General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!! Rss Feed  
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2014-03-11 7:23 AM
in reply to: Fechter99

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Southwest Iowa
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!

Woke up in the middle of the night with a migraine and got a mile done on the dreadmill when I finally gave up on trying to sleep.  Work is going to be very long with this pounding/throbbing/light sensitive head.  At least the vomiting is gone (for now).



2014-03-11 7:30 AM
in reply to: flip18436572

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Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
Originally posted by flip18436572

Woke up in the middle of the night with a migraine and got a mile done on the dreadmill when I finally gave up on trying to sleep.  Work is going to be very long with this pounding/throbbing/light sensitive head.  At least the vomiting is gone (for now).



I hope by the time you are reading this you are feeling better - I get migraines too and they are so debilitating Can you call in sick to work?

2014-03-11 7:33 AM
in reply to: Fechter99

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Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
Ok ladies and gentlemen...

Up at 3:45 and got my run out of the way. I MUST eat a healthy and balanced menu today! I am just going to focus on today. I can eat donuts tomorrow but for today, I will eat food that fuels me.

Have a great training day, rest day, or workday everyone!

2014-03-11 7:36 AM
in reply to: flip18436572

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Ledyard, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
Morning everyone, flip I commend you, I get migranes like that and I would have taken a cold compress and buried myself under the covers! Work.... ummmm no thanks

Your inspirational quote of the day: I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions. –Stephen Covey

Ran a 5K last night in 30 mins, was doing negative split intervals, so very encouraging I could go sub 30 mins this Saturday at my 5K. Have my first sprint is scheduled for June 22 and then another for Early August, thinking about adding one more not sure where I want to put it. As I mentioned before I started working with a swim coach and what a HUGE difference it has made, just in one week I went from an average 100 at 2:10 to 1:45 which is HUGE. I am going to start talking to some tri specific coaches and see if I can just get some base line pointers across the board.

Bootcamp on tap for tonight, have a great day all!
2014-03-11 9:48 AM
in reply to: luvschips

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Southwest Iowa
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!

Originally posted by luvschips
Originally posted by flip18436572

Woke up in the middle of the night with a migraine and got a mile done on the dreadmill when I finally gave up on trying to sleep.  Work is going to be very long with this pounding/throbbing/light sensitive head.  At least the vomiting is gone (for now).


I hope by the time you are reading this you are feeling better - I get migraines too and they are so debilitating Can you call in sick to work? Donna

I am at work, but not functioning well at all.  But, I need to keep moving and being positive and lead by example.  I am hoping that a little caffeine from a Mountain Dew with the sugar will help me as it sometimes does.  I hope everyone has a great workout day!!!!  I hope to get on my bike/drainer and do some riding today.





2014-03-11 3:52 PM
in reply to: flip18436572

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Douglaston, NY
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
I’ve been lurking and trying to catch up on all the messages but at the rate I’m going, it will be July before I do so I am just going to apply now and catch up when I can. Please forgive my run-ons and other grammar issues. It has been a long day but I don’t want to put this off any longer.

Name: Shawn/Sulcus

Story: (The short version) I was a baseball player in college and tore the rotator cuff and labrum in my shoulder (along with countless other lingering ailments from a rough and tumble childhood). I finally had it fixed seven years later and then reinjured it playing tennis, thus ending any inclination I had to play ball based sports again. After a couple of years, I had gained a ton of weight and knew that I had to do something so I started swimming to help stabilize the shoulder so it wouldn’t bother me in everyday life. It was at that point that I said, “well, I enjoy biking as well, so why don’t I try a triathlon?” (like it is that easy, right?) At 6’1” and 270, running was my nemesis but I lost 30 lbs, run/walked the last leg of my races and generally enjoyed them.

