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2012-05-23 9:10 PM
in reply to: #4220039

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
TLakatos1259 - 2012-05-21 8:15 AM

OK, now for my update:

I got a new job this past weekend; I will be an operations/program manager & sales for a kitchen cabinet warehouse.  This is in addition to managing the showroom I mentioned a few weeks ago.

The plus side is that I will be switching my training from afternoons to mornings.

So, todays question:  Does anyone train as soon as they get up and what do you do, eat, and prepare to start exercising right out of bed?


I much prefer to work out/train in the am. I drink a cup of coffee and have either some yogurt with granola or a protein bar. After my workouts are done, I eat my real breakfast which is usually oatmeal or scrambled eggs. I can't each much prior to working out cause I can't swim or run with a full stomach.


2012-05-23 9:15 PM
in reply to: #4221667

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
Ybeal - 2012-05-21 7:09 PM

Well, made it through the Warrior Dash, SO MUCH FUN!!!!  I'm a little battered and bruised but I'd do it again in a heartbeat   Only downside is that it contributed to me skipping my sprint the next day, I was so stiff I worried that it would be too much for my shin, so I thought it smarter to skip it.

What I didn't realize that Warrior Dash is an EVENT so I wish I had hunkered down and stayed for the day, drinking, eating, watching the chaos and listening to the bands! Alas, the very patient kiddos weren't down for that, but next time I definitely will!


Looks like a great time. I keep trying to talk my dh into doing the one here. He is a big ninny about some things and getting muddy in the swamp is one of them. Something about snakes and alligators bothers him- hehe. Just not really his cup of tea. I on the other hand am the adventurous one and want to do one. It seems like getting together a team of people and staying for the fun after is the ideal way to do one. So that's my project for next years- get a fun group of friends to do it with me and stay for the after fun.


2012-05-23 9:19 PM
in reply to: #4222238

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
TLakatos1259 - 2012-05-22 7:39 AM

Ok, so my wetsuit rental finally showed up yesterday.  Later than I thought would.  The email said it would be a brand new one and I should break it in.  Unfortunately I wont have time.  The funniest thing about it though -  It's an ORCA WETSUIT!

They're plotting against me I tell 'ya.


And for the other crowd..

Tom- Lmao-

You'll forever be branded by the Orca- lol. However, remember they are killer whales. So go out there and kill your times and your opponents. See being an Orca definitely has it's advantages.


2012-05-23 9:21 PM
in reply to: #4222195

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN

trirun26 - 2012-05-22 7:05 AM Wow!mcongrats to all you racers on this past weekend! I did an "Orangetheory class" yesterday, kicked my butt! Has anyone tried this before?Happy week to everyone :-).....Alicia


I have not Alicia. What kind of class it is?


2012-05-23 9:29 PM
in reply to: #4223583

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
Lesandtj - 2012-05-22 3:50 PM

Thanks for the aqua jogging suggestion. I'll give it a shot. 

Lifeguard 1: "What is going on over there? Should we save him?"

Lifeguard 2: "No, he's been thrashing around for 2 hours. I think it's aqua jogging."




We recently went to Pensacola for dh to run a hm. The hotel treadmill was occupied and it was 10pm. Both pool and fitness center closed at 11p and guy on treadmill had just started. So I said ok next best thing is aqua jog. I will say I got some crazy looks that night. But I got a 45 min run session in and was sweating in the pool. It was definitely more difficult than I expected.

I think it is a great option for injury. Not that I know what I'm talking about though- so take my opinion for what it's worth- much o nothing- hehe.


2012-05-23 10:21 PM
in reply to: #4128570

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!

Ok, so I got in my first aqua jog tonight. It was harder than I thought, but fun anyway. Is that what is feels like for thin people to run? If so I gotta get real thin. I was jogging/prancing my heart out. Also, it was much easier keeping an eye on the kids. Hey! Can I ride my bike in the water? I might be onto something...... Or not.  

I rode my bike to the pool, aqua jogged for an hour then rode home. Great workout, great time with the family, I might just get out of this funk afterall. Thanks for the support ya'll. Hope I can repay it.

2012-05-24 8:52 AM
in reply to: #4226433

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
Lesandtj - 2012-05-23 10:21 PM

Ok, so I got in my first aqua jog tonight. It was harder than I thought, but fun anyway. Is that what is feels like for thin people to run? If so I gotta get real thin. I was jogging/prancing my heart out. Also, it was much easier keeping an eye on the kids. Hey! Can I ride my bike in the water? I might be onto something...... Or not.  

