BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Boston Beginner's Group, Season 2 - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2010-06-24 7:01 PM
in reply to: #2777751

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Glens Falls
Subject: RE: Boston Beginner's Group, Season 2 - CLOSED
Guess I am ready to race Sunday--just cleaned my bike, tightened everything and oiled the rest-and have already packed and un-packed my bag twice-with more to come.  Firmly believe that I am ready to go, now the fun part starts-counting down the days till VT Sun Series Triathlon-Sprint.

2010-06-26 7:25 PM
in reply to: #2942588

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Hingham, Ma
Subject: RE: Boston Beginner's Group, Season 2 - CLOSED

Dragonflyer - 2010-06-24 8:01 PM Guess I am ready to race Sunday--just cleaned my bike, tightened everything and oiled the rest-and have already packed and un-packed my bag twice-with more to come.  Firmly believe that I am ready to go, now the fun part starts-counting down the days till VT Sun Series Triathlon-Sprint.

Good luck tomorrow.  Make sure you get some sleep tonight.

2010-06-27 7:02 PM
in reply to: #2777751

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Glens Falls
Subject: RE: Boston Beginner's Group, Season 2 - CLOSED
My first Sprint of the season done!!  All in all it went pretty good--was a great learning experince for me--need to work on swim (of course) and trans--that's what killed me more than anything.  Tried wearing a biking jersey that pulled over my head--big mistake--it got hung up after I pulled it over my head and got all balled up--spent way to much time trying to reach back and get it down my back--what a struggle it turned out to be--costing me almost 3 mins of farting around with it--never/ever will make that mistake again.  But had a great time and learned a ton for my next Sprint in just 2 short weeks--now back in the lake starting Monday night.
2010-06-27 7:04 PM
in reply to: #2777751

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Glens Falls
Subject: RE: Boston Beginner's Group, Season 2 - CLOSED
Thanks everyone for the words of support
2010-06-28 8:35 AM
in reply to: #2777751

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Hingham, Ma
Subject: RE: Boston Beginner's Group, Season 2 - CLOSED

Good Morning.  I hope everyone had a productive weekend.  

I don't know if it's the time of year or everyone's schedule, but it's been really slow around here (on the board here, not in activity level).  Is it time to shut it down or do we still want to keep it going?  I would like to keep it going as long as everyone wants, even past the July time frame, but if we aren't getting the participation, then I don't want people to feel they need to participate.  I would imagine now that everyone is well into race season, more questions and concern would have come up, but maybe we answered them all already

Either way, just chime in and let us know you thoughts.   


2010-06-28 8:48 AM
in reply to: #2777751

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Subject: RE: Boston Beginner's Group, Season 2 - CLOSED

I agree with you it has been quiet around here but I have not been able to sit by the computor much more than login my workouts lately. Not because I don't like group just a littel busy right now. I should be more "free" after the 4th of July.
I got a question for the longer distance events. How much fluids are you normally carrying for the longer rides on the bike?? I was looking to switch from my two 24 oz bottles to two 48 oz bottls but couldn't find any,YET. I have been using 1qt poland springs bottles for now but I'm going though those with the heat on my two hr rides. Just wondering where to get more H2O on the bike to be ready for the run??
That's my best effort at getting group going right now I hope everyone is going strong.

2010-06-28 9:27 AM
in reply to: #2947727

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Hingham, Ma
Subject: RE: Boston Beginner's Group, Season 2 - CLOSED

scogz1 - 2010-06-28 9:48 AM

I agree with you it has been quiet around here but I have not been able to sit by the computor much more than login my workouts lately. Not because I don't like group just a littel busy right now. I should be more "free" after the 4th of July.
I got a question for the longer distance events. How much fluids are you normally carrying for the longer rides on the bike?? I was looking to switch from my two 24 oz bottles to two 48 oz bottls but couldn't find any,YET. I have been using 1qt poland springs bottles for now but I'm going though those with the heat on my two hr rides. Just wondering where to get more H2O on the bike to be ready for the run??
That's my best effort at getting group going right now I hope everyone is going strong.

I have an aero bottle, which is 22 ounces, then I have 3 cages.  I use them all.  I take money and stop if I need more.  I usually fill 2 bottles with Gatorade and 2 with water.   I also usually freeze a couple of them so they will be cold for most of the ride, especially in the summer.