I enjoyed finishing several sprint triathlons during 2009 and 2010 but then life distracted me – or should I say that I let it. I injured my knee and Achilles trying to do speed work in a triathlon class that I was taking. I then started a new job with a 90 minute commute each way, my wife became pregnant, my grandmother-in-law became terminally ill, we had our son, my grandmother-in-law passed, and we had to spend months cleaning out almost 60 years of history from her house before we could sell it.

A little over a year ago I switched jobs to one with a much better working atmosphere and commute. I thought that would make everything easier because I would have more time but juggling everything has proven more difficult that I thought. I did get on a decent roll with diet and exercise at the end of last summer but it was derailed by an extensive varicose vein surgery in October.

2014 has brought new management at work and my wife has decided to go back to school but I’ve decided that I can’t make any more excuses. As my father liked to tell me as a kid, “It is always something with you, isn’t it?” Yeah, pretty much dad…

As I said, I am sick of the excuses and ready to do triathlons again because I want to be better for myself and my wife, and to set a better example for my son. My father was overweight and couldn’t do things with me when I was a kid. He tried and tried and I loved him dearly for all of his efforts but it scares me that I might be following him down the same path, particularly since he was 7 years younger that I am when he had me. I want my son to see me as a positive role model, not an example of what not to do…or to possible even be embarrassed because his father is a heavy couch potato.

Family Status: Married with a 2 year old son.

Current training: Starting T25 to build a base while also following a customized plan from BT with 3 workouts of each discipline a week.

2013 (and 2012 and 2011) races: None

2014 races: New York City Triathlon (3 deferrals so it has to be this year) and others, if I can prove how serious I am to my wife. Ideally, I’m aiming for sprint in June so I can complete a race before my next birthday and gauge where I am at while still having time to make corrections before I race in NYC.

Weight loss: I trained, I lost 30 lbs, I stopped, I ate, I gained 40 lbs again. I lost a little then my wife got pregnant and I had severe bacon cravings (she, on the other hand, had no cravings). Since then, it’s been pretty much bouncing between 270 and 280. For me, the most important thing is to be cognizant of what I am putting in my mouth each day and then to be active. While being active helps me not want to waste the calories I burn training, I have an incredible sweet tooth and a mind that likes to forget what I ate so tracking is a must for me.

To that end, I joined Weight Watchers online with my wife so can talk the same language. I was doing MyFitnessPal while she was doing WeightWatchers and it felt like we were speaking Italian and French come calorie counting time. It kind of translated but we both were frustrated with each other doing their own thing.

I thought this group looked great because I need to get back to two things, training consistently and losing weight. It appears as though there are several people facing similar challenges in this group, which is great. Plus, it has Robin (Ceilidh), who is one of my most dear BT friends (though I’ll never tell her that! Since she’s out of town right now, so she’ll never know. ).

There, now you know more about me than I am sure you ever cared to. I look forward to joining all of you for a summer of a racing successes and weight loss!

2014-03-11 5:27 PM
in reply to: Sulcus

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
Either I got more sleep last night or drinking coffee this morning was a must. yesterday I was so exhausted on the trendmill I only walked 2 miles.

Rant on. Work we have 3 treadmills. all 3 ended up being used for 20 min after I got there. One person walked in as I was changing. all 3 were going 20 min/miles. 1 was holding herself up with the sides. Other was wildly swing her arms side to side. (I guess its suppose to be some upper body work out while she wakes). Other walking normally with her sweater on.