I rode my bike to the pool, aqua jogged for an hour then rode home. Great workout, great time with the family, I might just get out of this funk afterall. Thanks for the support ya'll. Hope I can repay it.

Glad to hear you tried it out! 

There is also a treadmill that is hard to find and usually only found in a PT office  called an  "alter-G"   (alter-Gravity)  it  takes much of the weight off while you run.    Marathoners like Kara Goucher have them at home to take some of the pounding/stress off their bones as they PILE on the mileage.     I hear it costs a good bit to use , but certainly would be "interesting" to test out. 

2012-05-24 5:22 PM
in reply to: #4226433

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West Palm Beach
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
Lesandtj - 2012-05-23 11:21 PM

Ok, so I got in my first aqua jog tonight. It was harder than I thought, but fun anyway. Is that what is feels like for thin people to run? If so I gotta get real thin. I was jogging/prancing my heart out. Also, it was much easier keeping an eye on the kids. Hey! Can I ride my bike in the water? I might be onto something...... Or not.  

I rode my bike to the pool, aqua jogged for an hour then rode home. Great workout, great time with the family, I might just get out of this funk afterall. Thanks for the support ya'll. Hope I can repay it.

Wow! One hour of aqua jogging is freaking hard!! Hmmmm I I know a half marathon will be fine for you :-)My PF is sooooo bad today! Damn work, every time I work it's a set back...arggggggThis weekend I plan to ride long so I can get all this frustration out! LolHappy weekend!Alicia
2012-05-24 5:26 PM
in reply to: #4226369

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West Palm Beach
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
fitmomma2010 - 2012-05-23 10:21 PM

trirun26 - 2012-05-22 7:05 AM Wow!mcongrats to all you racers on this past weekend! I did an "Orangetheory class" yesterday, kicked my butt! Has anyone tried this before?Happy week to everyone :-).....Alicia


I have not Alicia. What kind of class it is?


Well, it's a class based on heart rate so everyone is at their own pace. We do running, rowing, core, and upper body strength work out. All done fast! Really hard but fun. I lost the core strength I had with my surgery so I am working on it plus I have also been somewhat lazy with upper body strength! It's kicking my butt!Alicia
2012-05-24 9:23 PM
in reply to: #4226867

New user
Wauwatosa, WI
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!

Hey everyone, I saw a silly movie on Netflix called "St. Ralph", it's about a 14 year old kid who needs a miracle for his mom, so he decides that he is going to win the Boston Marathon.  Makes you want to go out and run! Worth the time to watch.




2012-05-25 9:41 AM
in reply to: #4128570

SouthSide of Chicago
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!

Goooooood morning folks.  So sorry for falling of the face of the earth for a bit, but work travel and kids sports have gotten in the way.  So as a quick funny story, I was in Philly this week and figured while I was there I would get some pool time in.  Every hotel has a pool right?  Well, I never called to check if the hotel had a pool so I just packed up my suit and goggles and off I went.  When I got to the hotel I tossed on the suit and made my way to the pool.  Here is the funny part, the darn pool is only an outdoor pool, and was not opened yet from the winter.  What the heck? What respectible hotel doesnt have an indoor pool in the midwest.  I can see only outdoor pools in the west or south, but really come on this was Philly.

Oh well, back in town and was able to make up for it yesterday with a bunch of laps.  Granted I am having a hard time moving my arms above my head, but I got the laps in.. 

Hope you are all well, and happy Memorial day.

2012-05-27 10:32 AM
in reply to: #4128570

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!


OK, so yesterday was a complete BUST!  Woke up, felt great, got set up.  Watched others get their wetsuits on.  Mine felt tight, but thought that was normal, right?  According to the size chart that came with the suit, I was right in the middle of the range.  The chest area still felt tight!  Well, I got about 50 yds, COULD NOT BREATH AT ALL!  Tried to float and back stroke, not happening.  I didn't panic, lifeguard came over and asked if I wanted to continue, got towed back in.  I could not side stroke, back stroke - nothing!

I had the option of finishing without my chip but decided it might not be a smart move.  My chest was tight for atleast another 45 minutes. 

