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2013-02-06 11:22 AM
in reply to: #4550197

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South Shore, MA
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

KC - i would DEF consider that a nightmare, haha!  the tri-related nightmares i usually have are in the weeks leading up to race day and always involve forgetting to pack something that i need in transition - like running shoes, bike helmet, etc.  but the dead body trumps that, yikes!

Kruzmeister - that's great that you found a new runny buddy!  sounds like she will help to keep you honest in your training!

timmer - nice run this morning and good for you with the 2-a-day...  i guess that's required for IM training and getting all your necessary workouts in!

i recently joined a new masters swim group and started swimming with them this week.  swam 2700y this morning.  i'm really enjoying the group.  it's larger than my previous masters group - about 30 or so people - but it's organized and runs well.  the coach is the mother of caitlyn snow who is a professional triathlete in my area and came in 9th female OA at Kona this past year and 2nd OA female at IMTX.  crazy!!  hoping her mom can teach me some of those mad skills! 

2013-02-06 12:11 PM
in reply to: #4610491

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED
Good job on the weight loss Simone! That has got to feel good! I look forward to hearing more progress from you.

8 weeks until the 26.2. Feeling pretty strong on the runs but the big mileage is just starting. Got 17 this Sunday and 18 next Sunday. Good stuff.

My Tri plan starts Feb 23rd. I am excited to get that rolling.

Hope all of you are feeling good and working hard.

2013-02-06 8:11 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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Extreme Veteran
North Shore, MA.
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

hehe KC, I had really bizarre dreams around the time I signed up for LP. I was forgetting wetsuits, being late to races etc, but I think you take the cake with the dead bodies though. Undecided


Hey Team,

I got my ANT stick and paired up everything for Trainer Road tonight.  We are forecast to get up to 2 feet of the white stuff this weekend so I may become best buds with my bike.   Any popular/ must do workouts?

Hope everyone is doing well.

2013-02-07 12:43 AM
in reply to: #4550197

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

KC - Wow that dream definitely takes the cake my friend! The only triathlon dreams (nightmares) I've had so far have been where I've miscalculated my laps of the run course and came up short on distance going over the finish line and got DQ'd as a result. Woke up with heart palpitations, haha!! So I'm gunna be paranoid about doing that at Shep and IMOz cause they are both lap courses for bike and run. Some how I think I'd prefer point to point!

Timmer - Good job on your 3 pounds loss!! The main difference for me with diet has been cutting out sugar and eating clean. I find I eat like a horse, but it's all nutrient dense food, no empty calories. The only sugars I consume now are in whole fruit, mostly bananas, mangos, oranges, strawberries, but I try to only consume two serves of fruit a day unless it's a heavy training day and I'll have a few bananas for extra fuel. I pretty much live off lean meats (beef, lamb, chicken, fish), eggs & veggies. It is boring as hell, but I feel heaps better and I've got tonnes of energy, but once I start my HIM program I'm going to have to incorporate gels and sports drinks again for the long bike and run sessions and of course the race. I'm hoping by then I'll be down to my race weight and wont need to be so super strict on what I eat. I miss icecream and pizza the most, hahaha, so they are going to be my post race pig out celebration foods! I've found being consistent is the key and any loss is a great loss!

Kristen - Nice job on the swim, that's awesome that you've found a new masters swim group you like, sounds like the coach is going to be a wealth of advice.

DC - Good luck with the rest of your 26.2 program, especially the big runs, sounds like everything is coming together nicely.

Deb - If I could send you some warmer weather so you could get outside I would, I wouldn't mind seeing some snow for a change. BTW how is the bike fit going, did you find some comfort in changing things around? I read this article the other day in Triathlon 220 magazine and it mentioned that not all LBS bike fits should be taken as gospel, that you should yourself tinker with seat and handlebar heights/positions etc. then go out and ride and just see what makes a difference because not everyone has the same flexibility in their back/posture, leg/shoulder positions etc. and often that is not taken into account by someone who is doing the fit. Anyway, I hope you got something sorted out and I hope the IM training is going well.

2013-02-07 6:17 AM
in reply to: #4550197

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Good Morning Team.

Kristen - 30 people in the pool - wow that is a lot - nice that it works though.

Deb - I will keep you posted on any more weird dreams.

Ok Team - today - bike and run.

Be safe.


2013-02-07 7:55 AM
in reply to: #4550197

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Good morning team! I'm happy to not read many reports of injuries and illnesses, hope that's behind us all!

