BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (WE'RE BUSY WORKIN' IT!) Rss Feed  
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2009-09-01 3:20 PM
in reply to: #2070412

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (WE'RE BUSY WORKIN' IT!)
I want to give a big shout out to Jeff.  He left me a great inspire today that made me chuckle out loud and smile ear to ear.  The last couple months have been a challenge on a ton of different fronts for me (personal, work, there anything else after those three?).  Anyway, I know someone a number of posts back said that this is a great group and that they hope everyone keeps posting and encouraging everyone! 

I agree 100%, I apologize for not being the most involved, but its been really fun from my perspective just sitting back and watching all of you train, compete, and support one another at every point.  You guys/gals are great and have all been an inspiration in one way or another.  Keep up the great work!

2009-09-02 9:11 PM
in reply to: #2383352

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (WE'RE BUSY WORKIN' IT!) />
Race Report Posted!  (How do I turn this into a hyperlink?)

Edited by gcoller 2009-09-02 9:12 PM
2009-09-02 9:28 PM
in reply to: #2070412

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (WE'RE BUSY WORKIN' IT!)
Hi all,

I did close to a PR, maybe a PR, at the time trial last night.  Got to wait for the official results.  My clock said 7 seconds longer last night but with all the fumbling around to press the right buttons and get started on the course, who knows? 

I'm sad I can't race with everyone at the olympic of HIM near here this weekend but I'm not ready for the swim.  Just back in the pool three workouts and the coach has had me go slow.  Probably best but the timing is off for racing.  I may end up having to drive quite a ways to one to race as the lone member of the club.  It's a new one, too, so I have no idea about the courses, etc.  But, I want to do one more race this year.  I'm signed up for runs, two 5Ks for charity, but this triathlon in the northern part of the state is about the last one.  They have sprint and oly.  I could do either one.  Kathy would go along and we'd spend the night out and race in the morning, which would be the day of my 58th b-day.  Sounds like fate.  (If I believed in such nonsense.)  Have a great night.

By the way, I tried posting earlier and the reply button was missing.  I just thought maybe I wasn't logged in at my work computer, I don't know.
2009-09-02 9:50 PM
in reply to: #2386237

Newport Beach
Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (WE'RE BUSY WORKIN' IT!)

Great Race!  And I loved reading your race report.  But what took you so long to post it?  I mean, a couple of days or a week is okay, but four years?  Looks like in your state of delirium, you have this race as occuring in 2005.

Also, what about Ed?

Gotta love getting back to work after vacation.  These last several days have been killing me I tells ya.

2009-09-03 10:53 PM
in reply to: #2386309

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (WE'RE BUSY WORKIN' IT!)
Jota - 2009-09-02 9:50 PM

Great Race!  And I loved reading your race report.  But what took you so long to post it?  I mean, a couple of days or a week is okay, but four years?  Looks like in your state of delirium, you have this race as occuring in 2005.

Oh my gosh! Hilarious! I fixed it
2009-09-04 5:49 PM
in reply to: #2070412

Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (WE'RE BUSY WORKIN' IT!)
Congrats Grace, sweet race.  I tell you what, you people are amazing and I wish I had a better summer training and racing wise.  I miss working out, my own fault though.  I just need to get off my a$$ and do it.  I think Starting this Monday I will at least start running and swimming again and finally set up the bike trainer in the basement.  I will have most of the day to myself since I am working nights all of Sept. and my boys are at school or daycare.  There comes a point when you just need to say F it and start going again.  I am at that point.  I have things I want to accomplish and goals I want to reach.  I will be looking in the mirror often and asking myself am I doing all I can do.  I am glad that I was apart of this group reading all of your accomplishments and goals.  I just wish I had more topost that was positive from my life  training wise. Keep up the good work and have fun.

P.S.  My wife gave my some motivation, she took some pictures of me from the side view and some of me with my shirt off and I have them in a drawer at the house.  I will be looking at those often to remind myself why I train.

2009-09-04 8:06 PM
in reply to: #2070412

Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (WE'RE BUSY WORKIN' IT!)
Oh yeah everybody have a great holiday weekend. Smile
2009-09-10 9:42 PM
in reply to: #2070412

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (WE'RE BUSY WORKIN' IT!)
TT was 35 minutes flat second week in a row.  21.3.    PR is 21.5, 22 seconds faster.  But the first one I did was just over 39 minutes in May, under 20.   Lots of progress there. 

