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2009-05-24 9:22 PM
in reply to: #2171036

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Queens, NY
Subject: RE: 1st OW race
freeflykami - 2009-05-24 7:12 PM Well, I finished my first OW race, 1 mile. It was fun, but I felt slow.
The water was really warm, in the 70's but there were still a lot of people wearing wet suits, I think there was only me and one other in our wave of 25!

I'll be doing my race report when they post the official results but as of this morning I was 4th in the non-wetsuit catagory of my age group with a 28:18.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend!

congrats on your race! How do you feel?

2009-05-25 11:55 AM
in reply to: #2171036

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: 1st OW race
freeflykami - 2009-05-24 7:12 PM Well, I finished my first OW race, 1 mile. It was fun, but I felt slow.
The water was really warm, in the 70's but there were still a lot of people wearing wet suits, I think there was only me and one other in our wave of 25!

I'll be doing my race report when they post the official results but as of this morning I was 4th in the non-wetsuit catagory of my age group with a 28:18.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend!

wow!  I can't even imagine swimming that far that fast.
2009-05-25 3:57 PM
in reply to: #2171036

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Montreal, Quebec
Subject: RE: 1st OW race
freeflykami - 2009-05-24 8:12 PM

Well, I finished my first OW race, 1 mile. It was fun, but I felt slow.
The water was really warm, in the 70's but there were still a lot of people wearing wet suits, I think there was only me and one other in our wave of 25!

I'll be doing my race report when they post the official results but as of this morning I was 4th in the non-wetsuit catagory of my age group with a 28:18.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend!

wow you're fast, congrats
2009-05-25 7:34 PM
in reply to: #2171996

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Northern VA
Subject: RE: 1st OW race
Thanks everyone!
Here is the race report

I feel kinda bad for being disapointed in my finish. Turns out I was 5th, it's bugging me!!! Guess I have to come out next year and do better! I keep trying to remind myself that I haven't been swimming (again) for all that long and this was my first distance event.
2009-05-26 12:03 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Hey, everyone!  This has been an unexpectedly really bad last week for me.  I've been dealing with some sickness and it has just not been pretty.  I'll just leave it at that.  I apologize for being gone these last few days.

I'll be reviewing previous posts and announcing teams for the challenges.  I hope everyone who's signed-up has gotten started.  I'll actually be giving out a little prize for everyone who meets her goal.  It's a GOTRIbal temporary tattoo.  GOTRIbal ( is a brand new women's only triathlon organization that 2-time Ironman Champ Chrissie Wellington is behind.  It in no way competes with BT, so I just wanted to put that out there.  In fact, it encourages the women over there to check out BT for training plans, training logging, etc.  Here's a link to my page:

I know it's not much for a prize, but I know I love working for something, even it's just a mirror-ball trophy, for you Dancing With the Stars fans.

Oh, before I forget, Triathlete Magazine has a good video on how to change a flat tire.  Please, please, please check this out.  It may be 5 years before you need to change a flat or it could be tomorrow.
2009-05-26 12:14 PM
in reply to: #2153457

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
freeflykami - 2009-05-15 2:23 PM
ChrisFL - 2009-05-15 8:10 AM But what was interesting to me was how much better the two piece looked on me than the one piece (I got both anyway).  The two piece was much more forgiving even though it didn't cover my core.  The one piece (color red) really showed EVERYTHING which made me realize how much I need to do core work!

Red is not a flattering shape color! I tried on the same one peice speedo suit in red and blue, the blue won hands down. I ended up getting a speedo 2 peice which I think looks a lot better on athletic shaped women, but it is black, my tummy has never seen the sun so this will be interesting! I have already started working on the abs, I have been doing side slips while I am brushing my teeth, I hear that is what Madonna does for her tight tummy... the side slip part at least!

If only brushing your teeth could make that happen!  Too funny!

2009-05-26 12:17 PM
in reply to: #2159268

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: the challenge
ranchrunner - 2009-05-18 6:34 PM I really want to participate in the challenge but I have no idea what to do!!    A question - should the challenge be something beyond the training plan we are already using?


p.s. Ds made it to State in the 100m, placing 4th in the Region!   He cut a whole second off his best time at this meet!   He was 9th in the 200m and 11th in the have to be at least 8th to go to State.   He is happy to be going in at least one event this year!