So when I finally got on after 20 minutes. I normally run .25 miles and walk .25 miles. Today warmed up .25 miles I ran 1 miles. Then I walk .25 miles ran .25 miles and so forth. So instead of running 1.5 miles and walking 1.5 miles like I normally do I ran 1.5 miles and walked 1 mile and I did get some weight lifting in. I figure I will lift weights if I have to end up waiting. Maybe it was good to have 1 run where I push my hr higher than I normally would. All I know is my goal to run 4 miles at 12 min/mile pace is not going to happen by April. Maybe I can get to 2 miles though.
2014-03-11 11:00 PM
in reply to: #4916495

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Across the river from Memphis, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
I'm feeling STOKED right now. 2 weeks ago I ran 2K as part of my C25K, and since I'm coming off a couple of injuries I mentioned that I was taking it easy and my times were 8:56 & 9:25. And that's in kilometers *cough cough*, lol! Tonight, the goal was 10% off my time from 2 weeks ago. So, 18:21 X 90% comes to about 16:30. I decided to push it a bit tonight and put down a 7:40 Kilometer followed by a 7:16 for a total time of 14:56. I think I made my goal, lol! Also, I set my 2nd best mile, according to Strava, at 12:13. Since I avg'd 12:23/mi at the 4k I ran in December, well... I'm seriously stoked! I am quite aware that I can not yet keep that pace for a full 5K, much less a 5K after a swim and bike, but I'm making progress.

And the best part? I am still pain-free!
2014-03-12 6:20 AM
in reply to: WebFootFreak

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Extreme Veteran
Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
fANTASTIC! You deserve to be stoked! Keep up to good work.

Originally posted by WebFootFreak

I'm feeling STOKED right now. 2 weeks ago I ran 2K as part of my C25K, and since I'm coming off a couple of injuries I mentioned that I was taking it easy and my times were 8:56 & 9:25. And that's in kilometers *cough cough*, lol! Tonight, the goal was 10% off my time from 2 weeks ago. So, 18:21 X 90% comes to about 16:30. I decided to push it a bit tonight and put down a 7:40 Kilometer followed by a 7:16 for a total time of 14:56. I think I made my goal, lol! Also, I set my 2nd best mile, according to Strava, at 12:13. Since I avg'd 12:23/mi at the 4k I ran in December, well... I'm seriously stoked! I am quite aware that I can not yet keep that pace for a full 5K, much less a 5K after a swim and bike, but I'm making progress.

And the best part? I am still pain-free!
2014-03-12 6:23 AM
in reply to: chirunner134

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Extreme Veteran
Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
Originally posted by chirunner134

Either I got more sleep last night or drinking coffee this morning was a must. yesterday I was so exhausted on the trendmill I only walked 2 miles.

Rant on. Work we have 3 treadmills. all 3 ended up being used for 20 min after I got there. One person walked in as I was changing. all 3 were going 20 min/miles. 1 was holding herself up with the sides. Other was wildly swing her arms side to side. (I guess its suppose to be some upper body work out while she wakes). Other walking normally with her sweater on.

So when I finally got on after 20 minutes. I normally run .25 miles and walk .25 miles. Today warmed up .25 miles I ran 1 miles. Then I walk .25 miles ran .25 miles and so forth. So instead of running 1.5 miles and walking 1.5 miles like I normally do I ran 1.5 miles and walked 1 mile and I did get some weight lifting in. I figure I will lift weights if I have to end up waiting. Maybe it was good to have 1 run where I push my hr higher than I normally would. All I know is my goal to run 4 miles at 12 min/mile pace is not going to happen by April. Maybe I can get to 2 miles though.

Sorry to hear about the wait for the treadmills but planning to do weights is probably a good idea to kill time while waiting for the treadmills. And yes, doing workouts that do push your heartrate are a good idea with control since it will simulate race situations and increase conditioning.
2014-03-12 6:29 AM
in reply to: Sulcus

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Extreme Veteran
Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
Welcome to the group Shawn! Glad to have you with us and no longer as a lurker. No worries about trying to get caught up, its a good thing we have so many posts, better to be out there training than reading all of them! I am sure you will fit right in with the group as your story sounds very familiar to most, if not all or ours. It is great that you have your wife with you on the weight watchers. Mike and I were in the same boat "talking different weight loss language" as you say. We are not both using myfitnesspal and it definitely makes it easier to be on the same "plan".

