BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN Rss Feed  
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2014-11-09 11:41 PM
in reply to: Dominion

Wollongong, New South Wales
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN

Hopefully you have room on the bus for me. I'm 45, (ok condition) but have for a fitness goal decided to have a go at triathlons.
I live in Australia about an hour south of Sydney. I am planning to do two sprint Tri's ( one on the 6 dec, next early Jan then MAYBE a Olympic in March (Wollongong Olympic triathlon).

My training has been pretty ad hoc, i.e. I just do what I feel lie a the time.



2014-11-10 6:47 AM
in reply to: manno

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN

Hi Brenden,

Things are winding down here in the Northern hemisphere, but myself and a few others are still hanging around the group.  Feel free to jump right in and ask any questions you have.  We're here to help!

2014-11-13 9:56 AM
in reply to: Dominion

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Subject: RE: USAT National Challenge Competition
October numbers. Pretty sparse. Took a lot of off days and essentially stopped biking.

Swim 16h 1m 07s - 4000yd
Bike 2h 42m 26s - 51.62 Mi
Run 5h 04m 07s - 37.13 Mi

Currently running 2-3 days a week and swiming 2 days. Cut the distance down in both. Maybe start some biking in January.
This time last year I was running half the distance at a pace 1-2min/mile slower. What a difference a year makes.
The local tri series has put up the 2015 calender and I am excited to plan my year.

2014-11-14 5:05 PM
in reply to: Dominion

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Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN
Hello! My name is Jen and I'm from North Idaho. I'm 38 and trying to get back into shape after a liver surgery I had last year. I'm planning on doing a sprint try in March 2015. I'm very new to all of this but very motivated!
2014-11-15 3:59 PM
in reply to: #4996689

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Pacific Northwest, Washington
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN
Hey, Jen! Welcome! I'm in NE Washington, near Spokane. Which tri are you planning to compete in in March? I'm looking at one in Idaho on Feb 28--an indoor tri in Plummer.
2014-11-15 5:43 PM
in reply to: nrpoulin

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: USAT National Challenge Competition

Originally posted by nrpoulin October numbers. Pretty sparse. Took a lot of off days and essentially stopped biking. Swim 16h 1m 07s - 4000yd Bike 2h 42m 26s - 51.62 Mi Run 5h 04m 07s - 37.13 Mi Currently running 2-3 days a week and swiming 2 days. Cut the distance down in both. Maybe start some biking in January. This time last year I was running half the distance at a pace 1-2min/mile slower. What a difference a year makes. The local tri series has put up the 2015 calender and I am excited to plan my year. Nate

Don't worry about it too much.  This is the time of year to take a break.  Focus on other things and just stay as active as you feel you need to.  Take a break from structured training.  Reflect on how far you have come, which it sounds like you have done a little already.  Just wait until next year!  Let us know what races you have planned for 2015!

2014-11-15 5:46 PM
in reply to: jentatt

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN

Hi Jen, welcome to our group!  

2014-11-16 11:59 PM
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Pacific Northwest, Washington
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN
I ran my third 5K yesterday, the Spokane National Veterans Day Run. It wasn't quite 5K; more like 3.02 miles, from I figured my time was way too fast for a 5K distance (41:39), so I measured it online. I'm not sure how accurate that is since it was all on the Centennial Trail and not on any roads, but I think it's reasonably close.

It was very, very cold: eleven degrees F! I dressed in layers as I knew once I started running, I would get too hot, and that worked out well. By mile one, the first layer had come off, and by mile two, the second layer. I was able to tie everything around my waist to keep my hands free. The race went really well. I've been practicing pacing on the treadmill, so I had a pretty good idea how fast I was going, and I also knew I would be able to keep it up if I pushed myself. I ran almost the entire way, except for a short stretch of boardwalk that was really icy.

It was another personal best! I finally broke the 14-minute barrier and ran a 13:47/mile pace, which is 30 seconds faster than my race two weeks ago, and a minute faster than my race in September. So, I'm making progress!

I also met with a sports doctor in Spokane on Friday who confirmed my bursitis self-diagnosis. There's nothing that can be done other than physical therapy, so I start working with one of the Gonzaga University athletics physical therapists this next week. The Gonzaga U athletes are the closest thing we have to celebrities in this area, so I feel pretty special, LOL. The PT will do a gait analysis and help me with a plan that I can take back to my local personal trainer at the gym and, hopefully, that will help. I'm feeling pretty positive. On the downside, my doctor said I will never be a long-distance runner, so I'll be sticking with sprint triathlons and maybe an occasional Olympic, once I get my speed and endurance up a bit more.