2010-06-28 12:07 PM
in reply to: #2947695

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Subject: RE: Boston Beginner's Group, Season 2 - CLOSED

Good Morning.  I hope everyone had a productive weekend.  

I don't know if it's the time of year or everyone's schedule, but it's been really slow around here (on the board here, not in activity level).  Is it time to shut it down or do we still want to keep it going?  I would like to keep it going as long as everyone wants, even past the July time frame, but if we aren't getting the participation, then I don't want people to feel they need to participate.  I would imagine now that everyone is well into race season, more questions and concern would have come up, but maybe we answered them all already

Either way, just chime in and let us know you thoughts.   



I'm just new at the whole group forum thing and maybe a bit shy.  I will try harder to ask more questions now that I am back to the world of the connected...(holidays with no internet access - it was almost weird being so unplugged!)


2010-06-28 3:43 PM
in reply to: #2777751

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Subject: RE: Boston Beginner's Group, Season 2 - CLOSED
Hi all, hope your well !

I did a charity swim yesterday, 1.4 miles pier to pier in the sea obveously.  1 hr 5 mins.

It was great fun, i really enjoyed it and i am now so much an ows convert, i find ows easlier than pool swimming as i dont stop and turn around etc, anyway, i am sporting a nasty burn on my neck where my wetty rubbed, it looks like i have been hung, i think the stranger that zipped me up mayhave got the colar tied up and ok its my fault for being in a rush but i am suffering for it now, i have a oly on sunday coming so i hope it heals up or at least scabs over, its pretty amazing that only 5 months ago i could not swim 4 lengths of the pool without having to stop and now i can crack out 1.4 miles !

I guess its been quiet on here as we have not needed to ask too many questions, i for one was asking loads in the early months but now i kind of found my feet, but i like to keep the group going if everyone else is happy to do so as its good to chat, see how eachother are doing and inspire one another.

I have decided to go long next year, full ironman, either imuk or im switzerland, undecided at the mo, i like the idea of going abroad but that causes a support issue, whereas if i stay in the uk my family are more likely to support me. humm.......

At the moment i am trying to find a marathon to do in november or december, my last goal of 2010 to be achieved.

2010-06-28 4:32 PM
in reply to: #2777751

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Extreme Veteran
Glasgow, UK
Subject: RE: Boston Beginner's Group, Season 2 - CLOSED
I've been AWOL? but a lot of that is due to work that's been manic. I'd like to keep going if we can.

Now for a new question. I have two issues with my new bike I'm loosing circulation in my feet and the saddle is really painful. The two may be related as I may be pressing hard on my feet to relieve the pressure on the saddle so anyone got any recommendations for a saddle and do you think that they're related?

At the moment it gets painful after 10 minutes even with cycle shorts.  
2010-06-28 8:20 PM
in reply to: #2777751

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Glens Falls
Subject: RE: Boston Beginner's Group, Season 2 - CLOSED
You already know I am around to stay!!   I agree with most everyone else, it's sometimes hard to find the time to post.  But am quite sure we all have a minute in our training lifes to sit down and say hello to fellow group members.   We have all helped each other out and it would be a shame to lose that!!  Besides I would miss the pat on the back when all goes wellCool  Have my first Sprint of the season done and am already pushing towards the next one--Hey Josh, watch my training logs am about ready to kick swimming in the butt (started today) found out the hard way it's a major weak point--should have listened when you said--where's you swim sch??

2010-06-29 4:11 AM
in reply to: #2949143

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Boston Beginner's Group, Season 2 - CLOSED
Kate_r - 2010-06-28 4:32 PM I've been AWOL? but a lot of that is due to work that's been manic. I'd like to keep going if we can.

Now for a new question. I have two issues with my new bike I'm loosing circulation in my feet and the saddle is really painful. The two may be related as I may be pressing hard on my feet to relieve the pressure on the saddle so anyone got any recommendations for a saddle and do you think that they're related?

At the moment it gets painful after 10 minutes even with cycle shorts.  

Get a woman specific saddle.  I bought a new saddle awhile back that made all the difference in the world.  It was "only" $59 or so. I couldn't recommend it more.

The LBS I went to had me sit on a thing that measures your butt.  Embarrassing, but effective.  The new comfort is so worth it.

