to fix, but my guess is you will have to replace something. 

Sorry about the broad answer, but its hard to tell without seeing the bike.  Good luck with it!!!
2010-08-20 9:01 AM
in reply to: #3053034

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
michgirlsk - 2010-08-19 2:12 PM ok, race report: />
Just posted some comments on your RR, but way to go!!!
2010-08-25 3:33 PM
in reply to: #2776638

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Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED

I need help looking to setup my taper for next week/and the following.. Have one event on the 5th and then another on the 11th..Thanks for the help..


2010-08-26 8:06 PM
in reply to: #3063862

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
shake-n-bake - 2010-08-25 4:33 PM Colin

I need help looking to setup my taper for next week/and the following.. Have one event on the 5th and then another on the 11th..Thanks for the help..


Hey Tim,

What does your training plan call for?  What distances are the 2 races?  Get back to me with that info and I'll do my best.
2010-08-27 10:58 PM
in reply to: #2776638

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Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED

First race 1000 yard swim,.18 mile bike, 3.4 mile run...

Second race is an Olympic,1.5 k swim,42k bike,10k run

Planned training really shows no taper... You can look at what I've been doing and my planned calendar if you like.

2010-08-30 4:34 PM
in reply to: #3068701

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
shake-n-bake - 2010-08-27 11:58 PM Colin

First race 1000 yard swim,.18 mile bike, 3.4 mile run...

Second race is an Olympic,1.5 k swim,42k bike,10k run

Planned training really shows no taper... You can look at what I've been doing and my planned calendar if you like.


Hey Tim,

Sorry about the delay on this.  What the plan calls for should be fine for Tuesday.  Wed, cut the run down to about 40 minutes.  You can still do the speed work in the workout, but only do about half of it and if possible, do about a 30' open water swim.  Thursday, cut the down to about 40 min as well with 2 x 5' at race pace with 5' rests in between with a 10' Warm up  and Cool Down.  Take Friday off.  Saturday, do a 20' ride with a few 1' race pace bursts, but the rest very easy.  Follow that up with an easy 10' run with a few 30 second bursts at race pace.

How's that sound? 
2010-08-30 4:35 PM
in reply to: #2776638

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Hi Everyone,

Its gotten really quiet on here, but that's OK.  I had a race yesterday and it went very well!  My race report is up if you'd like to take a look.

How's everyone else doing???
2010-08-30 6:41 PM
in reply to: #3072106

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Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Hi Colin!  (and all!)

I am now 2 weeks out from my HIM which means taper time has arrived!  (eek.)  I tried to make last week a big week before the taper began because I had kinda slacked off in the weeks prior.  I would have liked to had an additional run and swim last week (well, yesterday), but I made a last minute day trip to ride most of the bike course, and with all the driving (3 hr each way), I wasn't really up for running or swimming when I got back home.  But anyway, really glad I got to ride the course, I think it's a mental boost!  Also starts to put it into perspective that I will be doing a half.  To be honest, I haven't really been all that pumped up for this race... It's kind of more like I'm just waiting for it to happen... I dunno.  But I'm now starting to get a bit more excited about it!  My goal for the race is to feel like I had a quality swim and run.  The bike I am just hoping to complete it without using up too much energy!

Oh yeah, and I did the 5K OWS last weekend, I finished with a smile!   I wrote up a race report for it if you want to check it out.

2010-08-30 9:41 PM
in reply to: #3072106

Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
hockeyhands - 2010-08-30 5:35 PM Hi Everyone,

Its gotten really quiet on here, but that's OK.  I had a race yesterday and it went very well!  My race report is up if you'd like to take a look.

How's everyone else doing???

Hey Colin,
Great race!  And really cool having the opportunity (and energy ) to pass the guy for 2nd place in the chute! 

I've been "lurking around" as well, so don't feel too lonely everyone.  I've had a crazy few weeks, though.  My granddad passed away on the 15th, so I did some traveling for that plus extra work to make up for the missed days.  He had just turned 90 the week before (on the 10th), so he lived a long time and has had some failing health, so even though it was kind of a surprise, I think most of us were expecting it.  Now I'm praying my grandmother will be okay since she turned 88 on the 17th (2 days later).  They would have celebrated their 66th wedding anniversary around Sept 7 or 8, so I know that will be very hard for her.