I spent the rest of the day wondering if this whole thing was worth it.  Took a nap, I felt more drained than after the race 4 weeks ago.  Chest still hurt last night too.

Well, I went to bed thinking I wanted to do a brick this morning (bike/run).  Since I bought new Brooks Racer ST5 on Friday, I should use them right?  So I got up, took my RHR, had a GU and some water.  Did 11 miles on the bike, and 1.9 miles run.  The 2 minute transition was getting in and out of the house.

Guess I'm still in this thing, next race in 2 weeks though I am thinking of switching to a duathlon to avoid renting another wetsuit.

Hope you all have a great Memorial Day and remember our heroes!

Cousin died flying medical helicopter in Vietnam

Father and step father served in Navy in Korea and later

Uncle served in Navy WWII - 2 purple hearts

2012-05-27 12:07 PM
in reply to: #4231119

New user
Wauwatosa, WI
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!

Hey Tom, that sucks!  But, in the train of thought, "What doesn't kill us, only makes us stronger", don't let it get you down.  

I had a similar issue, and I think that it is probably pretty common. I'm 5'8", 210 lbs., and tried a full wet suit on at a clinic- and had the same experience. So, I'm going to try a XL sleeveless. I think that it will be a much better fit that way (I've got a big back), so I'm hoping without the sleeves it won't be so tight. 

It's 7 weeks to the Racine HIM!  I should have my suit by Wednesday, and hoping to get in 6-8 OWS in before the race.

Happy Memorial Day Weekend Everyone- Rob, USMC 1991-1998-Semper Fi

Edited by Turner100 2012-05-27 12:08 PM
2012-05-27 7:00 PM
in reply to: #4231119

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
TLakatos1259 - 2012-05-27 10:32 AM


OK, so yesterday was a complete BUST!  Woke up, felt great, got set up.  Watched others get their wetsuits on.  Mine felt tight, but thought that was normal, right?  According to the size chart that came with the suit, I was right in the middle of the range.  The chest area still felt tight!  Well, I got about 50 yds, COULD NOT BREATH AT ALL!  Tried to float and back stroke, not happening.  I didn't panic, lifeguard came over and asked if I wanted to continue, got towed back in.  I could not side stroke, back stroke - nothing!

I had the option of finishing without my chip but decided it might not be a smart move.  My chest was tight for atleast another 45 minutes. 

I spent the rest of the day wondering if this whole thing was worth it.  Took a nap, I felt more drained than after the race 4 weeks ago.  Chest still hurt last night too.

Well, I went to bed thinking I wanted to do a brick this morning (bike/run).  Since I bought new Brooks Racer ST5 on Friday, I should use them right?  So I got up, took my RHR, had a GU and some water.  Did 11 miles on the bike, and 1.9 miles run.  The 2 minute transition was getting in and out of the house.

Guess I'm still in this thing, next race in 2 weeks though I am thinking of switching to a duathlon to avoid renting another wetsuit.

Hope you all have a great Memorial Day and remember our heroes!

Cousin died flying medical helicopter in Vietnam

Father and step father served in Navy in Korea and later

Uncle served in Navy WWII - 2 purple hearts


Tom-  I'm so sorry that this happened in your tri.  Ugh     It's the wrong size suit.  Please try again!    Dude  its tough getting all this gear dialed in.    Was with Q when reading this.  And we were both just like awww.  

But we read your response    "I spent the rest of the day wondering if this whole thing was worth it."  

But then that you had already gone forward and thought "hey switch to Duathlon" and the brick you did as your typical positive outlook and we were like  "see Tom's already "dealing" and will TRI again!   

I agree with Rob about the sleeveless suit.  I feel much better in it.    And you now know that you need to use a bigger wetsuit.   But by all means  tri again.     And it most definitely IS worth it. 




2012-05-27 7:03 PM
in reply to: #4231173

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
Turner100 - 2012-05-27 12:07 PM

Hey Tom, that sucks!  But, in the train of thought, "What doesn't kill us, only makes us stronger", don't let it get you down.  

I had a similar issue, and I think that it is probably pretty common. I'm 5'8", 210 lbs., and tried a full wet suit on at a clinic- and had the same experience. So, I'm going to try a XL sleeveless. I think that it will be a much better fit that way (I've got a big back), so I'm hoping without the sleeves it won't be so tight. 