Hey, Sharie.  I would recommend not pushing yourself too far out of your training plan.  If you're having difficulty keeping to the plan, let the challenge push you.  Congrats on your son making it to the States!!!  How proud you must be!
2009-05-26 12:20 PM
in reply to: #2159323

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
ranchrunner - 2009-05-18 7:00 PM Wanted to ask about race number belts - are they good to have and is one brand any different than another?

Also, do those of you who are experienced racers (runners) wear a water/fuel belt of any kind during your run?   I am a bit concerned about it being really hot on June 28th and even if I hydrate and fuel well on the bike I might need something on the run.

Hey, Sharie.  I would recommend getting one.  They're like 10 bucks and they're so much better than having to safety pin something to your good tri top.  Fuel Belt has some good ones that you can even slip your gels into.  As a member of GOTRIbal, you get 30% off, so definitely check them out.
2009-05-26 12:21 PM
in reply to: #2159526

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
LadyNorth - 2009-05-18 8:55 PM I've been busy for over a week so just getting back here.  Boy, a lot going on with you guys. 5ks, 1/2 marathon, biking long distances at great speeds, swimming great distances at great speeds, engagements, kids going to state. Wow.

I've just been plugging away at my training schedule - trying hard to skip as few workouts as possible.

My goal for the end of June is to swim 1000 yards at 2:50 min/100 yd (My secondary goal is 3:00/100 yd).  So I need to get in 3 swim sessions a week to get there.


Denise, glad to hear you're training hard.  Yeah, that video just cracks me up.  I'm glad you posted it!  It's a must-see for every triathlete.
2009-05-26 12:26 PM
in reply to: #2160599

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
soccermom15 - 2009-05-19 11:26 AM

Hey all, hope things are going well.  Sounds like we have a bunch of busy ladies here.  Makes me feel right at homeSmile, especially this week.  We've got our daughter's soccer awards dinner tomorrow night and then her birthday and our son's HS graduation this weekend.  Luckily things should settle down for a while after that.

Lora - next time you take one of those trips, can I come alongLaughing?  I would love to be able to just take off for a weekend and get away from everything.  Me and the husband were talking about vacations the other day.  We can't afford a normal "going somewhere nice for a week" type of vacation, but I would love to just spend 3-4 days on a camping trip.  No computer, no phones, no TV - just hiking, biking, fishing and enjoying doing nothing.  Not exactly the kids' idea of a good time, but sounds like heaven to me!

My training has gone into a bit of a slump.  I haven't been to the pool in a week, I skipped a couple of bike rides (which I really can't do since it's my weakest sport).  Even my running hasn't been to the level that it should be.  I think part of the reason is that I don't have any major races scheduled until fall, so my mind is telling me that I don't need to work so hard right now.  I've found a couple of 5k's to do over the summer to try to get my mind back on track - hopefully that will help.  I looked for a sprint tri that I could do to get me back into swimming/biking mode, but all the ones here are either longer than I want (why can't all sprints be the same distanceUndecided), too expensive, or have an OWS which I'm not ready for yet.  I guess the 5k's will have to do.  I am going to start going to a group track workout in June at one of the local high schools.  It's put on by the LRS and is supposed to help with speed - not that I'm really worried about that, but maybe I'll meet some people there who can help me get back on track with my training. 

OK, gotta go - work to be done.  Hope everyone has a good day!

Sure thing, Janet.  :)

Getting in a slump just plain sucks.  No need to sugar-coat.  I think that's why I hate rest days - though they are just as important as training days - because if I stop, I have trouble getting started again.

I understand that an OWS is pretty intimidating for you, Janet.  Don't totally rule them out, though.  Just casually go hang out in the beach section of a nearby lake and just get used to everything, the smell, the sounds, the sights.  Just do this a few times.  You don't even have to swim at those points if you don't want.  Just build-up to the experience.  I see that you've found one that has a pool swim, though.  That's awesome.  I'd still recommend casually experiencing the lake in the meantime.  Really glad you found one that fits your schedule and budget...