Anyway, I'm still swimming and biking away (not much running, though, because I'm putting most of my time into swimming).  If I miss a workout, I usually let it be the running (i.e. I move stuff around so I can get in the swimming, then bike riding).  I'm still enjoying reading everyone's posts and staying motivated by all of you; thanks for continuing to write!  Colin, even though it stinks that you didn't put on your number belt during the run, you've helped me with a good tip to use during my transition.

Have a great week, everyone,

PS Did I mention my 5 yo daughter had her tonsils out on the 6th and started kindergarten on the 17th, too?  Crazy, crazy month actually!
2010-08-30 11:21 PM
in reply to: #3051553

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Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
hockeyhands - 2010-08-18 9:34 PM

Hey Mark!

Great to hear from you and I just saw your post.  I was planning to make my recent posts a day before I did so I never refreshed the page.  Sorry about that!

Anyway, I'm very happy to hear that everything is going well for you.  It appears your swim lesson was very beneficial and I'm glad your training is going well.  I'm also pumped that you're considering a HIM and possibly an IM in the future.  That is really awesome!

As for getting faster on the bike, LOL, my first recommendation was going to be to go hit some hills, but clearly that's not an option.  Man, I want to do some races in your neck of the woods !Smile  Haha, but there are definitely some other ways to get faster.  The first thing I would do is start doing some 1 footed spinning drills.  The best way to do these is to literally clip one foot out of the pedal and only spin with the other foot.  You'll probably be amazed when you try this.  Ideally, you should have a smooth spin where you are applying pressure at all times.  However, no offense, but I highly doubt you'll find this to be the case.  This will show you where in the spin cycle that you need to focus/adjust to make sure you are applying power/pressure throughout the entire spin.  The other thing you can do is short intervals at very high intensity.  If you want to get faster, you need to spend time at the faster speed that you want to get to.  You can start off with very short intervals, as low at 30 seconds, and build your way up to longer reps.  Let's start there.  If you have any questions about any of that, please let me know.

Congrats about the amazing showing at Nationals!!!  That is terrific and you and your team should be very proud.  I'm still love hearing about your shooting stuff.

Once again, great to hear from you Mark.  Don't be a stranger Smile


Yeah, the good 'ole 1 foot clipped in drill.  I've done that some before (and have been working on it more since), but "smooth" isn't really the word.  Maybe, horrendous and I'm lucky I didn't crash on the indoor trainer would be closer.  However, I've continued to work on it and it's getting a bit better.  Not great, but better.  Lately, I'm getting stuck inside on the trainer as it's really late when I get home.  However, I find that saying "Hey kids, pick a Star Wars movie" helps pass the time.  We get to watch a show and me on the bike gives us an excuse to turn the surround up.  Smile

Hmmm, races out here.... Actually, my wife brought home a magazine called "Chesapeake Life" today that had a Tri article in it (and a triathlete and P3 on the cover).  I guess the Chesapeake Man Triathlon is over here and the article said Triathlon magazine rated it one of the 10 best in the world.  Might have to check that out, but it's possible that it's Eastern Shore propaganda (the ES does rule though).  They have a IM and a HIM, so maybe next year.

Probably the "big" news for me lately (other than my main race is two weeks away) is I think I've had a breakthrough in the pool.  After doing nothing but drills for a number of sessions, I decided I'd better start working on actual swimming endurance.  I noticed an improvement right off the bat, and managed some distance (2200y).  It took a while, but I finished and wasn't really tired.  But, the big thing came today when my wife watched from the side of the pool and made some suggestions.  So, after a minor tweak to my head position the mythical trough in the water (the one you're supposed to be able to breath in) showed up and it was so much easier.  That "hole in the water" had never really been there and I was rotating too far (almost totally up) to get to air and that was killing my momentum.  So, that one little thing knocked a consistent 8s off each lap while being easier to swim.  However, still breathing only on the left side.  I'll work on bilateral over the next week, but don't expect a total conversion as my race is so close.  I can breathe on the right, but it's only "successful" about 50% of the time (and it's never smooth).  Have been working on sighting too.

Jill took some video with the camera, but I'll need to figure out how to get it up to youtube or something.  For an engineer I'm fairly technically dis-inclined, so it might take a bit.  Once I figure it out, I'll let you know.