It's 7 weeks to the Racine HIM!  I should have my suit by Wednesday, and hoping to get in 6-8 OWS in before the race.

Happy Memorial Day Weekend Everyone- Rob, USMC 1991-1998-Semper Fi

Rob-  Thank you for serving our country!      And I agree on the sleeveless suit thought.   I was bummed when my full suit did not fit me that well, but found that I LOVE the sleeveless feel.   

2012-05-27 7:23 PM
in reply to: #4128570

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!

Having a great Memorial day weekend so far!

Ran the Soldier field 10 miler yesterday with a friend (Jim)  that I helped to start running 4 years ago.   THAT was awesome seeing him so happy that he did it.   

  My own performance pretty much SUCKED!  #wakeupcall      I'm going to have to have toe joint replacement surgery in the off season if I ever intend on getting back to actually running well again.  Boo.  

Oh and I accidentally sat on the freaking Soldier memorial  there  yup  on memorial day weekend no less.   Got yelled at  and I swear the guy was going to pull out a service revolver and start shooting if I did not get up off it quicker.    But I was sorry about it. 

Then Q and her fam including their 2 pugs all came to stay over night at Hacienda de Oriolepwr  with our two cats and giant dog.   We had an awesome night, chatting laughing and a bit of the drinky and ate like Vikings.   

  This morning, me, Q and her DW (Chris) went for a bike ride in the 95 degree weather that all of a sudden showed up today.      Q had a tire blow out on the ride.  And I mean it went BOOM!   I was like  Oh that can't be good.    But she was fine.   Tire  ya not so much.     My DW came to the rescue  and  Me and Chris finished up the ride in the choking heat.      

we stopped in a gas station for some much needed fluids and I tried out wait for it........  Cucumber flavored Gator-aide (is cabbage next??)   OMG  SOMEONE is going to get fired over this flavor.   I can't imagine other peeps buying any.     But guess what?   I think its the BOMB!    and since they do not endorse me,  let me just remind everyone reading this, that I am TOTALLY for sale. 

Forgot to thank Q and Chris for serving our country!   THANKS!

SO ya so far awesome weekend.    Tomorrow my Brother and his wife will be chillaxing at the Hacienda. 

I very much hope y'all are having great times yourselves!

Edited by oriolepwr 2012-05-27 7:26 PM

2012-05-27 7:58 PM
in reply to: #4231428

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!

OMG, what a great weekend so far. Thanks to Oriolepwr and Mrs. Oriolepwr for a great kids (human and furry) came home and collapsed in various heaps around the house. The bike blowout was disappointing, but after I got rescued, the boys got in 50 and I came home and ran 3 in record breaking heat (quite slow, but it's in the books ).

Tom, I was disappointed for you, but impressed by your irrepressible spirit and attitude. Dave and I read your post out loud and went through all of the emotions right along with you. And you know what? When I hear that kind of outlook, it makes me want to try harder at my endeavors, so, thank you for having a crappy swim and sharing with us. Maybe it will give the next person something to grab onto when they are struggling to get back in the saddle. It took me a lot longer to regain my confidence, so you should be proud of yourself.

And get a sleeveless wetsuit.

Happy Memorial Day. I enjoy the time off, but it is a bittersweet day as I will spend a lot of it remembering the many fine men and women who were my dear friends and are not here with us today. A lot of why I race is because I can, because I was spared, and because if they were able to tell me, they would say, "Go live your life big and real." Because that is what I would say to them. 

2012-05-27 9:12 PM
in reply to: #4231119

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
TLakatos1259 - 2012-05-27 10:32 AM


OK, so yesterday was a complete BUST!  Woke up, felt great, got set up.  Watched others get their wetsuits on.  Mine felt tight, but thought that was normal, right?  According to the size chart that came with the suit, I was right in the middle of the range.  The chest area still felt tight!  Well, I got about 50 yds, COULD NOT BREATH AT ALL!  Tried to float and back stroke, not happening.  I didn't panic, lifeguard came over and asked if I wanted to continue, got towed back in.  I could not side stroke, back stroke - nothing!

I had the option of finishing without my chip but decided it might not be a smart move.  My chest was tight for atleast another 45 minutes. 

I spent the rest of the day wondering if this whole thing was worth it.  Took a nap, I felt more drained than after the race 4 weeks ago.  Chest still hurt last night too.