Yesterday I did a spin class and was going to run after, but the instructor was SERIOUS and I blasted my legs. I don't feel too bad though since I ran 3 yesterday morning with my prayer group and good 9:15 pace.

Today is supposed to be a swim/run day for me but alas I think work is going to get in the way. I will probably have to switch things up and do a ride/run brick tonight after the boys go to bed. Or, I may just take a day off.

I get to try my swim skills at a 50m pool next week while on a work-cation in Florida so I'm excited about that. I will have a few days to swim so would you recommend I try to simulate the 500m swim leg of my first tri on 3/24 or wait and continue with the interval type form/breathing training for now? I read a good thread yesterday about breathing training drills but now that I'm trying to tell you all about it I can't remember the title. I will look it up and edit.

Happy training all,


ETA link:


Edited by phishinphan 2013-02-07 7:57 AM

2013-02-07 8:24 AM
in reply to: #4609230

New user
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED
kcgolf - 2013-02-05 9:33 AM

I miss my fratty bozo days Laughing - sounds like fun - wish I could attend.



Haha.  Well I'm going through my strength program from college right now so I may or may not be trying to get back to the glory days.  It is definitely helping with the running.  Convenient that soccer functional strength is pretty similar to 10k functional strength.  

On a side note totally changed up shoes to start this year.  I got a pair for New Balance 1600s for racing / speed work.  Surprisingly nice shoe.  Foot stays secure but isn't in a vice grip.  Perfect amount of crushing for a mid of forefoot striker.  Not very conducive to heel striking though.  Wore the 1400s last year for junk miles and they were OK but allowed a bit of foot movement, especially downhill.  Zero problems with that on this shoe.  

Also got some Minuzo Wave Elixirs.  They're a bit beefier than I am used to but really nice for a light mid foot strike and enough stability and cushion for running on uneven sidewalks and pot hole filled city streets which I have discovered is important.  Still relatively light as well which I am a big fan of.  Would be a very very comfortable marathon shoe IMO.  

Wore Adidas for a few years but got irritated with their latest iterations of the Adios.  Less of what I liked about the 1st gen ones and more of what I dislike with other shoes.

And if anyone is a bourbon drinker my cousin's boyfriend got me hooked on this Jefferson's small batch bourbon.  It is delectable.... Like drinking a bottle of freedom.  

And my roommate and I rescued a cat which is proving to be an interesting experience.  

2013-02-07 10:48 AM
in reply to: #4550197

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South Shore, MA
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Hi RFP Friends! 

As Deb mentioned, we are supposed to get absolutely pummeled by a snowstorm here in New England tomorrow/Saturday.  Expecting 19-24 inches in our area, yikes. I see a couple of basement treadmill runs and trainer rides in my near future... 

I have a 4.5 mile run on tap for later today.  I'm thrilled that my shin has been holding up great so far with my half marathon training.  I'm just over 1/2 through the training schedule and the shin feels fully healed (knock on wood).  It's such a relief, I honestly felt like I would never again be able to run longer distances without pain while I was recovering from the stress fracture. 

Hope everyone is doing well!!

2013-02-07 6:06 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Good Evening Team.

Pierce - I say give the straight 500 a go - just take your time - do not rush and breath whenever the hell you feel like it. An old friend of mine from this group once told me - if you can swim 500, you can swim 2.4 miles Smile. You can do it! I loved the breathing article btw - will give it a shot in the morning.

AJ - were you in a frat? I am a Sigma Chi. I wear Newtons btw. Also - a good bourbon is a treat that I only participate in once in a while. My Dad is a big Maker's Mark guy - I love that stuff but only once in a while. I also enjoy a nice Jim Beam every so oftern.

Kristen - great news about the shin.

For everyone in here on the East Coast - be carefull and good luck with the storm.

Stay safe.


Edited by kcgolf 2013-02-07 6:09 PM
2013-02-07 7:37 PM
in reply to: #4613523

New user
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED
kcgolf - 2013-02-07 6:06 PM

Good Evening Team.

Pierce - I say give the straight 500 a go - just take your time - do not rush and breath whenever the hell you feel like it. An old friend of mine from this group once told me - if you can swim 500, you can swim 2.4 miles Smile. You can do it! I loved the breathing article btw - will give it a shot in the morning.

AJ - were you in a frat? I am a Sigma Chi. I wear Newtons btw. Also - a good bourbon is a treat that I only participate in once in a while. My Dad is a big Maker's Mark guy - I love that stuff but only once in a while. I also enjoy a nice Jim Beam every so oftern.