Take Care,

2010-08-30 11:29 PM
in reply to: #3072592

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Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
GA Tri(er) - 2010-08-30 10:41 PM
I've been "lurking around" as well, so don't feel too lonely everyone.  I've had a crazy few weeks, though.  My granddad passed away on the 15th, so I did some traveling for that plus extra work to make up for the missed days.  He had just turned 90 the week before (on the 10th), so he lived a long time and has had some failing health, so even though it was kind of a surprise, I think most of us were expecting it.  Now I'm praying my grandmother will be okay since she turned 88 on the 17th (2 days later).  They would have celebrated their 66th wedding anniversary around Sept 7 or 8, so I know that will be very hard for her.

Anyway, I'm still swimming and biking away (not much running, though, because I'm putting most of my time into swimming).  If I miss a workout, I usually let it be the running (i.e. I move stuff around so I can get in the swimming, then bike riding).  I'm still enjoying reading everyone's posts and staying motivated by all of you; thanks for continuing to write!  Colin, even though it stinks that you didn't put on your number belt during the run, you've helped me with a good tip to use during my transition.

Have a great week, everyone,

PS Did I mention my 5 yo daughter had her tonsils out on the 6th and started kindergarten on the 17th, too?  Crazy, crazy month actually!


Sorry to hear about your Granddad.  Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Ahhhh, kindergarten.  My guys just started 3rd and 5th grades today.  Honestly, I don't know what they're going to learn in school; they already know everything.... just ask them...

Take Care,
2010-08-31 12:25 PM
in reply to: #3072671

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Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
I was just reading your post about your swimming and it gives me hope. I've recently cut back on doing endurance swimming and focusing on form (because frankly I still stink), and it can be frustrating.  Great to hear it paid off for you though.  I just started trying to breath bilaterally as well, and its most definitely not easy for me either.  I barely get that "trough" on my good side, and its non existant on my weak side, so I have a long way to go.  Kicking is my bigger issue though.  In a pool, with no wetsuit I get winded in about 100 yards...pathetic. When I'm in the ocean and have the advantage of a wet suit I can do more than a half mile without much problem.  So I'll be doing drills drills drills.

Glad to see everyone else getting some good training in as well. Like I said before, I dont post much because I have the luck of living near Colin, so I can bother him in person with all my questions!  I do always read though, and its great to see everyone improving and learn some tips along the way. 
Oh , and as usual Colin, amazing race.  I already spoke to you about it, but I just saw the race report and thats just crazy. 
Hope everyone enjoys the long weekend.
2010-08-31 8:17 PM
in reply to: #3072303

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
michgirlsk - 2010-08-30 7:41 PM Hi Colin!  (and all!)

I am now 2 weeks out from my HIM which means taper time has arrived!  (eek.)  I tried to make last week a big week before the taper began because I had kinda slacked off in the weeks prior.  I would have liked to had an additional run and swim last week (well, yesterday), but I made a last minute day trip to ride most of the bike course, and with all the driving (3 hr each way), I wasn't really up for running or swimming when I got back home.  But anyway, really glad I got to ride the course, I think it's a mental boost!  Also starts to put it into perspective that I will be doing a half.  To be honest, I haven't really been all that pumped up for this race... It's kind of more like I'm just waiting for it to happen... I dunno.  But I'm now starting to get a bit more excited about it!  My goal for the race is to feel like I had a quality swim and run.  The bike I am just hoping to complete it without using up too much energy!

Oh yeah, and I did the 5K OWS last weekend, I finished with a smile!   I wrote up a race report for it if you want to check it out.

Hey Samantha!

Just read and posted some comments on your RR.  Terrific job and what an accomplishment!!!

I'm also glad to hear you went and road the bike course.  That should really help you on race day.  I'm also happy to hear you're getting excited for the race.  Its going to be an even bigger accomplishment so stay focused and have some fun with it.  You've put in the time, now you just need to taper well and then you're going to be awesome!!!  Smile

2010-08-31 8:23 PM
in reply to: #3072592

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
GA Tri(er) - 2010-08-30 10:41 PM

Hey Colin,
Great race!  And really cool having the opportunity (and energy ) to pass the guy for 2nd place in the chute! 

I've been "lurking around" as well, so don't feel too lonely everyone.  I've had a crazy few weeks, though.  My granddad passed away on the 15th, so I did some traveling for that plus extra work to make up for the missed days.  He had just turned 90 the week before (on the 10th), so he lived a long time and has had some failing health, so even though it was kind of a surprise, I think most of us were expecting it.  Now I'm praying my grandmother will be okay since she turned 88 on the 17th (2 days later).  They would have celebrated their 66th wedding anniversary around Sept 7 or 8, so I know that will be very hard for her.