2010-06-29 4:14 AM
in reply to: #2949143

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Frugal Gear Geek
having fun with the kids
Subject: RE: Boston Beginner's Group, Season 2 - CLOSED

Kate_r - 2010-06-28 5:32 PM I've been AWOL? but a lot of that is due to work that's been manic. I'd like to keep going if we can.

Now for a new question. I have two issues with my new bike I'm loosing circulation in my feet and the saddle is really painful. The two may be related as I may be pressing hard on my feet to relieve the pressure on the saddle so anyone got any recommendations for a saddle and do you think that they're related?

At the moment it gets painful after 10 minutes even with cycle shorts.  

Kate, have you had a change in seat position? Something as simple as raising or lowering your saddle height can cause that. Any change in position including adding aero bars etc is something to look into. Also, how old is your saddle? It might have lost what it had for cushion.  Last but not least, are your shoes too tight? Sounds simple, but I love my shoes tight so they are as one as they can be with the pedals. I have overtightened them in the past, so try that too.


Scott, on the water, I love my aero bottle, and will take 2 24 oz bottles on longer rides. I have stopped at McDs' etc for water when needed. Also bring that cash for more Gatorade while on the road. For races, bottle exchanges are available on the long ones more often than not. Even Cranberry has a bottle exchange on the oly.

Side note, it is getting hot out there now. If you have not experimented with salt tablets, think about it. I am not talking about them for 1 hour workouts in the heat, but if your gear turns white while on a workout, it might be an issue. I started taking them at work because I work outside in the heat for 8 hours a day. My shirts are dark green with large white lines after I am finished. I tribute the salt tabs for allowing me to keep up my energy and keep my appetite when I workout, where as my coworkers are dragging butt after the day is 1/2 over.

2010-06-29 7:20 AM
in reply to: #2949028

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Hingham, Ma
Subject: RE: Boston Beginner's Group, Season 2 - CLOSED

Tiesim - 2010-06-28 4:43 PM Hi all, hope your well !

I did a charity swim yesterday, 1.4 miles pier to pier in the sea obveously.  1 hr 5 mins.

It was great fun, i really enjoyed it and i am now so much an ows convert, i find ows easlier than pool swimming as i dont stop and turn around etc, anyway, i am sporting a nasty burn on my neck where my wetty rubbed, it looks like i have been hung, i think the stranger that zipped me up mayhave got the colar tied up and ok its my fault for being in a rush but i am suffering for it now, i have a oly on sunday coming so i hope it heals up or at least scabs over, its pretty amazing that only 5 months ago i could not swim 4 lengths of the pool without having to stop and now i can crack out 1.4 miles !

I guess its been quiet on here as we have not needed to ask too many questions, i for one was asking loads in the early months but now i kind of found my feet, but i like to keep the group going if everyone else is happy to do so as its good to chat, see how eachother are doing and inspire one another.

I have decided to go long next year, full ironman, either imuk or im switzerland, undecided at the mo, i like the idea of going abroad but that causes a support issue, whereas if i stay in the uk my family are more likely to support me. humm.......

At the moment i am trying to find a marathon to do in november or december, my last goal of 2010 to be achieved.


First, you are making huge strides in your first year and putting all of us "veterans" to shame.  

Picking an IM is difficult, at least here it is because they sell out so fast.  Here is my 2 cents on IMs and longer races in general.  Although it is awesome to have your family there to support you, remember they are the ones that have to hang around all day and wait for you.  I have taken my family (wife and 2 young kids) to Florida and California for my 2 HIMs.  Florida we had my parents and brother there and CA we had my BIL/SIL and good friends there to help out.  With all that help, it still adds stress.  Now if you don't have any kids, then go for it.  We aren't taking the kids to Arizona for IM.  It's too much on everyone.

I will stop my babbling now.   I would love to see the elevation for Switzerland.  When do you have to decide by? 

2010-06-29 7:22 AM
in reply to: #2949143

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Hingham, Ma
Subject: RE: Boston Beginner's Group, Season 2 - CLOSED

Kate_r - 2010-06-28 5:32 PM I've been AWOL? but a lot of that is due to work that's been manic. I'd like to keep going if we can.