Kristen - great news about the shin.

For everyone in here on the East Coast - be carefull and good luck with the storm.

Stay safe.



Nope, no frat for me.  Just played soccer. 

Makers is good, Makers 46 is nice.  Not a huge Jim fan though I haven't had anything beyond the well stuff.  Really like Woodford Reserve, Buffalo Trace... The bar down the street from me has an absolutely brilliant bourbon and craft beer selection.  It is wonderful.  Scotch I like a lot as well.  Going through a bottle of Cardhu right now which is pretty amazing. 

2013-02-07 8:24 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Hi Everyone,

For those out east, be careful!

Good job on the weight loss!  I am trying to lose what I put on over the winter and it is being a little stubborn.

Not much to report here, except to practice what I learned in my clinic last week.  

Happy Training Everyone!

Kathy (KTC)

2013-02-07 10:34 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED
AJ and KC, since you both mentioned Makers Mark I have some interesting tidbits about that company. I have met and do business with the family that grows 100% of the corn they use and much of the wheat. The distillery is in a small town outside Lexington KY along a small two lane road. You come around a turn and you will see 8' high fencing with prison type razor wire across the top and probably 10-15 huge black windowless barns where they age the whiskey. It's really quite a site. Next time I go up there I will try and take some pictures. The bottles are all hand dipped in wax and you can buy personalized hand engraved bottles too, for the right price of course. In Lexington, there's a great steakhouse called Malones and they have a huge case with special bottles of Makers that were made for special occasions and given or bought by the restaurant. Anyway, having dinner with the guys that grow the corn for Makers elicits some neat stories about the whiskey and the company.
2013-02-08 12:55 AM
in reply to: #4550197

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

G'day Team,

hope everyone is safe & well, and getting some good sessions in.

I had my first run in a fortnight this morning. Tried out my new compression tights and they were fantastic. I did a 4.6km hill run near home. Whenever I run hills my legs and feet start to really burn about 3 kms in and I have to work to keep my pace, but today my legs felt fresh the whole run, and to my surprise I actually ran a really good pace for me without even pushing hard, at the end I felt like I could do it again.

So I'm completely sold on them. I also didn't pull up as sore after the run either. My achilles is still niggling a bit, but much better than it was. Even so I've decided to go get checked out by a physio and podiatrist for orthotics as I am overpronating something fierce which is possibly the reason why it keeps playing up.

I did my first ever spin class today also. We did a heap of hill repeats and my legs were totally trashed at the end, but it was awesome. I'm going to make that a weekly class to help my bike speed and strength. Did my usual weight session afterwards as well, so it was a good hard training day for me today.

Looking forward to a long ride and swim tomorrow.

2013-02-08 12:58 AM
in reply to: #4550197

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Pierce - I would go for the 500m if I were you also. I remember the first time I did a straight 400m swim (sprint distance for our club races) a few months prior to my first race, it was really empowering and gave me heaps of confidence. As KC says, just take your time, breathe when you like and get a rhythm going and you'll be surprised how well you do.

Kristen - glad to hear the shin is healed, and the half marathon training is going so well.

KC - you have no idea how much you inspire me my friend, that goes for everyone else too!

Everyone who is facing storms, be careful and be safe. Down here we are having a typical Australian summer, some states are ravaged by bushfires and other states are ravaged by floods. It is a very scary time of year.

2013-02-08 11:51 AM
in reply to: #4550197

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Pierce, that is wild that you know the guys at Markers Mark.

Kristen, so glad to hear that you are healing nicely.

Simone - awesome job on the run with your compression socks.  Are you thinking of racing in them also or just training?  Sounds like you are making the right decision to go and get your foot looked at.  Let them figure out what is causing the pain so that you have time to recover.

I guess you could say I did a brick today.  Did a 2500 yard swim and then went and ran for 45 minutes.  I did have to get dried off before running outside.  I am hoping I didn't catch a cold from that since it didn't feel like I got dried enough before going outside.

2013-02-08 4:11 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Hi Team.

Hope everyone is staying safe in the east.

Pierce - cool story on the Makers Mark guys - what type of business are you in?

Simone - glad those tights are working and you are doing the right thing with the feet - an ounce of prevention is worth a lb of cure - right - I think that is how that goes. Laughing

KTC - nice brick.