Originally posted by Sulcus

I’ve been lurking and trying to catch up on all the messages but at the rate I’m going, it will be July before I do so I am just going to apply now and catch up when I can. Please forgive my run-ons and other grammar issues. It has been a long day but I don’t want to put this off any longer.

Name: Shawn/Sulcus

Story: (The short version) I was a baseball player in college and tore the rotator cuff and labrum in my shoulder (along with countless other lingering ailments from a rough and tumble childhood). I finally had it fixed seven years later and then reinjured it playing tennis, thus ending any inclination I had to play ball based sports again. After a couple of years, I had gained a ton of weight and knew that I had to do something so I started swimming to help stabilize the shoulder so it wouldn’t bother me in everyday life. It was at that point that I said, “well, I enjoy biking as well, so why don’t I try a triathlon?” (like it is that easy, right?) At 6’1” and 270, running was my nemesis but I lost 30 lbs, run/walked the last leg of my races and generally enjoyed them.

I enjoyed finishing several sprint triathlons during 2009 and 2010 but then life distracted me – or should I say that I let it. I injured my knee and Achilles trying to do speed work in a triathlon class that I was taking. I then started a new job with a 90 minute commute each way, my wife became pregnant, my grandmother-in-law became terminally ill, we had our son, my grandmother-in-law passed, and we had to spend months cleaning out almost 60 years of history from her house before we could sell it.

A little over a year ago I switched jobs to one with a much better working atmosphere and commute. I thought that would make everything easier because I would have more time but juggling everything has proven more difficult that I thought. I did get on a decent roll with diet and exercise at the end of last summer but it was derailed by an extensive varicose vein surgery in October.

2014 has brought new management at work and my wife has decided to go back to school but I’ve decided that I can’t make any more excuses. As my father liked to tell me as a kid, “It is always something with you, isn’t it?” Yeah, pretty much dad…

As I said, I am sick of the excuses and ready to do triathlons again because I want to be better for myself and my wife, and to set a better example for my son. My father was overweight and couldn’t do things with me when I was a kid. He tried and tried and I loved him dearly for all of his efforts but it scares me that I might be following him down the same path, particularly since he was 7 years younger that I am when he had me. I want my son to see me as a positive role model, not an example of what not to do…or to possible even be embarrassed because his father is a heavy couch potato.

Family Status: Married with a 2 year old son.

Current training: Starting T25 to build a base while also following a customized plan from BT with 3 workouts of each discipline a week.

2013 (and 2012 and 2011) races: None

2014 races: New York City Triathlon (3 deferrals so it has to be this year) and others, if I can prove how serious I am to my wife. Ideally, I’m aiming for sprint in June so I can complete a race before my next birthday and gauge where I am at while still having time to make corrections before I race in NYC.

Weight loss: I trained, I lost 30 lbs, I stopped, I ate, I gained 40 lbs again. I lost a little then my wife got pregnant and I had severe bacon cravings (she, on the other hand, had no cravings). Since then, it’s been pretty much bouncing between 270 and 280. For me, the most important thing is to be cognizant of what I am putting in my mouth each day and then to be active. While being active helps me not want to waste the calories I burn training, I have an incredible sweet tooth and a mind that likes to forget what I ate so tracking is a must for me.

To that end, I joined Weight Watchers online with my wife so can talk the same language. I was doing MyFitnessPal while she was doing WeightWatchers and it felt like we were speaking Italian and French come calorie counting time. It kind of translated but we both were frustrated with each other doing their own thing.

I thought this group looked great because I need to get back to two things, training consistently and losing weight. It appears as though there are several people facing similar challenges in this group, which is great. Plus, it has Robin (Ceilidh), who is one of my most dear BT friends (though I’ll never tell her that! Since she’s out of town right now, so she’ll never know. ).

There, now you know more about me than I am sure you ever cared to. I look forward to joining all of you for a summer of a racing successes and weight loss!

