BT Development Mentor Program Archives » STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL! Rss Feed  
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2012-06-01 8:15 AM
in reply to: #4238471

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
Lovey - 2012-06-01 12:07 AM

Relaxing at home unable to sleep. Had a follow up appt at my orthopedic surgeon today, 2 weeks after surgery on my fractured ankle. Bone healing well with the exception of some fracture blisters. I have never seen so many staples before and gawked when they took off my cast. I swear my foot look like frankenstein foot. I now sport a walking boot but not allowed to walk yet so still hobbling around on crutches. My dear hubby now calls me "Herman Munster or Robocop".

That's love huh Lovey? Sounds like you are moving along... hang in there!

2012-06-01 8:16 AM
in reply to: #4237262

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
oak73 - 2012-05-31 12:23 PM

Im going to be sore tomorrow.  Going to the gym today to make up my Monday and Wensday workouts.  Then got my run tonight.  Monday was not my fault, the gym was closed.  Wensday, well...had a lazy day  lol.

Go get 'em tiger.
2012-06-01 8:17 AM
in reply to: #4234735

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
Zbridget - 2012-05-30 6:58 AM

I joined a running group at a local bar/restaurant in town.  They meet on Tuesday's at 6pm, run 5K and get timed- at the end of the run we got a popsicle stick with the time we finished (I was 37th) which we trade in at the bar for a beer, wine or soft drink (I had a beer )  What a cool group- I finished with a new personal best time of 33 minutes!  Yay!  I'm not so afraid of that HM in September now.  

And finally, I got my bicycle off of layaway!  Did a few leisure rides with dd over the holiday weekend, and pushed it with my Y friends up some scary hills!  

This Sunday is my first tri- although I am volunteering.  Going to bring dd & dh along as well.  

Take care all!


Wow, that's totally cool!! I would run for beer....

And excellent news on the bike, how do you like it?
2012-06-01 8:19 AM
in reply to: #4128264

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
It's June!!

How's everybody feeling about a new month? Any shorter term goals for the next 4 weeks?
2012-06-01 9:48 AM
in reply to: #4238471

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LaPorte, IN
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

Lovey - 2012-05-31 11:07 PM Relaxing at home unable to sleep. Had a follow up appt at my orthopedic surgeon today, 2 weeks after surgery on my fractured ankle. Bone healing well with the exception of some fracture blisters. I have never seen so many staples before and gawked when they took off my cast. I swear my foot look like frankenstein foot. I now sport a walking boot but not allowed to walk yet so still hobbling around on crutches. My dear hubby now calls me "Herman Munster or Robocop".

Im glad your getting better, hang in there. 


2012-06-01 9:56 AM
in reply to: #4238792

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LaPorte, IN
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

stephsprint - 2012-06-01 8:19 AM It's June!! How's everybody feeling about a new month? Any shorter term goals for the next 4 weeks?

Well besides feeling extremely sore from yesterdays work out...Im feeling great about June.  I have two planned races in June.  One on the 16th and then on the 23rd.  My goal for this month is to break the 44 minute 5k.  I think I can achieve this.  My first time was 44:24, and my second was 44:58.  I have 3.1 miles to make up 59 seconds.  If I shave 5-10 seconds off of my walk in between run, I should do it.

2012-06-01 6:38 PM
in reply to: #4128264

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
Thunderstorms killed my AM run, and Thunderstorms killed my PM run.

Tomorrow is another day. 6am, Run/Swim brick. Sunday Bike/Swim brick. Please please please.... make the weather be good!
2012-06-02 6:07 AM
in reply to: #4128264

Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

Hope you have a good recovery, Lovey. I would go insane not being able to move at 100%. Be tough.

My May totals are hard to evaluate. I swam and biked more than I ever have, but my run miles were lower. I guess that's a fair trade off. Family and work time are really starting to crimp my training, and I think I might start running in the early morning and do some two-a-days. I swore I'd never be the guy who has to wake up earlier than his family to get a workout in.

Tried an OWS yesterday evening in a private pond located in a nature preserve. Was very picturesque with a rising moon to breathe at on one side, and a beautiful mountain ridge on the other, but I got the fear and jumped out after about 50 yds. Solo, cold, getting dark, and having a 1.5 mile run back home, I decided to try it again some other time.


2012-06-02 6:11 AM
in reply to: #4240445

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
skibummer - 2012-06-02 7:07 AM

Hope you have a good recovery, Lovey. I would go insane not being able to move at 100%. Be tough.

My May totals are hard to evaluate. I swam and biked more than I ever have, but my run miles were lower. I guess that's a fair trade off. Family and work time are really starting to crimp my training, and I think I might start running in the early morning and do some two-a-days. I swore I'd never be the guy who has to wake up earlier than his family to get a workout in.