Edited by Lora109 2009-05-26 12:28 PM
2009-05-26 12:33 PM
in reply to: #2161071

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Sculling
freeflykami - 2009-05-19 2:00 PM

Just wanted to post this link with a video about sculling for those that are interested

Very interesting.  Thanks for sharing, Kami!

2009-05-26 12:36 PM
in reply to: #2161893

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
bluwatersoul - 2009-05-19 7:16 PM OK ladies, how is everyone doing? I am so tired and hungry all the time. I also feel really good. I am still not in the pool - so my challenge is to get my butt in the pool at least 3x a week!

This is the last week of my bootcamp class, and I must say that my trainer has me in some pretty impressive shape (Even if she was jerky). If I weren't training, I would do it five days a week (instead of three) because the results have been that intense for me.

My running has greatly improved. Its still hard but I can go further and a teeny bit faster than I could last year, and with much more consistency. I am on the trainer regularly and spinning twice a week also. I find that this tri stuff is consuming me - I am reading everything, always thinking about various workouts and scheming what pools I could get to, finding different places to run, and always looking for new stuff to workout in (my latest thing is SOCKS - some socks can make your feet feel soooooo good!)

All that said I think about my upcoming sprint at the end of July with a solid mix of dread and anticipation....and I wish I didn't have all these distractions like, oh, LIFE getting in my way of preparationSmile

Hey, Megan!  Glad you were able to get the most out of your boot camp despite that bad experience with the instructor.  Welcome to the addiction and the consumption that is tri!  I totally know what you mean!
2009-05-26 12:39 PM
in reply to: #2165111

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
lkc01234 - 2009-05-21 7:35 AM

LadyNorth - 2009-05-18 8:55 PM I'm having doubts - haha

That's great!! Thanks for sharing...good tips for training! Wink  I mean can't be that bad....can it...CAN IT?!?!?! Tongue out

Naw, not really; especially if you're doing a Sprint.  In all seriousness, one piece of advice that I can give is to start at the back and swim on the outside.  That'll help keep you out of the most of the mess.  You increase your distance somewhat, of course, but avoiding messes like that can be worth it.
2009-05-26 12:41 PM
in reply to: #2163388

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
ranchrunner - 2009-05-20 12:44 PM Morning Ladies!

Waiting to get a part from dh before I head to the neighbor's branding.   The boys have been there since 6am, but I had to bake a rhubarb crisp to take for the meal.      After I help feed the crew and clean up, my neighbor and I are going for a bike ride!    She is training for a big ride through the WY mountains the second week in July.    I have never done any training with another person so I am looking forward to it.    I get to wear my new Pearl Izumi bike shorts I found at Goodwill yesterday for $1.99!!!

I second the Balega socks.  I have 3 pair and love them.   Mine are all the thicker kind and have been thinking of getting a thinner pair for summer.    I have also heard great things about Thorlo...and I am sure there are others.   I think good socks, like good shoes are important.

Hope you all had a great bike ride.  That's AWESOME that you got bike shorts for 2 bucks!!!!!  Just awesome!  How do you like them so far?
2009-05-26 12:43 PM
in reply to: #2165580

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
sleeping_butterflies - 2009-05-21 10:30 AM Ok, back on the wagon. I'm not sure what happend, but I must say I just went through 5 days of not doing ANYTHING. That was terrible. "I'll get to it later....I'll go tonight when the kids are down...I'll get up before DH goes to work.....when it's done raining". Yah yah yah. None of those ever came through. So after volleyball last night I did a brick to make up Tuesday's run, and complete Wednesday's bike. Unfortunately it was done around midnight! But at least it was done! Now I feel like I'm back on track. So I've got 3 miles today, plus strength/stretch. NO EXCUSES! Also I found that: No workouts for 5 days + bad eating = 3.2 pounds! Yuck! But no worries, I'm back on track now. Also, I bought a new scale. But I think the weight is just bad choices for 5 days.....