2014-03-12 6:32 AM
in reply to: diablo243

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Extreme Veteran
Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
Flip, hope the migraine has gone away and feeling better today.

Diablo! You rock man! Nice job on the time improvements on the 5k pace and the swimming pace.

2014-03-12 6:35 AM
in reply to: 0

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Extreme Veteran
Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
Mission accomplished last night - did an hour on the trainer last night after work and this morning hauled my butt out of bed for TRX class. I'm supposed to get a run in today but not sure if I am up to hitting the gym at night. It is crazy over there trying to get a treadmill and we are supposed to get a bad storm this afternoon/evening.

Anyway, hope everyone has a great day!

Saw this on Facebook this morning and figure I am going to give it try as soon as the weather allows me to get outside on my bike!

Edited by Fechter99 2014-03-12 6:36 AM
2014-03-12 6:53 AM
in reply to: Fechter99

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!

Originally posted by Fechter99 Welcome to the group Shawn! Glad to have you with us and no longer as a lurker. No worries about trying to get caught up, its a good thing we have so many posts, better to be out there training than reading all of them! I am sure you will fit right in with the group as your story sounds very familiar to most, if not all or ours. It is great that you have your wife with you on the weight watchers. Mike and I were in the same boat "talking different weight loss language" as you say. We are not both using myfitnesspal and it definitely makes it easier to be on the same "plan".
Originally posted by Sulcus I’ve been lurking and trying to catch up on all the messages but at the rate I’m going, it will be July before I do so I am just going to apply now and catch up when I can. Please forgive my run-ons and other grammar issues. It has been a long day but I don’t want to put this off any longer. Name: Shawn/Sulcus Story: (The short version) I was a baseball player in college and tore the rotator cuff and labrum in my shoulder (along with countless other lingering ailments from a rough and tumble childhood). I finally had it fixed seven years later and then reinjured it playing tennis, thus ending any inclination I had to play ball based sports again. After a couple of years, I had gained a ton of weight and knew that I had to do something so I started swimming to help stabilize the shoulder so it wouldn’t bother me in everyday life. It was at that point that I said, “well, I enjoy biking as well, so why don’t I try a triathlon?” (like it is that easy, right?) At 6’1” and 270, running was my nemesis but I lost 30 lbs, run/walked the last leg of my races and generally enjoyed them. I enjoyed finishing several sprint triathlons during 2009 and 2010 but then life distracted me – or should I say that I let it. I injured my knee and Achilles trying to do speed work in a triathlon class that I was taking. I then started a new job with a 90 minute commute each way, my wife became pregnant, my grandmother-in-law became terminally ill, we had our son, my grandmother-in-law passed, and we had to spend months cleaning out almost 60 years of history from her house before we could sell it. A little over a year ago I switched jobs to one with a much better working atmosphere and commute. I thought that would make everything easier because I would have more time but juggling everything has proven more difficult that I thought. I did get on a decent roll with diet and exercise at the end of last summer but it was derailed by an extensive varicose vein surgery in October. 2014 has brought new management at work and my wife has decided to go back to school but I’ve decided that I can’t make any more excuses. As my father liked to tell me as a kid, “It is always something with you, isn’t it?” Yeah, pretty much dad… As I said, I am sick of the excuses and ready to do triathlons again because I want to be better for myself and my wife, and to set a better example for my son. My father was overweight and couldn’t do things with me when I was a kid. He tried and tried and I loved him dearly for all of his efforts but it scares me that I might be following him down the same path, particularly since he was 7 years younger that I am when he had me. I want my son to see me as a positive role model, not an example of what not to do…or to possible even be embarrassed because his father is a heavy couch potato. Family Status: Married with a 2 year old son. Current training: Starting T25 to build a base while also following a customized plan from BT with 3 workouts of each discipline a week. 2013 (and 2012 and 2011) races: None 2014 races: New York City Triathlon (3 deferrals so it has to be this year) and others, if I can prove how serious I am to my wife. Ideally, I’m aiming for sprint in June so I can complete a race before my next birthday and gauge where I am at while still having time to make corrections before I race in NYC. Weight loss: I trained, I lost 30 lbs, I stopped, I ate, I gained 40 lbs again. I lost a little then my wife got pregnant and I had severe bacon cravings (she, on the other hand, had no cravings). Since then, it’s been pretty much bouncing between 270 and 280. For me, the most important thing is to be cognizant of what I am putting in my mouth each day and then to be active. While being active helps me not want to waste the calories I burn training, I have an incredible sweet tooth and a mind that likes to forget what I ate so tracking is a must for me. To that end, I joined Weight Watchers online with my wife so can talk the same language. I was doing MyFitnessPal while she was doing WeightWatchers and it felt like we were speaking Italian and French come calorie counting time. It kind of translated but we both were frustrated with each other doing their own thing. I thought this group looked great because I need to get back to two things, training consistently and losing weight. It appears as though there are several people facing similar challenges in this group, which is great. Plus, it has Robin (Ceilidh), who is one of my most dear BT friends (though I’ll never tell her that! Since she’s out of town right now, so she’ll never know. ). There, now you know more about me than I am sure you ever cared to. I look forward to joining all of you for a summer of a racing successes and weight loss!

