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2009-04-27 1:22 AM
in reply to: #2069346

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Subject: RE: Kaqphin crashing the party!

I'm sure it's not a problem at all! It's nice to "see" you. How are things?

2009-04-27 1:26 AM
in reply to: #2112018

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Subject: RE: Kaqphin crashing the party!

givemashot - 2009-04-27 4:22 PM

I'm sure it's not a problem at all! It's nice to "see" you. How are things?

Not too bad.. Im nursing a cold at the moment so was using my lack of concentration at work to catch up on some BT reading.

How are you? How is yuor training going?

2009-04-27 1:32 AM
in reply to: #2112019

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Subject: RE: Kaqphin crashing the party!

kaqphin - 2009-04-27 12:26 AM

givemashot - 2009-04-27 4:22 PM

I'm sure it's not a problem at all! It's nice to "see" you. How are things?

Not too bad.. Im nursing a cold at the moment so was using my lack of concentration at work to catch up on some BT reading.

How are you? How is yuor training going?

Training? Uh...oh, yeah, training. Right. Good. Actually I am having a hard time recovering from the half mary I did a week ago. My joints haven't agreed with my training plans, and neither has my heart (I have a mild arrhythmia). I have done all the resting I care to do, I have taken handfuls of vitamins and supplements, eaten as well as I can, and I am hoping that I can get back on track this week. I felt REALLY good after the race, just tired, and when I tried to workout it just didn't go as well as I had thought it would. i think this week will be much better though.

2009-04-27 1:37 AM
in reply to: #2112022

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Subject: RE: Kaqphin crashing the party!

givemashot - 2009-04-27 4:32 PM

kaqphin - 2009-04-27 12:26 AM

givemashot - 2009-04-27 4:22 PM

I'm sure it's not a problem at all! It's nice to "see" you. How are things?

Not too bad.. Im nursing a cold at the moment so was using my lack of concentration at work to catch up on some BT reading.

How are you? How is yuor training going?

Training? Uh...oh, yeah, training. Right. Good. Actually I am having a hard time recovering from the half mary I did a week ago. My joints haven't agreed with my training plans, and neither has my heart (I have a mild arrhythmia). I have done all the resting I care to do, I have taken handfuls of vitamins and supplements, eaten as well as I can, and I am hoping that I can get back on track this week. I felt REALLY good after the race, just tired, and when I tried to workout it just didn't go as well as I had thought it would. i think this week will be much better though.

Im sure Beth and Yanti have already given you some terrific advice but I would get back into the training REALLY conservatively after such a big race.

If yuo WANT to do an hour... do half an hour and very slowly ease your body back into it. Any sing of discomfort or abnormal fatigue levels relative to training back it off.

Also keep the intensity low! It takes longer than a week to recover from that kind of thing believe it or not! You arent loosing fitness right now.. you are gaining it back after the impact of finishing such a race!

2009-04-27 7:08 AM
in reply to: #2069346

Subject: ...
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2009-04-27 7:10 AM
in reply to: #2069346

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2009-04-27 11:37 AM
in reply to: #2111990

El Dorado Hills, CA
Subject: RE: I got wheeeeeeeels!
The thing I'm not too crazy about is the little thumb flipper for gears.....I really liked the 105 on the bikes i tested.  I found out another friend of mine just built a bike from the bottom up so there may be some tweakage in the near future.... >

But other than that it should be ok.... at least if it gets scuffed i won't cry...LOL

I'm thinking it will be called in the 6 million dollar man.....  we can rebuild it, faster,

2009-04-27 11:45 AM
in reply to: #2112158

Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
wgraves7582 - 2009-04-27 5:10 AM

I have a question:

Does church league softball count for swimming?

Only if digging up old iris bulbs counts for biking.
2009-04-27 12:02 PM
in reply to: #2111946

Subject: ...
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2009-04-27 12:04 PM
in reply to: #2112979

Subject: ...
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2009-04-27 12:11 PM
in reply to: #2069346

Subject: ...
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2009-04-27 12:50 PM
in reply to: #2113025

El Dorado Hills, CA
Subject: RE: I got wheeeeeeeels!
yes I think there was discussion of trading beer for
2009-04-27 1:05 PM
in reply to: #2113180

Subject: ...
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2009-04-27 1:22 PM
in reply to: #2069346

Subject: stacies bike question
afternoon manatees.

back from a frustrating trip to the TREK store.  it was crazy busy.  i was hoping to get some questions answered but....wasnt gonna happen.