Now for a new question. I have two issues with my new bike I'm loosing circulation in my feet and the saddle is really painful. The two may be related as I may be pressing hard on my feet to relieve the pressure on the saddle so anyone got any recommendations for a saddle and do you think that they're related?

At the moment it gets painful after 10 minutes even with cycle shorts.  

Uncomfortable for a couple of days until you get used to the seat - yes, but obvious pain -NO.  Go to the LBS and get it checked out.  They should let you try out a couple of saddles to get used to.  I am not sure about the feet.  Are you shoes to tight?  They should have some answers on that as well.  Let us know how it goes.

2010-06-29 8:49 AM
in reply to: #2777751

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Extreme Veteran
Glasgow, UK
Subject: RE: Boston Beginner's Group, Season 2 - CLOSED
I have looked at the women specific saddles and looked at what's available where I live and it's good to see that someone's getting use out of the ones where you need to be measured.

The issue with padding isn't the case as the saddle itself is brand new. I've done a couple of rides now and it's not getting any better. When I've rode on different saddles in the past and while they've been uncomfortable I have got used to them once I've toughened up Embarassed but this is just painful and increasingly so as the ride continues.

I'm going to try and get to the LBS this weekend to check out my options.

As for the shoes I'll try to loosen the laces.

2010-06-29 1:40 PM
in reply to: #2777751

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Subject: RE: Boston Beginner's Group, Season 2 - CLOSED
Swimming Question:  I am trying to understand the philosophy of the interval type workouts I read about vs. just doing long swims.  What is gained by doing multiple sets of 100 or 200 at T+/- speeds vs. just swimming for distance?  I am a slow swimmer and would like to get  better/faster.  I know form is the critical component, but how do all these interval sets help?

Thank you,
2010-06-29 3:05 PM
in reply to: #2949143

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Subject: RE: Boston Beginner's Group, Season 2 - CLOSED
Hi Kate R

x 2 on the shoe tightness, try loosening them up a bit, i suffered with numb feet for 5 months before i got the laces right. Let usknow how it goes.


Edited by Tiesim 2010-06-29 3:06 PM
2010-06-29 3:17 PM
in reply to: #2950104

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Subject: RE: Boston Beginner's Group, Season 2 - CLOSED
Boston Beginner - 2010-06-29 1:20 PM


First, you are making huge strides in your first year and putting all of us "veterans" to shame.  

Picking an IM is difficult, at least here it is because they sell out so fast.  Here is my 2 cents on IMs and longer races in general.  Although it is awesome to have your family there to support you, remember they are the ones that have to hang around all day and wait for you.  I have taken my family (wife and 2 young kids) to Florida and California for my 2 HIMs.  Florida we had my parents and brother there and CA we had my BIL/SIL and good friends there to help out.  With all that help, it still adds stress.  Now if you don't have any kids, then go for it.  We aren't taking the kids to Arizona for IM.  It's too much on everyone.

I will stop my babbling now.   I would love to see the elevation for Switzerland.  When do you have to decide by? 

We've no kids (atm) so thats not a problem, (unless one decides to turn up between now and then and i must confess that is a worry). Like you said, IM races are sold out in europe too within a day, so i will need to get cracking on the open day. Humm.. decisions decisions, i'm not really concerned about elevation, i have been told there is no such thing as an easy IM anyway so thats not a focus point. I am now more leaning to IMUK for simplicity, but i have a month to decide as IMUK is 1/8/10 and  IMSwitzerland 2011 opens on 26/7/10.

Out of interest how muich is an IM race in the USA ?
2010-06-29 6:01 PM
in reply to: #2951374

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Hingham, Ma
Subject: RE: Boston Beginner's Group, Season 2 - CLOSED

Tiesim - 2010-06-29 4:17 PM
Boston Beginner - 2010-06-29 1:20 PM

Out of interest how muich is an IM race in the USA ?

$550 plus fees.  I think they just went up to $575 for IMTexas.  I would check that thread.   It's not cheap. 

2010-06-29 10:50 PM
in reply to: #2777751

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Subject: RE: Boston Beginner's Group, Season 2 - CLOSED
Kate, I'm going to say it because I don't know what "LBS" stands for?? I think its going to have to do with getting a bike fitting done, yes?? If so the bike fitting I had done a couple months ago found that I was leaning too far forward which was causing my hand/shoulder to get a little numb. After the bike fit it went away, with a new shorter stem. I agree with everyone else, it probably will be something simple but that you might need an experts eye to notice.