Shannon, I feel you more than you know.  You just kind of get to the point where you say, "Eh, what the heck?  I've been bad for this long, what's another 2 days?" so you slack and eat bad, eat bad and slack some more.  Glad you're back at it!
2009-05-26 12:44 PM
in reply to: #2167742

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
lkc01234 - 2009-05-22 9:42 AM Well my first 5K is behind me...I did OK.  I was trying to get under 45 minutes, and I think I got right at that.  Today I'm not too sore - I feel like I ran yesterday and I feel like I have room for improvement!  I have 5K #2 in 3 gotta get my endurance up - I  want to run the whole time. 

Hope everyone had a good week!

Heck yeah!!!  Big congratulations, Lisa!!!!!  That's a very, very big deal and you should be completely proud of yourself!  Way to go!

2009-05-26 1:53 PM
in reply to: #2167919

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
LadyNorth - 2009-05-22 10:36 AMGot my 1st flat tire yesterday at the end of my ride.  I'm just getting used to my new road bike and knew I'd have to deal with the flat tire issue sooner or later.  I know nothing about bikes but hopefully my husband will help me learn how to change tire/patch or whatever the heck you do - guess I'll get out my manual too.

Have a nice day, everyone

ps - My daughter's home from college for the summer and got a waitress job and a customer asked for a grilled chicken breast and my daughter said "White meat or dark?"  Oh dear.

Grrr!  So frustrating.  Check out the video I just posted about how to change a flat tire.  They tell you how to do it by using CO2 cartridges to inflate, but since you're at home, just sub that information for a pump.

As a waitress all through college myself, that is too funny!

Edited by Lora109 2009-05-26 1:55 PM
2009-05-26 2:01 PM
in reply to: #2169364

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
sleeping_butterflies - 2009-05-23 1:58 AM Ok, so I'm curious. In reading over training plans, it says to break up the workouts with morning and evening when you have two things in one day. Then in the end they "schedule" them as bricks. Just curious if there is something wrong with doing the "2 a days" as bricks all the time? I'm suddenly learning that I may only get the opportunity to get my stuff in once a day, thus creating bricks? Will this lead to bad things??? Or will it just condition my body to dual sport stuff earlier in the game, thus increasing my endurance??? I don't want to wreck my legs if that is the most likely scenario? I have been doing the run first, then bike though. I think the bike helps to work out my legs after running.... Should I be true to the tri form and bike then run if doing bricks?

Excellent questions, Shannon.  If you can only do both workouts in the morning, do them then.  What constitutes a brick is the time in between your two workouts.  If you've got one hour spaced between your bike and your run, it really isn't a brick, in my opinion.  If it's just a matter of a few minutes, I'd consider it a brick.  I'd also switch it up and do your biking first and your running immediately afterward to practice a true tri brick.  You don't want to have all of your workouts be bricks, so if you can leave some time between events, definitely do that.  Does that make sense?
2009-05-26 2:11 PM
in reply to: #2169721

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
lkc01234 - 2009-05-23 1:22 PM

I need to address something Laughing 

I've been really enjoying and all the forums.  But I have to say this particular forum has been kind of slow lately.  We need to kick it up a notch ladies...and since I'm feeling good.  I hope I can start!  (However, I do realize that we are all busy!)

Let's update where we are/ where we've been/ where we want to go!  I'd like some accountability and I'd love to hear how everyone is doing!  It's been a bit over a month now...(Also often do they start mentor programs?)

When I started I couldn't run a mile!  Now, I'm confident I could do 1.5 to 2 miles.  And the best part is that I could do a mile (at my normal pace) and probably feel good the whole time - NOT have to push myself!  I think my only change in my swim is that now I'm timing I should be seeing some quantify-able progress.  My bike hasn't really increased, but I'm comfortable that I could do the race distance.

In the next month or so I want to 1) work on getting running distance to 3 miles +++  2) Work on adding some strength/core work

Some overall positives for me: It's been really nice out and I've gotten the opportunity to enjoy that - - last year at this time, I'm not sure I would've been out as much! (That is good!)  I've also seen an increase in my mood and motivation in other areas (I do ~struggle~ with depression as I've already mentioned)  I also am excited to think about doing other things that relate to training - like think about going trail riding around here or hiking!

I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend (hopefully 3 day).  I am headed down to visit family...returning tomorrow evening with plans to do a bike-run brick on Monday.  Hopefully with some time in there to remember why I have the holiday and not just being glad I'm not at work!