So, I'm very happy with yesterday's race, and I'm looking forward to my next one in two weeks!

Edited by burner2 2014-11-17 12:04 AM


SpokaneVeteransDayRun.jpg (302KB - 10 downloads)
2014-11-17 6:22 AM
in reply to: burner2

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN

11 degrees! Wow. You are tougher than me!  I skipped a training run the other day because it was 40 outside. I didn't ride yesterday because it was 50.  My brother raced yesterday in Florida, he said it was in the 60's...Brrr!

Congrats on your continued progress.  Do you have any long term 5K goal in mind, or just want to keep getting faster and see where it takes you?

Good luck with the physical therapy.  Keep us posted on your next race.  Mine is a turkey trot 5K on Saturday and then my daughter who is 10 is doing her first 5K in a Thanksgiving day turkey trot.  Excited for her!

2014-11-17 5:12 PM
in reply to: Dominion

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Pacific Northwest, Washington
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN
Originally posted by Dominion

11 degrees! Wow. You are tougher than me!  I skipped a training run the other day because it was 40 outside. I didn't ride yesterday because it was 50.  My brother raced yesterday in Florida, he said it was in the 60's...Brrr!

Congrats on your continued progress.  Do you have any long term 5K goal in mind, or just want to keep getting faster and see where it takes you?

Good luck with the physical therapy.  Keep us posted on your next race.  Mine is a turkey trot 5K on Saturday and then my daughter who is 10 is doing her first 5K in a Thanksgiving day turkey trot.  Excited for her!

Having spent most of my adult life in Fairbanks, Alaska, where it's regularly -40 degrees in the winter, gives one a very different perspective of the word "cold." Cold is easier for me to handle than heat. Even so, there's a difference between dressing for running versus dressing for winter sports that affects the cold factor. And, there's a good possibility of snow for my next three races, so a set of Yaktrax Pro's are on order.

My 5K goals really are to become faster, more flexible, and hurt less while running, and also keep my training focused as I know it's far too easy for me to get too involved in work and spend too much time in front of the computer. And, I still have about 20 pounds I'd like to lose; that's not going so well now that I'm not doing the full triathlon training every day. But, at least I'm not gaining.

There were quite a few kids under 12 at the Veterans Day race; some even ran the 11K distance, which was quite impressive. I'm sure your daughter will do well.
2014-11-19 8:54 PM
in reply to: burner2

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Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN
I am in Coeur d'Alene and actually work in Spokane. I am planning on doing the sprint tri in Lewiston. It is the Snake River triathlon held on March 21.

2014-11-22 11:41 AM
in reply to: Dominion

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN

Went 20:53 for the age group win today at the local 5K.  About 40 degrees at the start and windy.  Not the best conditions for me but I went a few seconds faster than last year and won the AG for 2nd year in a row. 

2014-11-23 9:13 PM
in reply to: Dominion

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Pacific Northwest, Washington
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN
Congrats on the AG win and beating your previous time. My next 5K is this coming Saturday. The temps are expected to once again be in the low teens, this time with up to three inches of snow. My Yaktrax should be here tomorrow. If there's snow and/or ice on the ground, I am NOT going to push myself. It will be a slow one! But, I've been pushing myself on the treadmill at the gym and slowly making improvements in my time there. I should be ready for another personal best when the weather gets warmer.
2014-11-28 9:07 AM
in reply to: Dominion

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN

We have an AG 1st place winner! 


e1ST.jpg (130KB - 12 downloads)
2014-11-29 2:58 AM
in reply to: Dominion

Wollongong, New South Wales
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN
Well its just about here. Next Saturday (6 Dec) I will be doing my first sprint tri. Actually looking forward go it. Bought a wetsuit after lots of yes, no maybe. Am blown away by how much faster it makes you.
I really need to get my running sorted, I do 5kms in around 30mins. I really need to get faster, any thoughts on simple drills to help improve?


2014-11-29 6:47 AM
in reply to: Dominion

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North Grafton, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN
Originally posted by Dominion

We have an AG 1st place winner! 

It must be in the genes! Congrats.