He forgot his main training goal... to not get chicked by a fat old southern lady!!! Bwahahahahaha


2014-03-12 6:57 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!

Hi all. I have been out of town on vacation. Panama is a fantastic place! There were amazing, almost vertical, hikes to waterfalls. Biking in the rainforest mountains on single speed bikes that were older than my son. (Who I was desperately trying to keep up with). Snorkeling in coral reefs, I even did some OW Swimming in tropical waters. LOTS and LOTS of walking and hiking to see sloths, anteaters, butterflies, birds, flowers. OH YES!

I even lost a pound, even with all the great sea food! Now back to my training plan. The good news is my foot has healed enough (trial by fire) to do uneven surface walking/ running so I hope to get some real live outdoor running in VERY soon.

2014-03-12 8:22 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Ledyard, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
Today's inspiration: Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears. –Les Brown

2014-03-12 11:24 AM
in reply to: diablo243

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!

Originally posted by diablo243 Today's inspiration: Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears. –Les Brown

I am afraid that is true

2014-03-12 11:58 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Ledyard, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
Ok ok ok easy there Sulcus.... one just can't "decide" to join! You must pass grueling trials and tribulations to be accepted into the inner fold and be one of the elite, the proud the few.... (unlike me who just joined on a whim ;P)(Oh and just because your tight with Robin, that gets you no favors)

In order to join this group the next time you are at the grocery store, you must find the most bizarre and random green item you can, take a pic and post here on the forum. A group of random item experts who meet trianual in a secret lodge in CO knows as "The Meadows" will vote on your worthiness. If you are chosen, then and ONLY then will you be privy to the secret handshake that we all met last weekend and created just in case you decided to join.

You have your quest, go forth and good luck, god speed.

2014-03-12 12:08 PM
in reply to: diablo243

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Southwest Iowa
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!

Hey all, I am really struggling to make things work and post here also.  I have too many hobbies that keep me busy.  So, I have been getting up at 4:40 and heading to the basement workout/music room every morning this week.  Right now it is only treadmill work, but maybe next week I can get some bike work in on the trainer.  Or as my wife and I call them the dreadmill and the drainer.  But, at least I have a nice TV and stereo system in the room, so I can watch movies or old TV shows that are on the DVR.  The migraine is slowly easing away and I don't have any major issues today, other than a slight throb, I am much better.  Yesterday every step I took hurt my head, but I knew I had to keep moving every day.