Tried an OWS yesterday evening in a private pond located in a nature preserve. Was very picturesque with a rising moon to breathe at on one side, and a beautiful mountain ridge on the other, but I got the fear and jumped out after about 50 yds. Solo, cold, getting dark, and having a 1.5 mile run back home, I decided to try it again some other time.


Glad you got in and swam a little. Baby steps!

Two-a-days. Impressive!
2012-06-03 7:31 AM
in reply to: #4128264

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.
2012-06-03 8:32 AM
in reply to: #4241519

Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

stephsprint - 2012-06-03 8:31 AM

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit. Aristotle

Great training mantra. I always want to quit. Training is hard, it hurts, takes up time and money I can spend on eating ice cream and watching TV. I repeat quips such as "strength", "go", and I always keep my known competitor's training in mind. I HAVE TO train harder than them. FaceBook (message me if you want to be "friends") is good for letting me know how some of my competitors are training because they post every time they blink. When they run 5 miles, I run 6. When I train at night or in the rain, I like to think that my competitors aren't. That gives me another mental boost.

Went for an hour bike than an hour run. WOW!! Rode a cool loop around town for a few laps. No GPS, but I think it was around 12-15 miles. Sprint distance might be too short for me, because I finally get my legs toward the end of mile 3 on the run. Put up 8 minute miles on mile 4 and 5 yesterday. That is good for me even for non brick runs.

Thank goodness the swimming is first. I couldn't imagine a brick like feeling going into the water.

2012-06-03 11:24 AM
in reply to: #4238792

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

stephsprint - 2012-06-01 8:19 AM It's June!! How's everybody feeling about a new month? Any shorter term goals for the next 4 weeks?

June has come in on a whimper.   Do to some medical issues, I've been extremely fatigued so my workouts have been sporadic.   That combined with going out of town Friday to Sat to help my son move means I haven't done anything since last Wednesday. Hoping to get in a bike ride today although much laundry and other household stuff beckons. 

2012-06-03 11:30 AM
in reply to: #4128264

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

On a rather humorous, or not depending on your take..... We were driving back from Michigan last night (5 1/2 hour drive) and my younger son (he's 20), who is supposed to be watching the house and the dogs, sends me a text that he is going downtown with some friends from school and could they spend the night?  We got home and went to bed.

So, I'm sitting in the kitchen typing out the last post when the door of the basement opens up and out walks...2 girls. My son, sleeping in the basement with two very cute young ladies. Not sure if I should laugh or not.

2012-06-03 5:56 PM
in reply to: #4241674

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
suzimmer - 2012-06-03 12:30 PM

On a rather humorous, or not depending on your take..... We were driving back from Michigan last night (5 1/2 hour drive) and my younger son (he's 20), who is supposed to be watching the house and the dogs, sends me a text that he is going downtown with some friends from school and could they spend the night?  We got home and went to bed.

So, I'm sitting in the kitchen typing out the last post when the door of the basement opens up and out walks...2 girls. My son, sleeping in the basement with two very cute young ladies. Not sure if I should laugh or not.

Laugh and be glad you have the son, and not the daughters.
2012-06-03 6:53 PM
in reply to: #4238792

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New user
Stonington, CT
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

stephsprint - 2012-06-01 9:19 AM It's June!! How's everybody feeling about a new month? Any shorter term goals for the next 4 weeks?


By the end of this month, I want to be able to run for 6 1/2 miles...

2012-06-03 7:03 PM
in reply to: #4128264

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New user
Stonington, CT
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

My first Tri today!  Okay, I was volunteering, supporting my friends, and handing out water- but it was my first time witnessing one.  It was a sprint.  

I think I can do the bike and run, but the swim was quite intimidating.  It was at our local Y- which is on the beach.  It rained all day yesterday- so the water was cold- the weather was perfect though this morning, sunny, slightly cool and warmed up nicely by mid morning.  

The swim looked so daunting- a half mile swim, out to a big orange buoy, then making a right turn then to another orange buoy, then back to the beach.  There were boats & kayaks everywhere along the route.  The fastest swimmers were very fast- moving like there was no problem.  I had the most respect for the slowest ones though- they persevered and even the ones who came in last, came in strong.

Everyone finished the race. 

My spinning instructor was there- she asked when I was going to join them.  I really need to get more comfortable in the water first.  A year ago this wouldn't even be a possibility for me- now I am really considering doing this next year!


2012-06-04 6:03 AM
in reply to: #4242104

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
Zbridget - 2012-06-03 8:03 PM

My first Tri today!  Okay, I was volunteering, supporting my friends, and handing out water- but it was my first time witnessing one.  It was a sprint.  

I think I can do the bike and run, but the swim was quite intimidating.  It was at our local Y- which is on the beach.  It rained all day yesterday- so the water was cold- the weather was perfect though this morning, sunny, slightly cool and warmed up nicely by mid morning.  