My kids (3 and 5) now pretend to run their own triathlons. I'll even make up some pre-race announcements for them. Then they pretend to put on their swim cap and goggles. They "swim" out and back and come into transition, change for the bike, and then go out for the bike. The funny part about their pretend T1 is that it looks as chaotic as I felt my first time. LOL I send them around the house on the bike, then we have T2, and finally the run. Lastly, we have the medal presentations, probably their favorite part. They're so cute! My son (3) has made up his own sport where he adds football onto the end of the triathlon. Not sure I could train to be ready for that!

They also like to "run" on my treadmill. I think we have some future competitors on our hands. This winter I want to work with my daughter (5) to build her conditioning up so she can do her first 1K run this spring. She's excited about it and always tells me how her running shoes are her favorites.

2014-11-29 8:23 AM
in reply to: manno

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN

A wetsuit is a great investment.  I love swimming in mine, although my brother tells me it is an equalizer.  The weaker swimmers benefit more from it than do the stronger swimmers.

As far as your running, I'm afraid there is not much you can do in the next week.  Just keep working on it and putting in the volume.  Not much in your training logs, how much have you been running per week? per month?

Good luck in your race, and let us know how it goes!

2014-11-29 8:36 AM
in reply to: rjchilds8

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN

Originally posted by rjchilds8
Originally posted by Dominion

We have an AG 1st place winner! 

It must be in the genes! Congrats. My kids (3 and 5) now pretend to run their own triathlons. I'll even make up some pre-race announcements for them. Then they pretend to put on their swim cap and goggles. They "swim" out and back and come into transition, change for the bike, and then go out for the bike. The funny part about their pretend T1 is that it looks as chaotic as I felt my first time. LOL I send them around the house on the bike, then we have T2, and finally the run. Lastly, we have the medal presentations, probably their favorite part. They're so cute! My son (3) has made up his own sport where he adds football onto the end of the triathlon. Not sure I could train to be ready for that! They also like to "run" on my treadmill. I think we have some future competitors on our hands. This winter I want to work with my daughter (5) to build her conditioning up so she can do her first 1K run this spring. She's excited about it and always tells me how her running shoes are her favorites.

That sounds like a lot of fun Randy!  Future competitors for sure, and healthy kids.  I think it is great to introduce kids to these sports at a young age and hopefully it will lead to healthy and fit lifestyles later in life.


2014-11-29 5:26 PM
in reply to: Dominion

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North Grafton, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN
Originally posted by Dominion

We have an AG 1st place winner! 

Tonight's indoor sprint was fully geared. We didn't have bikes in the house, but they had the swim gear on and then transitioned into their bike helmets, shoes, and some gloves! LOL They love it, especially getting finisher medals at the end.

(2014-11-29 18.06.34.jpg)

2014-11-29 18.06.34.jpg (3020KB - 8 downloads)
2014-11-29 5:42 PM
in reply to: Dominion

Wollongong, New South Wales
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN
Thanks. I have been doing usually an hour of exercise each day of some sort for the last 3 months. Have just started filling out the logs this week. Usually do a 3k and a 5k run each week but definitely more of a jog. Think I need to run with others to move a bit faster.

Can't imagine exercising in some of those cold temps you guys experience, that's hardcore!

2014-11-29 6:11 PM
in reply to: Dominion

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Pacific Northwest, Washington
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN
Well, today’s race didn’t go too well for me. The good thing is the weather forecast was wrong and it was 23 degrees warmer than predicted. Which means it was 23 degrees. The bad thing is the warm air brought some pretty fierce winds, and I swear sometimes I was bracing myself in the face of 30 mph gusts, covering my eyes to keep the debris out. The wind blew a lot of the course signs away, too, so there were times I wasn’t sure where to go. I got off course once and had to backtrack, which added about a quarter mile to my distance.

My left leg stopped cooperating about a mile into the race, causing me to pretty much shuffle the rest of the way, and I ended up walking a lot. I’m not sure what happened there. I’ve been running a lot on the treadmill at the gym, really working hard to improve and getting a lot faster. And yet, as soon as I hit pavement, everything was different. I think the continuous feedback I get from the treadmill computer is a huge positive influence that causes me to push my limits. I don’t get that when running outside. I wonder if one of those GPS watches would help? And maybe try to fit in one run outside a week during winter.

Anyway, I ran the 3.35 miles—including the quarter mile I went off course—in 48:15. And actually, it’s not a bad time for me because I did walk a lot, especially when fighting the strong gusts, which means when I ran, I ran well.