2014-03-12 9:53 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
Originally posted by WebFootFreak

I'm feeling STOKED right now. 2 weeks ago I ran 2K as part of my C25K, and since I'm coming off a couple of injuries I mentioned that I was taking it easy and my times were 8:56 & 9:25. And that's in kilometers *cough cough*, lol! Tonight, the goal was 10% off my time from 2 weeks ago. So, 18:21 X 90% comes to about 16:30. I decided to push it a bit tonight and put down a 7:40 Kilometer followed by a 7:16 for a total time of 14:56. I think I made my goal, lol! Also, I set my 2nd best mile, according to Strava, at 12:13. Since I avg'd 12:23/mi at the 4k I ran in December, well... I'm seriously stoked! I am quite aware that I can not yet keep that pace for a full 5K, much less a 5K after a swim and bike, but I'm making progress.

And the best part? I am still pain-free!

Keep up the good work.
I did C25K last April.
Ive ebbed and flowed with the running, but I feel I could run a 10k by April this year!

Have you signed up for any 5K?s
It felt really good to finish a 5k after working on C25K last year.

  • ...
  • ...
  • for me, tonight I spent 50 minutes in the pool.
    I had fun and felt good.
    basically laps and breaks.

    Edited by Clarkey77 2014-03-12 9:58 PM
    2014-03-12 11:30 PM
    in reply to: #4916495

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    Across the river from Memphis, Tennessee
    Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
    Clarkey77: I had a 5k planned for the end of the c25k, but my wife ended up having to work. The next best choice was 4 weeks later, but closer to home (abt 3 miles away) so... the plan was to finish the c25k and repeat the last 4 weeks. But, I got iced in last week, so I'll repeat the last three

    2014-03-13 7:39 AM
    in reply to: WebFootFreak

    User image

    Bronze member
    Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!

    Howdy all.

    I did my first "run" since before vacation. My foot was not happy afterward. I am going to have to get some gel inserts for my shoes until my bones are not so tender. I did run 3 min, walk 2 min intervals for a 12:30 m/mile. I am pretty happy with that at this point. I think I am going to change it to Km/mile though. I like those numbers better


    2014-03-14 7:28 AM
    in reply to: ceilidh

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    Bronze member
    Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!

    I am missing my daily dose of inspiration... hint



    2014-03-14 7:32 AM
    in reply to: ceilidh

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    Ledyard, Connecticut
    Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
    Sorry have a stupid cold and have been out of it!

    Here you go: Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined. –Henry David Thoreau
    2014-03-14 7:42 AM
    in reply to: diablo243

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    Bronze member
    Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!

    Originally posted by diablo243 Sorry have a stupid cold and have been out of it! Here you go: Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined. –Henry David Thoreau

    Colds are evil! Feel better.

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    2011-12-18 3:37 PM playmobil31
    date : August 26, 2011
    author : Nancy Clark
    comments : 1
    Research provides insight into struggles with shedding weight while training.
    date : May 22, 2007
    author : acbadger
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    Are you getting adequate rest after your workouts? Rest and over-training effects on weight loss, weight gain.
    date : March 21, 2007
    author : acbadger
    comments : 2
    Interval training for weight loss. Weight training for weight loss. These interval workouts can be done in 15 to 20 minutes and have huge caloric expenditures for those who are crunched for time.
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    author : Ontherun
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    For most age-group triathletes, getting the most out of there time for quality workouts can be daunting. Think outside the triangle to get a little more.
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    author : Rich Strauss
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    Tri clubs offer all of us, from beginner to advanced athlete, a venue in which we can realign our perspective of what “fast” and “far” are, pushing us to new and greater heights of performance.
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    Losing fat is not difficult. So why does this continue to be an elusive goal for so many people, who “struggle” just to lose a few inches?
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    author : Michael
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    I’m a C-L-Y-D-E-S-D-A-L-E! Many people in the sport know the division is there, but many of them think that it's a 'fat boys division.' So what constitutes a Clydesdale? Why even have this class?
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    author : Ron
    comments : 0
    What happens in your body when you eat, fast or workout?