all the middle aged suburban housewives are jonesin' on a new set of touring wheels since the weather got nice and i got 'shoved' to the back of the line.

ah well, im only prepared to lay down 1800-2500 at the joint, what do they care????  [sorry, just venting a bit of frustration here]


ill bring my questions to the next best place, which was probably the first best place to begin with....

here's my question (if you familiar enough w TREK bikes....)

anyone have a TREK 2.3 OR TREK MADONE 4.5?

from what i understand (the little bit i was actually able to get out of the TREK guy) the biggest difference between a TREK 2.3 AND A MADONE 4.5 is that the MADONE has an all carbon frame, while the 2.3 has portions of the frame that are carbon.

the guy said the the MADONES ride will be smoother and faster.  but the 2.3 is a great bike also.  ok.  and this helps me how???

my question is this:

is it 'worth it' paying the extra to get the all carbon frame vs. the not all carbon frame, and how much is a lot/not a lot to pay for THAT 'difference'???  [between the two its about 700-800 dollars diff.] 

i know nothing about this aspect of any level of 'expertise' would be most welcome!


do these bikes ever end up in the classifieds or would the be hard to come by used?


is there some other 'comparable bike to the MADONE 4.5 that i could get that wouldnt be as expensive but just as 'good'??  [brand, make, model]  the 2.3 is approx $1600 and the 4.5 is approx $2400.

OH.  AND THEY HAD NEITHER BIKE IN THE STORE.  a good sign that they are popular bikes (the guy said that they cant keep them in the stores) but not so helpful when you are trying to make a sidebyside comparison.....

its hard for me make this decision from a spec list on the internet.....

any feedback would be most appreciated.


and BILL.   as for your question...


Edited by skrtrnr 2009-04-27 1:48 PM
2009-04-27 1:58 PM
in reply to: #2069346

Subject: ...
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Edited by wgraves7582 2009-04-27 2:02 PM
2009-04-27 2:46 PM
in reply to: #2069346

Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
BILL.  what you had to say is very helpful....

even the biased part.  wink


2009-04-27 5:23 PM
in reply to: #2069346

Victoria, BC
Subject: Weekly goals
Happy Monday kids!

I have a goal for this week, and I'm hoping you'll all help me stick to it. My goal for this week (and next as well) is to work out hard (ie: properly and smartly) EVERY day except Sunday - no excuses ... training is my PRIORITY - I have only one client booked this week and she's not until Saturday - so really I have no excuses and nothing better to do with my time (other than work in the yard and try and find new clients).

Does anyone else have any goals for this week - triathlon/training related or otherwise?

2009-04-27 5:26 PM
in reply to: #2113885

Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Weekly goals
SpiritFire - 2009-04-27 5:23 PM Happy Monday kids! I have a goal for this week, and I'm hoping you'll all help me stick to it. My goal for this week (and next as well) is to work out hard (ie: properly and smartly) EVERY day except Sunday - no excuses ... training is my PRIORITY - I have only one client booked this week and she's not until Saturday - so really I have no excuses and nothing better to do with my time (other than work in the yard and try and find new clients). Does anyone else have any goals for this week - triathlon/training related or otherwise?

Good goal, TR! Remember to stick to the "properly and smart" part ... most important.

I have a similar goal, especially since I'm not working much these days: STICK TO THE PLAN and finish every one of my planned workouts this week (one minor change by switching long run to Wednesday).
2009-04-27 6:36 PM
in reply to: #2113885

New user

Subject: RE: Weekly goals
I like your goal, TR.  Good idea.

Mine is to get rid of this low level sickness I have had for the past week.  Achy, tired, slight sore throat.  I want to feel better!  So I went home from work early and am missing swim practice tonight and I am just going to take it easy.
2009-04-27 6:43 PM
in reply to: #2114014

Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Weekly goals
lunabelle - 2009-04-27 6:36 PM I like your goal, TR.  Good idea.

Mine is to get rid of this low level sickness I have had for the past week.  Achy, tired, slight sore throat.  I want to feel better!  So I went home from work early and am missing swim practice tonight and I am just going to take it easy.

Aww! I certainly hope you feel better soon. You're being very smart in taking care of yourself--it's the very best thing you can do for your training or else it's for naught.