Well, I went to bed thinking I wanted to do a brick this morning (bike/run).  Since I bought new Brooks Racer ST5 on Friday, I should use them right?  So I got up, took my RHR, had a GU and some water.  Did 11 miles on the bike, and 1.9 miles run.  The 2 minute transition was getting in and out of the house.

Guess I'm still in this thing, next race in 2 weeks though I am thinking of switching to a duathlon to avoid renting another wetsuit.

Hope you all have a great Memorial Day and remember our heroes!

Cousin died flying medical helicopter in Vietnam

Father and step father served in Navy in Korea and later

Uncle served in Navy WWII - 2 purple hearts

Sorry about the wet suit malfunction. Nice to see you have a good attitude about it!Way to get up and do a brick in the morning.    

2012-05-27 9:49 PM
in reply to: #4231119

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
TLakatos1259 - 2012-05-27 10:32 AM


OK, so yesterday was a complete BUST!  Woke up, felt great, got set up.  Watched others get their wetsuits on.  Mine felt tight, but thought that was normal, right?  According to the size chart that came with the suit, I was right in the middle of the range.  The chest area still felt tight!  Well, I got about 50 yds, COULD NOT BREATH AT ALL!  Tried to float and back stroke, not happening.  I didn't panic, lifeguard came over and asked if I wanted to continue, got towed back in.  I could not side stroke, back stroke - nothing!

I had the option of finishing without my chip but decided it might not be a smart move.  My chest was tight for atleast another 45 minutes. 

I spent the rest of the day wondering if this whole thing was worth it.  Took a nap, I felt more drained than after the race 4 weeks ago.  Chest still hurt last night too.

Well, I went to bed thinking I wanted to do a brick this morning (bike/run).  Since I bought new Brooks Racer ST5 on Friday, I should use them right?  So I got up, took my RHR, had a GU and some water.  Did 11 miles on the bike, and 1.9 miles run.  The 2 minute transition was getting in and out of the house.

Guess I'm still in this thing, next race in 2 weeks though I am thinking of switching to a duathlon to avoid renting another wetsuit.

Hope you all have a great Memorial Day and remember our heroes!

Cousin died flying medical helicopter in Vietnam

Father and step father served in Navy in Korea and later

Uncle served in Navy WWII - 2 purple hearts


My friend- so sorry your swim sucked and made you throw in the towel. So glad that you had the courage to make the right decision. Chest pain for any reason is never a good thing for you and I my friend, and it's just not worth the risk. There will be more races and for me the training is half the fun. And with your positive attitude you'll get the wetsuit issue worked out and be killing another race soon. I have no doubt.

Great job on getting right back out there the next morning.


2012-05-28 6:51 AM
in reply to: #4231550

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West Palm Beach
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
fitmomma2010 - 2012-05-27 10:49 PM
TLakatos1259 - 2012-05-27 10:32 AM


OK, so yesterday was a complete BUST!  Woke up, felt great, got set up.  Watched others get their wetsuits on.  Mine felt tight, but thought that was normal, right?  According to the size chart that came with the suit, I was right in the middle of the range.  The chest area still felt tight!  Well, I got about 50 yds, COULD NOT BREATH AT ALL!  Tried to float and back stroke, not happening.  I didn't panic, lifeguard came over and asked if I wanted to continue, got towed back in.  I could not side stroke, back stroke - nothing!

I had the option of finishing without my chip but decided it might not be a smart move.  My chest was tight for atleast another 45 minutes. 

I spent the rest of the day wondering if this whole thing was worth it.  Took a nap, I felt more drained than after the race 4 weeks ago.  Chest still hurt last night too.

Well, I went to bed thinking I wanted to do a brick this morning (bike/run).  Since I bought new Brooks Racer ST5 on Friday, I should use them right?  So I got up, took my RHR, had a GU and some water.  Did 11 miles on the bike, and 1.9 miles run.  The 2 minute transition was getting in and out of the house.

Guess I'm still in this thing, next race in 2 weeks though I am thinking of switching to a duathlon to avoid renting another wetsuit.

Hope you all have a great Memorial Day and remember our heroes!

Cousin died flying medical helicopter in Vietnam

Father and step father served in Navy in Korea and later

Uncle served in Navy WWII - 2 purple hearts


My friend- so sorry your swim sucked and made you throw in the towel. So glad that you had the courage to make the right decision. Chest pain for any reason is never a good thing for you and I my friend, and it's just not worth the risk. There will be more races and for me the training is half the fun. And with your positive attitude you'll get the wetsuit issue worked out and be killing another race soon. I have no doubt.