So, new race next Saturday, and this one will be a big one since it’s in the city and a Bloomsday qualifier. There will be lots of competition, which will encourage me to push myself. I’m sure I will do a lot better.

Chris, your daughter did great! That’s awesome! Congrats on her first place! I wish I’d been able to get my kids involved in sports when they were young. And Randy, that’s really cool that your kids “play” triathlon! Who knows? Maybe some day there will be one with a football skirmish at the end! That’d be fun! I’m game!

Brenden, good luck next weekend!

2014-11-29 8:03 PM
in reply to: burner2

Wollongong, New South Wales
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN
Hey Burner
Sounds like a big effort on a tough day, well done.
Hopefully we both have good stories after next weekend:-D

2014-12-01 12:53 AM
in reply to: Dominion

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Pacific Northwest, Washington
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN
November Totals:

S: 13,500 yards
B: 8.11 miles
R: 42:14 miles (mostly treadmill miles)
Stationary Bike: 5 hrs 10 min
Strength Training: 7.5 hours
Leaf Raking: 10.5 hours

Woohoo! Finally got in a bike ride today, although it was only 23 degrees and FREEZING COLD!!! I haven’t felt cold like that since I had to run between buildings for classes in Alaska. Must remember to wear ski gloves instead of regular gloves if I do that again! The pool's heater is broken, too, so it’s colder than normal. Brrrr!!!!!

I’m working with a sports physical therapist now, and it’s very different from regular physical therapy. It means long drives to the city a couple times a month, but it’s well worth it. He uses this iPad app called Dartfish to make video analyses of my movements, and we can review it together, which is really helpful. Anybody can buy it and download it, video yourself, and then analyze it or send the video to a coach for analysis. I finally feel like I’m making progress with my running, although you wouldn’t know that from my last race. Ha ha ha!

I started strength training at a fitness club this month. I feel pretty wimpy using 5 lb weights, but I'm sure I'll move up a bit by spring. I think it's going well, and I do feel myself getting stronger.

December’s swimming will be limited while the pool under goes renovation mid-month, but hopefully, that will mean it will be heated once again.

Randy, your kids are just adorable! Thanks for sharing that
2014-12-01 8:01 AM
in reply to: burner2

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN

Originally posted by burner2 Well, today’s race didn’t go too well for me. The good thing is the weather forecast was wrong and it was 23 degrees warmer than predicted. Which means it was 23 degrees. The bad thing is the warm air brought some pretty fierce winds, and I swear sometimes I was bracing myself in the face of 30 mph gusts, covering my eyes to keep the debris out. The wind blew a lot of the course signs away, too, so there were times I wasn’t sure where to go. I got off course once and had to backtrack, which added about a quarter mile to my distance. My left leg stopped cooperating about a mile into the race, causing me to pretty much shuffle the rest of the way, and I ended up walking a lot. I’m not sure what happened there. I’ve been running a lot on the treadmill at the gym, really working hard to improve and getting a lot faster. And yet, as soon as I hit pavement, everything was different. I think the continuous feedback I get from the treadmill computer is a huge positive influence that causes me to push my limits. I don’t get that when running outside. I wonder if one of those GPS watches would help? And maybe try to fit in one run outside a week during winter. Anyway, I ran the 3.35 miles—including the quarter mile I went off course—in 48:15. And actually, it’s not a bad time for me because I did walk a lot, especially when fighting the strong gusts, which means when I ran, I ran well. So, new race next Saturday, and this one will be a big one since it’s in the city and a Bloomsday qualifier. There will be lots of competition, which will encourage me to push myself. I’m sure I will do a lot better. Chris, your daughter did great! That’s awesome! Congrats on her first place! I wish I’d been able to get my kids involved in sports when they were young. And Randy, that’s really cool that your kids “play” triathlon! Who knows? Maybe some day there will be one with a football skirmish at the end! That’d be fun! I’m game! Brenden, good luck next weekend!

I'm sorry, but i have to laugh when you say "23 degrees" and in the next sentence "the warm air".   You are making me wince just reading about your experiences!  Another race next weekend?? Hard core Indeed !!!

2014-12-01 8:07 AM
in reply to: rjchilds8

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN

Great pic Randy !  Looks like in a few years, you will have a full race team.  Better start saving now for those bikes !!!

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