Hey, Lisa.  They run two mentor programs throughout the year.  The first one goes from the end of December/beginning of January through April.  The next one starts in April and goes through the end of the Summer or until the new ones start-up in Winter.

Isn't triathlon training a wonderful kick-start into other physical activities?  Congratulations on coming so far!  It's quite a feeling to look back on your work and see progress.
2009-05-26 2:15 PM
in reply to: #2169850

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
ranchrunner - 2009-05-23 4:09 PM LKC - I am glad you said something and that you are feeling good!!    My dh struggles with depression, too.    Glad the exercise is helping you feel better about things.   I don't struggle with D but getting fit has changed my outlook on life, the state of my marriage...many things!

I am definitely in a better place physically than I was at the end of March when I decided to train for the tri.   I had taken some time off for an ankle injury and felt completely out of shape again.   I have really loved the multi-sport training although am still way behind on my competency with the bike    I think doing the simple TriNewbie weight training has had a huge impact on my overall ability.   I noticed it yesterday during swim training.   A few weeks ago when I met with a swimming coach she said I should have a swim cadence of 18-24 strokes for one lap.   I wasn't able to do that.   Yesterday, I was in a 25yd pool and consistently did 18 or 19.  It just felt more powerful and I know it was from the weight lifting.     Some days I worry about what I will do when the Tri is over.   I don't want to go back to where I was!  Besides, now I have all this equipment!   I just hope dh continues to support my training time because it does cut in to my family life some.

SB - I am certainly not 'qualified' to answer your question about brick training since I am just about to do my first brick today!  But, that said, my understanding is that the "brick" should be done in the order that you race the events since it is meant to accustom your legs/body to change in sport and also to help you do a trial run through your transitions.   I had thought I would do my bike leg of the brick today on the trainer, but the weather has gotten nicer so may go to town and do it.   

Wow.  That's quite a stroke count!  Woo hoo, Sharie!  I completely know what you mean about not ever wanting to go back to where you were.  Even though I hit phases of blahness and I don't train for several days or I can sometimes feel the burnout coming on, I just can't imagine my life without this stuff!  Again, congrats on those awesome improvements!
2009-05-26 2:18 PM
in reply to: #2170664

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
bluwatersoul - 2009-05-24 12:59 PM This past week has been a pretty good one for me. Although this swine flu stuff has me nervous - EVERYONE it seems is sniffling, coughing, etc. and alot of schools have been closed. From one day to the next I will have some sinusy feelings but nothing a good workout won't cure. Wink

This was my last week of bootcamp, it went well. We did a timed mile as part of our last day - and WOW. The first time we did a timed mile, my time was 10:33. I was a little tired that morning but the time wasn't too far off IMO. That was about a month ago. Guess what my time was this time? 8:59!!!! I have NEVER been able to go that far that fast. I am so tickled! Plus, the girls (yes girls - only one other40+ yr old running right behind me) all fell out after the mile - I was VERY winded, but I didn't have to fall out and I could kinda talk!

That evening, I FINALLY got back in the pool and did 700 meters after a warm up and I felt GREAT. It has been so long since I have been in the pool so this was a relief , I thought maybe I had forgotten how to swim or something.

After that, I did some boxing and my arms weren't as sore afterwards as I thought they might be after attacking the bag...

today, I did a spin class and then got on the treadmill for 3 miles which I did in 28 minutes. My legs felt absolutely great. This is a big boost for me, as the sessions on the trainer have been killer and I am often drained afterwards. It actually does appear that the training is paying off, which I cannot believe. I am so happy! and tired...and hungry... and hopeful. Maybe I really can do this?!Surprised

Congrats on such an improvement in your one-mile, Megan, and on coming so far in general!

2009-05-26 2:20 PM
in reply to: #2171036

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: 1st OW race
freeflykami - 2009-05-24 8:12 PM Well, I finished my first OW race, 1 mile. It was fun, but I felt slow.
The water was really warm, in the 70's but there were still a lot of people wearing wet suits, I think there was only me and one other in our wave of 25!

I'll be doing my race report when they post the official results but as of this morning I was 4th in the non-wetsuit catagory of my age group with a 28:18.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend!