Swimming is going good and so is the run up to 7 miles anyway.  So, my coach is letting me compete on Oct. 4 at Rend Lake Illinois.  Called the Last Chance Triathlon.  1000 yard swim (wetsuit legal), 18.5 mile bike, 5K run.  Kind of a midway between sprint and oly.  Good for my confidence after the hospital stay.  I missed out going with the gang to an Oly closeby because of the recovery.

The swimming is going really well...form is fluid, breathing good.  Bike fit is better and I did 255 watts for the 12.5 miles.  Full out FTP is 265, so I was good with that.  Watts dropped on a big hill about 4 miles from the finish.  Always does.  I can't pedal fast enough to avoid it on a hill where I go 35 plus down it on gravity alone. Coach says I have to try.  I have to check my cassette.  It may be a 12 tooth small ring.  If so, I'll go to an 11.  

I'm enjoying the run.  Experimenting with a higher cadence.  I read in Going Long that a higher cadence and shorter stride is the way to go.  Jives with the Chi Running stuff I was getting but Friehl stresses the stride portion and running tall...not bending at the waist. If you feel tall, he says your bend will be just right to keep your body over your knees and avoiding  putting your knees out front. Lots to learn isn't there?  Been a great first year, though.   


2009-09-11 9:33 AM
in reply to: #2400072

Newport Beach
Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (WE'RE BUSY WORKIN' IT!)

Impressive work on the bike, Scott.  And great improvements on the swim and run.  Hard to believe that you were laid up in the hospital for a week not too long ago.

Regarding the running - I've seen articles supporting the shorter stride and higher cadence but have also seen as many stating that the shorter stride/high cadence will only get you so far, and that really, its all in the lenght of the stride.  Honestly, both make sense.  I'd be interested in hearing from the others in the group.  In the grand scheme of things, however, I think that I would realize the most improvement in terms of speed if I could shed some additional pounds.

That raises another topic I was hoping for feedback on.  Since January of this year, I've lost about 45 lbs, dropping from 260+ to about 215.  I've been at 215 w/o change for at least four months now, despite continuing to eat relatively clean and working out regularly (although with some interruptions due to life demands).  I've been tempted to have my resting metabolic rate tested to get a better idea of my caloric needs, rather than relying on the pre-programmed calculators. 
Have any of you done this - or have opinions on this? 

You guys TLs are looking impressive - Justin, I can't believe that your IMFL adventure is just around the corner.  Do you know if we will be able to track your race day progress on-line?

2009-09-11 12:24 PM
in reply to: #2070412

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (WE'RE BUSY WORKIN' IT!)

Great work on the weight!  I feel your pain.  The closer to goals we get, the harder to shed weight.  Also, muscle is heavier.  There is the recurring issue of eating enough to maintain the workouts and yet still lose weight.  I've never had the test you mentioned.  My coach set my caloric intake at 2000. I'm 6 foot nothing and weigh about 225, down from about 400 in 2005.  Every pound is a fight.  More running helps.  I avopided scales and the up and down mental thing they can cause - until now.  I'm going looking for a scale to begin weighing once a week to focus more on every ounce. 


2009-09-11 1:07 PM
in reply to: #2070412

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (WE'RE BUSY WORKIN' IT!)

Scott - great job on all of your training!

Jota - Congrats on the weight loss.

I thought it would be good to discuss training plans and adherence to them.  If you recall I've been following a run plan to prep for a half marathon in October.  On Sunday I was slated to run 14 miles at approx. an 8:50 min mile pace.  I ended up running 12.71 around 8:15 min pace.  The goal of the workout was to develop my endurance while at the same time not pushing so hard that following workouts suffer.  On Wed I was due to run track intervals and had to take the day off due to continuing soreness in my legs.  The lesson here is that we should always understand the goal of the workout and not let our competitive spirits get the best of us to the point where we hinder our ability to meet our other goals and objectives.  I did better today - my plan called for a 6 mile run at a "relaxed and easy pace" (defined as 9:23 min pace for me).  I ran at approx. 9:20 pace which will hopefully allow me to have a great group ride tomorrow morning followed by a long run on Sunday!

Scott - I would be interested for your perspective on this due to you having a coach that sounds as if has helped you a lot.

Edited by dangremond 2009-09-11 1:17 PM

2009-09-13 1:00 AM
in reply to: #2070412

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (WE'RE BUSY WORKIN' IT!)
Very insightful...the track coach that I was (am?) working with on Thursday nights was really awesome and explained why I should train at 400's on 2:10 or so and not just go as fast as I can.  He wanted me to train in the aerobic range instead of anaerobic to prep my body for race day.  Also, when I just tried to catch or keep up with the gazelles I was usually in pain for a few days following and training would suffer.  I believe the discipline of training can often lie in the holding back of our competitive natures.  It sure paid off with me by pulling 2 minutes off of my PR on my 5K!