Great job on getting right back out there the next morning.


sleeveless is the way to go! Nothing worse than swimming in a full wetsuit that is tight in the chest...horrrrrible!So sorry that u experienced this....but take it as another tri experience! Now for the next race :-)Have a great memorial day and thank you to you and all your family for serving our country!Let's not forget that we can race tris when we want to because we have the "freedom" to do it because of our men and women fighting for our freedom :-)
2012-05-28 9:19 AM
in reply to: #4231173

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
Turner100 - 2012-05-27 1:07 PM

Hey Tom, that sucks!  But, in the train of thought, "What doesn't kill us, only makes us stronger", don't let it get you down.  

I had a similar issue, and I think that it is probably pretty common. I'm 5'8", 210 lbs., and tried a full wet suit on at a clinic- and had the same experience. So, I'm going to try a XL sleeveless. I think that it will be a much better fit that way (I've got a big back), so I'm hoping without the sleeves it won't be so tight. 

It's 7 weeks to the Racine HIM!  I should have my suit by Wednesday, and hoping to get in 6-8 OWS in before the race.

Happy Memorial Day Weekend Everyone- Rob, USMC 1991-1998-Semper Fi


It was a sleeveless,  I met someone in the pool this morning that is going to the same race I'm scheduled for on June 10th.  He suggested skipping the wetsuit.  I will still go, just not sure what version I will do.


2012-05-29 7:30 AM
in reply to: #4231820

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
TLakatos1259 - 2012-05-28 10:19 AM
Turner100 - 2012-05-27 1:07 PM

Hey Tom, that sucks!  But, in the train of thought, "What doesn't kill us, only makes us stronger", don't let it get you down.  

I had a similar issue, and I think that it is probably pretty common. I'm 5'8", 210 lbs., and tried a full wet suit on at a clinic- and had the same experience. So, I'm going to try a XL sleeveless. I think that it will be a much better fit that way (I've got a big back), so I'm hoping without the sleeves it won't be so tight. 

It's 7 weeks to the Racine HIM!  I should have my suit by Wednesday, and hoping to get in 6-8 OWS in before the race.

Happy Memorial Day Weekend Everyone- Rob, USMC 1991-1998-Semper Fi


It was a sleeveless,  I met someone in the pool this morning that is going to the same race I'm scheduled for on June 10th.  He suggested skipping the wetsuit.  I will still go, just not sure what version I will do.



I'm soooooo sorry to hear about this. I really feel for you. Do you think it could have been a panic attack instead of a too tight wetsuit...or maybe both? It really sounds like what I went through in the water...but worse! Maybe you can get your wetsuit a couple weeks before the race and just go out and use it in the open water as much as possible before the race?

You did a great job getting back out there the next day...that takes a lot of will power!!


2012-05-29 9:56 PM
in reply to: #4128570

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!

Alright ALRIGHT!!!  where the hell is that naked chick?  Bet she is still swimming in some damn fjord.        C'mon peeps  let's all get back on board the ship, and get this party STARTED!!!!!    

WE CAME, WE SAW, WE KICKED their A$$es!   (or at least we are GONNA!!!

Edited by oriolepwr 2012-05-29 9:56 PM
2012-05-29 10:01 PM
in reply to: #4128570

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!

Well, not naked, but next best thing, a NEW KIT!!! 

Here is why I only got 22 and Oriolepwr got 45(ish)...took the tire off tonight and found the same weird diagonal cut on my apparently someone up in the North 'Burbs is missing their samurai sword and I ran right over it without realizing it. Weird.


2012-05-29 10:13 PM
in reply to: #4234568

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
quincyf - 2012-05-29 10:01 PM

Well, not naked, but next best thing, a NEW KIT!!! 

Here is why I only got 22 and Oriolepwr got 45(ish)...took the tire off tonight and found the same weird diagonal cut on my apparently someone up in the North 'Burbs is missing their samurai sword and I ran right over it without realizing it. Weird.


Make that 47 ish!!   You  missed the best part.  Cucumber gatorade.  also weird, (not samurai sword in the road weird,  but still weird) but also strangely awesome!   

Edited by oriolepwr 2012-05-29 10:14 PM
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