Congrats, Kami!  That's quite an impressive time!  Any advice for the rest of the group on making the transition to the open water?
2009-05-26 9:19 PM
in reply to: #2173672

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Northern VA
Subject: RE: 1st OW race
I wish I did. While this was my first open water race I spent all my summers as a kid on a river and the beach, so I was pretty comfortable to start with. But I was glad that there was a nice drop off once you got to the end of the boat ramp, I really don't like putting my feet in pond/lake scum, ick!

But, the clinic was great, very relaxed, great tips and all the safety of the race. So if you can find something like that, do it! I think the warm water helped too, I didn't want to wear the wetsuit.
2009-05-26 9:34 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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2009-05-27 9:35 AM
in reply to: #2174596

Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
ChrisFL - 2009-05-26 9:34 PM Hi all- Sorry I haven't been posting much!!  Been busy like everyone else but also I feel I am really at a different place than alot of the ladies here.  I mean I feel like such a NEWBIE!  I even decided today that I am not going to set a date for a triathlon for myself yet.  I had entertained the idea of doing the Sand Key triathlon here in Clearwater in September.  And I still may do that.  But I'm not going to make that my focus yet. 

My goal now is to just train and by August run my first 5K.  I want to set a reasonable goal for myself at my level of training and fitness and achieve it.  I initially started out way too quickly four months ago with running.  It's like I found my old roller skates and just thought...'wheee......I'm ten again' only to find out I'm not.  I really aggravated my left hip and had to stop running totally.  So I've slowly been walking and running- and today just started a training schedule that builds you up really slowly with the running.  I think I am going to have success this way. 

As far as biking- that will be the easiest for me to build up to and it's more technical things I'll have to learn along the way.  Swimming is another whole ball game.  I have to overcome my fear of the freaking pool let alone open water and I do believe I will.  I'm just not going to back myself into a corner with a time frame for doing it. 

I'm starting to look at things a little differently- almost like when we decided we were going to adopt.  I initially had it in my head the moment my heart embraced adoption that it was going to happen within that year.  It was a recipe for disaster.  Because five years later it actually happened.  Of course alot of things were out of my control and I certainly don't think I need to train for five years before I do a tri....BUT I think I need to be more realistic.  My number one goal is to remain injury free.  And the more I rush training just so I can do this tri I had my heart set on I think it's foolish of me. 

So now I'm just training to train and to prepare for my first 5K.  I think with that under my belt it will give me some confidence too.  The one thing I can say is at this stage of the game I love training.  I am excited about it.  And it's one of the big highlights of my day.  The time to race will come and I'll know it when it's here.  I am nowhere near ready yet.  But I still plan to stay on this forum for support and encouragement.  I think realistically I could look at doing a tri in November or December if I consistenly train until then.  And then the FL weather will be SWEET!  - Christine

Hey there Christine!  I know exactly how you feel.  I'm part of another mentor group too (I joined that one over the winter and have stuck with them along with this one), but all of them are so much more advanced than I am.  I mean, most of them are training for HIM and IM, marathons and all kinds of other stuff.  I was happy just to finish my first sprint!  But I'm learning a lot from them.  I don't post there often (partly because I can't keep up - they're very chatty, and partly because I feel out of place at times), but I read the posts just to pick up whatever info I can and whenever I have a question, they're great about giving me answers/advice. 

I think you've got the right idea about your training and not pushing yourself to do something you don't feel ready for.  I had originally given myself almost 9 months to get ready for my first sprint.  I started my training around Christmastime and was planning to do my first in August.  That way I had a goal, but it was far enough out that I could take my time and not push things too much.  It turned out to be a good thing.  I was relaxed with my training, not pushing myself too hard and just doing what I could.  Since I didn't feel pressured, my training went really well and I ended up doing my first sprint in May instead of waiting until August.  My time was pretty slow, but I finished and felt good about how I did. 

It's great that you're excited about training - that definitely makes things eaiserSmile.  I think you should keep the September tri in the back of your mind, but, like you said, don't make it your main focus.  That way you're not disappointed if you're not ready at that time - there will always be another one coming up.  But if you are, then you can go for it!

Good luck with training for your 5k!
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