General Sir, nice job sparking up the group!

2010-06-30 3:58 AM
in reply to: #2952227

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Subject: RE: Boston Beginner's Group, Season 2 - CLOSED
scogz1 - 2010-06-30 4:50 AM Kate, I'm going to say it because I don't know what "LBS" stands for?? I think its going to have to do with getting a bike fitting done, yes?? If so the bike fitting I had done a couple months ago found that I was leaning too far forward which was causing my hand/shoulder to get a little numb. After the bike fit it went away, with a new shorter stem. I agree with everyone else, it probably will be something simple but that you might need an experts eye to notice.

General Sir, nice job sparking up the group!

Steve LBS is local bike shop, but no shame in not knowing, I had to ask a few months back and myself should go for a proper bike fit but i just seem to have a mental block on the cost of £75 !
2010-06-30 4:13 AM
in reply to: #2951077

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Subject: RE: Boston Beginner's Group, Season 2 - CLOSED
dmahr - 2010-06-29 7:40 PM Swimming Question:  I am trying to understand the philosophy of the interval type workouts I read about vs. just doing long swims.  What is gained by doing multiple sets of 100 or 200 at T+/- speeds vs. just swimming for distance?  I am a slow swimmer and would like to get  better/faster.  I know form is the critical component, but how do all these interval sets help?

Thank you,

I too would like to know a bit more about this as i basically get in the pool and just swim, but do get bored. I also find i get tired quicker in the pool compared to OWS due to the interuptions to my breathing when turning around, any comments or tips to change my pool training would be most appreciated.

2010-06-30 5:11 AM
in reply to: #2952375

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Frugal Gear Geek
having fun with the kids
Subject: RE: Boston Beginner's Group, Season 2 - CLOSED

Let me start by saying I am not a masters swimmer. I have picked up this info along the way. The idea of doing the shorter sets in swimming is like a marathon runner doing 5k intervals +/-.  Depending on how the workout is structured, it can be to work on keeping the pace strong at the end of a workout. This is done when the times keep getting shorter as the set progresses. The idea is it will help you find a starting pace that is slow enough that you can keep getting faster as the workout progresses. In a race, this helps you find a grove that works but you will not be gassed at the end.


Other sets are giving you a pace to maintain that have the short rest breaks in them to allow you just enough rest to maintain form, but train faster than you normally would.

Now for my opinion. Nothing is swimming is more important than consistent training with the best form that you can have. Masters is great for working on tempo and building a ton of swimming fitness. From what I have seen, I think it is more important to get your stroke analyzed by a swim coach on video, under water is even better. Masters coaches can help with this, but they have a bunch of people they are working with and from what I have heard, stoke analysis from the pool deck is only about 1/2 of the stoke to be seen. Consider seeking out a tri swim instructor and have your stoke looked at. If not, grab a total immersion video or book. I have worked on a few things from a T1 book and it helped me a bunch.

Good luck, and let us know if any of this helped.

2010-06-30 9:38 AM
in reply to: #2777751

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Hingham, Ma
Subject: RE: Boston Beginner's Group, Season 2 - CLOSED

I am by no means a swimming expert as well, but here is my experience.  

I swam a bit in high school.  Not much, maybe 2 years.   Until 2008, I hadn't swam in 20 years.  So that's my back ground.  When I started, I just swam as much as I could, as long as I could, which wasn't much.  I just wanted to build up my base.  I ended up doing 100' and 200's intervals, because I had to stop to catch my breath.  Last year and into this year, I started following the plan more to do the intervals and the speed work outs and the drills, and the distance workouts.  I do all the 10 x 100, etc because, one, it splits up the workouts, and 2, it seems to be helping.  I don't know why.

I did a set of 500 last night at 8:45, which is 1:45/100 for all you mathematically challenged out there.  I was consistently doing around 2:05-2:10 for anything over 300 last year.  I believe the reason for this improvement is the time in the water and the fact that I have been doing all the drills and speed workouts.  

Give it try for a couple of weeks.  It's not going to hurt.  If you see an improvement, then keep doing it.  Let us know how it goes.

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