I swam this morning - tomorrow bike and run then sign up day for the Windsor Tri Club. Tomorrow marks the end of the first full week of tri training. My body is feeling a bit beat up to be honest. I have been staying active up until this week but there is nothing like being in Tri shape. My body will adjust and get back on track - looking forward to Sunday - Day off Smile

Have a great weekend everyone.


2013-02-08 8:49 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

G'day Team,

I got a ride in today, but it ended up being a recovery ride as I was just too buggered from yesterday's big session to go longer. I am really starting to learn to listen to my body, i.e. when I am genuinely fatigued compared to when I am just being lazy. I'm paranoid of pushing too hard this far out from Shep too, cause I don't want to burn out before I even start my HIM program. At the moment I'm happy just to get into/stick to a routine, get some good endurance base work in and gradually increase my pace, distance, strength & fitness.

I managed to find a podiatrist in town that specializes in sports injuries and prevention, they do video gait analysis, and fit orthotics etc. so I am going to try and get an appointment with them next week.

KTC - I ended up getting the full tights as I find my hammies and hips need the support also. More preventative than anything as I had problems with them when I was doing martial arts, more from lateral movements, but even so they felt great running in the tights, so I made the right choice. I've seen the compressport race socks, arm sleeves and thigh guards, so I'm thinking they might not be a bad idea for me, and will invest when finances allow.

Anyway I hope everyone has a great weekend!
2013-02-09 10:01 AM
in reply to: #4550197

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Who all is doing Racine 70.3? I know Tim is...I think Deb is but I forgot who else said they were in. Hotels were going fast so I'm now staying at the Hyatt by the Milwaukee airport. I don't mind the drive so that I can get up early enough to eat. For some reason this week I started getting really excited about the race but I know I've got quite a bit of work ahead of me. he he.

Enjoy your training this weekend!

2013-02-09 10:55 AM
in reply to: #4550197

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Good Morning Team.

WTB - great to see you - wish I was doing that race - would be great to do a race with some of my BT friends.

Simone - good lesson to learn - tired vs over use vs lazy - I am going through that sort of thing right now.

Got my 2 hour ride in on the trainer this morning - got my butt out of bed and was on the trainer by 635 -  a nice 2 hour ride, nothing special - just nice high cadence. After that - to my transition area - Laundry room lol - where my cold weather running gear was waitin. I got a solid 6.5 km in but and here is the big but - my left IT band was bugging me on the run a bit. Similiar symptoms to last fall - but not as severe. So - I am going to keep a very close eye on it - after all this was just my first week back in the training saddle. Monday I will call my Chiropractor and ART specialist and I will make a visit to my physio therapist. Best to be safe this early on rather than sorry later.

I have been doing some serious research on this IT band stuff and there is so much conflicting opinion, theory for treatment etc. etc. I am a bit confused but I know I can nip it in the bud now and move on - no matter what it takes.

Any of you suffer from this crap?

Anyway - first week of official IM training in the books - off to register with the local tri club this afternoon for the season and I am looking forward to my rest day tomorrow. Back in the pool on Monday.

Be safe everyone - and - as Simone is learning to do, listen to your bodies - they will tell you what to do Smile


Edited by kcgolf 2013-02-09 10:58 AM
2013-02-09 11:26 AM
in reply to: #4615655

New user
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED
kcgolf - 2013-02-09 10:55 AM

Good Morning Team.

WTB - great to see you - wish I was doing that race - would be great to do a race with some of my BT friends.

Simone - good lesson to learn - tired vs over use vs lazy - I am going through that sort of thing right now.

Got my 2 hour ride in on the trainer this morning - got my butt out of bed and was on the trainer by 635 -  a nice 2 hour ride, nothing special - just nice high cadence. After that - to my transition area - Laundry room lol - where my cold weather running gear was waitin. I got a solid 6.5 km in but and here is the big but - my left IT band was bugging me on the run a bit. Similiar symptoms to last fall - but not as severe. So - I am going to keep a very close eye on it - after all this was just my first week back in the training saddle. Monday I will call my Chiropractor and ART specialist and I will make a visit to my physio therapist. Best to be safe this early on rather than sorry later.

I have been doing some serious research on this IT band stuff and there is so much conflicting opinion, theory for treatment etc. etc. I am a bit confused but I know I can nip it in the bud now and move on - no matter what it takes.

Any of you suffer from this crap?

Anyway - first week of official IM training in the books - off to register with the local tri club this afternoon for the season and I am looking forward to my rest day tomorrow. Back in the pool on Monday.