I have been missing for a little while but I'm back. Explanation in my TL. Also, I posted some new pics with my race report from 8/30.  Everyone is doing amazing...and to respond to the Garmin question from long ago, I have the cheapest one and I love it.  I would love GPS of the higher end watches but I love the waterproofing more.

It's awesome that everyone is keeping up with the chat board even when in a slump.  We just have to keep at it no matter what. Today is a new day
2009-09-15 10:26 AM
in reply to: #2070412

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (WE'RE BUSY WORKIN' IT!)
Jota ~ yes, GREAT progress on the weight loss!  As far as the metabolic thingy - no clue here.  I know changing the diet up (looking at %'s of fat, carbs & protein in regards to totals of caloric intake may help 'shock' the system into change)  But that is very intensive ~ counting, measuring, etc... it can get pretty tedious.  Changing the workouts up some... kinda get the body guessing for a week or so at a time, helped me get over some plateaus.  Long steady workouts, then some interval stuff, and mix in some weights... your body goes into holy crap catch up mode.

IMFL ~ I do believe there will be 'live' athlete tracking, like the other M-dot races.  As soon as I receive or they post bib #'s I will share.  And I would like to say THANKS for everyone's inspires, encouragement and support over the last few months and continuing into IMFL... it truly does keep me going!  Burn out is very common and the support keeps the fire burning!!!

Keep workin' it everyone! 
2009-09-15 10:39 AM
in reply to: #2070412

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (WE'RE BUSY WORKIN' IT!)
Mitch ~ truer words have never been spoken inregards to adhereing to the plan.  Typically, the plan is tried and tested and there is a reason behind the layout.  Intensity, duration and rest are very important in the various stages of the plan.  I make the mistake more often than not, of going too hard (not sticking to the plan) because I 'feel' good, or get inspired by others to catch them, run a lil' faster cuz there's a 'hot runner chick' jogging by ~ shallow I know - what can I say - I am a doood!     Regardless of the reason, when I don't stck to the plan, other portions of the plan suffer.

I got sucked into a chase, catch, pass and repeat on the century ride Sunday with a couple hot shots on the bike.  The ol' "oh no he didn't just pass me bit!"... So me and my buddy, left our planned pace and crushed some 24mph action, until we crushed the dreams of the two hot shots... What we really did was crush our own dreams of a 20 mph avg over the 100 miles... because that exertion of energy cost us from miles 85 on.  Even 1 mile per hr more over the course of 100 can sap energy exponentially.  That aspect of sticking to the plan is more in regards to pacing... but it is in keeping with the whole 'plan' thing!

The stride rate, cadence thing when running... I have ran both ways and find that the longer the run, the shorter quicker cadence and easy foot strike is much more beneficial over the long haul (I run fairly well off the bike - a strength for me - and I find the quicker cadence helps there too).  5 & 10k's... stride it out more.  It takes more energy (IMHO & experience) to 'stride' it out at a faster pace... and for 13.1, 25K, 30K, or 26.2... that can drain you.
2009-09-15 7:15 PM
in reply to: #2407182

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (WE'RE BUSY WORKIN' IT!)
Justin - great comments..I still haven't learned though.  Sunday felt great and was really hammering it (for me) for the 1st 4 to 5 miles of the run.  Hit the wall around mile 8 bad.  Don't know if it was the fact I ate a Cliff protein bar right before running, the fact I didn't run with a sports drink, or most likely - too hard too fast at the beginning.  My goal this weekend is to adhere to the plan - 15 miles (longest run I'll ever have done @ a 8:50 per mile pace...we'll see!

In other matters - my family (my wife, two daughters and I) all went to our ultrasound yesterday - we're having a third girl!
2009-09-16 3:16 PM
in reply to: #2070412

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (WE'RE BUSY WORKIN' IT!)

WOW! Three girls ~ if that isn't training for an Ironman, I don't know what is!  lol!
  Very blessed my brother!

2009-09-16 3:22 PM
in reply to: #2408398

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Elizabethtown, KY
Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (WE'RE BUSY WORKIN' IT!)

dangremond - 2009-09-15 8:15 PM
In other matters - my family (my wife, two daughters and I) all went to our ultrasound yesterday - we're having a third girl!

Congrats Mitch!!!

My wife is jealous - we're a testosterone house here.  Best of luck to your wife over the next several months. 