The swim looked so daunting- a half mile swim, out to a big orange buoy, then making a right turn then to another orange buoy, then back to the beach.  There were boats & kayaks everywhere along the route.  The fastest swimmers were very fast- moving like there was no problem.  I had the most respect for the slowest ones though- they persevered and even the ones who came in last, came in strong.

Everyone finished the race. 

My spinning instructor was there- she asked when I was going to join them.  I really need to get more comfortable in the water first.  A year ago this wouldn't even be a possibility for me- now I am really considering doing this next year!


That's SO perfect! Volunteering or attending a Tri is a great way to see what it's about. You can swim a half mile. You can breast stroke and doggy paddle when you get tired... and yes, those people out there will help you if you struggle. I'm not sure what was the bigger adrenaline rush for me.... the fear and doubt when the gun went off, or the rush I got when I crawled out of the water. I do know that I had a VERY fast transition, I must have been buzzing!

Seriously Z, it's so worth doing, you'll be SO thrilled you did.
2012-06-04 6:05 AM
in reply to: #4242093

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
Zbridget - 2012-06-03 7:53 PM

stephsprint - 2012-06-01 9:19 AM It's June!! How's everybody feeling about a new month? Any shorter term goals for the next 4 weeks?


By the end of this month, I want to be able to run for 6 1/2 miles...

That's a great goal. Find that balance between running and resting/recovery... you can do it.
2012-06-04 6:07 AM
in reply to: #4128264

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
First day of Marathon training this morning. Had a beautiful run under a beautiful moon. Just 2 miles... my form focus was lengthening my stride out behind me, chin down, and inhaling through the nose. I believe I found my Chi this morning.

Chi is like Mojo, but before coffee.
2012-06-04 10:35 AM
in reply to: #4241674

Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
suzimmer - 2012-06-03 9:30 AM

On a rather humorous, or not depending on your take..... We were driving back from Michigan last night (5 1/2 hour drive) and my younger son (he's 20), who is supposed to be watching the house and the dogs, sends me a text that he is going downtown with some friends from school and could they spend the night?  We got home and went to bed.

So, I'm sitting in the kitchen typing out the last post when the door of the basement opens up and out walks...2 girls. My son, sleeping in the basement with two very cute young ladies. Not sure if I should laugh or not.

I am constantly amazed that teenagers/young adults have this innate ability to follow every rule and break every rule all at the same time. Mine seem to have mastered that skill also.

2012-06-04 10:40 AM
in reply to: #4128264

Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
Well, I learned some life changing news this weekend that forces me to sign off from BT for awhile.  All the best and much success to each and every one of you!

2012-06-04 10:42 AM
in reply to: #4128264

Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
Did my first open water swim Sunday!!!!!!! IT was amazing I did not want to get out. I actually ended up doing almost a mile. I felt so at home and relaxed which is why it was such an amazing experience. I had read the night before about all these people freaking out in open water. So my anxiety was defiantly up but the water was really warm and I felt at easy and when I started to loose my form I just laid on my back and absorbed the warm sun shineCool I know the water was calm on Sunday and that it may be different on race day, but my fears are gone! Worse case scenario I just float on my back and fix my chi and get going again.  
2012-06-04 2:43 PM
in reply to: #4243155

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
erin1621 - 2012-06-04 11:42 AM

Did my first open water swim Sunday!!!!!!! IT was amazing I did not want to get out. I actually ended up doing almost a mile. I felt so at home and relaxed which is why it was such an amazing experience. I had read the night before about all these people freaking out in open water. So my anxiety was defiantly up but the water was really warm and I felt at easy and when I started to loose my form I just laid on my back and absorbed the warm sun shineCool I know the water was calm on Sunday and that it may be different on race day, but my fears are gone! Worse case scenario I just float on my back and fix my chi and get going again.  

Beautiful!! Your Chi is with you!
2012-06-04 2:44 PM
in reply to: #4243146

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
Threejs - 2012-06-04 11:40 AM

Well, I learned some life changing news this weekend that forces me to sign off from BT for awhile.  All the best and much success to each and every one of you!

I'm so sorry! I wish you well.
2012-06-04 7:37 PM
in reply to: #4128264

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Medford Lakes, NJ
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

Hey Everyone,

Sorry...  been away for a bit.  Looks like there were a number of successful races.  Congratz to all of you.  


Suzi ... I find that quite amusing.. then I realized that could have been one of my nieces or .. daughter.. ugh.. Surprised

Erin .. way to go on the open water swim... a mile .. holly cow.. 

Steph and Skibum.. I like the training point of view.. anything to helps keep going.

June plans??  A long weekend vaca at the end of the month and nipping all my swimming issues in time for my July races. 

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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL! Rss Feed  
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