2009-04-28 7:29 AM
in reply to: #2113885

Subject: RE: Weekly goals
SpiritFire - 2009-04-27 5:23 PM Happy Monday kids! I have a goal for this week, and I'm hoping you'll all help me stick to it. My goal for this week (and next as well) is to work out hard (ie: properly and smartly) EVERY day except Sunday - no excuses ... training is my PRIORITY - I have only one client booked this week and she's not until Saturday - so really I have no excuses and nothing better to do with my time (other than work in the yard and try and find new clients). Does anyone else have any goals for this week - triathlon/training related or otherwise?

what a great question for the group TR....(we'll certainly keep each other 'accountable')

my goal this week is to RECOVER WELL AND TAPER WELL.

i have this 'nasty' habit of working hard when i should be taking it easy.

i always feel like a slacker when im recovering/tapering and trick myself into thinking that im not feeling 'that bad' and start working harder than i should, sooner than i should.

i asked a lot from my body this past Sunday, and will do so again this Sunday.  she's deserves some time to recover, regroup, recoup.

but working hard is NOT recovery.

there will be days to work hard and todays not the day.




ps- i guess this is the YING to your YANG as far as goals go.  smile.

Edited by skrtrnr 2009-04-28 7:32 AM

2009-04-28 8:24 AM
in reply to: #2069346

Subject: ...
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2009-04-28 9:32 AM
in reply to: #2069346

Subject: RE: training questions

Good morning, Manatees!

Today I got my trainer back out & did a speed workout. The weather looked iffy, and I have a lot to do today so I didn't want to risk a mechanical malfunction on the road, which would totally ruin the day. I trained alot on the trainer for my 70.3 and felt that hurt me speedwise, because it was so windy during the race. I amped up the resistance during the fast intervals as much as I could and I had the trainer resistance turned up as much as I could. My question is this: am I wasting time on the trainer? I know it's better to be outside, and plan to do that most of the time, but sometimes it's just so convenient. And it could mean the difference between riding or not.

My other question is for anyone who does alot of openwater swimming. I have the opportunity to do an openwater swim nearly every weekend at our beach house this summer, provided it's not too rough. Once we really get into the summer, it usually isn't. How safe is it for me to go by myself if my husband is watching me from the beach? He talked about putting some bouys up for me, about 50 yds apart, to keep me from drifting out too far. Does this sound legit to you guys?

Oh, and btw, Stacie, great race. Congrats on the finish & for doing so well in your age group. 

2009-04-28 9:50 AM
in reply to: #2069346

Subject: weekly goals
My weekly goals...well, I guess they are just to do some kind of training every day.   My training schedule is lacks consistency since I have to go so far for a pool and don't have a bike yet.    I was hoping to go swim this morning, but the alarm didn't go off and I missed it.      I called and canceled my chiro appt that was scheduled too, hoping that I can reschedule later this week and hit the pool then.   I may figure out how to arrange a trip to some town and swim today just won't be the free pool that I was intending.     I am filling in my training days with extra running just to keep active.

TR - we are here for you!  Let us know how it is going.

Yanti - you mentioned you have less work than usual...what do you do?

Bill - rest up for that ride!   How long is it?   We will be pulling for you here at the Manatee HQs!

Stacie - It sounds like you are doing the wise thing in taking a bit of R&R (with a smile!)    I also have the tendency is to push too hard.   Guess it is good to at least be aware of it!     On the bike....if you aren't opposed to buying used I bet you could find something on craigslist or Ebay.   It takes some time but deals are out there.   You might consider posting on the classifieds here and also at    I got quite a lot of response to my WTB ad here.

Laurie - hope you get to feeling better! 

Carole - Yea for you on finding a bike!   We will be starting our bike training at about the same time.   I think the beer for bike repairs deal sounds great!  

Lauren - how's it going?   Did you meet with a swim coach?

Lynn - the prom was really nice, although a lot of work!   I logged 2miles of walking on my training!    I know how those track meets are, too....the last forever!    Have one Thurs for the highschool ds and one Saturday for Jr High dd.

Cathy - are you doing another stadium workout this Thurs?

Sam - how is the recovery from your Tri going?  Are you back to training again?  Haven't looked at your blog/ you have another scheduled soon?

The kids are stirring now and I need to get them to their school all the other are in my thoughts...happy training today!

2009-04-28 9:55 AM
in reply to: #2069346

Subject: Lake shoes
Oh...I forgot to mention this....

I got a pair of Lake Tri Shoes, CX110, size 9.5 US/41.5 UK,  for free off the Pay It Forward thread.   Well, they are way too big so I am going to post them back on PIF (agreed upon with the original owner), but thought I would ask here first in case any of my fellow Manatees could use them.   They definitely show some wear but still have life in them.   There is a review of them on the Gear review here on BT.  

Let me know.   I will post them on the PIF tonight.
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