2009-09-17 3:16 PM
in reply to: #2070412

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Elizabethtown, KY
Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (WE'RE BUSY WORKIN' IT!)

Just got my cholesterol numbers back:

Total: 172 (normal is <200)

HDL: 49 (normal)

LDL: 111 (a couple points high)

Triglycerides: 60 (normal is <150)

Woo hoo!  With a history of heart disease in my family, this makes me happy.  Attribute a lot of it to training over the past few years, certainly not to diet.

(I had a cheeseburger last night )

2009-09-17 3:37 PM
in reply to: #2412388

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (WE'RE BUSY WORKIN' IT!)

CONGRATULATIONS!!!    Keep up the great work!

roch1009 - 2009-09-17 3:16 PM

Just got my cholesterol numbers back:

Total: 172 (normal is <200)

HDL: 49 (normal)

LDL: 111 (a couple points high)

Triglycerides: 60 (normal is <150)

Woo hoo!  With a history of heart disease in my family, this makes me happy.  Attribute a lot of it to training over the past few years, certainly not to diet.

(I had a cheeseburger last night )

2009-09-17 5:29 PM
in reply to: #2412388

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (WE'RE BUSY WORKIN' IT!)
Hooya on the Cheeseburger...hopefully there were a couple of beers thrown in too!
2009-09-17 8:52 PM
in reply to: #2070412

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (WE'RE BUSY WORKIN' IT!)
Congratulations on the great news about the blessed event. 

I did PR on Tuesday at the 12.5 mile time trial.  21.73 mph up from a 21.53.   I've really gone up and up with the coach.  I'm doing good in the pool.  The Masters coach says my stroke is coming along.  I'm doing 1000- 1500 warmups to prepare for the upcoming triathlon on Oct. 4th and then doing fartleks twice a week. 

I PR'd on a run last week - just 5 K but under 29 and that's good for me.  

As for sticking to the workouts, my coach gives me specific bike drills and watt outputs to shoot for, but if I can do more, I go ahead. ...then see how I recover. On the flipside, he's told me that athletes don't feel great every day.  Listen to your body.  Don't push acute pains.  The goal is to stress the muscles, then give them time to recover.  A hard workout, then a period of easy workouts until the soreness diminishes, then push again.   

We have focused a lot on recovery.  What do you do about immediate nutrition?  Carbs within a half hour of finish help produce insulin which rushes nutrients back into the muscles.  Recovery drinks are good, and one of the best is simply chocolate milk.  I use the low fat stuff just to not overdo the calories. Also, do you ice after ward?   Great thing to do. Don't wait for soreness to find you, attack it with ice right after.  Stretching?  A must afterward.  I was taught to think of it as preparing my body for next time.  Also, do you take time just to soak your legs in a hot bath?  Feels great!   Also, there is a thing called The Stick.  It is a wire with handles on each end and small plastic rollers in between.  It is a self massager. (No jokes please.)   You run it over your muscles in the direction of your heart.  20 times if no injury, 40 if there is.  It is supposed to help flush out the bad stuff.  And I guarantee it works. 

Does any of that help?



2009-09-21 1:14 PM
in reply to: #2070412

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (WE'RE BUSY WORKIN' IT!)
Congrats to all!!  Been on vacation for a week but while I was gone I got online and.....I GOT IN!!!  IMWI 2010 in Madison!!!  I am pumped!!  Now I have to get the training in!!!
2009-09-21 3:50 PM
in reply to: #2417980

Newport Beach
Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (WE'RE BUSY WORKIN' IT!)
dewcubs - 2009-09-21 1:14 PM Congrats to all!!  Been on vacation for a week but while I was gone I got online and.....I GOT IN!!!  IMWI 2010 in Madison!!!  I am pumped!!  Now I have to get the training in!!!

Freakin Awesome!
2009-09-21 6:30 PM
in reply to: #2070412

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (WE'RE BUSY WORKIN' IT!)
Just out of curiousity, has anyone ever used cryotherapy (ice baths) to help recovery from an intense effort?
I did this weekend after my long (24.5 miles) run before my marathon taper.  I was not sore or stiff at all after this tough run.
I can't say it was pleasant, but the results and aid in recovery are!
2009-09-22 9:14 AM
in reply to: #2418721

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (WE'RE BUSY WORKIN' IT!)
First - awesome run!

regarding ice baths - I've often been tempted.  I am planning on getting a couple bags of ice on the way home from my upcoming half marathon so that hopefully I won't be as sore as I was last year.
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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (WE'RE BUSY WORKIN' IT!) Rss Feed  
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