Anyway, I'm still swimming and biking away (not much running, though, because I'm putting most of my time into swimming).  If I miss a workout, I usually let it be the running (i.e. I move stuff around so I can get in the swimming, then bike riding).  I'm still enjoying reading everyone's posts and staying motivated by all of you; thanks for continuing to write!  Colin, even though it stinks that you didn't put on your number belt during the run, you've helped me with a good tip to use during my transition.

Have a great week, everyone,

PS Did I mention my 5 yo daughter had her tonsils out on the 6th and started kindergarten on the 17th, too?  Crazy, crazy month actually!

Hey Russ,

Its great to hear from you!  Lol, to be honest, I didn't think you were still around.  Thanks for posting!

I'm very sorry to hear about your grandfather.  It does sound like he had lived a full life, which must make easy passing easier, if that's possible.  Give your grandmother a hug for me and make sure you're around for her.  You're very fortunate to have grand parents that have lived so long.

Since you don't have any tri's planned for the rest of the season (I don't think you do anyway), its time to really enjoy your training.  If that means spending extra time in the pool, go for it.  However, please be careful not to neglect that run too much as this is a great time to really improve it.

Wow, it does sound like its been a crazy month!  Glad to hear you were able to get some training in.  Keep up the great work and stay in touch!
2010-08-31 8:33 PM
in reply to: #3072671

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
mdgould - 2010-08-31 12:21 AM


Yeah, the good 'ole 1 foot clipped in drill.  I've done that some before (and have been working on it more since), but "smooth" isn't really the word.  Maybe, horrendous and I'm lucky I didn't crash on the indoor trainer would be closer.  However, I've continued to work on it and it's getting a bit better.  Not great, but better.  Lately, I'm getting stuck inside on the trainer as it's really late when I get home.  However, I find that saying "Hey kids, pick a Star Wars movie" helps pass the time.  We get to watch a show and me on the bike gives us an excuse to turn the surround up.  Smile

Hmmm, races out here.... Actually, my wife brought home a magazine called "Chesapeake Life" today that had a Tri article in it (and a triathlete and P3 on the cover).  I guess the Chesapeake Man Triathlon is over here and the article said Triathlon magazine rated it one of the 10 best in the world.  Might have to check that out, but it's possible that it's Eastern Shore propaganda (the ES does rule though).  They have a IM and a HIM, so maybe next year.

Probably the "big" news for me lately (other than my main race is two weeks away) is I think I've had a breakthrough in the pool.  After doing nothing but drills for a number of sessions, I decided I'd better start working on actual swimming endurance.  I noticed an improvement right off the bat, and managed some distance (2200y).  It took a while, but I finished and wasn't really tired.  But, the big thing came today when my wife watched from the side of the pool and made some suggestions.  So, after a minor tweak to my head position the mythical trough in the water (the one you're supposed to be able to breath in) showed up and it was so much easier.  That "hole in the water" had never really been there and I was rotating too far (almost totally up) to get to air and that was killing my momentum.  So, that one little thing knocked a consistent 8s off each lap while being easier to swim.  However, still breathing only on the left side.  I'll work on bilateral over the next week, but don't expect a total conversion as my race is so close.  I can breathe on the right, but it's only "successful" about 50% of the time (and it's never smooth).  Have been working on sighting too.

Jill took some video with the camera, but I'll need to figure out how to get it up to youtube or something.  For an engineer I'm fairly technically dis-inclined, so it might take a bit.  Once I figure it out, I'll let you know.

Take Care,

That is some great stuff Mark!

Lol, yes, the one footed drill can be a real eye opener.  It can be a little frustrating, but stick with it and I promise you'll see some great results.

I'm pumped to hear you had a breakthrough in the pool.  Isn't that such an awesome feeling!  You exactly right with the breathing.  When get a breath properly, only half of your goggles (1 side) should come out of the water.  This can be strange at first, but it will come with time.

As for the bilateral breathing, I agree it may be a little too close to really focus on it.  However, when you're ready, try breathing every 3rd stroke, then 2nd, then 3rd, then 2nd, etc to build your way up.  This will force you to do some extra breathing to your right as well, but it give you more oxygen as you work on this.