Be safe everyone - and - as Simone is learning to do, listen to your bodies - they will tell you what to do Smile



Started to get it bad last year.

Foam roller.  Hit it a few days a week and that saved my marathon. 

2013-02-09 11:41 AM
in reply to: #4615655

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

KC - I have always had IT band problems. I do what I'm supposed to and listen to advice but it always seems to come back every season. I foam roll everyday, ice everyday, and sometimes use self massage. I get real massages a few times a year since that's all I can afford but still at a certain point in my mileage it always seems to creep back. Ugh! Let me know if you find anything that works for you.

Take care!

kcgolf - 2013-02-09 9:55 AM

Good Morning Team.

WTB - great to see you - wish I was doing that race - would be great to do a race with some of my BT friends.

Simone - good lesson to learn - tired vs over use vs lazy - I am going through that sort of thing right now.

Got my 2 hour ride in on the trainer this morning - got my butt out of bed and was on the trainer by 635 -  a nice 2 hour ride, nothing special - just nice high cadence. After that - to my transition area - Laundry room lol - where my cold weather running gear was waitin. I got a solid 6.5 km in but and here is the big but - my left IT band was bugging me on the run a bit. Similiar symptoms to last fall - but not as severe. So - I am going to keep a very close eye on it - after all this was just my first week back in the training saddle. Monday I will call my Chiropractor and ART specialist and I will make a visit to my physio therapist. Best to be safe this early on rather than sorry later.

I have been doing some serious research on this IT band stuff and there is so much conflicting opinion, theory for treatment etc. etc. I am a bit confused but I know I can nip it in the bud now and move on - no matter what it takes.

Any of you suffer from this crap?

Anyway - first week of official IM training in the books - off to register with the local tri club this afternoon for the season and I am looking forward to my rest day tomorrow. Back in the pool on Monday.

Be safe everyone - and - as Simone is learning to do, listen to your bodies - they will tell you what to do Smile


2013-02-09 11:43 AM
in reply to: #4615655

Sheboygan, WI
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED
WTB - I can't wait for that race either. ( Ironman Racine ). I will be there also. Luckily I was able to get a room at the Radisson Harborside.

KTC - Nice brick workout.

KC Golf - I had IT band issues after a marathon but haven't tried the roller stretches. It can't hurt by doing them, or have you heard it can cause issues?

I ran in the Seroogy's 15K this morning in 9 degree Green Bay. I've never had my eyebrows and eyelashes freeze before! However I usually run on the treadmill in winter. Anyways, somehow I ran a 1:16 in 9.3 miles for a 8:10 min/mile pace! Just hope I didn't overdo it. I planned on taking it easy for maybe a 9 min/mile pace, but I'm a bit shocked and pleasantly surprised. It was a great event with hot chocolate, coffee Seroogy's chocolate meltaways, orange slices, and a nice piece is cheese afterwards!

Have a great Sarurday,
2013-02-09 8:30 PM
in reply to: #4550197

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED

Timmer - nice job on the race, it's always great when you do better than expected, I'm hoping that'll happen for me next weekend!

KC - enjoy your day off, you've earned it my friend!

I just did a long ride on the MTB, felt like going off road as it was the perfect morning for a ride through the bush, best one I've had in ages too, legs felt great even going up hill, I must be getting fit... finally!

I finished my 2nd Whole30 today, so out came the measuring tape. Got another great lot of results (on my log). Just as well too cause I've been dreaming about all the foods my mind tells me I want like chocolate, icecream, cheesy stuff crust pizza, haha, the cravings this time were worst than the last and I needed this little bit of motivation to keep me going for another 30 days! I can easily see where I could fall back into bad habits, so its a matter of staying strong and avoiding all aisles in the supermarket except for the fruit, veg and meat! LOL!

Swim this arvo and then an early night I think. Enjoy the rest of your weekend peeps! Smile

2013-02-10 5:13 AM
in reply to: #4550197

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED
KC- I'm a lender for a agriculture based bank.

Nice to read some good training is going on. I signed up for a 10k in a couple weeks and ran the course yesterday. I misse a turn and added a half mile by accident but ran a good pace, 9:15 ish I'm guessing. Timex was short and iPhone was long so lo split the difference. Lol
2013-02-10 5:16 AM
in reply to: #4550197

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Subject: RE: RFP GROUP 2013 - CLOSED
Double post. Sort of. Lol

Edited by phishinphan 2013-02-10 8:20 PM
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