I'd love to hear you're planning to do the Chesapeake Man HIM next year.  I think that would be doable for you if you keep with your training.

Keep it up Mark!!!
2010-09-02 9:45 AM
in reply to: #3074846

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Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Colin, how long do you think a long ride should be a week out from a half?  Thanks!
2010-09-02 11:03 AM
in reply to: #3078196

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Hey Samantha,

I'd recommend a 2 hour, possibly 2.5 hour ride.  Be sure to practice your race hydration during this ride as well.
2010-09-02 11:45 PM
in reply to: #3078457

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Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Alrighty!!  2-2.5 hours it is!

2010-09-04 7:25 AM
in reply to: #2776638

Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Hi Colin,
Actually, I haven't done my sprint tri yet; it's Oct 3rd, so only 4 weeks to go for me.  Based on your comments, I need to get the run back into my training.  I'm just overly concerned with the swim, I think.  Well . . . that and really don't like running.   Anyway, thanks for your kind words (everybody), and I hope y'all have a great Labor Day weekend.
2010-09-04 4:36 PM
in reply to: #3081853

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Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Colin, this is what I'm planning to do for my last week, your feedback is appreciated!

Mon: 4 mi run, 10 mi bike
Tues: 1000m swim
Wed: 4 mi run, 10 mi bike
Thurs: 500m swim
Fri: OFF

Not sure if it's ideal to have the run/bike on the same day, but my thought was that it would give my legs complete rest on the other days.  I could do one in the AM, other PM.  Also, I like to have a complete rest day the day before the race, that may be a mental thing though.  And I like the idea of having my legs rest for 2 full days, which is why I did the Mon/Wed thing, but again, that could be mental, so I am not completely opposed to doing something the day or two before.

2010-09-05 5:35 AM
in reply to: #3081853

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
GA Tri(er) - 2010-09-04 8:25 AM Hi Colin,
Actually, I haven't done my sprint tri yet; it's Oct 3rd, so only 4 weeks to go for me.  Based on your comments, I need to get the run back into my training.  I'm just overly concerned with the swim, I think.  Well . . . that and really don't like running.   Anyway, thanks for your kind words (everybody), and I hope y'all have a great Labor Day weekend.

Hi Russ,

Oops!  Sorry I mixed you up with someone else from the group.  Anyway, yes, I would strongly recommend you get back to running.  Unfortunately many people don't like to work on their weaknesses.  However, I highly doubt you're going to enjoy the last leg of your triathlon in October if you're not prepared from the run.  Have you ever heard triathlon people saying "It's all about the run?"  This statement is a little bit more important/true in longer distances races like HIM's and IM's but it still has a lot of truth at any distance.

One thing I read recently that I really liked/thought was a good point and I referenced in a previous post was its hard to be good at something you dislike.  The article was actually written about swimming, but it holds true with anything.  Try to think about the things you like about running and/or do your best to make your running fun.  This could just be a matter of making a mental shift and thinking positively while you're running. 
2010-09-05 5:43 AM
in reply to: #3082270

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
michgirlsk - 2010-09-04 5:36 PM Colin, this is what I'm planning to do for my last week, your feedback is appreciated!

Mon: 4 mi run, 10 mi bike
Tues: 1000m swim
Wed: 4 mi run, 10 mi bike
Thurs: 500m swim
Fri: OFF

Not sure if it's ideal to have the run/bike on the same day, but my thought was that it would give my legs complete rest on the other days.  I could do one in the AM, other PM.  Also, I like to have a complete rest day the day before the race, that may be a mental thing though.  And I like the idea of having my legs rest for 2 full days, which is why I did the Mon/Wed thing, but again, that could be mental, so I am not completely opposed to doing something the day or two before.


Hey Samantha,

The plan for the week looks pretty good.  However, I would actually recommend taking Thursday off and doing a short workout the day before the race.  Many experts say that its better for your muscles to have some activity the day before.  However, this is totally self preference.

I'd recommend something like this:

Monday:  16 mile bike (about an hour),  2 mile run (brick)
Tuesday:  1600m swim
Wednesday:  4-5 mile run
Thursday:  off
Friday:  10' open water swim, 15-20', and 10' run
Sat:  Race

Also remember that while the volume has gone down, the intensity stays up or raises a bit.  You should be doing some sort race paced effort intervals during each one of these workouts.

I hope that helps and let me know if you have questions.
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